Pages from odds and ends in cardology

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By Jos. Ovette, CANADA.

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To ray friends of the Magician's Club of Ottav/a, Reg'd., I dedicate this L'anuscript. Jos. Ovette

May, 1937


All sale rights protected.


In presenting this Manuscript to the World of Magic, I make no claim for anything in it as being personally original. Many items have been taken from my repertoire of effects, as well as from my scrapbook. Some v/ere intended for "Ovette's Pasteboard Pets", now in the hands of L. Davenport, London, England, but lack of space therein is. the cause of this auxilliary manuscript. All effects herein have been thoroughly tested by the author. The use of prepared cards is becoming increasingly popular with the up-to-date magi. Quality, not quantity, has been my goal and every effect has been reduced to its simplest and most natural form of presentation. I wish to acknowledge the assistance rendered me in this work by my old friend "Tot" 0'Regan, an old professional., well known to the theatrical world, and to thank him for editing my rough manuscript. Many thanks, friend Tot, and some day I hope to give you a place of prominence in a booklet soon to be published by me "Magicians we hear little of" or "Who's Who in Canadian Magic". Jos. Ovette, Carlsbad Springs, Ontario, Canada.

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