unikorn magik
This is the t h i r d Special Issue of PRECURSOR, and i t is being published in April 1988. PRECURSOR is edited by William P. Miesel, and the e d i t o r i a l off i c e s are at 2215 Myrtle S t r e e t , E r i e , PA 16502. PRECURSOR is published at least three times a year, and regular issues always have at least twenty pages of m a t e r i a l . As of t h i s d a t e , PRECURSOR i s s t i l l sold for $13.00 (U.S.) for t h r e e i s s u e s . Outside the United S t a t e s and Canada, t h r e e i s s u e s are sent Airmail for $16.00 (U.S.). This Special Issue is being published for d i s t r i b u t i o n at the Eighteenth Annual Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic in Buffalo, NY, t h i s year honoring Mr. P h i l Willmarth. The f i r s t Special Issue was d i s t r i b u t e d at the 1983 e d i t i o n s of "Ibidem Potpourri" and "Close Encounters of the Magic Kind". The second Spec i a l Issue was distributed at "Yankee Gathering I" in 1986. William and I are happy to be able to contribute these MINI-PRECURSORs to the attendees of these get-togethers. Of course, a l l current subscribers to this journal will also receive complimentary copies with their next issue. I was just looking back at my comments in the second Special, and I found I was bemoaning the fact that I always lost an hour with friends at the FFFF because of Daylight Savings Time. Well, l e t me t e l l you, I'm much happier now t h a t I lose the hour at the beginning rather than at the end of April. And this leads to the expression that you can't save time in a b o t t l e . Might be true, but do you r e a l i z e t h a t somewhere t h e r e ' s a sort of bank t h a t ' s holding an hour for each of us. No i n t e r e s t , though. And we gained a day and a second t h i s year, Leap Year. Yeah, the Leap Second was also tacked on, but I think t h i s was at the beginning of the year. Which brings to mind a positively unobtrusive way of d e a l i n g seconds. Just leap high in the a i r , and your "Leap Seconds" w i l l never be noticed! Much the same as the "Cockroach Pass", you know. While this is a Special MINI-PRECURSOR, we had another pretty special issue in our XVIIIth. This was a special Edward Mario Issue which was i l l u s t r a t e d with photos! A f i r s t for t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n , and the properly-exposed photographs supplied by Ed reproduced nicely. William has a lot more up his sleeve . . . and in his t y p e w r i t e r . . . so you may want to think again about subscribing to PRECURSOR. I t ' s the only publication of i t s kind. And to our c u r r e n t s u b s c r i b e r s , thanks for your support. We appreciate i t , and if you have any ideas you'd like to see incorporated, please let William know. A line to use if you drop something: a test."
"Gravity s t i l l works!
This was just
Ed Eckl