f o % 1 7 t a th s w o h s n e ls New research from Nie the f o e s u y il a d te a p ci ti n a US consumers ! . s r a e y o tw t x e n e th in h mobile internet wit
The US has the highest mobile Internet usage in the world.! Sweden 1.1% U.K. 20.3% Spain 1.4%
US: 29.3 %
others 21.6%
Portugal: 1.2%
India 11.1% Egypt 1.7%
Malaysia 1.4%
South Africa 5.4%
Source: Bango February 2009
US Mobile Internet! Users !
January 2009
July 2008
million Source: comScore & Parks Associates
Daily mobile Internet usage
doubled! in just ! a year !
Source: comScore
! s k r o w t e N r e Bett
Better Devices!
Better Prices!
Consumers !
Better Education!
Better Reporti ng!
Better Repor ting ! (this kind to o)!
Everyone’s using it...!
US Mobile Internet User Profile (Age) ! May 2008!
13-17 18-24
13% 65+ 2%
27% Source: Nielsen
…for a broad range of activities.!
Daily Mobile Internet Usage ! Source: comScore, January 2009!
Used Business Directories!
2.45 million
Daily Mobile Internet Usage ! Source: comScore, January 2009!
Movie Information!
3.07 million
Daily Mobile Internet Usage ! Source: comScore, January 2009!
Traded Stocks or ! Accessed Financial Accounts !
3.27 million
Daily Mobile Internet Usage ! Source: comScore, January 2009!
Entertainment ! News!
5.47 million
Daily Mobile Internet Usage ! Source: comScore, January 2009!
Social Networking ! or Blogs!
9.28 million
Daily Mobile Internet Usage !
22.4 million
Source: comScore, January 2009!
News and Information!
Where’s it headed?!
Richer interactions.!
and e r lo p x e o t s n • New reaso mobile d e s a -b d e e n discover…from fing.! r u s b e W ld o plain Web usage to assets. ! ia d e -m h ic r e g • Levera tion.! a iz t e n o m r o f • New models
hen designing w so l‌ ua eq d te ea cr e NOTE: Not all screens ar vantage of the ad ke ta to ed gn si de features mobile websites with s (e.g. iPhone, G1, ce vi de st be e th of es atur still latest and greatest fe r that many users are be em m re to ed ne u BlackBerry Bold), yo ill need to be able st ey Th . ks or tw ne d es an il on older, slower phon ntent – things like reta co t an rt po im d an c si e to access the most ba most relevant given th is r ve te ha w or s er nt locations, call ce ! context and campaign.
Niche advertising inventory.!
h specific it w s e it s e il b o m r CPMs.! e • Highly targeted h ig h ls a u q e g n ti targe audiences. Better . ia experiences (e.g rich-med r e v li e d s it n u d a • New ner ads).! n a b c fi ci e p -s e n o h iP
Savvier shopping.!
-shop in-store.! • Customers can cross g with online in n ti e p m co r a rt o m d n a • Brick get home to it a w to ve a h ’t n o real-time (d to buy online).! mer reviews.! o st cu r/ e e p to ss e cc A • Buy start st e B e k li ” rs e h tc a -m ce • Will “pri at retail rs e ff o d se a -b b e w g n ri hono locations? !
Location-aware communities.!
n-specific o ti ca lo , ct e r r o -c • Contextually ices.! v r e s d n a s r fe f o leasing e r s r e r u ct a f u n t ma • More handse etworking n l a ci o s d e d d e b devices with em capabilities.! Instead of – e in g n E h c r a New • Social Se in l te o h ld o y n st a searching for ju aid for p t a h t in a h c l ote York, or for a h ew York”, N “ d n a l” te o h the keywords “ where their l te o h e h t r fo users can ask ew York. ! N in e r a y e h t en friends stay wh
Soon, consumers will assume you have a mobile site.!
And they’ll expect it to be awesome.!
! . . . S T E N R E T N I E H T N O U O Y E E S ! 5THFINGER.COM ! M O C . R E G N I F H T BLOG.5 ! M O C . Y E K C O J B THUM ! O C S I L D A R N O C @ T WITTER: