You might not realise what we can do for you.
Contents 4
Building your solution
Choosing the right channel
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5 6
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Perth and Kinross Council
Scottish Malt Whisky Society
FYV ]VRU aRcRXcRaY `W R WVRefcV dY`f]U V_eZTV eYV cVRUVc Z_! ;e dY`f]U hYVe eYVZc RaaVeZeV aZbfV eYVZc TfcZ`fdZej XZgV eYV^ ]Zee]V `aeZ`_ Sfe e` cVRU `_!
3 YVRU]Z_V Zd eYV WRTV `W eYV RceZT]V! ;e Zd eYV Àcde Z^acVddZ`_ eYRe _VVUd Z_ eYZd Z_deR_TV e` ^Rc\Ve aRcU`_ eYV af_ eYV hRcVd `W eYV WVRefcV!
Land Business SRPBA
FYV V_U `W R WVRefcV dY`f]U ac`gZUV R_ Raac`acZReV T`_T]fdZ`_! ;e dY`f]U eZV fa ]``dV V_Ud T]RcZWj R^SZXfZej ]VRgV R dReZdWjZ_X eRdeV Z_ eYV ^`feY!
The Journal Law Society of Scotland
3 deR_UĂ€cde Zd eYV YR_UdYR\V! ;e Z_ec`UfTVd eYV cVRUVc e` eYV RceZT]V R_U XZgVd eYV^ eYV Z_W`c^ReZ`_ eYVj _VVU e` ^R\V eYV UVTZdZ`_ hYVeYVc e` ]Z_XVc `c ^`gV `_!
Skylife Sky
EY`ce af_TYj _Vhd XZgVd cVRUVcd eYV Z_W`c^ReZ`_ eYVj _VVU Z_ eYV eZ^V eYVj YRgV! @` WcZ]]d _` WRe [fde T]VRc R_U decRZXYeW`chRcU WRTed!
Building your solution
9 10
Design IYReVgVc j`f hR_e `fc UVdZX_ UVaRce^V_e YRd R TcVReZgV R_U VjV TReTYZ_X d`]feZ`_ W`c j`f! CfZeV ]ZeVcR]]j ScZ_XZ_X T`]`fc e` j`fc T`^^f_ZTReZ`_d eYV eVR^ TR_ ecR_dW`c^ R YRcU dV]] Z_e` R ^fde Sfj!
Wendy Fenemore, Managing Editor IV RcV R]] S`^SRcUVU hZeY R ^jcZRU `W Z_W`c^ReZ`_ Wc`^ R gRcZVej `W d`fcTVd! 7UZe`cZR] eYVcVW`cV _VVUd e` h`c\ cVR]]j YRcU e` XcRS R_U \VVa ReeV_eZ`_! 3WeVc j`f YRgV cVRU Ze j`f _VVU e` WVV] eYRe Ze YRd XZgV_ j`f eYV Z_W`c^ReZ`_ `c \_`h]VUXV j`f _VVU e` U` R_ VgV_ SVeeVc [`S!
Additional services
IV¡cV ^`cV eYR_ TRaRS]V `W UV]ZgVcZ_X ^VddRXVd Z_ hYReVgVc W`c^Re j`f R_U j`fc RfUZV_TVd acVWVc! IYVeYVc j`f _VVU R hVSdZeV R gZUV` `c T`_WVcV_TV R_U ^Rc\VeZ_X ^ReVcZR]d hV TR_ UV]ZgVc Re R deR_URcU R_U T`de eYRe hZ]] a]VRdR_e]j dfcacZdV j`f!
IYReVgVc j`f RcV ecjZ_X e` RTYZVgV hZeY j`fc T`^^f_ZTReZ`_d hV TR_ YV]a! IV `WWVc R T`_df]eR_Tj dVcgZTV Z_T]fUZ_X TYR__V] RfUZeZ_X R_U ^RaaZ_X T`^^f_ZTReZ`_ decReVXj R_U a]R__Z_X deR\VY`]UVc V_XRXV^V_e deRWW ecRZ_Z_X R_U ^VRdfcV^V_e!
Renny Hutchison, Head of Design
Daniel Lambie, Senior Communications Consultant
9ZgZ_X RfUZV_TVd T]VRc dZX_a`ded YV]ad eYV^ Z_ eYVZc Sfdj ]ZgVd! FYV fdV `W VjV TReTYZ_X UVdZX_ V_T`fcRXVd eYV^ e` UV]gV Z_ R_U À_U `fe ^`cV! Afc UVdZX_d RcV T]VR_ T]VRc R_U decRZXYeW`chRcU ² VRdZ]j RTT`^^`UReZ_X eYV g`]f^V `W T`_eV_e eYVj TRccj!
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Additional services
Building relationships 97@7D3> F735:;@9 5AG@5;> 8AD E5AF>3@6
EZX_ZÀTR_e eZ^V R_U VWW`ce hRd daV_e hZeY ?ZTc`d`We¡d VUfTReZ`_R] eVR^ e` YV]a eYV^ cVR]ZdV hYRe R WR_eRdeZT a]ReW`c^ FVRTYZ_X ET`e]R_U Zd! IV dfaa`ce ?ZTc`d`We Sj YV]aZ_X eYV^ a]R_ hcZeV R_U VUZe T`aj W`c R_ RUgVceZdZ_X WVRefcV Z_ VRTY ZddfV! 3d R cVdf]e eYVj YRgV S``\VU daRTV Z_ VgVcj ZddfV `W FVRTYZ_X ET`e]R_U Z_ eYV T`^Z_X RTRUV^ZT jVRc!
Jane Deane, Commercial Director
Peter Woods, Production Controller
FYV TYR]]V_XV hZeY ^R_j `W `fc T]ZV_ed Zd e` ac`eVTe eYV Z_eVXcZej R_U `S[VTeZgZej `W eYVZc `cXR_ZdReZ`_! IV U` eYZd Sj dV]VTeZ_X R d^R]] _f^SVc `W TRcVWf]]j eRcXVeVU ac`gZUVcd hY` _`e `_]j RUgVceZdV Sfe RUU cVR] gR]fV e` eYV ac`UfTe!
?R_j `W `fc ac`UfTed h`f]U acVdV_e ^`de RXV_TZVd hZeY R ]`XZdeZTR] _ZXYe^RcV! E`^V eZe]Vd RcV UV]ZgVcVU e` Rd ^R_j Rd &## ### Y`^Vd ^R_j `eYVcd X` R]] `gVc eYV h`c]U! Afc djdeV^d YV]a fd U` eYZd R_U R]d` \VVa ecRT\ `W T`ded e` ^R\V dfcV `fc T]ZV_ed cVTVZgV eYV SVde gR]fV W`c ^`_Vj!
Glasgow: 0141 561 0300 Edinburgh: 0131 561 0020 E. 2
Connect is one of the UK’s leading contract publishing companies. We have gained an award-winning pedigree by combining our clear and concise copywriting with eye-catching design to deliver first-class communications. We offer a complete solution, from planning through production to distribution and measurement. Why not take this opportunity to find out what we can do for you? 3
Building your solution Connect can deliver just about every part of your communication needs. Our range of services and skills go way beyond that of a traditional contract publisher – we are, in fact, the one-stop creative communications consultancy.
Choosing the right channel With so many options, choice can often be confusing. Use our experience right from the start of your project and we can help get your message to your audience, in a way they want to receive it.
Copywriting Years of corporate communication experience means we can write for any audience about any subject. With a portfolio that covers most public and private sectors, we’re comfortable writing in a voice that you, and your audience, will be used to.
Unfiltered Scottish Malt Whisky Society
The lead paragraph of a feature should entice the reader in. It should whet their appetite, pique their curiousity, give them little option but to read on.
Land Business SRPBA
The end of a feature should provide an appropriate conclusion. It should tie up loose ends, clarify ambiguity, leave a satisfying taste in the mouth.
Skylife Sky
Short, punchy news gives readers the information they need in the time they have. No frills, no fat, just clear and straightforward facts.
Editing Often less is more. A punchy headline can grab attention; tight copy can keep it. Our sub editors will take your copy, place it on the page, and give it the bells and whistles it needs to do its job.
Perthshire Perth and Kinross Council
A headline is the face of the article. It is the ďŹ rst impression that needs, in this instance, to market (pardon the pun) the wares of the feature.
The Journal Law Society of Scotland
A standďŹ rst is the handshake. It introduces the reader to the article and gives them the information they need to make the decision whether to linger or move on.
Wendy Fenemore, Managing Editor We are all bombarded with a myriad of information from a variety of sources. Editorial therefore needs to work really hard to grab and keep attention. After you have read it, you need to feel that it has given you the information or knowledge you need.
Design Whatever you want, our design department has a creative and eye-catching solution for you. Quite literally bringing colour to your communications, the team can transform a hard sell into a must buy.
The latest on our 2009 election
Blowing in the
How to bring the outdoors into the classroom Also inside: Our thoughts on the journey to independence for GTCS
Renny Hutchison, Head of Design Giving audiences clear signposts helps them in their busy lives. The use of eye-catching design encourages them to delve in and find out more. Our designs are clean, clear and straightforward – easily accommodating the volume of content they carry.
Multimedia We’re more than capable of delivering messages in whatever format you and your audiences prefer. Whether you need a website, a video or conference and marketing materials, we can deliver at a standard and cost that will pleasantly surprise you.
Additional services Whatever you are trying to achieve with your communications, we can help. We offer a consultancy service including channel auditing and mapping, communication strategy and planning, stakeholder engagement, staff training and measurement.
Daniel Lambie, Senior Communications Consultant Delivering the right product for your organisation and your audiences often means taking a step back. We can help to provide that perspective and then put in place the processes needed to get things right.
Commercial Our commercial team can help to offset some of the costs of your communication activity. Developing a realistic commercial strategy that is appropriate for your organisation, then managing and realising this, literally adds value.
SigniďŹ cant time and effort was spent with Microsoft’s educational team to help them realise what a fantastic platform Teaching Scotland is. We support Microsoft by helping them plan, write and edit copy for an advertising feature in each issue. As a result, they have booked space in every issue of Teaching Scotland in the coming academic year.
Jane Deane, Commercial Director The challenge with many of our clients is to protect the integrity and objectivity of their organisation. We do this by selecting a small number of carefully targeted providers who not only advertise, but add real value to the product.
Production We believe the production process is integral to the success of your project. We have a production management system which allows us to cost, schedule, print and deliver your communications to your speciďŹ cations.
Peter Woods, Production Controller Many of our products would present most agencies with a logistical nightmare. Some titles are delivered to as many as 300,000 homes, many others go all over the world. Our systems help us do this, and also keep track of costs to make sure our clients receive the best value for money.
Thanks To discuss this in more detail and how we can provide a bespoke service to meet your needs, email or call 0131 561 0020