Pages from m u m vol 10 10594

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Whole No. 87

Sixteenth Annual Banquet, Society of American Magicians They say there's luck in odd numbers, but be that as it may, the Society of American Magicians is not dependent upon luck, for its sixteenth annual banquet was a success in every sense of the word. The big event was held at the Hotel McAlpin, New York, Friday evening June 4, with a large and representative attendance, a fine dinner, plenty of good music, and a brilliant array of magical entertainers, followed by dancing, all of which combined to insure an evening of rare enjoyment. One of the pieasantest features of the occasion was the informal reception that preceded the dinner. Everybody seemed to enjoy this hour or more of social converse even more keenly than in other years, and the fraternal, get-together spirit was most happily exemplified. The reception committee, consisting of Past President John W. Sargent, chairman. Past Presidents Richard Van Dien, Francis" J. Werner, Dr. Lionel Hartley and Oscar S. Teale, and Compeers George W. Heller, G. G. Laurens, Leo Rulman, Harry Rouclere. H. C. Weber, H. Rea Fitch, and Frank Ducrot, was untiring in its efforts to make everybody feel at home, and it was largely due to this fact the company was in such excellent humor when the signal was given to proceed to the banquet hall. In the absence of President Harry Houdini, in Europe, First Vice President George W. Heller presided, and welcomed as guests of honor Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Donaldson, Madame Adelaide Hermann, Harry Chesterfield, of the V. M. A., and Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Martinka. Dean Harry Kellar, and Dr. A. M. Wilson, editor of the Sphinx, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thurston had been invited to become guests of honor, but Dean Kellar was warned by his physicians that it would be equivalent to signing his death warrant to undertake a trip East at this time, while Dr. Wilson was detained in Kansas City by press of professional and other duties. Howard Thurston made a determined effort to be present, but a railway delay made ihim miss a train connection, so that he did not reach New York until the festivities were about over. Upon his belated arrival in New York, he promptly telephoned his regrets to the McAlpin, and assured the assembled compeers and their friends, how sorry he was not to be with) them. He also promised that he would certainlv be present at the annual meeting of the S. A. M., the following evening, and he made good by coming early and staying late on that occasion. The frontispiece for the menu was specially designed for the occasion by the famous cartoonist Hy. Maver, one of tlie most enthusiastic compeers, who seldom misses a gathering of the S. A. M. when in New York, and who is always readv to do more than his M l part to insure the success of all such affairs. This frontispiece was so happily conceived and so thoroughly in keeping with the spirit of the occasion that we take pleasure in reproducing it in this issue of M. U. M. In accordance with the time-ihonored custom of the Society of American Magicians, the dinner was preceded oy the usual impressive tribute to the denarted compeers who have bowed to the mandate of the Mighty Magician and passed on to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns. As the names of the departed were impressively read by Secetary Oscar

S. Teale, a plate was silently turned down, and overlaid with a white carnation. While the banquet was in progress, a cablegram from Most Illustrious President Harry Houdini, and telegrams from Dean Harry Kellar, Dr. A. M. Wilson, Professor Taylor of Boston, and others were read and received with enthusiastic applatise. Owing to the length of the program that had been prepared by the entertainment committee, consisting of Dr. Lionel Hartley, Chairman, and Compeers C. J. Nagle and John Mulholland, coupled with the keenness of all present to see some real magic, the customary post prandial exercises were omitted, and while tables were being removed from the banquet hall, everybody repaired to the grand ball room to enjoy a community song-festival, with Compeer H. Rea Fitch officiating as singing master. This was an innovation, and it proved a happy one, as everybody seemed to be in excellent voice, and entered with real zest into the rendition of patriotic songs and oldtime melodies. One of the vocal hits of the evening was the S. A. M. slogan, a lyric from the versatile pen of Illustrious Past President Sargent, sung to the air of "Tammany". Returning to the banquet hall with its dainty bijou stage, the curtain was rung up for the first number of a magical program of unusual excellence. First in order came Professor Bland and his mystifying Chinese cabinet. Professor Bland was followed by Most Illustrious Francis J. Werner who presented his favorite act in ''Chapeaugraphy" for the first time in five years. That he has lost none of his really extraordinary powers of mimicry, was fully attested by the enthusiasm with which his nearly two score of characterizations of people of all nations were received. Everybodv knows that Illustrious Werner is a wonderfully versatile entertainer, but with such a sure-fit hit as his "Chapeaugraphy" up his sleeve, why in the world is that he only produces it once in five years? Next came Leo Rullman, in what the master of ceremonies described a~s a lecture on "the co-ordination of muscular control." Compeer Rullman wasted little time in words, but proceeded to a physical demonstration, with a series of really amazing feats of jugglery, balancing and plate spinning, which evoked hearty and sustained applause. Then came the initial appearance in magic in New York of Compeer Werner F. Dornfeld, of Chicago Assembly No. 3, familiarly known to magicians as "Dorney," and we'll h e ' w a s given some enthusiastic reception, which was abundantly justified when he got down to business. "Dorney" is not only a clever magician, but he is a rarely endowed natural comedian and mirthmaker. His act "Painless Magic," aroused a veritable gale of laughter, which continued as long as he could be persuaded to hold the stage. "Dorney" is gaited to travel in fast company on the vaudeville circuits, and as_ he can "work in one" without any elaborate stage setting, his services should be in demand. The next number was furnished by Compeer Hy.

SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS MONTHLY. Mayer, and it was a hit from the first word to the final bow, with clever cartoons, side-splitting stories and reminiscences, and Compeer Meyer's inimitable impersonations, including that of an Italian artist, in which he was assisted by Compeer Meyenberg, and a skeleton from Martinka's. This act contributed greatly to the fund of enjoyment and was heartily applauded.

Compeer H. Rea Fitch then presented his version of the egg bag, and seemed to have the oldest magicians present puzzled, particularly with his "explanations oi just how it was done," which leaves the audience more bewildered than ever. Compeer Fred Keating came next in a series of card (Continued on page 5)

SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS MONTHLY. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Published Monthly by The Society of American Magicians for its members—to Perpetuate Biography of Magicians past and present. Edited by the President HAERY HOUDINI. Address communications to H. EEA FITCH Secretary, 493 6th Ave., New York. C. FEED. CEOSBY, Editor pro tern.

at NEW EGYPTIAN HALL 493 Sixth Avenue, New York

The Society of American Magicians Organized May 10, 1902 Incorporated April 3, 1908. OFFICERS 1920-1921 HARRY HOUDINI President (Palace Theatre) C. FRED CROSBY, (N. Y. Press Club) First Vice-President WM. M. LINNETT, Jr. Second Vice-Presdent JOHN MULHOLLAND Treasurer, 106 W. 109th St. N. Y. C. H. REA FITCH, Secretary COUNCIL—Harry Houdini, Richard Van Dien, John W. Sargent, G. G. Laurens, Lionel Hartley, Francis J. Werner Wm. Berryman, H. Rea Fitch, John Mulholland. TRUSTEES—Francis J. Werner, Wm. R. Berryman Leo Rullman. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION—Irving Watson, H. Rea Fitch Richard Van Dien. SERGEANTS-AT-ARMS—Gustave A. Domitz, Wm. Meycnberg. MEETINGS—First Saturday Evening each month. AFFILIATED ASSEMBLIES—Chartered and Franchisee!: Golden Gate Assembly No. 2 San Francisco, Cal. MEETINGS—First Thursday Evening each month in the Russ Building. Chicago Assembly No. 3 Chicago, 111. Philadelphia Assembly No. 4, Philadelphia. Pa. Detroit Assembly, No. 5, Detroit, Mich. EEPRESENTATIVES A. M. WILSON, M.D., 708 Waldheim Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WM. A. EUSSELL, 237 West Main Street, Batavia, N. Y. GEO. W. HELLER, (at large), 704 Broadway, N. Y. C;ty. L. C. ZELLENO, Esterville, Iowa. DAVID E. STIFT. (at large), 200 Washington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Official organ in America: THE SPHINX. Official organ in Great Britain: THE MAGAZINE OF MAGIC.

LAW PASSiED BY T H E COUNCIL, AUG. 2nd, 1919. Whenever the annual dues of a member of the Society of American Magicians remain unpaid for a period of one year, such member's name shall be dropped from the mailing list and all benefits of the society forfeited. If said dues are still unpaid at the expiration of two and one-half years, such membership shall automatically cease. Ratified by the Parent Assembly.

723 724 725 726

E L E C T E D J U N E 5th, 1920 Frank H. Morse 727 Robert HermanElsbach Valentin H. Seewald 728 Albert A. Rhine George Paulson Pope 729 Cosmo Mogan Willis De Lano 730 Richard A. Boehlke 731 Jesse F. Hensley

Propositions presented June 5th 1920 Walter E. McCarroll, Douglas, Arizona. Andrew A. Mirmakl, Indiana Harbor, Ind. Maurice Chavin, Waukesha, Wise. James M. Van Riper, Highland Park, 111. Harry Michel, So. Oak Park, 111. A. J. Peedin, Sheridan, Wyo. Jack J. Blum, Philadelphia, Pa. [oseph F. Schock, Philadelphia, Pa. William V. Gallagher, Jr., Baltimore, Md. Maurice Chavin, Waukesha, Wise. Charles H. Casey, Detroit, Mich. David C. Cook, Jr., Chicago, 111. William E. Locke, Chicago, 111.

SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1920 This is the last gathering before the summer vacation. NO REGULAR MEETINGS WILL BE HELD DURING AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. Compeers should take notice and govern themselves accordingly.

PARENT ASSEMBLY Secretary's Report for year ending May 3 I _ T 9 2 0 Total Enrollment, May 31st. 1920.. ~2 as reported, May 31st, 1919 ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 609- • Gain for the year (Elected) Propositions in hand




Total Gain Aggregating the Enrollment to 741 •• Decrease by Passing on : W - D - . L e r ° y . Edwin Fay Rice, Glen ML Royston, Charles Wm. Weick R S Angelo Lewis, Otto Hormmann, Max Alexander, John J. Goodwin, Robert Spice, Samuel C



By previous Reports Total Departed ~ There have been 5 Reinstatements during the year. By list of living ^ totai Honorary members :— Harry Kellar, Dean, Adelaide Herrmann, Harry Houdini' Albert M. Wilson M D Total 4 Assemblies, Life Members 32 No. 1—Parent Assembly New York City, N. Y. No. 2—Golden Gate—San Francisco, Cal. No. 3—Chicago Assembly—Chicago, 111. No. 4—Philadelphia Assembly—Philadelphia, Pa. No. s—Detroit Assembly. Detroit, Mich. Financial:—• Your Secretary holds receipts from the Trustees for U. S. Liberty Bonds $3ooo.oo Interest on same to May 1st, 1920 102.50 Total Collections for the year by new members Membership Reinstatements, Dues, etcDisbursements :— By Cash to Treasurer

$3102.50 Life $1508.29 $1322.80

Leaving balance in hand • •. .$ 185.46 Enquiries are being made for Assembly privileges by nwnerons societies in the United States, Canada, China, Japan and India, with the prospect of England and Australia uniting. Even Germany is knocking at our door with a desire for a world wide organization in affiliation, the seed of which was planted by the Society of American Magicians in February 1904. Respectfully submitted, OSCAR S. TEALE, Secretary.

SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS MONTHLY PARENT ASSEMBLY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS Annual Meeting and Election of Officers The 197th regular and 18th annual meeting of the Parent Assembly was held Saturday evening, June 5. 1920, at the New Egyptian Hall, 493 Sixth Avenue, New York City and was opened by George W. Heller acting as Most Illustrious, assisted by the following offcers : G. G. Laurens, Second Vice President; Leo Rullmann. Treasurer; Most Illustrious Oscar S. Teale, Secretary, William M. Linnett, Jr., Assistant Secretary, the Illustrious Compeers ;—Francis J. Straub, James Burrows. C. Fred. Crosby, Walter Floyd, E. M. Meyenberg, John Mulhoiland. Anton Cypra, De Lano, Fred Keating, Ladson Butler, Frank Ducrot, Gallatovits, Paul Carlton, Watson Irving, Berryman, Linnaberry, Park. Hoyt, Fitch, Harpel. Schultz, Wiemann, Vermilye, Guest, Schubert, F. J. Martinka, Howard Thurston, Horace Goldin, the Past Presidents Sargent. Werner, Hartley, Van Dien, and James C. Wobensmitn. President and Compeers Gibson and Paul of the Philadelphia Assembly. Wm. R. Walsh and Werner F. Dornfield of the Chicago Assembly. Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. The following applications for membership were received and referred to the Committee on admissions for investigation and report:— Walter R McCarroll, Douglas, Ariz; A. J. Peedin, Sheridan, Wyo.; Andrew A. Mirmak, Indiana Harbor, Ind.; Jack J. Blum, Philadelphia. Pa. Maurice Chavin, Waukesha, Wis.; Joseph F. Schock, Philadelphia, Pa. James M. Van Riper, Highland Park, 111.: Wm. V. Gallagher, Jr., Baltimore, Md. Harry Michel, So. Oak Park, 111.; Maurice. The following having been reported as worthy were balloted for and declared duly elected :— Jesse R. Hensley, Richard A. Boehlke, Frank H. Morse, Valentine H. Seewald, William L. De Lano, George P. Pope, Cosmo Morgan, Albert A. Rhine. Robert H. Elsbach. The Mysteries were conferred in short form on F. J. Straub, Werner Dornfeld, William L. De Lano, Ladson Butler, and Lawrence B. Hoyt. Through the Secretay we learned with deep sorrow of the passing of Hon. Samuel C. Park, who died February 19, 1920, at Salt Lake City, Utah, of which city he had been mayor. He had also served the state as Senator. This information was obtained through his friend Noble Warren, Postmaster of Salt Lake City. The State of Utah and the S. A. M. sustain a great loss, and the world is the poorer for his demise. Reports of the various committees were presented and accepted. To avoid delay in passing applications for membership, when recommended by the different assemblies, Compeer Laurens moved that the word "Received'' be substituted for "accepted" in our constitution, thereby saving at least a month in acting finally on propositions. This amendment took the usual course and will come up for action in due time. Illustrious Wobensmith, President the Philadelphia Assembly spoke to this as meeting with his full approval. Illustrious Howard Thurston being compelled to catch a train made his exit amid our battery and well wishes. Dr. Hartley made his report as chairman of the banquet committee showing that 186 dinners were served and taken all in all it was an enjoyable event as many of our out of town members graced the festive board.

Reports of the officers : Secretary Teale informed us that during the last fiscal year 113 new members were made, 10 had died, making the number who bowed to the mandate of the Mighty Magician, 41. Our total etirollment comes up to 741. We have Five Assemblies, with the prispects in the near future of becoming a worldwide organization. Compeer Laurens suggested a rising vote of thanks to those who helped make the Banquet a success, which was cheerfully given. Harry Kellar's disability had prevented him from coming to the annual banquet although many had felt that he would walk in at the last minute; so our thoughts were for him and now our best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended. Reports of Assemblies Golden Gate No. 2 and Philadelphia No. 4 were read and will form a part of our years history. The annual election was then in order. Most Illustrious Heller appointed as Tellers Compeers Wobensmith, and Gibson of Philadelphia Assembly. The result of the election for the year 1920-1921 was as follows: President: Harry Houdini, First Vice-President, C. Fred. Crosby, Second Vice President, Wm. M. Linnett, Jr., Treasurer, John Mulholland, Secretary, H. Rae Fitch, Sergeants at Arms, Harry Park, Harry Linnaberry; Trustees: Wm. R. Berryman for 3 years, Leo Rullmann for I year; members of the Council, G. G. Laurens, Francis, Werner. William R. Berryman, Dr. Lionel Hartley. Most Illustrious Sargent, senior past President conducted the election; the task being finished he thanked the tellers and discharged them. Resignations were read from Gustave A. Domitz, Henry D. Grout, and Dr. John M. Lee, and being clear on the books their requests were granted. The former was up to a short time ago a most active member and one of our auditors for many years, while Mr. Grout until a year past never failed to be present at our banquet and meetings, may we hear from them soon again. Compeer Mulholland asked that we give some consideration to making up a list of our members for the use of members, in this he was especially supported by Wobensmith, Butler and F. J. Straub. It is safe to predict that such a list will soon be compiled. Adjournment came at nearly midnight and then we closed in Harmony without singing the closing ode. FRANCIS j . WERNER, Official Correspondent. REPORTS OF BRANCH ASSEMBLIES GoMen Gate, No. 2, San Francisco. This assembly has passed through one of the most prosperous years in the history of magic on the Pacific Coast. We have increased our membership, given many public entertainments, and entertained more visiting performers, and secured more favorable publicity for magic than in any previous year. Golden Gate Assembly, No. 2 has to report no deaths, resignations or expulsions, during the year. We had 22 active members in good standing I year ago. During the year we have gained 8, 5 by initiation, 1 by affiliation, and 2 suspended members have been reinstated giving! us a present membership of 30. The outlook for the future is most brilliant, as we have several applications awaiting action, and enthusiasm is at a high pitch. H. SYRIL DUSENBERY, Secretary.

SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS MONTHLY. Chicago Assembly No. 3. This Assembly has a present membership of 16, with every indication that the list will be greatly augmented during the coming year, as we have many affiliations awaiting action. We are well organized, there is great enthusiasm among our members, and I feel that we are headed for a prosperous career. There is a large field in Chicago and vicinity from whicihi to recruit and we shall leave no stone unturned to secure as large and representative a membership as possible. T. A. McDONALD, President. Philadelphia Assembly, No. 4. This Assembly has a present membership of 25. There were 17 charter members, and we have received 7 by initiation, and I by affiliation since our charter was issued. Our annual election was held May 5. when the following officers were elected: President, James C. Wobensmith; Vice President^. O. Paul; Treasurer, Howard Kenna; Sec] W. B. Gibson; Trustees, Carl Brema ; Oscar Thomson and Guernsey Moore. The outlok for the future is most encouraging, as we have a number of affiliations pending, and the interest in magical affairs in Philadelphia and vicinity seems greater than ever before. S. O. PAUL, Vice President. Detroit Assembly No. 5. The report from Detroit Assembly, No. 5, had not been received when this issue of M.U.M. went to press. Sixteenth Annual Banquet, S. A. M. (Continued from page 2) sleights and mysteries that achieved one of the hits of the evening. Compeer Keating has a graceful stage presence, and a personal magnetism which carries his auditors with him and this coupled with a manipulative skill that enables him to accomplish seeming impossibilities, j The long program was brought to a close by the clever cabinet act of John Clark Murray and Fred Estelle, the latter being an enthusiastic and popular member of the S. A. M. They presented a melange of comedy and mystery while the liberal distribution of the magically materialized natural flowers won them great popularity with the ladies. Following the magical program there was music and dancing and more sociability. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Fairhurst, F. J. Straub, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Matches, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Berryman, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Werner, Lionel Hartley, Ruth Grossman, Horace D. Wolferman, Augusta Hartley, Violenda R. Heller, M. L. Prugh, Maximilian Foch, Edw. Heuel, Dr. and Mrs. Sam'l Adams, Mr. and Mrs. W. Koester, The Misses Koester, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Foxcroft, Helen M. Joyce, C. A. Wilson, Martha Henningson, H. W. Wilkens, E. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Vilas, Fairfax Burger, S. A. M.; Friar P. Burns, P. D. Q.: W. R. Walsh, W. Doufeld, Miss Irene Doufeld, R. Butler. C. Dimond, W. B. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Hardeen. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Weiss. Miss Gladys Houdini Miss F. Nestroy, Miss Wallie Mulier, Miss Gladys I Hardeen, Joseph M. Berger, Alfred R. Nathan, Lester A. Grimes, Flora A. Grimes, Barbara D Heininger. Sherwood T. Grimes, Yvonne S. de Gmnhald, Charles R. Steele, C. Fred- Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Moolenka, Miss Heidemeyer, Oscar Teale, Madame Herrmann, Henry Chesterfield, Jas. C. Wobensmith Wm. H. Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Donaldson George W. Heller, Stanley I. Miller, Edward Louis B i e d r o T j o h n J. Meehan, S. O. P a u l V . R. La Violette, Harrv F Klohr, Walter Miller, Richard S. Christian, Irvine E Watson, Isaac Twamley, George Brown, Julius Dresbach, Wiliam Meyer'hof, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gallatovich, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Horowitz, Mr and Mrs. T W Sargent, Mr; and Mrs. C. O. Sayward, Miss A, Love' J W. Vermilye, Sidney S. Lenz, Frederic Serrano Keating A B. Harrington, Mrs. Julie Orr Bly, if. L. Holly C D . Irwin, F?ed A. Eldred, Alice E. Eldred, Charles Nagle, Catherine Nagle, Claire• T. Fitch, H. Rea Fitch. Vincent Bland. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Floyd, Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest O. Pickworth, Emma L. Laureyns, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Miller, Harold Rouclere, Mildred Rouclere, Gertrude Kaufman, Harry Rouclere, Harry C. Weber, Katharine M. Kline, Sara E. Gillespie, E. F. Haspel, M. D.; Mrs. F. V. Thomas, Mary Wren, Elizabeth E. Wren, E. M. Mulcahy, Irene May Mulholland, E, C. Cus'hman, Milton W. Smith, John Mulholland, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest O. Pickworth, Emma L. Laureyns, Mr. and Mrs. J. MacDonald, G. G. Laurens, John W. Pickworth, M. Elsie Laureyns, Harold H. Letcher, Miss Edith Marion DeBold, Laurence B. Hoyt, Willis L. DeLano (Del Arno), Mabel R. Bradt, Chas. G. Davis, Mrs. George L. Adams, Stuart Fox, Ruth McClaurim, Margaret Schloemann, Mrs. Crittenden, Mrs. Lohmar, Mr. and Mrs. Rullmann, C. W. Doidge and Crittenden. MAGICIAN HAPPILY MARRIED Eugene Laurant of Chicago, and Miss Greta Banes, of Seattle, Washington, were married by Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, June 12th. Miss Banes lhas been a member of Mr. Laurant's company for the past season and will continue to travel with him. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few friends and relatives. Dr. Gunsaulus and Mr. Laurant have been the closest of friends for a number of years, the friendship dating back to a Ohautauqua season when they traveled together appearing on the same day. In the course of the informal reception following the ceremony Dr. Gunsaulus paid Mr. Laurant a high tribute, commending the high character of his entertainment from which he himself had gained inspiration. Mr. Laurant and his bride left immediately for Kansas City, where they stopped over for a few days before starting out on one of Mr. Horner's chautauqua circuits. AN EVENING OF MAGIC Philadelphia Assembly, No. 4, S. A. M. presented an "Evening in Magic", Tuesday, June 8, at the New Century Drawing Room, 124 South 12th Street, Phila., which was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. President James C. Wobensmith and his associates had arranged the following program, which was admirably presented, the participants acquitting themselves with credit and being rewarded with enthusiastic applause : A—Dr. William B. Warren "Le Chapeau du diable." B—Fletcher Silk Surprises C—"Edwards," The Magical Marine With his latest additions "Jerry" & "Tommy" D—Walter B. Gibson Card Manipulation—The Chinese Rings—The Egyptian Jars. E—Howard F. Kenna Novelty F—Carl Brema Novel Mystic Notions G—"DorneAr"— Painless Magic H—Paul Spiritualistic Phenomena. COMPEER HOWARD THURSTON BANQUETED BY P H I L A D E L P H I A ASSEMBLY Tlhe Philadelphia Assembly and friends attended a performance of Compeer Howard Thurston at the Garrick Theatre, May 18. The party numbered over 60 persons, a large part of whom were present at the banquet held at the Hotel Hanover, after the performance. Most illustrious President Wobensmith was toastmaster and grace was invoked by Rev. Dr. Woolston, who was among the guests. After the banquet, a short entertainment was given. Walter B. Gibson presented card manipulations; Howard F. Kenna, favored with a series of handkerchief and billiard ball passes, while Carl Brema gave an exhibition of some of his most deceptive effects. Compeer Paul, assisted by Kalbfleisoh demonstrated a spiritualistic effect "Thought Foreseen." Compeer Thurston gave an interesting talk; relating some of his early experiences in magic, and this terminated a thoroughly enjoyable affair.


Signor Blitz Before Abraham Lincoln. By Oscar S. Teale. Of the many fairy-like tales of famous magicians and The amiable gentlemen at length approached' one of the wonders performed, one of the most charming was re- the little girls saying. ''Pardon me, I see something that lated by George Morgan for the edification of readers you do not," and from her sunny curls he plucked "a live of the Youth's Companion, in its issue for February 8th, canary, which at once began to sing. "Now will you eat 1906. this^ fine, fat bird?" said the amiable gentleman. "No! no! ' cried the little girl, backing away. It is too long a story to repeat verbatim in the M. U. M therefore I present it in abbreviated form. The episode "Perhaps you will eat the bird?" said the gentleman, occurred at a time, when the affairs of the American turning- to Tad Lincoln. "No, sir! not for a thousand nation were fast approaching a climax. The crisis of the dollars," said the boy, backing away in turn. "Then I three days battle at Gettysburg was hanging in the shall have to eat him, myself," and suiting the action to balance on July 3, 1863. George Morgan, an eminent the word, he raised the canary to his mouth, and an infinancier had spent the greater part of a day Journeying stant later it had disappeared. toward the White House, in Washington, on a special "It's a shame!" cried one of the little girls. 'Wait a mission to impart to President Lincoln information con- minute," responded the gentleman. "There is some cerning an emergency plan formulated by certain great mistake; T think that the bird is in your pocket," and bankers aiming to avert dire disaster through a possible from her skirt he triumphantly re-produced the little alliance of England witjh the Southern Confederacy, which canary, which again burst into song. Then turning to might have been equivalent to announcing to the world a Tad Lincoln, he said: defeat of the Union army. "Why don't you laugh like your father?" "I don't During such stirring events, companionship between know, sir." replied the boy. "We!!. I do. You should fellow travelers became more or less spontaneous and be ashamed of yourself, carrying things around in your it was not a strange coincident that Mr. Morgan "fell mouth when you ought to have an egg basket;" and from in with an animated and amiable little gentleman", drawn the mouth of the astonished lad a large white egg was by his spirit of comradeship, and the fact that he seemed produced, and from this, When broken, came another to possess much information on the all-absorbing topic canary. of the war. Mr. Morgan confided to his chance acquainA ring was borrowed from another little girl, my.«tance that it was his purpose to drive to the White teriouly vanished, and later re-discovered in the petals of House on his arrival in Washington. Coincidently it hap- a rose which the gentleman had asked the child to pluck pened that the amiable gentleman had an ambition to and bring to him. Then a shower of sweets was produced shake hands with Mr. Lincoln himself in token of per- from a borrowed handkerchief. A colored servant apsonal admiration. So favorable was the impression, that proached, and a mouse was taken from the bright banconsent to such introduction was given by Mr. Morgan. dana handkerchief which she wore upon her head. Then The genial gentleman hustled about to procure a bus in approaching Mr. Lincoln, the amiable gentleman said : which he placed an odd looking red morocco grip, and "Mr. President, it is not unseemly, I hope, that we the companions in travel hurried to the White House. thus should enjoy ourselves with the little ones, when On reaching the executive mansion it was learned that the Nation's fate hangs in the balance? I can see that Mr. Lincoln had gone, as was his frequent custom during you regard our play as harmless, yet I understand where July and August, to spend the night with his family at your thoughts are. Your heart is with our noble army. the Summer White House, near the Soldiers Home in Have you heard, sir, the issue of the great struggle at the suburb of Washington, and so the bus with its pas- Gettysburg?" sengers headed in that direction. "No," replied President Lincoln, shaking his head, sadly, It was near sunset when the bus arrived at the Presi- "but if it is within the province of your magic to disdent's charming retreat, a cottage in a park of oaks and close it to me, I shall thank you to do so." "Permit me to remove your hat," said the little man, evergreens, and, as the visitors stepped upon the porcii, and by standing upon tip-toe, he was finally able to do they were greeted by the cheery sound of children's voices, the clatter of dishes and tinkling of glasses. Mr. so, when to the amazement of everyone, a beautiful, snow-white pigeon was produced from the hat. "Ah! it Lincoln was entertaining a party of little girls. The new arrivals were too gallant to intrude beyond is as I thought. A message!" From under one of the the threshold of the cottage on this joyous occasion, so, pigeon's wings he produced a dispatch. "Will you read contented themselves basking in the eden of blooming it, Mr. President?" "It is from General Meade." 'Ovh! what does he say? flowers and soft sky, just flushing pink;—when suddenly their came a romping group of shouting children, 20 or cried little Tad Lincoln. "Victory!" said the President. As the amiable little gentleman was slipping quietly more, "clad in astonishing manner, as if for a fairy dance". Each was bedecked with a silken flag sash, a star away, the President approached Mr. Morgan, and whisin her hair and each bore a shield emblazoned with the pered in his ear, "Who is he? He came with you, didn't name of a loyal state. Then little "Tad" Lincoln, the presi- he?" Mr. Morgan ran after the gentleman, and leading dent's son, of about ten summers, who was the only boy in him back to Mr. Lincoln, said: "Mr. President, this is ?" the party. The girls who had been "showing off at fairs Mr "Blitz," said the magician, "Signor Antonio Blitz, who and things", as was announced by Tad—and as a reward Mrs. Lincoln was extending hospitality—as prelude to a has long desired to see and clasp by the hand. President rehearsal of the "Tableau of the Union" by the girls for Lincoln, the man whom he loves." the Fourth of July celebration to take place in the con- "Why, of course;" said the President, "it's Signor Blitz* valescent camp the following day, and of which Tad one of the most famous men in America! How many children have you made happy, Signor Blitz?" was to be manager. "Thousands and tens of thousands!" "While I, said The only spectators at this memorable event, were Mrs. Lincoln, the President, Mr. Morgan and the President Lincoln, with a melancholy smile, "fear that 1 amiable little, gentleman" an(d with due apologies have made thousands and tens of thousands unhappy. But Mr. Lincoln justified himself for his attention to the it is for each of us to do his duty in this world; and I am trying to do mine." children until they had quite finished their exercises. Every Compeer in the Society k of American Magicians SHOULD READ THE t3r



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