FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa 2010
2010 FIFA World Cup is planned to be held in South Africa between 11th of June 2010 and 11th of July 2010. It will be the Ninetinth football world cup and will see some of the best football teams of globe scrap for the most coveted prize in the world for supreme position. This time the mascot for this tournament is Zakumi. South Africa is all geared up for becoming the host for holding such a prestigious event. Where the green color of Zakumi's hairs makes it more similar to the soccer stars it also portrays a link with the green land of the Soccer stadiums. This camouflage perfectly suits the mascot and brings it closer to the Soccer world. Zakumi's relevance with the land, geography, people and spirit of the people living in South Africa is phenomenal. South Africa is the first nation of Africa to hold this tournament in its history. Morocco lagged behind South Africa in the process of bidding for holding this exalted tournament.
The process for qualifying the FIFA world cup in 2010 started in the year 2007. Out of 208 FIFA countries 204 participated in these qualifying games. Italy has been the dominant nation all these years in the FIFA world cup. Expectations are rising for this world cup as well but there are other teams as well which might bag the trophy this time. FIFA world cups are one of those tournaments for which people are crazy all over the world. Football world cup forever and a day has a mass viewership. People anxiously wait for the Soccer world cup to kickoff.
Everyone is enthusiastic about the FIFA world cup that will take place in 2010. The eagerness in people are rising at each going day and the beginning of the year 2010 will witness zest for 2010 FIFA world cup. For Health and Safety advice visit About Health And Safety
Tickets For The World Cup Final
Soccer World Cup Mascot: Zakumi The countdown has begun for the world cup 2010 people are getting more curious to get their hands on the tickets for the best of the games. With this rising demands there is high risk of buying tickets that are fake. Since more than 100 sites are selling tickets for the world cup matches which are all conterfeit you are more prone to buy a fake ticket. Our guidance to you will be to continue trying at the FIFA official website for getting an original ticket. The fake ticket will be costlier and might directly send you behind the bars. This time FIFA will be taking strict actions against those who buy and sell fake tickets.
The only way to get your ticket for the soccer world cup match is to stick to the FIFA website. As the third round for the tickets has already begun you may get your ticket this time for sure. The more you try better your chances become. The third round began on 5th of December 2009 so if you have not yet tried and true for your ticket then it is high time you take some action. FIFA has already received applications in lakhs for the tickets and let's see who all get the opportunity to see the world cup matches from the grounds.
You should be very particular about buying tickets to this tournament because a lot of fraud tickets are sold every time such events take place.
What Is The World Cup Mascot Zakumi is the official mascot for the commencement ever African FIFA world cup that is scheduled to begin on 11th of June, 2010. Zakumi has been exclusively designed in South Africa and was discovered 626 days before the Soccer world cup begins. This African mascot for the FIFA world cup was made world in Johannesburg in the Soccer City bowl in front of live media. The name of this mascot is an amalgam of two African words 'Za' and 'Kumi'. The initial 'ZA' means South Africa and 'Kumi' indicates '10'. The entire design of the mascot has been inspired some or the other thing which links South Africa and foot ball.
Where the greenish illusion of Zakumi's hairs makes it more equivalent to the soccer stars it also portrays a link with the green land of the Soccer stadiums. This camouflage utterly suits the mascot and brings it closer to the Soccer world. Zakumi's relevance with the land, geography, people and spirit of the people living in South Africa is phenomenal. It is an animated leopard which has been made the official mascot for the 2010 world cup. The FIFA organizing team is expecting an amusing time with Zakumi throughout the tournament in South Africa.
Zakumi also expressed in front of the organizing committee and mentioned that he is swollen with pride for being chosen as the official mascot for the FIFA world cup 2010.
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