The Vol. 12 Edition 18 Free Thursday August 17, 2017
I Wonder If You Would Believe Me If I Were White
This “View From A Pew” Is A Must Read Page 3
Annual Bob Wright Symposium Is Set
Judy Smith, The Real Olivia Pope, Will Be A Guest Panelist Page 7
Carver Graduate Returns As An Orthoepaedic Surgeon
Dr. Tamara Huff Joins St. Francis Orthopaedic Institute
Page 11
The Voice Of The Community
Is Frank Myers The “Donald Trump” Of The Muscogee County School Board?
I Wish This Courier Guy Would Leave Me Alone. All I’m Trying To Do Is Make Our School District Great Again!
The Similarities Between “The Donald” And “The Frank” Will Surprise You Page 5
THURSDAY August 17, 2017
The Teddy Reese Ordinance Is Now In Effect
The Street Committee suggests that more than ever black folks need to “Stay Woke”. While most of you were sleeping on Tu e s d a y August 8, 2017 our City Council members voted unanimously that if you work for a non-profit agency and receive a grant from the city that includes paying your salary you can not run for office in Muscogee County. City Councilor Glenn Davis introduced this “New Rule”. According to the street committee the questions Black folks need to be asking is Why? and Who?. Why is this “New Rule” being introduced now and Who is it Glenn Davis is trying to prevent from running? The street committee wants to remind you that in the last election A t t o r n e y Te d d y Reese ran against incumbent Councilor Skip Henderson for the At-large seat. At the time Reese worked for the nonprofit organization Georgia Appleseed for which the organization received a grant from the office of Crime
The Street Committee
Prevention. Are they trying to prevent Teddy from running again? Is this about preventing Blacks who work for nonprofit agencies from running for public office? The street committee suggests before you scream we are always playing the race card you should inquire why did City Council amend the ordinance to include an exception for anyone running for the Muscogee County School Board? I am sure someone received a phone call reminding them that Cathy Williams, who was elected to represent District 7, is also the President & CEO of NeighborWorks a non-profit agency that receives grant money from the city. “Stay Woke” my folks, “Stay Woke”.
Really Ms. Thomas And You Say You Represent All Of Us?
The street committee has to share another example of why we need to elect city council members who have our best interest at heart, especially if they are elected to an At-Large position. At the last City Council meeting Judy Thomas, one of our two At-Large representatives, was the lone dissenting vote against replacing bridges in our communities specifically the ones located on Decatur Street and Melrose Drive. Although the vote passed the street committee questions her explanation for not voting for the bridge replacement. Her argument was she was not in favor of spending any money on anything until we get the property tax situation figured out. And that has what to do with a safe bridge?
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To register by phone: 706-505-2923
REQUEST FOR BIDS RFB No. 18-0008 Recorders Court Modifications Due: September 1, 2017 – 2:30 PM Della Lewis, CPPB Buyer Specialist
Sealed submittals must be received and time/date stamped by the respective due dates shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901. Plans, specifications and bid documents are available for a non-refundable $25 fee from the Department of Engineering, 2nd Floor – Government Center Annex, 420 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901, 706-653-4441. Andrea J. McCorvey Purchasing Manager
Courier Eco Latino Newspaper *Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff”
The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 1300 Wynnton Rd Suite 104 Columbus, Georgia 31906 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906 Visit Us Online At:
I Wonder If You Would Believe Me If I Were White
I’ve often used the old saying, that too many of us think, “The White Man’s Ice Is Colder”. My father used to tell me when he was young, black people would buy ice blocks to keep their food cold. He said that, “if they had a black man and a white man selling ice, black people would buy the white man’s ice.” I asked him why, he responded and said, “For some reason they believed, the white man’s ice was colder”
This has been my frustration over the years. So many times, what we report here is discounted as not possibly true, simply because we are Black. It is not until it appears in the Ledger Enquirer that they trust the validity of the story. A recent example is that on July 31st of this year I posted a story on Facebook under breaking news that school board member Frank Myers had attempted to coerce a Muscogee County school employee to sign an affidavit stating that the MCSD knowingly put a faulty bus on the road. The immediate responses ranged from who did I hear the information from and how did I know it was true? Approximately an hour later the Ledger posted their story on Facebook and all of a sudden it was fact. It has gotten to the point when there are times when I wonder if you would believe me if I were white and my name was Waneright A. Haileston the third.
I wonder if you would believe me if I were white if I told you that if the 4 black women on the Muscogee County school board would speak to each other and work together, they could shut down Frank Myers every time he opened his mouth with their vote. All they have to do is convince one other board member to vote with them and he and John Thomas would be
stand that if we keep on asking we can always convince at least one of you to run against another. We know you will do so not because the incumbent is doing a bad job, but instead because you don’t like them for something as mundane as something they said about you in junior high school or because you think they think they are better than you.
ultimately neutered. As a white man, I may not agree with him but Frank has done an exceptional job of dividing and conquering the “sista’s” and until some of them see him for who he is, he will continue to be a divisive force on the school board. I may not agree with him but Frank is only doing what you “sista’s” are allowing him to do. It’s a shame too because my people thought you were smarter than to let him do that to you. At our last meeting we were discussing why, in a school district where
the population is close to 70% minority, you would believe that a white man would know more about what your people need than you? And that if there was truly anything going on in the school system that is detrimental to any Black student one of you wouldn’t be the first to speak up.
I wonder if you would believe me if I were white if I told you we approach you people like a good salesman, every NO means there is a YES just around the corner. We under-
I wonder if you would believe me if I were white if I told you we are well aware about how some of you will sell your people out for “the proverbial “30 pieces of s i l v e r ” . Because of this we know we can tell you we are supporting you politically and make you believe it when we give you a campaign contribution of $100 but we are really supporting our own white candidate with $1000. You guys are like that Lionel Richie song: “Easy Like Sunday Morning”. I wonder if you would believe me if I were white if I told you we can always find one of you who we can count on to come back and tell us what you are talking about. No matter how many of you are in a
room, one of you are going to give us a blow-by-blow account of your meeting.
I wonder if you would believe me if I were white if I told you we have known for years that blacks would eventually be the majority in Muscogee County. Today, according to Census American Community Survey 2015 5-year estimates and the Census 2016 Population Estimates, Muscogee County is the 11th most populated county in the state of Georgia. 44.2% Black; 42.4% white; and 7.3% Hispanic. Columbus is the 2nd largest city in Georgia with a population of 200,579 behind Atlanta with 463,878 and ahead of Savannah with 145,674. I wonder if you would believe me if I were white if I told you that as of October 11, 2016 there are 49,868 Blacks registered to vote in Muscogee County as opposed to 42,551 Whites. Do you realize that in the last election more Blacks actually went to the polls and voted than whites? We do. We know the numbers. Some of us see the writing on the wall, and that is if you ever understand the power you have just by the sheer numbers you could elect someone of color to every at large position in Muscogee County. But of course I’m not white. So in the future when you read my column or see our headlines, please don’t automatically discount it because I am Black and this is a Black publication. Read it with the understanding that it is fact not fiction, truth not gossip or innuendo. Let’s change the culture. Our mission is to help educate our people that ice is ice and black ice, even if it is crushed is still cold.
Waneright A. Haileston, III
Is Frank Myers The “Donald Trump” Of The Muscogee County School Board?
By Wane A. Hailes The Courier
Myers history of persistent, abusive and frightening behavior was noted as far back as 2004 when, because of his conduct, United States District Judge C. Ashley Royal sanctioned him. The court found that Myers did engage in unprofessional, violent and outrageous conduct when it wrote: “Based on all the evidence before it, the court finds that Myers’ alleged conduct does violate the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, namely Rule 8.4 (conduct involving violence, dishonesty, intimidation, attempted coercion…and a threat of harm to the public).” Stated Judge C. Ashley Royal.
their bidding. Consider Comey, Sessions, Yates, Bharara, Mueller and Priebus for Trump and Cathy Williams, Shannon Smallman, A.J. Senior and Mark Cantrell
Democrats but have managed to commandeer an uninformed and unintelligent conservative base that is unknowingly serving their personal agen-
On the following page you will see, after numerous interviews, Officer Benjamin Shuler concluded the following: “...Based on all statements and evidence, it is indicated that bus 99-591 was repaired prior to its use being transferred to Roy Newman on 0822-16. Additionally, all evidence indicates that the power steering of the bus was fully operational the entire time Roy Newman was operating it up to the time of the crash. There is no indication of any cover up or conspiracy as pertaining to hiding mechanical defects in relation to this accident.”
Most psychologists acknowledge that you will always find that most bullies have a history of behavior that seeks to dominate and/or manipulate others. Time after time Frank Myers is proof positive that a leopard never changes its spots. Here we are thirteen years later and the characterizations of Myers described by Judge Royal and most psychologists still ring true.
1. They both like to use social media at odd hours of the day and night to post their comments 2. They both throw temper tantrums like children when they don’t get their way 3. They both ran for office making promises they have not been able to keep. Trump getting rid of Obamacare, Myers getting rid of no bid contracts 4. They both are vengeful individuals 5. They both have and will turn on their friends when they refuse to do
for Myers. 6. Neither of them likes negative press 7. They both have select individuals who they call on to make positive comments about them. Trump has operatives who appear on the various news shows and Myers has his social media puppets that make posts on his variety of troll sites 8. They both, like immature children, make a habit of calling people names 9. They both have made racist comments 10. They both have claimed to be
their camp that they can trot out to speak to the Black community on their behalf 15. They both have no problem lying to our faces In our last issue the Courier Eco Latino newspaper broke the story of how Frank Myers attempted to coerce a former Muscogee County employee into signing an affidavit alleging that there were possible mechanical problems with the bus and the possible cover up by the school district. The individual he tried to coerce, Terrell Aldridge is an African American male who refused to be swayed by his tactics.
I Wish This Courier Guy Would Leave Me Alone. All I’m Trying To Do Is Make Our School District Great Again!
“...In thirty years both as an attorney and as a judge, the Court has never heard of anything like Myers behavior and has certainly never seen such. The Court finds Myers conduct to be the height of un-professionalism.”
When we take a closer look, there are some amazing similarities between Donald Trump and Frank Myers. We’ve compiled a list that describes the characteristics of both: “The Donald” and “The Frank”. Let’s see if you agree.
August 17, 2017
da 11. They both have been under investigation. Trump by the FBI, Myers by the GBI 12. They both have their very own publication that caters to them. Trump has the National Enquirer; Myers has All On Georgia Muscogee County 13. They both are surrounded by a cadre of lawyer friends hoping to benefit financially from their relationship by supporting them 14. They both have either an Omarosa Manigault or a Pastor Darrell Scott in
As with “The Donald”, Frank loves to depend on hyperbole, distortion and fabrication. For months he has constantly accused the Muscogee County School District administrators, board members, local elected officials and news media of being part of a cover up or conspiracy from everything beginning with no-bid contracts to Camelot Education, to the aforementioned bus accident to the unfortunate incident with Montravious Thomas. This leads us to question, what’s in it for Frank? Perhaps it is time that we take a page out of the FBI’s investigation of Trump and follow the money as it relates to Myers. Somebody has to be paying this man. Nobody could possibly be this stupid for free.
August 17, 2017
Formal Interview with Terrell Aldridge, Retired; previously worked for Muscogee County School District as a bus driver
On 12-12-16 around 0820 hours, I, Officer Benjamin Shuler (Motor 4), met with Mr. Terrell Aldridge at the Public Safety Building (510 10th St.)...I then asked Aldridge if he would tell me about his communication with Frank Myers and the school board. He stated that he really has only talked to Frank Myers, and Mr. Myers contacted him less than a month after the accident had occurred and asked to meet with him in reference to information that Aldridge had about the accident. Aldridge stated that he then met with Myers at Burger King at 2033 Wynnton Rd., but he did not recall what day they met. He stated that he told Myers about the radio traffic on the morning of the accident, and that he also told him about a conversation he had with Pete Danois on 08-22-16, a short while after the accident. He stated that he met with Myers a second time about a week ago at Myers' house. He stated that Myers tried to get him to sign an affidavit which stated that he had knowledge of mechanical problems to bus 591 (Newman's replacement bus on 08-22-16). He stated that he refused to sign the affidavit because he had no direct or personal knowledge that bus 591 had mechanical problems. He stated that he felt like Myers was trying to make him a "whistle blower" and get him involved in a "witch hunt." I showed him a copy of the affidavit that I have in reference to his knowledge in relation to this crash, and he advised me that Myers drafted the affidavit. Phone Conversation with Frank Myers On 01-20-17 around 1008 hours, I, Officer Benjamin Shuler (Motor 4), called Frank Myers for the purpose of scheduling a time to meet with him in reference to the ongoing investigation of the Newman's accident on 08-22-16. I began the conversation and told him that I was investigating the bus accident and wanted to meet with him to speak to him about any knowledge that he had about it, to include the affidavit that he drafted. He stated that he had no first hand knowledge of the accident, and then stated that he did not know why I had the affidavit. I advised him that I had it because the police department had an ongoing investigation into the accident. He stated that he would "touch base with some people" and then get back with me one way or another. I then advised him that it would be appreciated to meet up and speak about the matter the following week.The beginning part of the phone conversation was not recorded, but I turned on my department issued body camera shortly after starting to speak with Mr. Myers. Up to this point on 01-23-17 at 1332 hours, Mr. Myers has not yet returned my phone call to speak to me about the accident.
Statement of Frank Myers On 01-24-17 around 1115 hours, I, Officer Benjamin Shuler (Motor 4), called Frank Myers office, but I did not reach him at that time. I left a message for him to contact me in reference to this case. At 1316 hours, I called him again and reached him on the phone at this time. Upon speaking with him over speaker phone, he stated to me that he is hesitant to talk with me because he promised to the GBI not to speak with anyone about the case. He repeated that he does not know anything about the wreck itself. He stated that he is surprised that I have his affidavit and the other information that he gave to the GBI. He then stated, "I'll meet with you under two circumstances. Number one, Chief Boren is there, and number two, it's in his office. Otherwise, I don't think I've got anything to add to what you're looking for." He stated that he did not feel good about speaking about it because of his promise to the GBI, but if I wanted to get the Chief and go to his office without recording, and then he would give me his permission to record if we all agreed on it. He stated that he was concerned because my expertise is investigating wrecks and I have been put on the investigation into the cover up. He stated that he was not refusing to speak to me, but he wanted the Chief to be there. He asked where the bus was and if anyone inspected the bus mechanically, and I advised him that was part of what I was doing. He also asked me if NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) was involved in any way, and I advised him that they were not to my knowledge. He stated that he finds that this whole thing gets "odder by the day." He then brought up "John Thomas" and stated that he thought that I had called him. I told him I had not, and he stated that somebody had called him. He stated that John Thomas was another school board member. We concluded the conversation with him stating that he was not refusing to meet with me but had some conditions based upon the weird circumstances. This phone conversation was recorded with my department issued body camera. There is no further information at this time.
Phone Conversation with John Thomas, current MCSD School Board Member On 01-31-17 at 1517 hours, I, Officer Benjamin Shuler (Motor 4), made contact with Mr. John Thomas on the telephone. I advised Mr. Thomas that I was investigating the bus accident from August last year which caused the death of Roy Newman. I advised him that I would like to meet with him to discuss the accident. He stated that he was not a witness to the accident, but he did have knowledge about it. He stated that he did not wish to discuss the accident because he was told by the GBI not to discuss the case with anybody. He stated that he drafted his own affidavit and everything he knows about the accident is in that affidavit. He stated that he personally handed that affidavit to GBI Agent DeMarco, and he was advised at that point not to discuss the case with anybody. I advised him that the GBI was not investigating the case because the Columbus Police Department already had an ongoing and active investigation into the accident. I also advised him that I had documents that Frank Myers had drafted to make sure he was not referring to one of those documents. He stated that he did his own affidavit separate from what Mr. Myers had done. After getting off of the phone with Mr. Thomas, I called him back within minutes and asked him for any contact information for Frank Brown, the former MCSD transportation director. He stated that he did not have any current contact information for him. These phone conversations were recorded with my department issued body camera. There is no further information at this time.
Final Summary of the Investigation From 12/09/16 through 02/06/16, I, Officer Benjamin Shuler (Motor 4), conducted a thorough investigation into the bus accident that occurred on Garrett Rd. on the morning of 08-22-16 and resulted in the death of Roy Newman (accident report number 160822000097). I was assigned this case and began my investigation largely due to specific allegations that the bus that Mr. Newman was operating at the time of the accident (spare bus 99-591) had known mechanical problems, which problems may have been a factor in the cause of the crash. Additionally, there were allegations that the Muscogee County School District, specifically in the area of Transportation, attempted to cover up these known issues. The allegations were made by Mr. Frank Myers, who drafted an affidavit for Mr. Terrell Aldridge. Mr. Aldridge was Mr. Myers source of information for possible mechanical problems with the bus and the possible cover up by the school district. However, Mr. Aldridge refused to sign the affidavit that Myers had drafted. This secondary investigation into the accident started with an interview of Mr. Aldridge and then ended with an interview of Mr. Myers.
After thoroughly investigating this accident and the possibility of any mechanical problems or cover up relating to bus 99- 591 (Vehicle 1 in the accident), I have come to the following conclusions: ...Based on all statements and evidence, it is indicated that bus 99-591 was repaired prior to its use being transferred to Roy Newman on 08-22-16. Additionally, all evidence indicates that the power steering of the bus was fully operational the entire time Roy Newman was operating it up to the time of the crash. There is no indication of any cover up or conspiracy as pertaining to hiding mechanical defects in relation to this accident.
For several years prior to the summer of 2014, the Board of Tax Assessors (“Board”) frequently discussed the need for conducting a county-wide revaluation of all real estate parcels. The concern of the Board was that, due to the length of time which had passed since the last county-wide revaluation, many parcels may currently not be appraised at their fair market value, being over-valued or under-valued because of substantial changes in the market, parcel splits, or improvements to the property which have escaped assessment by the Board. It has been and continues to be the hope of the Board that a county-wide revaluation will help uncover these issues and help to achieve a fair and accurate assessment of all Muscogee County parcels, thereby achieving uniformity of assessment throughout Muscogee County. There was also a concern by the Board that the aging software being utilized by the appraisers within the Tax Assessor’s Office was impeding the ability of the Tax Assessor’s Office to effectively perform their duties. This concern was similarly voiced in October 2013 by a consultant engaged by the City to review the operations of the Tax Assessor’s Office when the consultant stated that the Tax Assessor’s Office “technology is
A View From The Board Of Tax Assessors
outdated and appears to be ineffective;” echoing the recommendation of the City’s Internal Auditor in 2008 for a software upgrade. These concerns led to the Board’s decision to request the City’s commitment to an upgrade of the software which is jointly used by the Tax Assessor’s Office, the Tax Commissioner’s Office, the 911 Emergency Office, the Inspections and Code Department, and the GIS Mapping Division of the Engineering Office. Through collaboration with each of these departments, the City made the decision to engage Tyler Technologies to install the iasWorld software and, as part of this software upgrade, conduct a county-wide revaluation of all real estate parcels. The software installation and revaluation process began in late 2014. Although the Board recognizes that the revaluation process has resulted in several abnormalities which we are actively seeking to resolve, the Board is unaware of any software glitches or system-wide problems. Yes, the revaluation has resulted in more appeals being filed with the Tax Assessor’s Office, but appeals are a normal and expected result of such a broad revaluation process. It is important we keep in mind that, although approximately two-thirds of our real estate parcels increased in value, approximately one-third decreased. Irrespective of an increase in a property’s value due to the revaluation, if a property is under the homestead freeze, the homestead value is frozen for property tax purposes, meaning that a homestead property owner has not been adversely affected as a result of the revaluation. Property owners should also bear in mind that the homestead exemption only applies to their home and two acres,
and any additional acreage is a s s e s s e d i n d e p e n d e n t l y. Homestead property and nonhomestead property have always been assessed separately and any increase in nonhomestead property has absolutely no effect on a property owner’s frozen homestead property value. The Board remains firm in its position that the revaluation was properly conducted and yielded predominantly correct results. One must keep in mind that if, for example, 8% of our parcels are appealed, that means 92% did not appeal and that 92% of property owners have accepted the revaluation of their property. However, for the 8% that are appealing, the Board’s direction to the Tax Assessor’s Office is that they diligently and expeditiously review the appeals, which the Tax Assessor’s Office is doing. In fact, of the 4,905 appeals submitted through Wednesday,
1,485 or 30% have been reviewed by the Tax Assessor’s Office resulting in 787 or 53% of the appeals reviewed having their values reduced. Simply stated, the Board has been reducing the value of approximately one-half of properties under appeal. The Board strongly believes that the appeals process works and is a legal right of which property owners should avail themselves if they are dissatisfied with the revaluation of their property. The goal of the Board remains the same – that is, our tax digest should be correct based on the best information available, which will result in all property in Muscogee County being uniformly assessed as statutorily required. On a final note, it is important for Muscogee County property owners to understand that the Board is an independent board established to insure fair-
August 17, 2017
ness in the property assessment and valuation system and to keep politics from being involved in our establishing a fair and accurate property tax digest. The Board does not determine the property tax millage rate nor is the Board responsible for the collection of property taxes. The Board is comprised of Muscogee County citizens who have extensive experience in the real estate industry typically as a certified appraiser or a realtor or, in some cases, both. Each Board member also receives extensive training from the Georgia Department of Revenue. The Board meetings are considered open meetings and the public is welcome to attend. Chester Randolph, Chairman Columbus, Georgia Board of Tax Assessors
CHI Asset Management, LLC, a subsidiary of NeighborWorks Columbus is accepting BIDS for new construction of a 2 BR, 1 bath cottage-style home to be built at property located at 5031 12th Avenue, Columbus, GA 31904 .
The Scope of Work may be picked up at NeighborWorks® Columbus’ office located at 18 11th Street, Columbus, Georgia 31901. Or you may request one be mailed or emailed to you by calling 706-324-4663, or emailing In as much as this is a City of Columbus “HOME funded’ construction project, the contractor must be familiar with and adhere to HUD Section 3 requirements, which include monitoring labor issues, and public ‘neighborhood’ notification. Sealed Written Bids will be accepted until 11:00 AM (EDST) on the 24 AUGUST 2017. Bids will be opened at that time. You are not required to be present, but may, if you wish. Copies of the following documentation must be submitted with your bid: Current Business License - State Contractor’s License - Certificate of Qualifications Fully Executed Contractor’s Georgia - Security/Immigration Compliance Act of 2006 Forms plus associated Subcontractor Affidavits Proof of Current WC Insurance plus Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (minimums) Bodily injury $300,000 each person; $500,000 each occurrence Property Damage $100,000 each occurrence - Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Bodily Injury $300,000 each occurrence & person Property Damage $50,000 If you should need any additional information or have questions regarding this job, please call Joshua Vaughn @ 706-324-4663.
Page 7
August 17, 2017
Symposium Brings Prominent African Americans In Business And Industry To Columbus group of his friends in business from around the country to come to Columbus and share their stories.
Moderated by Byron Pitts, Chief National Correspondent with ABC News, the conversations promise to be down to earth, insightful, informative and inspiring. For the padst two years one theme that has permeated through all of their stories has been to “never give up”. What was also driven to those in attendance was to “be true to you”, to not compromise your morals, your faith or your values. Always be true to who you are. The benefit of attending the event is not for you to walk away believing you will necessarily be the next millionaire but to be inspired by the panelist to be the best you can be. Find your passion and you’ll find your paycheck. Learn everything there is to know about it and with hard work, with an emphasis on the word hard, anything is possible.
One of the guest panelist this year will be Judy Smith President & Founder of Smith & Company. Smith is the individual that Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington’s) character was founded on.
Dr. Robert L. Wright presently serves as Chairman and CEO of FE Holdings, Inc., a firm dedicated to the investment and growth of private and public sector companies. He also serves as Chairman Emeritus of Sentel Corporation, headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia.
By Wane A. Hailes The Courier
We can turn on the TV every Sunday and see hundreds of African American athletes who make millions of dollars playing a game. The Bob Wright Symposium on Business Empowerment is an opportunity for this community to meet people of color who are making millions of dollars in business, everyday.
For the third year in a row local businessman, philanthropist and power broker, Robert “Bob” Wright, will host a
Wright has over 40 years of experience in government, business, finance, politics and project management. He served three consecutive terms as a member of the Columbus, Georgia City Council, and was appointed by President Reagan to the position of Associate Administrator for Minority Small Business at the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Dr. Wright founded Dimensions International, Inc. (01), a provider of technology solutions to the government and private sectors. Starting with only three employees in 1985, he built Dimensions International into a worldclass organization with more than 100 offices in 10 countries and over 1,500 employees in 16 different time zones.
Stacey J. Key President & Ceo Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council Stacey Key is the President and CEO of the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council (GMSDC) – a leading authority in supplier diversity and minority business development. Key is a 22-year veteran in sales, marketing, operations and customer service for some of the nation’s leading brands, including IBM, AT&T, Bellsouth and Samsung Telecommunications. She is also a successful entrepreneur in her own right. Key earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Computer Science from Western Kentucky University, and an MBA from Kennesaw State University. She holds a certificate in Mergers and Acquisitions from Kennesaw State University and is a graduate of Leadership Atlanta. Key sits on the boards of The Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Midtown Alliance, the Georgia Department of Transportation and the Advisory Board of the Edge Connection. Her awards and honors include the 2016 Business Advocacy Award from MARTA, Who’s Who of Black Atlanta, Women Looking Ahead Magazine’s List of Georgia’s 100 Most Powerful & Influential Women, the Black & Latino Council’s 2013 Global Commerce Award, the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce’s 2013 Apex Small Business Champion Award and the Atlanta Business League’s 100 Top Women of Influence
Anthony Welters Executive Chairman Blackivy Group, Llc Anthony Welters is Executive Chairman of the BlackIvy Group, LLC. BlackIvy Group builds and grows commercial enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa, including logistics and infrastructure solutions and businesses that serve the growing consumer class. Mr. Welter’s global entrepreneurship in the region creates employment for individuals and new market opportunities for investors.
Mr. Welters retired as Senior Adviser to the Office of the CEO of UnitedHealth Group, which serves more than 100 million people worldwide through its health and well-being companies. During his two decades at UnitedHealth Group, Mr. Welters also served as Executive Vice President and a Member of the Office of the CEO of UnitedHealth Group and led UHG's Public and Senior Markets Group. Mr. Welters joined UHG upon its acquisition of AmeriChoice, a $1 billion health care company he founded in 1989.
Mr. Welters was born and raised in the New York City neighborhoods of Harlem and Bedford Stuyvesant. He earned a BA in economics from Manhattanville College and a JD from New York University School of Law. Mr. Welters is a member of the Bars of New York and the District of Columbia.
Cavanaugh Mims President Visionary Solutions & Vs Group Over the past 32 years, Cavanaugh Mims has established himself as a leader in business and program management. After graduating from the University of Tennessee with a degree in nuclear engineering, he began his career as a station nuclear engineer for the Tennessee Valley Authority and advanced to senior program/project manager for the Department of Energy providing expertise in the environmental remediation, waste management, and technology integration fields. In 2000, Mr. Mims founded Visionary Solutions, LLC (VS) – to provide transportation and logistics services for Governmental and commercial nuclear clients both nationally and internationally. Today, VS has grown into VS Group a family of five companies that provide high quality solutions to a variety of complex technical challenges across an array of services, including transportation and logistics, nuclear material disposition, manufacturing, and waste to energy projects. Mr. Mims, individually and collectively with VS, has been the recipient of several local and regional awards for business excellence. Additionally, VS proudly supports other small businesses across the country by participating in several business to business mentoring programs.
Damien Dwin Co-Founder & Managing Partner Brightwood Capital Advisors Damien Dwin is co-CEO and coFounder of Brightwood, a leading alternative asset manager with $2.25 billion Assets Under Management (as of May 31, 2016). Mr. Dwin has been involved in all phases of the firm’s development since its founding in 2010. Mr. Dwin is a member of the executive committee and serves on the investment committee of all Brightwood funds. Mr. Dwin currently participates on the boards of many of Brightwoods' portfolio companies and has managed capital for hundreds of limited partners, including many prominent public, private and corporate pension plans, endowments, family offices, and high net worth individuals. Under Mr. Dwin’s leadership, Brightwood exclusively focuses on capital solutions for borrowers in sectors including technology & telecommunications, transportation & logistics, business services, healthcare services, energy and franchising. Brightwood currently manages a portfolio of over 50 middle market companies that employ a combined approximately 50,000 employees in the United States. Prior to founding Brightwood, Mr. Dwin worked for Credit Suisse from 2004 to 2010 and Goldman Sachs in New York and London from 1998 to 2004.
Eric D. Bailey Founder Bailey Wealth Advisors
Eric D. Bailey is a Certified Financial Planner with over 30 years of experience as a financial advisor. As the founder and principal of Bailey Wealth Advisors, he and his team specialize in “Sustainable Wealth Strategies” for the generational security of affluent families, entrepreneurs, and small institutions throughout the Washington/Baltimore Metropolitan area. This encompasses providing business exit/succession, advanced estate, retirement, and tax strategies to enhance the clients’ family financial security. His clients include executives of public corporations and owners of closely held businesses with revenues exceeding $100 million. Eric earned his CFP® certification and has been a Certified Financial Planner Practitioner ™ since 1989. He is currently a member of Sagemark’s prestigious Chairman’s Council, Private Wealth Services Group and The Resource Group. Previously, he served as the Regional Director of Financial Planning for Lincoln Financial Advisors’ Washington Area office, overseeing 60 associates.
Bailey Wealth Advisors is one of the region’s premier wealth management firms. Utilizing a unique client, business and family-office centered process Bailey Wealth Advisors delivers unparalleled results for its clients.”
Judy Smith President & Founder Smith & Company As a result of her wide ranging and ground breaking career, Shonda Rhimes, creator of ABC’s hit television dramas Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, developed a television drama about the world of crisis management inspired by Ms. Judy Smith. The series entitled, Scandal, revolves around the life and work of a professional fixer. Ms. Smith serves as CoExecutive Producer of the project and provides insight and technical expertise on crisis management issues.
Judy A. Smith is the founder and President of Smith & Company, a leading strategic and crisis communications firm with offices in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. Over the last 25 years, Ms. Smith has brought her unique combination of communication skills, media savvy, legal and political acumen to clients facing a wide array of issues and challenges throughout the United States and abroad.
Perhaps best known in media circles for her expertise as a crisis management advisor, Ms. Smith has served as a consultant for a host of high profile, celebrity and entertainment clients over the course of her career including, but not limited to, Monica Lewinsky, Senator Craig from Idaho, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., actor Wesley Snipes, NFL quarterback Michael Vick, celebrity chef Paula Deen and the family of Chandra Levy.
Keith Key President & Ceo Keith B. Key Enterprises And Omni Management Group As CEO of Keith B. Key Enterprises, and Omni Management Group, Keith brings a host of banking disciplines and entrepreneurial skills to the operations and financial management of both corporations. Keith has been involved with over $1 billion dollars of real estate development inclusive of residential, commercial and religious-oriented projects.
A native of Pittsburgh, PA, Keith received his B.S. in Economics from The Ohio State University and is a former OSU football player. Following graduation, he entered a career in banking with The Huntington National Bank. During his tenure at the bank, Keith became one of the founding fathers of The Huntington’s nationally recognized Community Centered Banking Program. Keith’s banking career provided him with experiences in the areas of Trust, Investments, Commercial Real Estate Lending, Small Business Lending, Mortgage Banking, and more.
Keith has also provided community service and leadership to the following organizations: Columbus State Community College Foundation; Mt. Hermon Missionary Baptist Church; The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.; Omega Charities; The Ohio State University Alumni Association, The Ohio State University Foundation, and numerous other committees and councils.
Lois Bullock Founder & Head Of Schools Energized For Excellence Academy Inc. Mrs. Lois Bullock has distinguished herself as a brilliant educational leader and business woman.
Lois Bullock began her profess i o n a l c a r e e r a t Te x a s Instruments, Incorporated in Houston, Texas. She later entered the field of higher-educatio n a t Texas So uthe rn University where she was the Assistant Dean of Development and Assistant Professor in the Jesse H. Jones School of Business. Deciding that she could combine business with educational endeavors, Lois opened Educational Learning and Enrichment Center, Inc. in 1984, providing educational and enrichment services to youth and adults. In 1998, in collaboration with the Houston Independent School District, Lois opened Energized for Excellence Academy, Inc. (EEA) an open enrollment charter school for elementary students. As the school grew and prospered, a middle-school was added in 2000.
n 2008, the Houston Independent School District solicited Mrs. Bullock to develop a program targeting overage middle-school students. Her response to this request was the establishment of two alternative middle schools: Inspired for Excellence Academy– West and Inspired for Excellence Academy-North.
Terri Denison Georgia District Director U.S. Small Business Administration Terri Denison is the Georgia District Director of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). In this role since May 2002, she is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the SBA's financial, counseling/training and business development programs for small businesses throughout Georgia.
Terri began her SBA career in 1987 as a Presidential Management Fellow at the Agency's Washington, D. C. District and Headquarter Offices. Other positions included working with the Agency's Minority Enterprise Development and One Stop Capital Shop programs and Office of Field Operations. In 1994, she served as the SBA representative on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community Interagency Task Force. In the fall of 2000, she was one of seven individuals nationwide selected for the SBA's District Director's Candidate Development Program. Assignments included serving as the Acting Deputy District Director in the Los Angeles District Office and the Acting District Director in Wisconsin.
Veronica Biggins Managing Partner At Diversified Search & Chair Of The Board Of Directors Practice Client-centric and results-driven Specialist in Talent Sourcing, Selection and Placement, with expertise in Board-level Search and Corporate Board Governance for organizations in all sectors. Specialized experience in Financial Services, Education/Notfor-Profit and Federal Government, including start-up, turnaround, and high growth environments. Collaborative and participatory, creates vision, clarifies and communicates complex issues, and consistently achieves defined business objectives that enhance return-on-investment. Demonstrates business acumen, situational fluency, and has achieved a detailed understanding of business management and governance. Straight-forward, persistent, and energetic – delivers exceptional rather than expected results. For The President Of The United States...Led team of over 30 associates in selecting and hiring all political appointees within the federal government. Built a talent pipeline, developing structure, organization and process in order to successfully fill each of 4,000 open positions in one year. Navigated a complex climate of compliance and Congressional oversight. Sourced and placed a broad range of quality people selected for demonstrated alignment and competency, many of whom remain in public service today.
August 17, 2017
August 17, 2017
Carver Graduate Returns As Dr. Tamara Huff, Orthopaedic Surgeon Columbus Native Returns To Help Bring The Future Of Medicine Home
Dr. Tamara Huff, a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon, could have chosen to practice anywhere, but she chose to return home to practice at St. Francis Orthopaedic Institute. Among her many notable works and achievements is certification in clinical and translational science, the cornerstone of the future of medicine. This highly interdisciplinary approach to medicine and science is aimed at curing and treating patients by translating research findings and data into new diagnostic tools, procedures, medicines, and policies. Dr. Huff is now part of the St. Francis Orthopaedic Institute, where she specializes in a comprehensive approach to musculoskeletal care throughout the continuum of life.
An international presenter on medicine, surgery, and mentoring and training issues, Dr. Huff has also taught professional workshops at medical conferences and classes at universities such as the Morehouse School of Medicine. Her research and thought leadership articles, papers, and posters have been published in several prestigious peerreviewed and non-peer reviewed medical journals. Dr. Huff earned her medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University and completed her residency training at the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans. Besides translational science, she has earned certification in Advanced Trauma Life Support. She is also certified by the American Board of
Orthopedic Surgeons and the Society for Health Care Epidemiology of America. Following her training, Dr. Huff began practicing medicine in the Mayo Clinic Health System and joined St. Francis on August 1. Born and raised in Columbus, Dr. Huff graduated from George Washington Carver High School and followed her passion for medicine from an early age. As a youth, she volunteered as a Candy Striper at St. Francis and worked as a Physical Therapy Aid for HPRC. While at Carver, she shadowed nowretired orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Emory Alexander at River City Orthopaedics for four years. Those experiences cemented her desire to become an orthopaedic surgeon. We recently sat with Dr. Huff. Here is our “Candid Conversation”.
Courier: With so many opportunities at your feet, why choose to join the St. Francis Orthopaedic Institute?
Dr. Huff: “This is an outstanding group of talented surgeons, representing a variety of orthopaedic specialties. In addition to providing extraordinary care, the physicians are committed to serving the community. I’m very passionate about community outreach, in particular women’s health and wellness.”
Request for Bids RFB No. 18-0006 Veterinary Services (Annual Contract) Due: September 6, 2017 – 2:30 PM Kevin Robertson, Buyer
Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the due date shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901. To obtain specifications, visit the City's website at, notify the Buyer via email, fax 706.225.3033 or telephone 706.653.4105. Andrea J. McCorvey Purchasing Manager
Courier: Was it a difficult decision to make? Dr. Huff: “It really wasn’t. It is a privilege and an honor to come back to Columbus to take care of the people who’ve taken care of me. My family is here. I attend the same church where I grew up. Frankly, I always planned to come back to Columbus to practice, but thought it would be later in life. I learned (through the interview process) that these are the right people, this is the right place, and it’s the right time for me to come home.” Courier: When did you realize you wanted a career in medicine? Dr. Huff: I was raised in a family committed to serving others. It is our passion and our purpose. In middle school, I realized medicine would be my way to serve others.
Courier: When did you decide the field of orthopaedic surgery would be your focus?
Dr. Huff: I am unusual in that I decided on orthopaedics very early in life. Dr. Emory Alexander was my introduction to orthopaedics when I was injured playing soccer in middle school. I later had an opportunity to see a surgery. The tools, the patients, the
procedures, I was sold! I've always worked with my hands restoring properties with my mother. In orthopaedics, I could help people by restoring function to their bodies. Courier: Have you ever had any interest in going into the family business of funeral service?
Dr. Huff: While I grew up around our family business, Charles E. Huff’s International Funeral Home Inc., I have never considered pursuing a career in funeral service. However, both the funeral industry and medicine share the same core values of caring for people in their darkest hours. Courier: What is the future of orthopedic surgery?
Dr. Huff: Orthopaedics is trending towards individualized medicine and incorporating technology to increase patient satisfaction. As our population ages, it becomes even more important to take the entire person into account when making treatment decisions to improve our patients’ quality of life. Dr. Tamara Huff is the daughter of Muscogee county Tax Commissioner Lula Huff and local businessman Charles Huff owner of Charles E. Huff’s International Funeral Home, Inc. Her office is located at the St. Francis Orthopaedic Institute, 2300 Manchester Expressway in the Woodruff Pavilion, Suite 101A.
Page 12
August 17, 2017
(706) 304-8290
Urban League to Host 21st Equal Opportunity Day Dinner & Benefit Charity Gala By Wane A. Hailes The Courier
To fulfill its mission to empower and shape the community, The Urban League of Greater Columbus, Inc. presents its largest community fundraiser, The 21st Annual Equal Opportunity Day (EOD) Awards Dinner and Black-Tie Gala on Saturday August 26, 2017 featuring this year’s keynote speaker Bakari Sellers, Millennial, Attorney, History Maker, CNN Contributor and descendent of Civil Rights Leader Cleveland Sellers. The theme for this occasion is, “Shape the Future and Break Generational Cycles of Poverty”. The Reception and Silent Auction will commence at 6:30 p.m. and the Awards Dinner will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Columbus Convention and Trade Center’s Grand Ballroom. The Equal Opportunity Dinner is the Urban League’s largest annual fundraiser for the benefit of employment, educational, affordable housing and affordable healthcare programs and other assistance and services for the disadvantaged and underserved in our community. This year’s event will focus on bridging the gap to Economic Success, Equal Opportunity and Equal Access for all, realizing the critical role we all play in creating an inclusive community for all. Urban League Board Chair Bishop L.D. Skinner emphasized the importance of this occasion. “We are honored that nationally recognized Bakari Sellers has agreed to deliver the keynote address. He will focus on economic and social change, empowerment and breaking the bonds of poverty.” Urban League President/CEO Susan Cooper said, “The Equal Opportunity Day Dinner represents the very essence of the work the Urban League does each day to foster economic empowerment and community development - educating and equipping individuals and fam-
ilies with information, tools and resources needed to improve their quality of life, thereby creating a safe and prosperous community for all. Please join us in our mission to empower, mentor and assist the next generation of leaders in moving us into the 21st Century of technology, power and prosperity. Cooper said, “It is because of your generosity that we have been able to help people who are bent beneath their loads, empower communities and change lives for over forty-six years. We would like to thank you in advance for extending your hand and giving back to the community through the Urban League of Greater Columbus. We look forward to your support as well as your participation.” Cooper continued, “Your support will enable the Urban League to continue providing services and building Economic Development Programs that create jobs and Employment Training; Affordable Housing and Foreclosure Prevention, Summer Employment, Educational Programming to include STEM, GED, computer training and adult literacy workshops; Prison to Work Re-Entry Program which assist ex-offenders in becoming productive community citizens; and Financial Empowerment Programs to include budgeting, financial independence, and credit rebuilding counseling. Proceeds from this spectacular dinner gala will enable the Urban League to continue serving thousands of people annually.”
About Bakari Sellers Bakari Sellers made history in 2006 when, at just 22 years old, he defeated a 26-year incumbent State Representative to become the youngest member of the South Carolina state legislature and the youngest African American elected official in the nation. In 2014 he was the Democratic Nominee
for Lt. Governor in the state of South Carolina. Earning his undergraduate degree from Morehouse College, where he served as student body president, and his law degree from the University of South Carolina, Sellers has followed in the footsteps of his father, civil rights leader Cleveland Sellers, in his tireless commitment to service taking championing progressive
policies to address issues ranging from education and poverty to preventing domestic violence and childhood obesity. His impressive list accomplishment in addition to having served on President Barack Obama's South Carolina steering committee during the 2008 election, Sellers is widely considered to be a rising star within the Democratic Party and
leading voice for his generation. That coupled with his uncommon ability to reach across the aisle and get things done has led to numerous accolades including being named to TIME Magazine’s 40 Under 40 in 2010 as well as 2014 and 20015 “The Root 100” list of the nation’s most influential African-Americans.
St. James Missionary Baptist Church “Put God First”
August 17, 2017
5214 St. James Street Columbus, Georgia
Dr. Ralph W. Huling Senior Pastor
Church 706.687.6420 Residence 706.563.3256 Cell 706.315.5749
First African Baptist Church 901 5th Avenue
Columbus, Georgia
Sunday Worship Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship 11A.M. Transportation Provided
Call 706-323-3367 Sr. Pastor Roderick Green
(O FFICE )706.323-6996 (FAX ) 706.322.7596 (PASTOR ’ S HOME )706.561.6733 R EV. D R . E MMETT S. A NITON , J R PASTOR
Metropolitan Baptist Church
1635 5th Avenue . Columbus, Georgia 706.322.1488
Service Sunday School 9:30 A.M Monday Night Tuesday Bible Study Pastor Curtis Crocker, Jr.
Schedule Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M Prayer 6:00 P.M 12:00 P.M & 5:30 P.M
Mission Statement A growing church for growing Christians attempting to grow the Kingdom, one soul at a time.
Evergreen Covington, CEO
4236 St. Mary’s Road
Columbus, Georgia
T HE L AW O FFICES OF S HEVON S. T HOMAS & ASSOCIATES Practice Areas: Misdemeanor . Felony . DUI . Personal Injurury . Auto . Divorce . Family . Juvenile . Probate . Wills
201 9th Street Columbus, Georgia 706.507.5425
Pagina 2
Las políticas de inmigración de Trump están dañando a los niños estadounidenses
Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Harming American Children
por Leila Schochet Daniel, un ciudadano estadounidense de 6 años de edad, ha estado preguntando a sus padres cada vez más y más preguntas sobre México desde las elecciones de 2016. “Mamá dice que podríamos mudarnos a México,” Daniel le dijo a su padre, “¿Voy a ir también?” Los padres de Daniel son inmigrantes sin autorización que llegaron a los Estados Unidos como niños. Durante los últimos años, Daniel ha estado viviendo en Texas con su madre, Carmen, mientras que su padre, Miguel, ha estado trabajando en California.[1] Miguel y Carmen son beneficiarios del programa Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), instituido por la administración de Obama en el año 2012, lo que les permitió obtener un permiso de trabajo y un alivio temporal de la deportación.[2] Desde la elección, el presidente Donald Trump ha indicado que el futuro de DACA es incierto, aumentando la preocupación y el miedo entre de los beneficiarios de DACA.[3] Esa incertidumbre ha alcanzado nuevas alturas en las últimas semanas, ya que los fiscales generales de varios estados han amenazado con demandar a la administración si la misma no pone fin al programa DACA a más tardar el 5 de septiembre del 2017.[4] Aunque Miguel había planeado unirse con su familia en Texas el enero pasa-
do, después de la elección, él puso su plan en espera al enfrentarse a tanta incertidumbre sobre si seguirá protegido bajo el programa DACA. La mayor preocupación de Miguel es como podría afectar a su hijo el vivir bajo una administración que está atacando abiertamente a la comunidad inmigrante sin autorización. “Hemos tomado medidas para hablar con él, hacerle saber que mamá y papá están un poco preocupados o estresados,” dijo Miguel. “Y no discutimos profundamente los detalles, porque como él acaba de cumplir 6 años, no queremos asustarlo demasiado.” La agenda antiinmigrante del presidente Trump ha forzado a millones de inmigrantes como Miguel y Carmen a temer la amenaza y las consecuencias de la deportación. Durante los primeros 100 días del gobierno de Trump, el número de arrestos de inmigrantes aumentó por más del 37 por ciento.[5] A pesar de su promesa de campaña de sólo deportar a inmigrantes con antecedentes criminales, su administración cambió las prioridades de deportación, y ahora que todos los inmigrantes sin autorización son una prioridad, se han duplicado las tasas de arresto para los inmigrantes trabajadores sin antecedentes criminales.[6] Además de la creciente amenaza de deportación, los inmigrantes y sus hijos se han
convertido cada vez más en el objetivo de ataques racistas y discriminatorios. Los maestros han reportado casos de niños que han adoptado la retórica de Trump para intimidar a sus compañeros en la escuela, diciéndoles a sus compañeros latinos que serán deportados, y que deben regresar a sus países de ori-
gen.[7] Para los casi 6 millones de ciudadanos estadounidenses que viven con al menos un miembro familiar sin autorización, la vida en los Estados Unidos de Trump es aterradora.[8] Desde la elección, los adultos viviendo a través del país han reportado un aumento en el miedo y la angustia que sienten los niños de familias inmigrantes.[9] Ahora más que nunca, los niños ciudadanos están preocupados de que podrían ser separados de sus padres o forzados a abandonar sus comunidades.[10] Los niños sufren estrés tóxico al ser separados de sus familias por las duras políticas de Trump contra la inmigración, causando miedo en la comunidad inmigrante, e impidiendo que las familias tengan acceso a programas que satisfagan las necesidades más básicas de un niño. Las políticas que causan angustia emocional a los niños y la inseguridad económica en la infancia interfieren en su desarrollo saludable y previene éxito en su futuro. Los niños como Daniel serán la base del futuro de la fuerza laboral de la nación y se les permitirá contribuir de forma importante a la economía. Pero si la administración de Trump continúa atacando a las familias inmigrantes, corren el riesgo de minar el poder económico de toda una generación.[11]
17 de Agosto 2017
Receta de Chef Amaury Pastelon Boricua
Pelar los platanos y corta cada platano en rebanadas finas a lo largo. Si son frizados solo freir. Frie hasta que queden doraditos por ambos lados,coloca sobre papel absorbente y deja reposar.
6 platanos bien maduros (puedes utilizar congelados) 4 huevos batidos, sal a gusto
Ingredientes para relleno de carne
2 lbs. de carne molida 2 cucharadas de aceite ( tu preferencia) 2 cucharadas de sofrito (cebolla,pimientos y ajo picados) 1 pote de salsa de tomate 1 sobre de sazon con achiote 1pqte. queso rallado ( el que prefiera) Aceitunas ( si deseas) Sal a gusto
En un sarten grande echa el aceite a temperatura mediana, incorpora el sofrito y la carne. Cuando la carne este completamente cocinada aplica el sazon, la salsa y las aceitunas. Cocina por 15 minutos y descarta la grasa que no necesitas, esto evita los dolores de estomago cuando ingerimos las comidas. Sazona con sal a gusto al final. Recuerda que vas anadir quesos y estos son un poco salados. En un molde (el que prefieras) coloca un piso de platanos maduros,como creando una base, despues anade la mitad de la carne y colocas queso encima, cubre con una nueva capa de platanos y repite el procedimiento. La tercera capa de platanos es la final y a esta le anades los huevos batidos. Hornea a 350 grados por 30 min. (microondas 15 minutos) Deja reposar antes de servir. Buen Provecho Y Recuerda Unimos familias atravez de nuestra cocina. Hasta la proxima.
Eco Latino Vol. 12
Edición 17 Gratis
Jueves 17 de Agosto 2017 Receta de Chef Amaury Pastelon Boricua
Chef Amaury Catering Services Uniendo Familias Atravez De Nuestra Cocina Pagina 2
La voz de la comunidad hispana
Las políticas de inmigración de Trump están dañando a los niños estadounidenses Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Harming American Children