4 minute read
LGBTQ Families Spread the Love
Connextions Magazine issue #25: The Parent-HOOD!: LGBTQ Families Spread Love takes a closer look at the bonds of families.
We asked our readers to send us pictures of their families, and our inboxes were quickly inundated with pictures of LGBTQ families from all over the world. We knew we couldn’t possibly pick just one picture for the cover, so we made a collage.
At the center of this collage, we wanted a heart to represent LOVE, of course it had to be a rainbow heart - with glitter sparkles because everything looks better with glitter. Since we decided on a heart in the middle of it all, we decided to make a heart with our hands and voilà - our cover was born.
We honestly expected to get a few pics, but we had so many along with some unforgettable stories, that we felt we just had to share them and Spread the Love! We are living in challenging times, we have made some great strides as a community around the world, and at the same time, we are experiencing so many backlashes from governments that we felt the need to just put out beautiful images of loving families, so we can combat all the negativity and divisiveness we are experiencing. So, this is our effort to fight back with LOVE, because Love is Love is Love is Love is Love!