teachers lesson plan revised_AEESNCYU(1)

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Better Community, Better Life: Teachers' Lesson Plan Competition Template

* Compulsory fields – you may use as many pages as you need. Lesson plan title*:

Our community and our culture-to explore、embrace 、enjoy

Better Community – Better Life theme*:Theme 2 - Community Culture Curriculum area*:

Suggested cross-curriculum links:


Arts and Humanities Social Studies Computer Science Information Literacy

Suggested level / age*: Grade 5-6/10-11 Learning objectives*:

Lesson length*: 8 sessions( 320 minutes(

1. Students can identify cultural landmarks. 2. Students can understand the history of each cultural landmark. 3. Students can appreciate the cultural atmosphere around the community. 4. Students can introduce the community culture to others. 5. Students can finish collaboratively the work assigned. Links to previous learning / curriculum fit: 1. Arts and Humanities、Cochin pottery artistic creation、3rd grade、5th grade、 2. Social Studies、Our Community、3rd grade、、Our hometown、4th grade、 3. Information Literacy、Character interview and recording、5th grade、 4. Computer Science、My portrait e-book、6th grade 1st semester、 5. Integrative Activities and Alternative Learning Periods、 Local Cochin Museum visit、3rd grade、、Lecture of community famous people、3rd grade、 Resources*: Chiai City Koji Pottery Museum、http://www.cabcy.gov.tw/Koji/english/new.asp Travel In Chiai website、http://travel.chiayi.gov.tw/e9811/eng/index.aspx Chiai City Government website、http://www.chiayi.gov.tw/english/index.asp Google earth、http://maps.google.com.tw/maps?hl=zh-tw&tab=wl Google Dictionary、http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/ Chiai Educational Network Center、http://ebook.cy.edu.tw/ App.、Photoshop、Audacity、Power-director、Shine Cue、e-book module developed by Chiai Educational Network、 Starter / Introduction Timing Groupings Activity Warm up 80 minutes 2 sessions Let’s Google

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131(England and Wales) SC037733(Scotland).

Whole Class



Whole Class

Group Individual

1. Introduce our community and the cultural landmark in our neighbourhood by using Google Earth Forestry Club Sun Shooting Tower Holland Lake (a.k.a. Lang Tan or Orchid Lake) Pei Man Railroad Station Yu Shan Hotel Forestry Shopping Centre The Steam Locomotive Lumber Pond Forestry Village Teacher uses the interactive white board and Google Earth to introduce locations of those places. 2. Highlight and find the English names of those landmarks by Google Dictionary Students use online dictionary or related websites to find the English translation for each place. Production Let’s Explore 1. Each group choose one landmark as the subject of this project Students discussed and chose the place as the topic of this assignment. 2. Find four photos provided by teacher or from internet Each group looked for 4 photos for their topic. Teacher reminded students to list down the resources downloaded the photos in the working sheet. 3. Finish the learning sheet designed as the draft for making video Each group finished one worksheet (please refer to the “Our Community E-book” posted for your reference). The worksheet included three parts, photos, keywords and sentences. Students listed down the keywords they can think of about the photos they choose. Then they wrote a sentence to include all those keywords. Teacher emphasized that it doesn’t need very magnificent or difficult vocabularies to describe the place. It could be as simple as beautiful historical pretty long, etc.. 4. Upload the finished sheet to school web-based student work site Teacher reviewed and revised each worksheet. Some popular mistakes were collected and shared with the whole class in next session. Wrap up Let’s Discuss 1. Teacher downloads students’ worksheets and shares with whole class Teacher discussed with the whole class what kind of mistakes they found in those worksheets in spelling grammar and written forms. Students listed down the mistakes they found, such as absence of punctuation marks typo spacing. 2. Each group give a short introduction about the landmark they choose Groups took turn to review with the whole class. 3. Students finish the Peer Evaluation Sheet While the group presented, each student finished the peer review sheet to give 1 to 3 stars to each worksheet. Teacher collected the Peer Evaluation Sheet back to find top 3 and announced next time. Main activities*

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Groupings Whole Class Groups Whole Class


160 minutes 4 sessions

Whole Class Groups

Timing 80 minutes 2 session

Groupings Whole class

Activity Warm up 1. Teacher introduces the top 3 works to whole class Teacher reviewed those top 3 works and discussed the reasons for getting more stars than others with whole class. 2. Students download the draft revised by teacher Each group downloaded the revised worksheet as the draft for the second assignment. 3. Review Photoshop Audacity Power Director Students have already learned those application in the 5 th grade or earlier this semester. Computer Science teacher, Mr. Hong gave a short review about the procedure using those application. Application and Production 1. Group decides the application they want to use for making videos Each group decided the application for this assignment. 2. Insert photos and sentences Students followed the procedure to insert the photos and sentences. 3. Fine tuning their works by adding artworks and background music if any Teacher suggested to beautify the video by adding special effects art works or background music to their videos. 4. Upload the finished works to school web-based student work site Each group needed to export the videos as .wmv files and upload to the student website. Wrap up Let’s discuss 1. Teacher downloads students’ videos and shares with whole class. 2. Each group give a short introduction about the landmark they choose Groups took turn to review with the whole class. The presentation included the location construction time original/present function cultural importance and so on. Teacher encouraged students to talk about the relations between this community and those landmarks. Chinese was permitted. 3. Students finish the Peer Evaluation Sheet Each group discussed and gave 1 to 5 stars to rank the works. The peer evaluation sheet includes three parts, art message and overall (Please refer to the attached sample copies for reference). Teacher collected the evaluation sheet back to rank the top 3 and announced next time. Plenary / Summary Activity Warm up 1. Teacher introduces the top 3 works to whole class The whole class discussed good points about those three videos. Application and Production 1. Teacher and students go to the Cochin Pottery Wall located in the campus to hold the opening ceremony Joint with the art teacher and Research and Development division to have an opening ceremony for student’s Cochin

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Pottery Wall. 2. The principal gave an address School Principal, Mr. Chang, gave a speech to recognize students’ outstanding performance. 3. Students perform songs played by recorder Music teacher lead students to play two Taiwanese fold songs by recorder. 4. Each class introduce the works they made Each work was introduced by students to share the producing experience and meaning of the work. 5. The Art teacher gave an address Art teacher gave a short introduction of the procedure. Wrap up 1. Each student takes their younger schoolmates to see the wall and give a short introduction about the landmarks In order to let other students to involve, each student was assigned one younger schoolmates to share the work with he or she. Pleaserefer to the connection posted in this project space to see the school works, the Cochin Pottery Wall and Our Community E-book.

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