Pages from life and history of hardeen

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20 Years of an Eventful Career on the Stage FULLY ILLUSTRATED

Containing Numerous Tricks and Secrets ESPECIALLY COMPILED BY


HARDEEN The Sensation of Both Hemisphers. The Man Who Has Baffled the Police Departments of the World.


Hardeen, the wonderful performer, known throughout the civilized world as being able to escape from the strongest handcuffs and bonds devised by the police, has combined showmanship with ability, and presented to the theatre-going public a performance which will be talked of by the grandchildren of those who have had the good fortune to have witnessed his act. He is an American, born in the city of Appleton, Wisconsin, on February 29, 1876, which day, falling on a leap year, gives him only one chance to celebrate his birthday every four years. He is the son of the learned scholar Rev. M. S. Weiss, LX.D., Ph.D., and the brother of The Famous Houdini. Other members of his family have gained prominence in their respective professional and business pursuits. While still a youth, at the age of seventeen, in 1893, he made his debut as an artist before the American public in conjunction with his brother, both being known as the Brothers Houdini. He only performed a short time, then retired and followed a cemmercial pursuit for five years, during which time his brother, Houdini, had traveled the world over, gaining fame and fortune, and was eventually conceded to be the greatest international drawing card ever exploited. The managers clamored for Houdini, but he was unable to fulfill all the offers made to him, so they then started to look for someone to duplicate his performance, but were unsuccessful, until one day a progressive manager from Magdeburg, Germany, having heard that Houdini, a few years back, performed with his brother, sent a representative to America to engage him, and a few weeks later, the whole of Germany was wrought up to a state of enthusiasm with the sensational exploits of the newly arrived American HARDEEN, who was appearing before the German public, for the younger brother, not wishing to confuse the public by adopting the same name as his older brother, had coined the name HARDEEN, which now is known throughout every country in the civilized world.

A brief summary of the marvelous and sensational things HARDEEN has accomplished, and some newspaper accounts of these exploits will surely prove of interest to the reader.




As they appeared in 1893, when they called themselves the Houdini Brothers.

An example of numerous exploits with the chiefs of police in the large cities he has visited is well illustrated in the following newspaper article from the Grimsby, England, Daily Telegraph, of J anuary 9, 1902:

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