I S YO U R B USINE SS A PL AC E OF H E ALING? Raj Sisodia and Michael J. Gelb, authors of “The Healing Organization,” share how business can alleviate suffering and elevate joy INTERVIEW BY VANESSA CHILDERS
f you ask Raj Sisodia, co-founder of Conscious Capitalism, and Michael J. Gelb, founder and president of The High Performance Learning Center, business shouldn’t just be about “doing no harm” — it should fundamentally be a place of healing for employees and leaders; a source of healing for employees’ families, customers, communities, and the environment; and a force for healing in society, healing economic, social, political, and cultural divides. In their new book, “The Healing Organization: Awakening the Conscience of Business to Help Save the World,” inspired by the epidemic of suffering connected to unconscious capitalism, Sisodia and Gelb dive into business’s role in the causes of and solutions to the world’s problems, share awe-inspiring case studies of organizations that heal, and offer principles and practices to transform your own company. We sat down with the duo to learn more about the concept of healing through business, and how it’s done.
Q3 / SUMMER 2019