Society nf American Hagtriatta Montt|lt} vol. ii
SINGLE^COPIES whole No. 100
Magician, Inventor and Publisher Hanged in London Witnesses Shocked by Blasphemous Expressions "July 1. John Ward, George Green, Thomas Denton and John Jones were executed before Newgate pursuant to their sentence. Green and Ward behaved themselves that decency men ought to do in such a wretched and awful situation. Denton and Jones, who died professed infidels, had behaved themselves while under sentence of death in such a manner as to shock all who heard then blasphemous expressions, and which behavior Denton continued to the very last; his companion, though he persevered in his infidelity, conducted himself upon the scaffold much better than the other, who was continually laughing and nodding to some of the spectators, which he even did after the cap was drawn over his eyes. "Denton was a native of the northern part of Yorkshire; and though bred a tinman, from a taste for letters kept a bookseller's shop about ten years since in the city or York. He soon after removed to London, where seeing a Figure made
WATCH US GROW We announce the birth of the Omaha Assembly of the S. A. M., with the following members : WELCOME ! Cyrus R. Bowman, 1618 Emmet St. Ronald P. Bleau, 2113 Locust St. Floyd E. Brown, 3020 Cass St. Joseph P. Kirsch, 3011 &o, 20th St. Wallace B. Whitehead, 4753 No. 24th St. Herbert W. Fischer, 3B06 Lafayette St. Carl G. Nordin, 512 So. 20th St. John Keenan, 512 So. 20 th St. Talmagc O. Beebe, S17 W. O. B. Bid?. David P. Abbott, 5 Patterson Block Alfred Christensen. 712 So. 16th St. Wm. R. Huntington, 2344 So. 35th St. Albert A. Schrempp, 954 So. 5th St. Howard Huntington, 2344 So. 35th St.
by some foreigners, he completed another in a very short time, and by that means accumulated much money by exhibiting it in various parts of England. The Speaking Figure he afterwards sold to a printer in the city, and made a Writing Figure, which is still in the hands of a friend. His abilities in the chemical lines were very conspicuous; he afterwards translated P.netti's book of deceptions with notes. From his knowledge of chemistry he obtained the art of plating coach harnesses, etc., which he carried on jointly with the business of bookseller in Holburn for some time In this business he unhappily formed a connection a person notorious for making plain shilling®. Those powers which assisted him to make several mathematical instruments, as pentagraphs, etc., enabled him to imitate the current coin in a manner that deceived the best judges, and held the court seven hours upon his' trial; .after which he was acquitted, but convicted upon a different count."—European
Magazine, London, England, July, 1789. Denton was the publisher of "The Magician Unmasked." He defends himself in his book, as he is exposing the famous magician's (Pinnetti's) tricks. Being an exposer, Denton alibis his methods of "giving away the big magician's performance" by his., preface, in which he says: "This book appeared in Paris during the t:me Mr. Pinnetti's performance there, and hastened his departure from this city, and we pronounce for a certainty that it will operate as a spring to the industry of performers in that art, by compelling them to some new inventions to deceive and amuse us. "This prediction we ventured lin our first treatise printed in the year 1785, and now is really accomplished by the variety of new inventions and deceptions that have lately sprung up, many of which are here availed of, and for the further amusement of our readers annexed to the present."
A council meeting" was held in New York, on Friday, August 19, at which the following were elected to membership : PROPOSED BY MEMBER'S NAME Chicago Arthur Herbert Buckley, 58 W. Ontario St., Chi. Fred M. Hatton, Jas. K. HirshBenjamin F. Broyles, Croweburg, Kan. man (Croweburg) Arthur Booth Chase, 250 W. 82nd St., N. Y. Harry Houdini, T. W. Hardeen Eric John Dingwall, 44 E. 23rd St., Room 1000, Harry Houdini, A. M. Wilson N. Y. Richard Van Dien, Geo. W. Emanuel B. Heller, 804 N. Broadway, St. Louis Heller S. Willson Bailey, R. W. William M. Marr, Y. M. C. A., Room 442, Doidgc, Jr. Scranton, Pa. Philadelphia Dr. Janirs Elwood Pierce, 2332 S. 17th &t, Philadelphia A. B. Harrington, W. ¥1. Floyd Thomas Valentine Purcell, 608-3rd Ave., Sterling, 111. Harry Houdini, A. M. Wilson John Rose "Rosini," 59 Nagle Aye, N. Y. C. Harry Houdini, R. Van Dien Ardis Wieehers, 160 W. 106th St.. N. Y. O. Harry Houdini, A. M. Wilson Frank Wilstach, 44th St. Tin a. B'dg.. N. Y. C. Wilstach, Houdini Clinton T. K'rainard, 329 Pearl St.. N. Y. C. Daniel J. Wray, T. C. Bennett, Nelson Birch, New Brunswick, N. J. New Brunswick Gus Morford, Chicago W. R. Walsh, Henry Swanson, Jr Harry H. Poppe, Room 1802, 220 W. 42nd St., Houdini, Geo. W. Heller N. Y. C. Dornfeld, Chassoff Ren.i. Raphael Badley, St. Louis
M. U. M.
HOUDINI Dean Harry Kellar is talking a rest Published Monthly by The Society of American Magicians for its members at the Milk Sanatarium in Los —to perpetuate Biography of Magicians past and present. Edited by the Carl Rosini & Co., including Wil- Angeles. Too strenuous moments at President, HARRY HOUD1NI. Ad- liam Meyenberg, have signed con- the wheel are accountable. dress communications to RICHARD VAN DIEN, Sec'y, 230 Union Street, tracts to play the Pantages time again, opening September 5th in F. E. POWELL UNDER KNIFE Jersey City, N. J. Wheeling, W. Va, with Cincinnati and nf Ammran JHagtriattfi Chicago to follow. William MeyerF. E. Powell, a member of the S. A. M., underwent a serious operation berg is a member of the S. A. M. and for gall stones on July 29th at San would like to meet fellow members. Antonio, Texas, where with Mrs. Incorporated Powell he has been visiting since last April 3, Michael C. Lowney, a member of 1908 January. The operation, which was the Philadelphia Assembly, is hieing himself to foreign fields His newimperative, was performed by Dr. address is Tlumachyk, Kokomeja, Adolph Herff, one of the best surGalicia, Europe. Officers 1920-1921 geons in the South in such cases, and HARRY HOUDINI, President, 278 was, according to last advices from West 113th Street, New York City. Mme. Adelaide Herrmann and her San Antonio, a success. On account C. FRED CROSBY, (N. Y. Press company were the guests of Mr. and of Mr. Powell's illness, his plans for Club), First Vice President Mite Francis J. Werner in Brooklyn, his Mexican tour, which was to have WM. M. LINNETT, Jr., Second Vice during the engagement of the Herrbegun in August, have been temPresident mann company at the Brighton Beach JOHN MULHOLLAND, Treasurer, Theatre, the week of July 11th. The porarily abandoned. While he is re306 W. 109th St., N. Y. C. Werners and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. cuperating and until he becomes RICHARD VAN DIEN, Secretary Berryman made the journey to the COUNCIL—Harry Houdini, Richard summer show house and report that active again, Mr. Powell can be Van Dien, G. G. Laurens, Lionel reached by S. A. M. members at 115 Hartley, Francis J. Werner, Wm. Mme. Herrmann's presentation of the Goliad Street, San Antonio, Texas. Berryman, John Mulholland, Geo. Ark was the feature of her act of It was cleverly W. Heller, Leo Rullmann, B. M. L. beautiful magic. done, they add, her production of Ernst. TRUSTEES—Francis J. Werner, Wm. many colored silks from the screei. R. Berryman, Leo Rullman. being artistic from every point of COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION—Irv- view and being greeted with spontaning Watson, Leo Rullman, Richard eous applause. The Werners had arVan Dien. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS — Harry b . ranged to take Mme. Herrman to Keansburg, N. J, to viS'it the Leroys Linaberry, Harry C. Park. OFFICIAL REPORTER — Richard and the Martinkas, on July 21st Van Dien. (Keansburg being a place she had LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE—B. M. never visited) but received word on L. Ernst, of Ernst, Fox and Cane. the day previous of the sudden death MEETINGS—First Saturday Evening of Mr. Werner's brother, Jacob each month. Anthony Werner, of acute indiges AFFILIATED ASSEMBLIES—Chart- tion, and the contemplated trip could ered and Franchised: not be. Mr. Werner reports that ho Golden Gate Assembly No. 2, San saw both the Leroys and the MartinFrancisco, Cal. Chicago Assembly No. 3, Chicago. kas at Keansburg. The former are making ready for the coming seasoi 111. Philadelphia Assembly No. 4, with new and surprising features. Philadelphia, Pa. while "Our Friend," ably assisted by JOHN MULHOLLAND Detroit Assembly No. 5, Detroit, Mrs. Martinka, is busy wi'th his wonSpeaks for Himself Mich. derful garden, and th? two are enjoyFelician Trewey Assembly No. 6. ing every minute of the labor of love. Baltimore, Md.
Every Compeer in the Society of American Magicians SHOTTED READ THE
"SPHINX" There will the
be no meeting of assembly
The Oldest Magical Magazine in the World Official Organ of the S. A. M. Published bv A. M. WILSON, M. D. Kansas City, Mo. U. S. A. 309-11 Bonflls
The Magazine of Magic Published by
Will Goldstone, 14 Green St., London W. C.
Gftje &atitty of American Magictatta A Boyhood Dream Realized One bright May morning, many, many, moons agone, a sturdy lad hurried through the streets of our great city, his quickened steps bespeaking the ardor picture on his face, until he reached on Sixth Avenue a shop whose window filled with gimcraps of every sort, told its character, had not an outside glittering sign already announced, "The Palace of Magic." Here our lad stopped, for here was shrine, this the Mecca of his search. Hesitating a moment his fingers clutching the few coins that represented his entire capital, he opened the shop door and entered. Graciously was he greeted, for therein stood one of the famed Martinka brothers, the progenitors of magic in this country. Magic was not entirely new to our inquiring lad, for he had been a pupil of Rudy Palmer, one of the early masters of the art, who had taught him some of its mysteries. But now, in this home of Magic, it was different Under the facie fingers of Francis Martinka, things came and went, and our boy, his little money spent, turned his face homeward heaving a sigh that brought with it
the thought. "Oh, if I only knew all these tricks and how they are done." For days this was his dream, his one thought. Such was the beginning The boy grew up; he began to give public entertainments, and after six years of tinkering, designing, inventing, improving, and building apparatus, he edited and published a Magic paper, Mahatma, the first this country knew. Then began a first step in what was destined to be important. He bought out the business and stock of H. J. Burlinganie & Co. of Chicago, and later he aquired the business of Otto Maurer, at that time the oldest magical repository in New York, founded by Mauer in 1869. This purchase included that of the Columbia Magic Trick and Novelty Co. In later years part of the tools, models, and patterns of H. L. Judd were added to his treasures. In acquiring the business of so many established firms, it might be thought the ambition of our young man might not merely be greatified, but fully satisfied. But the end was yet far distant. Michael Dockweiler of Philadelphia, an old established manufacturer of ( C o n t i n u e d on P a g e 6S)
Whose Boyhood Dream Came True
OUR TREASURER ABROAD Our III: Treasurer, John Mulholland, with his mother, is spending the summer abroad. On his way over on the Mauretania he was, of course, a prominent feature of the entertainments. His act was billed as "Mystic Mysteries." His first real stop on the other side was Paris, and from there on he encountered interesting experiences as the following letters to our 111: President relate: "June 30, 1921. "Madrid, Spain. "Luck was good, for the second day out a magician, Mr. Arthur P. Williams, was discovered. Mr. Williams is one of the pursers on the Mauretania. Besides having a num ber of magic talks and one party which he gave for a few of his friends and a few of mine, where we showed tricks for a couple of hours, we played the concerts (in all three classes) either working singly or together. Mr. Williams is a likeable British amateur, with a pleasing performance. "A few days after my arrival in Paris—or as soon as a taxi driver was discovered who understood my rendition of his language enough to take me—I called on M. Caroly. I am surely in accord with your statement that M. Caroly is a very amiable magical enthusiast. "He kindly showed part of his large collection of pictures of magicians. It was interesting to note the large proportion of S. A. M. members, whose pictures were among those chosen to be placed in a glass case for public view. It is also interesting to find the S. A. M. is held in auite as high regard here as in America, and, in their estimation, being a member is a guarantee of one's exceptional knowledge and ability and quite sufficient introduction. It makes one feel more proud of his membership. "M. Caroly dislikes to speak English, though he reads and writes it well, as he regards the pronunciation as too difficult. On account of my ignorance of his language our conversations were all written in English. It gave me an insight into the troubles of the deaf mutes. "M. Caroly asked me to deliver upon my return a print of Robert Houdin, which he gives to the society, surrounded by stage apparatus. (Continued on Page 6S)
#nciptt} nf American Magicians
ician, I am sorry to record, is quite was nevertheless, very effective. It is illiterate. The first word of the name easy to see how his pretence of su"M. J E. Legris, magician at the tells of his pilgrimage to Mecca, pernatural power is accepted by his Robert Houdin Theatre, until its while the last signifies that he is a people for even the simplest effect he enriches with a manner of accomdestruction, and who later played at magician. "Hadji Mohammed is above the plishing the impossible. St. George's Hall, England, was billed "Hadji Mohammed expressed great at the Musee Greoin. The Musee is average height, jet black with rather very much similar to the old New good features and a full grey beard regret at my spending so few days in York Eden Musee, and here too the closely cut in the Moorish style. His Morocco for he had had only time to magician was the feature. The an- clothes are of excellent hand-woven show me a few small effects. If I material very carefully made with could but stay longer he would show nouncements read: each seam covered with fancy em- me how to produce, out of nothing, CABINET FATISTIQUE broidery. He carries a silver cane enough food to fill to the ceiling J. E. LEGRIS which may, by pressing a secret every room in the hotel; how to PRESTIDIGITATEUR "There were no printed programs spring, be converted into a gun. One change a man into a woman; how to obtainable. His performance ran imagines the cane would be a much vanish tables, chairs, and even peo about forty minutes and he kept up more serviceable weapon as a club. pie, and other things of like nature. patter continually, which held his As the Lahackrine passes along the It is but fair to the Moor to say that audience in good humor. I didn't street he is constantly stopped by all his talk was translated to me by understand a word he said, though it the people, pressing in to kiss his an interpreter. It may ha\e been the was unnecessary as his pantomime hand. Those who are low caste bow interpreter's imagination. "This boat was boarded at Gibralwas excellent. He opened with the reverently. Everyone seems to recogter and is to land at Marseilles today. torn and restored cigarette papers, nize his power. "Hadji .Mohammed WAS persuaded The next objective is Italy. followed by the dyeing tube -and "Sincerely yours in M. U. M. several card sleights. One effect in to come to the hotel to show the "JOHN MULLHOLLAND." cards I had never seen before is in- American magician Moroccoan magic. describle except to say it is similar The guide had evidently told him to the water-fall and very pretty and he was to enter a competition, for A Boyhood Dream Realized effective. He showed next a liat after each trick he insisted that I (Continued from Page 67) production and for his final the was to do a better one if I could. apparatus, from whom our young miser's dream. To each effect he Naturally I told him I couldn't even do man had received some of first lesadded a touch of his own and the as well and so we became friends. sons in magic, was now offering for whole was excellently done and very His performance consisted entirely his complete workshop, and soon pleasing. His performance was un- of sleight of hand with small bor- found a ready purchaser isn our friend usual, not a bit as ordinary as it rowed objects. who moved the entire outfit to New "His first experiment consisted in York. Here he was established under seems to be set down. "M. Legris gave the only magical vanishing my watch after it had been the title of the New York Magical Co. performance I saw while in Paris, wrapped in a handkerchief. After- under the direction and supervision of for though M.Caroly is continually wards another watch was wrapped Charles Majer, a veritable genius not in demand he plays only for private in the handkerchief and its chain only in conceiving new effects, but iin affairs. There was a traveling il- in another handkerchief. My watch carrying them out. This business was lusion show, along With a number of appeared in place of the second continued for eighteen years. In other tent shows, in the suburbs. watch which appeared on the chain. that time eighty-nine Aga illusions Unable to get around while the show The next effect was to vanish a glass were built. Mr Maier had reached was going, I was equally unable to full of water and make it reappear on the age of eighty-six, when he was find out who the magician was, formy outstretched hands as they were called away, deeply lamented, in Feball the Parisians would say was held under a cloth. How the full ruary, 1921. "Gran Fete", which my eleven and a glass was secreted in his flowing Subsequently, our young man achalves took as direct effrontery. robes without being spilled—for I am quired the establishment of Yost Co., The Mont Matyr still runs for the sure it was—I do not know. Among Philadelphia; the business of Otto benefit of the tourist and also still the other tricks he did were the coins Hornmann, and also the entire stock through the handkerchief—with an of tools, patterns and models of C. keeps the man to skeleton illusion. "Paris and France were left behind odd method of manipulation—and Milton Chase. His boyhood dream, two days ago to wend the way th- several tricks with the vanishing and however, was yet to be realized. rough Spain, and so far no magicians reappearing of finger rings. The time was not greatly distant, have been met." ' During the performance one was for on April 18, 1921, he became the Our 111: Treasurer, after leaving reminded of Chalier—as Hoffmann owner and successor of Martinka & Madrid, worked his way south to Gib- and Bertram described him—for the Co., and the office and show-rooms ralter, sailing thence to Marseilles, Moor went, through all of Chalier's are now located at 304 West 34th and then around to Rome. The next mummery from reaching high on the street, New York City. Here the time lie writes Is on board the P. & wall and lapring three times to seeker after" novelties and curios of O. S. N. Company's S. S. "Naldera" anger feigned at anyone who was r o ' different kinds may find what they under date of July 14th: a serious watcher. While Chalier did e in search of, ard a'so mret the "During the time spent in Tangier, not, if I remember the accounts coi one who has absorbed all that made Morocco, it was my good luck to rectly, pray for his power, the Moo" he fame of the many firms herein. meet Hadji Mohammed Naceri Laha- said a dfferent prayer for each named and personally greet the man ckrine, the Sultan's own magician. effect. Hadii Mohammed's misdirect known throughout th? Magic World The name is spelled as best I could ion was excellent and though no one of this covntrv and of Europe as though perhaps incorrectly. The mag- seemed to understand his lingo, it FRANK DUCROT.
Our Treasurer Abroad (Continued from Page 67)
wtelxj nf Am?riran iHaguiatta Vol II— No 14
ADAM HULL SHIRK VISITS NEW YORK Special Meeting Called in His Honor M. Ill: President Houdini informed THE WEYER MEMORIAL FUND A special meeting of the parent assembly was held at the home of M. Compeer Shirk that $10,00*) was availIll; ^resident Houdini, Tuesday, Sep- able as a nest egg with which to start For the benefit of friends of Alex. tember 13, to meet Compeer Adam a club house fund for the S. A. M. Weyer, or those who wish to contribHull Shirk, in charge of the Pacific Oompeer Berryman stated that he be- ute to the Weyer Memorial Fund, the Coast publicity department of the Fa- .ieved it could be said that $20,000 following circular announcement, mous Players-Lasky Corporation, and .vas easily obtainable. which was inadvertently left out of a life member of the S. A. M., as well the previous issue of M. U. M., is Ill: Secretary Van Dien made known printed: as a member of the Los Angeles Sothe fact, for the information of Comciety. The meeting was informal and "Cairo, March 31,1921. peer Shirk, that the S. A. M. had 852 was well attended. members, 39 having been elected at "Dear Sir: "Some friends of the late Alex Compeer Shirk, who was fittingly Jie last meeting. The slogan of "One introduced by M. Ill: Houdini as a Thousand Members ' would soon be Weyer, the once famous Illusionist and Magician, are getting up a subscripman who lived by the magic of both materialized, he added. tion towards the erection of a Tombwand and pen, spoke interestingly o: The 111: Secretary also advised me stone over his grave. the Los Angeles Society, which ho •meeting that the Omaha Charter had said was an exceedingly active body. oeen fined out, making charter 7, and "It has been decided to make no apIts membership 'comprises about forty that blanks had gone forward to St. peal in the Magical Press for this magic enthusiasts, among whom arc Louis and Indianapolis, representing purpose, 'but to approach privately a few well known Magicians in Europe a number of film celebrities, such as Charters 8 and 9. and America, also the lai"ger Magical Harold Lloydj T; Eoy Barnes and CarIn the midst of the deliberations, Societies. ter DeHaven. The interest'of the film "Mr. Alex Weyer came to Egypt in folk in magic has helped" the Society, which _wero not secret, ice cream, and the meetings, which are held at coffee and cake and other etceteras July, 1914, and owing to the war was Thayer's, are characteristic for their were served by Mrs. .Houdini. 'The imable' to return to Europe to fulfill meeting gave her three cheers as a his numerous engagements. He started "pep," as Mr. Shirk put it. vote of thanks for again proving her- a small trunk business, but was not Prof. Cook, who is deeply interested self the long distance champion coffee very successful. in spiritism, is president of the So- cooker of the world. "In the event of any money remainciety, and Compeer Shirk is vice presiDuring the meeting M. Ill: Presi- ing over after the Hei.dstone has been dent. Recounting his connection with dent Houdini was called on the tele- erected it will be handed to the family magic, Compeer Shirk said he first phone to receive the sad news that (consisting of a widow, a son and two became interested in the art at the while the Powells were preparing to young daughters, all in strained cirage of eleven. Once taken up, magic leave San Antonio, Texas, where Mr, sumstances) for the upkeep of the cannot be dropped, Compeer Shirk Powell underwent a serious operation grave. Contributions will-be gratesaid, and it was only natural, there- late in July, Mrs. Powell was striken fully received by the Hon. Secretary fore, that the time should ea;ne when 'with apoplexy on September 9th, and and Treasurer of the fund, he adopted magic as a profession. "MR. VICTOR FARRELLY, at the time the message was sent was "Assistant Director." The Los Angeles Society is not in an unconscious state. Misfortune "Passport Office, affiliated with the parent body, and has certainly stalked side by side with "Cairo City Police, the advantages of making an affilia- the Powells. With Mr. Powell recov"Cairo, Egypt." tion were pointed out to Compeer ering from the effects of his operation, "A copy of the Subscription list and Shirk. Compeer Laurens explained this latest blow is indeed a severe one. that a local society did not lose its The workings of fate are all the more a Photograph of the Memorial will be individuality or suffer any disadvant- ironical, since the Powels were looking sent to pill Subscribers. "Trusting you will see your way to ages through an affiliation with a pa- forward to a tour of Mexico when contribute to the fund, and thanking rent body. On the contrary, an affili- Mrs. Powell was striken. vou in anticipation, I am, ation brought only advantages, such as Members present were: "Yours faithfully, representation in the council, eligibil- M. Ill: Pres. Harry Houdini "(Signed) V. FARRELLY, ity to share in the hospital fund, as Oscar S. Teale "Hon. Sec. and Treas. well as welding together in a stronger Richard Van Dien "Weyer Memorial Fund, bond all those interest in magic. M. Geo. W. Hel lei"Member of the 'Order of the Ill: President Houdini, 111: Secretary Leo. Rullmann Magi,' Manchester." Van Dien and Compeer Diel suppleG. G. Laurens mented Compeer Laurens' remarks, to T. W. Hardeen (Continued from column 2) which Compeer Shirk answered that A. L. Haasis A. L. Thunig, M. D. it was only because the Los Angelas Ardie Wickers Harry H. Poppe Society had not exactly understood the Jean Irving Harry C. Park facts that it had not become aligned B. M. L. Ernst Charles Nagel with the parent body before. He said Harry B. Linnaberry Jos. F. Rinn he would lay the information he had The meeting was nice and quiet. C. Fred Crosby obtained before his confreres. F. J. Werner was not present. Win. R. Berryman