Thecouriernews 10 8 15 1

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The Vol. 10 Edition 14 Free Thursday October 8, 2015

Serving Their Community


The Voice Of The Community


2,600 Job Seekers Attend Career Expo Sponsored By Urban League Of Greater Columbus

Phenix City and Russell County’s Minority Leaders Making A Difference

Page 7

HBCU Classic Football

Tuskegee vs. Morehouse Schedule Of Events

Page 9

Equal Opportunity Gala

Patricia McCloud To Speak At Annual Urban League Event Page 11

Page 5


THURSDAY October 8, 2015

Law Firms Demise Offers Hope For Meyers And Thomas According to the street committee rumor has it, with the break up of the Law firm of Hatcher, Stubbs, Land, Hollis & Rothschild LLP, school board members Frank Meyers and John Thomas see this as a great opportunity to a bidding process for the legal services of the Muscogee County School District. However the determination of what law firm will ultimately serve the district comes from the recommendation of the school superintendent. Rest assured Frankie & Johnny will have plenty to say. Local Organizers Of Million Man March Have Done Their Homework The street committee finally received a response from the organizers of the local effort to attend the “Justice Or Else Million Man March 10.10.15”. According to local radio personality Michael Soul and one who has been instrumental in spearheading the jour-

The Street Committee

ney, in their preparation for the event they have obtained bus transportation, which is owned, and being provided by a local black church. In addition they have obtained a copy of restaurants owned and operated by AfricanAmerican along the route. It Ain’t Over According to the street committee sources close to the situation say that there is more to the break up of the Law firm of Hatcher, Stubbs, Land, Hollis & Rothschild LLP. In fact there may be more information revealed in the coming weeks.

The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper is published bi-weekly *Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff Visit Us Online At

Office Location The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 416 12th Street Suite 201 Columbus, Georgia 31901 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906

Request for Bids/Proposals RFB No. 16-0010

Uniform Dress Shoes & Boots (Annual Contract)

Due: October 14, 2015 – 2:30 PM Kevin Robertson, Buyer I *RFB No. 16-0013

Flooring for Civic Center

Due: October 21, 2015 – 2:30 PM Sandra Chandler, Buyer I

*RFB No. 16-0013: A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference/Site Visit is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 1:00 PM.

Vendors will be

allowed a 10-minute grace period.

Sealed responses must be received and

time/date stamped by the respective due date shown above, by the Finance

Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street,

Columbus, GA 31901.

To obtain specifications,

visit the City's website at, notify the respective Buyer via email and,

fax 706.653.4109 or telephone 706.653.4105. Andrea J. McCorvey,

CPPB Purchasing Division Manager



You Brought Your Baby To A Job Interview? Really?

proper attire to wear to a job fair or a job interview.

A big part of getting a job is making a good first impression, and a big part of making a good first impression is how you dress.

This past Wednesday over 2600 jobseekers attended a career fair sponsored by The Urban League of Greater Columbus. There were over ninety employers available with many of them interviewing individuals onsite.

All of the advertisement for the event stressed that you bring your resume and that you dress for success! That is why I was vexed to see the way many of those in attendance were dressed. And I can’t even begin to tell you how I felt about the young ladies who showed up pushing their baby in strollers! Really? Come on now! Who, in their right mind, told you that would be ok?

I saw brothers in short pants, jeans and tennis shoes and sisters in “Get It Girl Skirts” wearing “4” Hooker Heels”. There were men with T-shirts promoting everything from their favorite college and university, NFL and NBA teams to their favorite beverage, and cause of choice. I honestly believe in the saying; “If you knew better, you would do better.” But there is no excuse for anyone over 30 years of age not knowing the

Not long aga I conducted an informal survey of Human Resource Directors who attended job fairs seeking employees. These recruiters described their gut reactions to both people who dressed extremely casually and those who obviously had taken the time to sport clean, pressed, conservative formalwear. Frankly, the results were startling. Almost universally, recruiters said that, simply on the basis of seeing the job seeker -- and before the seeker ever reached their booth, talked to them or handed over their resume -- that the prospect dressed in extremely casual clothing struck them as being unprepared, irresponsible, less capable, less educated, less qualified and possessing poor work habits. On the other hand, they described more formally dressed individuals as capable, well educated, intelligent, trustworthy and responsible -- the people they wanted to hire. Now we all know that wearing faded jeans, a T-shirt and tennis shoes certainly does not make you less intelligent or capable than someone dressed in more traditionally formal business clothes. It's absurd to base a hiring decision on the basis of appearance. Isn't it? As much as you may hate to admit it, however, most people do judge other people within seconds of meeting them. Making a conscious or subconscious decision in the first few seconds you see someone doesn't mean you're a snob; it means you're human. And so are the folks who recruit at job

fairs. A recent study of hiring managers in more than 400 companies concluded the average employer makes a hiring decision within 15 seconds of meeting you. The study simply illustrates a point that psychologists and scientists have known for a long time: A part of the human brain is specifically designed to size up a stranger in the first few seconds. It is a built-in feature of the human nervous system to determine, within seconds, whether a stranger approaching us is friend or foe. And that's the very mechanism that drives employers, recruiters and human resource representatives to (perhaps not consciously) evaluate a person on the basis of appearance. So, in the future, when you get ready to attend a job fair, you should wear to a job fair what you would wear to a job interview: the most professionlooking clothing you have. If you have the time and the money to get a business suit, get one. If not, go in the best clothes that you own. You are making a first impression on these employers, so look your best. pull out a professional outfit, pick some businesslike shoes, get your hair trimmed and go for it! Finally, to the young lady who wore the T-Shirt that said; “Only God Can Judge Me”, that may be true when you get to heaven. But on last Wednesday, in Columbus, Georgia at the Columbus Convention and Trade Center, 90 employers were judging you too!

Wane A. Hailes

Page 4 By Lee A. Daniels NNPA Columnist

Ben Carson’s Ugly Hypocrisy

From the moment he surfaced in 2013 as White conservatives’ latest “Great Black Hope,” Ben Carson has made any number of offensive remarks typical of the conservative commentary of the Obama years. But early last week, apparently goaded by a GOP presidential primary that’s set a cesspool-level standard for expressions of bigotry and callousness, Carson released what is undoubtedly his greatest hit: He said a Muslim American should not be president of the United States. “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Reminded that Article 6 of the Constitution explicitly demands there be no religious qualification to hold “any office or public trust in the United States,” Carson doubled down that Americans should “not put people at the leadership of our country whose faith might interfere with carrying out the duties of the Constitution.” Carson apparently didn’t see the irony in the fact that he, a candidate for the nation’s highest office, was declaring he’d put his personal beliefs above the Constitution. The blowback for that idiocy was so scorching that at week’s end Carson tried to gin up a “new” controversy to push his blatant appeal to bigotry into the background: he resorted to the old Black-conservative stand-by of claiming that the GOP had done a better job ridding American society of racism than the Democratic Party. But we can’t afford to ignore just how despicable Carson’s gambit was. For one thing, just what kind of MuslimAmerican individual does Ben Carson think would surface as a potential candidate for the presidency? We don’t have to guess. We have plenty of “real” Americans of the past and present to tell us what our future Muslim-American candidate will be like: Like John F. Kennedy, who broke the barrier against Catholic candidates running for the presidency; or like Colin Powell; or Condoleezza Rice; or Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, or her colleague, Ruth Bader Ginsburg; or Barack or Michelle


Obama; or, yes, like Ben Carson. In other words, our future Muslim-American candidate will have followed a very traditional route to spectacular high achievement – and have shown along the way he or she is “twice as good” as his or her nonMuslim American peers. Of course, Carson knows this. But his despicable comment is perfectly in keeping with his record of pandering to the worst attitudes that infect the GOP electorate, especially those White evangelicals who use his Black face and their shared reactionary attitudes masquerading as religious belief to shield their many prejudices from view. That noxious combination is the basis of Carson’s appeal. It’s certainly not his policy prescriptions for domestic or foreign-policy matters. Despite having been in the presidency-seeking game for two years, the grasp he’s displayed of those issues is laughable. Carson, like Donald Trump, can get away with this because a huge number of GOP voters have shown they care far less about the issues than about who can best spout the “politically correct” extremist ideology. Carson’s trashing of Muslim Americans is, of course, the more despicable because he’s a Black American who, growing up when many White Americans didn’t consider Blacks deserving of citizenship, gained fame by recording several remarkable “thefirst-Black-to…” achievements. Now, parroting the racists of the past, he declares an entire American group doesn’t meet his definition of “real” Americans. That Trump and Carson top the pecking order of the GOP presidential primary is a measure of how advanced the disintegration of the respectability of the Republican Party has become – a fact underscored by last week’s surprise announcement from House Speaker John Boehner that he’ll resign entirely from Congress next month. Boehner’s decision headed off a move to topple him by the most extreme members of the House’s Republican Party majority – Representatives who think as Ben Carson does. Finally, Carson’s bigotry also illuminates what that White-created political

SEE Daniels Page 14

October 8, 2015 By Ben F. Chavis, Jr. NNPA Columnist

Black and Latinos Working Together

If there was ever a propitious time for African Americans and Latino Americans to unite to advance the cause of freedom, justice, equality and economic empowerment, it is now. Today, more than ever, the rapidly changing national demographics and the potential political and economic power as a direct result of Latino and Black unity in America cannot be overstated. We are now in the middle of Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15 to October 15, across the United States. It is important to note that during this year’s observance of Hispanic heritage, Latino leaders are also articulating the strategic value and need for more unity between Blacks and Latinos. In a recent column to the New York Amsterdam News, Bronx Borough President Rueben Diaz Jr. stated, “As we face heated, dangerous rhetoric on the issues that concern us the most, the Hispanic community must not only stand together but to also unite with our allies of different backgrounds, such as the African-American community, to fight for the betterment of our communities.” I know Borough President Diaz and I believe that one day he may become the first Latino mayor of New York City. Fighting to improve the quality of life in our communities is exactly what our long mutual struggles for justice and empowerment continues to be about. The two largest people of color groups in America are Latinos and Blacks. And if Blacks and Latinos unite in New York and elsewhere, it will achieve more effective political and economic results. President Barack H. Obama issued a proclamation in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month stating, “America’s Hispanic community has woven unique threads into the diverse fabric of our country and played an important role in shaping our national character as a people of limitless possibility.” We are witnessing a political challenge to the nation’s diversity with the exponential increase in residents of people of color in every region of the country. Some studies show that the racial-disparity divide in America is becoming more and more pronounced in housing, education, business, immi-

gration, and mass incarceration. Going forward will require a serious effort to ensure a massive voter turnout of Latinos and Blacks in the 2016 elections. Neither the Black nor Latino vote can be taken for granted. The political future of the U.S. will swing in the balance and scale of how Get-Out-TheVote (GOTV) efforts will be financed, advertised, staffed and mobilized. Neither elected officials nor Corporate America can effectively reach the Black and Brown communities by ignoring their media outlets. And a promising sign of increased unity between the two powerhouse groups is that the National Association of Hispanic Publishers (NAHP) and the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) have announced the establishment of a NNPA-NAHP National Advertising Task Force. The purpose of the coalition is to educate marketers on the benefits and importance of the African American and Hispanic newspaper markets. “With close to 97 million African Americans and Hispanics in the U.S. today, representing 33 percent of the total population, this consumer segment demands attention,” said Martha Montoya, VP of the NAHP. “The buying power of the African American and Hispanic communities, currently at over $2.3 trillion combined, continues to outpace the national average.” NNPA Chair Denise Rolark Barnes emphasized, “This task force also marks a historic partnership between the NNPA and NAHP, the nation’s most influential publishing organizations that are currently led by women. Martha and I have a shared vision and commitment to empower our communities by strengthening the voices of the media we serve.” The potential force of African Americans and Latinos working together in business, politics, education, housing, family and community development are enormous. The challenge will be to achieve and maintain this unity not just for one year or two, but for a lifetime of solidarity and action to represent and defend the interests of our communities respectively. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. is the President and CEO

of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA);



October 8, 2015

2600 Job Seekers Attend The Urban League of Columbus and Georgia Department of Labor Career Fair

Partnering with the Department of Labor, the Career Expo, held on September 30th was sponsored by the Urban League of Greater Columbus. Susan Cooper, the organization’s interim president and chief executive officer, said,

“Our bottom-line goal was to make an impact on the lives of the “underserved” and “disadvantaged” people in the community. That’s particularly important with the Columbus metro area unemployment rate still relatively high

at 7 percent compared to the rest of Georgia, she acknowledged. The state’s rate is 5.9 percent.” Nearly 90 companies and organizations were on hand for the

event with many companies interviewing potential employees on the spot. “The Urban League is an economic equality organization working to make sure that people gain equal access to employment,

decent and affordable housing, health care and education,” Cooper said. “We’re hoping that this event is going to have a positive impact on bringing those numbers down and putting people back to work.”

Who’s Got Next?...


October 8, 2015

Young Professionals On The Move

Nadine Haralson, provides up close and personal interviews with young professionals who are making a difference in our community. Join us each issue as we introduce, recognize, and celebrate those individuals in Columbus, Phenix City and Ft. Benning who are… “On The Move”

Shawn Raleigh

By Nadine Haralson The Courier

Shawn Raleigh is a Columbus, Georgia native, alumni of Carver High School and founder of O.M.N.I (One More Needed Inside), an organization that stands on the motto “Breaking Cycles and Building Bridges”. It is thru O.M.N.I that Raleigh uses the power of testimony to support and encourage communities to become great. “I believe through testimony and sharing life experiences, others may find a form of hope,” explains Shawn. Born and raised in Columbus, Raleigh has seen crime and violence rise to an all-time high, and deteriorate the community. Shawn continuously stays

active in the community because he understands that results are not and will not always be instantly obtained. “In order for efforts to become effective one needs to diligently utilize all avenues, he notes.” The avenues that he forged has led to him partnering with other community organizations such as the C o l u m b u s Barbers, of which he is the only non-barber in the group, and K-9 Stop the Violence Foundation. Shawn, who is also a local recording artist, uses his musical platform as a way to promote unity and self-worth. “If I can get people to believe in themselves and their community it will hopefully combat the vicious cycle that we as a people continuously find ourselves in as a result of broken homes and a broken society,” says Raleigh. “What is it that keeps us from supporting causes that matter in our community where we really need it?” asks Raleigh. “I’m going to keep doing what I do because I believe, at some point, others will too through action. It’s about playing your part.” In 2013 Raleigh was presented with the Project Rebound’s Community Rebound award, an honor in which he says he does what he does because God put it in his heart to do so. Because of this he knows his works and his mission is real.

Shae Anderson

time teaching career.

In 2008 Anderson relocated back to Columbus, Georgia and began working at George Washington Carver High School. It was during this time she wrote her dissertation entitled: From the Hood to the Classroom: A Rhetorical Perspective on Teaching Secondary English to the Urban Student. Over the years Anderson has held teaching positions at Fort Valley State, and Columbus State University.

In addition to her career as an educator, Shea is also an entrepreneur. In 2008 she founded UrbanEdge Publishing, which she runs with a business partner. Anderson is also the founder of the Urban Education Center a company that provides professional writing services.

By Nadine Haralson The Courier

Coming from a long line of educators, it’s to no surprise that Shae Anderson; Ph.D. would graduate from Columbus High School’s Liberal Arts Magnets program, and receive a full four-year scholarship to Bennett College for Women, an HBCU in Greensboro, North Carolina. After graduating from Bennett College, she moved to Atlanta, Georgia to pursue her M.A in Technical & Professional Writing from Georgia State University, which she completed at the age twenty-one.

Originally hoping to pursue employment in insurance sales, she landed her first part time job at an Atlanta area college. While completing her PhD coursework at Georgia State University Anderson realized she couldn’t escape what was in her DNA and transitioned from the hospitality industry into a full-

Beyond taking individuals to the next level thru education, Anderson says the endeavor that is very near and dear to her heart is The Liberty Theatre where she is Managing Director. “I feel my work at the Liberty is a labor of love.”

She joined the Liberty team in the spring of 2013 with the intentions of just helping out, two years later she’s still there. It’s a job she does not because of any great financial benefit, but because the Liberty is a treasured piece of history that must be preserved for future generations. In order to keep the goals of improving the Liberty building and moving towards greater self-sufficiency, rentals such as weddings, graduations, venues etc. are held with stellar customer service, and a beautiful space at affordable rates. When asked how long she plans to stay at The Liberty Theatre Anderson replied, “I don’t know. I believe God placed me here for a reason, I’ll stay until HE sees fit to move me on.”



October 8, 2015

African-American Leadership...Making Great Strides In Phenix City And Russell County

By Wane A. Hailes The Courier

from Columbus, Georgia. During the 1940s and 1950s Phenix City was nationally known for its rampant crime and corruption. It was notorious for being a haven for organized crime, prostitution, and gambling. According to the city’s

Wallace Hunter City Manager Phenix City

Arthur Day Phenix City Council

Phenix City is the county seat of Russell County and is located in East Alabama along the west bank of the Chattahoochee River, which separates the city

history the leaders of the crime syndicate were Jimmie Matthews and Hoyt Sheppard. Albert Patterson, from Phenix City, was elected to become attorney general of Alabama on a platform of reforming the city, but was brutally shot down out-

side his office on 5th Ave, N of 14th Street.

Today the city has evolved into Russell County's largest metropolitan area. Over the years African-Americans have moved into many leadership positions

in the city and county. In November of 2012 the city made history as Eddie Lowe was sworn in as its first AfricanAmerican Mayor.

Cattie Epps Russell County Commissioner

Larry Srews Russell County Commissioner

Ronnie Reed Russell County Commissioner

Dr. Mesha Patrick Phenix City School Board

Kelvin Redd Phenix City School Board

Zara Parham Phenix City School Board

Eugenia Upshaw Russell County School Board

Joseph Williams Russell County School Board

Kenneth Barnes Russell County School Board

Arthur L. Sumbry II Russell County Coroner

Eddie Lowe Mayor Phenix City Alabama

Michael Bellamy Judge Russell County Circuit Court


Community Calender

Community Calender

Community Calender

October 8, 2015

Community Calender



Classic Weekend Schedule Of Activities

Sunday October 4 Classic Worship Service Franchise Missionary Baptist Church 931 10th Ave Phenix City, AL Time: 10:00 A.M.

Tuesday, October 6 Proclamations City Hall Phenix City, Alabama Time: 8 A.M. Columbus Council Meeting Time: 5:30 P.M Classic Recruitment Fair Idle Hour Community Center Phenix City, AL Wednesday, October 7 Media Press Conference To Be Determined Columbus, GA

Friday, October 9 16th Annual Charity Golf Classic Bull Creek Golf Course 7333 Lynch Road Midland, GA 10:30am Shotgun Start Classic Tailgating & Vending Columbus Civic Center 400 4th Street Columbus, GA

Classic Team Banquet Convention & Trade Center 801 Front Ave. Columbus, GA (Classic ID/Tickets Required) 7pm

Band-Step Show & Rap Concert Columbus Civic Center 400 4th Street Columbus, GA 7pm - 11pm Classic Dance Convention & Trade Center DJ Chip 11pm - 2am

Saturday, October 10 Classic Parade Colin Powell Parkway Phenix City, AL @ Broad & Dillingham St. Line-up @ 7:45AM Parade starts at 9am

Classic Brunch Columbus Civic Center 400 4th Street Columbus, GA (Invitation Required) 11am

80th Annual TuskegeeMorehouseFootball Classic A.J. McClung Memorial Stadium Columbus, GA Kickoff @ 2:00 P.M. Classic Post Game Concert Columbus Civic Center 400 4th Street Columbus, GA

October 8, 2015


Metropolitan Baptist Church 1635 5th Avenue . Columbus, Georgia 706.322.1488

Service Schedule

Sunday School 9:30 A.M Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M Monday Night Prayer 6:00 P.M Tuesday Bible Study 12:00 P.M & 5:30 P.M

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October 8, 2015


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October 8 2015

Urban League to Host Equal Opportunity Day Dinner & Benefit Charity Gala

The Urban League of Greater Columbus, Inc. presents its largest community fundraiser, The 19th Annual Equal Opportunity Day (EOD) Awards Dinner and Black-Tie Gala to be held on Saturday, October 24, 2015 in the Columbus Convention and Trade Center’s Grand Ballroom. The Reception and Silent Auction will commence at 6:15 p.m. and the Awards Dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m., featuring the dynamic, nationally acclaimed keynote speaker, Patricia Russell-McCloud, J.D., who will address this year’s theme of “Service: Impacting A Multitude of Lives.”

Urban League Board Chair Bishop Skinner emphasized the importance of this occasion. “We are honored that nationally recognized speaker Patricia Russell-McCloud has agreed to deliver the keynote address. McCloud has been ranked as one of the most Influential Women in America as well as one of the most phenomenal top ten motivational speakers in America. During our EOD, she will focus on voter apathy, economic and social equity, and realizing the critical role we all play in creating an inclusive community for all.” She has addressed fortune 500 companies and organizations throughout the nation, including the National Urban League, General Electric, Proctor & Gamble, AT&T, The CocaCola Company, McDonald’s Corporation, Burger King Corporation, Walmart/Sam’s Club Corp., Labor Unions, Governmental and Federal Agencies, among others.

Urban League President/CEO Susan Cooper said, “Please join us in our mission to empower and assist others to equally access the dream of being in the economic mainstream of jobs, education, affordable housing and healthcare. This event represents the essence of the work that the Urban League does each day to foster economic empowerment - educating and equipping individuals and families with the tools and resources needed to become self-sufficient, as well as to improve their quality of life.”

Cooper said, “It is because of your generosity that we have been able to empower communities and change lives for over forty-four years. We would like to thank you in advance for extending your hand and giving back to the community through the Urban League of Greater Columbus. We look forward to your support as well as your participation.”

Cooper continued, “Your support will enable the Urban League to continue providing services and building Economic Development Programs that create jobs and Employment Training; Affordable Housing and Foreclosure Prevention, Educational Programming to include STEM, GED, computer training and adult literacy workshops; Prison to Work Re-Entry Program which assist ex-offenders in becoming productive community citizens; and Financial Empowerment Programs to include budgeting, financial independence, and credit rebuilding counseling. Proceeds from this spectacular dinner gala will enable the Urban League to continue serving thousands of people annually.”


October 8, 2015


October 8, 2015

Nadine Haralson’s What I Think......An Emmy Award Speech!

On September 20th we once again made history as Viola Davis, the How to Get Away With Murder actress became the first black woman ever to win for Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series at the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards. But it was the speech by Viola Davis that set the tone for what really needed to be said:

“In my mind, I see a line. And over that line, I see green fields and lovely flowers and beautiful white women with their arms stretched out to me, over that line. But I can’t seem to get there no how. I can’t seem to get over that line.” That was Harriet Tubman in the 1800s. And let me tell you something: The only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity. You cannot win an Emmy for roles that are simply not there.” As the cameras scanned the audience you could see the look on the faces of the white actors, some joyous for Mrs. Davis, and some with the look of confusion.

As I was elated for Viola finally crossing a barrier that we as blacks know still exists, it wasn’t until a few days later, however, while engaged in a conversation with friends, that I began to question why black actors and actresses today are not respected by the industry and not considered for awards. Could it be, as some argued, the reason being is we don’t respect ourselves like we used to? Although extremely talented, are todays AfricanAmerican actors settling for roles instead of setting standards. Could it be we have fallen backwards into stereotypical roles like Cookie on

“Empire”, or the slave master’s mistress, Olivia Pope in “Scandal?”

Why is it we can only win awards for roles where we portray the crooked cop like Denzel Washington in “ Tr a i n i n g D a y ? ” There have been a number of films that Denzel should have received an Emmy; “Malcolm X” and “Philadelphia” are two that immediately come to mind. As I began my research for this article I googled how many times African-Americans have been nominated and actually won an Emmy. In their 67-year history there have been 378 AfricanAmericans nominated with only 73 winning the award. Part of my initial argument was that actors such as Harry Belafonte, and Cicely Tyson would never have taken roles they felt were disrespectful or that belittled our people. As I ran through the list of nominees and winners there have been and are a number of respected actors and actresses such as; Danny Glover, Don Cheadle (Nominated 8 times), Alfre Woodard, Angela Bassett, Phylicia Rashad and Whoopi Goldberg, who reminded me that all is not lost.

The stands they have taken regarding their careers have provided me a new perspective. Although some of the shows depicting us are a bit distasteful (i.e. Black Realty Shows), We now have many shows like “Empire”, “Scandal”

and “How To Commit Murder” with a predominately Black cast, Black producer, Black creator, and an all Black writing team. According to the ratings all of America, Black and White,

can’t seem to get enough of Olivia Pope and Cookie. In addition we also have Blackish, and T. I and the Family Hustle, which bring value to the black family. Contrary to what we may believe African-Americans in the TV & Movie industry are

making great strides moving behind the camera and into the board rooms where the decisions are being made. And we should support our black actors. Viola’s words ring true; “The only thing that separates

women of color from anyone else is opportunity. You cannot win an Emmy for roles that are simply not there.” Let’s hope that with the success of the Shonda Rhimes and Lee Daniels of the industry more opportunities will be made available.


Daniels From Page 4

identity called “Black conservatism” really is: a tinny reflection of their masters’ voices. His words show there’s nothing within so-called Black conservatism that reflects the fundamental lesson Black Americans have drawn from the long, heroic Black freedom struggle: That is that you cannot with any degree of integrity claim liberty for your kind while denying it to others who are different. His ugly hypocrisy proves that Ben Carson does truly reflect his White-conservative supporters. But that doesn’t mean he’s an “Oreo.” No, indeed. Ben Carson’s problem is not that he’s “white” on the inside. His problem is that he’s Whiteracist on the inside. Lee A. Daniels is a longtime journalist based in New York City. His essay, “Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Great Provocateur,” appears in Africa’s Peacemakers: Nobel Peace Laureates of African Descent (2014), published by Zed Books.

October 8, 2015


October 8, 2015

Columbus Technical College is Hiring!

We are looking for qualified candidates for the following positions:

Academic Advisor (Full-time) Automotive Collision Repair Instructor (Full-time) Automotive Collision Repair Instructor (Part-time) Automotive Technology Instructor (Part-time) Barber Instructor (Part-time) Carpentry and Cabinetmaking Adjunct Instructor (Part-time) Dental Hygiene Clinical Didactic Instructor (Part-time) Diagnostic Medical Sonography Instructor (Full-time) Driver’s Education Instructor (Part-time) English Instructor Chattahoochee County HS, Cusseta, GA (Part-time) English Instructor Spencer High School, Columbus, GA (Part-time) Esthetics Adjunct Instructor (Part-time) Financial Aid Assistant Director (Full-time) Financial Aid Specialist (Full-time) Librarian (Evening) – (Part-time) Mathematics Instructor Jordan HS, Columbus, GA (Part-time) Medical Assisting Instructor (Part-time) Paramedic Program Instructor (Full-time) Practical Nursing Instructor (Full-time) SIA Instructor – CLHIS (Part-time)

For more details and to apply for these positions, please go to and click “CTC Employment.” Columbus Technical College is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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“Literacy Is Our Legacy”

By Victoria E. Kain (Author)

lit·er·a·cy What are we leaving behind in

our country as a heritage for our children and the generations to come? Money, real estate, cars, boats, jewelry? Well, you may want to re-think the LWAT (Last Will and Testament) to ensure that whoever these items are being left to can fully understand the terms and conditions of being able to maintain and keep the family jewels when you are gone. We speak about literacy as something of a real issue in our society today because it has become a number one topic of discussion in our country. Many educators are simply baffled at the low skills that students possess even when they enter high school and college. More and more of our youths are growing up without the proper basic education which in turn sets them up for failure later in life. The general definition for literacy is “the ability to read and write.” However, the meaning goes deeper as it relates to being “proficient in those areas as well. Over time, once a person learns how to read and write, they should soon become competent in the knowledge they have gained in specific areas learned. Back in most of our parent’s day, reading, writing and arithmetic were the staples for learning. You had to master those three subjects if you intended to pass any course. If you did, you were a “genius.” With our changing times, defining literacy has become more complex. Today in the 21st century, there’s more to literacy than we can ever imagine and most individuals are failing at it miserably. Today, being literate means being able to read and write at a certain “level” to be successful. You must also be “proficient” at math and be able to keep up with the technological changes while knowing

how to solve problems and make good decisions doing so…whew!” Now that’s a mouth full. According to the National Adult Literacy Survey, approximately 44 million people in the United States cannot read well enough to fill out an application, read a food label or read a simple story to a child. This includes people within a corrections facility where the majority of them have low literacy skills. These low skills are ultimately bleeding into our economic system which adversely affects U.S. businesses. It cost these businesses over $225 billion a year in lost productivity. This is due to employee mistakes, injuries, absenteeism, tardiness, missed opportunities and other problems. At this point, we need to revisit the topic of literacy and refocus on what is important to our children, and us! It is time to go back to the basics of learning how to “Read, Write, and perform mathematical problems. These are the basic essentials to becoming literate. It’s time to turn off the television, radio and video games and set time aside to READ! Reading can be fun, entertaining and relaxing! Ask yourself this question…if you have small children, when was the last time you sat down and read a book to them or with them? As young adults, when was the last time you read a book from cover to cover? Adults, have you ever read an entire “Novel?” Well, the good news is…it’s not too late! Books are great gifts for the whole family. Start your own home library, whether it is online or a physical library. Not sure what to read? Start with something that you like which would whet your appetite to read more

books. Reading will also help you build your vocabulary as well. Do you have issues with sight and get tired which may deter you from reading much? Audio books are a great gift for individuals who are challenged in those areas. Or, if you don’t have the space to house all the books you would like to

read, try eBooks, they are the best…Either way we look at it, it’s time to take a step in the right direction…Read a book today and support “Literacy” For great books for the whole family, go to and when you buy one…we GIVE one FREE! When it comes to leaning, there’s no “speeding” in the reading zone.

October 8, 2015

We want to take time and remember that “Literacy is our Legacy.” Let’s give those we love something that will last forever…KNOWLEDGE! Reading is the new “HAPPY.” READ MORE: rkshops/facts/whatis_lit.html









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Maynard..The Man, The Politician, The Game Changer

Atlanta (September 15, 2015). The motion picture cameras of Sam Pollard, documentary movie director extraordinaire, are moving quietly through Atlanta capturing the voices and images of Reverend Dr. Joseph Lowery, Vernon Jordan, former Ambassador/Congressman/ Mayor Andrew Young, and others as they speak their opinions about Atlanta’s first African American Mayor, Maynard Jackson. The theatrical documentary about the person and legacy of Maynard Holbrook Jackson Jr. will tell the story of the man, the politician, and the game changer; and will strive to answer the question: “How did Maynard do it?” Mayor Jackson was known as a charismatic and compassionate leader who served a record three terms as Atlanta’s mayor. Among his many successes, he earned his place in Atlanta history books for building the world's busiest airport and for leading the affirmative action charge across these United States. The objective is to tell the Maynard

story that details his life and to motivate other young politicians that one honest and dedicated individual can make a difference.

regation were broken and integration was close at hand. There was a group of African

The director of the film will be Samuel D. Pollard, known as a prize-winning producer/director of documentary films, who is an Emmy Winner and an Academy Awards Nominee for his work in Eyes on the Prize, Slavery by Another Name, When the Levees Broke, Four Little Girls, and more. He leads a team of writers and producers who are just as talented that include Sheila Curran Bernard, Winsome Sinclair, Wendy Eley Jackson, and Daphne McWilliams.

“I am excited about the challenge of making MAYNARD, the movie, said Pollard. “When you think about the civil rights movement, one usually thinks about what happened in the 50’s and early 60’s, Dr. King, SCLC, and SNCC. But there was another part of the civil rights struggle and what happened when the walls of seg-

American politicians whose job it was to work within the system and make change happen. Maynard Jackson was on the front of the line. This will be his story,” Pollard added. MAYNARD will present an intimate view of Jackson from those who knew him best. The

film will include video archival footage and photographs, and rare interviews with family and co-workers who helped sustain the Maynard movement during his administration at Atlanta City Hall. “My father fought the good fight for equal opportunity and economic equality especially for African Americans. He believed the way to accomplish that was through the power of educational achievement, the vote, and economic strength – the book, the ballot, and the buck, as he put it,” said Brooke Jackson Edmond, daughter of Mayor Jackson. “All Atlantans have benefitted from his work as have countless others far beyond Atlanta. There is a thriving African-American business class largely because of Maynard Jackson.” Auburn Avenue Films executive producers have many things to

October 8, 2015

say, but most importantly, they want the community to know, “This is certainly a labor of love.” “Fundraising remains most challenging; but as Maynard the man would say, ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going’ and so it is for us,” says Maynard Jackson III, whose had this idea bloom about one year ago to make this move about the life and times of his father. Auburn Avenue Films continues the calling for people to submit their Maynard story that will be published in some manner – either a printed copy and/or an on-line version. Many stories that have come forth from people who cared about what Maynard Jackson stood for and have a story to tell about some encounter they had with him during his lifetime. Details about how to submit your “Maynard Story” can be found o n l i n e a t w w w. m a y n a r d Those interested can also email Maynard stories to

2 de Octubre 2015

Pagina 6

Conectándote con el Padre Por: Pastor Leif I. Espinosa 318 10th Ave. B-F, Columbus, Ga. 31901 706-761-4156 para oración (Continued from last issue)

hasta los treinta. David sabía lo que era esperar aún en el proceso aun cuando todo parecía estar propiedaden su contra, él sabía que en el esperar había un gran poder escondido. Por eso es que aunque veas lo que veas y escuches lo que escuches espera en la palabra porque en ella hay Aliento, hombres y mujeres han sido alentados cuando recibieron una palabra de Dios en un momento de gran lucha. Hoy es tu día para creer a lo que Dios te está diciendo rompiendo así con todo desaliento, siendo vitalizado, afirmado oxigenado por la palabra que os ha sido hablada, espera y confía aliéntese tu corazón aun cuando todo el escenario sea desalentador puedes recibir refrigerio cuando confías en su VOZ. 13 Hubiera yo desmayado, sino creyese que veré la bondad de Jehová en la tierra de los vivientes 14 Aguarda a Jehová; Esfuérzate, y aliéntese tu corazón; Sí, espera a Jehová. Salmos 27:13-14Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960) Yo hubiera desmayado cuando recibí la noticia del tumor que fue encontrado en la cabeza de mi hija de 7 años, pero creí que vería la bondad de su gracia y provisión hecha manifiesta en la tierra de los vivientes, que fuerte pero hermoso es aguardar a Jehová, he sido alentado por el poder de su Espíritu en mi vida sabes tú puedes salir del desaliento es más te puedes despedir de desaliento dando paso a refrigerio que trae su palabra. Es tiempo que seas renovado dice Isaías 40:31Pero los que esperan en Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantaran las alas como águilas, correrán, y no se cansarán, caminarán, y no se fatigarán. Voy a ti. Una manera de conectarte al Padre es confiando en su palabra y esperando en él te invito a que lo hagas y serás sorprendido.


2 de Octubre 2015

¿Sus Restaurantes Y Tiendas Favoritos Actúan De Manera Ecológica?

(StatePoint) Algunas de sus cadenas de restaurantes y supermercados favoritas están haciendo equipo con ciudadanos interesados y grupos de conservación a fin de ayudar a proteger el medio ambiente y preservar los recursos pesqueros a largo plazo. Los consumidores y las grandes cadenas como McDonald’s y Costco están expresando cada vez más sus preocupaciones sobre asuntos de sustentabilidad que afectan al planeta y aquello que ponemos en los platos de nuestra familia. Quizás no se dé cuenta, pero los cañones más grandes del mundo no se encuentran en la tierra, de hecho están en lo profundo del océano, frente a la costa de Alaska. Estas zonas están repletas de vida marina clave para el ecosistema y la economía. Según los expertos y aunque no los vemos, estos importantes cañones no deben estar fuera de la atención para las familias cuando toman decisiones sobre dónde comprar y en qué cadena de restaurantes cenar. Los frágiles corales y esponjas de los cañones del mar de Bering son valiosos hábitats que proporcionan comida, zonas de desove y zonas de crianza, así como refugio, para especies de peces y cangrejos de importancia comercial, así como una gran variedad de vida marina que está en la base de la cadena alimentaria”, dice Jackie Dragon, líder de la campaña en defensa de los océanos en Greenpeace. “Cuando las redes de pesca masiva y pesada entran en contacto con los frágiles corales y esponjas de lento crecimiento, ganan las herramientas de pesca y pierde el ecosistema”. Los administradores de recursos pesqueros en la costa este de Estados Unidos ya han tomado medidas para restringir la pesca de contacto con el

fondo marino en áreas que contienen comunidades conocidas de coral o esponjas de aguas profundas, una política que se ajusta a las indicaciones de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos para promulgar tales medidas en el denominado “Cinturón verde” del mar de Bering, que es altamente productivo, han resultado controvertidos y han sido objeto de enérgica oposición por parte de cabilderos de los grupos de pesca. “El mar de Bering es la ‘cesta de pescados’ de los Estados Unidos, y tiene sentido proteger al ecosistema que pone comida en los estantes de los supermercados”, dice Dragon. “Alaska tiene la reputación de contar con la mejor administración de recursos pesqueros, pero en este asunto necesitan ponerse al día con sus similares de la costa este”. Más de una docena de las mayores cadenas de supermercados y compradores de mariscos, incluyendo a Safeway, McDonald’s y Costco, se han unido a grupos de conservación y a cientos de miles de ciudadanos para solicitar que se impongan restricciones a la pesca que, dicen los científicos, protegerían a estos ecosistemas, ayudando a sostener sus recursos a largo plazo. Se puede encontrar más información sobre estas iniciativas en Greenpeace acaba de lanzar su noveno informe anual “Carting Away the Oceans,” que ofrece a los consumidores una mirada sobre qué puntuaciones están obteniendo sus supermercados en cuanto a productos marinos sustentables. Descubra en dónde se encuentra su supermercado en cuanto a la protección de los cañones del mar de Bering aquí: “Esta es la primera vez que los supermercados y grandes compradores de filetes de pescado han utilizado su

peso sustancial para influir en estas decisiones”, dice Dragon. “Los consumidores pueden tener un impacto al comprar en tiendas y comer en restaurantes que apoyan la pesca sostenible”.

Las nuevas tecnologías pueden ayudar a prosperar a las pequeñas empresas

(StatePoint) Sólo la mitad de las pequeñas empresas de los EE.UU. sobrevive más de cinco años, según la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas de los EE.UU. Estos datos subrayan que ser propietario de un negocio pequeño no es nada fácil. Más allá del clásico desafío empresarial que implica conseguir y mantener utilidades, los propietarios las pequeñas empresas luchan para conseguir el tiempo y los recursos necesarios a fin de adaptarse a las nuevas tecnologías, señalan los expertos. “El ritmo de desarrollo tecnológico es tan abrumador como las formas siempre cambiantes en que los consumidores interactúan con ella y la utilizan. Para mantenerse competitivas entre los consumidores y los empleados, las pequeñas empresas tienen que adoptar e incorporar tecnología en línea en sus operaciones cotidianas de negocios”, dice Seong Ohm, vicepresidente senior de servicios de negocios de mercancía de Sam’s Club. Para ayudar a los empresarios a navegar por la nueva tecnología y abarcar el panorama cambiante de las operaciones de negocios, Ohm ofrece seis sugerencias para el éxito en las pequeñas empresas: • Acelere la nómina: Las nuevas apps para celulares y tabletas facilitan las tareas tediosas y las hace más eficientes. Por ejemplo, las apps de nómina en línea permiten a los empleadores hacer la nómina en menos de un minute, pagar a los trabajadores mediante depósito directo y presentar la declaración de impuestos electrónicamente. • Proteja sus ventas: La más reciente tecnología de procesamiento de pagos puede proteger mejor su negocio en el punto de venta. Para evitar cargar con la responsabilidad de cargos de créditos fraudulentos, las empresas deben actualizar sus terminales a fin de que acepten tarjetas de crédito habilitadas con chips EMV, que protegen a los consumidores de manera más segura. Los propietarios de pequeñas empresas pueden contar con expertos de servicios para comerciantes al fin de cumplir los requisitos de las tarjetas con chip EMV de modo asequible y sin incomodidades.• Sea visible: Incluso si su negocio es fundamentalmente una operación física, no es posible exagerar la importancia de tener presencia en línea.

No basta simplemente tener un sitio web, es necesario que lo descubran. Google cambia con frecuencia la forma en que determina las clasificaciones de los resultados de búsqueda. Invierta en la optimización para buscadores (SEO) no una vez, sino de modo periódico para ajustarse a las fórmulas de Google que pueden significar el éxito o el fracaso. Una estrategia sólida en redes sociales y capacidad móvil para su sitio son aspectos que también afectarán de modo positivo su clasificación en las búsquedas. Haga a un lado los libros de mercadotecnia y apóyese en expertos en mercadotecnia digital para que auditen su presencia en línea actual y desarrollen una estrategia que funcione para su presupuesto y haga crecer su base de clientes. • Permanezca conectado: Usted posiblemente es quien dice la última palabra a la hora de tomar las grandes decisiones, pero eso no significa que se espera que lo sepa todo. Busque consejo de colegas de confianza de su industria o un mentor local de SCORE por medio de LinkedIn y las redes sociales. Aparte tiempo para seminarios web y actividades de interacción. Y, lo más importante, manténgase conectado con sus amigos y familia durante los momentos de estrés. • Sea inteligente en lo fiscal: Establezca una entidad legal para su negocio en línea. Esto le permitirá conservar una parte mayor de sus ingresos y aumentar sus protecciones de activos y de responsabilidad legal. Los impuestos a las empresas pueden ser más costosos y complicados que la presentación de declaraciones personales, así que debe encontrar a un contador que entienda su negocio. Puede beneficiarse mucho y la asistencia de expertos de contabilidad en línea. Ellos le ayudarán a aprovechar las deducciones y créditos fiscales, y a presentar sus declaraciones en los plazos frecuentes y variados correctos para evitar sanciones. • Salvaguardar sus datos: Las pequeñas empresas son, con frecuencia, blancos para el robo de identidades. Cree contraseñas complejas para proteger la información delicada. Plantéese invertir en un servicio de protección con monitoreo de amenazas las 24 horas y apoyo para la recuperación en caso de actividad fraudulenta. Para accede a estos recursos que crearán eficiencias para instalar o dirigir una empresa, visite No deje que le abrume la adopción de nuevas tecnologías. Muchos de estos servicios son más asequibles de lo que usted piensa, Son fáciles de actualizar y ofrecen acceso a expertos en cualquier momento y lugar. Estas herramientas técnicas pueden impulsar fácilmente sus operaciones de negocios, agilizar procesos y ahorrarle tiempo y dinero.


Jueves 2 de Octubre 2015

Lefty is home!! Hospital tests have confirmed that he will need extensive medical care. Let's keep praying! Thank you to all of you for the support you have shown so far!

Jose E. Guzman, P.C. Abogados Heridas Personales - Derecho Penal - DUI Derecho Familiar - Manutención de los Hijos 721 1st Avenue Columbus, Georgia 31901

706.984.8428 Georgiacares está aquí para ayudarle! La zona de River Valley Agency on Aging Georgiacares Programa responde a las preguntas acerca de: - Bajo Costo Medicamentos Recetados Programas Asistencia Mecánica y cómo aplicar (LIS) - Revisión de su Medicare Resumen - Programa Medicare (MSP) - Servicios Preventivos Medicare - Senior Medicare Patrol-SMP (Medicare Errores, fraudes y abusos - LIS ( Low-Income Subvención) y MSP (Programa Medicare

¿Su iglesia y/o organización basada en la fe o organismo de un grupo superior y/o alto cargo del ministerio? ¿Le gustaría saber más acerca de cómo proteger a los adultos mayores en su comunidad de medicare/Medicaid Errores, fraude, abuso y el robo de identidad? Medicare preguntas? ¿Está girando 65? Llame a la oficina hoy Georgiacares que prepare una presentación de su iglesia u organización a aprender sobre el programa de Medicare, ayuda extra para aquellos que califican, Medicare servicios de prevención y asistencia mecánica llamada prescripción oportunidades de trabajo voluntario llame al 1-866 -5524464, Opción 4 y pedir Shameika Averett, Coordinador Georgiacares

Jueves 2 de Octubre 2015

Pagina 2

Los 25 Hispanos Más Influyentes de Columbus, Ft. Benning & Phenix City

Beatrice Blue - Big Brothers

Daisy Lynton - Panamanian Society

Alejandro Brito - Britos Market

Josefina Takemoto - CB&T

“Lefty” Encarnacion - Tri-City Festival

Ceilia Alexander - WHINSEC

Kike Seda -Businessman

Evelyn “Mimi” Woodson City Council

Leila Woodard - El Evento

Mary Vargas Businesswoman

Millie del Toro Parks & Rec

Elika Ortega - Tri-City Festival

Indira Nino - Adv. Consultant

Pastor Freddie Diaz

Cristina Richards - Suntrust Bank

Nathalia Contreras

Roberto Aron - Tri-City Festival

Pastor Leif I. Espinosa Clergy

Tanya Bachelor -Community Aide

Sally Rejas - Aflac

Rev. Dr. Ivelisse Quinones St. Luke

Giovanna Rodriguez Gonzales Spring Harbour

Carlos Huertas - Real Estate

Pedro Rodriguez - DJ

Jose Guzman Attorney

Eco Latino Vol. 10


La Voz de la Minoría

Edición 13 Gratis

Jueves 2 de Octubre 2015

Las nuevas tecnologías pueden ayudar a prosperar a las pequeñas empresas

Pagina 5

¿Sus Restaurantes Y Tiendas Favoritos Actúan De Manera Ecológica?

Pagina 5

Pastor Leif I. Espinosa

Pagina 6


Los Hispanos Más Influyentes de Columbus, Ft. Benning & Phenix City

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