Bert Douglas
Now Ready.
By Will Goldston.
72 pages, 102 diagrams. Well printed on good antique paper, Bound in boards. Limited edition one thousand copies. This book contains the Trick Section taken from the De-Luxe Edition of " Sensational Tales of Mystery Men." CONTENTS.
The Newest Chinese Bat. The Thought Reader. Performing Matches. The Best Penetrating Coin. A Borrowed Handkerchief Burned. A Mysterious Match. Swallowing a Solid Wand. Which Cigarette ? The Vanished Egg. The Expanded Egg. The Newest Card Changing Box. The G.W. Hunter Pull. Cigarettes to Matches. Flowers from a Wand. The Production of a Bottle from an Empty Hat. A Cut String Card and Cigarette. Very Lightly and Very Tightly. The Inquisitive Knave. Martin Chapender's Latest Method of Performing the Diminishing Cards. \ Owen Clark's Nest of Boxes The Ace of all Magical Pillars. The New "Matter Through" Frame. Chickens from Paper. The Magical Dog. The Educated Handkerchiefs. 7s, 6d.
$2.00 Post Paid.
Obtainable of all Magical Dealers, or direct
From WILL GOLDSTON, LIMITED, 14, Green Street :: Leicester Square :: London, W.C.2.
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MAGIC iMiiiitiiiiitiiiiiniMiiiiiiuiHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
by BERT DOUGLAS A revised edition of the author's writings in the Linking Ring. Newly illustrated throughout by SID LORRAINE
A Magical Attache Case An Alarming Trick ( The Newspaper Table . •* The Visiting Mason : A " Phony " Card Trick The Masonic Apron _ Necktie Necromancy Expert Card Manipulations The Magic Skipping Eope The Coin Jardiniere A Card Trick without a Card A Comedy Coin Conception -—^ Poached Egg on Toast The Repeating Vanishing Cigarette "Mephisto's Cigarette" The Note and the Orange An Imaginery Smoke Masonic Apron Improved The Card in the Cigar The Magical Tobacconist Nicotine Necromancy > A- Barrel of Wine The Card Angler The "Miracle" 20-Card Trick The Spirit- of Johnny Walker My Ghost Card Trick .
. .
5 7 9 10 13 16 19 22 24 27 31 33 37 41 45 48 49 52 54 58 61 66 70 73 78; 82
INTRODUCTION As the title implies these are magical problems especially suitable for presentation at Smokers, Banquets, and other functions where the audience is composed of men. As a rule men are regular patrons of the theatre, and, consequently, they are familiar with the conventional tricks of the magician, therefore, in order to achieve success in this particular field the magical student must present something different from the usual. The experiments described herein are all more or less original, and possess elements of novelty which should appeal to those in search of something new. Every item has figured in the writer's repertoire, and each one has been a success, therefore having stood the acid test of continued performances in public, there can be no question about them being practical. None of the tricks calls for intricate mechanical apparatus, nor do they necessitate the use of special tables equipped with traps, servantes, or any other contrivances. Every effect is accomplished by the simplest possible means, and this is of paramount importance at entertainments of this nature, where the performer is invariably compelled to work at close quarters and under conditions which are anything but ideal. The talk or " patter " should be topical, and every opportunity should be taken to introduce little remarks and jokes to suit the occasion, as these always make a hit with the audience. Originality in patter is most desirable; in fact, borrowed patter is like a borrowed evening suit— usually a misfit. With this in mind, I have refrained from including patter in this volume, except in specific cases where it has a direct bearing on the successful presentation of the problem.
Bert Douglas.