Community rallies to help puppy heal
If anyone is able to donate to by Christa Stout
Millie Grace’s medical bills, scan the provided QR code.
Healing Grace
ast month, I reported on a puppy that was caught in a legal trap, found by a neighbor, rescued, taken to a veternarian and with the help of many people along the way, made it to SOAR (Stray and Orphaned Animal Rescue) in O’Fallon, Mo., and the foster parents, Jamie and Justin. Because the left paw had no blood circulation, her leg had to be amputated and there was still some doubt as to the viability of the right leg, which had also been caught in the trap.
Of course, none of us involved in her life could leave Millie Grace (or MG as she is called by many), and we kept in touch with everyone throughout the month. I am sure we were nuisances at times, asking how she was doing, what was the prognosis, etc. Despite all the work by Jamie and the almost daily visits to the vet, her foster mom was very patient with us and answered all of our questions as best she could. Jamie’s husband Justin even built a little wheel chair to see if that would help her keep the weight off the right leg, which was still questionable. You might recall that February 8, found MG having more surgery. Her bone was exposed where the nail was dangling off. That required anesthesia to clean the wound, remove the dead tissue and skin on the toe next to the one that has the bone exposed and removing
the toenail itself. More daily visits for a couple of weeks for bandage changes until her bone is no longer exposed.
RAISED AS OF 4/21/22
February 9th finally brought some good news, the vet said her toes looked incredible, and there was already new tissue growing back. By February 13th, Jamie was reporting that MG is becoming more of a puppy every day and that it is amazing to watch her transformation. MG was encouraging Seeley, the foster parent’s own dog to play, and she would snuggle up with their other dog whenever she could. During this time, her bandage came off the other paw, and she was treated with ointment. She was going for laser treatment twice a week and there was discussion whether she needed to be put under anesthetic to debride the toe. It seems that the tissue in her toe was severely damaged inside her paw and was healing from the inside out. The wound was ‘surfacing’ to the outside of her paw as the inside is trying to heal. Also, the last of her staples and stitches were removed. However, she had to wear the cone again because she is not allowed to lick the paw. MG also became a little braver. Jamie says she used to be scared to go outside and now she wanders off with Seeley and just looks back at her foster mom now and then.
Donations to Millie Grace will continue to assist her in treatment along with other strays with similar hopes.
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