37 minute read
For the Heart
by Betsy Bruns
Welcome to February, the month where we celebrate the heart—in health and in love—with both Valentine’s Day and National Heart Health Month! In Feb. 2016, I spent the days by my sister’s side as she recovered from open heart bypass surgery. It was her 52nd birthday.
In the year leading up to this event, I inquired with her medical team about the impact of a plant-based diet on her heart health and asked the team to consider food as a way to heal. My attempts to support my sister in recovering her health more naturally were dismissed. I can’t lay blame on health care providers. Given that our current medical system receives little training in nutrition, why would they view food as medicine?
My sister had the surgery, endured a painful recovery and ended up back in the same boat just a year later. This time she made a different choice. These same doctors were shocked to learn that, although her first heart bypass had failed and she was facing another, she chose to refuse surgery and heal with food instead.
Several months into her plant-based journey, she met with her cardiologist. Upon examination, after a nuclear stress test, it was confirmed that she no longer needed the surgery. The cardiologist was so shocked and so impressed with these results he later went plant-based too.
pharmaceutical drugs, five stents and invasive surgery could not do. She healed her heart disease and many other medical conditions by avoiding meat, dairy and eggs, and replacing them with fruits, vegetables, grains and beans.
My life transformation was more emotional than physical. When I gave up meat nine years ago, I noticed a greater sense of peace and my “vibe” was higher. I was more joyful and loving. I’ve come across many others, including my sister, who have had similar experiences.
What is the magic of plant-based eating which not only helps heal the physical body but also helps to heal the emotional body too? How does it help to heal our hearts?
I believe it has to do with love. When we make food choices from a higher perspective, vibration or intent, such as self-love, self-care, love of animals or for the planet, we are compassion in action. We are living love. We vibrate higher on all levels. This can only lead to a healthier heart in every way.
1 cup water or plant-based milk substitute of choice ½ cup frozen cherries ½ cup chopped raw beets ½ cup frozen strawberries 1 banana 1 handful of spinach (optional) Ice, as needed
Add liquid to the blender. Then add the remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth.
Makes 4 Servings 2 medium green zucchini squash 2 medium yellow squash 2 medium shallots 1 tablespoon chopped garlic 10 halved cherry tomatoes 4 tablespoons (or more) water for sautéing Salt, to taste Pepper, to taste Fresh basil, to taste Scallions, for garnish
Wash and dry the squash and zucchini. Cut off the stems and cut the squash and zucchini in half. Use a vegetable spiralizer to turn the squash and zucchini into spaghetti-shaped noodles. Peel and cut shallots into thin rounds.
Add water to a 24-inch skillet and heat until smoky. Turn heat down to medium and add shallots, garlic, and zucchini and squash noodles. Stir with a wooden spoon for two minutes. Add cherry tomatoes. Cook for five minutes while stirring.
Finish by seasoning with salt, pepper and fresh basil. Serve hot in a bowl with scallions.

Betsy Bruns is a plant-based health coach, “Food for Life” instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM.org) and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. When she isn’t making healing food taste like comfort food or helping clients tap away stress and cravings with EFT, she’s soaking up nature and dreaming of ways to make life more delicious for all beings. Visit www.Vegsetter.com.
* Recipe and photo credit Betsy Bruns ** Recipe and photo credit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM.org)

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February 2021
by Bernadette Evans
This month, Mercury is still retrograde in Aquarius until Feb. 20. You may want to use this time to rethink some of your ideas. By reevaluating and doing some revisions, you may really like the improved and finished project. When Mercury is retrograde, remember that emails and texts sometimes get lost in transit. If you haven’t heard from someone you were expecting to, double check if the message was sent.
As well as Mercury, there is a lot of Aquarian energy this month. Saturn will be there for approximately another two years. Jupiter will be in-out (because of its retrograde) for most of the year. It’s the Sun’s yearly 30-day journey through the sign of Aquarius, as well as Venus stopping by for a quick visit. Then let’s not forget about the Moon’s monthly cycle! All of this energy is in an Air sign. Air is quick; messages are usually passed back and forth lightning quick, but…Mercury is retrograde. Air likes to communicate, and in Aquarius, the ideas can be quite ingenious. Aquarius is also a fixed sign, which could foster stubbornness in some people. Be open to what someone else has to say and their ideas. It could prove enlightening.
Mars is still meandering through Taurus. As frustrating as that can be for Mars, who likes to move fast, it could be the spark that keeps you plugging away on a new enterprise. Another positive of Mars being in Taurus is that Taurus is sensual. You might want to splurge on something beautiful that feels, tastes, sounds or looks good.
This month, try to stay grounded if you can. Thinking outside of the box is great, and we all need new and improved ways of doing things. But, get out of your head once in a while. Do something physical and try and be present. You’ll be glad you did. Have a great month!
Moon VoC is Moon Void of Course. The times are listed in Central Standard Time (CST). Monday, February 1
Venus enters the sign of Aquarius at 8:05 a.m. When the Sun squares Mars, you’re in the mood to act. Your focus and determination could bring you the results you’ve been waiting for. Maybe you’re working on a relationship. Whether it’s a personal partnership or a working one, there are many stages. Tempers could flare from either you or another, and no one is backing down. Don’t let stubbornness, anger or your ego override your emotions. Moon VoC at 5:10 a.m. until 5:25 a.m. when it enters the sign of Libra.
Tuesday, February 2
You’re seeking connection when the Moon’s in Libra. There’s a desire to be with friends, wanting to laugh and forget about your troubles. Remember, don’t be afraid to reach out to others; everyone needs to love and feel loved. Don’t suffer in silence, or let negative thoughts plague you. Do something that brings you joy. Let go of limiting beliefs that are holding you back and trust the process and that know you’ve got this.
Wednesday, February 3
When the Moon’s in Scorpio squaring Venus and Saturn, you may feel like you’re being constrained. It could be of your own making, or there could be someone else pulling the strings. You could be trying to maintain a semblance of order in your life by controlling every element. Balance is necessary to keep your sanity. What can you let go of that
wouldn’t cause you too much distress? You may breathe a quiet sigh of relief. There’s a desire to know more about yourself and go deeper in your relationship. Of course, that will require you to go within and examine the darker shadow sides of yourself. Trust your intuition to show you what you need to know. Moon VoC at 12:15 a.m. until 8:15 a.m. when it enters the sign of Scorpio.
Thursday, February 4
You may be feeling irritated when the Moon squares Sun and you’re not exactly sure why. Other people may be getting under your skin. You may be in your head and over-thinking everything. If you can, take a walk outside and breathe in some fresh air. Put a pause on all the ruminating and just be. Give yourself a break and try not to be too hard on those around you either.
Friday, February 5
You may be feeling like you’re all alone and that no one understands you or is there for you when Venus conjoins Saturn. There’s the possibility you’re having a hard time connecting with others, which then could cause you to pull even further into yourself and isolate even more. If a relationship is ending, there will be sadness and grief. Express your emotions and let your tears flow, it will help you heal. Venus and Saturn together are about building strong relationships. Loyalty is valued. A healthy relationship could become even stronger at this time. Venus is also about your finances; money could be tight, so watch your spending. Moon VoC at 3:20 a.m. until 11:16 a.m. when it enters the sign of Sagittarius.
Saturday, February 6
When Venus squares Uranus there could be sudden changes in your relationships. Someone new could appear, or a relationship may suddenly be over. You may be looking for more freedom in your partnership; maybe you or your partner need more space. It could be as simple as carving out some “me time.” There’s a desire for some excitement; instead of looking outside of your relationship, you could try spicing it up with your significant other. A word of caution, be careful of impulse shopping and getting caught up in the thrill of buying something. The fabulous item you bought yesterday may not look so great tomorrow.
Sunday, February 7
The Moon is void in Sagittarius for a good part of the day. You could find yourself reflecting, looking back at where you’ve been and where you’re headed. Spend some time contemplating what you’d like your future to look like. Think of all the ways you could get there. You’re not alone. You have inner resources, resilience and friends that are there to cheer you on and support you. Moon VoC at 12:16 a.m. until 2:32 p.m. when it enters the sign of Capricorn.
Monday, February 8
want to be free to express yourself. Getting your ideas out there is important to you. Likewise, you’re open to learning something new and expanding your awareness of the world around you. You’re attracted to unusual ideas and ways of thinking and not afraid to think outside the box.
Tuesday, February 9
Emotions could be amplified when the Moon conjoins Pluto. Moodiness or depression could be present and you’re not sure how to get out of the funk or if you want to. It’s a process, so be patient with yourself. Slow and steady wins the race. Look at yourself and how far you’ve come. What are your thoughts? Tune into your thoughts for a moment…your thoughts can take you down a dark road. Can you catch yourself when you’re thinking something negative and turn it around? Try it and see what happens. You’re a child of the Universe and have a lot to offer. Remember that. Moon VoC at 11:22 a.m. until 7:20 p.m. when it enters the sign of Aquarius.
Wednesday, February 10
There are six out of 10 planets in Aquarius! Wow… that’s a lot of energy in Air. It’s the prelude to tomorrow’s New Moon in Aquarius. There’s the potential to create partnerships where you and everyone else are throwing out new ideas—putting your heads together to come up with some brilliant concepts. It’s a lot of fun riffing off of each other’s imaginings and building on them. Tune into your intuitive side and have fun. Remember to leave space for everyone to contribute their ideas.
Thursday, February 11
The New Moon’s in Aquarius at 1:06 p.m. This New Moon emphasizes originality and being an intellectual pioneer. You have a unique vision and a voice that needs to be heard. Speak from the heart and be you; there’s not another human like you on the planet. Venus conjoins Jupiter bringing a feeling of optimism to the day. You could be feeling generous and inspired, wanting to hang out with friends. With all of this Aquarian energy, you could feel like you’re different and you don’t belong; like you’re the outsider. A lot of people may be feeling the same as you. Sometimes, instead of focusing on yourself and what’s not working, it boosts you up when you help someone else. Moon VoC at 1:06 p.m. and void the rest of the day.
Friday, February 12
Happy Chinese New Year! The Pisces Moon sextiles Uranus, bringing with it an opportunity to not only hear messages from your higher self but also encouraging you to act on them. What excites you? What are you passionate about? With hard work and determination, you can get the wheels turning and make your vision a reality. You may have someone in your corner who wants to help you. Be open to all the help the Universe wants to give you. Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 1:23 a.m. There’s a lot of talking going on. Friends, co-workers, everyone has their own vision of what they want to create. Their visions are probably different from yours and that’s okay. The JupiterMercury-Venus conjunction means there is a lot of ideas being floated around by friends and colleagues. Some of it may feel like it’s from left field…after all, these signs are in Aquarius, where thinking is often wacky, wild, unconventional and sometimes misunderstood. The Mars sextile Neptune could amplify the intuitive hits you get, connecting the physical world with the spiritual realm. Remember, these are all concepts until someone decides to act on them. Have faith in your ideas, devise a plan and execute it. As if you aren’t busy enough…when Mercury conjoins Venus, someone may try to sweep you off your feet with poetry or song. It’s Valentine’s Day a day early! You may be on the receiving end of the attention and compliments, or maybe you’re the one expressing affection for another.
Sunday, February 14
Happy Valentine’s Day! The Moon in Aries usually points to taking initiative, being confident and a leader; so, don’t focus on past mistakes or past loves. Be here now and replace any feelings of doubt, scarcity or loss with gratitude and joy. The Mercury Jupiter conjunction can help you see the big picture. Focus on all the blessings in your life and watch them multiply. Mercury and Jupiter together could infuse the day with optimism and wit. Have fun. Moon VoC at 1:29 a.m. until 9:54 a.m. when it enters the sign of Aries.
Monday, February 15
The Moon sextiles Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, emphasizing communication, abundance and relationships. You could be invited to a small get together, where you can let your hair down and have some fun. The Moon in Aries can be impulsive at times, so keep that in mind when mingling with others. You may be feeling optimistic and thinking about your plans. What do you need to do to turn your dreams into reality? Be charming, persuasive and honest in your business dealings and personal life. Enjoy the energy and all the advantages that are right in front of you.
Tuesday, February 16
Emotions are magnified when the Moon squares Pluto. Someone may explode and you’re not sure why. Stay calm, don’t react, take a breath, and respond quietly and calmly. It could be that someone wants to prove they’re right and you’re not. It’s about power and control. It’s not actually about you. Something is going on in their life, and you just happened to be the lucky recipient of their wrath. It doesn’t make it okay, but hopefully, you’ll be able to see it as someone having a bad day, and they’ll apologize. Moon VoC at 6:17 p.m. until 9:12 p.m. when it enters the sign of Taurus.
When the Moon conjoins Uranus and Saturn squares both of them, there’s a good chance you’re feeling sad, lonely and isolated. There are days when you don’t want to get out of bed, and this could be one of them. You’re not sure who you can trust, and your relationships could be suffering. It’s okay to be sad for a while, but try not to stay in that mental space and blame everyone around you for your troubles. Take responsibility for the choices you’ve made. You may be impulsive and blurting out something you could regret, so tread softly. Don’t let your thoughts go so far down the rabbit hole that you can’t see the positive people and situations in your life. Doing just one positive thing towards your goal could dig you out of a funk.
Thursday, February 18
Happy Birthday to all the Pisces out there! There’s harmonious energy in the air when the Moon conjoins Mars. A part of you may feel like singing from the hilltops, to let the world know how happy you feel. Another part of you is quiet, and understands what you need to do to get to your destination. Everything is within your grasp. You can breathe a sigh of relief and know that everything is happening as it should. The Sun enters the sign of Pisces at 4:44 a.m.
Friday, February 19
Relationships may be challenging when Venus squares Mars. Having fun in bed with your partner is one good way to make use of this energy if you’re in a healthy partnership. If you’re going through some tough times right now, you could become even more irritated with your significant other. Try not to lose it on them. Be kind and patient with your partner and yourself. Today’s energies are edgy and excitable, you could burn off some of this excess energy by getting some exercise. You could also have fun being creative, playing with words, art supplies or whatever
BUSINESS DIRECTORY ............................22 CCM ADVERTISE WITH US .......................13 CCM SALESPEOPLE ................................17 CCM SOCIAL MEDIA...........................17,21 DR. C. SCOT GILES..................................21 8 WAYS TO DECLUTTER YOUR BRAIN ......13 ELIZABETH TUCKWELL..............................9 HEART AND SOUL SKINCARE...................30 KASIA SZUMAL ....................................2,17 LARRABEE HERBS.....................................9 LIGHT UNLTD/THE REJUVENIZER.............11 LINDA HOWE.............................................3 PERENNIAL MUSIC & ARTS......................17 RASHA......................................................9
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you have in the house…remember when you made art with macaroni? Just create/play without worrying about the result. Moon VoC at 1:28 a.m. until 10:04 a.m. when it enters the sign of Gemini.
Saturday, February 20
Your cup runs over when the Moon trines Jupiter. Good feelings bubble forth, and you want everyone to feel this great. You happily share your good fortune with others. Focusing on all the positives in your life brings in even more abundance. This is a great time to make plans for your future. Your planning and patience could bring you exactly what you’ve always wanted. Mercury Stations Direct at 6:52 p.m.
Sunday, February 21
There’s pleasant energy to the day when the Moon trines Venus. You could feel like relaxing with loved ones, or you may feel like doing some rearranging and decorating in your home. Whatever you decide to do, have fun tuning into your intuition and creativity; playing and creating with whatever brings you the most joy. Moon VoC at 12:39 p.m. until 9:53 p.m. when it enters the sign of Cancer.
Monday, February 22
The Sun and Moon are both in Water signs, emphasizing sensitivity, intuition and compassion. You may be feeling moody and focused on the negative aspects of life. Look around you and notice one good thing in your life to be thankful for. Replace feelings of lack with feelings of abundance and positivity. Take time to nurture yourself and maybe someone else.
Tuesday, February 23
Powerful emotions are swirling around in your mind. You could be examining your life and past relationships when the Moon opposes Pluto. Looking back on the past and acknowledging your part in the mix is important. Once you’ve embraced all the parts of you—the challenging and the flowing pieces—it helps pave the way towards a fresh start. If you feel the need to express yourself, do it. It’s better to say what’s on your mind rather than stuffing it down. Moon VoC at 10:54 p.m.
Wednesday, February 24
What are you excited about? Do you have a dream that a part of you is scared to wish or go for? When Mars trines Pluto, there’s a desire to create and transform. Your intuition is pointing you in the right direction. It’s up to you whether you go for it or not. If you’re nervous about what could happen, stay grounded by keeping yourself safe and secure. You don’t have to quit your day job, but if your heart is asking you to follow your dreams, listen. Start slow, in your own time and focus on your passion/project in your off hours. It could pay huge dividends. Moon enters the sign of Leo at 6:23 a.m.
Thursday, February 25
An unexpected opportunity could appear on the horizon when the Sun sextiles Uranus. It may be thrilling, but take it slow. There are times when you want to quickly grab onto an opportunity before it disappears. I invite you to take a minute or two to savor and appreciate this moment. Breathe it in…then you can jump up and down. You may be surrounded by some unusual people who have a flair for originality. Enjoy mingling with different people, it will get your creative juices flowing. Venus enters the sign of Pisces at 7:11 a.m.
Friday, February 26
The focus is on relationships when the Moon opposes Venus. You may think one way about a situation, and your partner or someone else thinks another way. Neither way is better than the other. Try and communicate clearly, so you don’t get your wires crossed. Misunderstandings, or careless words, could have consequences. You get to choose how and when you want to be in a relationship. When the Moon’s in Virgo, you don’t want a mess, you want everything to be orderly—to know exactly what’s what. Venus in Pisces is romantic and whimsical and can float this way and that. If the Moon Venus opposition were a movie, it would be a romantic comedy where silly misunderstandings keep the lovers apart until the very end when it gets tied up in a pretty bow. It’s your movie, what part are you playing and how do you want it to end? Moon VoC at 5:32 a.m. until 11:07 a.m. when it enters the sign of Virgo.
Saturday, February 27
The Full Moon is in Virgo at 2:17 a.m. You may want to clean house when the Moon opposes the Sun. It’s time to let go of what no longer serves you. This can be easier said than done. It hurts letting go of lovers, friends, jobs or any other loss. However, if the foundations are crumbling, it may be best to release them. The Moon quincunx Saturn says, “Concentrate on building strong, supportive relationships that add value to your life.” It takes some work, and you may have to make some adjustments, but Saturn always requires you to put in some effort before you’re rewarded.
Sunday, February 28
Emotions are amplified in the morning when the Moon trines Pluto and Mars. You could feel excited and pumped, ready to start your day. Your confidence in yourself, coupled with your enthusiasm, helps you cross things off your to-do list. Another potential is you feel raw and wounded; maybe you’re not sure what is happening. You have more inner strength than you know. Remember how powerful you are and that you have people in your corner. Call on them if you need to. Moon VoC at 9:58 a.m. until 1:17 p.m. when it enters the sign of Libra.
Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, registered professional counselor, as well as a writer. She can be reached 780-289-7398 or Bbevans001@gmail.com to schedule a consultation. You can follow her on Instagram @bernadette_evans.astrologer. Visit www.mindshiftcounselling.com.
Midwest Pulse Calendar

Wednesday, February 3
DR. LINDA HOWE. 12 pm CST. Tap into your own infinite goodness and wisdom – illumined by Akashic Light, and share this gift with others. Join Linda Howe for a live information session to learn all about this opportunity. You can register
here: https://us02web.zoom.us/ meeting/register/tZcvdOuurjwvGtV63t ra0rCk5ghCOzQQu__B
7-7:40 pm CST. Free. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself so worried about the future, that you get lost in spiraling negative thoughts? Do you feel isolated and alone during these trying times? During this weekly virtual meeting, you will: Be taken through a calming and peaceful meditation/visualization; set intentions and join others to pray on your behalf; set your dreams and aspirations into motion; listen or dance to inspiring, heart-opening music; and do a pre-bedtime calming meditation and set intentions for a great night’s sleep! As, you raise your vibration and increase your energy, you contribute to powerful transformation upon the earth. So, join us as we spread goodness inside ourselves and throughout the world! Click on this link: https://
www.eventbrite.com/e/consciouscommunity-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642,
Password: 582731.
Wednesdays, Feb 3 - Mar 3
RECORDS. 6-8 pm CST. $795. Let Akashic Light empower inspired manifestation. Identify your destiny, soul’s purposes and obstacles. Clear obstructions, find freedom and manifest your truth. Be supercharged with meaning, purpose and fulfillment. Register here:
Thursday, February 4
TRAINING WITH DR. LINDA HOWE. 6-8 pm CST. Live Online Session. Learn how to read the Akashic Records for yourself and others – for Energy Healing, Clearing Ancestral Patterns, and Reconciling Past Lives. Learn
more: https://lindahowe.com/
teacher-training/ Apply now here:
Saturdays starting February 6
WORKSHOPS ON KARMA: 12-2 pm CST or 1-2 pm CST. Join a free Basic or Extended Workshop on Karma on Zoom online. Get clear on the basic concepts of how the Universe rewards us for our good actions, whether we are an individual or a business. Learn how to plan how to get good karma deliberately – it doesn’t have to be accidental – and help other people in the process!
Call 604-765-7571 or register at www.karmatherapy.online
Saturday-Sunday, February 6-7
TWO DAY HEALING SEMINAR: 7 pm CST. $75. Valentine’s Day is all about love, but every day should be all about you. Before we can love another person, we have to love ourselves. Two day healing seminar to teach you how to love the most important person in your life — which is you. Contact:
312-933-9950 or https://www. psychicloopchicago.com/ contact.html#/
Wednesday, February 10
7-7:40 pm CST. Free. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself so worried about the future, that you get lost in spiraling negative thoughts? Do you feel isolated and alone during these trying times? During this weekly virtual meeting, you will: Be taken through a calming and peaceful meditation/visualization; set intentions and join others to pray on your behalf; set your dreams and aspirations into motion; listen or dance
to inspiring, heart-opening music; and do a pre-bedtime calming meditation and set intentions for a great night’s sleep! As you raise your vibration and increase your energy, you contribute to powerful transformation upon the earth. So, join us as we spread goodness inside ourselves and throughout the world! Click on this link: https://
www.eventbrite.com/e/consciouscommunity-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731.
Saturday, February 13
CHICAGO IANDS, support/study/ resource forum for near-death, out-ofbody, & spiritual experiences losses. 2 pm CST. Tax-deductible donation requested: $20. Guest Speaker: CAROLYN CLAPPER, NDEr, Evidential and Medical Medium, Works with 5 doctors on the other side; from Racine, Wisconsin. Join us Online! Become a subscriber to Chicago IANDS by filling in the form on our homepage at www. chicagoiands.org. You will receive a free monthly email with links to our meetings. Send donation to Chicago
IANDS, PO Box 732, Wilmette, IL, 60091 or use Zelle on your bank site. (Send to 847-251-5758 or info@ chicagoiands.org). For more info, call 847-251-5758 or http://www. chicagoiands.org
ONLINE MEDITATION: 7:15 pm CST. Celebration of love meditation. Focus on how to put everything you’ve learned into use so that you can be enjoying a spirit that is open and free; how to give love and receive love and be loved; energy healing, aura cleansing, chakra balancing, and manifesting love. Over 30 years experience with helping people find their soulmates. Contact:
Saturday-Sunday, February 13-14
AWAKENING INTO LOVE: 9 am-1 pm CST. $150. While you wait for the Love to sweep you off your feet, take time to prepare yourself for it. Create clarity of what you truly want to receive. In this workshop you will learn about energetics of female and male energies and how to become a powerful and wise woman. You will also learn how to listen to your intuition and connect to your inner truth. You will discover the sacredness of the feminine self and your ancestral line. Finally, from that place of “knowing” and clarity, you will create a beautiful ritual of invitation of Abundance and Love. Light and easy; filled with playfulness and joy. Instructor: Ania Haas.
Location: Online/ Zoom. Registration: 708-436-4493
Wednesday, February 17
7-7:40 pm CST. Free. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself so worried about the future, that you get lost in spiraling negative thoughts? Do you feel isolated and alone during these trying times? During this weekly virtual meeting, you will: Be taken through a calming and peaceful meditation/visualization; set intentions and join others to pray on your behalf; set your dreams and aspirations into motion; listen or dance to inspiring, heart-opening music; and do a pre-bedtime calming meditation and set intentions for a great night’s sleep! As, you raise your vibration and increase your energy, you contribute to powerful transformation upon the earth. So, join us as we spread goodness inside ourselves and throughout the world! Click on this link: https://
www.eventbrite.com/e/consciouscommunity-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731.
Wednesday, February 24
7-7:40 pm CST. Free. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself so worried about the future, that you get lost in spiraling negative thoughts? Do you feel isolated and alone during these trying times? During this weekly virtual meeting, you will: Be taken through a calming and peaceful meditation/visualization; set intentions and join others to pray on your behalf; set your dreams and aspirations into motion; listen or dance to inspiring, heart-opening music; and do a pre-bedtime calming meditation and set intentions for a great night’s sleep! As, you raise your vibration and increase your energy, you contribute to powerful transformation upon the earth. So, join us as we spread goodness inside ourselves and throughout the world! Click on this link: https://
www.eventbrite.com/e/consciouscommunity-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731.
Sunday, February 28
ONLINE HEALING EXPO. Heal your mind, body and spirit. For a list of psychics, mediums, healers, aura cleansing and chakra balancing practitioners, contact Sarah at
Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.
In Print

Reviews by Kayla Hancock
Do Better: Spiritual Activism for Fighting and
Healing from White Supremacy, by Rachel Ricketts (Atria Books, $27, Hardcover) There is no better time than now to acknowledge and act against systemic racism. This book is a call to action for us to start doing the inner work. Rachel Ricketts helps readers to identify where they most often get stuck when addressing racism and provides helpful insight with regards to healing our personal experiences of discrimination. Ricketts not only provides sustainable solutions towards creating radical racial justice—she also provides soulful activities, such as guided meditations, breathing exercises and journal prompts that help us ground into our bodies while we start to unpack our privilege and better process the intense emotions that surface while fighting injustice.
The Alchemy of Stones: Co-creating with
Crystals, Minerals, and Gemstones for Healing and
Transformation, by Robert Simmons (Destiny Books, $29.99, Paperback) Robert Simmons has been studying the various spiritual qualities of minerals, crystals and gems for 35 years. In this book, he works with a holistic approach and initiates readers into an alchemical worldview that leads to spiritual healing and transcendence. Simmons explores the Four Cornerstones of the Alchemy of Stones—Moldavite, Phenacite, Azeztulite and Rosophia. He introduces each step of the transformation of the Four Cornerstones and provides specific meditation and stone combinations to help with each phase. He incorporates stone mandalas, crystal body layouts and aspects of the divine feminine. The human powers of intention, attention and imagination are also explored.
Manage Your Menopause Naturally:
The Six-Week Guide to Calming Hot Flashes & Night Sweats, Getting Your Sex Drive Back, Sharpening Memory & Reclaiming Well-Being,
by Maryon Stewart (New World Library, $17.95, Paperback) It is estimated that around 75% of women going through menopause will experience symptoms for at least a decade. Maryon Stewart aims to shed light on how to deal with this natural process in a way that is practical and successful. She provides quizzes to help readers identify which symptoms they struggle with the most, along with recommended meal plans and helpful supplements to support the body during menopause. Stewart shares her comprehensive six-week plan that has been proven to combat common menopause issues, improve overall nutrition and feelings of well-being, and even decrease one’s risk for developing certain life-threatening conditions in the future.
Developing Supersensible Perception:
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds through Entheogens, Prayer, and Nondual Awareness,
by Shelli Renée Joye, Ph.D. (Inner Traditions, $21.99, Hardcover) Rudolf Steiner believed that within every individual lies the potential to awaken supersensory powers. Shelli Renée Joye shares condensed techniques from Steiner’s 400 published volumes to explain to readers how one can develop a higher consciousness with supersensory abilities. Particularly, Joye studies these five approaches: acquisition by birth, entheogens, mantra and prayer, efforts and exercise, and nonduality or Samadhi. She connects Steiner’s ideas to modern advances in science and shares some of her deeply spiritual experiences while also ensuring readers can effectively integrate this new information into their realities.
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing
Volume 3: 25 Home Practices & Tools for Peak
Holistic Health & Wellness, by Laura Di Franco (Brave Healer Productions, $22, Paperback) From the minds of 25 expert healers, the content of this book provides readers with a collaborative and all-encompassing self-help guide that addresses our innate ability to heal ourselves on multiple levels. Laura Di Franco combines the wisdom of these skilled practitioners to share preventative and healing self-treatment practices that create a powerful toolkit for anyone struggling with life’s challenges.
Forest Bathing: Discovering Health and Happiness Through the Japanese Practice of
Shinrin Yoku (A Start Here Guide), by Dr. Cyndi Gilbert, N.D. (St. Martin’s Essentials, $14.99, Paperback) The Japanese have been practicing the art of Shinrin Yoku, or Forest Bathing, for centuries. In this book, Dr. Cyndi Gilbert shares with readers her experience of losing touch with nature and how she rediscovered her love of the natural world through forest bathing. She offers a practical guide for beginners to start their journey with the practice, and emphasizes the important benefits it provides, including vitamin D restoration, gut biome balance, feelings of relaxation, anxiety relief, and more. Gilbert also teaches readers how to tap into their five senses to enhance their ability to experience the healing powers of nature no matter where they are in the world.
Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.