BETTER COMMUNITY BETTER LIFE: COMMUNITY CULTURE BANDANLANHOI DISTRICI, SUKHOTHAI. Title : Mulberry cultivation,Culture Sericulture. Author : suba_2Nuttawut (Nattawut Sansom) Advisors: Ms.Janson Konna, Mr.Kittipong Thaiwat, Mr.Akkachai Suriye, Mrs.Chisa Rakwanna, Ms.Jeerapha Tancharoen and Ms.Watchara Yaem-maak. Statement of problems: Sub District Customs and Tradition.( Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture.)
We feed worms silk for silk fiber in order to take fiber and woven it into a smooth texture so mulberry is necessary as only one food of silk worms. Silk fiber is sprayed from the mouth of the adult worm silk. Thailand is assumed that the sericulture for over 3000 years ago. Therefore, we should conserve and help each other to inherit the next generation offspring. Objectives: Sub District Customs and Tradition.( Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture.) - To study about community and community culture of Sukhothai and Bandanlanhoi in topic of Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture, enables me to develop an understanding of my place within my community and conserve it. - To compare my experience with my friends and learner aboard, specifically in my own community, country. - To use English in order to exchange information and communicate effectively. Plan 1 Study and research the tourist spots of Sukhothai. 2 community culture investigation & survey 3 community cultural branding presentation 4 compare the experience with learner aboard 5 Better Community Better Life presentation and exhibition (at school or community). Process: Sub District Customs and Tradition. (Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture.) Stage1 Study and research the tourist spots of to create the presentation (Power Point presentation) and post in School Projects/ Better Community Better Life Stage2 Community culture investigation & survey in topic of Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture. Stage3 Community cultural branding presentation (Sub District Customs) in topic of Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture. Stage4 Post the cultural branding presentation in School Projects/Better Community Better Life to compare the experience with learner aboard Stage5 Better Community and Better Life presentation and exhibition (at school or community). Result: Sub District Customs and Tradition.( Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture.)
I can integrate my knowledge from learning (Geography, History Art, Media, Physical Education) to create the Community cultural branding presentation (Sub District Customs) in topic of Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture. Conclusion: Sub District Customs and Tradition.( Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture.) Community cultural branding presentation (Sub District Customs) in topic of Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture will be presented by post in School Projects/Better Community Better Life
References: Sub District Customs and Tradition.( Mulberry cultivation,Culture Sericulture.) Evaluation What have you enjoyed most about this project? What did you like best? สิง่ ทีน ่ ักเรียนชอบเป็ นพิเศษจากการทำาโครง งานนี้ I loved this project because I had a chance to develop my own ICT skills to present my community.
What new ideas or information have you learned from this project? นักเรียนได ้เรียนรู ้แนวคิด ความรู ้ใหม่ๆด ้านใดบ ้าง จากโครงงานนี้ I have more knowledge of how to present the culture of my community.
Do you think you are a Global Citizen? Why? นักเรียนคิดว่าตนเองมีความเป็ นพลเมืองโลกหรือไม่ เพราะเหตุใด Yes. I become more confident to use English language to communicate about my country to the Connecting Classroom school. I learn to appreciate my culture and theirs.
What would you like to change if you did this project again to make it better? คำาแนะนำ าเพือ ่ การพัฒนาโครงงานครัง้ ต่อไป I want to do the project in other topics.
1. Statistic of survey in topic Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture.
80 70 60 50 40
20 10 0 Lower 19
over 19
: Lower 19
They know the purpose and value of Wang Nam Khao 57.03%
19 or more They know the purpose and value of Wang Nam Khao 68.5%
2. Mulberry cultivation, Culture Sericulture of Wang Nam Khao community.
แบบสอบถามความคิด เห็น เรื่อ ง การปลูก หม่อ นเลีย ้ งไหม จัด ทำา โดย นายณัฐ วุฒ ิ สารสม เลขที่ 7 ชั้น ม.5/1 เสนอ ครูจ ัน ทร์ส อน กอนนา ภาคเรีย นที่ 2 ปีก ารศึก ษา 2553 โรงเรีย นบ้า นด่า นลานหอย วิท ยา