H E R E are 42 mystifying tricks which any amateur Thurston can perform in his own living-room. The old adage "If at first you don't succeed . . . " must have been written with magicians in mind, for the more you try these tricks, the more dexterity you acquire and the more fun you have. And don't forget the patter—that verbal hocus-pocus so necessary in "misdirecting" the attention of your audience. You will find coin tricks, mental magic, tricks to be performed with cigars, tumblers, cards, eggs, and matches, and many others. Try them on your friends and you will discover a magic way to popularity Copyright, 1939, by Reader Mail, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.
A FEW MAGIC WORDS j \ GIMMICK is the secret device used in performing a trick successfully. Taking liberties with the lingo of magic, we say this book of tricks has a gimmick—SIMPLICITY! Magicians agree the simplest trick is the best. The tricks here involve no intricate paraphernalia or methods, permitting you to concentrate on the trick itself. With a complicated setup, your audience expects to be fooled. But the tumbler of water and ordinary matchbox we recommend look so "innocent" the audience finds your "effects" totally mystifying. And you can assemble equipment for all these tricks from your kitchen shelf, neighborhood chain store, and druggist for the price of a pair of movie tickets! By the way, never repeat a trick the same evening and never reveal the method by which a trick is performed.
TRICKS USING COINS Coin-Go HERE ARE some simple coin tricks with which you can mystify all your friends. Effect Place a coin on a table. Place a glass tumbler underneath the table and hold it there in position against the table. With the other hand slide an inverted tumbler over the coin which reposes on top of the table, and coin immediately disappears. At approximately the same instant a tinkle is heard from under the table and when the glass is brought forth, it is seen to contain the original coin. The coin has penetrated the top of the table! Explanation Bring in a portable table covered with white cloth on which are two inverted tumblers. A coin is attached underneath the table with a small piece of soap or yellow beeswax. When one glass is placed beneath the table, its mouth encircles the coin.