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Parenting Column: New Bucket List
By Meagan Ruffing Meagan Ruffing has been busy working on her 2021 bucket list. Her biggest item to check off is graduation in August.
Parenting Column
New Year, New Bucket List for 2021
Afew years ago, I wrote a book called, “I See You: Helping Moms Go from Overwhelmed to In Control.” One of the things I talk about in that book is the importance of making a bucket list. I think it helps put life in perspective when we have things we’re working towards and that get us excited about waking up every day. Continually adding to my bucket list and checking things off, has given me a new found appreciation for life. January is a great time to start your bucket list or pull out your old one and see how far you’ve come in doing all the things you’ve always wanted to do. Your list may change from year to year and that’s okay. It might even change from month to month. Things that used to be important to you to accomplish, may no longer seem appropriate for the stage of life you’re in. It’s a new year and that means it’s a new time to create something special inside of you. No matter your age, it’s never too late to start living. Here are some tips to help get you started. B – Begin somewhere. Whenever I bring up the idea of a bucket list, I get all different types of reactions. Some people laugh and tell me I’m too young to create a bucket list. Others tell me that they have one, too. And then there are those who get super excited about the idea of writing down their thoughts and dreams. Just start somewhere and see where it goes.
U– Understand that you may not get everything accomplished on your bucket list and that’s okay. This is meant to be a framework or an outline of what you hope to accomplish over the next year.
C– Continue to dream. Don’t be afraid to put the really big things on there. For example, I’ll be graduating at the end of this summer with not one, but two master’s degrees. One in clinical mental health and the other, in marriage and family therapy. Talk about a dream!
K– Keep going even when it’s hard. If bucket lists were easy, everyone would be doing them. Write things down that you know you will accomplish and include things on there that you’ve only dreamed of doing. Maybe one of your items is to buy a house. Maybe it doesn’t happen this year, but you can take steps to make sure it happens next year.
E– Enjoy the process! Bucket lists are supposed to be fun. Enjoy getting to your goals and making memories in the meantime. You’ll be amazed at how many new people you meet along the way.
T– Take action. Things won’t happen on their own. You have to be the catalyst for change when it comes to checking things off your bucket list. It might not be easy, but I bet you’ll learn a lot in the process. With each step you take towards one of your goals, you’ll be that much closer to completing one. You might also realize that one of the things you put on your list isn’t something you really want to do anymore and that’s okay. One of the best things about working on my bucket list has been learning about myself.
I’ve included the worksheet from my book so you have something to get started with. I can’t wait to hear about all the things you’ve dreamt up. Send me a message at meaganruffing @yahoo.com or on Facebook, at writermeaganruffing and I just might use your story in one of my next articles.