Connecting Learners Brochure

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20102013 rd

Connecting Learners in the 3 Sector (North & Mid Wales)

Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd yn y Trydydd Sector (Gogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru) Richard D. Speight Project Manager 2010-2013

What is Connecting Learners in the 3rd Sector (North & Mid Wales)? Connecting Learners in the 3rd Sector (North & Mid Wales) – or Connecting Learners for short - is a new work-based lifelong learning project funded by the Welsh Assembly Government’s (WAG) Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF). Connecting Learners is one of the nine WULF projects organised by UNISON, and is based in the Bangor offices of its lead partner organisation, Cartrefi Cymru, a nationwide not-for-profit homecare provider. The Connecting Learners team in North Wales consists of Richard Speight, the Project Manager, and Lynn Calverley, the Project Assistant. You can contact the project on 01248 363175/6 or 07799116193, email us at, write to us at Connecting Learners, Cartrefi Cymru, 28-34 Dean Street, Bangor, LL57 1UR or follow us on twitter @CL3Project

Our Mission: “Connecting Learners is here to help improve the essential skills and confidence of the people working and volunteering for charities, community groups, co-operatives, not-for-profit companies and other social enterprises in North and Mid Wales. We aim to foster a culture of learning throughout the 3rd Sector and help people to overcome their barriers to lifelong learning, including helping to promote digital inclusion throughout the sector. We are committed to helping people to access learning opportunities both in their workplaces and online.”

What does Connecting Learners rd offer 3 sector organisations?  

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A free organisational, team and individual Training Needs Analysis (TNA) service to establish how to improve their current training provision. A range of fun, fascinating and free, work-based essential skills (communication, application of number and ICT) and capacity building training courses for staff and volunteers delivered by specialist tutors from FE Colleges and quality independent providers. Help and support for learners to go on and achieve up to Level 2 qualifications and beyond. Introduction of Basic Skills Assessments and Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)/Personal Development Plans (PDPs) for organisations who do not currently use them. The development of a dedicated online social network for our learners. This is aimed at providing learning opportunities appropriate for the 21st century learner and helping to overcome the barriers to digital inclusion experienced by 1 in 3 people in Wales. Assistance with signing-up to the Employer Pledge and EP action planning alongside Approved Providers. A strategy to promote a culture of learning within the organisation, including the identification and training of Union Learning Representatives and the establishment of learner-organised Workplace or Community Learning Clubs. Signposting service to help employees and employers access further learning opportunities with their employers, local Colleges, the Open University and online providers. A chance to participate in initiatives such as Adult Learners Week, Quick Reads and the Six Book Challenge.

What can Connecting Learners offer learning providers?    

Connecting Learners will directly fund courses and cover the costs of providing tutors Connecting Learners will recruit learners, organise and administer the courses – all the College needs to do is arrange the tutor and register the learners. We can provide an avenue through which a college with a successful tender with DCELLS/WAG can access funding through the Employer Pledge. Increase contacts with local employers and communities and have learners signposted to further opportunities with the College through open days, outreach work and the social network. Recognition and publicity through entry into national schemes such as the National Training Awards, the INSPIRE Adult Learning Awards and the Annual Colegau Cymru Awards.

What does Connecting Learners need from learning providers?  

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We aim for collaboration between the Project, the FE Colleges, tutors and our partner organisations to design suitable physical and online courses. The provision of quality mark tutors to deliver essential skills (communication, application of number, ICT) courses in a range of locations. For example, our lead partner organisation, Cartrefi Cymru, has training facilities in locations in North, Mid and South Wales where tutors already come to deliver training. Help and support for essential skills learners to achieve up to Level 2 qualifications and beyond under the QCF framework. The provision of expert tutors to deliver capacity building courses such as Confidence Building, Communication & Customer Service skills, Introduction to British Sign Language and Stress Management. It is important that learners on Connecting Learners courses provided by FE colleges are registered with the college to ensure their details are included in LLWR.

Beth yw Dwyn Dysgywr Ynghyd yn y 3ydd Sector (Gogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru)? Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd yn y 3ydd Sector (Gogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru) – neu yn fyr, Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd – yw prosiect newydd dysgu yn y gweithle wedi ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cyrmu, (LlCC) Cronfa Undeb Dysgu Cymru (CUDC). Mae Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd yn un o naw CUDC wedi ei drefnu gan UNSAIN, ac wedi ei leoli yn swyddfeydd Bangor eu prif partneriaid Cartrefi Cymru, darparwr gwasanaeth gofal cartref cenedlaethol dim am elw. Mae’r tîm yn Ngogledd Cymru yn cynnwys Richard Speight, y Rheolwr Prosiect, a Lyn Calverley, Cynorthwy-ydd y Prosiect. Gallwch gysylltu a’r prosiect ar 01248 363 175/176 neu 07799116193, ebostiwch ni yn neu ysgrifennwch atom yn Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd, Cartrefi Cymru, 28-34 Stryd y Deon, Bangor, LL57 1UR. Dilynwch ni ar twitter @CL3Project

Eich Cenhadaeth: “Mae Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd yma i helpu gwella sgiliau hanfodol a hyder y bobl sy’n gweithio a gwirfoddoli i elusennau, grwpiau cymunedol, cwmniau dim am elw, cydweithredwyr a mentrau cymdeithasol eraill yng Ngogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru. Rydym yn amcanu i feithrin diwylliant trwy ddysgu ledled y 3ydd Sector a helpu pobl i orchfygu eu atalfeydd i ddysgu gydol oes, yn cynnwys helpu i hybu cynhwysiad digidol ledled y sector. Rydym yn ymroddiedig i helpu pobl gyrchu cyfleoedd dysgu yn eu gweithle ac ar lein.”

Beth mae Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd yn anelu i gynnig mudiadau’r 3ydd sector?  

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Tîm trefniadaethol rhad ac am ddim, a gwasanaeth Dadansoddiad Anghenion Unigol, i sefydlu sut i wella eu darpariaeth hyfforddiant presennol. Ystod eang o gyrsiau adeiladu cynhwydedd sgiliau llythrenned , rhifedd a technoleg gwybodaeth a chyfathrebu) a datblygu cyrsiau i staff a gwirfoddolwyr gan diwtoriad arbennigol o golegau addysg bellach a darparwyr annibynnol o ansawdd. Cymorth a help i ddysgwyr i fynychu a chwblhau cymhwysterau lefel 1 a 2 a rhagor. Cyflwyniad o Asesiadau Sgiliau Sylfaenol a Cynlluniau Dysgu Unigol, Cynlluniau Datblygu Unigol i mudiadau nad ydyn’t yn eu defnyddio ar hyn o bryd. Datblygu pecynnau e-ddysgu yn cynnwys, Cynllyun Dysgu Unigol ar-lein, cyrsiau ar-lein a rhwydwaith ymroddedig i’n dysgwyr. Amcan hyn yw darparu cyfleoedd dysgu addas i’r dysgwr 21ain ganrif a helpu i orchfygu yr atalfeydd i gynhwysiad digidol a geir gan 1 allan o 3 person yng Nghymru. Cymorth gyda arwyddo i fyny i Addewid y Cyflogwr a Cynllunio Gweithrdu Addewid Cyflogwr (ochr yn ochr a darparwyr colegau addysg bellach ). Strategaeth i hybu diwylliant o ddysgu o fewn y mudiad, gan gynnwys adnabod a hyfforddi Cynrychiolwyr Dysgu’r Undeb a sefydlu Gweithfeydd wedi eu trefnu gan ddysgwyr neu Clybiau Dysgu Cymunedol. Gwasanaeth Arwyddbost i helpu gweithwyr a cyflogwyr i gyrchu cyfleoedd dysgu pellach gyda eu cyflogwyr, colegau lleol, y Prifysgol Agored a darparwyr ar-lein. Cyfle i gyfranogi mewn mentrau megis Wythnos Dysgu Oedolion, Darllen Sydyn a’r Sialens Chwech Llyfr.

Beth gall Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd gynnig darparwyr ddysg?   

Bydd Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd yn ariannu cyrsiau yn uniongyrchol gan gynnwys talu am gostau darparu tiwtoriaid. Bydd Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd yn recriwtio dysgwyr, trenfu a gweinyddu’r cyrsiau – yr holl bydd rhaid i golegau ei wneud i’w danfon y tiwtor a cofrestru’r dysgwyr. Gallwn ddarparu adwy lle gall coleg gyda tendr lwyddiannus gyda Adran Plant, Addysg, Dysgu gydol Oes a Sgiliau (APADGOS) Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru gael mynediad i arian trwy Addewid y Cyflogwr. Cynyddu cysylltiadau gyda cyflogwyr lleol a chynunedau ac arwyddbostio dysgwyr i gyfleoedd ychwanegol gyda’r coleg trwyr dyddiau agored, gwaith allanol a’r rhwydwaith cymdeithasol. Cydnabyddiaeth a chyhoeddusrwydd trwy fynediad i cynlluniau cenedlaethol megis Gwobrau Hyfforddi Cenedlaethol, Gwobrau YSBRIDOLI Dysgu Oedolion a Gwobrau Blynyddol Colegau Cymru

Beth mae Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd ei angen oddi wrth darparwyr ddysg?  

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Ein amcan yw cydweithrediad rhwng y Prosiect, y colegau Addysg Bellach a’r tiwtoriaid a’n partneriaid i gynllunio cyrsiau corfforol ac ar-lein. Darpariaeth diwtoriaid marc answadd i gyflwyno cyrsiau sgiliau hanfodol (llythrenedd, rhifedd a technoleg gwybodaerth a chyfathrebu) mewn nifer leoliadau. Er engrhraifft, mae ein prif fudiad partner gyda cyfleusterau hyfforddi yn y Gogledd, Canolbarth a De Cymru lle mae tiwtoriaid yn darparu hyfforddiant ar hyn o bryd. Help a chefnogaeth i ddysgwyr sgiliau hanfodol i gyrraedd cymhwysterau lefel 1 neu hyd yn oed lefel 2 Y ddarpariaeth o diwtoriaid arbenigol i ddarparu cyrsiiau adeiladu cynhwysedd megis Adeiladu Ymddiriedaeth, Sgilau Cyfathrebu Cwsmeriaid a Chyfathrebu, Cyflwyniad iIaith Arwyddo Prydeining a Rheolaeth Straen Mae’n bwysig bod dysgwyr ar gyrsiau Dwyn Dysgwyr Ynghyd sy’n cael ei ddarparu gan colegau addysg bellach wedi eu cofrestru gyda’r coleg i sicrhau fod eu manylion wedi eu cynnwys yn Cofnod Dysgu Gydol Oes Cymru (CDGC)

Hosted by/ leoli gan:

Organised by/drefnu gan:

Funded by the Wales Union Learning Fund/ Ariannu gan Cronfa Undeb Dysgu Cymru:

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