June 2010 Connemara View

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Opposite Thinking on Alternative Energy The Connemara region has a wealth of natural resources that could be harnessed to create electricity from wind and water. However, any major project that would lead towards building a self-sustaining alternative energy source has not yet materialised. In fact, the only major wind turbine project proposed to date has been refused planning twice, due to concerns by An Bord Pleanála that tourists would find it unsightly. It is worthy of note that the Clifden region is not on the main electricity line of ESB’s national grid and is highly unlikely to be added in the near future. The Connemara company LIR Environmental Research Ltd. applied for planning permission in 2005 for a wind turbine on a 235 acre site in Tooraskeheen, Clifden. Less than an acre of land would be used for the wind turbine. An Bord Pleanála’s objections were based on issues including sensitivity to the landscape and that it could be seen in the far distance from the rear of the Alcock and Brown Monument car park in Errislannan. The proposed 65 metre wind turbine could supply over 2000 homes in the Connemara area with 3 megawatts of clean, green, renewable wind energy. (Ireland uses approx. 4500 megawatts annually.) The wind turbine can be connected to the already existing Clifden ESB substation which is 2km away. LIR Environmental Research Ltd. is a company that develops alternative energy sources which is owned by brothers Peter and Kevin Walsh from Letterfrack. They set up the company 11 years ago. Ironically, homeowners may erect a 10 metre domestic wind turbine and commercial enterprises may have a 20 metre unit without planning permission. Let us analyse the logic of planning regulations and decisions and those who make them. We have the right to cover the countryside with a plethora of small spinners, but one large one that would provide thousands of us with electric independence is not allowed. In a telephone survey conducted by the Connemara View in April and May of 2005, the question asked was “Are you for or against the wind turbine in Clifden?” 52 responded to the question: 43 were FOR (82%), 3 were AGAINST (6%) and 6 had NO OPINION(12%). The opinion of locals clearly was not a factor with regard to the final decision. LIR Environmental intends to seek planning permission once more. A new aspect of the project includes making 40% of the shares available to local individuals or businesses.

The Connemara View is supporting their efforts by putting a letter on www.connemaraview.com which can be downloaded and sent to the relevant governmental agencies, the contact details of which will also be provided. Wind is not the only natural resource that can create energy. Hydroelectric power from rivers and tidal power have the potential to generate significant electricity. This is not a new concept. E.J. King built a hydroelectric power plant at the base of the Owenglin River in Clifden in the 1930s which supplied power to the town. This week Deputy Frank Fahey T. D. released details of a proposal which envisions Clifden and Connemara as an ‘Alternative Energy Zone’ wherein all of the energy requirements of the region from Roundstone to Renvyle could potentially be provided for by local energy sources. Among his proposals is an hydroelectric project on the Owenglen River which he has discussed with the Clifden Trout Angler’s Association. He also referred to the new Clifden Community School building as potentially playing an important role in the future of a self-sustaining energy community, suggesting that a wind turbine could service the energy needs of the

new school building. School principal Dr. Liam Bolger has indicated that the new school building project would consider all energy sources but that these developments or proposals would be looked at further down the line in the building process, after the current planning process has been completed. Green Party Senator Niall O Brolcháin has also been involved in this Alternative Energy Zone proposal, bringing the matter to the attention of Minister for Communications, Energy, and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan T.D. and Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government John Gormley. Frank Fahey T.D. concluded “As part of the EU RES Directive it is the Government’s aim to have 40% of electricity needs provided by renewable energy by 2020. I believe that Connemara and Clifden can key into this very effectively and I will continue to work on this issue with people interested in establishing an Alternative Energy Zone in Clifden and West Connemara”. EM & CP Photo: Leading Edge Renewables of Letterfrack building a prototype of a vertical access wind turbine in Renvyle which does not require planning permission. Photo by Aoife Herriott

REGIONAL AIB Clifden Better Ireland Awards AIB Clifden was delighted to present its 2009/2010 AIB Better Ireland Programme funding of €10,000 to its three short listed projects in May. Following the voting phase, St. Theresa’s National School topped the votes and received funding of €5,000 at the branch presentation. Cleggan

Claddaghduff Playgroup was first runner up and received funding of €3,000 and Clifden Community Playschool was second runner up receiving €2,000. St. Theresa’s National School will use the funding of €5,000 to equip the classrooms with sensory equipment and resources specific to the children’s needs. The €3,000 from AIB Clifden will be used by Cleggan Claddaghduff Playgroup to update the playgroup’s toys and play equipment. Clifden Community Playschool will use its share of the funding to develop a sandpit area for the children attending the playschool to enjoy. Speaking at the presentation, Dave Beecher, AIB Branch Manager, AIB Clifden said: “We would like to congratulate the three groups from AIB Clifden for their success in the public vote competition and are looking forward to seeing all

the projects progress over the coming months. The success of this year’s Programme is primarily due to the enthusiasm and energy that all the groups put into campaigning at local level. ” Almost 1,300 applications were received online in 2009 from a variety of community groups across Ireland. In January, 546 groups were short-listed for the public to vote and choose their favourite local community group to receive a share of the €10,000 each from their AIB Branch. €1.82 million will be shared amongst all the short listed groups. Log onto www.betterireland.ie for a full listing of all the projects who received funding in the 2009 / 2010 AIB Better Ireland Programme. AIB: (L-r): Anne Marie Walsh of AIB Clifden is pictured with Cepta Stephens from St Theresa’s N.S. Cashel, Bernie Hughes of Cleggan from Claddaghduff Community Playgroup, Lisa McCarthy of Clifden Community Playschool and Dave Beecher, AIB Branch Manager, Clifden. Photo courtesy of Mary Crotty PR.

Bealtaine at St Joseph’s Court Bealtaine is the world’s leading festival celebrating creativity in older age; it is a chance to socialise, to be entertained, to debate and connect across the generations as well as to express one’s self. Residents of St Joseph’s Court in Clifden got Bealtaine off to an excellent start on Monday 24th May with an afternoon of painting under the expert eye of Cathal O’Malley followed that evening with a hilarious drama presentation entitled ‘The donkey’, brilliantly performed by Seán and Ros of Tegolin Tales. The evening was rounded off with a fine display of sean nós dancing and tea and coffee. Tuesday 25th May was Gym and Exercise day with Leanne Abery leading residents through a gentle exercise session followed by ‘walking for fun’ in the sunshine. Thursday night saw a progressive card drive taking place, followed by a monster bingo on Friday night. Craftwork came to the fore on Tuesday 1st June with a fine display of patchwork by Gillan Hardesty and a demonstration of basket making by Michael Joyce. Wednesday June 2nd was Health and Wellbeing and Pampering Day with a talk on nutrition and diet given by Eileen O’Connor with manicures, pedicures and facials available during the day. The festival is rounded off on Friday 4th June with a picnic on the patio, weather permitting, with caint, ceol agus go leor craic!

Domestic Arts This Summer Clifden Show The deadline date for entries for the Clifden Pony Show Domestic Arts which will take place on August 19th is Friday July 9th. Entry forms may be requested from the CPBS office at the Showgrounds in Clifden by phoning 095-21863 or by e-mailing enquiries@cpbs.ie.

Roundstone Show The Roundstone Pony Show on Sunday July 11th will include a Domestic Arts marquee once again this year where home produce and crafts will be on display. There will be 20 classes in total, details of which will be available online at www.connemaraview.com in June. Sponsored by The Connemara View, there will be prizes of €10 vouchers for the first placed entries in each category with a €50 prize and trophy for the overall Best Entry on the day. Entries will be accepted on the morning of the show at a fee of €3 from 10-12pm with judging and prize giving taking place between 2pm and 3pm. Many items will also be for sale after the judging has taken place.

Roads Update The National Roads Authority (NRA) have confirmed a further allocation of funding to Galway County Council for further resurfacing work on the N59. On the N59 Clifden to Galway Road funding of €65,000 has been allocated to an area at Glengowla (between Oughterard and Maam Cross) and €75,000 to Garrowman (west of Recess). On the N59 Clifden to Leenane Road - €100,000 has been allocated to Cleggan Junction, €295,000 to the road Crocnaraw to Moyard, €200,000 at Streamstown, €230,000 for Letterfrack and €750,000 Tullywee Bridge to Kylemore. Cllr. Eileen Mannion said that the above works will be designed, tendered and constructed in the next few months. “While this funding is very welcome, more is required to bring all the roads in Connemara up to an acceptable standard” she said.

Animal Rescue Sale A sale in aid of Renvyle Animal Rescue will be held on Sunday June 6th at the Ellis Hall in Letterfrack from 10am-3pm. Books, bric-a-brac, toys, plants, clothes, DVDs, curios, home baking, a raffle and more will be available on the day. Donations of items for the sale are very welcomecall 087-056-6302 to arrange collection or bring along on the day. Contributions of home baking would also be appreciated and the help of everyone who supports this local effort is most appreciated. Judy Lawrence

Forum Family Activities A Parent and Toddler group meets at the Leisure Centre at the Station House Gym every Thursday from 11am12pm. The pool games and activities have been very well attended to date and all parents are encouraged to bring their toddlers along to join in the fun. There is also a splashing and swimming meeting every Saturday at the Station House Leisure Centre from 3-4pm for special needs children and their families. All of the children and their parents and siblings are invited to come along and take part in a fun and friendly environment. For more details contact Margaret Sheehan at the Forum, Old Boys School, Low Road, Clifden or call 095-21741.

Art in Moycullen Ealaíon na Mara is an exhibition of artwork by residents of Moycullen Nursing Home as part of Bealtaine 2010 currently on display in the Crossroads, Moycullen. The artwork is created by the residents using materials gathered along the seashore. The Bealtaine Festival celebrates creativity in older age. The exhibition was on display at Crossroads for the month of May and was officially opened by Michael D. Higgins, T.D. on Friday, 30th April. Moycullen Nursing Home resident and creator of one of the pieces, Emer O’ Tiernaigh viewing the artwork of Ealaíon na Mara with Michael D. Higgins, T.D. at the opening of the exhibition. Photo courtesy of Paul Dunne

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June 2010

Connemara View Newspaper

Top Irish Travel Experience

New Stamp Launched

Medical Card Dental Cuts

A visit to the Connemara region has been ranked at Number Four in the recent ‘Ireland’s Top 25 Experiences’ list, compiled by the highly esteemed and respected Lonely Planet travel guide series. The new guide, which was released in May in Europe, the Middle East and African territories promises to do “the work for you, cutting straight to the must-see highlights of the country so no matter what your time frame or budget, you won’t miss the best bits”. The top three “must sees” are ‘The Pub’ at number one, followed by ‘Dublin’ at number two and ‘Traditional Music’ at number three. Connemara is glowingly described as ‘one of the most stunning corners of Europe’, ranking above Glendalough, Clonmacnoise, Dingle and even the Rock of Cashel and the Cliffs of Moher. The description continues, “This kaleidoscope of rusty bogs, lonely valleys and enticing seaside hamlets laid across a patchwork of narrow country roads punctuated by the odd, inviting country pub evokes the timelessness of the very best of Irish scenery, unsullied by centuries of history and transformation”. The Sky Road and Inagh Valley are also listed under ‘Ireland’s Best Scenic Drives’ and the drive from Galway to Oughterard is also included in a ‘Top Itinerary’ 5 day travel around the country. The Lonely Planet series regularly update and evolve their travel guides which are extremely successful and popular internationally and Connemara’s inclusion in this latest offering will be welcomed by tourism providers and operators in the region.

A new stamp celebrating the centenary of Irish language poet Máirtín O’ Direáin’s birth was unveiled on his native Inis Mór

The recent cuts to the dental care provided for by the HSE to medical card holders have resulted in confusion for patients as to what they are entitled to and have drawn sharp criticism from dentists nationwide, who warn that Irish dental health may now deteriorate hugely as a result. The restriction of the scheme to one which provides limited emergency cover means that up to 1.6 million people nationwide who are covered by the scheme may be denied a range of routine treatments including fillings and extractions as well as denture and treatment of gum disease. PRSI dental entitlements have also been cut in recent times. In a circular to dentists in April the HSE informed members of the IDA (Irish Dental Association) of the new changes. Dr. Catherine Skelly of Clifden Dental Practice explained as follows “Dentists are interpreting it that patients are entitled to examination and treatment of up to two fillings and root canal treatment of anterior teeth if required. Scale and polishes and periodontal treatment have been suspended. This is a real folly as recent studies have shown up to a 70% increase in heart disease in patients who don’t brush their teeth regularly”. She also indicated that there has been great confusion and misunderstanding of what the recent changes are and urged people to get in touch with their dentists rather than ignore their dental health as there are still some entitlements.

Post & Telegraphs Reunion Former employees of Posts & Telegraphs (An Post & Eircom) Galway and their partners are invited to a Reunion Barbecue at the Salthill Hotel in Galway at 7pm on Friday June 11th. For further information please contact Paraic on 091-522-239 or email anposteircom@hotmail.com.

Famine Commemoration Award Congratulations to Kevin Mullen, 2nd Year (pictured below) on his success at winning second place in the Post Primary Category in a competition organised for the National Famine Commemoration 2010. He was awarded his prize in the presence of his family by Minister of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht Pat Carey T.D at a ceremony in Murrisk, Co. Mayo on Sunday May 16th. Well done Kevin and congratulations to all who took part in the competition. Photo courtesy of Mary Geraldine Shevlin

on May 28th. The special 55c stamp was launched by An Post at the writer’s birthplace of Sruthán by Minister Éamon Ó Cuív. Also in attendance were Connemara County Councillors Seán Kyne and Eileen Mannion who are shown here with the print of a painting by Thomas Ryan RHA.

Launch of Clifden Cycle Loops Members of the public, cyclists and visitors alike are invited to meet at the Showgrounds in Clifden on Saturday June 19th at 11am for the launch of the new Clifden Cycle Loops development and to then join in a leisure cycle of the Errislannan. Clifden Cycle Loops was developed by Galway County Council in partnership with Failte Ireland. It includes signage and additional bikes stands to guide people around four routes that all start and finish in Clifden. It is part of a National Cycle Network which will be promoted by Failte Ireland. Mapboards showing the routes are located in Clifden Town Centre, just off the Square near the Alcock & Brown Hotel and bike stands, Cleggan Pier, Sky Road Viewing Area, Roundstone Village and Ballyconneely Village. All areas will have bike stands in place. For further details contact Eimear Dolan Galway County Council 091-476-506 edolan@galwaycoco.ie.

Mobile Cancer Info Unit The Marie Keating Foundation Mobile Unit & Nurse will be at Supervalu in Clifden on Friday June 18th from 10.30am to 3.30pm. The service offers advice and help to men and women and information leaflets on each of the key cancers: Lung, Bowel, Skin, Mouth, Prostate, Testicular, Ovarian, Cervical & Breast cancers. The Nurse is available to talk to the public on a one-to-one basis on any health related issues they may have.The free service is about education and awareness. They do not carry out screening.

Connemara View Newspaper

June 2010

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REGIONAL Connemara Chamber Updates The Connemara Chamber of Commerce met with County Manager Martina Maloney and her executive officers Michael Dolly and Evan Molloy on Tuesday June 1st to discuss a range of local authority issues pertaining to Clifden and West Connemara. As was expected, the dramatic deterioration in public finances has had an impact on infrastructural spend available to the council to spend on various projects. This makes the plans for the sewage treatment plant all the more frustrating, as in the boom years this project was unacceptably delayed by what appears to be political and administrative bungling by so many of the people in power in the area. On the positive side, the Clifden sewage treatment plan and Clifden drinking water plans remain on the slimmed down commitments for the Galway county water services plan for 2010-2012.

Clifden Sewage Treatment Plant The foreshore licence has been issued in draft to Galway county council (GCC) with a number of conditions. GCC have accepted the conditions and all that remains is for the chief state solicitor’s office and the Dept of Environment (DoE) to issue the actual licence which is expected to be within weeks. At that stage the project will be available to go to tender. The tender documents have been drafted and have been reviewed by the DoE so even allowing for the inevitable delays this project could advance to tender in the coming months. However, the project is still to be paid for by the DoE, so naturally the government finances could still play a part in deciding whether this proceeds.

(Perhaps we should borrow the money from Anglo Irish Bank!). In the county manager’s own words “we are as close as we have ever been” to finally seeing the environmental catastrophe that is the Clifden Sewage works finally being addressed. Still pressure needs to be applied to our local and national representatives to make sure this finally happens, so we all still have a role to play in seeing this through.

Clifden Water Treatment Works This is an important project also, but one which is increasingly in danger of slipping off the agenda. Clifden has a water treatment plant but it is not adequate to service the needs of a growing town and all recognise it needs to be upgraded. Whilst the plans are in the water services programme there are fears that a reprioritisation of projects may see this plan fall down the list of projects. Again, awareness of the issue and agitation locally for what is our right may well see us achieve a solution in this regard and we all have a part to play in demanding our water services upgrade.

Ball Alley Plans The chamber and the community council have discussed this area with GCC with a view to creating a proper public park for the benefit of the town, ideally for delivery in conjunction with the Clifden 2012 celebrations. Again, no monies are forthcoming but the council would be willing to discuss plans for the town to develop the area, including lands in the control of the GCC. A meeting of all interested parties with GCC is proposed to see what can be achieved and what the issues are. This is to be arranged with the help of the council and should take place over the summer.

Beach Road Once again the chamber has requested the council to take preventative action to address the issue of annual itinerant encampments on the Beach Road. This area is wholly unsuitable for this activity and there have been numerous issues/accidents over the years because of the amount of traffic and people in close proximity. There are plans to address this in the coming weeks so we will monitor developments with a view to getting a solution to this issue permanently.

Meeting The chamber will brief its members on the above and other issues at a meeting in Mannion’s Bar meeting room at 6pm on Friday 4th June. All members are asked to attend to discuss these and other issues of importance to the town. Given the challenging business environment we are currently in it is vital we put a unified and forceful effort together in fighting for improvements to our area which will benefit all.

Opening of Pontoon One development which we are happy to announce is the much awaited completion of phase one of the Clifden pontoon project. The completion of the €56,000 phase one of the project will be open to view for all at Clifden Boat Club at 8.30pm this Friday June 4th. This is the culmination of years of work by the chamber and has now come to fruition with the invaluable assistance and support of the Clifden Boat Club and the Clifden Local Lotto. The project has received 75% Leader funding, so in conjunction with the boat club (who are also celebrating the 20th anniversary of the opening of their own clubhouse almost on the same day) you are invited to come to the open evening to celebrate the delivery of phase one of this exciting project, where we will also discuss our advanced plans for phase 2! Minister Éamon Ó Cuív together with officers from both the chamber and the boat club will be in attendance, so please come and enjoy a glass of wine. Declan Mannion, President

Community School Planning The Stage 2B process of Clifden Community School seems to be progressing to plan, as envisaged when details of this stage were announced at the start of this year. The main news at the moment is that arrangements are being made for the Design Team to meet the planners in Galway Co. Co. for a pre planning submission consultation very soon. We understand that this meeting will go ahead in the next week. After this meeting takes place it is expected that the planning application will be lodged sometime during this month. It is anticipated that the stage 2B process will be completed by the end of this year.

CSI Campaign Continues CSI Clifden held a very successful Cake Sale on Sunday May 9th in The Station House Hotel. Thank you to all those who baked for this event and for the very generous raffle prizes for the monster raffle on the day. This fundraiser was very well supported and amount raised was € 953.00 The next CSI Clifden public meeting will take place in Claddaghduff Community Hall on Monday 14th June at 8 pm. Please support the campaign for a new ‘fit for purpose’ school for the community. Everyone is welcome to attend where the latest news will be available on the current situation of the Stage 2B process. See www.csiclifden.com for all the latest

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June 2010

news. If you want to be included in any text alerts please text your name to 087125-4208. Please include your email address to be included in our mailing list.

Computer Lessons for Over 55’s Age Action and The Clifden Library will soon be running one-to-one beginner computer classes for those over 55. The classes go on for 8 weeks for approximately 2 hours per week, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings where very basic computer skills will be taught in a fun and caring environment. Induction and training manuals will be provided. Further details can be found on http://www.ageaction.ie/getting-started. htm or phone/email Justine Delaney, 087-262-5517 / jdelaney@ageaction.ie or if you would like to part, either as a teaching volunteer or as a learner, leave your details with Paul at the library. Classes are free but learners can contribute up to €10 towards the cost of the training manual. A couple more volunteers are still needed for the course to go ahead so please make contact at the details above if you can spare a couple of hours each week.

LEADER Programme Update FORUM Connemara Ltd is currently administering the Rural Development Programme (LEADER) 2007-2013 for the non Gaeltacht part of Connemara. The Leader programme has evolved into a mainstream approach to rural development, attempting to tackle the challenges faced in rural areas and unlock the potential of these areas for sustainable development. Leader is funded 55% from the EU and 45% from Irish Exchequer funds. FORUM is one of the 36 Local Action Groups (LAGs) that have been established in Ireland to deliver the Leader programme. The official launch of the FORUM Leader programme, by Eamonn O’Cuiv, T.D., took place in May 2009. The overall aim of the programme is to improve the quality of life in rural areas and diversify the rural economy. It is hoped that this will be achieved through the development of individual projects under the eight key measures under which funding and support is available. These are as follows: Diversification into non-agricultural activities, Business creation and development, Encouragement of Tourism Activities, Basic services for the economy and rural population, Village renewal and development, Conservation and upgrading of the rural heritage, Training and Information, Skills Acquisition and Animation. To date, the FORUM Board of Directors has approved 39 projects with the total amount of funding awarded to end April 2010 amounting to €430,986.31. There is funding available to individuals and communities with an eligible project, under the measures listed above. Interested individuals and / or groups should visit the FORUM website www.forumconnemara.ie for details of the Leader programme. If you have a project idea, please contact one of the Leader project officers: Karen Mannion on 095-41116 or Joe Conaty on 087-963-5628.

Next Issue:

Thursday, July 8th 095-22888 www.connemaraview.com

Connemara View Newspaper

Ball Alley Pitch


Tidy Towns Adjudication In the next few weeks the adjudication will take place for the 2010 Tidy Towns Competition. As can be seen by all the great work done around the town and environs, we are better prepared than ever for our inspection. Throughout May a large number of projects were completed. These projects included the new improved signage for our three town walks that were a project undertaken by Monica Joyce and Alan Shattock and came out brilliantly. As can be seen, the Old Jail walk is now complete and has drawn great comments from so many people around the town that are delighted to see it re-opened. The Tree Planting is nearly completed on the Ballyconneely Road and once again has added tremendously to the visual impact on entry to that side of the town. All the gardens around the town have been spruced up with new plants and shrubs and we hope to complete the large grassy bank at the public car park quite shortly. We also did a cleanup of the Brodóig River at the rear of the public car park and this stretch of same river will be one of our major projects we hope to complete by year’s end. The Tidy Towns Group are rightly proud of what they have achieved this season and now in the run up to the adjudication period, we ask every business and private household to take pride in their town and do their bit by keeping the front of each and every premises neat and tidy. The Group has delivered leaflets to this effect right around the town asking for your support to give our town that little extra sparkle which will draw the few extra points that can make all the difference. Throughout May we had wonderful support from quite a few local people that deserve mention: Julian Matz (www. netlink.ie) for designing our new logo and also tech support with other internet projects and Pat Guy for his great work on the Ballyconneely Road from helping with the trees as well as taking the initiative of keeping his stretch of the road mowed and planted with new flowers etc. Our new visual display in Supervalu has come courtesy of Sean Lynch, Lynchpin Communications, who as can be seen has done a great job on promoting all of our hard work. Gerard King and the Fire Brigade teamkindly look after watering the trees, which has saved us a lot of backaches! As ever, all the gang from FÁS must be highly complimented on the constant upkeep of the grass verges which are constantly maintained by them. They are also taking care of a number of more difficult problems that need addressing and for this we would like to thank them and all the above for taking pride in their community. Thanks also to T.J. Redmond, our local County Engineer and his team for their co-operation. For the next few weeks, we will be concentrating on a Tuesday and Thursday gathering to keep on top of all the gardens etc. We meet around 7.45 pm on both evenings, just contact us for further information or see the notice board in Supervalu. As ever, if you would like to join our merry bunch, you can keep an eye on the notice board in Supervalu or you can also contact Sheila Griffin (Chairperson) on 095-21441, Mary O`Donnell (Secretary) e.mail: cregghouse1@eircom.net or PK Joyce (PRO) at 095-21688.

The new sports pitch (Multiple Utility Games Area) at the Ball Alley is now open daily and is available for use. It is planned to run at least two leagues over the summer months; one for the 11-15 age group and one for older participants. Any individuals or groups wishing to book in or use the facility are requested to ask at the reception of the Alcock & Brown Hotel, where they may leave details of their desired time and activity and are encouraged to do this in the next fortnight, so a schedule may be drawn up for the use of the pitch. A minor fee may apply to contribute towards the maintenance of the pitch, which is floodlit in the evening time. In general, younger age groups will have priority for earlier times. It is of the utmost importance that no foods or drinks are consumed on the pitch as this is against the conditions of use and may result in exclusion from using the new facility. All requests and bookings may be made at the Alcock & Brown Hotel and the committee behind the new pitch delighted that it is now in use and available to all.

Library News Photograph Competition: The Library is holding a photograph competition for all junior members. The competition will through the summer months in conjunction with the summer reading quest. The theme of the competition this year is ‘Sport’. So get cracking and the winner will receive a fantastic digital camera. All the children’s activities in the library are funded by our used book sale. New Books: Some new titles in the library this month: The Whisperers by John Connolly- another good offering from this Irish writer; up to his usual standard. House Rules by Jodi Picoult-good writing, strong characters, interesting plot; a cracking read. Internet Access: Internet is available to library members free of charge; printing is available at 10c per page. Each person is allowed one 50 minute session each day. Reader of the Month for April was Adam Mba and May was Jack Maher. Library Membership is open to all residents in the community. Registration Fees: Adults €5 per year; Students & Job seekers: €2/year. Children & Senior Citizens: Free. Open Hours: Mon & Wed 2.30- 1pm & 6.30- 8.30pm. Tues Thurs & Sat 10.301pm & 2.30- 6pm. Fri 10.30 - 1pm & 2.30 - 6pm & 6.30 8.30pm. Bernie Jeffries


84 & Counting! The road from Glenturkeen in Cashel as far as the crossroads at Recess may soon celebrate 100. At the latest count, this 2 mile section of road had 84 bad spots that included broken surface, holes and other bad deterioration. At that stage there were signs that the bad spots were spreading and that Galway County Council was standing still. The Carna Community Forum has now asked how it happened that some Connemara County Councillor backed a proposal to remove money from the R340 road this year. Another group of Councillors stood against this move but agreed to a compromise and brought the sum being taken away down to €100,000 rather than €200,000. The Carna Forum has now called on County Councillors and TDs to ensure that the road is fixed soon.

vide Crèche, Pre-School and evening afterschool facilities for children in the area.

Crossroads upgrade Work has been carried out by Galway County Council at the crossroads in Carna including a new traffic bollard, road markings and signposting. The work has given the crossroads a better look and the signposting is much improved. The Carna Village Action Committee has been involved in an effort over the past five years to bring footpaths and public lighting, as well as general improvements to the village. While progress is slow the Committee are continuing their efforts. Áine Máire Ní Fhlatharta

Childcare facility Work is due to begin shortly on the building of a Childcare facility in Carna. The campaign to have the Childcare facility built has gone on over 7 years. A group of parents first worked on the campaign and it was pushed on by the Carna Community Forum and the local Co-Op. Údarás na Gaeltachta gave a site at the Industrial Estate and then prepared the site. A sum of €600,000 was granted by the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform following the work of the Community Forum and the Co- Op. The facility will be built by a community development company funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta-that is Forbairt Chonamara Láir. The first block was recently officially laid by the new Gaeltacht Minister Pat Carey. The Childcare Centre will pro-


Ballyconneely Archive Ballyconneely Parish Hall Association are endeavoring to create a archive of material for public display and for inclusion on a web site for the Ballyconneely area. We would like to hear from anybody who has any photographs or film footage or any material in print or digital format, of both old and recent of events, people, places and buildings of the area. We would like to include items that may have been of local interest and indeed items that would have a wider audience. All original material will be copied/ scanned and then returned in its original condition. We would hope that all who may have such material would make it available for the project and for the general public and our many visitors both new and regular to the area. Please contact Cathal at 095-23097 or 087-989-2973 of catjoyce@eircom.net.

Connemara View Newspaper

June 2010

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Claddaghduff Triathlon The second annual Claddaghduff Triathlon will take place on Saturday, June 26th. This is a fundraising event with an entry fee of €15 per person. Proceeds will go towards the costs outstanding from the recent refurbishment of Claddaghduff Hall. Entry is open to all; individuals or teams in any combination. Registration will take place on the day at 1.30pm in Claddaghduff Hall. The triathlon will start at 3pm sharp with a 4.5-km tidal swim from Acton’s Beach in Cushatrough. The swim is timed to coincide with the rising tide so swimmers are aided by the incoming tide. Following the swim, there will be an 18km cycle from The Priory in Doon out through Fountainhill, Tank Road, Emlough, Aughrisbeg, Aughrismore and Claddaghduff Hall. The cycle will be followed by a 4.5-km run from Claddaghduff Hall to Sweeney’s Bar, Larragan, Aughrismore, Patches and finishing at Sweeney’s. This promises to be a really fun and exhilarating event so check your fitness level and come along and sign up. For further information, contact Laurence Conneely at 086-853-0339 or e-mail info@cleggancladdaghduff.com.

Caitriona O’Broinn from Clifden Community School for all her help and for taking the time to travel to Dublin’s City West Hotel for the prize giving ceremony which took place on May 26th. Roisín also entered a nationwide poster competition entitled ‘Positive Mental Health’ where she designed a poster promoting the whole idea of being positive about mental health. She was one of the outstanding winners in this competition also and was presented with a Gold Medallion on Monday, May 31st. Check out all of the winners on www. texacochildrensart.com. Watch out for Roisín in the future as she is definitely going places! Dorothy Conneely

School Enrolment Claddaghduff NS will hold an enrolment day on Thursday 10th June at 2pm. For more information, or with any enquiries, please contact the school on 095-44334.

Stars in her eyes! Alice Hannon O’ Toole of Claddaghduff who was delighted to have her photo taken with her sean nós dancing teacher All Ire-

New Baby Congratulations to Ultan and Marie (Feeney) Joyce from Sallerna, Cleggan on the birth of their beautiful baby boy, Ronan, a little brother for Diarmuid!

Abundance of Talent Our congratulations go to Roisín O’Malley of Aughrismore who received a Special Merit for her prizewinning entry in the Texaco Children’s Art competition entitled ‘A Fisherman’s Dream’. There was an overall entry of 30,000 art pieces in the prestigious competition so well done Roisín, your art is fabulous! Roisín is 13 years old and of course is lucky to have inherited some of her wonderful skill from I would say, both of her parents; Dad, Cathal O’Malley and mum, Síona. Special thanks to Roisin’s art teacher,

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land Champion Emma O’ Sullivan and TV star Daithí Ó Sé at the Renvyle House sean nós weekend in April. Photo courtesy of Jacqueline Hannon


Cashel NS News Confirmation Confirmation took place for 5th and 6th class students on the 25th of March in Roundstone church. Bishop Michael Neary confirmed Roma Joyce, Eamonn Nee, Sarah King, Caoimhe Dunne, Jack Joyce, Jordan Dumont and Rachel Mc Donagh. The First Communion was held on the 2nd of May in Cashel Church for Cillin, Theo, Aodhan and Laura. Congratulations to all! DVD Filming Our school has started filming for a DVD. We will be talking about our school and there will be interviews with people including Irene Cunningham about sean-nós dancing and John and Ronan Nee about Connemara ponies. The premiere is on Friday 25th of June about 3.45pm.

Green Flag Our School has just been awarded our third Green Flag on Water. Sarah, Eamonn and our Teacher/Principal Múinteoir Cepta went to Galway to receive the Green flag on Thursday 27th of May. We are certainly more aware now of the importance of conserving water and what a precious thing it is. Write a Book/Scríobh Leabhar The winners of the write a book competition were Roma and Aodhan and the winners of the Scríobh Leabhar competition were Roma, Rachel, Shane, Deirdra, Eoghan and Theo. We certainly have some budding authors in our school. Look out for these names! Comenius Trip As the Comenius project came to an end Múinteoir Cepta, Jordan, Brid, Martina and Rachel went to the Czech Republic on the last trip from May 10th to 15th. We stayed in Libchavy about three hours outside Prague. While we were there we went to Toulovcovy Forest.We went to an adventure centre where we climbed a bouldering wall and went kayaking. We also visited Prague where we went on a bus, boat and walking tour and saw Prague Castle/Citadelle which stretches over one kilometre, The Golden Gate, Charles Bridge and Old Astronomical Clock. Jordan and Brid stayed with our host families in Ústi-Orlicí, about a 15 minute drive from Libchavy. On our first day, we met up with everyone and we visited the school and kindergartens which we thoroughly enjoyed. We did some activities including basket work and silk painting. Later on that evening we went to a concert in the church. The school starts at 8am and finishes at 4pm so they have a very long day! On Wednesday we departed to Cakle where we got involved with sports activities. Later that day we travelled to Pardubice for some historical sightseeing and a bit of retail shopping. This town is synonymous with gingerbread- which was delicious and available in every possible shape and design! On Thursday morning we departed by bus to Toulovcovy Mastale for a treasure hunt and nature games. We arrived in a beautiful forest with cliffs formed from limestone with the cliffs and canyons formed with the most bizarre shapes. We were in search of the Knight Toulovec who hid in the cliffs with his entourage and this is the source of the name Toulovcovy. Later that day we travelled to some beautiful castles and gardens where we saw fields which had the most beautiful colours. We had our farewell party that night in Habrinka where they gave us a great send off. On Friday morning, we said our farewell

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to the Belgians and the Hungarians and the Danish travelled to Prague with us by bus. We arrived in Prague at about 12 noon where we started our tour of the capital with its hundreds of churches and museums. Standing on Charles Bridge, we realised how lucky we were to be in such a wonderful city and know we will be back to visit it in the near future. New School Extension In 2007, our Board of Management made an application for a small schools grant for a bigger school because our old classrooms were crowded. Our request was granted and the building Contractor John O’ Flaherty started building after planning was granted. The extension consists of two much larger classrooms, a gymnasium, a library, three offices, a learning support classroom and a staff room. Part of the plan included the knocking down of the prefab at the back of our school to extend our play area. We were very pleased with this new exciting plan and couldn’t wait to see it all finished. When the two new classrooms had been built, we were able to move into them and then the builders commenced work on our old school. Their refurbishment included knocking the wall between the two old classrooms converting them into our new sports hall. The hallway and toilets were converted and extended to make bigger, more modern rooms. The football pitch was levelled and our school garden was extended. We got new furniture, interactive whiteboards and new computers for each classroom. A parent stenciled some playground games on our yard and we have painted some nice pictures onto the walls of our hallway. We are delighted with our new school! Official Opening of Extension This will be performed by Minister O’ Cuív on Friday 25th of June at 3pm and therefore we invite all past-pupils, teachers and friends to share this special day with us. It will be a very exciting day as we will also be raising our flag and holding the premiere of our DVD which will be for sale at €15. Our new extension will be blessed by the Archbishop Michael Neary. Stéibh 2010 Shane O’ Malley competed in this song competition and was one of only twelve entrants to be selected for a new CD “Stéibh 2010” which is now on sale. Shane and his mother Lizzie composed the lyrics and music of the song “Ar an bPortach”. We are so proud of Shane and his excellent musical talent! Nár laga Dia thú! A bientot mes amis! Slán go foil’! Roma, Stella & all at Cashel NS

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noon session will end at 3pm. All are most welcome.

Congratulations to Catherine Coyne on reaching one hundred years of age. Catherine is the first centenarian

New Website

Celebrating 100 years!


Coiste Forbartha an Mháma is setting up a website, www. maamvalley.com. It is hoped that the website will give potential visitors to the area an opportunity to discover what facilities are available-accommodation, pubs, shops, activities for young and old etc and encourage them to make the trip to the beautiful Maam Valley. An information session will be held in Ionad Pobail an Mháma (Community Centre) to advise anyone interested how users/advertisers can contribute information and keep it updated. For more information contact 091-571-192.

Breenane Cemetery from Inishbofin since 1832. The last person to reach this age was Edward Lacey from West Quarter. It was also the first time any resident of the Nightingale Nursing Home in Ahascragh reached one hundred years of age so it was a double celebration and by all accounts of the day, they really pushed the boat out to celebrate Catherine’s achievement. The thought that went into this celebration, even her birthday cake which had a map of Inishbofin on it with a curragh was so thoughtful. No doubt her family and friends celebrated in style. We wish Catherine many more years of health and happiness. Photo: Catherine Coyne of Inishbofin celebrated her 100th birthday in Nightingale Nursing Home in Ahascragh with her daughters Irene O’Connor, Margaret Gardiner and son Augustin Coyne Not pictured: Catherine’s son Colm and daughter Attracta Bowen (USA). Mary Day Lavelle

Arts Festival The Inishbofin Arts Festival was once again a great success with many visitors descending on the island to enjoy performances by Mick Flannery, the High Kings, the Late Late Show House band and much more. A great line up of entertainment was also provided for kids including paint ball, mini golf, science workshop and a reptile show which were some of the many highlights. Well done to all involved !

Kylemore The next Day Retreat at Kylemore Abbey will take place on Saturday 19th June. The retreat will begin at 10:30am with a cup of tea and the first talk taking place at 11am. The after-


Bog Week Continues The first weekend of Conamara Bog Week 2010 was an outstanding success. The weekend kicked off on Friday night with the opening of ‘A Walk in the Peatlands’ art exhibition in Connemara National Park. Artists emerging and well established all presented their works anonymously and were all sold at €70. Una McCarthy Head of Events and Festivals for The Arts Councils officially opened the exhibition and some 26 pieces were sold on the night. The exhibition will be open daily until June 7th. The annual Conamara Music Workshops were well attended on Saturday with such wonderful teachers as Liz & Yvonne Kane, Marie Walsh and Clare Keville. Later that evening Conamara Bog Week hosted the launch of ‘The Lost Boys ‘exhibition. The exhibition, by well known German artist Hardy Langer, is a moving reflection of the troubled history of Letterfrack Industrial School. The exhibition is receiving a lot of attention and it is hoped it will travel to other venues throughout Ireland-it is well worth a visit at the storage shed behind the church where it will remain until the end of Bog Week.

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Coiste Forbartha an Mháma is updating information on Breenane Cemetery. The committee is trying to identify unmarked graves and is looking for the names of people buried in these graves. The graveyard has been surveyed and a list of marked graves and a plan showing their location has been compiled. If you can provide any information on unmarked graves, please contact 091-571-192.

Maam Women’s Group The Women’s Group met with women from a Dublin networking group in Peacockes, Maam Cross and discussed links with various other groups. Women from Dublin, Barna, Clifden, Tullycross and Maam attended the networking event facilitated by Western Training & Development Ltd.

Heritage Day Maam Heritage Day, organised by the Women’s Group, will take place on Saturday August 28th in Maam Community Centre at 11am. There will be an Art Exhibition and workshops on butter making, baking, carding and spinning, knitting and crochet etc. This will be followed by traditional Irish music and dance. Everyone is welcome.

Centenary Book (1909-2009) The Parish of Kilbride Centenary Book is sure to be of special interest to former residents of Joyce Country living in Ireland and abroad. This wonderful book celebrates the centenary of the parish of Kilbride, Leenane, Kilmilkin and Finney. The book costs €10 plus postage and can be ordered from The Parish Priest, Leenane, Co. Galway or email: anita. hanley@hotmail.com. Photos below: courtesy of Hardy Langer and Padraic Lyden. ‘The Lost Boys’ installation. MC Mary Ruddy with exhibition organizer David Keane and Úna McCarthy of the Arts Council at the launch of Bog Week at the Connemara National Park.

More to come Over the Bank Holiday weekend there will be lots of excitement starting Friday night with two gigs in Molly’s Bar and The Renvyle Inn featuring Sean Tyrell, Liam Lewis in Molly’s and Mary Finn, Michael McNamara and Pat Eade in The Renvyle Inn. On Saturday at 3pm in the Connemara West grounds there will be a major tug-of-war event in memory of Jimmy Faherty and Michael Nugent, two great tug-of-war enthusiasts who passed away recently. Later that evening the annual Monastery Hostel Gig featuring Mary Staunton and Don Stiffe, two great voices-two great musicians. Dinner and gig €20. Contact Stephen on 095-41132. At 9.45pm Daire O’Neill, Conor Keane and Maire Keane will be making magic in The Bards Den. Musicians and dancers welcome. The Conamara Bog Week Walkabout takes place on Sunday at 10am, gathering at Letterfrack NS. This is a great chance to explore landscape in the company of a mighty

June 2010

Joyce Country Echo The summer issue of the Joyce Country Echo contains community news, interviews, poetry, sports and photographs of the past and present. It will be on sale in shops in Leenane, Maam, Cornamona, Clonbur, Finney and Recess in late June. A great read for €3!

Birth Congratulations to Gráinne and Pat Walsh, Galway, on the birth of their baby Dara, grandson of Kevin and Ann Coyne, Tiernakill and Pat Walsh, Ballinrobe. R. Hanley team that will include ecologist Mags Faherty, historian/ archeologist John O’Halloran, musician Conor Keane, singer Deirdre Herbert and marine biologist Monty Hall and Simon Berrow. The two final musical events of the festival will be the Mol an Oige Concert Letterfrack Church 8.30pm and will feature over 60 young singers, dancers and musicians. This concert will be followed by an exciting session in the Bards Den with Marie Walsh, Eilin Ni Mhaille and a selection of Conamara’s finest young players. Sporting events are also on the menu with a Badminton Blitz on Sunday. On Monday June 7th the annual Primary 5-a-side Soccer will take place at Letterfrack NS. All schools are welcome. Contact Brendan at 095-41181. For further information contact Leo Hallissey on 085-115-4629.

Citizens Information Service The Letterfrack Citizen’s Information service will be available at Connemara West (Portacabin 4) on Tuesday 8th and Tuesday 22nd of June from 1:30-4:30pm. If you have any questions about Social Welfare, pensions, housing, consumer affairs, employment, education or any of your rights or entitlements call us on 087-130-1100 or just drop in.

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Bus Stop at Moyard Mr. David Reilly of Citylink Ireland Bus Service has confirmed to the Ballinakill F.F. Cumann that even though Moyard Post Office does not appear as a designated bus stop on their current timetable, Citylink drivers will both collect and drop off passengers at Moyard Post Office who wish to travel to and from Clifden and Galway using the service. Some passengers thought that as Moyard P.O. did not feature on the current timetable that they would have to travel to Letterfrack which is a designated stop in order to use this invaluable service. Patricia O`Halloran, Cumann Secretary 087-090-9778


Playground Construction Starts After years of planning, construction work has finally begun on Oughterard Community playground. The site excavation work started on Wednesday 12th May, much to the delight of the local community and especially the Playground Committee group. “In the 4 years since the project was first started, there has been a lot of hard work put in by the various past and present members of the committee and volunteers. It is really great to see everyone’s efforts finally paying off with the achievement of this important milestone in the project”, says Patrick Faherty, the committee chairperson. Funding for the project has been provided by Galway County Council, St. Anthony’s and the Claddagh Credit Union and the local community, who have very generously supported the various fundraising events organised by the committee over the years. The playground project is being carried out in association with the Oughterard Community Partnership Group, through which the land lease with the Corribdale Grounds Committee has been arranged. “We are delighted that construction has finally begun,” said Thomas Welby, local County Councillor and long-term member of the Playground sub-committee. “We are well on our way to creating a space that we hope will provide a much needed social focal point for families in the community but also a feature that will enhance our visitors experience when they come here. We hope that it will benefit the local families, tourists and businesses alike”

The playground construction should be completed by the end of May and plans for an official opening day in June are currently underway. Keep track on the development of the playground on the committee’s website www.oughterardplayground.info.

CSOP Funding Oughterard Community Alert has received funding of €5,058 under the Scheme of Community Support for Older People. The Scheme is funded, managed and administered by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs with the support of local community and voluntary organisations working with older people.

Clann News Community Alert Oughterard Community Alert had a public meeting on Tuesday 11th May at 8.30pm in the Community Centre. The aim of the meeting was to inform members of the public the role, aims and objectives of the Community Alert in the Oughterard Parish Area. The meeting began with brief introductions of those present and a brief history of Community Alert in the Oughterard Area. Paul Stewart, Chairperson, explained its foundations through Muintir na Tíre over 20 years ago and its role over the last few years. Oughterard Community Alert has 3 active members, Paul Stewart: Chairperson, Marie Cahill: Secretary and Joe Feeney: Treasurer. They are a very active group, applying for and installing personal alarms, fire alarms and would like to invite new members so that information can be widely distributed about Community Alert and its purpose. Clann Resource Centre is supporting this group in its endeavor as it links perfectly with the upcoming Care and Repair Programme. If you have any interest in this or have expertise in leaflet design and would like to be part of this group or Oughterard Community Alert, please contact Cliona in Clann.

Care and Repair The Care and Repair Programme is at its early stages and a meeting will be called shortly for all those who have put their names forward. What is needed now are volunteers who may have handy-work skills and would have a few hours a week to do odd jobs. If you are interested and would like to get involved, Please give Cliona in Clann Resource Centre a call on 091-557-633.

New Project 2010 is European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. A new exciting project has just started with Clann Resource Centre in partnership with uachtarARTS group. Clann is one of 43 projects round the country to be granted funding out of over 500 applicants. Across 29 countries in Europe there will be many activities to raise awareness of poverty as it is not always easy to recognize, one in six people around you is affected. This project’s aim is to highlight the issues, concerns and experiences of pov-

erty and social exclusion in our society. This will be done in a creative way through the production of a film/DVD, radio show and photography/book. This project is looking for older and younger people to take part in the production team or workshops during the summer months. It will be creative/thoughtful and fun! Wanted: Anyone with publishing or media skills to join our project - great experience for a student!

Parenting Alone If you are single, separated, divorced or widowed and bringing up children on your own why not come along to Clann on Tuesday 8th June at 10.30am. As well as meeting others for a chat and cuppa you can share your ideas and interests for future meetings and activities. The need has already been expressed for a DIY course and Clann is organizing this. If you have problems with childcare just bring your children too.

Picnic Afternoon A Family Fun and Picnic afternoon for parents and toddlers is being planned for Sunday 13th June in Clann’s garden from 2pm-5pm. If you are interested in joining in contact Niamh or Anne at Clann. The Parent and Toddler Group meet every Wednesday at 10am in Clann. All welcome.

Summer Workshops and Courses Due to the popularity of many of the workshops during the Arts Festival, Clann is organizing a number of follow up workshops including The Art of Garden and Digital Photography. Clann is hoping to run some more workshops over the summer months so why not let us know. Drama for Young and Old is facilitated by Pete Mullineux weekly: Thursdays for adults at 10.30-12noon, Tuesdays for young people 8-9 pm in the Youth Cafe Computer courses: Have you always wanted to email a friend, get on Facebook or just use a computer? There are still a few places left in the Beginner Class for Computers in Clann Resource Centre. (Wednesday mornings 10am12noon). Also if you want to plan for the autumn, enroll now for September and avoid disappointment. Beginners and Intermediate classes available: Word/ Email/ Internet searching.

Other Supports Affordable Counselling by appointment, Rainbows every Monday 4 pm (peer support programme for children who have suffered a loss or bereavement). Yarn Group - enjoy a yarn while you knit or crochet Mondays 2.30pm-4pm, Community Development and training courses, Women’s Support Group, Citizens Information every 2nd and 4th Mondays 10.30 -1pm, MABS by appointment, training and meeting rooms available. Recycling of unwanted clothes. For more details on any of the above contact Clann Resource Centre at 091-557-633.


Pobal Mám Éan Teo News The Pobal Mám Éan Teo 50/50 Cashback Weekly Draw takes place in Joyce’s Grocery Recess every Sunday morning. Half the pot goes to the winner each week and tickets are €2 each or a book of 6 for €10. The 50/50 lotto has proven to be a great success. It started in Novemeber 2009 and has remained steady throughout the months. The level of commitment from the community has been exceptional and we would like to thank you all most kindly for your continued support. The overall aim of Pobal Mám Éan Teo is to help the communities of Ballinafad, Recess and Bun na Cnoc become more vibrant, with a view to promoting social, economic and cultural activities that will improve the quality of life for people living in these areas. The aim of this fundraising activity is to raise funds for the community company Pobal Mám Éan Teo for the maintenance and refurbishment of the Old National School Centre, Recess. At present the school is in need of vital repair. Currently, there are many activities being held in the centre including the Little Gems Playgroup and playground, BRB Senior Citizens Group, AA, Teagasc Outreach service, FORUM employment mediator and various training courses and night classes. The Pobal Mám Éan Teo Annual General Meeting takes place on June 9th at the Recess School Centre at 8.30pm. The group encourages all sectors of the community to attend. Karen Mannion

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June 2010

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Daniel Sammon Book Launched On Saturday May 22nd the new book “My Great Walk across Ireland” by Daniel Sammon of Renvyle was launched at the Maol Réidh Hotel in Tullycross by Minister Éamon Ó Cuív and a selection of speakers and guests. The book is a multi layered, informative and simultaneously solemn yet entertaining account of Daniel’s walk from the front door of his house to the GPO on O’ Connell St in Dublin. Daniel undertook the walk in 2009 to celebrate and commemorate the leaders of the 1916 Rising and the thousands of Irish men and women who fought, and both died and lived for the cause of Irish freedom. Mary Corbett Joyce, member of the Fianna Fail National Executive and Secretary of the Thomas Whelan Cumann was MC on the night and introduced an number of distinguished speakers including Daniel’s brother in law Liam Diamond, retired Garda Superintendent Peadar O’ Connor, publisher John Gallagher of Tír na nÓg Publishing, Cllr. Seán Ó Tuairisg, Deputy Frank Fahey T.D., and Minister for Social Protection Éamon Ó Cuív, who has been a supporter of Daniel’s project since the idea first came about. He met with and congratulated Daniel on his eventual arrival at O’ Connell St on May 12th 2009 and features on the cover of the book along with Daniel in front of the iconic landmark of the GPO. The author himself thanked everyone involved for their support and help throughout and for their words of support on the night, and also welcomed Mary Whelan Pryce of Clifden, niece of Thomas Whelan, whose story is recalled in the book. ‘ My Great Walk Across Ireland’ begins with a foreword by Minister Ó Cuív and an introduction by the author, in which he describes how he was struck by the idea of the walk while taking part in the annual sponsored walk undertaken in Renvyle every year in memory of his sister-in law-Margaret Sammon. What follows is an account of the various stages along the walk, starting from his own front door in Tully and taking the reader across the country, interspersed with historical recollections and personal reflections on Ireland’s history and struggle for independence. Daniel was joined in celebrating the launch of his book by his wife Sheila,

daughters Julie, Kathleen, Patricia, Sinead, Samantha and son Danny. Another special element of the event was the rare occasion of the gathering together of all ten siblings of the Sammon family, and he also thanked his son in law Pat Coyne who provided the high quality photos that feature in the book. ‘My Great Walk Across Ireland’ is on sale in many outlets throughout Connemara now, including the Clifden Bookshop and is also available to buy online at www. walkacrossireland.com. Photos below: At the official launch of ‘My Great Walk Across Ireland’ were (l-r) Cllr. Seán Ó Tuairisg, Deputy Frank Fahey T.D., author Daniel Sammon, Minister Éamon Ó Cuív, Mary Corbett Joyce, Liam Diamond, Peadar O’ Connor and publisher John Gallagher. The ten siblings of the Sammon family (l-r): Tommy, Patrick, Noreen, Michael James, Daniel, Breedge, Johnny, Maureen, Peter and Eamonn. Photo courtesy of Pat Coyne

Studio ‘Tullywood’! A new storage facility was officially opened on March 26th in Tully and is currently the location for shooting the fourth series of the popular RTE and ITV series ‘Single Handed’. The studio was blessed by Fr. Gerry Burns and Fr. Tony Neville and

the ribbon was cut by former County Councillor Josie Conneely. Champagne, food and drinks followed in Ros’s (Diamonds) Bar for all in attendance. A large number of local residents and film crew were in attendance for the opening. Work commenced on the production of the sets at the end of March where they have built two ‘houses’ inside the storage facility, making a Garda barracks as well as

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two fully equipped and functioning living quarters. Filmed entirely on location in Connemara the RTE/ITV new three-part drama reflects one policeman’s quest to serve a rural community. Photo courtesy of Priscilla Diamond

Roundstone It has not been bad lately weather wise and visitors wise, it’s certainly building into a potentially good year. This weekend was busy and helped the Roundstone Market which has been held in the Community Hall car park. It is hoped that next Sunday for the Bank Holiday the stalls will be up on the Tennis courts which makes much more sense. Parking space in the village is fairly limited therefore this will release the car park. I have to say there are some really wonderful stalls.

Tidy Towns The application for the Tidy Towns competition has now gone in. The first adjudicator will be around the middle of June and the second sometime in July. The hanging baskets makes a big difference plus some more of the eye sores have been cleaned up but we cannot sit on our laurels and do nothing-it is up to one and all to keep our front doors and the visual gardens in order. So let’s hope we can earn a few more points,

and one day hopefully win our category. We have come a long way; Ann was showing me some old photos of the 50’s and 60’s and of what Roundstone looked like then. One could say rustic or quaint with a certain dilapidated charm, but I will leave you to use your own imagination! I will put them on to the web site-they are great photos to archive for the next generation.

Arts Weekend 2nd-4th July As was mentioned we will only have a week end in the name of the Arts Week which will be held the first week end in July. We are looking at walks, a piano recital at Errisbeg House with Claire and Debbie Wallace, an opening on the Friday 2nd July

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of art by Brenda O’Malley at the Stable Gallery, a lace making demonstration, lots of music, and sean nós dancing on the streets etc. Funding is difficult this year and we are both fed up begging off our friends for donations, so very low key this year just to keep the arts week alive and kicking so to speak with the idea to raise some funds during this year for the next year’s Roundstone Arts Week 2011.

First Holy Communion Congratulations to all the kids who made their first holy communion on May 30th: Dillon King, Owen Mahon, Rory King and Brownyn Laffey. Unfortunately I have no pictures of the event, perhaps if the parents would pass a few on to me that would be great. So congratulations boys and girls in this mile stone of your lives!

Meadhbh O’Neill Meadhbh O’Neill, the 7 year old Gran daughter of Ann Conneely was invited to dance the sean nós brush dance in the RTE production of the Jig Gig in the studios in Dublin recently. Meadhbh was a pupil of Irene Cunningham last year in Ballyconneely. This episode of Jig Gig will go out on air with TG4 in the autumn. What is so amazing about Meadhbh is that she was being judged with a few others, who were far older and a

lot more experienced in a rather intimidating environment in front of cameras, but the accolades she received from the two judges were very encouraging and they were really impressed. I have a feeling in a few more years time, we will hear a lot more about her. So, well done Meadhbh on your sheer determination and courage to take part!

Fun Run We have the children’s Fun Run in Roundstone next Sunday with a disco and bouncing castle and of course the face painting, starting at 2.30pm. So we need everybody out there to take part in one way or another-you can even push the baby! You will all be on camera for the craic! Richard de Stacpoole

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West Coast Utd

Under 13’s League Win Ends Super Season West Coast Utd completed an extraordinary season when the U13’s won the First Division League title, thus giving the club its third county title of the year. It is truly a massive achievement for a small rural club and hopefully will encourage more players and parents/ coaches to get involved. To have more teams to cater for all ages we need more volunteers for coaching, fundraising, training and all the jobs that go on behind the scenes. Pride of place this month goes to our U13 squad who added the league title to their cup success achieved in Terryland Park in February. The final game of the season was away to Corrib Celtic in Annaghdown with West Coast bidding to go the full season undefeated. A tense opening half produced few chances with our hosts pressing for a victory which Tá clú agus cáil ag foirne peil sinsear Scoil Phobail Mhic Dara le blanta anuas. Ar an 21ú la de Bealtaine bhuadar craobh sinsearach would give them second place in the league. It an chontae do na gairmscoileann. Bhi sár-choimlint idir iad agus Gairmscoil Éinne, Oileán Árainn. D’eirigh le Scoil Phobail Mhic Dara was nil all at half-time and West Coast had the an lámh in uachtar a fháil tar éis am breise. benefit of the elements for the second half. The Scoil Phobail Mhic Dara Carna Senior Football team who won the Seniors Vocational County Final on May 21st. Ar chúl (l-r) An early goal by Cathal Acton set the ConTony Óg Ó Loinsigh (Bainisteoir), Donal Ó Loideain, Micheal Ó Cualáin, Coamhin Ó Conaire, Ronan Ó Ceannabháin, PJ Ó Ceannemara lads on their way and when striker Josh nabhain, Joe Breathnach, Ciaran Ó Cillin, Brandan Ó Gaora, Caoimhin Mac Donacha. Chun Tosaigh (l-r): Aodán Ó Neasa, MairLydon smashed a brace mid-way through the tin Einniu, Seosaimh Ó Maoilchiarain, Paraic Ó Cualain, (Captaen) Colm Ó Cathain, Michael Ó Maoilcharain, Tomas Ó Conaire, match the Corrib heads went down. Nathan Veronica Ni Loideain (leas-bhainisteoir). Nuacht agus pictiúr ó Veronica ní Loideáin. Staunton added a great individual goal in injury hopefully teams time for a full time result of Corrib Celtic 0- West Coast 4. strength of the game in Connemara, notably in the Tullyat 11’s, 13’s, 14’s, cross/Renvyle area. He saids he hoped to see the West Coast John Ludden representing the Galway and District 15’s and 18’s it lads again in the very highest grade of underage football in League presented the League cup to captain Garóid King promises to be a Galway and believed we have nothing to fear from the large and in his fine speech he expressed delight to see the huge season for city clubs. The referee on all involved. the day Gerry Bodkin Our next day from Tuam praised the out will be at the club officials for the way the team presented them- opening of the Aviva Stadium selves, from discipline when 25 youngto sportsmanship, from sters from West football ability to perfect Coast Utd will kit. “These are the signs be taking up the of a club going in the invitation from right direction” he said. John Delaney to Everyone in the club be guests of the now has a few months FAI for the Ireto relax and refresh land vs. Argenthemselves before the challenges of next season tina game. Who knows-Argentina arrive. The seniors were may be world promoted to Division 3 champions by and the 13’s move to a higher level at U14. With then! Photo left: The undefeated West Coast Utd U13 side who claimed the Galway and District League U13 title. Back (l-r): Dan O’ Malley, Gary Mullen, Jack Kane, Matthew McCarthy, James Sammon, Nathan Staunton, Brendan Regan, Karl McConway. Front (l-r): George Mullen, Josh Lydon, Enda Conneely, Barry John Sammon, Garóid King, Colm Coneys, Cathal Acton, Emmet Moran. Photo above top: John Ludden of the Galway and District League presents the U13 League Cup to Garóid King, captain of the West Coast Utd side. Photo above bottom: Josh Lydon, who scored two goals in the final, receives his league trophy from John Ludden. Continued on page 12

Carna Win Seniors Vocational County Final

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June 2010

Connemara SportsView

Landing Pontoon Welcomed After many delays the new ‘Landing Pontoon’ in Clifden Bay has finally arrived. The Official Opening is scheduled for Friday 4th June at 8:30pm. This project is a joint venture between the Connemara Chamber of Commerce and Clifden Boat Club and is grant aided by the Forum LEADER programme. This ‘Landing Pontoon’ is the first phase of a larger overall project. The date on the plans for this phase of the project actually goes back to 2001. The aim is to enhance the boating experience, the facilities and infrastructure of Clifden Bay for all. In 2006, Clifden Boat Club (CBC) brought its annual regatta to a higher standard as a trial run to see if we could host a larger event on the sailing calendar, the West Coast Championships (aka W.I.O.R.A.). This included the construction and installation of a temporary jetty to better facilitate the visiting competitors. The 2006 regatta was successful and the advantage of the temporary jetty was greatly appreciated by all the boating community, visitors and locals alike. So much so, that when it was scheduled to be taken away after the regatta there was uproar (well, quiet words of disappointment at least!). In 2007 Clifden hosted the West Coast Championships for the first time ever and it was noted by the sailors as pos-

sibly the best one ever. In 2008 we became the first club, as far as I am aware to host it two years in a row. To facilitate the entire boating community’s wishes the temporary jetty was put in place earlier in the season and left in place later in the season for both of those W.I.O.R.A. years. 2009 saw CBC holding its normal annual regatta again, without a title like WIORA, but this was not a step backwards. Clifden is now noted for running quality regattas and still had 22 yachts competing in the bay. This is also partly due to the fact that Clifden Regattas have carried valuable points for the West Coast Superleague each year since its inception in 2007. This year, Clifden also carries points for the Superleague and we expect a good turnout of visiting yachts for our regatta, a 3 day event which will be run over the weekend of Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th August. The new Landing Pontoon is not just here for the regatta weekend or for the season. It will stay in place and will be in use all year round. Well done to all concerned for making this much happen. Clifden Boat Club is planning on hosting the West Coast Championships again in 2012 to coincide with Clifden Town’s Bicentenary Celebrations. It would be great to see a lot more of this infrastructure in place by then. The Chamber and the Boat Club are certainly working hard towards that goal. Damian Ward


Griffin’s Bar Sponsors Clifden Jerseys

Congratulations to Scoil Mhuire, An Tuairín on winning the Gael Linn football tournament on Wednesday the 27th in An Spidéal after a dramatic final against Scoil Iognáid where only a point separated the two teams. Both teams were their respective group winners with Scoil Iognáid facing Gaelscoil Dara and Scoil Mhuire against An Cheathrú Rua in the resulting semi-finals. The final itself was very exciting as the game was played at a very high pace and with great skill from both teams. The game ebbed and flowed and a goal in the last few minutes gave Scoil Mhuire the advantage and they held on to win. Scoil Mhuire went unbeaten throughout the tournament thanks to outstanding displays from the entire squad. We would especially like to congratulate the girls and boys from 6th class for their efforts. We

In May David Griffin presented the Naomh Feichin GAA Intermediate team with their new jerseys sponsored by Griffin’s Bar. He is pictured here with the club representatives Photo (l-r): Ann Mitchell, Tom Vaughan, David Griffin, John Coneys, Brian Flaherty and Tony Coyne.

Gael Linn Win

Connemara SportsView

wish them good luck with secondary school in September. Watch out for this team next year as they have real talent and desire to match this year’s effort. Ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghlacadh leis na traenálaíthe,Peter Folan agus Coilín Mac Donnacha as ucht a gcuid ama agus dúthrachta .Ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghlacadh le príomh oide na scoile, Siofra,as a cuid spéise agus páirtiocht i gcúrsaí spóirte ar son na ndaltaí scoile. Seán Walsh

20 Years of Clifden Boat Club With Phase One of the new landing pontoon now in place at Clifden Boat Club and about to be officially opened, a serendipitous anniversary is also being recalled. The Clifden Boat Club was officially opened exactly 20 years this week on June 3rd 1990 and Damian Ward has kindly provided us with a nostalgic photo taken on the day in question. It is also planned to recreate the photo with as many of the same members as possible to mark the 20th anniversary, combined with the celebration of the latest development of the landing pontoon. Photo: The official opening of the Clifden Boat Club in 1990. Back row (l-r): Saul Joyce, Catriona Vine, Peter Vine, John Stanley, Paddy McDonagh, Julia Awcock, Liam Clarke. Middle (l-r): Susie Ward, Emer Joyce, Doris Linderman, Jean Le Dorvan, Barry Ward. Front (l-r): Francie Mannion, Donal O Scanaill, Padraig McCormack T.D., Talbot O’ Farrell (RIP), Jackie Ward, Adrian O’ Connell. Photo courtesy of Clifden Boat Club

GAA Scoreboard 06/05/10 Sweeney Oil League Group B Killanin 0-16 0-10 Michael Breathnachs Lettermore-Clifden Conceded by Clifden 07/05/10 Motorpark.ie West Junior C League Oughterard 0-10 0-13 Clifden An Cheathru Rua 1-11 2-10 Lettermore 08/05/10 Intermediate League B Corofin 1 - 11 1 - 7 Oughterard 09/05/10 Motorpark.ie West Junior A League Group 2 An Cheathru Rua 1-13 0-4, Oughterard Lettermore 1-15 1-5 Barna 15/05/10 Intermediate League B Clifden 4-6 5-13 Oranmore-Maree Spiddal 0 – 11 0 - 9 St Kerills Oughterard 3-10 0-8 Athenry Motorpark.ie West Junior A League Group 1 Clonbur 1-8 1-5 Renvyle 16/05/10 Intermediate League A Caherlistrane 0-5 2-18 Carna Caiseal 21/05/10 Claregalway Hotel Intermediate Football Championship St Kerills 1-10 2-20 Carna Caiseal 22/05/10 Claregalway Hotel Intermediate Football Championship

June 2010

Oughterard 1-12 1-6 Caherlistrane Motorpark.ie West Junior B League Michael Breathnachs 6-10 4-8, Fr Griffins Eire Og Clonbur 1-11 1-12 Moycullen 23/05/10 Motorpark.ie West Junior C League St James 2-10 4-12 Renvyle Claregalway Hotel Intermediate Football Championship Spiddal 1-11 0-8 Clifden 28/05/10 West Junior A Championship Group C Micheal Breathnach 2-8 1-11 Salthill-Knocknacarra An Cheathru Rua 1-10 0-11 St James 29/05/10 West Junior A Championship Group B Renvyle 2-11 0-6 St Michaels Claregalway Hotel Intermediate Football Championship Carna Caiseal 2-9 2-5 Oughterard Clayton Hotel Senior League B Naomh Anna-Leitir Mor 0-11 0-14 Killanin 30/05/10 West Junior A Championship Group B Killanin 2-6 1-17 Oileain Arainn West Junior A Championship Group A Na Piarsaigh-Ros Muc 0-13 1-9 Bearna Naomh Anna-Leitir Mor 1-14 3-7 Oughterard Claregalway Hotel Senior Football Championship An Cheathru Rua 1-7 0-13 Caherlistrane

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Winners at the recent Galway Youths Championships in Galway Lawn Tennis Club pictured with Badminton Ireland Development Officer Tommy Hehir who organized the Championships: Emily Darby of the GLTC Badminton Club and Chynal Kane of the Conamara Thiar Badminton Club (photo top). John Burghoffer and Luke Gannon of Conamara Thiar Badminton Club (photo bottom). Conamara Thiar’s other representatives on the day were Taragh Kane, Anna Burghoffer, Orlagh Kane and Amy Gannon.

Letterfrack Fun Run The village of Letterfrack was full of excitement as the record entry number of 176 runners, walkers, joggers, skippers and hoppers came to the finish line of the 5km fun run which started in the village of Tullycross. The overall winner was David Kearney of Letterfrack. First woman home was well known fiddle player Yvonne Kane. The first primary school student to cross line was Nathan Leamy and first secondary school student was Nicky Varley. A fun sports day followed with races for under 4, under 6, under 8 etc.. and lots of novelty events. The highlight of the sports event was the crawling race for adults! Bouncy castles, penalty shootouts and car boot sale were also on the agenda for the day, which was once again a great community success.

Photos - left column (top to bottom): Mens Fun Run winners with Margaret Moroney. (L-r): 1st David Kearney, 2nd Karl McConway, 3rd Nicholas Varley. Women’s winners (l-r): 1st Yvonne Kane, 2nd Lisa Walsh and 3rd Ellen Ormsby. Primary School Boys: 1st Nathan Leamy, 2nd James O’ Farrell and 3rd Colm Horan. Photos below (top to bottom): Primary School Girls winners: 1st Megan Mortimer, 2nd Rebecca Mullen (not pictured) and 3rd Maeve O’ Callaghan. Primary School First Team: Nathan Leamy, Colm Horan, Andrew Ormsby and Daniel Kane. The Under 8 Girls winners: 1st Kiera Nee, Muireann Beattie and Cora Heanue. Photos courtesy of Padraic Lydon.


The Galway Lawn Tennis Club hosted the Invitational Division 6 Ladies Doubles Tournament. Photo (l-r): Runners Up Claire Donohue (GLTC B.C) and Mary Needham (Claddaghduff Badminton Club) and Winners Fiona Boyle (GLTC B.C) and Collette Gannon of Letterfrack Badminton Club.


At the GLTC Invitational Mens Doubles Tournaments were (l- r) Runners Up Cormac McDonnell (Claddaghduff Badminton Club), Enda Gallaghoir and Winners Oliver Heanue and Paul Gannon of Letterfrack Badminton Club. Photos courtesy of Paul Gannon

West Coast United contined from page 10 At the Galway and District League soccer awards night held in Menlo Park hotel in Galway in May, West Coast Utd were honoured for their three trophies won this season: the U13 League and Cup and the Senior team Division 4 League. (L-r): Club Secretary Kurt Lydon, Senior Captain Shane Lydon, President of the Galway District League Michael Geary, Head Coach Joachim Lydon and Pat Manogue of the Galway District Committee.

players are catered for and all are guaranteed a fun time. The West Coast/FAI soccer schools take place in Letterfrack pitch from August 16th-20th each day from 10.30am to 3pm. To book a place go to http://www.fai.ie/ or phone 1890-653-653. Postal applications and more information is available from local FAI co-coordinator Joachim Lydon at 086-409-8814. News & photos courtesy of Joachim Lydon

Summer Soccer Schools As bookings continue to come in, a reminder to all that to get the special price of €89 plus a chance to win tickets to Ireland vs. Argentina game, bookings must be in before June 15th. After that the price rises to €99 per child. For families with 2 or more children attending a discount of 10% applies. The camp is open to boys and girls (we would love to have at least 20 girls) aged 6 to 14 years. Beginners and advanced

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June 2010

Connemara SportsView

Maam/Leenane The Maam/Leenane Golfing Society had their first outing of the 2010 season in Westport Golf Club on Saturday March 27th. There was a very good turnout of approx 28 people. The results were as follows: Members: 1st Ronan Daly, 2nd Fergal Kyne, 3rd Darren Joyce, 4th Joe Donnelly, and 5th Michael Laffey. Guests: 1st Sennan Wall, 2nd Murrish, 3rd Packie Kellagher. The winner of Nearest the Pin and Longest Drive was Edel Crehan. We would like to thank all winners, guests and members who turned out on the day. The next outing will be at Cregmore Golf Club on June 26th. For details of outings or information on the Society call Tomás Higgins on 087-205-0292.

Oughterard Golf Club 02/05/10 18 Hole Stableford Competition. 1st Hugh O’Donnell (14) 43 pts, 2nd Peter Whelan (21) 40 pts, Gross: Liam O’Reilly (3) 31 Gross Pts, 3rd Stephen Kavanagh (11) 39 pts (21b9), 4th Eanna Keleghan (11) 39 pts (19b9), 5th Robert Monroe (10) 38 pts, CSS 36 pts. 03/05/10 18 Hole Bank Holiday Competition.1st S. Heaney (Salthill) (18) 37 pts (22b9), 2nd Niall Malone (13) 37 pts (20b9), Gross: Michael O’Keane (7) 28 Gross Points 3rd Paul Leahy (20) 37 pts. (18b9), 4th John O’Connell (18) 37 pts (16b9), CSS 36 pts. 04/05/10 18 Hole Open Competition. 1st Tom McDonagh (12) 42 pts (21b9), 2nd Christy Niland (18) 42 pts (11B6), 3rd Ronan Duke (13) 42 pts (10b6), 4th Cathal Jordan (4) 41 pts, CSS 36 pts. 09/05/10 18 Hole Stableford Competition.1st Kevin Kennelly (20) 42 pts, 2nd Maurice Power (8) 41 pts. Gross: Frank Ford (5) 33 Gross (17 b9), 3rd Micheal Seoige (19) pts (B920), 4th Wally Russell (17) 39 pts, (B9 19), 5th Larry Russell (18) 39 Pts (B9 18).CSS 36 pts. 11/05/10 Open Day Competition 18 Hole Stableford. 1st Christy Niland (16) 43pts, 2nd Liam O’ Reilly (4) 38pts, 3rd Denis McMahon (19) 37pts, (21B9) 4th Tim Mullins (9) 37pts (20B). C.S.S 36 Pts. 12/05/10 Ladies 18 Hole Stableford. Charity Open Day: Parkinsons Society, Galway. Sponsor: University Pharmacy, Galway. C.S.S. 72. 1st M Farrell (21) 37pts, 2nd Barbara Buckley (20) 36pts, Gross: K Greaney (16) 18pts, 3rd A Downey (31) 36pts. Category 0-20 1st R Cunningham

Connemara SportsView

(20) 33pts, 2nd N Keogh (15) 30pts B9. Category 21-28 1st V O’ Toole (26) 35pts, 2nd M Cryan (23) 34pts B9 . Category 29-36 1st B McTighe (29) 32pts B9, 2nd M Lundon (32) 32pts B9. 16/05/10 18 Hole Stableford Competition. Sponsor: Faherty Wholesale Ltd. 1st David Healy (8) 40 pts (21b9), 2nd Tom Durkin (19) 40 pts (20b9), Gross: Michael Darcy Snr 32 Gross (16 b9), 3rd Jimmy Carr (20) 39 pts (19b9, 14b6), 4th Michael O’ Keane (7) 39 pts (19b9, 11b6), 5th Tom McDonagh (11) 38 pts (23b9). CSS 36 pts. 19/05/10 Ladies 18 Hole Stroke. Sponsor: Wrapsody, Moycullen. C.S.S. 72.1st P Blehein (23) 70 2nd M Bolger (27) 71 Gross: R Jordan (15) 89 3rd M Dowd Hofler (35) 71. Category 0-20 1st A Kavanagh (20) 75 2nd B Buckley (19) 76 Category 21- 28 1st K Hayes (28) 72 2nd B Richardson (22) 72. Category 29-36 1st A Downey (30)72 2nd AM Byrne (34) 74. 23/05/10 18 Hole Stroke Competition, Sponsored by Joe Greene Menswear, Galway.1st Ray Lyons (19) 64 Nett. 2nd Gary Bohan ( Jnr) (14) 66 Nett, Gross: Liam O’ Reilly (3) 72 Gross, 3rd J D Walsh (19) 68 Nett. (30.5B9) 4th Malachy Glynn (10) 68 Nett (34.0 B9). 5th David Joyce (13) 69 Nett.(32.5B9). CSS 71 Gross. 26/05/10 Ladies 18 Hole Stableford. Sponsor: Gerry McDonnell, Restaurant Oughterard Golf Club C.S.S. 72. 1st Betty Clancy (24) 38pts 2nd F. White (30) 38pts B9 Gross: P. Lee (16) 19 Gross pts, 3rd P Kavanagh (21) 37pts Category 0-20 1st R Cunningham (20) 34pts B9, 2nd J. Coughlan (20) 33pts B9, Category 21-28 1st N Angland (27) 36pts, 2nd D. A. Leonard (25) 35pts B9 Category 29-36 1st K. McGoldrick (36) 36pts 2nd C. Murray (34) 35pts B9. 30/05/10 18 Hole Stableford Competition. 1st Marcus O’Sullivan (24) 43 pts, 2nd David Higgins (15) 42 pts, Gross: Hugh Walsh (3) 37 Gross pts, 3rd Cyril Foye (13) 41 pts, 4th Sean Rankin (23) 39 pts (22b9), 5th Dermot Begley (14) 39 pts. (21b9). CSS 36 pts.

Connemara Golf Club 05/05/10 Singles. Mens: 1st C O’ Loughlin (9) 36pts, 2nd Alan King (8) 32pts, CSS: 32pts. 09/05/10 Stroke. Ladies: 1st: D Murphy (15) 71, 2nd: M O’ Reilly (14) 74, 3rd: C Gaughan (23)76. Mens: 1st: F Joyce (15) 70, 2nd: E Foyle (12) 71, 3rd: M Fitzpatrick (18) 71, CSS: 73. 16/05/10 President’s Prize (Agnes Stokes), 18 Holes Stableford. 1st: Carmel Gaughan (23) 37pts (back 9), 2nd: Margaret Mulholland (15) 37pts Gross: Ladies: Mary Reilly (14) 21pts gross. Gross Men: Alan King (8) 28pts gross 3rd: Conor O’ Malley(13) 36pts (back 9) 4th Niall Malone (26) 36pts (back 9) 5th Aidan O’ Halloran (22) 36pts 6th Mary McGeough (15) 35pts (last 6) 9 Hole Sheila Stanley. Ladies CSS: 36pts Mens CSS: 35pts. Above: Golf Club President Agnes Stokes presents an Eggington painting to Carmel Gaughan, winner of the Ladies Presidents Prize on May 16th. Photo courtesy of Padraic Lyden

Tug Of War-Championship of Ballinakill Following the deaths of brothers Jimmy and Paddy Faherty R.I.P. and in conversation, Des Wallace and Danny Faherty of Renvyle came up with the idea of holding a Men’s Tug Of War Championship in honour of their friends-both Jimmy and Paddy being great Tug Of War men in their time. Upon mentioning this to Patricia Keane of Kylemore and Catherine Aspel of Cleggan, it was further decided the Championship would include a Women’s Pull to honour the memory of Mikey Nugent, Cleggan who also died recently. Mikey had coached the Women’s team who represented Ireland abroad in the late 1980’s and in 1990. Now Tug Of War Mania sweeps Renvyle and Cleggan. A new social experience has descended on Tully, Renvyle where training takes place every night from 8pm onwards. Women and Men gather on the Fairgreen to “take up the rope” and hoist the half barrel on the Gantry. There is tremendous interest in the community as people gather to watch or partake. Cars slow down and kerb crawl as they pass by to observe and encourage. Omey Island also is resounding to the sound of ‘Take the Strain!’ as the Cleggan teams go through their paces-Mikey must surely be smiling as he watches on. The next Pull will take place on Saturday, June 5th on the Green in Letterfrack commencing at 3pm. Entries on the day and the draw for pulls will take place at 2.45-teams are asked to come early to get their names in. Patricia Keane

Local Stable Racing Success The McNamara stable of Goulane, Clifden has enjoyed a good start to the racing season with two wins from two horses. ‘Ronaldo’ a 6 year old gelding owned and trained by Emer McNamara pulled off a superb victory at Lacken in Co. Mayo on Sunday May 16th to complete a hat trick of wins as it was his third year in succession claiming the title. He fought off challengers from north of the border in what was an extremely competitive race and romped home a popular winner pleasing a lot of happy punters. His stable companion ‘King Kenny’ also enjoyed success the previous week in Sligo.

FBD Rás Hits Oughterard On Tuesday May 25th the FBD Rás International Cycling Race hit Oughterard where the huge complement of participants raced into the village, finishing a 171km run from Carrick-on Shannon. The previous day’s race had been called off and voided as a traffic accident had occurred when a motorist pulled out in front of the racers who were going at high speeds. It was the first time in the history of the Rás that this happened. Irishman David O’Loughlin sprinted to

June 2010

his third FBD Insurance Rás career stage victory in Oughterard where he was cheered across the line by a great number of onlookers and supporters out to see one of Ireland’s biggest sporting events pass through. Photo: The FBD Rás races into Oughterard. Photo courtesy of Tom Broderick

May Pony Sales The 2 day catalogue sale of Connemara ponies in Clifden took place on Saturday and Saturday the 22nd and 23rd of May. 212 of the 304 lots changed hands over the two days. Bob Sweeney from Ballina acquired 46 ponies, mainly ridden ponies, the majority of which are bound for the UK and Germany. The highest price over the two days was €6,000 for a 5 year old grey gelding, 148cms with 70 SJAI points, which was bought by Kieran Egan from Ballinasloe. This pony is also destined for the UK. Other top prices included €4,300 for a 7 year old mare, Coosheen Lisa, by Coosheen Stormboy. There was a definite improvement in trade since March. Geldings were in good demand, particularly those that were 5 years or over with plenty done. Mares and fillies ranged in price from about €1500 to €3500 in general. Yearling and 2 year old colts were the most difficult to find buyers for and their sale depended very much on quality, with prices ranging from €250 to €900. The next sale of Connemara ponies in Clifden will take place on Saturday and Sunday the 21st and 22nd of August. Entry forms for that sale are now available. Paraic Heanue

May Fly Competition The overall winners of the Oughterard Anglers and Boatmens Association’s International Mayfly Angling Competition on Sunday May 16th were the Irish team as pictured below: Brendan Ferguson, Johnny Lee, Joe Healy and Kevin Molloy. The Irish team was in competition with anglers from Scotland who came second, England, Germany and Wales. The competition was a great success with lots of fish, food, and entertainment afterwards. It is hoped that the competition will go on to bigger and better heights year on year in the future. Photo courtesy of Tom Broderick

Page 13

Community School Graduation 2010 The Clifden Community School Leaving Certificate Class of 2010 graduated on Friday May 21st with a Graduation Mass followed by the presentation of certificates and awards to the students. Awards were given to the following students: Academic Achievement-Eoghan Brady, Alison Coneys, Eamonn McCann, Aisling Mullen, Brendan O’ Driscoll, Oisín Prendergast, Shane Sweeney. Effort & Commitment-Christina Canavan, Kyra Coyne, Teresa Gibbons, Marie Heneghan, Conal Joyce, Lily Joyce, Ian McDonagh, Tommy Nee, Lorraine O’ Donnell, Alan O’ Malley, Shona O’ Toole, Rebecca Sweeney, Heather Ward, Maureen West. Contribution to School Life: Katie Coohill,

Teresa Gibbons, Oliver Griffin, Lily Joyce, Tommy Nee, Brendan O’ Driscoll, Maeve O’ Malley, Maureen West. Attendance: Tim Heanue, Eamonn McCann, Rebecca Sweeney, Shane Sweeney, Heather Ward. The awards for Achievement in Sports went to Emily Gibbons and Jack Vaughan. Student of the Year (as chosen by the class) was Craig Walsh and Student of the Year (as chosen by the staff ) was Brendan O’ Driscoll. All students were presented with their certificates by Principal Dr. Bolger, Mr. Geraghty and Year Head Ms. Noeleen Walsh was presented with a bouquet by the class before a DVD show and refreshments.

The two Students of the YearCraig Walsh (left) as voted by his fellow students and Brendan O’Driscoll as voted by staff.

Above left to right: Oisín Prendergast, Christina Canavan, Aaron Birchmore and Tim Heanue. Tommy Nee and Jack Vaughan who won an award for Achievement in Sport with Shane Sweeney and Ian McDonagh.

Above left to right: Aisling Mullen and Sophie Scullion. Classmates and cousins (l-r): John O’ Sullivan, Shane Sweeney, Rebecca Sweeney and Rory Sweeney. Amanda Delaney and Amy Coyne. Below: Cal Gray, Cathal Mullen, Alan O’ Malley, Conall Joyce, Oliver Griffin, David Black, Rory Sweeney, John O’ Sullivan, Eamonn McCann and Craig Walsh with Year Head Noeleen Walsh.

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June 2010

Connemara View Newspaper

Art & Antiques Prendergast Antiques. Lower Market St., Clifden. For that unique gift or special piece for your home why not peruse our extensive collection of antique furniture, silver, ceramics, collectibles, antique and reproduction glassware, prints, mirrors. Best prices, 32 county delivery, worldwide shipping, trade welcome. www.clifden.biz. Phone 087-629-6195 anytime. Roundstone Ceramics in Michael Killeen Park, Roundstone is open daily 10am-5pm. We make a wide range of functional stoneware and unique hand decorated porcelain. We also make porcelain jewellery, all sold exclusively from our workshop. We welcome individual orders for commemorative pieces, house signs & original commissions. 095-35874. roundstonepottery@eircom.net Clifden Antiques & Irish Art. Station House Courtyard. 095-22230. 087-664-9845. clifdenantiques@eircom. net. Make your home beautiful by investing in wonderful Antiques & Art. It’s a great time to buy as prices have decreased considerably. Come in – you may be pleasantly surprised, it’s a chance to invest your money wisely.

theclifdenbookshop@eircom.net. www.clifdenbookshop. com 095-22020. Open Mon-Sat 9.30-19. Sun 11-19.


A la Carty Catering: For all your home catering needs contact Joe and Olive Carty. 095-22842. 087-260-5961. alacartycatering@gmail.com.

Children’s Products

Brats of All Ages. Unit 1, Market St, Clifden. 095-22952. Berg Go Carts. Didi Cars. Games Workshop Agents, Accessories & Toys. Childrens Clothing, Beach Wear, Sun Hats & Childrens matching poncho and wellingtons! Also in stock pet baskets and accessories. Party decorations etc only €1 per pack – Buy one get one FREE. Inflatables from €5 and FREE Foot Pump!! Baby items for sale. Baby changing unit, toddler car seat, play gym and playhouse. Everything in excellent condition. Contact Eileen on 087-653-2115.

Computers & IT


D&N Auto Store. Suppliers of: Oils, parts, batteries, accessories, body kits, alloys, number plates. Now stocking tractor parts. Open 6 days 9am-6pm. Unit 4 Clifden Business Park. 095-30615 or 087-274-4165.

Shooting Lessons: From the complete novice to the most experienced gun with Shane Bisgood. Coaching for over 30 years in Ireland & the Americas. Call 086-279-5118 or email: shanebisgood@eircom.net.

Bike Rental

Employment & Opportunities

Mannion’s Bikes. Bridge St, Clifden. 095-21160. Adult & children bikes (new & used), rentals, service and accessories.

Books, Periodicals & Cards

Education & Courses

New Book: Commemorating the 1916 Easter Rising ‘My Great Walk Across Ireland’ by Daniel Sammon. www. walkacrossireland.com. 095-43492 or 087-260-2717. Second edition of ‘Recipes from the Connemara Loop’ . A collection of 20 recipes from members along the Connemara Loop. The book contains stunning pictures of our area & makes a very affordable gift or keepsake retailing at just €2.95. The book is available from outlets along the Connemara Loop & can also be ordered on-line from www.goconnemara.com. All proceeds from the sale of this book are invested back into the Connemara Loop. Clifden Bookshop. Main St., Clifden. A mecca for book lovers with particular emphasis on local Connemara history. Guide books & maps. Extensive range of titles exclusive to us and we are on hand to make personal recommendations. Drop in and browse our sections on Irish Literature, latest best sellers and biographies. Our Bargain table has a wide range of titles at fantastic prices! Artist’s materials, cards, stationery, Book Tokens, Tide Clocks & Tables. Special Ordering and mail order service available.

Connemara View Newspaper

Violin workshops, classical & traditional, to be held in Oughterard Clann Resouce Centre from 5 to 9 July & 12 to 16 July. Workshops given by a DipMus graduate of the Royal Irish Academy of Music. All ages & levels welcome. Call Shannon 087-629-4524 or Clann 091-557-633. Traditional and folk guitar tuition available for all ages from June until mid-September. Please contact Joe Gibson for more details on 086-085-4326. Do you need help writing or comprehending English? Confidential, Tailored Tutoring and Editing Services Available. Very Reasonable Rates. Will suit your schedule. Contact Patricia O’Toole (B.A., M.A.) on 087-771-7563. “Dusty Banjos” Trad session for beginners/improvers (adults). Learn tunes, play music with other people. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, slow pace. Suit all melody instruments. €5/night. Tuesdays 7.30pm – The Bens Music Shop, Clifden. Info – Heather: 095-44845. New faces always welcome! Martial Art classes at the Connemara Judo Academy in the West Connemara Leisure Center on Sundays. We cater for children from 7yrs to 14yrs, youth and adults 15yrs to 60yrs, Contact Paraic on 086-356-5590 or enrol on Sundays at 1pm.

June 2010

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Employment & Opportunities Chef required for hotel in Clifden area from July. Hours to be negotiated. Please contact Tony or Linda Burton on +44-193-171-2958 or e-mail linda.burton@lakelandoffice.co.uk. Want to Join Avon as an Independent Sales Rep? Unlimited earning potential. No Costs involved to Start. Free Organizer gift with 1st order of €250.00 or more. Please contact either Maria Smyth on 087-263-8414 or Margaret Daniels on 086-816-1910.


colours that reflect the ever-changing seasons. Stanley’s. Lower Market Street, Clifden. 095-21039. New Arrivals !! – Keen Outdoor footwear, McCul clothing for kids – T-Shirts & Hoodies. For Ladies Geox & Riker Sandals, Linen Trousers and Saint James Tops. New stock arriving weekly. Belle Blu, Market Street, Clifden 095-21321, sales@belleblu.com New Stock of Yummie Tummie tanks to keep you looking slim this summer! Pandora Inspired Bracelets and Beads are now back in stock. Opening Hours Tuesday – Saturday 11 – 6 (closed for lunch 2-3) Join us on Facebook at “Belle Blu” for coupons and offers and remember you can always shop online at http://www.belleblu.com/. Hehir’s Woolen Store, Market St, Clifden. 095-21282. Stocking an eclectic range of ladies & gents fashion & footwear- style and comfort at affordable prices. A personal service is guaranteed and a layaway service is on offer. Our range is updated every two weeks- all you need for Summer is now in stock - Join us on Facebook “Hehirs, Clifden” . La Femme Bleue. The Square. 086-129-5548. Jtmchantal@ hotmail.com. Fill up your summer wardrobe with our fabulous and unique felt and silk coats, jackets, flower, poppet, broche. Special occasions Shawls, scarves, bags, jewellery, accessories, original gifts for everyone this summer. Ohh! By Gum. Station House Courtyard. 095-21334. 086-025-9568. ohhbygum@gmail.com. To keep up with the demand this season, Ohh! By Gum has new deliveries of clothing, accessories & childrenswear arriving all the time, with prices starting at €7.99 you are sure to find some little treat. Become a friend on Facebook and check out some of our latest additions or call in for a browse and have a little fun!

Financial / Legal

10am-5.30pm - 095-21565 connemaraflorist@gmail. com - www.connemaraflorist.net. Fresh flowers for all occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, births, funerals and weddings. Great gift ideas - whatever your budget! Delivery throughout Connemara. We cater for all budgets!

Food, Wine & Country Markets

Duanes Fish Shop, Main Street, 095-21804. Large variety of locally caught fresh fish and shell fish. Fresh crab Live lobster - Fresh oysters. Stockists of Connemara Smokehouse Smoked Products. Having a BBQ try our Tuna Steaks, Prawn Skewers, Crab Claws, Scallops and Salmon Steaks. Open 10 - 6 Tues-Sat and 12 - 6 on Mondays. Special offers daily ! Connemara Hamper. Lower Market St., Clifden. Large selection of Irish and European farmhouse cheeses. Organic wines, fruit and vegetables. Freshly baked breads and baguettes. Gourmet lunches and Illy coffee to go. Open all year. Mon-Sat 10-5pm. 095-21054. The Roundstone Country Market started on Sunday May 2nd. All local artisans and craftspeople. Ten stall holders selling cheese, breads, eggs, veg, pastries, crafts and jewellery. The future dates for the market are May 16th, June 6 and 20. Every Sunday in July and August. September 5. Hours 10am-3pm. Held at the Roundstone Community Centre carpark in the centre of Roundstone. For more info contact John Walsh on 095-41243. Des Moran Family Butchers. Main Street, Clifden. 095-21232. Home of the national award winning sausages, white pudding and black pudding. Catering to all of your meat and poultry needs. SuperValu Clifden. The Square, Clifden. 095-21182. Opening hours: Monday-Thursday/Saturday 8am-9pm. Fri 8am-10pm. Sunday & Bank Holidays 9am-7pm. Clifden Fruit & Veg. Main St., Clifden. 086-836-5864. Full selection of fruit and vegetable at great prices. Now selling an extensive range of animal feeds. An Bhean Feasa Health Store. Market St., organic wholefoods, nutritional supplements, herbs, natural remedies, organic face and body care. 095-30671.

Home Furnishings

Calf Dehorning and Tagging Service Available - Portable Gas Burner for calves aged 3 weeks - 3 months. Larger cattle also done under local anaesthetic with no pain or blood loss to the animal. Call Donal Staunton on 087-992-2301. Get Henpecked! Coops & Runs for your Chickens. Visit our website at www.henpecked.ie or call Brian Casey in Cleggan on 087-249-8097 or 095-44924. An extensive range of animal feeds including the Red Mills and Gain brands now on sale at Clifden Fruit & Veg. Main Street, Clifden. 086-836-5864. Diamonds of Renvyle, 095-43486 For all your - Farm Supplies - Animal Feeds - Hay & Straw - Shavings - Builders Supplies - Cement & Concrete Products - Home Heating Needs and much more. Free Delivery throughout Connemara.

Fashion, Shoes & Accessories

Cottage Handcrafts. Moyard Connemara. 095-41029. Wrap yourself up in our traditional yet contemporary knitwear and jewelry collections, inspired by the local landscape, with a variety of subtle styles, textures and

Page 16

Recession Busting Review: Why not avail of our Free financial review to see if we can save you money on all your insurances. Then you will know for sure you are getting the best deal. Call Hennelly Finance on 091-586-500 or call Helena on 086-809-5607. Hennelly Financial Services Ltd. T/A Hennelly Finance is regulated by the Financial Regulator. Bookkeeping & Accounts service for self employed and small businesses. Very experienced financial administrator is available for all your bookkeeping requirements. VAT/ PAYE/PRSI returns, payroll, monthly accounts etc. Contact: Marian Herriott 087-647-8303. email: mherriott4@ gmail.com. Cashel-Connemara Credit Union. Clifden Office: 095-21101. Cashel Office 095-31128. Therese Thornton, Solicitor, Clifden, Co. Galway. Professional, comprehensive legal service at reasonable rates. Call 087-262-5385 or email ThereseThornton@gmail.com for advice or a quote with no obligation.


Connemara Florist. Main St., Clifden. Monday -Saturday

June 2010

Gifts by Grace, Courthouse Square, 095-22101. Personalised Gifts: Name Cards, Key Covers, Shopper Bags and Pens, All under €5.00. Monogram Cufflinks now in stock - perfect for Father’s Day! Check instore for our range of special offers on Newgrange Giftware. Hand turned wooden baskets, Picture frames, Mirrors, Stools and Candleholders from €14.99. Whistlestop “Gifts & Interiors”. Station House. 095-21532. 086-230-4210. whistlestop@eircom.net www.whistlestop. ie. Design-led home accessories at affordable prices. Lamps, mirrors, throws, glassware sourced world-wide. Baby gifts including award winning Organics for Kids babygros and an eclectic range of jewellery & silverware. Wedding list & personal shopping source available.

Connemara View Newspaper

Home Furnishings Broderick’s Electrical Centres. For the BIGGEST selection of electrical appliances and LCD TVs in the West. Lodge Road, Westport 098-28130. Moneen, Castlebar. 094-904-4735. Free Delivery to anywhere in Connemara. Homeware Plus, The Square, Clifden. 095-21348. Everything for the home at discount prices. June Specials: Frames from €2 and Energy Saver Light Bulbs €2. Gach rud ar phraghas iontach, taobh le SuperValu. Teach & Baile Furniture and Homewares, Main Street, Oughterard. 087- 280-3563. “Quality everyday furniture at great prices”. Slumber night Mattress sale 9”deep medium sleep system, open coil. 3’ single only €100, 4’6” Double only €150, includes delivery. Many other great offers in store.

your local Organic Grower. Our produce is available in the Countryshop Letterfrack, Connemara Hamper and Duanes Fishmonger in Clifden. Look for our stall at the Clifden Market on Fridays. 095-44855.

Pets, Animals & Ponies

Information Services & Media

Does your partner? Call you names, constantly criticise you? Control your access to money/phone/car etc? Monitor your time, threaten you and the children? If so you may be in an abusive relationship. For free, friendly, confidential advice and support call D.V.R. 091-866-740. Connemara AA. Tuesdays, Old School, Recess, 8.30 pm. Wednesdays, Clifden Day Centre, (behind the hospital) 8.30pm. Thursdays, Clifden Day Centre, 8.30pm. Fridays, Ellis Hall, Letterfrack, 9pm. Saturdays and Sundays, Clifden Day Centre 12 noon. Clifden Citizens Information Centre. Free and confidential service to the public. Galway Rd, Clifden. 095-22000 and 087-130-1100. Thurs 7pm-8pm. Friday 10.30am- 3.30pm. Connemara Community Radio. Letterfrack. 095-41616. Connemara View Newspaper. Clifden. 095-22888. AWARE Depression Support Group meetings take place at the FORUM Office (upstairs), Ellis Hall, Letterfrack on the 1st Thursday of every month at 8pm. Contact Margaret 095-21741 afternoons except Tuesday for more details.

rescued & reprinted. Have your photos digitally scanned, burned to CD, ready for print. Open 7 days until late.


Apartment for rent in Moyard. 2 bedrooms with en suite, kitchen and dining area, living room, warm. All utilities included, reasonable rent, private separate entrance and parking. Call 087-770-2460 or 095-41082. Two Bedroom Apartment to let in Clifden town centre. All mod cons. Spacious and refurbished to a high standard. Responsible tenants sought. Minimum one-year lease. Available immediately. Contact 086-805-3760. Rooms to rent in town centre. New house, all mod cons. 086-837-7120. For Rent: 2 & 3 bedroom apartments and rooms to let, 5 minutes walk from Clifden town centre, fully furnished. 095-44924 or 087-249-8097.

Items for Sale or Rent

Connemara Bouncing Castles for hire for all occasions, supplied with rain covers, delivered, erected and collected. 095-21219. Top quality showroom kitchens for sale. Excellent condition. Electrical appliances included. Timber and corian worktops. For details contact Paul on 086-293-1819.


Connolly’s Boarding Cattery near Rossaveal. Open all year for long or short stays. Designed for the safety and comfort of cats following FAB guidelines. All cats must be vaccinated and males neutered. Tel. Maureen on 086-3988179 or 091-572-000 or visit www.purr.ie. Don’t have enough time to walk your dog for whatever reason? The Dog Walker can help! For more information about dog walking and dog sitting or if you have any queries, contact Marta at 087-297-0137 or martathedogwalker@gmail.com.

Photography & DVD Services Office Supplies & Photocopying

Video Vault. Main St, Clifden. Call 095-22033. VHS to DVD transfer. Disc repair: 5 discs repaired for €10. Photos restored,

Properties - BER Book now for your Building Energy Rating certificate. If you are buying or renting a new house or apartment now, you are entitled to a BER. Carried out by specially trained BER assessors, registered by Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI). Call Sinead at Matt O’Sullivan Estate Agents on 095-21066 or e-mail property@mattosullivan. com www.mattosullivan.com. Listing properties for long term rental.

Video Vault, Main Street, 095-22033. More than just movies – Now available A4 and A3 colour photocopying. Also available - Internet access, VHS / camcorder transfer to DVD, faxing, laminating and disc repair. Open 7 days until late. King’s Paper Shop. Main St, Clifden. 095-21119. A4 and A3 colour photocopying. Faxing. Laminating. Homeware Plus. The Square, Clifden. Office supplies at discount prices! 095-21348.

Public Notices

Councillor Eilleen Mannion. June Clinic Times: Friday 4th, 11th and 19th from 12-1pm. Available by appointment, for further information contact 087-955-5645. Clinics are held in the upstairs meeting room in Mannions Bar.


Organic Fruit & Veg

Galway Quads. Quads, buggies, repairs, servicing, accessories. Boley, East Barna. Contact Keith Trill on 087-988-6514. www.galwayquads.com.

Jagur Organic. Get your Organic Fruit and Vegetables from

Connemara View Newspaper

June 2010

Page 17

Trade Supplies & Services Alternative Energy & Plumbing

Airflow Renewable Energy Solutions, Ballybrit, Galway. 091-764-761.www.airflowireland.ie. Daikin air to water heat pumps. Ground source geothermal heat pumps. IVT heat recovery ventilation. Solar panels. System design & project support. Domestic & commercial. SEI approved. Cut your oil bill by two-thirds with solar powered water heating. Call Michael Carey for a free no obligation quote. Testimonials from satisfied customers available. SEI grants available. Carey Solar Powered Systems. Sky Rd. Clifden. 086-603-9299. www.careysolar.com.

Liam Shannon Plumbing & Heating Contractor. SEI Registered contractor for Home Energy Savings Scheme. Specialists in Oil, Gas & Renewable Energy Heating Systems. Solar Panels. Boiler Maintenance/Service.Sheeauns, Cleggan 086-248-8853. liamshannon@eircom.net.

095-41180. Gerry: 086-103-1053. Peter: 085-760-4130.


West Coast Insulation. Your local cavity wall and attic insulation specialists. Eco bead Platinum. The ONLY SEI Grant Approved Installer in Connemara. Call us on 087142-1414. Patrick & John Folan, Letterfrack. westcoastinsulations@gmail.com.


Restorations Church-Castle and Monument. Architectural and ecclesiastical restoration and conservation. Our service: statues repair and repainting. Marble altar works. Stained glass windows. Outdoor statues. Towerbells and clocks. Fountains. Crypts. Church furniture. Stations of the Cross. Vestments. Chalices and monstrances. Grotto statues. Also sandblasting and metal engineering works etc. Nationwide service. Purchasing-Statue showroom. Michele Thierbach G.R.A.D. www.studio-michele.com. www. nicholas-antiques.com. 091-556-735.

Building Contractors Ger Cloherty Construction & Groundworks. Claregalway. 087-235-4331. gcloherty@email.com. All agricultural buildings, slatted tanks, horse stables, sillage slabs, retaining walls, sand arenas, demolitions, raft foundations, house build. All groundworks, site clearance, kerbs, footpaths, septic tanks etc.


Traditional Irish sign writing by ‘Studio Nicholas Connemara’. Moycullen-Tullokyne. 091-556-735. 087-220-3898.

Painting Painting and Decorating: Interior and exterior, timber floors sanded and varnished. Neat and tidy job guaranteed. Also offering garden and lawn maintenance service. Competitive rates. References available. Contact Johnny Coyne, Renvyle, 086-857-0302.

Plant Hire

Taxi Service


Tyres Omey Tyres. Connemara’s 1st complete mobile tyre fitting centre. Recession Beater: Wholesale prices on new tyres. Best prices guaranteed. 24 Hour - 7 Days. Service throughout Connemara. Now stocking Wipers, Bulbs, Batteries and Oil. Contact Daniel Ryan on 095-44979 / 086-831-3462 or omeytyres@hotmail.com.


The National Broadband scheme is rolling out in your area soon, for more info contact Frank 083-408-2480. Free to to air satellite service from Harrington Electrical Connemara. Full standard installation with box and dish €160. Hundreds of free to air channels. Call Paul on 087-144-1118. Wireless broadband. Aerial and satellite installation and repair. Peter Keane, Clifden. 095-21827. 087-668-7468.


Website Design: Creative, professional and affordable websites by Cuán Mara Design, Letterfrack, Co. Galway. For pricing and to view portfolio visit www.cuanmaradesign. com. For a competitive quote phone Caroline Herriott on 086-079-1918 or email caroline@cuanmaradesign.com. Two Dog Computer & Business Solutions. Bridge St. 09522194. 086-404-3125. Website design & development.

Wedding Services

Vintage and modern cars available for weddings, social or corporate travel and airport transfers. Our rare and unique cars are fully PSV licensed and insured. Special midweek rates. Visit our website or call us on 091-506-896 or 087-990-2294. www.getawaylimos.com. Wedding Videography by Pat Coyne. Professional, friendly service. Two camera operators digitally capture your big day while blending into the background. Portfolio and references available. Package includes 4 copies of the edited video. Packages to suit every budget. Renvyle. 095-43756. 086-406-2394. email: fiddisco@mac.com www.fiddisco.com. Connemara Weddings. Music for your perfect day. Call Eithne on 095-43928 or 087-768-4921. ehannigan@eircom.net.

Page 18

Newman Carpentry Services. All carpentry work undertaken by experienced tradesman. Fitted doors, kitchens, stairs, decking, built in wardrobes, PVC fascia and soffit, wooden floors, 2nd Fixing and general maintenance. Competitive rates – Display units made to order. Contact Paddy Newman on 086-316-5978 or 095-44931.

Gardening & Landscaping

Neighbourhood Gardening. Lawns mowed. Tidy beds and borders. Hoeing and weeding. Hedge planting and clipping. Lawns raked and seeded. Tree holes dug. Light pruning duties.Garden labour assist. Kerbing around lawn. Sleepers laid. Base for garden sheds. Compost areas created. Raised bed built. Fence posts replaced. Broken paving fixed. Stone pointing. Servicing all of Connemara. Contact Peter 087-147-3308. NeighbourhoodGardening@gmail.com. Homeware Plus. The Square, Clifden. Everything at discount prices! 095-21348. Gardening Pots, Boxes, Gloves, Tools & more from €1. Tree pruning, crown reductions, crown thinning, deadwood removal, tree removal, hedge cutting & chipping, est 1998. Alan Linnane. West Coast Tree Surgery. 086-284-8340.


Connacht Gates Moycullen. Manufacturer of wrought iron gates domestic and commercial. Side gate, railings, balconies, stainless steel handrails, glass balustrades, customised stairs, fire escapes. Registered contractor. 091-868-803. 087-261-6947. Email: conncoatfab@eircom.net.


Connemara Seamless Gutters. Suppliers of roof line cladding and guttering systems. Over 17 years experience. Aluminum, UPvc. Wide range of colours. Free quotations.

June 2010

Noel Connolly Plant Hire. Site work & land drainage. Top quality graded topsoil. Large volume of material available at €70 per load. Prices on extensions and renovations. Keenest prices around. C2 Reg. 095-23781. 086-247-6610.

Plastering & Tiling

Tiler specialising in all types of floors & walls; Ceramic, mosaic, marble, terracotta, porcelain, slate, paving. Call for FREE quote & advice. Commercial & residential. Competitive rates, professional throughout. Paul Davis. Tel: 095-23803 Mob: 085-110-3035.

Sand, Gravel & Stone

Stonetech, Clifden. Call Seamus on 087-668-7437. The Original Bagged Sand Supplier. Soft & sharp sand, washed gravel & decorative chippings, Bark mulch. Corbett Stone. Natural Connemara Building Stone. 095-21744. 086-247-5619. www.corbettstone.com. Cut stone by the bag or hand picked at rock bottom prices. Any quantity. Flag stones for paving. Unusual shaped stones for your garden. Good quality topsoil by the truck load or 1 ton bags. Delivered promptly. Our prices won’t be beaten. Washed and graded sand and gravel. Decorative stone chippings in a variety of colours for pathways, driveways and patios. Choice gardener’s bark mulch. Free delivery to your door. Headstones. Surrounds, cleaning, inscriptions. Mongan’s Stonecraft. Derryinver, Letterfrack. 095-43473. 087-130-7752. 086-199-1988.


Connemara View Newspaper

Errisbeg House, Roundstone As you arrive to the village of Roundstone from the Ballyconneely direction, you will see a sign for Errisbeg House and Stable Gallery. Many people will have visited this interesting house as its present owner Richard Duc De Stacpoole opens the house and garden on a regular basis and welcomes young and old. It is the scene for many events in Roundstone, from concerts, parties and arts events to the annual Easter egg hunt. The house is described as a detached asymmetrical three bay, three storey house with a three bay, two storey, entrance wing, c1875. The cement rendered exterior has decorative detail including quoins, eaves band and brackets. The interior has low ceilings with decorative panels and wall niches. The mouldings were all handmade and there is a magnificent 18 stair hand carved oak staircase. The original polychrome floor tiles still cover many of the floors. There is a two storey kitchen and stable range at rear. The house is set in its own grounds. Errisbeg House was originally built as a two storey hunting lodge in 1875 by a member of the Cloherty family. Joseph Cloherty went to America in 1847 where he joined the Army as part of the 6th Cavalry. During his years of service he was promoted, eventually becoming a Sergeant. The local story goes that he was a student of architecture and while in Texas with five of his friends sometime in the late 1850’s, got caught up in a gun battle against cattle rustlers. The five friends were killed and Joseph swore that if he got back to Ireland alive he would build Errisbeg House (as it nestles below Errisbeg Hill) in their memory. The House is also known as the Architect’s Folly, hence the very unusual design and its wonderful engravings and ornaments. After his return to Roundstone he married and he and his wife bought a premises in the town from the Franciscan Brothers. It was originally a thatched single storey house but the Clohertys added the second storey. The shop had a fine reputation and was a great success. The family also built their trade using the sea, with boats bringing goods from Galway, Westport and farther afield. During the 19th century the sea

Shearing, Spinning & Shawls On Sunday May 23rd the Maam Cross Mart and surrounds once again played host to the Connacht Sheep Shearing Championships in scorching sunshine, with a crowd in excess of 2000 people visiting and enjoying the day’s events which ran from 9am until 8pm. Ivan Scott from Donegal (shown below), won the open machine class shearing 15 sheep in 10 minutes and 58 seconds. He also holds a world record for shearing 736 lambs in 8 hours. Ivan is also a member of the Ulster team who claimed the interprovincial title on the day. The Leenane Sheep & Wool Centre sponsored a special event to create a hand knitted shawl directly

Connemara View Newspaper

was the highway, with quays and harbours all along the coast and Roundstone a natural stopping point. An extension to Errisbeg House was added on in the early 1900’s, with all the work being completed by about 1907. There is some debate as to which part of the house is the original 1800’s section and which is later. It is clear that there are different styles although they have been blended well. The family never lived there but leased it out during the summers. It was used by many people and both the Jesuit and Redemptorist priests used it as a holiday home. Eileen Duchess de Stacpoole, (nee Palmer of Glenlo Abbey, Galway), leased the house in 1932 from a Mary Hanley, a relation of the Clohertys. After the family home ‘Tobertynan’ in Rathmolyn, County Meath was sold following the death of Eileen’s husband George Duke de Stacpoole, Errisbeg became her permanent home up until her death in 1989. The De Stacpoole family had an interesting history, but at the beginning of the 19th century they were to achieve new heights, when Richard de Stacpoole was created a Viscount by Louis XVIII in 1826. Later he was given the Order of St Gregory, and was created Marquis by Pope Leo XII in 1828 for services rendered to the church. He had spent £40,000 to rebuild ‘St Paul’s without the walls’ in Rome, and also repaired the main bridge over the Tiber and restored the fountains which had been out of action since Napoleonic times. He was created a Papal Duke by Pope Gregory XVI in 1830. One of the out houses attached to the main house was the old stable block. It is still in its original state with all its hand moulded troughs and cast iron partitions. It is now known as the Stable Gallery and is used for exhibitions. As mentioned earlier, Errisbeg House gets its name from Errisbeg Hill which rises directly behind the house. It was mentioned in ‘A Chorological Description of West or H-Iar Connacht, 1684’ by Roderic O’Flaherty. In that book he wrote of its conspicuous position: “Westward of Inisnee and Round-stone haven, in Inisleth-dhuine [identified by the editor, Hardiman, as the modern Inis Leacainn or Shelving Island], a small island

which leads to Irrosbeg haven, called Portnafedoigge [Port na Feadóige, ‘harbour of the grey plover’]; over which is Irrosbeg hill, the second place discovered by marriners [after the Twelve Bens] coming from the sea, on top of which is a poole where trouts breed” (O’Flaherty, 108). This hill dominates the scenery of the area and is an important habitat for many rare plants including ‘Erica mackaiana’. These rare plants have been a draw for many botanists. The house is set in three acres of truly magical informal gardens, with many unusual shrubs and trees that harmonise with the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside. Breandan O Scanaill Photo courtesy of Lol Hardiman

from sheep sheared from the day in less than ten hours. The fleece was sheared, cleaned, sorted, carded, spun and woven, then knit into the shawl which Marie Quinn is shown wearing here. The process was very much enjoyed by visitors to the tent and was a great hit with the crowds, keen to see the end result. Photo below left (L-r): Kathleen and Aoife O’ Toole, Marie Quinn, Bridget O’ Malley and Mary McHugh (Left) In the ‘Lady and the Tramp’ class, Chenoa Farragher’s Shih Tzu Bonnie was ‘Lady’ and Aisling Keogh’s Phoebe was ‘the Tramp’. Photos by Tom Broderick & staff

June 2010

Page 19

June Bogman 61

Enter crossword answers into a draw of correct answers for a voucher for Homeware Plus in Clifden by June 30th.

Connemara Crossword 67

Bogman Across 1 I gather that it’s all part of the service. (7) 8 Under pressure in arts reformation? (6) 9 Confusing to an Irish past master? (9) 10 After a quick word the Italian will relax in the flower of his country. (6) 12 Concerning the highest person in old British colonies, it’s a very bad habit to return drink. (9) 13 Redirecting locum to north pillar? (6) 15 Live at head of Danube water source. (5) 16 Do many return in it for current production? (6) 17 In Pluto, Piaf attained the ideal state. (6) 18 Sounds like the height of resentment! (5) 20 Show signs of acute embarrassment on discovering a circle within the Church of England ... (6) 24 … reading part of a book about a burning issue in the minister’s home? (9) 26 Race to anoint somehow to get into this state. (6) 27 Just be patient and your transport will come. (9) 28 It sounds to me like there are too many kisses at the end of the letter. (6) 29 Retrospective piece in right extremes proves that money did change hands. (7) Bogman Down 2 Beginning to find an alternative to one drink? (6) 3 Write one about getting a dirty look when there’s a non-drinker inside. (6) 4 Though it’s not straightforward, make it better around five? (5) 5 Nothing came after trees were destroyed, we heard, from more than one source. (6) 6 Medical condition that ends up with a wake, though not a funeral. (8) 7 Foie gras? About a pound? In the mouth! (6) 11 Loses strength when the Geheime Staatspolizei surround the Mass. (6) 13 Is this it, then? (4) 14 Developing Nation To Get Oil Terminal! (6) 15 Might an idiot do physical exercise, or give one drugs. (4) 16 Poured out like hypocrisy indeed. (8) 19 Sounds as if on cue, you give something to the poor but not without misgivings. (6) 21 How rogues manage to get the bird. (6) 22 Being well, and hearty, breathe. (6) 23 Oval top prize? Provide support on top of table. (3-3) 25 Might dressing for dinner cause distress? (5)

Winner of April Bogman 60: Tom McWilliam, Ballyconneely. Winner Connemara Crossword 66: Ann McDonnell, Cleggan.

Send in your Crossword and Quiz answers! Drop to the Connemara View Drop Box at King’s Paper Shop, Main St, Clifden, post to Connemara View, Clifden, Co.Galway or e-mail to news@connemaraview.com.

There’s been much news lately about planned pension changes. I turn 65 in 2011; my wife will be 65 in 2015. I’ve worked all my life and my wife took care of our children and only started paid employment outside the home in 1996. We don’t have private pensions. How will the changes affect us? Substantial changes to how contributory State pensions are calculated and when they are paid are planned. The proposed changes will not affect you but they will affect your wife. The age at which people qualify for a State Pension will increase to 66 in 2014, 67 in 2021 and 68 in 2028. The State Pension (Transition) will be abolished in 2014, so your wife will not get a State Pension Transition at 65 in 2015. Currently to qualify for a State Pension (Contributory and Transition) you must have a minimum of 260 paid PRSI contributions (5 years) over your working life. Your pension is then based on your yearly average of contributions (both paid and credited). Credited contributions can be given when you are ill, unemployed or taking care of someone. You need a minimum yearly average of 20 contributions to qualify for a pension and 48 for a full rate pension. From 2012 you must have a minimum of 520 paid

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Connemara Crosword Across 1. Gas present in the atmosphere (6, 7) 10. Fantastic (7) 11. Small type of onion (7) 12. Extinct bird (4) 13. Prepared (5) 15. Elegant (4) 17. Draw (3) 19. Female relative (6) 21. Red Indian tribe (6) 22. More forbidding (7) 23. Securing device (6) 25. Nuclear (6) 27. Involuntary muscular twitch (3) 29. Red gem (4) 30. Timed car racing event (5) 31. Notion (4) 34. Small food fish (7) 35. Perusing (7) 36. Where the Gulf Stream flows (8, 5)

Connemara Crosword Down 2. Leave behind (7) 3. Type of cheese (4) 4. Ingot (6) 5. Interior (6) 6. December 25th (4) 7. Friendly sea-going mammal (7) 8. Heart stopping (7, 6) 9. Business trading market (5, 8) 14. Postage system (7) 16. Racist (5) 18. Third planet of the solar system (5) 20. Be wrong (3) 21. Edible pulse (3) 24. Musical entertainment (7) 26. Portuguese island, drink and cake (7) 27. Latent gift (6) 28. Clergyman (6) 32. Travel permit (4) 33. Bathroom powder (4)

contributions (10 years) over your working life. Your wife will have 20 years of paid contributions by the time she retires in 2016 so she will meet this requirement. She will qualify for a full pension based on her 20 years’ contributions with a yearly average of 48 contributions if she continues to work full time. This yearly average method for calculating contributions will continue until 2020. After that the system will change to a total contribution system. A minimum of 520 (10 years) paid contributions will give you one-third of the total pension rate. Thirty years contributions will give you a full pension. A maximum of 10 years of credits will be taken into account. You can find out more about changes to pensions at pensionsgreenpaper. ie. Further information is also available from Clifden Citizens Information Service which provides a free and confidential service to the public. Tel: 09522000 & 087-1301-100 / Email: clifden@citinfo.ie. Address: c/o VEC, Statoil Apartments, Galway Road, Clifden. Open: Thursday 7pm to 8pm, Friday 10:30am to 3:30pm, also regular outreach service in Letterfrack. Information is also available online at www.citizensinformation.ie and from the Citizens Information Phone Service, Lo-call 1890-777-121.

June 2010

What Do You Know? Quiz 20

No winner of Quiz 19, prize money is now €70.

Geography: Which European country consists of 20 different regions? History: The trident is the emblem on which nation’s flag? Sport: Which side coined the term ‘The Five Nations’? Maths: Fibonacci published this famous book in the early 1200’s. Science: What are the four great inventions of ancient China? Food: Who discovered pineapple in the West Indies? General Knowledge: What animal requires more food in proportion than that of a baby or a cat? Music: In 1954 what man first closed Elvis’s concerts with “Ladies and Gentleman, Elvis has left the building. Thank you and good night”. Art: Why was the Louvre originally constructed? Entertainment: Which country banned Donald Duck comics because Donald doesn’t wear any pants? Literature: In what year did Agatha Christie die? Irish Interest: What place in Ireland has the longest name?

May Quiz Answers Geography: How many states and mainland territories constitute Australia? Three territories and six states. http://geography.about.com/library/ quiz/110809/blquiz110809.htm?lastQ uestion=9&answers=2&submit=Next+ Question+%3E%3E&ccount=3 History: After which war were adoption records sealed to the public? World War 2. http://parenting.ivillage.com/ baby/badoption/0,,6grn,00.html Sport: Ireland and Wales joined this tournament in 1880? The Champions Match. http://www.funtrivia.com/submitquiz.cfm?quiz=235986 Math: Thales, Pythagoras and Plato studied where? Egypt. http://library. thinkquest.org/22584/emh1200.htm Science: Who was the first known person to propose a heliocentric model of the solar system? Aristarchus of Samos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ History_of_science Food: These tribes are said to be responsible for introducing the word ‘pasta’ to the Italians? The Germanic tribes. http://cookingwhiz.com/ cookhistory.htm General Knowledge: The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood how many feet? 30 feet. http://www. knowledgebase-script.com/demo/ article-485.html Music: What national anthem was performed the most times in a single performance? The English national anthem. http://didyouknow.org/fastfacts/music.htm Art: A chessboard is based on what design? A Tesellation design. http:// www.theartgallery.com.au/DidYouKnow.html Entertainment: What famous actress/ model had six toes on one foot? Marilyn Monroe. http://www.stunningstuff.com/list-funny-facts/2.html Literature: When was the first volume of recipes published and by whom? Apicius (Roman) in 62 A.D. http://www. sentex.net/~ajy/facts/literature.html Irish Interest: Mike Morgan of County Donegal has been crowned Irish champion of what sport? Surfing. http://www.ireland-fun-facts.com/ ireland-facts.html

Connemara View Newspaper

The weather has been fairly kind to the gardens; there has been plenty of sunshine, a fair bit of warmth and some rain. I hate to say it but we need a little more rain as the ground is very dry. The small amount of rain we have had has brought everything to life and the colours have been wonderful. The gardens are looking their best at the moment with rhododendrons and azaleas in full flower. Herbaceous borders are also full of colour, and with careful management we should be able to keep the display going until the start of winter and even longer. I have been asked about a particular flowering tree, or perhaps trees, which were full of colour over the past month. From the information I have been given I assume that these are flowering Cherries. Correctly, these are members of the Prunus family. They are grown as trees and shrubs and all of them have something to recommend. The trees are normally grown for flowers and autumn colour, while the shrubs are grown for their autumn colour, various bark textures, flowers, fruits and foliage. The different varieties can flower throughout the year. Some of the best would be ‘Prunus padus’ or bird cherry which has fragrant white flowers in late spring, followed by berries and

good autumn colour. ‘Prunus kanzan’ bears masses of double pink to purple flowers from mid to late spring. This is a fairly common variety, and is very spectacular when in flower. ‘Prunus Kiku-shidare’ also known as Cheal’s weeping cherry is a lovely, relatively small tree with double pink flowers. The variety ‘Prunus davidana’ has white or pale pink flowers in late winter. Another good variety for winter is ‘Prunus incisa’-February Pink. The Prunus family also includes peach and almond. Recently a number of people were discuss-

ing trees which would be suitable for a sea side location and there was plenty of talk about evergreens versus deciduous. As always you have to take your own likes and dislikes into consideration as much as the type of trees which are suitable. Shelter is the main need as without some protection it will be almost impossible to get anything to establish. I recently visited Ilnacullin, or Garinish, located in Glengarriff Bay. These magical gardens are planted on a rough and fairly exposed island but over the years masses of shelter has been created. Most of this shelter comes from pines, particularly ‘Pinus radiata’ and ‘Pinus sylvestris’ or Scots pine. Many other plants were allowed to fill in the gaps and then the elaborate and exotic planting took place. I would recommend ‘Pinua contorta’ or Beach pine be added to the list. ‘Oleria macrodonta’ and the various Escallonias could be the next line of defence. ‘Ilex aquifolium’ or holly, is fairly hardy if slow growing; ‘Crataegus monogyna’ or hawthorn is also worth planting as it is fairly tough. Once you have the shelter, some trees such as ‘Acer pseudoplatanus’ or sycamore tree, ‘Arbutus unedo’ or Strawberry tree and ‘Sorbus aria Lutescens’ or white beam can then be planted. After this it is possible to grow more tender plants but always watch out for wind rock and salt spray. Great care is needed when planting your shelter belt and your specimen trees that you don’t spoil the view. Focal points can be left exposed and viewing places created. These don’t have to be elaborate; maybe a natural rock face, or a path cut out of the hill, allowing you climb up a bit and look at the sea. Remember the Japanese idea of borrowed landscape-the distant island or rocky headland does not have to be in your garden for you to incorporate it into your view. I have also been asked about pruning shrubs. Here in Connemara we are lucky as the weather is seldom extreme so pruning can be carried out at almost any time of the year. I only prune back shrubs after they have flowered, unless in an emergency. If you

Gardening Green Chard belongs to the Beet Family and is also known as Swiss chard, Silver beet, perpetual spinach, crab beet, sea kale beet and mangold. Different colours of chard like rainbow or ruby chard also make pretty displays in your garden or even amongst your flowers. At farmers markets across the Americas it is one of the most valued greens available. This long stemmed, long-leaved lush vegetable has a long culinary history. It is very popular amongst Mediterranean chefs and its flavour is more refined than that of cooked Spinach. The nutritious leaves and stalks of Swiss chard are loaded with Vitamin A, C, B, Calcium, Iron and Phosphorus. Like most Greens, Chard is very low in calories

Connemara View Newspaper

prune prior to flowering, you will not have the display. I think I have mentioned before how a friend was bemoaning the lack of flowers on his Mahonia. As we talked about it I realised that he pruned his plants in mid autumn and the Mahonia is a winter flowering plant. Each plant has its own time for pruning, and labels on the shrubs will usually give you the best time. Remember, most of these plants come from abroad so the time for pruning varies. As I said, only prune after flowering. Using sharp secateurs or pruning saw cut the branches cleanly. The only times when this doesn’t count is if the branch is damaged or diseased or simply causing a problem. I am not the best at pruning as I feel that most trees and shrubs are better left to their own devices but this year I will have to do a job on two offending trees. Their branches are covering up special trees. I will try and be kind; not cutting them back too much, but the space needed by the other trees will dictate that. Don’t forget- if you have good cuttings from the pruning, plant these and increase your stock. The herbaceous borders have grown very well this year. I think that the dry spring was good for them and the little rain we had, especially recently, helped them very much. With so many plants being sold in pots it is possible to plant out almost any time of the year. This is important if you find that you have gaps in the planting. Often when one flower finishes you can find yourself with a hole in the planting so it is great to be able to buy something which is fully grown and in flower to fill that space. Again your personal taste and budget will dictate what you are going to plant. Be aware of the needs of the plant you are buying; it might look great but will not thrive in your garden. Some good plants for the border are ‘Antirrhinum’ or snapdragon; these come in a wide range of colours, grow easily and if you dead head the flowers will usually flower again. ‘Canna’ or canna lily is very showy, and adds height to the border. ‘Dicentra’ or bleeding heart is again fairly tall and stunning. ‘Geum’, tall and multi coloured can be a little weak but if you get the right conditions will reward very well. ‘Monarda’ or bergamot is clump forming and has striking flowers which grow fairly tall. ‘Prunella’ or self heal is low growing and gives great ground cover. It is also good in

rock gardens as it can be invasive. ‘Sedum’ is a wonderful plant for autumn colour. It has succulent leaves and is tall with the added benefit of attracting butterflies. This is a busy month so try and stay ahead of yourself, but don’t get stressed out; remember gardening should be fun and interesting. Allow yourself plenty of relaxation and enjoy the garden. Breandan O Scanaill

c h a r d

and good for your cholesterol levels. ongenial Many people who like Spinach may never have tried its cousin-the ealthy delicious Chard. ppetising All in all, chard is better than spinach or as John Claró would say ich in Nutrients “Chard is spinach with a University degree”. elicious He loves the green super stuff and kindly related to us his favourite simple recipe for a tasty meal. Wash 500 g of Chard (white or coloured). Separate the stem from the leaves and chop separately. Crush 4 cloves of garlic and sauté gently in a deep pan. Add the chopped chard stems first and let them soften a bit, then add the chopped chard leaves. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Steam for 5 minutes and keep stirring. Add a can of cooked organic chickpeas and mix together. You can enjoy this with rice or potatoes. Good health to you! Linda Jagobin

June 2010

Page 21

Peter Bailey, Clifden RNLI Our local RNLI station was deeply saddened by the recent death of Peter Bailey. For the past three years Peter has been the Lifeboats Operatons manager (LOM) at our station. His dedication and interest in the Lifeboat Service was an inspiration to us all who are involved in the local area. Apart from his management and organisational skills, Peter brought a great camaraderie and social side to the service and we enjoyed many evenings at his home The Priory, where he and his wife Nessa made us very welcome indeed. On behalf of the Lifeboat Crew and management committee and the fundraising branch of the RNLI, I would like to extend our deep sympathy to Nessa and all Peter’s family. Donal O’ Scanaill, Lifeboat Press Officer

Monica (nee Canavan) Casey Streamstown, Clifden On this, Monica’s first anniversary, her family thanks most sincerely all her relatives, friends and neighbours who attended the removal, funeral mass and burial and sent Mass cards and messages of sympathy. A special thank you to all of those who made time for Monica during her lifetime; the staff of Clifden Day Care who gave her such wonderful attention, the unforgettable neighbours who helped us give her a lovely removal from her home, the relatives who travelled to say goodbye to her, our priest and all who helped with the funeral Mass and the undertaker and gravediggers who gave her a peaceful burial. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions at St Joseph’s Church, Clifden on Saturday 5th June 2010 at 7 pm. Beo inár gCuimhne

Sarah P. Rutland The family of the late Sarah P. Rutland (Fermanagh) would like to thank all her friends, acquaintances and carers for your kindness and love especially during her illness. We

Death Notices Peter Robert Bailey, Streamstown, Clifden Anne Bartley, (née Walsh), Killymongaun, Clifden Margaret (Peggy) Berry, Ballyconneely, & Kingstown Patrick (Paddy) Conneely, Mannin, Ballyconneely Christina (Chrissie) Coohill, (née Conneely), Kille, Kingstown, Clifden Maura Conroy, Teach Mor, Inverin Noreen Healy (née Heanue), London, UK, & formally of Derryinver, Renvyle The Connemara View would like to extend sympathies to the family and friends of the deceased. This list is compiled from various sources and we apologise for any errors or omissions.

Page 22

would especially like to thank you for your wonderful expression of sympathy in our bereavement in February 2010. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on 11th June at 9:30am in St. Joseph’s Church Clifden for all your intentions. ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in thee’. John & Yvonne Hartnett

Country Flair CD Sponsors The creators and organisers of the Country Flair ‘Windows of my Mind’ CD launch which took place on May 2nd in Keogh’s in Ballyconneely wish to thank all the sponsors below (in no particular order) who helped to make the day a success. Mitchell’s Restaurant, Rosie’s Salon (Roundstone), Clifden Supply Centre, The Oil Company, The Shamrock Bar (Roundstone), King’s Bar (Roundstone), McWilliam’s Shop (Ballyconneely), Sweeney Oil, Pryce’s Hardware, Esso Service Station, Gifts By Grace, Ciuin Beauty, Stanleys, Kavanagh’s SuperValu, Love Vintage, Alcock & Brown Hotel, AbbeyGlen Castle Hotel, McWilliams Park Hotel (Claremorris), Knockranny House Hotel (Westport), The Connemara Gateway hotel (Oughterard) and Jarlath Sweeney (Aillebrack & Wicklow).

Planning Applications 10659 Conneely, Tom, Toombeola, 06/05/10. Demolition and replacement of an existing garage and storage shed. 10695, Reilly, Tommy & Maggie, Maum East, 12/05/10. For the construction of an extension to existing dwellinghouse. 10702, O’Lorcain, Stiofan, Shannapheasteen, 13/05/10. Chun 1) Foirgneamh Tionsclaioch chun innealra agus treallamh a storail. 2) Foirgneamh beartaithe le oifig, ceaintin, leitris agus ait chun athraithe agus ait pairceala do charranna. 3) Leasaithe beartaithe don Sli isteach ata ann cheana fein agus an bothar rochtana. 4) Comharthaiocht beartaithe ag sli isteach.5) Crainn do Ceamrai Slandala TCI. 6) Coras Coireala Kingspan Envirocare beartaithe comh maith le ionad siothlaithe agus idircheapoir peitril. 7) Droichead Meaite agus coras nite rothai chomh maith le aon seirbhisi ghaolmhara beartaithe ag an Caireal, uimh.thag. 10670 Pryce, Simon, Belleck, 07/05/10. For a dwelling house, garage, proprietary treatment plant, percolation area and ancillary site works. 10708 Misteil, Tony Og, Carna, 13/05/10. Chun cead sinead a chuir as Cogaslann ceadaithe faoi Uimh Thag. 10717 Flaherty, Tommy & Lee, Ardbear, 14/05/10. For extension and alterations of existing house to include conversion of the existing garage into living space for the main house and associated site works. 10725 O’Toole, Joseph, Cushatrough, 18/05/10. To demolish both an existing extension to dwelling house plus a shed and to construct the following (a) a new extension to dwelling house (b) a garage (c) a treatment plant. 10733 Gilger, William & Sigrid, Emlagh, 19/05/10. For the redevelopment of an existing derelict ruin as a single storey dwelling house, with extension to same and a sewage treatment plant and soil polishing filter bed. 10736 Kilroy, Charles, Kilkerran, 19/05/10. Extension to side of house to provide study, utility and attic bedroom with an en-suite bathroom. 10740 Mortimer, Pauline & Michael, Tullybeg, 19/05/10. For the installation of a new wastewater treatment system, polishing filter and all associated services. 10741 Colaiste Chamuis, Rosaveel, 19/05/10. Chun an coras eisilteach ata athraithe on ait a bhi ceadaithe agus an scagaire gainimh a chuaigh isteach in ait scagaire ithreach a choinneail. 10759 Mac Donnacha, M, Carrowroe, 20/05/10. Chun sineadh a chuir as teach conaithe. 10766 McDonnell, Brian, Roundstone, 21/05/10. For a dwelling house and private wastewater treatment system. 10770 Conneely, Robert, Tullymore, 21/05/10. For a dwelling house, proprietary tretment plant, percolation area and ancillary site works. 10771 Enda Mannion, Jenny O Hagan, Ballynakill, 21/05/10. Demolish existing house and replace with new dwelling and treatment system and permission to retain garage and fuel store. 10775 Murphy, John J, Aughrus More , 24/05/10. For the retention of house and completion of extension. Source: www.galway.ie

June 2010

Connemara Community Radio Weekly Schedule Broadcasting 11 am to 9 pm each day on 87.8 FM & 106.1 FM Weather Forecast & Community Notices at 3pm, 4pm and 8pm. Sponsored by Broderick Electric, Sweeney Oil, Gannon Sports and The Oil Company.

12-4pm: Repeat of previous evenings broadcast. * Indicates Sponors

Monday: 11am-12 Noon: The Chat Show with

Heather Heanue and Colleen Curran. 4-5pm: Listen Here with Pete Ball. 5.05-6pm: Hooked on Music with John Duane. *Clifden Chamber of Commerce. 6-7pm: Alternate Weeks - As Gaeilge with Caitriona Nic Ghiollaphadraig OR Heyday with Bobbi O Regan. 7-8pm: Talk Sport with Vivian Cotter. *Galway CoCo. 8pm: Roundstone Report with Richard de Stacpoole and Anne Conneely. 8.15-9pm: Ann’s Mixed Bag with Ann Conneely. Tuesday: 11am-12 Noon: Magazine Programme with Cliona Sheehan. *Connemara View Newspaper. 4-5pm: Reelin’ in the Years with Louisa Jack. 5.05-6pm: Jack’s Spot with Jack Tomlinson. 6- 7pm: Live with John Dunne. 7-8pm: Community Matters with Pat Walshe. *Tullycross and Cashel Credit Unions. 8pm: Cashel Report with Bernard Lee. 8.15-8.25pm CIC. 8.25-9pm: Community Matters continued. Wednesday: 11am-12 Noon: Magazine Programme with Mary Roe. 4-6pm: Gateway Hour with Mickey Mac. *SuperValu Clifden 6- 7pm: My Kind of Music with Martin Conroy. *ClifdenSupply Centre.78pm: Lift the Latch with Michael O’ Neill and Helen King. 8pm: Clifden Report with Breandan O’Scanaill. 8.15-9pm: Music with Pat Keaney. Thursday: 11am-12 Noon: FORUM Programme with Cathy Keane and Brendan O’Malley. 4-5pm: Gateway Hour with Kathleen O’Brien. 5.05-6pm: Fáilte with Mary Corbett Joyce. 6- 7pm: The Food Show with Janet O’Toole. 7-8pm: The Great Outdoors with Breandan O’Scanaill. *Acton Construction.8 pm: Cleggan Claddaghduff Report with Mary Gordon O’Toole. 8.15-9pm: Specialist Music with Breandan O’Scanaill. Friday: 11am-12 Noon: Friday Fix with Samantha Heanue & Priscilla Diamond. 4-5pm: Gateway Hour with Tonya Ni Chuirínn. 5.05-6pm: The Friday Feeling with Margaret Sheehan. 6-7pm: Lyrical Allsorts with Linda O’Malley. 7-8pm: Injury Time with Dave O’Halloran. *AIB Clifden. 8pm: Ballyconneely Report with John O’ Malley. 8.15-9pm: American Country with Brendan Ridge. Saturday: 11am-12 Noon: Monkeying Around with Heather Kearney. 4-5pm: Gateway Hour with Tommy Roe and Keefa Mullan. 5.05-6pm: Pretty Good Day so Far! with Sean Halpenny. 6- 7pm: Blue Highways with Lol Hardiman. 7-9 pm: Music Spectacular Alternate Weeks - Shelter from the Storm with Dave O’ Halloran or Coast to Coast with Paul Phelan. Sunday: 10-11am: Sounds a Bit Irish with Eamonn McLoughlin.11am-12noon: Mass from Clifden. 4-5pm. Listen Here with Pete Ball. 5.05-6pm: Words & Music with Kathleen Faherty. 67pm: Footappin’ Time with Tom Mongan. 7-8pm: Senior Side of the Street with Josephine De Courcey. *FORUM. 8pm: Ballinakill Report with Paddy Gannon. 8.15-9pm: Decades of Hits with Michael Coyne.

Connemara View Newspaper

Communions & Confirmations

Above left: Shane King of Lettergesh NS with teacher Jacki Salmon and Fr. Gerry Burns. Photo courtesy of Padraic Lyden. Above right: The Children of Cleggan and Claddaghduff National Schools celebrated their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 15th in the Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Claddaghduff. Back (l-r): James A., Brendan, Ronan, Paddy and Brian. Front (l-r): James S., Jennifer, Megan, Michelle, Catherine, Leanne, Aimee and Hilary. Photo courtesy of Dorothy Conneely.

Above: Tully NS First Holy Communion. (L-r): Jessica Thorpe, Pictured above are Rang 5 and Rang 6 from Scoil Mhuire James Barry, Liam Sammon, Benjamin Lui, Kayleigh Duane NS of Carna who made their confirmation on May 29th. with Fr. Gerry Burns. Photo courtesy of Geraldine McTavish Below:The children of Kingstown NS celebrated their First Right: The Letterfrack NS First Holy Communion. (Back l-r): Ciara Nee, Justine McGreal, Ava Steede, Erika Pollington. Holy Communion in Kingstown Church on Sunday Front (l-r): William Nee, Dylan O’ Malley, Alex Heanue, April 25th. (l-r): Shauna Conroy, Eoife Conroy, Joey Burke, Tara Roche and Michaela Ward with teachers Mrs. Fionn Gray. Below: Eagle’s Nest First Holy Communion. (L-r): Noreen King, Mrs. Heaney and Canon James Ronayne. Photo Coyne, Sorcha O’ Malley, Jennifer Heanue, teacher Helen courtesy of Bridie Conroy Faherty, Fr. Gerry Burns, Kieran heanue, Luke Heanue Coyne, Dillon Holland, Eanna Walsh. Photos courtesy of Padraic Lyden

Wedding Bells Congratulations to Samantha Heanue and Daniel Flaherty of Renvyle who were married on Friday May 7th in Tullycross Church with reception afterwards at Rosleague Manor. Photo courtesy of Padraic Lyden

Engagement Congratulations and best wishes to Lorraine Walsh of Sheeauns, Cleggan and Brian Meurer of New York on their recent engagement. Photo courtesy of Brenda Mullen

Connemara View Newspaper

June 2010

Page 23

Galway County Fleadh

The Clifden Comhaltas Branch had a large number of entries at this year’s Galway County Fleadh which was held in Dunmore on the weekend of the 15th of May. Record entries from West of Galway City were recorded. The Branch is really delighted with this and would like to congratulate all the young and not so young from the branch who competed. They performed brilliantly on the day and it was great to see so many local people from Connemara represented at the Fleadh. Congratulations to those musicians that were placed and are now going forward to the Connaught Fleadh in Mohill, Leitrim in early JulyClara Mongan (2nd Under 12 Piano), Emma Keane (2nd Under 18 Piano and 2nd Fiddle), James Coyne, Sarah Delappe and Plunkett O Toole (2nd Under 18 Trio), Eileen O’Malley (Senior Tin Whistle) and James Ruddy (Under 9 Button Accordion). A lot of local sean nós dancers also had great successes. They are Steven Coohill, Nada Ní Chuirrin, Katie Nee, Tara McCoy, John Joyce and Teresa Gibbons. The weekend ended with three more great successes. The newly formed Under 15 West Coast Grupaí Cheoil came 3rd in a hotly contested competition playing some fabulous music. Well done! The 15-18 West Coast Grupaí Cheoil and

Credit Union Stars

Céilí Band ended the weekend on a high gaining 2nd place in both competitions, which were to an exceptionally high standard. They now look forward to the Connaught Fleadh and celebrations are still ongoing. Photos: Letterfrack Fleadh winners Nada Ní Chuirrin (left) who won a silver medal in the Under 12’s sean nós dancing and Katie Nee who claimed first place in the 12-15 age group. Marie Walsh with her student James Ruddy from Ballyconneely with the gold medal he won in the under nines button accordion competition. The 12-15 Grupa Ceoil (Back l-r): Alan Joyce, Tara McCoy, Jenna Mitchell, Brian Holmes, John Joyce, Phoebe Fitzpatrick, Mairéad Nee, Shauna Keaney. Front (l-r): Caoimhe Flaherty, Orla Leavy, Nada Ní Chuirinn, Katie Nee, Loretta Coyne, Einín Tynan, Rian Sheridan and Ryan Maher. 15-18 West Coast Grúpa Ceoil (Back l-r): Plunkett O’ Toole, James Coyne, Connie Madden, Hazel Corbett, Emma Keane, Emma McCann, Ronan Canavan, Conall Flaherty, Emily O’Reilly and Rebecca Sweeney. Front (l-r): Cliodhna Hallissey, Teresa Gibbons, Jade Walsh, Doireann Sheridan, Florence Pryce-Williams, Niamh McDermott, Sarah Delappe, Ashling Canavan, Ronan Flaherty and Seamus Flaherty.

The Preliminary stage of CU Factor Talent Competition was held in Cashel Community Hall on Saturday May 15th. The purpose of the Preliminary stage was to select two acts to go forward to the final stage which was held in the Town Hall Theatre on May 30th. The day was a great success. Eighteen acts, ranging from song, Irish dance and sean nós dancing competed on the day. The judges were Eamon McLoughlin, John Amenhauser and Irene Cunningham. The judges had a very difficult job selecting the winners from an array of excellent talent. The winners were Nicola Flaherty (first) of Clifden, Co. Galway and Colin and Colene Nee (second) of Rusheen, Inbhear Beag, Rosmuc, Co. Galway. These two acts went forward to the final in the Town Hall Theatre on May 30th. The night in Galway was a great success and despite the fact that Nicola or Colin and Colene did not win, their performances were excellent and they were up against very strong competition. Nicola gave a

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15 18 West W t Coast C t Ceili C ili Band B d onstage t 15-18 att the Galway Fleadh (l-r): Emma Keane, Emma McCann, Ronan Canavan, James Coyne, Plunkett O’Toole, Conall

beautiful rendition of ‘One moment in time’ and Colin and Colene performed Irish dancing at its best. The winners on the night were: 1st: S. L Dance Technics, a dance group representing Naomh Breandán Credit Union in Loughrea, 2nd: Iona le Gros, a wonderful singer, representing Naomh Padraig Credit Union in Galway and 3rd: Róisín Seoighe, a sean nos dancer representing Comhar Creidmheasa Cholmcille in Inverin. Photos: Left - Colin and Colene Nee. Right Nicola Flaherty.

Country Flair Launch

On May 2nd Country Flair, comprising of John Flaherty and Pat Keeney, launched their latest CD ‘Windows of my Mind’ in Keogh’s Ballyconneely, with part of the proceeds of the sales of the CD going to the Western Alzheimer’s and the Galway Hospice charities. An auction and raffle also took place on the day, bringing in just under €1000 which was shared between the two charities. The title track was written by John especially for the project. A huge crowd was present on the day for the launch, including many locals and people who travelled on the day to support the event, which would not have been possible without the help of so many individuals and sponsors who contributed to its success. Contributing musicians and performers who gave their time and talents include Linda Welby and Peggy Higgins of Cois Tine, All Ireland Sean Nos Champion Emma O’ Sullivan, box player Páid Breathnach and the Rambling

June 2010

Flaherty, Ronan Flaherty, Sarah Delappe, Shauna Keaney and Teresa Gibbons. Photos courtesy of Tonya Ní Chuirrín, Brendan Ruddy and Marie Walsh.

Rogues from Claremorris. Sound technician Mike O’ Malley, auctioneer Josie Joyce and John McDermott who conducted the raffle all gave invaluable help. ‘Windows of my Mi Mind’ d’ iis now on sale l iin various i local outlets throughout Connemara including ‘The Bens’ Music Shop and King’s Paper Shop in Clifden, Keoghs in Ballyconneely and Ferrons in Roundstone. Further details on Country Flair may be obtained from Pat on 095-23683. Pictured with the new album ‘Windows of my Mind’ are John Flaherty and Pat Keeney of Country Flair with contributor to the CD, Jacqueline Hannon. See Page 22 for acknowledgements of sponsors.

Spanish Guitar

The Arts Society concert for June will see the return of the wonderful Spanish guitarist Agustin Maruri. Born in Madrid, he has given concerts on five continents. His concerts in some of the most prestigious concert halls have won him a loyal following as well as many awards. The concert will take place on Monday 7th June in the Church of Ireland and will start at 8pm.

Connemara ArtsView

Mo West Demonstration

Margaret Irwin (Mo West) will give a demonstration in Lorg Printmakers in Galway on Wednesday June 9th from 10am to 1pm. Mo works in Intaglio, etching and some dry point and carborundum on copper or aluminium. She uses figurative imagery from which she seeks to draw out greater resonances that suggest their cultural and social or spiritual contexts and has her own studio and etching press in Claddaghduff. From 1982 – 1991 Mo was a full time lecturer in the education facility in NCAD and prior to that at the Dun Laoghaire School of Art and Design. This will be a free demonstration but places are limited so please book in advance by contacting Lorg Printmakers, Unit 8, Ballybane Enterprise Centre, Ballybane, Galway. 091-773-759, lorgprintmakers@gmail. com, www.lorgprintmakers.com.

Local Art in Galway

‘Out of the Desert, Into the Mist’ is an art exhibition running in Galway city until mid June by Clifden based artist Nancy Whelan. The exhibition began in

Fest was a great success in the town and we intend to make this an annual event. The monthly music sessions have become the highlight of the branch with more and more musicians and listeners at every session. Remember everyone is welcome, the branch accepts memberships on the night of the session and attendance at the monthly sessions is free! Our June 25th Music Session will be in Tom Kings Bar with the popular youth session starting at 8.30pm. This will be followed by our Senior Session at 9.30pm. So spread the news!

Station House Theatre

June Bank Holiday Saturday the 5th will see a very special kid’s event at the Station House Theatre at 4pm when a Magic Variety Show will see lots of amazing tricks being performed onstage as well as lots of popular children’s TV characters including Barney and Dora the Explorer. Tickets are €10 per person or a family ticket for 2 adults and 2 kids is €35. Friday June 4th sees the stage play ‘The Good Father’ in the theatre at 8pm. Having received glowing national reviews it is a contemporary love story of how two people starting at the end try to reach a new beginning. Tim and Jane are from different sides of the class divide, but when a random meeting at a New Year’s Eve party leads to an unexpected pregnancy they attempt to form a relationship against all odds.

Sex & the City Surprise!

May and will be on display at the café in the Galway City Museum at the Spanish Parade daily until mid to late June during the museum opening hours of 10am to 5pm and there is no admission charge for entry into the museum. A wide variety of Nancy’s work will be on display including the image featured here.

Cleggan Music Weekend

Cleggan will enjoy a rousing weekend of Irish traditional music from June 18th to 20th when ‘Dusty Banjos’ returns for the second year. Musicians from Clifden, Galway and elsewhere will revisit to play a series of sessions in the local pubs. 2009 saw up to 40 musicians and singers taking part in the sessions and the group is returning this year by popular demand. ‘Dusty Banjos’ will be playing in Newman’s on the night of Friday 18th June and Oliver’s on Saturday night the 19th June. The weekend will round up with an afternoon session in Oliver’s from 2-5pm on Sunday 20th. Sessions are always open, with musicians, singers and dancers always very welcome, including learners. So come along and join in the craic! For further information, contact Heather or Mary at 095-44845, or visit the ‘Dusty Banjos’ website at www. dustybanjos.com.

Cantairi in Westport

Cantairí Chonamara will participate in an afternoon concert at the Church of Ireland, Westport on Sunday 20th June at 4.00pm. The fascinating programme will feature the whole choir, along with solo, duet and trio performances by choir members, plus readings and performances by others. Admission is €10 on the day and all are welcome to attend.

Clifden Comhaltas

Since being set up last October the Clifden Comhaltas branch has gone from strength to strength with a large membership and regular events. The recent Trad

Connemara ArtsView

June movie highlights are topped by the second installment of Sex and the City which will premiere on an as yet unconfirmed date in June preceded by a surprise cocktail party at Design Platform where ladies will have the chance to mingle, chat and browse before enjoying the hottest film of the summer. If you wish to attend the surprise launch and cocktail reception text SATC Clifden followed by your name to 087-271-9477 ! Ironman 2 and How to Train Your Dragon will also be on show at the Station House Theatre in June. For more information on shows and times call 095-21699 or go to www.stationhousetheatre.com.

New Summer Trad Show

All Ireland Champion Marie Walsh and the Clifden Station House are delighted to present a new and exciting summer show of the very best of Traditional Irish Music, Song and Dance -‘Trad in the West’. The show will run in the Station House Theatre each Monday during July and August starting with the first performance on Monday July 5th at 9pm sharp. The cast of the show are well known faces on the trad sceneRonan Canavan, a fantastic young accordion and melodeon player, Conall Flaherty on flute and whistle, well known musician Eileen O’ Malley on banjo, flute and whistle and Maria Sheridan from Renvyle with her unique style of singing and also on piano. The show will also feature local harpist Lavinnia O’Malley and Marie Walsh will also feature on several instruments including accordion, fiddle and piano. A variety of dancers will feature including All Ireland Talent Show Star Emma O’ Sullivan who will bring her individual style of sean nós dancing to the show as well as champion Irish step dancers. The stage show will showcase a different group of young performers each week and will be a lively and pulsating show of arranged and choreographed music, song and dance that will leave audiences tapping their feet for the rest of the night. With a few surprises thrown in, it’s a must for locals and visitors alike to come and enjoy! The show will run every Monday from July 5th for 8 weeks from 9pm sharp at the Station House Theatre, Clifden. Tickets are €10 and can be booked in advance by calling Clifden Station House on

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095-21699 or at the door. For further info call Marie on 086-401-5342.

Return of the Wolfe Tones

Derek Warfield, often described as ‘the country’s finest ballad singer’ and for many years the front man of the legendary Wolfe Tones is set to bring a new sound to Connemara audiences. ‘The Young Wolfe Tones’ will perform weekly at the Vickers Bar at the Alcock & Brown Hotel in Clifden from Wednesday July 7th to August 18th. Having played a long standing residency in Teach Furbo many years ago, Derek is no stranger to the Connemara area. “I love Clifden” h the h Connemara View said Derek in conversation with “but often when I visited, there wasn’t much traditional music to be found. Well I can tell you- we plan to change that! I also hope that our gigs will be inclusive and attended by all ages as it is part of the culture of Irish music that it was something the whole family would do together”. An outstanding singer, stage personality, composer of songs and historian of the song tradition, Derek Warfield is a legend wherever Irish roots have been put down. To pre-book tickets call the Alcock & Brown at 095-21880. For more information on the band see www.theyoungwolfetones.com.

May Photo Contest Winner

There was a very high standard of entries in the May Kavanagh’s Super Valu Clifden Photo Contest with Mark Furniss’s ‘Evening Light in Ballinahinch’ being chosen by the judging panel as the winner of the ‘Green Connemara’ theme. The theme for June is ‘Water in Connemara’ and as usual, the fantastic prize of a €50 Super Valu shopping voucher is on offer for the winning photo which will be displayed in store and online at www.connemaraview.com. Photos could feature the sea that surrounds us, the lakes and rivers of Connemara, the vessels that sail on them, the creatures that inhabit them or anything that suits a watery theme. Photos must be original, have not been previously published and be relevant to Connemara. It is open to all ages and copies of photos should be kept as they will not be returned. Entries may be dropped to the Photo Competition Box next to the express till at Super Valu Clifden, posted to Connemara View, Clifden, Co. Galway or e-mailed to news@connemaraview.com (approx 1MB in size) by Wednesday June 30th.

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Business Notes TV in the Beer Garden

Griffin’s Bar of Main St. Clifden, has now opened a fully extended beer garden and seating and dining area at the rear of the bar. The existing outdoor seating area has been further developed to include a large flat screen TV with comfortable seating, providing a sheltered smoking area and ideal venue for World Cup football viewing, barbecue and more. Private parties and bookings are accepted and catered for on request. For more information call into the bar or phone 095-21370.

More Recipes from the Loop The second edition of ‘Recipes from the Connemara Loop’ has just been printed. This book is a collection of 20 recipes from some of the 100 members along the Connemara Loop. It contains some stunning pictures of the area and makes a very affordable gift or keepsake of one’s time in Connemara retailing at €2.95. The book will be available from outlets along the Connemara Loop from now on and it can also be ordered on-line from www.goconnemara.com. All proceeds from the sale of this book are invested back into the Connemara Loop and go towards the design and printing of the brochure which is free to all visitors. It is also put towards maintaining the website and replacing road signs. The voluntary committee is also undergoing other projects which will be announced shortly.

20 Years in Business Connemara Hygiene Services founded and run by Patricia Keane is celebrating twenty years in business this year, providing a basic hygiene need and service with a high standard of service and the personal interaction and efficiency that has made the business a longstanding local success. Patricia founded the business in June of 1990 having spotted a gap in the market for a local hygiene service provider in the Connemara area and the business soon expanded to encompass the whole region. It currently covers the entire North and South Connemara region from Spiddal to Clifden and Oughterard and into Mayo including Westport and Mulranny. Connemara Hygiene Services provides sanitary disposal bins and service to hotels, restaurants, pubs, offices, colleges and more-indeed all public places. An important feature of the services offered is Patricia’s commitment to maintaining personal contact with clients to ensure the best possible standard of service is achieved. Her daughter Sharon has also joined the company recently, making Connemara Hygiene Services a family run business also. Patricia has faced many varied challenges that are the norm for most businesses at some point, from competitiveness and rising prices to insurance costs and more, and is accustomed to meeting these challenges head on, including the current downturn. A new working relationship with a similarly successful company, Fresh Washroom Services of Westport, will now allow Connemara Hygiene Services to offer an increase in the number and variety of products and services available. Commenting on the 20 years of the company so far, Patricia said ‘It has been a long and interesting journey for both myself and the business to date and it is sometimes hard to believe that there are 20 years gone by already. However, we are always looking ahead and are delighted to have begun this new venture with Fresh Washroom Services, which will build on what we already offer to customers, on whom our success is fully dependent and to whom I am very grateful for their continued support over the years.’

Connemara View Newspaper 7,500 copies distributed monthly throughout Connemara 095-22888 087-290-9351 news@connemaraview.com www.connemaraview.com Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: Ellen McDonough News Editor: Catherine Pryce Distribution Mgr: John Dunne Graphic Design/Layout: Marie-Noelle Biddulph Advertising/Admin: Paula Bann Contributors: John Amenhauser, Tom Broderick, Tonya Ní Chuirrín, John Cláro, Dorothy Conneely, Laurence Conneely, Bridie Conroy, Pat Coyne, Mary Crotty PR, Mary Day Lavelle, Kathleen Diamond, Priscilla Diamond, Richard de Stacpoole, Justine Delaney, Eimear Dolan, Paul Dunne, Áine Máire Ní Fhlathartha, Zoe Fitzgerald, Paul Gannon, Tim Gordon, Fiona Gorham, Heather Greer, Leo Hallissey, Rosemary Hanley, Jacqueline Hannon, Lol Hardiman, James Harrold, Paraic Heanue, Aoife Herriot, Paul Hughes, Linda & Vincent Jagobin, Bernie Jeff ries, Cathal Joyce, PK Joyce, Patricia Keane, Yvonne Keane, Lorraine King, Hardy Langer, Judy Lawrence, Veronica Ni Loideáin, Carmel Lyden, Joachim Lydon, Padraic Lydon, Brendan Madden, Declan Maher, Declan Mannion, Karen Mannion, Sinead Martin, Walter McDonagh, Kate McNamara, Geraldine McTavish, Ann Mitchell, Brenda Mullen, Simon Murray, Patricia O’ Halloran, Breandan O Scanaill, Donal O Scanaill, Maurice O Scanaill, Sinéad O’ Sullivan, Rose Rima, Brendan Ruddy, Margaret Sheehan, Mary Geraldine Shevlin, Dr. Catherine Skelly, Lorraine Walsh, Marie Walsh, Seán Walsh, Damian Ward, Declan Weir, Nancy Whelan. Plus many local schools, groups & organisations. Photography by staff unless credited otherwise.

Connemara View Newspaper

25 years of Publishing Cló Iar-Chonnacht (CIC) have announced a programme of events as part

of the publisher and music label’s twenty-fifth anniversary celebrations. CIC has teamed up with RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, the Galway Arts Festival and others to put together a diverse programme of events featuring artists who have collaborated with the company over the years. The varied schedule of events has already featured programmes on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta at the beginning of June and will continue with special sales and discounts, a showcase concert in association with the Galway Arts Festival, literary events during the IMRAM literary festival in Dublin in September and an array of other events which will be announced throughout the year. Cló Iar Chonnacht was established by the writer Micheál Ó Conghaile, from Inis Treabhair in Conamara, in 1985 while he was still a university student. The company has since published over three hundred books and issued over two hundred albums. More information on the full programme of events celebrating the 25 year milestone is available at www.cic.ie

New Faces at Boat Club Coinciding with the start of the sailing season, the Clifden Boat Club opened under the management of new proprietors Eddie Carroll, Mary Coyne, and Pauline Coyne of Goulane, Clifden. The boat club is now open from 10.30am to 11.30pm daily serving coffee, tea, snacks and afternoon tea as well as having a full drinks license and the new proprietors look forward to welcoming all in the community. Photo courtesy of Carmel Lyden

New Oughterard Gallery Artist Vanda Luddy recently opened a new gallery in Oughterard on Monday May 9th. Vanda works mostly with pastels and acrylics with trademark vibrant colours and the gallery sells both original works and limited edition prints. For more information on Vanda’s work and new gallery see www. vandaluddy.com. Photo courtesy of Tom Broderick Photography

Local Orienteering Win The winners of the All Army Orienteering Competition which was held in Kilbride Camp on April 25th. Back (l-r): Comdt. B. McNally OC 51st, Res. Inf. Bn., Sgt Jack Foyle, (Clifden-Winner Men’s Over 40 Category), Pte. Clare McIntyre, Cpl. Edel DePaor, Cpl. Aishleen Keady, Cpl. Julie McNamara (Clifden-Winning Team Ladies Intermediate Competition), Sgt. M. O’Donnell Trg C Coy 51st Bn. Photo: Front (l-r): Cpl. Laura Timoney, Pte. Grainne Ní Mháille, Pte. Aideen Cunningham, Pte. Siobhan Murphy, Pte. Tanya Byrne, (winners in the Ladies Novice Competition. Pte. Ní Mháille also achieved second place in the Ladies Novice Individual competition). Photo courtesy of the Irish Reserve Defence Forces

Next Issue: Thursday, July 8th Ad Space Reservation Deadline - June 25th News Deadline - June 30th Directory Classified Deadline - June 30th

095-22888 www.connemaraview.com June 2010

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june Horoscopes Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20) Find the right path to lead you where you want to go this month. Make sure you pick the right one. Taurus (Apr 21-May 20) The old job will see some positive things coming your way this month. Gemini (May 21-Jun 21) Happy Birthday! Get out there and get what you want from life. If you sit back you will lose out. Cancer ( Jun 22-Jul 22) Happy Birthday! Sometimes you need to sit back and make some choices about what it is that you want from your future. That’s what you need to do now. Leo ( Jul 23-Aug 23) Take a trip with family or friends-just get out there and see a bit of the world. Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 22) There will be a bit of jealous fighting this month. Are you the one being fought over, or for? Libra (Sep 23-Oct 23) Spend time with your grandparents or the older people that are in your life; they need to know you care. Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22) There are times when it is necessary to do something and times when you just can’t do anything. This month, do nothing! Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21) There is no gain without pain. Work hard and be true to yourself and your goals. The rest will have to take care of itself. Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20) Take a journey of self discovery this month-find out about some of the deeper parts of yourself. Aquarius ( Jan 21-Feb 19) Someone will do you a bad turn this month. Remember-how you react says a lot about the person that you are. Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20) Someone close to you is moving on and you are happy and sad at the same time. Support them as you may need their support later.

Tarot The 9 of Cups lets you know that you are coming out of a time of contentment and happiness. The 5 of Pentacles warns that a lean time is coming up and you must be prepared for it. The Queen of Pentacles tells you that by trusting in yourself you will be able to handle the situation.

runes The action is telling you to strengthen your own character. Start with the easy things and work your way through to the more difficult ones. The challenge will come when you perceive a breakthrough or completion to what you are doing. You are not done yet. There are more difficult things that need doing. The overview warns you not to emotionally collapse on yourself. Face each new challenge with a positive outlook and be prepared to make a change to make it better.

June DVD Releases Up In The Air tells the story of a man discovering that life is not simply about the journey alone, but about the personal connections made along the way. Ryan Bingham is a corporate downsizer and modern business traveller who has lived his life across America in airports, hotels and rental cars. After years of staying happily airborne, he suddenly finds himself ready to make a real connection. Stars: George Clooney and Vera Farmiga. The Book Of Eli: A post-apocalyptic tale in which a lone man fights his way across America in order to protect a sacred book that holds the secrets to saving humankind. Stars: Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman.

“Progress Is Your Protection” Alice In Wonderland: Tim Burton’s reimagining of this classic sees 19-year-old Alice return to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny-to end the Red Queen’s reign of terror. Stars: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway and Helena Bonham Carter. Invictus tells the true story of Nelson Mandela in his first term as the South African President, who initiates a unique venture to unite the apartheidtorn land-enlist the national rugby team on a mission to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Stars: Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. Brothers tells the powerful story of two siblings, thirty-something Captain Sam Cahill and younger brother Tommy Cahill.

Connemara View Newspaper

The Sun is in Taurus at the start of June, moving into Gemini on Friday June 21st, reaching its most northerly point at 11:28 UT on that day. So June 21st is the Summer Solstice (the longest day)! New Moon is at 11:15 UT on Saturday June 12th. The narrow new crescent could be visible in the north-western sky at sunset from Sunday 13th onwards. During the following week, as it waxes broader, it stays up later every night. Full Moon is at 11:30 UT on Saturday June 26th, in the far-southern constellation of Sagittarius. The midsummer Full Moon lies opposite to the midsummer Sun: so it rises in the SE at sunset, slides along the S horizon during the short hours of darkness, and sets again at sunrise the next morning. Then, as it wanes gibbous over the following week, the Moon continues to rise in the late evening, but it sets later the next morning. Mercury is at superior conjunction (almost directly behind the Sun) on June 28th. We won’t be able to see this elusive little fella at all this month. Venus is visible in the W sky as soon as it starts to get dark, and doesn’t set in the NW until late in the evening. Our “Evening Star” is so brilliant it can be seen even against a bright twilight sky. Relative to the stars, Venus is moving rapidly south-eastwards. It starts the month in Gemini: on the 11th it’s exactly in line with the “Twin” stars. It crosses into Cancer on June 12th, passing through the edge of the “Beehive” star-cluster on the 20th. Venus carries on right across Cancer and into Leo on the 29th. But Venus far outshines any of the stars and any of the other planets too. Mars is high in the W sky at dusk and it doesn’t set in the NW until after midnight. At the start of June, Mars is about 40 degrees to the left of muchbrighter Venus and somewhat higher in the sky. Both planets are moving leftwards, but Venus moves faster; by the end of the month, the gap between them is only a little over 20 degrees. Relative to the stars, Mars is moving steadily SE in Leo, passing just above Regulus (the brightest star in Leo) on June 7th. This month

the “Red Planet” appears about the same brightness as Regulus, but it shines with a steadier, more orange light. At sunset on Thursday June 17th, the crescent Moon will appear to the lower left of Mars. Jupiter is rising in the east around midnight, and should be visible low in the SE at dawn. The giant planet is less brilliant than Venus, but can still be seen even against a brightening sky. Relative to the stars, Jupiter is moving slowly NE in Pisces. In binoculars, some of its four major moons may be seen as tiny points of light, in a near-straight line to either side of the planet. Early on the morning of Sunday June 6th, our own waning Moon will be immediately above Jupiter, about 5 degrees away. Saturn is high in the SW sky at dusk, and doesn’t set until well after midnight. The three planets Saturn, Mars and Venus make a line from left to right across the evening sky, with Mars slightly nearer to Saturn. Venus is far the brightest, while Saturn is just a little brighter (and whiter) than Mars. On the evening of Friday June 18th, our own First-Quarter Moon will appear below Saturn. Meteors: Sadly, there are no significant meteor-showers in June, and it will be pretty hard to see even sporadic meteors in the twilight sky. Noctilucent Clouds: June is the best time of the year to see Noctilucent (“NightShining”) Clouds. These are beautiful, high-altitude clouds that form only occasionally and usually only for a few weeks around midsummer. Being so high up (over 80 km above the ground), NLCs are still in sunlight, even in the middle of the night. When ordinary clouds appear dark, or at best have a pink sunset glow, NLCs shine with a clear, blue-white light. They are formed of tiny ice-crystals, and they have a sharply-defined structure, quite unlike the fluffy texture of many lowaltitude clouds made of water droplets. NLCs often exhibit a rippled pattern, like the marks left by waves on the beach. They are usually seen low in the northern sky. In June, the best time to look for them is around 1am. John Claró.

Sam is a steadfast family man and Marine married to his high school sweetheart, Grace. When his Black Hawk helicopter is shot down in the mountains, Sam is presumed dead, and the Cahill family suddenly faces a shocking void. Tommy tries to fill in for his brother and soon he finds himself falling for Grace, only to then find out the shocking news that Sam is still alive.Stars: Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman. DVD previews courtesy of Video Vault, Main St, Clifden. 09522033.

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Do you want a great hairstyle, color or Highlights? Don’t toss a coin and gamble on Heads or Tails. For advanced, classic or contemporary hairdressing, Hedz it is. Leave your Heads in the hands of the experts. Clifden Station House Courtyard, Clifden. 095-22202. Tue-Sat 9-6. Late night Fri. Anna’s Nail Bar & Tanning Salon. Bridge St., Clifden. 095-30001. Hand File & Polish €13. June Special Offer: Pedicure with FREE File & Polish €40. Get Bikini Ready! Vibroplate – One hour workout in 10 minutes just €5. Wow Brown Full Body Spray Tan €30. Open Tues to Sat 10-5. Late appointments strictly by appointment. Hair Gallery. Bridge St., Clifden. 095-21901. Monday to Saturday 10 – 6. Open all day Monday from June 7th. Late night Thursday and Friday by Appointment only. Coming soon the ‘12 week blow-dry’. Also now in stock the gorgeous new limited edition colour collection from ghd. June Special - complimentary deep treatment with colours to the value of €20. The Treatment Rooms at Abbeyglen Castle offering hot stone massage, luxury Yonka facials, indian head massage, reflexology, Zen spa pedicure/manicure, waxing, California tanning. Non residents welcome. Open 9-6pm Mon to Sat. Sunday 12–5pm. 095-21306.

Clifden Station House Leisure Centre. 095-30433. leisure@ clifdenstationhouse.com. Fitness classes, Swimming Lessons, Aqua Aerobics, Circuit Training, Pilates, Personal Training.

Health Insurance

Cancer Care

Why pay more than you have to for your health insurance? No penalties if you switch. All served waiting periods are recognised by Hibernian Aviva Health. Call Hennelly Finance on 091-586-500 or call Helena on 086-809-5607. Hennelly Financial Services Ltd. T/A Hennelly Finance is regulated by the Financial Regulator.

Clifden Outreach Service by Cancer Care West at the Clifden Health Centre opposite Clifden Hospital on the 4th Thursday of every month. Drop- in, information and support service. 091-545-000. www.cancercarewest.ie.

Complementary Health

Reiki / Seichem. Experience the calm & healing energies of this beautiful treatment, which is drug free & non-invasive. These powerful energies can heal one on the mental, emotional, spiritual & physical levels. Qualified Reiki / Seichem Master & Practitioner, Call Yvonne for appointment. 086-365-3266.


5 Rhythms Movement Meditation Practice with Caitriona Nic Ghiollaphádraig How about taking a day out to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy yourself? A day of movement and fun, good food and a beautiful venue. Sunday 27th June and/or Sunday 25th July. Tranquillity Room, Kylemore Pass Hotel. €65 including lunch. Send a deposit of €30 to Deora Dé, Finisglen, Recess, Connemara, Co. Galway. 095-34664. info@deorade.com. www.deorade.com Damien Stoney. Neuromuscular Therapist ANMPT. Sports, Deep Tissue & Relaxation Massage, Dry Needling, Physical Therapy, Change Sensations In Your Body. 087-125-2578. Clifden Holistic Centre. Kinesiology, food testing, acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, massage and hypnotherapy at An Bhean Fheasa Health Shop, Lr Market St, Clifden.095-30671. Open Mon-Sat 10-5 p.m.

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Counselling and psychotherapy. Úna McKeever M.Sc., M.I.A.H.I.P., M.I.A.C.P. is a fully accredited Psychotherapist/Counsellor who offers private and confidential counselling. For an appointment call 087-250-5015. email: unamckeever21@gmail.com.

Health Shop

An Bhean Feasa Health Store. Market St., organic wholefoods, nutritional supplements, herbs, natural remedies, organic face and body care. Clinics in kinesiology, acupuncture, Bowen Therapy and massage. professional, confidential and expert service in both shop and therapy centre. 095-30671.



Martial Art classes at the Connemara Judo Academy in the West Connemara Leisure Center on Sundays. We cater for children from 7yrs to 14yrs, and youth and adults 15yrs to 60yrs, Contact Paraic on 086-356-5590 or enrol on Sundays at 1pm.

June 2010

Connemara View Newspaper

Barley Barley, the centuries old grain is certainly worth a mention when it comes to nutrient rich foods. An intestinal powerhouse, barley is packed with fibre, selenium, tryptophan, copper, manganese and phosphorus. It contains high levels of soluble and insoluble fibre. When barley is eaten and is broken down in the stomach, the insoluble fibre in it is fermented in acid, so your body actually turns the indigestible part of barley into food that it can use. When eaten as part of a healthy diet, barley can help to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering total and LDL cholesterol. In America the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows barley to carry a health claim specific to soluble fibre and coronary heart disease. Studies have also shown that eating whole barley can regulate blood sugar. Additional American studies have indicated that barley can help prevent gallstones, protect against childhood asthma and protect against colon cancer. Barley can be bought in different forms. Hulled barley only has the outermost hull removed and is the only barley considered wholegrain. It is chewy and requires long soaking and cooking but is extremely nutritious. Pearl barley has been more polished and in general as you move from regular to medium to fine to baby pearl barley, you find increasing loss of nutrients. Pearl barley is much less chewy and quicker cooking than hulled barley but it is also much lower in nutrients. Pot/Scotch barley falls somewhere between the two. The outer hull is removed but the process leaves more of the grain intact so it is a more nutritional and denser choice than pearl. It is popular in soups in many countries, hence

the name. Some tips for getting more barley into your diet include: * Use cracked barley or barley flakes to make hot cereals. * Add to soups and stews to give heartiness and flavour. * Add chilled cooked hulled barley to cold salads. * Mix barley flour to wheat flour to make breads and savoury bakes. Lentils and pulses Cherished by vegetarians for their high levels of proteins, lentils and pulses regularly appear in ‘healthiest food lists’ and with good reason. Tried and tested, they are not really seen as a glamorous ‘superfood’ but enjoy a wide and international common sense acceptance of their excellent dietary value. Lentils are seeds of a bushy plant of the legume family which grow in pods. Colours range from yellow and orange to green, brown and black. There are many different sizes and varieties and they can be sold whole, split and with or without skin. Lentils contain high levels of amino acids as well as fibre, folate, Vitamin B1 and minerals. Green lentils contain more fibre than red. Like barley, lentils can help to lower cholesterol and can also help to manage blood sugar as their high levels of fibre prevent blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal. As well as being extremely low in fat, lentils are one of the best vegetable sources of iron. Lentils are also cheap and can be stored for a long time. Unlike other legumes they don’t need to be soaked before cooking and can be added to soups stews and salads or spiced with herbs, onions or garlic. Next month we will look at some very ordinary regular foods that would appear in most shopping trolleys and fridges but have super health benefits: broccoli, turkey and tomatoes. Catherine Pryce

We see it all over the shorelines of Connemara, perhaps not surprisingly as there are over 3000 varieties in the West of Ireland, but its benefits and attributes have long been renowned from a therapeutic point of view. Connemara Seaweed Baths at the Leenane Hotel now offers pure saltwater seaweed baths containing the impressively mineral laden and very beneficial sea algae ‘Fucus Vesiculosis’. Proprietor Brian Foyle has spent many months preparing and perfecting the process, in which pure Atlantic sea water is pumped to a specially designed tank, while the weed used is also harvested sustainably every day within a mile and a half of the baths. There are six individual bathing rooms as well as two double rooms with the single rooms fronted by one way glass, meaning one can recline and soak, alone and away from prying eyes while still enjoying the stunning view of the Killary fjord and shoreline. A communal sauna and steam room are also included in the price, with a steam before the bath strongly

recommended to open the pores for maximum benefit. The bath is first run with almost boiling hot water in order to extract the slippery oils and residues containing the desired beneficial iodine and mineral properties. It is then adjusted to preferred temperature by the individual who is left to their own devices to discreetly and privately enjoy the relaxing and comfortable experience. A cool water shower is also located overhead should one feel like cooling down at any point. Seaweed is essentially highly concentrated sea water composed of 60% minerals and elements and when it is added to hot water, polysaccharides such as alginic gel, iodine and numerous other minerals are released and absorbed by osmosis into the body via the skin. Scientific studies into the benefits of seaweed baths may not be plentiful as one might think, but anecdotal evidence and visible results for thousands of people have proven the benefits beyond doubt in the minds of many people, with devotees experiencing dramatic relief and improvements in conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism and skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. The composition of seawater is remarkably similar to that of human blood, containing a mix of vitamins, proteins, mineral salts and trace elements such as iodine, zinc, copper and selenium and this may be the secret to its extraordinarily beneficial effects on the body. The uses of the weed do not end once the plug is pulled either. Brian’s partner Elizabeth has reported bathers asking to take their used seaweed home with them where it makes an excellent fertilizer and composter for home gardens. In fact, completely fresh seaweed can be too much for some plants and scorch them, while the weed that has been used

for bathing still retains a great deal of nutrient value as a plant fertilizer afterwards. In May, three staff members of the Connemara View ventured to Leenane to try out the baths for themselves and the results and reactions were emphatic to say the least. Organic, relaxing, revitalising and with long lingering after effects, there is a truly grounding feeling of wholeness and healthy vitality to be gained from the experience. Availing of a totally natural product that has been a tried and trusted health tradition of our culture and heritage for centuries, while simultaneously soaking up the calmness and tranquility of one of Connemara’s most spectacular landscapes simply cannot be highly recommended enough. Catherine Pryce Photo below (l-r): Proprietor Brian Foyle, Minister for Health Mary Harney, Elizabeth Birdthistle and Conor Foyle.

Connemara View Newspaper

June 2010

‘Super’foods Last month I began this series by examining the origin and nature of the term ‘superfood’ which has become a common phrase nowadays used to describe foods that are high in phytonutrients, and that may confer particular health benefits above most other foodstuffs. While the term can be misleading when used to market certain products, I am using it in this series to look into some of these foods and see what their real and tangible benefits are in the context of a balanced and healthy diet. This month’s featured foods are prunes, barley and lentils and pulses, descriptions of which follow below. Powerful Prunes While not the most attractive fruit in the store, the attributes of the prune have been remarked upon by a reader recently, so we thought it deserved an inclusion in our list of foods with super benefits. Not only do they accelerate digestion and bowel regularity, they are also packed with antioxidants and anti ageing properties. With high natural sugar content they are also a good source of sustainable energy and do not result in a rapid rise in blood sugar concentration, possibly because of their high fibre, fructose, and sorbitol content. The high potassium content of prunes may be beneficial for cardiovascular health, and plums are also an important source of boron, which is thought to play a role in prevention of osteoporosis. Despite their associations with age, prunes are excellent for actually increasing vitality and helping to slow the aging process of the brain and body. Prunes can be consumed as a dried fruit snack, incorporated into baked goods and desserts and are also beneficial when consumed in juiced form.

Super Seaweed Soaking

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Eating, Drinking & Gigs Guide

in Advance and picked up before 4pm day of party) Or 5 Plain or Pepperoni Pizzas & 4 Ltr Tub of Vanilla Ice Cream Only €45 (Must be Ordered 1 day in Advance and picked up before 4pm on day of party) Dinner for 2 Any day. Any time. Only €58. Enjoy a 3 course meal including a bottle of wine. Takeaway Menu. Let us do the cooking! Hot trays of our menu items available for all occasions. Pizza Takeaway Special. Any 2 Cheese. Any time. Any day. Only €15.

Alcock & Brown Hotel. The Square, Clifden. 095-21880. Vickers Coffee House: Lunches from €6.95.Childrens lunches from €3. Essence coffee. Delicious homemade apple pie, cakes, scones and desserts.Access to outdoor decking area. Open 9am to 6pm. 7 days a week. Browns Restaurant NOW OPEN under Head Chef Paddy Conroy – 6-10pm June Special: 3 Course set menu for 2 with Bottle of Wine €60 - Vickers Bar Great value new bar menu served 12 noon to 9pm. 6 TVs for viewing all sporting events. Gigs: 4th June - Odie & the Lynch Mob, 5th June -Physical Graffiti, 6th June – The Three Toms, 10th June – KARAOKE, 11th June Odie & The Lynch Mob, 12th June - Amazing Apples, 13th June - The Three Toms, 18th /19th June - Live Music, 20th June - The Three Toms, 25th Direct from Dublin ‘Equipped’, 26th June – Physical Graffiti and 27th June The Three Toms. Join us Tuesday to Friday from 12.30 to 14.30 for ‘Lunch with the Fiddler’. Clifden Station House Hotel. 095-21699. info@clifdenstationhouse.com. The Station House Bar – Food served daily noon -9pm. Music: Thursday Nights - Irish Music, Friday Nights with Gerry Curran and Saturday Nights with Barry Ryan. Derryclare Restaurant. The Square, Clifden. 095-21440. June Pizza Specials: Buy Any 2 Pizzas Get a 3rd Pizza Free Anytime. Anyday. Having a Kids Party? 4 Plain or Pepperoni Pizzas Only €30 (Must be Ordered 1 day

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Mullarkey’s Bar. The Square, Clifden. 095-21818. Basket House on Thursday Nights - Live Music every Friday and Saturday night. Check out our billboard on The Square for gig listings. O’Dowd’s Bar & Seafood Restaurant. Roundstone. 095-35809. Open daily from 10.30am. Fresh seafood daily. Early Bird Special: 2 Courses, Tea/ Coffee €19.50. (Until 7pm). Evening Restaurant Menu Served from 5 to 9.30pm. Bar Food Served Noon to 9.30pm.

Griffins Bar, Main Street, Clifden. 095-21370. All day breakfast served from 10am. Lunch menu served daily Mon-Thu 12-4pm / Fri 12-5pm. Takeaway now available. Experience the World Cup Live on Big Screen & in Glorious HD both inside or out in our newly improved Beer Garden with smoking area. Live music seven nights a week- Monday -Trad with Barry Brady & Friends 8-11, Tuesday - Anders & Friends Trad 8-11, Wednesday - Trad 8-11, Thursday- Trad with The Herons Brothers & Conleth Farttey, Friday - Johnny Óg Connolly & Friends - Trad. Saturday Nights – Country/Rock with Buck i Em , Sunday DJ Pat Fiddler 11 till finish. Guys Bar, Main Street, Clifden, 095-21130, info@guysbarclifden.com. Food served daily 10.30am to 9pm. Snug available for private parties. Come and enjoy the excitement of the World Cup! Traditional music daily from 7pm to 9pm, Friday night The Michael Carey Band and DJ Mike O’Malley every Saturday Night from 10pm. Kylemore Pass Hotel and Restaurant, Kylemore. Ideal for small weddings. Tranquillity Room suitable for civil weddings & therapy-use. Restaurant for a special meal. Sailors Bar for affordable meals. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries etc. Take friends for a drink in our unique bar. 095-41141. email: passinn@indigo.ie www.kylemore-passhotel-connemara.com. Mannions. Market St, Clifden. 095-21780. Food served daily until 9pm. Traditional music at weekends. Marconi Restaurant at Foyle’s Hotel. The Square, Clifden. 095-21801. Open 6 days. 6-9pm. Early Bird Specials from 6-6:45pm. Reservation is recommended.

June 2010

Connemara View Newspaper

Summer Events June

May 28th to June 7th: Connemara Bog Week. 4th: The Good Father. Station House Theatre. 8pm Tickets €15. www.stationhousethreatre.com 095-21699. 5th: Tug-of-war Championship of Ballinakill. The Green. Letterfrack Village 3pm. 5th: Magic Variety Show. 4pm. €10 (Family Ticket 2 Adults & 2 Children €35). The Station House Theatre. 095-21699. 6th: A sale in aid of Renvyle Animal Rescue, Ellis Hall, Letterfrack, 10am-3pm. 087-056-6302. 7th: Agustin Maruri, Spanish Guitar. Church of Ireland, 8pm. 8th: Letterfrack Citizen’s Information Service, 1:30-4:30. 095-22000. 087-130-1100. www.citizensinformation.ie. 9th: Mo West Demonstration. Places limited. Lorg Printmakers, Ballybane Enterprise Centre, Galway. 091773-759, lorgprintmakers@gmail.com. 9th: The Pobal Mám Éan Teo Annual General Meeting, Recess School Centre at 8.30pm. 10th: Claddaghduff National School enrolment day on Thursday 2pm. Please contact the school on 095-44334. 11th: Posts & Telegraphs (An Post & Eircom).Galway Reunion Barbecue, Salthill Hotel, Galway at 7pm. Tickets €25. Paraic: 091-522 -239, Nora: 091-592-505, Mairead: 087-973-1155, Eva: 087-669-0566 George: 087-247-2242 or anposteircom@hotmail.com. 18th - 20th: Dusty Banjos. 2nd Cleggan Music Weekend www.dustybanjos.com or contact 095-44845. 18th: Mobile Cancer Information Unit & Nurse, Supervalu. 10.30am to 3.30pm. 19th: Launch of Clifden Cycle Loops. Showground, Clifden. 11am. Followed by a leisure cycle . Eimear Dolan: 091-476-506 edolan@galwaycoco.ie. 19th: Kylemore Abbey Retreat Day. 10.30-3pm. All welcome. 22nd: Letterfrack Citizen’s Information Service, 1:304:30pm. 095-22000. 087-130-1100. www.citizensinformation.ie. 25th: Cashel National School Official Opening of Extension & premiere of School Movie. 25th: Clifden Comhaltas June Music Session – Tom Kings, 8pm. 25th to July 4th: Roundstone Open Arts Week. 095-35834. destacpoole@eircom.net. www.roundstoneartsweek.net. 26th to 27th: Heal Your Life Weekend Workshop. Clifden Health & Therapy at An Bhean Feasa, Clifden. 095-30671. 086-378-1306. See more details on page. 28. 27th: 5 Rhythms® Movement Meditation Practice, Kylemore Pass Hotel. 10am-5.30pm. €65 including lunch. 095-34664. info@deorade.com. www.deorade.com.


4th: Maam Cross Pony Show. 5th to 9th & 12th to 16th: Violin Workshop. Call Shannon

087-629-4524 or Clann 091-557-633. 9th: Clifden Pony Show Domestic Arts Entry Deadline. 095-21863. 095-21851. enquiries@cpbs.ie. www.cpbs.ie. 11th: The 5th Annual Roundstone Connemara Pony, Dog, Sheep & Domestic Arts Show. For further information contact 086-346-9372 or 095-35833. 16th: St. MacDara’s Day. Carna. 17th - 18th: The Roundstone Regatta.087-673-8198. info@ roundstoneregatta.com. www.roundstoneregatta.com . 18th: Ballyconneely Pony Show, Ballyconneely. 24th: Festival of the Sea, Cleggan. festivalofthesea@gmail. com. 25th-30th: Ceol na Mara. Oonagh Keogh on 086- 266-8428. oonagh.keogh@ceolnamara.ie. www.ceolnamara.ie 29th - 2nd August: Ireland’s Oldest and Largest Galway Hooker Festival. Féile an Dóilín is the west of Ireland’s premier maritime fesitval, taking place annually on the shores of Galway Bay, in the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking region) village of An Cheathrú Rua. 31st: Errismore Races, Ballyconneely. 31st: RNLI Raft Race. Clifden Beach from 1pm. For more information: www.clifdenlifeboat.org or contact Robert King on 087-697-7505 or Alan Pryce on 087-752-1897.


1st: Omey Races. Omey Strand, Claddaghduff. Call Sweeneys Claddaghduff. 1st: The Cashel Show, Cashel Bay, Co. Galway. 2nd: The Fourth Annual All Ireland Open Dog Show. 086346-9372 or 095-35833. 5th: The Roundstone Tour De Bog. 086-821-5153 or destacpoole@eircom.net. 6th-8th: Clifden Regatta. 6th: Davy Arthurs & The Fureys, Station House Theatre. €25. 095-21699. 8th: Claddaghduff Pony Show. Call 087-676-8584. erriswhiterock@hotmail.com. 12th-15th: The Roundstone Summerfest Weekend. www. roundstone-summerfest.com. 14th: Connemara 100. 091-565154. info@connemarathon. com. www.connemara100.com. 16th: Watersports Day, Glassilaun Beach, Renvyle. 095-41024. 16th-22nd: Festival of the Connemara Pony & The Connemara Pony Show. 095-21863. 095-21851. enquiries@ cpbs.ie. www.cpbs.ie. 16th-20th: West Coast United Summer Soccer Camps. Joachim Lydon. 086-409-8814. www.fai.ie. 21st: Gaelforce West 2010. Contact 095-42006. info@ gaelforcewest.ie. 28th: Maam Heritage Day, Maam Community Centre at 11am. 28th-29th: The 48th Oughterard (Agricultural) Show. Contact Maria O’Neill, 086-151-7289. www.oughterardshow.com. 29th: Roundstone Community Games. 095-35044. destacpoole@eircom.net or see www.roundstone.ie.

Computer Lessons

Tuesday and Thursday mornings: Computer Lessons for Over 55’s. The Clifden Library. Justine Delaney. 087-2625517 / jdelaney@ageaction.ie.

Country Markets

Sundays: The Roundstone Country Market, Roundstone Community Centre Carpark. 10am – 3pm. 095-41243.

Family Activities

Thursdays: Parent and Toddler Group. Station House Leisure Centre. 11am-12pm. Contact Margaret Sheehan. 095-21741.


Glendalough 18 hole Pitch and Putt Recess. Enjoy a family outing to the Pitch and Putt suitable for all ages. Clubs and balls supplied. Located just off N59, (1km west of Joyces shop). For details contact 095-34669 or email glendalough08@gmail.com.

Irish Music & Dance

Mondays: All-Ireland Champion Marie Walsh presents ‘ Trad in the West’ starting July 5th. Featuring a host of Ireland’s Finest Musicians and performers including All Ireland Talent Show Star Emma O Sullivan. Station House Theatre. 9pm. €10. Tuesdays & Thursdays: Irish Nights at Clifden Town Hall. 8pm. Tuesdays: Irish Music sessions at the Teach Ceoil, Tully, Renvyle. 9pm. From 13th July to 31st August. Tuesdays: Irish Nights, Dolphin Hotel, Inishbofin. Wednesdays: Irish Nights at Roundstone Community Hall.8.30pm – 10pm, from 7th July to 25th August – 09535865 Wednesdays: From July 7th to August 18th: Derek Warfield & the Young Wolfe Tones: The Vickers Bar, Alcock & Brown Hotel. 095-21880.

Pony Riding

Walking & Nature Connemara National Park, Letterfrack. Park Centre 095-41323. Guided nature walks. Connemara Pony information. Fun with nature for kids – strictly 5-10 year olds. Walks can cover rough, wet terrain. It is essential visitors have appropriate footwear and rainwear.

New Arrivals Congratulations to Fiona Gorham

Chugging for Charity

and John O’ Toole of Fahy, Clifden on the birth of their daughter Niamh Sonny May O’ Toole on March 28th.Photo courtesy of Fiona Gorham Congratulations to proud parents Sean Mitchell and Leigh Birchmore on the birth of their daughter Maeve who was born on May 7th, granddaughter to Maggie Keating, Fechin and Ann Mitchell of Calla, Ballyconneely.

A Tractor run of modern and vintage vehicles rolled into Connemara on May 23rd in aid of the Galway Hospice. The large convoy of vehicles, which began in Clonfert, attracted much attention and was greeted by many supporters on its arrival into Clifden and Ballyconneely where the celebrations afterwards took place. To date, the rally has raised almost €14,000 for the Hospice.

Connemara View Newspaper

Summer Activities

Birthday Celebrations Congratulations to Rebecca Walsh of Cleggan who recently celebrated her 40th birthday in Edinburgh with friends. (L-r): Marie Dickinson, Paula Bann, Rebecca Walsh, Sheila Elcock, Lorraine King, Tina Shannon. Photo courtesy of Lorraine King

June 2010

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June 2010

Connemara View Newspaper

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