Pages from hellerism

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PEADjNSS FOR HOMEANDHALL SCHOOL Prepared by Professor LEWIS B. MONROE Founder of the Boston School of Oratory HUMOROUS READINGS In prose and verse For the use of schools reading-clubs public and parlor entertainments $1.50 " The book is readable from the first page to the last, and every article contained in it is worth more than the price of the volume." — Providence Herald. MISCELLANEOUS READINGS In prose and verse $1.50 " We trust this book may find its way into many schools, not to be used as a book for daily drill, but as affording the pupil occasionally an opportunity of leaving the old beaten track." — Rhode-Island Schoolmaster. DIALOGUES AND DRAMAS For the use of dramatic and reading clubs and for public social and school entertainments $1.50 " If the acting of dramas such as are contained in this book, could be introduced into private circles, there would be an inducement for the young to spend their evenings at home, instead of resorting to questionable public places." — Nashua Gazette. YOUNG FOLKS'READINGS For social and public entertainment $1.50 " Professor Monroe is one of the most successful teachers of elocution, as well as la very popular public reader. In this volume he has given an unusually fine selection for home and social reading, as well asforpublic entertainments."— Boston Home Journal. DIALOGUES FROM DICKENS Arranged for schools and home amusement By W. ELIOT FETTE A.M. First series $1.00 DIALOGUES AND DRAMAS FROM DICKENS Second series Arranged by W. ELIOT FETTE

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The dialogues in the above books are selected from the best points of the stories, and can be extended by taking several scenes together. THE GRAND DICKENS COSMORAMA Comprising several unique entertainments capable of being used separately for school home or hall By G. B. BARTLETT Paper 25 cents THE READINGS OF DICKENS as condensed by himself for his own use $1.00 LITTLE PIECES FOR LITTLE SPEAKERS The primary, school teacher's assistant By a practical teacher i6mo. Illustrated Cloth 75 cents Also in boards 50 cents THE MODEL SUNDAY-SCHOOL SPEAKER Containing selections in prose and verse from the most popular pieces and dialogues for Sunday-school exhibitions Illustrated Cloth 75 cents Boards 50 cent* " A book very much needed." Sold by all booksellers or sent by mall postpaid on receipt of prlct

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1. T H E author will send this book by mail on receipt of one lollar, and record the name, thus entitling the purchaser to such iurther information as may be required in regard to the secondsight. 2. Private instructions given in magic, also in the second-sight nystery. Terms reasonable. 3. Being in direct communication with the manufacturers of nagical apparatus in Europe, also connected with the principal one n America, I am prepared to furnish professionals and amateurs with apparatus of every description at the lowest prices. Address, HARRY HERMON, 63 SAWYER STREET, BOSTON.



May the instructions herein given be as profitable to them in the entertainment of their friends and the public as it has been to me ! HARRY HERMON.

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I KNOW it is customary not to do so ; but a careful perusal of this will perhaps pay you. There is one question that has been asked me so often that I feel as I meet a person he will ask, "Hermon, how do you do the second-sight ?" The answer to this question has always been, " I cannot tell." A short time since, while performing at a private party, and at the close of the entertainment, the host of the evening requested me to accompany him to his sanctum. Here I found a party of five or six gentlemen. Shortly the question was again asked. Of course I answered in the same stereotyped fashion as had been my custom for years. After some further talk on the subject, I exclaimed, — '• Gentlemen, I will publish a book, giving its whole secret." So on the spur of the moment I committed myself, and therefore am in honor bound to fulfil my promise. In disclosing these secrets I have no doubt but they will be contested ; indeed, I am of the opinion they will be ; and as a proof of this statement I will myself offer an objection. Upon reading the secret a person will exclaim, — "It is too sample ; indeed, it is too absurd to suppose for a moment that Heller, Houdin, and others could give such wonderful



demonstrations of the second-sight mystery by the instructions contained in this book ! " But stop ! Consider for a moment; take it home and study it, with the determination of mastering its contents. After a few months' practice with your lady, — perhaps your betrothed or your wife, — you will be surprised at the results. Perhaps you will be at a party some evening; a curious article is handed you ; your lady may be at the other end of the room at the time ; your opinion is asked as to what the article is. Here is an opportunity not to be lost in testing the power of the instructions contained in this book, so you say to your lady, — " My opinion has been asked as to what this article is : can you describe it ? " A full description of the article is then given by her. Or, to give a more wonderful demonstration of this art, I will relate an incident that happened to me. Not long since, while 0:1 a visit in a town some thirty miles from Boston, a very animated discussion arose between a party of gentlemen and myself in regard to this art. They claimed that it would be impossible for me to exercise the power of second-sight seeing unless my partner was in the same room as myself, and that a third party was necessary even then, to convey the names of the articles handed me. " Gentlemen," I exclaimed, " is there a telephone office here ? " " Yes ; why ? " they replied. " Conduct me to the office and I will show you." We went to the office, and I sent a message for my wife to come to the telephone. In less than an hour she came. I then told her what I wanted, and requested one of the gentlemen to receive the



answers to my questions as I asked them for the different articles handed me, and repeat them to his companions. The first article received was a watch. My wife told what it was, gave the number, and described it thoroughly, even to a crack in the crystal. The next was a foreign coin, and one or two other articles which I have forgotten ; but the last was a card on which the gentleman wrote his initials and his business ; then in answer to my questions the answer came : — " It is a card, on which are three letters, L. D. F., and it states that the gentleman is a glass manufacturer." " Now, gentlemen, are you convinced that you are wrong in your assertions ? " I asked. " We are. It is wonderful! wonderful! Thirty miles away, too. We would not believe it if we had been told that it could be done," they replied. A similar occasion may occur for you, and those who witness it are almost convinced that you are possessed of a supernatural power. As others have done, so may you. You are then convinced that great results are to be obtained from little things, — and the simpler they are, the greater its mystery. Indeed, such a thing as the second-sight, the secret of it cannot be too simple. No matter how simple it may be, — from a casual glance, — its complications must necessarily be great, in order to produce gratifying results. This book is solely designed to teach the art, and to those of my readers whom it may concern I dedicate it with much good-will, as indicated on a preceding page.

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