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Almanac Index Article


Chinese Corner .......... 1 Tasty Treat ............ 2-3 Printables ................ 4 Font of the Week ....... 5 Product of the Week ...... 6-7 Style Tip ............... 8-9 How To .................. 10-11 1

Chinese Corner

休 息 In appreciation of the amazing country we live in, CHINA!, I want to share a Chinese character with you each week. This week I thought it appropriate for the Chinese word to encompass relaxation and comfort. Hence, 休息- meaning rest of spirit and body- is in my opinion the perfect word to describe our winter vacation (which is sadly now ending) this year.


Tasty Treat This week’s tasty treat was inspired by our light lunch eaten on the last day of our vacation in Malaysia. We were trying to eat up the rest our food before we had to leave the pretty little cabins, so the meal evolved into a “must-go” lunch, as my Mom calls it. I’m sure you’ve had one of those days, where the only things left in your fridge are left-overs, so you end up eating a mix of everything because nothing is quite enough on its own.


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Tasty Treat After

Well, I’m here to say that this type of meal can be just the stuff to pull that out-of-the-box thinking from the recesses of your mind. As far as scope for the imagination, a must-go dinner is perfect. And I might add these meals can be quite delicious as well. Take a look at some of the ways I mixed and matched my left-overs for inspiration to create a tasty treat of your own!


Printables Printables

This week’s printables are for all of you procrastinators out there who, even with work piled high in all directions, have a hard time resisting the oh-so-tempting social networking, gripping TV shows, and adventurous shopping trips. To avoid these distractions as much as possible, I found that To Do lists are the best way to keep myself on track. (Personally, the joy of checking off that small box is exquisitely fulfilling:) Therefore with my winter vacation drawing to an end, assaigned work hanging over my head, and projects still unfinished, a To Do list is just what I need - and maybe it’s just what you need too...

To Do List Download (PDF)

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Font of the Week I love to have a plethora of new and stylish fonts on my computer, but I find it such a bother to go searching through font sights and picking out the creme de le creme. So each week the Almanac will present a featured font. This week’s font is dedicated to our recent vacation to Malaysia (notice a reoccuring theme?)



Product of the Week This week’s featured product is something that came in handy on our vacation to Malaysia - hair oil. Yes, I know, not the most appealing name for a hair product, but with all the swimming, splashing, and frolicking in the sand, a thorough shampooing/ conditioning session seems a waste of time. With just a bit of this hair oil, a combination of rosemary and vanilla essence with jojoba oil and vitamin E, you get glossy smooth hair before and after a swim in dry salty water.

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Rosemary and Vanilla

Hair Oil

Rosemary and Vanilla Hair Oil is a product of the Lemongrass House Spa Shop, based in Thailand with shops based all around the world. Click here to buy Rosemary and Vanilla Hair Oil

Word of advice: Too much hair oil equals greasy and oily hair even after a swim - don’t ask me how I know!


Style Tip

Everyone has a bad hair day once in a while, some more often than others. So for all who are sweating over their hair’s appearance after a swim, windy day, or crazy day around the house, I have two words for you: Head Scarves! This is a perfect way to cover mishaps while rocking a new, stylin’ hairdo. For best result fold the head scarf until it is a long and skinny rectangle, maybe around 3 inches wide, and holding both ends wrap it around you head and tie it on top so that the bow/knot will be on top of your head. << Plus it’s perfect for those of you going for the vintage look

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How To... Bring sunshine into Printables the winter days! 1. Wear Bright Colors!

In the winter, when the drab colors of dead grass, dusty buildings and brown and black coats surround you, it’s easy to start feeling down. Wear a summer color; yellow, orange, pink, or green to brighten your day (not to mention those around you!)


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2. 2. Buy a bouquet!

A bunch of daisies or roses are a perfect way of inviting the fresh and brightness of Spring back into your home!


3. Make someone smile!

Whether it be a little card, a hug, or a cup of coffee, making someone smile is not hard; it can bring the sunshine into any dreary winter day.

4. ... and remeber, aways eat your eggs sunny side up!



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