M AGIG - U N I T Y - M I G H T
of atmtican Vol. XV. No. 1
Per Annum Two Dollars
Our Most Illustrious President, Harry Houdini, has just informed the Editor that he is giving members of the S. A. M. an opportunity to perform in their own home
towns at his show wherever he happens to be playing, and to that end the following itinerary is being published : Week of Nov. 23, Opera House, Providence, R. I.; week of
Single Copies 20 cents
Nov. 30. Parsons Theatre, Hartford, Conn.; week of Dec. 7, Opera House, Worcester, Mass.; week of Dec. 14. Majestic Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Un flDemoriam Everett W. Herman Once again a member has answered the call of the Mighty Magician. This time one of our youngest and most promising Compeers. Everett W. Herman. Age 22. Born July 1, 1903. Died October 30, J925, at the home of his parents, at Union Hill, N. J. Joined the S. A. M., June 4, 1921. Card number 817. He was well liked by all on account of his pleasing personality. Always willing to assist in any way he could. The writer perhaps knew him better than any other member, hav-
Charles Joseph Hagen
ing met him first when he was a schoolboy. At that time he was forced to remain home on account of a bad attack of asthma. His father, William Herman, was a (Government clerk in the same department I was in at that time. He told me about his son's illness and asked me to visit him sometime as he had bought the boy a box of tricks and his son did not know how to do them. When I did call on him I found young Everett Herman a wonderful student, he learned the various moves and gradually increased his apparatus, until in later years he had quite an outfit,
New York City, Thursday, October 29th.—Charles Joseph Hagen, first life member of the S. A. M., and founder of the N. C. A., passed away in a hospital here at 6.20 A. M., after an illness of three weeks. Bro. Hageu had been in poor health for some months, but only became seriously ill on October 8th last, when he was immediately transferred to the hospital in which he died in his forty-ninth year. Hagen was a native of Austria, having been born in Vienna on March 9th, 1877. He migrated to this country in 1894,
Continued on page 261
Continued on page 26 r
of Assijmblles Sen dl Motes c>ff t h © • [Joa of YoeT AsssemHiess foir Pel])II©Sitaoe le M o Uo Mo to th© 9 i.\ ew Editor BlTo Laoaii©! Martl©^r9 4 !52 Fifth 1 York9 On c)t B©foa°© tlae 1 Oth of Ea©h Moeth aira©§
of American
Published Monthly by THE SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS for its members—to perpetu-
ate Biography of Magicians past and present. Organized May 10, 1902
Incorporated April 3, 1908
OFFICERS 1925-26 HARRY HOUDINI, President, 278 West 113th Street, New York City. B. M. L. ERNST, First Vice-President. SERVAIS LEROY, Second Vice-President. GEORGE W. HELLER, Treasurer. RICHARD VAN DIEN, Secretary, 230 Union Street, Jersey City, N. J. COUNCIL—Houdini, George W. Heller, Richard Van Dicn, Francis J. Werner, Servais Leroy, William R. Berryman, John Mulholland, Leo Rullman, Lionel Hartley, Ardie Wickers, Jean Irving, B. M. L. Ernst, Joseph S. Fuigle, G. G. Laurens, T. W. Hardeen, Frank Ducrot, Aden O. Smith, M.D., Rinn, Wra. Meyenberg and Royal L. J~oseph c v'ilas. TRUSTEES—Francis J. Werner, Wm. R. Berryman, Leo Ruliman. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION — Irving Watson, Leo Rullman, Richard Van Dieil. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS—Edward J. Magner and Charles J. Dietsel, M.D. LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE—B. M. L. Ernst, of Ernst, Fox and Cane. REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE—Horace Goldin, Carl Rosini, Arthur D. Gans. MEETINGS—First Saturday Evening each month. OFFICIAL REPORTER—Richard Van Dien. ENTERTAINMENT— Frank Ducrot, Chairman. COMPLAINT—T. W. Hardeen, Chairman. EXPOSURES—Servais LeRoy, Chairman.
Th© Society of Ameir= The 249th Regular Meeting of the Society held Saturday evening, November 7th, 1925, at the Hotel McAlpin, New York City. Present 111. Vice-1'resident Ernst. 111. Treasurer Heller. 111. Past Presidents: Werner, Teale, Hartley, Van Dien. 111. Compeers: Berryman, Rullman, Ducrot, Irving, Meyenberg, Magner, L'ercival, Dr. Smith, Laurens, Grimes, Bard, Foster, Pressman, Estelle, Simonette, Toch, Schofield, Gallatovich, Hill. Rinn, Hardeen, Engle, Hagoort, Altman, ('arbono, Dr. Pinco, Lippincott, Ouimby, Maguire, Christensen, Ladson Butler, Milton Smith, Hauenstein, Vilas, New Haven; Mann, Montreal; Gordon Brown, "Golden Gate" S. E. Election to Membership The following propositions referred to and approved by the Council, and candidates elected by ballot of members.
AFFILIATED ASSEMBLIES —Chartered and Franchised GOLDEN GATE ASSEMBLY No. 2. San Francisco, Cal. R. Stull, Pres., Dr. A. Schwartz, Sec'y, 1163 Flood Bldg., San Francisco. CHICAGO ASSEMBLY No. 3, Chicago, 111., Arthur P. Felsman, Pres., Homer H. Woulffe, Sec'y, 1634 N. La Salle Blvd., Chicago, 111. PHILADELPHIA ASSEMBLY No. 4, Philadelphia, Pa., Francis B. Hall, Pres., [ames C. W£)bensnrith, Sec'y, 402 Bulletin Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. DETROIT ASSEMBLY No. 5, Detroit, Mich. Jatnes Brewer, Pres; James W. Speke, Sec'y, '9019 Quincy Ave., Detroit, Mich. FELICIEN TREWEY ASSEMBLY No. 6, Baltimore, Md., Jos. E. Sainsbury, Pres., P. O. Box 253, R. W. Test, Sec'y, 1204 Munsey Bldg., Baltimore, Md. OMAHA MAGICAL SOCIETY ASSEMBLY No. 7. Omaha, Neb.. C. S. Bowman. Pres., A. A. Schrempp, Sec'y, 954 So. 50th St., Omaha, Neb. ST. LOUIS ASSEMBLY, No. S, St. Louis. Mo., B. B. Heller, Pres., Ben R. Badley, Sec'y, 4319A Marcus Ave., St. Louis, Mo. BOSTON ASSEMBLY No. 9. Boston, Mass., Arthur E. Baird, Pres., Richard C. Cartwright, Sec'y, 1585 Blue Hill Ave., Mattapan. Mass. CLEVELAND ASSEMBLY No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio, Pres., Floyd W. Seymour, 501 Caxton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. QUEEN; CITY MYSTICS, ASSEMBLY No. 11, Cincinnati, Ohio. Joseph Schreck. Pres., Leslie P. Guest, Sec'y, loll Vine St., cinnati, Ohio. MINNEAPOLIS ASSEMBLY No. 12, Minneapolis, Minn., Carl Jones, Pres., L. S. Posiski, Sec'y, 217 South 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. DALLAS MAGIC CIRCLE, ASSEMBLY No. 13, Lyle Douglas, Sec'y, 322 N. Zang Blvd., Dallas, Texas. CENTRAL CITY ASSEMBLY No. 14. Syracuse, N. Y., Donald D. Ausman, Pres.; H. Nye Joselyn, Sec'y, 1C5 Westcott St., Syracuse. NEW HAVEN MAGICAL SOCIETY, ASSEMBLY No. 15, Bernard S. Budge, Sec'y, 36 Emerson St., New Haven.
No. 1295—Raymond O. Rosseau, Waterbury, Conn.; New Haven Assembly. No. 1296—Wm. L. Oliphant, Dallas, Texas; Dallas Assembly. No. 1297—Arthur Hull Hayes, Detroit, Mich.; Detroit Assembly. No. 1298—Claude Burk Nankervos, Oakland, Calif.; Golden Gate Assembly. No. 1299—[.ester David Lake, Brookville, Ind.; Cincinnati Assembly. No. 1300—Robert Bernard Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.; Philadelphia Assembly. Obligations:—111. Engle, Schofield and Altman, reported in waiting, were obligated in The Short Form by 111. Vice-President Ernst. Reports:—Secretary and Treasurer reported receipts and expenditures for October. Committee of Exposures: —• Through Chairman 111. Servais Leroy, presented an exhaustive report of accomplishments during October. This report was referred to the Council to be prepared for greater publicity, and 111. Leroy unanimously commended, and re-
quested to keep up the good work. Portable Stage: — 111. Milton Smith, submitted a design with costs—14 x 14 complete with search lighting equipment—$180.00. On motion of 111. Hardeen, he was authorized to have a portable stage constructed, at a cost without special lighting effects, of not to exceed $ioo.OO. Unfinished Business:—111. VicePresident Ernst announced the death of the following members during October • No. 1191—Pauline E. Martinka, October 9th, 1925; New Dorp, S. I. No. 217—Charles Joseph Hageu, October 29th; New York, N. Y. No. 817—Everett W. Herman, October 30th; Union Hill, N. J. At the services of the above, the Society was represented by attendance and Horal offerings. The customary period of Silence was observed in honor of their memory. Ladies' Night:—Hotel McAlpin, Tuesday evening, November 24th, will be in charge of the following Committee: 111. Frank Ducrot, Ladson C. Butler, Wm. H. Bard. Closed in Harmony at 10.30 p. M. R. VAN D I E N ,
BraeelJi Assemblies Philadelphia Assembly No. 4, S A. M. By JAMES C. WOBENSMITH,
The regular monthly meeting of Philadelphia Assembly No. 4 was held on October 28, at the Vesper Cafe. We were quite pleased to have Julius Zancig drop in on us during the course of the evening, and to hear him recount some of his interesting experiences in various parts of the world. Compeer Zancig has opened a psychic parlor in Philadelphia, and expects to be here until after the Sesquicentennial. The principal features of the evening's entertainment were a fifteenminute program of miscellaneous effects presented by Paul Yacoobian, and a new version of the cards from the pocket, presented by Walter B. Gibson.
The JNext Regular Meeting of the Parent Assembly will be held in the East Room of the Hotel McAlpin, Broadway at 34th Street, New York City, Dec. 5, 1925, at 7:30 o'clock.
of &mettcan S^agiciang A telegram was received from Amac, regretting his inability to be present at the meeting, to which he had been invited, by reason of the fact that he was leaving town that evening. Amac has filled quite a. number of dates in the local vaudeville houses in and around Philadelphia, and his act has been very well received. Madame Adelaide Hermann is also playing the Philadelphia vaudeville houses, and is going over good. Visiting magicians who wish to meet the local magi are requested to communicate with the Secretary of our Assembly, James C. VVobensmith, 402 Bulletin Building, Philadelphia. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 8, 1925. DR. LIONEL HARTLEY,
452 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Dear Dr. Hartley: Many thanks for copy of MUM which I have just received. As secretary of the Detroit Assembly I will endeavor to carry out your wishes with regard to sending you reports of our various meetings. We have already started well, and the future of the Society certainly looks brighter than it has done for some time, and we shall be glad of the opportunity of sending you these reports as you request. Our new officers (all of Detroit) are as follows: James Brewer, President, 1437 Vinewood Avenue. O. Z. Ide, Vice-President, 340 Monterey Avenue. James W. Speke, Secretary, 9019 Quincy Avenue. You will find that your list of Assemblies as published in MUM is somewhat different from the above. I should be very glad if you will make the change in your next issue. With kindest regards, I remain, Respectfully yours, JAS. W H . SPEKE,
Secretary. Society of Detroit Magicians, 9019 Quincy Avenue, Detroit.
Ladles NlgfJiit Owing show at Tuesday, the going we must port until
to the ladies' night and the Hotel McAlpin on Nov. 24, coming just at to press of the M. U. M., postpone the detailed reour next issue.
Un flDemoriam
names of practically every known magical organization up to a certain time, in all of which he held Continued from Jr on t page membership. His collection of EVERET W. HERMAN "Weird Wands Which Wonderand up to the time of his passing Workers Wielded'' was second only away he played many entertain- to the famed Ellison Collection of such things magical. ments. Funeral services were held SunHe was a very likeable chap who made many friends and as his death day afternoon, November tst, at came so unexpectedly, it seems im- the Bethany Memorial Church, possible that he is no longer with East 67th Street, from which his remains were transferred to the us. I cannot find words to express Lutheran Cemetery, Middle Vilour sympathy to the parents of the lage, New York. Beautiful floral departed compeer, and take the lib- tributes from the Society of Amererty to borrow the well known lines ican Magicians and other local magical bodies, as well as from perfrom James Whitcomb Riley: sonal friends, were left with our I cannot say, and will not say That he is dead, lie is just away! late, dear Brother Hagen at his last With a cheery smile and a wave of the resting place. hand 111. Hagen was admitted to memHe has wandered into an unknown land, bership August 4, 1906; card No. And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be, since he lingers there, 217. In October, 1908, he proAnd you—oh you, who the wildest yearn cured a life membership, securing For the old-time step and glad return No. I. The first certificate issued. Think of him faring on, as dear In the love of There, as the love of Here. We are indebted to Mr. Clinton Think'of him still as the same, I say, Burgess for the write-up on the late He is not dead—he is just away. 111. Charles J. Hagen. WILLIAM
November 13, 1925. DR. LIONEL HARTLEY,
Dear Friend:—I see you have added some more work to yourself and on his birthday, in 1901, was to edit the M. U. M. Well, I dare married in New York City to Fran- say you will be kept busy. T am ces Ohrnberger, who now survives sorry I cannot be with the Society him, as do also three sons, Joseph oftener, as we are located here in John, Carl Otto and James, and Philadelphia and are getting ready two daughters, Freda and Elizabeth. for a big surprise at the SesquicenThe first of these was married in tennial Exposition. We have opJanuary last to a Mr. George Hull, ened a fine Temple here and any of Brooklyn, N. Y. time any member of the S. A. M. Hagen was editor of two magical comes this way, they are welcome periodicals which he founded, The always. This is the 13th and you Boy Magician and The American have 1300 members up to now. Magician, and under the nom-de- Lionel Hartley, 13 letters, ought to theatre of "The Fakir of Black- bring Good Luck;. Please give all wells" (a name he coined from that the members my best wishes. Our of an island here on which he had New Stunt Thought Pictures is been employed as overseer) he con- making a big hit. We have an avtributed many interesting articles to erage of 100 people a night, Sunvarious magical journals. He was days 150, so we are doing fine and a man of sterling character, an ar- the people like the work. dent collector, and probably best With all good wishes to yourknown bv the peculiar title he gave self and family, himself—"A Real Magic Bug"— Sincerely yours, a title which appeared on all his letterheads which also carried the JULIUS ZANCIG. Continued from front pape
Members of the S. A. M. visiting London will be taken care of by
WILL GOLDSTON 1st Vice-President The Magicians' Club, London Life Member S. A. M.
Published by
ALADDIN HOUSE 14 Green Street, London. W. C. 2
The Oldest Magical Magazine in the World Official organ of the S. A. M.
1007 Main Street Kansas City. Mo.
U. S. A.
fbottttv ot Slmttitan
The Next Regular Meeting of the
Parent Assembly will be held
in the East Room of the Hotel McAlpin Broadway at 34th Street, New York City
December 5th, 1925, at 7:30 o'clock
Ladies' Nights, Coming Season Hotel McAlpin, Green Koom Tuesday, January 19, 1926 Tuesday, March 2, 1926 Tuesday, April 6, 1926 Please keep these dates open for yourself and friends who enjoy high class magical entertainment.
feocretg of amracan S^agtciang Vol. XV. No. 2
Per Annum Two
Single Copies 20 cents
A Very Merry Christmas and
A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all Compeers Secretaries ol f Assemblies §©md Notes o I the Doim^s of Yoer Asseinmblaes for P nabliesitaom am M« Uo Mo t o th© Editor, Dro 1ioeel Marti ey. 4!52 Fifth ALV©emi©9 N e w York, Oe or Before the 10 th of Each :
of amracan S0agicians
Mo U . Published Monthly by THE SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS for its members—to perpetu-
ate Biography of Magicians past and present. Organized May 10, 1902
Incorporated April 3, 1908
OFFICERS 1925-26 HARRY HOUDIXI. President, 278 West 113th Street, New York City. B. M. L. ERNST, First Vice-President. SERVAIS LEROY, Second Vice-President. GEORGE W. HELLER, Treasurer. RICHARD VAX DIEX, Secretary, 230 Union Street, Jersey City, N. J. COUNCIL—Houdini, George W. Heller, Richard Van Dien, Francis J. Werner, Servais Leroy, William R. Berryman, John Mulholland, Leo Rullman, Lionel Hartley, Ardie Wickers, Jean Irving, B. M. L. Ernst. Joseph S. Fuigle. G. G. Laurens, T. W. Hardeen, Frank Ducrot, Aden O. Smith, M.D., Joseph Rinn, VVm. Meyenberg and Royal L. Vilas. TRUSTEES—Francis J. Werner, Wm. R. Berryman, Leo Rullman. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIOX — Irving Watson, Leo Rullman, Richard Van Dien. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS—Edward J. Magner and Charles J. Dietsel, M.D. LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE—B. M. L. Ernst, of Ernst, Fox and Cane. REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE—Horace Goldin, Carl Rosini, Arthur D. Gans. MEETINGS — First Saturday Evening each month. OFFICIAL REPORTER—Richard Van Dien. ENTERTAINMENT —Frank Ducrot, Chairman. COMPLAINT—T. W. Ilardeen, Chairman. EXPOSURES—Servais LeRoy, Chairman.
The 250th Regular Meeting of the Society, held Saturday evening, December'5th, 1925. at the Hotel McAlpin, New York. Present—111. First Vice-President Ernst; 111. Past Presidents Werner, Hartley, Van Dien ; 111. Treasurer Heller ; Sergeant-at-Arms Manger; 111. Compeers Laurens, Rinn, Irving, Berryman, Al. Baker, Ducrot, Foster. (Juimby, Rullman, Meyenberg, Hagoort, Dr. A. O. Smith, Maguire, Xagle, E. P. Ransom. Dr, Pressman, Carbone, Bard, Bowman, Altman, Simonette, Schofield, Percival, Estelle, Dr. Benedict (Boston ), Erotzowski (Waterbury). Minutes of November Meeting, read and approved. Propositions for Member ship— The following received and referred to the Committee on Admissions, 111. Irving, Chairman : S. G. Flansen, Chicago, 111.; John C. Jenkins, Ames, la.; W. E. Salisbury, St. Louis, Mo.; FI. J. Schumann, Chi-
AFFILIATED ASSEMBLIES—Chartered and Franchised GOLDEN GATE ASSEMBLY No. 2. San Francisco, Cal. R. Stull, Pres., Dr. A. Schwartz, Sec'y, 1163 Flood Bldg., San Francisco. CHICAGO ASSEMBLY No. 3, Chicago, 111., Arthur P. Felsman, Pres., Homer H. WouliTe, Sec'y, 1634 N. La Salle Blvd., Chicago, [11. PHILADELPHIA ASSEMBLY No. 4, Philadelphia, Pa., Francis B. Hall, Pres., James C. Wbbensmith, Sec'y, 402 Bulletin Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. DETROIT ASSEMBLY No. 5. Detroit, Mich. J;imes Brewer, Pres; James W. Speke,, Sec'y, 9019 Ouincy Ave., Detroit, Mich. FELICIEX TREWEY ASSEMBLY No. 6, Baltimore, Md., Jos. E. Sainsbury, Pres., P. O. Box 253, R. W. Test, Sec'y, 1204 Munsey Bldg., Baltimore, Md. OMAHA MAGICAL SOCIETY ASSEMBLY No. 7, Omaha, Neb.. C. S. Bowman. Pres., A. A.' Schrempp, Sec'y, 954 So. 50th St., Omaha, Neb. ST. LOUIS ASSEMBLY. No. 8, St. Louis. Mo., B. B. Heller, Pres., Ben R. Badley, Sec'y, 4319A Marcus Ave., St. Louis, Mo. BOSTON ASSEMBLY No. 9. Boston, Mass., Arthur E. Baird, Pres., Richard C. Cartwright, Sec'y, 1585 Blue Hill Ave., Mattapan. Mass. CLEVELAND ASSEMBLY No. 10. Cleveland, Ohio. John Jllavm, Pres.; E. N. Lord, Corr. Sec'}, 101 E. 204th St, Euclid, Ohio. QUEEN CITY MYSTICS, ASSEMBLY No. 11, Cincinnati, Ohio. Joseph Schreck, Pres., Leslie P. Guest, Sec'y, 1511 Vine St., cinnati, Ohio. MINNEAPOLIS ASSEMBLY No. 12, Minneapolis, Minn., Carl Jones, Pres., L. S. Posiski, Sec'y, 217 South 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. DALLAS MAGIC CIRCLE, ASSEMBLY No. 13. Lyle Douglas, Sec'y, 322 X. Zang Blvd., Dallas, Texas. CENTRAL CITY ASSEMBLY Xo. 14. Syracuse, N. Y., Donald D. Ausman, Pres.; H. Nye Joselyn, Sec'y, 1C5 Weslcott St., Syracuse. NEW HAVEN MAGICAL SOCIETY, ASSEMBLY No. 15, Bernard S. Budge, Sec'y, 36 Emerson St., New Haven.
items of local magical news for M. U. M. 111. Werner presented a letter from 111. Servais LeRoy on subject of exposures. This communication of over 500 woras, was received with great interest, and on motion of 111. Laurens, a copy was ordered transmitted to M. 111. Houdini and Thurston, with a request that all pj.oposed exposures of tricks be submitted to the special Committee on Exposures for approval before publication. The Committee as named by 111. Ernest being 111. Leo Rullman, George W. Heller, W. B. Berryman. Communication from 111. Howard Thurston, stating that he had discontinued the publication of tricks, and would co-operate with the Committee. Read and applauded.
Reports Secretary and Treasurer reported receipts and disbursements for the month. Revision of Constitution : "Slow progress." Portable Stage : Completed and used on Ladies' Night, November 24th. Cost as approximated, $100. Electric lighting, $11.31 extra. Secretary reported having received from 111. Ouimby a check for $11.31 to cover this extra expenditure. On motion, check ordered returned with thanks, die Society to assume cago, 111.; Walter Shoemaker, River the payment of the; extra amount. F'orest, 111. All from Chicago As- The Committee discharged with a rising vote of thanks. sembly, No. 3. On Monday evening. December Election to Mcmbcrsliip—No. 1301, Chief Two Moons (Meridas), New 14th, M. 111. Houdini opens at the Haven. Conn.; No. 1302, Wm. L. 44th Street Theatre, New York. Brell, Philadelphia, Pa.; No. 1303, The Secretary was instructed to Philip J. Krenet, Philadelphia, Pa.; mail notices to members to be presNo. 1304, Gustaye Kurtz, Philadel- ent in honor of the event, and to rephia. Pa.: No. 1305. Conrad R. serve a section of seats for the night. Rheiner, Philadelphia, I'a. All Committee on Ladies' Night at passed by Committee on Admis- the MeAlpin, Tuesday, January sions, approved by the Council and 19th, 1926: III Ducrot, Bard and elected by ballot. Bowman. Correspondence Committee on Testing Advertised From Will Goldston, London, Magic discharged with thanks. through M. 111. Houdini, being a reInitiation—Elected members bequest for a donation to the J. N. ing reported in waiting, not having Maskelyne Memorial Fund. Mobeen received in the regular form, tion of 111. Heller, the sum of $25.00 were here introduced, and given inwas appropriated. itiation in the full and impressive From Til. Ladson Butler regret- ceremony by the Initiating Team. ting inability to attend the meeting.' Through 111. Thurston a report from Linden Flaverly on a card The Next Regular Meeting of sleight exposure at the Majestic, the Parent Assembly will be Chicago, by Clarence E. Willard. Referred to the Committee on Ex- held in the East Room of the Hotel MeAlpin, Broadway at posures. 111. C. Powlett, Leitch, Kampala, 34th Street, New York City, Uganda, sends regards and promises Jan. 2, 1926, at 7:30 o'clock.