11 minute read
by Theresa Puskar
This is the moment you have been waiting for.
What if your soul knew that this day was coming? What if you, as a conscious being, decided to come to the Earth at this time in history to be a peace warrior—to be a conduit for raising the energy frequency of the Earth? I believe that you are!
As an inspirational audiobook producer at Nightingale-Conant Publishing for over 20 years, I worked with America’s most enlightened spiritual teachers. What I noted was that just about every one of them prefaced the coming of a time when there would be a shift—a time when we would be confronted with vast change. They were talking about this time. I believe that we are at a tipping point on this Earth and we have a choice to make that will affect the evolution of this planet and many generations to come. The bottom line, we are being called to choose between fear and panic, or love and faith. The choice is ours. Which path will you choose?
The good news — Dr. David Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness.
Before I go any further, I have some powerful information that I want to share. When I produced a couple of audiobooks with the late, enlightened master, Dr. David Hawkins, he revealed that one conscious individual energetically contributed to the world in a positive way to the equivalent of 100,000 lower frequency individuals. So, when you rise up from the ashes of your despair and fear when you join with a community of higher consciousness individuals to raise your energy, you are shifting the world in a mighty way.
The best way you can help the world is to heal yourself.
You are likely already aware of the fact that the best way you can help the world to heal is to heal yourself. If you are like me, you have seen the vast opposition and partisanship in the politics of our nation, reflecting the polarity you have been feeling within yourself. As you noted the lack of
reverence and respect for the Earth, you saw your own lack of self-respect. If we choose to go deeper and take time to do an emotional inventory, we will see the part that we have each played in our demise. While always staying committed to treating ourselves with the utmost compassion, we can start to heal the parts of ourselves that created the inner turmoil which is reflected in our outer world. We have been given a huge gift—the solitude to sit with ourselves and explore our inner world and the time to contemplate. In doing so, we can cultivate the witness-self and grow in our sense of awareness and inner peace.
Gratitude creates the greatest shift but can take effort.
What I have found to be the most transformational part of my personal journey of late has been experiencing gratitude. While it isn’t always easy to get to that place, I find that when I do, my energy completely transforms and I am able to carry on throughout the day from a launching pad of positivity. So, wherever I might be upon awakening, I find that shaking out any stuck energy through some fun dance, then going through a gratitude process is incredibly effective at shifting my energy.
You’ve decluttered your homes, now it’s time to declutter your brain!
If I’ve learned anything during this quarantine, it’s that there’s no time like the present to fulfill our soul’s calling. I recently wrote a book on cultivating mindfulness and creating more joy in your life, 8 Ways to De-Clutter Your Brain. I provide readers with 12 emotional profiles and 25 experiential exercises to take them from where they are to where they want to be. Based on the eight-step program I outline in the book, I am thrilled to start hosting weekly virtual Brain De-Clutter Coaching Sessions. I look forward to supporting you in identifying and calming your fears, strengthening your faith and removing any blocks you have towards manifesting your life’s dreams. My intention with each session is to encourage forward motion, celebrate successes and have a heck of a lot of fun while doing so! The first FREE 20- to 30-minute Zoom session will be held on Tuesday, May 19th at 7:00 p.m. To join go to: https://zoom. us/j/96948062642?pwd=LzFwYWR wMWNmMnZkc2o2WnUvSUF1dz09, Password: 582731. I look forward to assisting you in achieving your heart’s desires, and in doing so, helping you to raise the energy frequency of this magnificent Earth!
Theresa Puskar is a highlyskilled transformation leader, author, performer and keynote speaker. As an unabashed truth speaker and inspirational teacher, she is delighted to spread causeless joy throughout the world. Her most recent books, 8 Ways to De-Clutter Your Brain and The
Good Morning Mind: 9 Essential Mindfulness Habits for the Workplace
are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. To learn more about Theresa, visit www.TheresaPuskar.com.
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by Lisa Brazelton
The changes being forced upon us from the COVID-19 virus have altered the very landscape from which we view life. The way we see, think and feel has been tinted with new colors from the Divine Artist’s palette, where light shines on the darkness of dysfunction and illuminates the connective web we all embody.
Although some may not like the sound of our world experiencing “Oneness,” the virus affects us all because we are all connected together in this human matrix. What happens in one town, city or country impacts the collective. Likewise, what happens to one business, industry or trade is even more impactful.
Devastating losses in revenue due to the halt of business productivity has affected lifestyles and for many the very fabric of existence. The change in our current landscape also changes the way we do business, the way we see commerce, and the way we lead our organizations. Leaders have been given an incredible opportunity to be a living example of how to lead teams and organizations through being in concert with, rather in conflict with each other. Because most leaders are positioned to influence others, it is critical to envelop change and be greater than current circumstances. It is a time to step up to the plate and become a beacon of light, a conscious leader, and even more, a Conscious Luminary.
Whether you are a leader of a company, a team or a family, being a Conscious Luminary requires mastering yourself. In a time when we are adjusting to the drastic changes in life, the journey into self-mastery is needed now more than ever to lead with empathy, balance, creativity and purpose. Self-mastery is the intricate weave of emotional intelligence, deep intuition and surrender. It requires absolute presence through detached observation, and it can only be achieved through the continual discernment between destiny and programmed beliefs, between right soul action and judgment, between outside influence and intuition, and between the chaotic mind chatter and the whispers of truth. To understand self-mastery, Conscious Luminaries must allow an almost alchemical process to occur where the old self dies and the new self transforms through deep introspection, contemplation and concentration.
Stepping into the role of becoming a Conscious Luminary requires the gift of pause—to reflect and yet continually pivot during life’s extremities. It requires the test to discern the truth from the illusion of who we think we are at the surface.
Above all, to be a Conscious Luminary, one must spend a lifetime closing the gap between how they appear in the world and who they truly are.
Every time we have a thought, different areas of our brain surge with electrical current and release hundreds of neurochemicals. Through advanced brain-scanning technology, we can now see that every thought and experience we have causes neurons to connect and disconnect—like a superhighway—in ever-changing patterns and sequences. Neuroplasticity, which is our natural ability to learn new knowledge and have new experiences, develops new networks or circuits of neurons that literally change our mind.
Conscious Luminaries do not indulge in recycling experiences that don’t feel good and succumb to old programming. Instead, they get comfortable in the discomfort and overcome their limitations to challenge themselves to reach new potentials.
Change is normally challenging because we are trying to do something different within the same environment. We tend to think the same thoughts, feel the same feelings and react the same way in the same routine. This causes us to keep using the same patterns and combinations of neural circuits in our brain, which tend to become hardwired. Hardwiring is not a bad thing, for it helps us become automatic with skills such as driving a car.
However, to change something in our lives, we have to cause the brain to no longer fire in the same old sequences and combinations. We have to create a new superhighway by disconnecting the old neural circuits and rewiring our brain in new patterns of nerve cell connections.
Every thought produces a biochemical reaction in the brain. Quicker than the speed of light, the brain releases chemical signals that are transmitted to the body, where they act as messengers of the thought. The extraordinary new field of psychoneuroimmunology is demonstrating the connection between the mind and the body (how we think and feel), and map out that when we feel positive, inspired and happy, our brain manufactures chemicals, such as dopamine, that make us feel joyful.
Conversely, our brain makes another chemical called ACTH, which signals the body to produce secretions from the adrenal glands, when we feel threatened or aggressive. The thoughts that produce these chemicals in the brain allow our bodies to feel exactly the way we were just thinking.
One of the greatest tragedies plaguing the world is our inability to reach an awakened state of consciousness. However, this current crisis has given us an opportunity to wake up and move into sovereignty with our own health, mind and well-being.
When we become Conscious Luminaries, we are creating a blueprint, structure and foundation for those whom we influence. By discerning our struggles, disappointments and fears through integrating different mindfulness practices, such as meditation, we transform old patterns. Transformation awakens consciousness and choosing to either engage or not engage in negative thoughts becomes an option, not simply a default setting. Discernment is the opposite of denial.
We are not the victims of our minds. When we have made a commitment to feel good, a lot of decisions become easier to make. Asking questions that deepen the journey within expands our consciousness and the outcome of that expansion recognizes our humanness while living in higher vibration with those around us.
We have the ability to rise above the current environment, to discern and acknowledge that the environment is eliciting certain behavior from us and to choose either to leave that state of mind or to transform ourselves to the greatest potential. The leaders that will prevail during this time are the ones who embrace the mindfulness movement and provide opportunities for their teams to grow from the inside out. This is becoming a Conscious Luminary—a conscious leader.
Conscious Leaders can give the gift of pause to each and every employee because they know the supernatural effects of their own mindfulness practices. Once more, being a beacon of light through supporting customers is another byproduct of mindfulness. Being a lighthouse means all can see your illumination and have a sense of comfort in this difficult and uncertain time.
The dramatic changes being forced upon us create isolation, worry and despair. We may be deeply uncomfortable, but this forced control to stay home can provide an opening for inner self-work and movement. The process of going within to reflect and reset into a new, more awakened person is the blessing being bestowed on us.
Ask people in your organization what’s important to them. For many, it is a time of great reflection and an opportunity to exercise or reevaluate core values, such as honesty and integrity. What new values can be explored and what old patterns diminished?
By supporting employees to fully explore their life’s purpose and tap their gifts, leaders play an important role in creating a healthy work culture. Organizations that embrace this philosophy empower employees to nourish their innerselves and work towards goals that are personally, as well as professionally, meaningful to them.
Lisa Brazelton is a managing partner with Vacation of the Mind. With 25 years of executive leadership and entrepreneurial experience, Lisa believes in the field of human potential and is a facilitator of personal and organizational change. A seven-time global business executive in Facility Management, Strategic Advising and Mindfulness Training, Ms. Brazelton is dedicated to helping leaders understand their deeper purpose while helping unlock the gifts hidden in the human heart. Visit www.vacationofthemind.com.