Landscape Requirements

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Landscape Requirements

Franklin Development Review Process   Zoning


  Landscape

  Floodplain,

  Stormwater


Compliance   DRT (Departmental Review Team) provides unified plan review

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  5

Areas that protect and enhancement the Environment   Tree Canopy Protection   Specimen tree   Landscape site caliper of trees   Street Trees   Lot Trees

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements


  Trees   Tree

topping is illegal in the City

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Limbing

up is permissible provided the shape and crown of the tree is maintained.   At no time is the crown of the tree to be topped or shaped in any manner.   Removing

dead or limbs that are unsafe is allowed. Provided the tree retains it’s from.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  This

includes Crape Myrtles:

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Jurisdiction   All

over trees

lots except single family lots of an acre or less.   All multi family and all other base zoning districts.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Tree

Removal Permits

  Section

2.4.8 of the Zoning Ordinance

  Tree

removal permits required Section 5.2 for the following:

  The

removal of any specimen tree, in any district as set forth in Section 5.2, Tree Protection   The removal of any size tree on a residential lots greater than one acre in size   The removal of any size tree on all nonresidential lots, regardless of lot size.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Tree   In

removal permit not required

accordance with an approved Building permit, Grading Permit, Suite Plan, or Subdivision Plat.   Danger of tree falling or damaging structure   Detriment to access to site   Damage that would result to utilities or structure of tree roots,

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Tree

removal permit not required

  Sight

distance will be affected   Tree encroaches on established easements   Written verification from Arborist or qualified specialist that tree is dead or dying,   Required by Stormwater Management Permit.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Tree

removal permit shall be made to Building and Neighborhood Services.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Tree

Canopy Retention

  Required

on all Plats, Development Plans, Site Plans or approved use.   Table 5-2

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

Trees Canopy Retention/Preservation TABLE 5-2: TREE CANOPY RETENTION STANDARDS Minimum Required Tree Canopy Retention by Zoning District [1] Existing Tree Canopy Cover (as a percentage of the total site size)

(as a percentage of the total tree canopy cover) AG, ER, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-6, RX & OR

GO, NC, CC, GC, MN, ML, MX, & CI


80% - 100%




60% - 79%




40% - 59%




20% - 39%




19% or less




NOTES: [1] Lots in Special Areas 1 and 2 of the CFCO, lots smaller than one acre, and lots with lawfully established existing uses are exempt from the tree canopy retention standards but may be subject to the specimen tree and other tree protection requirements in this subsection. Illustrative example: The aerial tree inventory reveals that the existing tree canopy on a hypothetical 100,000 square foot lot covers 75 percent of the lot. The site is proposed for use as a residential subdivision. The minimum required tree canopy retention for this hypothetical site is 27percent of the site’s total area (0.75 [existing tree cover percentage] x 0.36 [required retention percentage] = 27percent), yielding a Tree Protection Zone of 27,000 square feet (0.27 [tree save area as a percentage of the site] x 100,000 [site size]).

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Tree

Protection Fence:

  Shall

be installed prior to any activity on the

site;   Once the fence is installed the COF Stormwater Coordinator shall inspect and approve.   TPF shall remind in place until the site is complete and ready for landscape inspection.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Tree

Protection Fence:

  The

area inside the TPF is a “no touch zone” unless specifically approved by COF Stormwater Coordinator or Land Planner.   Removal of TPF or work inside the TPF could result in the site being shut down/and a fine or both.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

Protection of Specimen Trees   Specimen trees shall be protected on all lots in accordance with the following standards: 

  

(1) General Protections All specimen trees shall have the following protections, whether located on public or private land: (a) Cutting, Removal, or Harm Prohibited 

Except as allowed by Subsection 5.2.6(2), Removal, specimen trees shall not be cut, removed, pushed over, killed, or otherwise harmed; and

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Protection

of Specimen Trees - 24 caliper inches or greater   (b) Disturbance Prohibited 

The area within the critical root zone of any specimen tree shall not be subject to any disturbance unless, the disturbance is based on an ISA certified arborist report stating that the proposed construction shall cause no harm to the tree, and as approved by the City Land Planner.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Tree

Protection Fence – 4’ Chain Link

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees 4” Layer of Mulch Around Trees Shall be a Minimum of 3” From the Trunk

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Street


  Street

trees are required a minimum of 40’ between the curb and sidewalk on all streets.   These are Canopy Trees unless overhead lines are their, then Understory Trees are required.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees / Landscape Site Requirements TABLE 5-4: SITE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Lot Type Type of Landscape Material

Aggregate Caliper Inches (ACI) of Canopy Trees Aggregate Caliper Inches (ACI) of Understory Trees Minimum Number of Shrubs

< 10,000 sq. ft.

10,000-30,000 sq. ft.

> 30,000 sq. ft.

Formal & Informal Open Space Lots (ACI/acre) [1] [2] [3] [4]
















Detached Residential

(by lot size)

Nonresidential and Mixed-use (ACI/acre) [1] [2] [4]

NOTES: [1] [2]

No more than 75 percent of each type of landscape material shall be deciduous. Portions of sites used for athletic fields, golf courses, cemeteries, riparian buffers, forests, natural areas, scenic viewsheds, agricultural uses, and other uses where new trees and shrubs are not appropriate may be exempt from these standards if, in the opinion of the Department of Planning and Sustainability, the application of the requirements would serve no meaningful purpose; however, the requirements shall apply to the remainder of the site.


Based on the unforested acreage of the open space lots only. Applicants wishing to receive credit for forested areas maintained in accordance with Subsection 5.2.4, Tree Canopy Retention, shall apply the ACI requirements to the gross acreage of the open space lots.


Applicants wishing to receive credit for forested areas developed in accordance with Subsection 5.2.4, Tree Canopy Retention, shall apply the ACI requirements to the gross acreage of the open space lots or site area, whichever is applicable.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements LSR

Base Districts Require Landscape Surface ratio TABLE 3-5: BASE DISTRICT DENSITY AND BUILDING HEIGHT [1], [2] CC



Building Height in Stories (Max.) [4]







3 [4]

3 [4]

3 [4]

Landscape Surface Ratio (LSR) (Min.)

3 [4]


3 [4]




3 [4]

3 [4]

3 [4]





















1 per 15 AC



Gross Residential Density (Max.) [3]


Base Zoning Districts Standard



3 [4]

.70 .60 .50 .40 .40 .30 .10 .40 .10 .30 .15 .30 .10 .20 .30 .20 .20 [5]

NOTES: [1] For lots in recorded subdivisions or approved planned unit developments (PUDs), the maximum densities shown in this table shall not apply, and the requirements shown on the final plat and/or approved Development Plan shall govern. [2] Shaded cells indicate that no requirement exists. [3] [4]

In a Hamlet or a TOD, the total quantity of dwelling units and/or square feet of nonresidential buildings is limited. See Subsections 5.3.7 and 5.3.10. A maximum height of four (4) stories, not to exceed a total height of 56 feet, is permitted in PUDs if the building and site design comply with Section 5.3.4, Transitional Features. In addition, buildings within the MECO-4, MECO-5, MECO-9, GCCO-3, GCCO-4a, GCCO-4b, GCCO-4c, and GCCO-4d Character Area Overlay Districts may exceed three (3) stories, but shall not exceed six (6) stories (maximum of 84 feet in height). Buildings located within the HTO District are subject to the provisions of Section 3.4.6 of the Height Overlay District.


Developments using Traditional Area standards shall maintain a minimum LSR of 0.10, and developments using the Conventional Area standards shall maintain a minimum LSR of 0.40. Approved densities shall be determined during the PUD review process and shall be based on the recommendations of the Land Use Plan.


COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

  Vehicular

Use Area Landscape

  Landscape

island every 12 parking spaces   Island minimum of 8’ – 250 square feet per tree planted.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements Trees

Stormwater Ordinance   

Requires 60’ Riparian Buffers on all Water Resources. “Water Resources.” Streams, seeps, springs, wetlands, sinkholes, lakes or Channels serving more than twenty five (25) acres of Tributary Area, as determined by the City Engineer. (30’ on Channels serving 25 acres or more.) The function of the Riparian Buffer is to protect the physical and Ecological Integrity of the Water Resource ecosystem. The Riparian Buffer shall be retained in its natural vegetative state or enhanced to allow for Climax Successional Vegetation through the removal of Invasive Exotic Plants and the establishment of Native Vegetation. No clearing of existing Native Vegetation in the Riparian Zone 1 shall be allowed

Stormwater Ordinance 

A Buffer Management Plan is a requirement that is submitted with the Site Plan submittal that outlines proposed enhancements to buffer areas. Usually consist of exotic invasive removal and buffer enhancements with native grasses, shrubs and understory/ overstory trees.

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

COF Franklin Landscape Requirements

Stormwater Ordinance   

Requires 60’ Riparian Buffers on all Water Resources. “Water Resources.” Streams, seeps, springs, wetlands, sinkholes, lakes or Channels serving more than twenty five (25) acres of Tributary Area, as determined by the City Engineer. (30’ on Channels serving 25 acres or more.) The function of the Riparian Buffer is to protect the physical and Ecological Integrity of the Water Resource ecosystem. The Riparian Buffer shall be retained in its natural vegetative state or enhanced to allow for Climax Successional Vegetation through the removal of Invasive Exotic Plants and the establishment of Native Vegetation. No clearing of existing Native Vegetation in the Riparian Zone 1 shall be allowed A Buffer Management Plan is a requirement that is submitted with the Site Plan submittal that outlines proposed enhancements to buffer areas. Usually consist of exotic invasive removal and buffer enhancements with native grasses, shrubs and understory/ overstory trees.

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