Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
The Conscious Connection
Autumn 2011
Autumn 2011
Official Newsletter of Rebirth International
w w w . C o n s c i o u s C o n n e c t i o n O n l i n e . c o m Co nte nts:
• Exc ellen ce an d
Op portu nities, by Fanny Van Laere & Leonard Orr pg1-7
• Leo nar dOrrB o oks. co m eBooks & Audios
pg 2
• RBI M em ber ship F orm pg 4
• N e w Cat eg ories for
Breath w ork Certificati on , by Fanny Van Laere & Leonard Orr, p 3-5
•Ethical C od e for Re birther s, by Fanny Van Laere & Leonard Orr
pg 6
• Car e & Maint en anc e of the Hum an Ener gy Bodie s, by Peace Arnold, 7-9 • Co nsci ous En ergy Breathi ng an d Self Healing Id eas , by Leonard D. Orr
pgs 9-13
• Pra ctical Inf orm ation abo ut C ertificati on, by Yasoda Susan Deschenes, p 13
• Se nility, by Heike Strombach
pgs 14-16
• Spiritu al Co mmu nity by Leonard Orr
pg 17
• Inspirati on U niv ersity Order Form Booklist
pg 8 pg 20 - 21
• RBI R ebirth er’s Direct ory pg 22-23 • Leon ard Orr ’s Trainin g Sc he dule, p 24
Excellence And Opportunities For Rebirthing Breathworkers In RBI, Fro m "M anu al for R ebirth ers " b y Fan ny Va n L aer e a nd L eo nar d Orr. Hist ory of th e Certificati on Pr ogr am
Leonard has always believed more in self-certification for people who have had enough training and feel that they are ready, and that the most important denominator is the person’s intuitive connection to Infinite Intelligence and Infinite Being. Even so, some parameters had to be set. The first certification training program for Rebirthers was held in 1975 in Walton, USA, and the prerequisites for Rebirthing International Rebirthers were set up as and published in Rebirthing in the New Age by Sondra Ray and Leonard Orr. Even though these prerequisites are important, it was partly written as a joke because a person who is ready has enough experience and self-esteem and thus do not need to get a certificate from anybody. On the other hand, I have met people who started to rebirth people without having experience and without knowing how to guide them properly, but we cannot easily prevent this from happening. Prere quisite s for E xcell enc e of th e Certificati o n Pro ces s U se d in the 1970’s an d198 0’s as R eco rd ed in th e R ebirt h ing in t he N ew Ag e bo ok:
1- The ability to produce results with your clients: a) completion b) release of tension c) release of conditions related to birth trauma. 2- Completion of oneself, having unraveled some of your own birth/death cycle, and parental disapproval. 3- The ability to function without outside approval from one’s clients and colleagues for one’s well-being and feeling of success. 4- The ability to conduct successful seminars. 5- The ability to create successful affirmations. 6- The ability to function successfully in spiritual community. 7- The ability to function effortlessly and pleasurably in the physical Universe which is prosperity consciousness. 8- Motivation other than money. 9- The ability to remain confident and competent while experiencing helplessness or weakness. 10- Confidence on one’s intuition. 11- Respecting and valuing the divinity of one’s self, clients and colleagues. 12- Have completed, or presently be a member of a One Year Seminar. 13- The willingness to continue evolving and training as a Rebirther. continued on page 3…1
RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
eBooks Leonard Orr is the founder of the world-wide Rebirthing Breathwork Movement. He is one of the originators of what is called today, ‘the New Age Movement’, a life-long student of self-transformation, body mastery, and is a pioneer in the Physical Immortalist Movement. He is a modern day yogi, visionary, teacher, author, businessman, and leader in the fields of longevity and physical immortality. He has been lecturing and doing trainings around the world for over 30 years. Leonard has met 8 immortal yogi masters so far and has been their devoted student for over 28 years. His unique ideas have healed and changed the lives of millions worldwide.
Digital Downloads
The following eBooks and Audios are available now at in PDF format, compatible with your computer, mac, kindle, etc. Order online safely with your credit card or paypal account. You can also make money by joining our Affiliate program. More eBooks and Audios are being added as fast as we can!
eBooks… • About Your Femininity -12 pages ………………………………………..….…$5.00 • Fire - 48 pages ………………………………………………….……………..…$12.00 • Healing Cancer - 25 pages ……………………………………………..………$11.00 • The Healing Manual - 132 pages ………………………………………...…....$15.00 • How to become a $100,000 per year Rebirther ……………………............$15.00 • Introduction to the Shiva Purana - …………………………………..……..….$3.00 • Prosperity Consciousness Consultation I ……………………………….…$20.00 • Prosperity Consciousness Consultation III ………..………………………$20.00 • The New Renaissance - 58 pages………………………………………….….$15.00 • The Story of Rebirthing Breathwork - 99 pages……………………….……$15.00
Audio Mp3’s… • Babaji and Spiritual Purification -Leonard’s experiences with Babaji and His teachings about Spiritual Purification. Run time: 1 hr, 26 min …................………..………………………..…………………………..…$10.00 • Intuitive Aarti -Leonard introducing us to Babaji, includes an English translation of Aarti, and 108 names of the Divine. Run time: 1 hr, 26 min……………………………………………………………………………...…$10.00 • Intuitive Breathing -Leonard explains what it means to breathe energy intuitively, having a completed energy cycle, discussions on senility, healing with the elements, and powerful, rich experiences with energy breathing. Run time: 1 hr……………………………………………………………………………………..…….$10.00 •How to become a $100,000 per year Rebirther -Leonard's system of success, proven over and over through years of experience; how to achieve a $100,000 per year income being self-employed, especially for RebirtherBreathworkers. Run time: 2 hrs………………………………………………………………………………..…..$20.00 • Money and the 5 Biggies -Leonard speaks about the human experience with money, prosperity, and success in relationship to healing the 5 Biggies. Run time: 1 hour, 55 minutes…………………...…………$10.00 • The Business of Self-Improvement -success, whole health, vibrant living. Run time: 2 hrs 40min……$25.00 •The Money Seminar -Leonard’s original Money Seminar, recorded Live. Run time: 3 hrs, 47 min.….....$50.00 •Unraveling the Birth-Death Cycle- In this amazing seminar Leonard offers us insights and expanded perceptions on all the possible options for life, birth, and death. This is an exciting, stimulating, revolutionary talk that can change your life to no end. Run time: 1 hour, 56min……………………………………………..$20.00
Order now at 2
RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Excellen ce and Opportunities ,
“Now, a new foundation has been laid for a higher quality movement…”
by Leon ard Orr a nd Fa nny V an L aer e, continued from pg 5
14- Functioning successfully, including financially, as a Rebirther for the period of 3 months. 15- The willingness to support other qualified Rebirthers and members of Rebirth International. 16- The ability and willingness to create support groups for your clients. 17- Obtaining the written agreement of ten Rebirth International Rebirthers. 18- Having attended a Rebirthing Training for one or more weeks at an RBI training center, including at least one International Rebirthers’ Convention in July in Virginia, USA. 19- Realizing that certification is a joke to keep people who take themselves too seriously from getting certified.
In later years the phases of the rebirthing profession were divided in three: Affiliated Rebirther: Rebirther in training, who has received at least 10 high quality individual sessions and developed the ability to rebirth himself/herself; and is participating (or has participated) in a training or a One Year Seminar. Registered Rebirther: Has completed the first phase and taken successfully at least 3 people through ten sessions. Certified Rebirther: Has completed the first two phases and is living all the other prerequisites mentioned above. I was surprised to hear about those three phases only recently, while talking with Leonard about the Certification program. Leonard told me that nobody had really been interested in it. After the European Rebirthing Breathworkers’ Convention in Spain, August 2011, we are happy that there is enough interest to revive those goals of excellence in our profession. The previous (most recent) certification program implemented for Rebirth International (RBI) Breathworkers was to submit written reports from at least 3 clients of their 10 sessions to Leonard D. Orr, with a fee of $108.00 so that Leonard could see if the clients were learning to breathe energy as well as air. This Leonard viewed as the minimum effort to upgrade the quality of Rebirthing Breathworkers. This system is still in place and is included in the Registered Rebirthing Breathworkers’ category. However, the fee is lower and there are more Certified Rebirthing Breathworkers to read the reports from your clients. We have to face the fact that since the beginning of the movement in 1974, many Rebirthers have failed. Although we probably have the lowest death rate of any group engaged in self-improvement in the Western culture, too many Rebirthers have died. Daily spiritual purification practices are essential to our personal health and aliveness, as well as our professional quality. We all require the support of spiritual community. Rebirthing breathwork was developed in the context of Leonard's One Year Seminars and all the early rebirthing communities were centered and empowered by an One Year Seminar. The simplicity, power and success of rebirthing breathwork worldwide has diluted this core. Now, a new foundation has been laid for a higher quality movement. Leonard D. Orr is very thankful to Fanny Van Laere for her dedication to the quality in the movement and bringing this about – she really cares. And we believe that many are eager to support this improvement, as was evident in the 2011 European Rebirthing Breathworkers' Convention. May it expand in the years to come. The new book, called Manual for Rebirthers, which Fanny and Leonard produced, is an expression of our human- divine potential. Breathworkers and people healing themselves really love this book. Now, the action in the RBI Convention in Spain will have effect of increasing the quality of rebirthing Breathworkers' work much more, and bring with it amazing opportunities for all conscious breathers and for the world. In the European Rebirthing Breathworkers' Convention in Spain, August 2011, we adopted the following ideas: The new categories of conscious breathing members of RBI -There are now, in addition to conscious breathing members of RBI, 3 levels of training for rebirthing Breathworkers: 1) Affiliated RBI Breathworkers 2) Registered RBI Breathworkers 3) Certified RBI Breathworkers. Annual membership for conscious energy breathers in RBI is 22 dollars, euros, pounds, etc. ….continued on page 5
RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Rebirth International Membership - Renew online at: Or mail in this form with membership dues to: Rebirth International - PO Box 1026 - Staunton, VA 24402 - USA (540) 885-0551 / fax-(540) 885-1230 RBI is a non-profit organization for the purpose of uniting Rebirthers – Breathworkers around the world and improving the quality of the Rebirthing work in the world. Rebirth International membership is for people who have an interest in and support Conscious Energy Breathing, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual purification, spiritual community, spiritual growth, and personal healing through all forms of self-improvement. We network our members and supply all kinds of support – literature, seminars, and trainings for our members and the public. We also train professional Breathworkers and healers while supporting their own success and healing. The only requirements for membership are to have an interest in exploring more of our Divine Potential and to pay minimum dues or commit to higher financial support.
Please select one: (all membership levels include annual subscription to the Conscious Connection) General Membership ~ $22 Support Membership ~ $33 Listed Rebirther Membership ~ $55 (includes all a listing in the RBI Rebirthers' directory) Affiliated Rebirther Membership ~ $55 (or in your own currency, euro, etc.) Registered Rebirther Membership ~ $88 (or in your own currency, euro, etc.) Certified Rebirther Membership ~ $ 108 (or in your own currency, euro, etc.) RBI Friends Club Membership ~ $108 (includes a listing in the RBI Rebirthers' directory) Tithing Membership ~ Tithe 10% of your personal income. Humanitarian Membership ~ $1008 (includes a listing in the RBI Rebirthers' directory as well as the joy of supporting rebirthing worldwide) World Builder Membership - $3000 ( the above plus a spiritual purification training for you & one of your friends) New Renaissance Membership ~ $8,888 (all of the above plus a spiritual purification training for you & one of your friends) Date:__________________
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Payment Method:Cash Check (Visa / MasterCard)______-______-______-______ exp._____/___ CID (3 or 4 digits on signature strip) ____________
For Listed Rebirther’s Memberships: Contact information to appear in Directory: Length of experience with Rebirthing: __________________________________________________________ Number of people taken through 10 sessions: _________ Favorite Rebirther/Trainer: ____________________ Country and City of your location: _______________________ Signature __________________________
4 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn Autumn 20112011
“This standard is more fun and nourishing than any other profession we can think of. We are working with Divine Energy which is the source of life, joy, love, healing, bliss, wisdom, and every good thing in this Universe.”
Excellen ce and Opportunities…
continued from pg 3
1) An Affiliated Rebirthing Breathworker is a person who has received 10 individual connected breathing energy cycles of 1 to 2 hours, is committed to their own personal healing process, working with spiritual psychology, spiritual purification, and spiritual community through weekly support groups and the One Year Seminar, if available, and is interested in giving Rebirthing Breathwork sessions to others. Affiliated Rebirther will maintain an ongoing relationship with a Registered Rebirther and / or a Certified Rebirther, which may be by participating in a One Year Seminar. He or she will participate in trainings as appropriate and attend an Annual Rebirthing Breathworkers' Convention for ongoing training. The annual membership fee for affiliated Rebirthing Breathworkers is $55.00 in whatever your currency is. 2) A Registered Rebirthing Breathworker -The previous certification program (described in the beginning, page 1) will apply to Registered Rebirthers. Although, they are required to take 30 people through 10 sessions, needing to submit only the 10 write-ups of 3 clients to a Certified Rebirther. They will be a member of a One Year Seminar, as well as supply support groups for their clients. They must receive a 10 session series with the same person, usually another Registered Rebirther. They are required to attend at least one 9Day Rebirthing and Spiritual Purification Training with a Certified Rebirther and a RBI Annual Convention. We elected to hold a 9-Day training in conjunction with each Annual Convention.
We encourage Registered Rebirthers to give lectures on spiritual psychology, spiritual purification, conscious childbirth, prosperity consciousness, relationships, and many other topics, as well as to organize and / or lead their own One Year Seminars. It is a goal of all Rebirthers to be a member of one One Year Seminar forever and to lead other OYS's. This is basic to developing ourselves as complete human beings and high quality Rebirthing Breathwork professionals. We can see that commitment and completion of these requirements should lead to rebirthing Breathwork Associates that we can respect and support. A full-time Rebirthing Breathworker can easily give 10 sessions to 50 clients per year and have financial success. Giving lectures and working with groups just increases this success. This standard is more fun and nourishing than any other profession we can think of because we are working with Divine Energy, which is the source of life, joy, love, healing, bliss, wisdom, and every other good thing in this universe. And it is beyond the mind and the source of the mind. Becoming a registered Rebirthing Breathworker can be achieved in one year and the rewards are worth it. RBI annual membership fee for Registered Rebirthing Breathworkers is $88.00 in acceptable currency. 3) A Certified Rebirthing Breathworker -To be certified, taking at least 70 clients through 10 sessions is required. Completing at least one OYS, leading an OYS, and meeting a list of requirements, including those above that are basic to our profession, and of course, getting the support and approval of existing Certified Rebirthers. Certified Rebirthing Breathworkers of this quality can give conscious breathers and other Rebirthing Breathworkers the support they desire. They will be the chief trainers for RBI. Annual membership fee for Certified Rebirthing Breathworkers is 108.00 which even Leonard D. Orr is gladly willing to pay. We view completing an OYS and participating in the annual conventions as essential for high quality training and professional success as well as maintaining personal health and aliveness. The peer fellowship can be the essence of happiness. The movement and the world is waiting for high quality people and there is something about participating in and completing a One Year Seminar that builds high quality, beautiful, wise and loving human divine beings. Completing an OYS requires loving, clear and high quality interpersonal communication. The Manual for Rebirthers, Leonard Orr's books and the great scriptures like the Shiva Purana, the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, the Ramayana, the Bible, the Koran, and many excellent contemporary books are the present textbooks for the One Year Seminars. We also desire to create a special OYS textbook. The support, interaction, and loving communication of the OYS dynamic enable us to stay conscious and to grow. One year is just the beginning. …continued on page 6 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Excellen ce and Opportunities,
by Leo nar d a nd F anny V an Lae re, continued from pg 5
Leonard D. Orr says, ”My first goal every morning when I get up is to clean and balance my energy body. My second goal is to inspire everyone around me to do the same.” Jesus said the same thing,”The first commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourself.” Those of us who have experienced a clean and balanced energy body, know what this means. Babaji said, ”Rebirthing, spiritual purification and spiritual community with the mantra Aum Namaha Shivaiya makes it easy to keep the great commandments and achieve spiritual liberation.“ One Year Seminars mean practicing truth, simplicity, and love in action. It takes great intuition to actually practice all of this. This is the challenge built into the One Year Seminar concept. They are spiritual families that heal and nourish their participants. They are rich and satisfying social experiences. Rebirthing Breathworkers are not only the spiritual vacuum cleaners of the world, they are a major source of energy – they carry the river of life. They can be a source of aliveness, health, happiness, and prosperity to everyone they meet. Mastering the ability to clean and balance the mind and the energy body is what high quality living is all about. Creating a movement based on divine energy and the reality beyond the mind is an eternal challenge to maintain. May God bless us!
Ethical code for Rebirthers 1. Having a harmonious and professional relationship with the client. 2. Keeping the appointment and being ready for it. 3. Make sure you are available to give 10 sessions (or make sure they can be completed by another high quality professional). 4. Having an adequate and quiet place for the session. 5. Teach you client the important themes of Rebirthing (see the list of goals of the first ten Rebirthing breathwork sessions). 6. Stay in touch with the Rebirthing community and other Rebirthers. 7. Keep on learning and healing yourself. Practice what you teach. 8. High level of integrity. 9. Willingness to negotiate and make rebirthing available to everybody. Fanny Van Laere 10. Respect client confidentiality. coordinates Rebirthing 11. Don’t have sexual relationships with your clients. International in Spain and in the UK together with Joe 12. Do high quality Rebirthing. Jennings. Since 1995 she 13. Teach spiritual purification. has been giving individual 14. Ask for information and support from other experienced Rebirthers sessions in Rebirthing and (especially when you have to deal with a new person or a difficult case). creative psychology, offering 15. Have a support group or spiritual community for yourself and your clients. workshops, seminars, and 16. Inform you clients on how to learn more, go to seminars, do a spiritual professional Rebirthing purification training, become members of RBI etc. training. A healthy adult (is learning to): -Develop her/his personal connection with the Divine. - Knows that s/he is creating his/her own reality, at the same time that s/he shares the reality which others create; is aware that the Divine/God created the Ultimate Reality. - Has humility, is able to be a leader who acts from their own divine authority and initiative, but can also submit to external authority or rules when this is for his/her own good, other people's good, and for a higher purpose! -Is a leader, but can also submit to an external authority when it is for a higher purpose. - Is aware that s/he has to heal his emotional mind. Is willing to heal and learn more. - Is committed to maintain high standards of personal integrity, align him/herself with the Divine for the greatest good. - Is committed to the expansion of the human consciousness and his/her own. Is working on healing any pattern or behavior which does not serve this aim. - Does spiritual purification practices. - Takes responsibility for his/her emotions and does not project them on other people. Follow Leonard Elvi on their personal travel blog: continued on and pg 7….
Sub mit y our article f or th e ne xt Con sci ous C o nne ction! Members of RBI are welcome to participate in the creation of the Conscious Connection. We welcome your articles, testimonials, sharing of your personal Rebirthing experiences, & questions. Send your article and information to:
6 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Excellen ce and Opportunities,
ex cerpt s o f “M a nual f or Reb irt her s, continued from page 6
- Does not have expectations from his/her parents and family and learns how to be his own father and mother. He forgives his parents and other people instead of holding resentment. - Knows how to give and receive. - Can say no / can say yes. Can receive a no / can receive a yes. - Can express his/her emotions in appropriate ways. - Has a high self-esteem and does not compare him/herself with other people. - Is a free thinker. - Works in something he/she loves, is original and creative. -Commits him/herself to service of others and to our planet, recognizing that s/he must also serve him/herself in order to practice this effectively. - Builds harmonious relationships with other people. Uses clear and honest communication. - Chooses love and cooperation rather than competition. - Takes full responsibility for the spiritual, environmental, and human effects of all his activities. - Has a sense of humor and does not take him/herself too seriously. Our intention is to enrich ‘The Manual for Rebirthers’ with more texts, observations, suggestions, and testimonials by both Rebirthers and clients, and to re-edit the book in one year. We invite everyone who has read it to participate. E-mail: Rebirthing DVD -a beautifully made DVD by Pablo Torres. 1 hour Filmed in El Molino, Spain, in August 2009, during a Rebirthing and Spiritual Purification training with Leonard Orr and Fanny Van Laere. The DVD demonstrates, through the experiences of a training group, the depth and power of rebirthing breathwork and how it brings aliveness, liberation, joy and bliss into our lives. Includes English and Spanish versions. $15 USD Call 540-885-0551 or use the booklist & order form on pg 8 &12.
To order the Manual for Rebirthers: From the U.S.A.: place your order with Inspiration University $20 postage paid. Purchase with the DVD ‘Rebirthing’ by Pablo Torres for special price of $30. Call 540-885-0551 or use the booklist and order form on pages 8 &12. Outside the US: email Order over 5 copies and receive a 40% discount.
g Care and Maintenance of the Human Energy Bodies, by Peace Arnold g If there is one thing I would like to share with you about Life and the will to live, it's this. Until you embrace Life, as it is, in this moment and own your willingness to be here and your true joyous desire to live you are dying or running from death; driven by fear; motivated by pain, and struggling against forces of deep emotions and the need to be free of all of this. Life is not meant to be a constant struggle against invisible predators. Everyone needs to feel safe enough to relax and recharge. Living in ‘flight or fight” mode is not living, it’s running away. Rest, repair, renewal are basic human needs and the mechanisms for this are built into our bodies. Where is your safe cave and fire to curl up with? Where are the hearts and hearths of home that you share with ease and joy? What nurtures and nourishes you? What drains your reserves? Take a few minutes and make a list of activities, places, people, foods, thoughts, etc, all that nourishes, nurtures and supports you. Then, take a few more minutes to list those things that drain you. This exercise can be quite revealing and empower you with awareness. From here it is easy to begin taking small steps toward increasing your quality of life and decreasing your exposure to energy drains. Pain, Pain, Pain -When I first began working in a Pain Management practice affiliated with New York’s Methodist and Cabrini Hospitals, I noticed that at the end of the day I was physically uncomfortable and anxious to get home and into the shower. It was clear to me that it was not soil or sweat, so much, driving me to distraction, it was energy, pins and needles of energy filling my system with a frantic quality that I had never
7 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
g Care and Maintenance of the Human Energy Bodies,
by Peace Arnold, continued from pg 7
before experienced. Right from the start of my work as a spiritual healer, Amma massage Rebirth Am erica 2012! and yoga therapist I attracted MD referrals of 1,000,000 people completing 10 Sessions. some very puzzling pain cases. This, Will you be a part of this global revolution? however, was the first time I had come in Contact Peace Arnold - contact with so many people in long-term chronic or acute pain, in any one day. Perhaps, it was this level of intensity that I needed in order for me to take serious notice and know, beyond a doubt, that an energetic transference was taking place and I was absorbing this quality into my energy field. Pretty freaky. The shower helped tremendously and I felt noticeably better as soon as I let the water run over me for a few minutes. Using salt or not didn't seem to make a difference. It was, primarily, the water clearing it away. For the entire 6 years that I worked in that setting I would go directly home and into the tub to clear the psychic debris of the day. Work, bathe, sleep, work, bathe, sleep, work, bathe, sleep. Fortunately, it is not necessary to do hands on bodywork and psychic healing with 10 – 14 pain management patients a day to have a direct experience of the benefits and effects of water on your energy field. Safe, gentle conscious bathing is a much happier alternative. Experiments With Water. -For those of you with a bath tub here is an experiment in conscious breathing. Fill the tub with warm water and soak for about an hour. Breathe in a very gentle relaxed connected breathing rhythm and relax and enjoy the luxury of hot water. Notice how your body feels, how your breathing feels, how your mind feels…. Notice how your energy body feels and how it is changes with and without breathing consciously. Let out 1/3 of the water and fill it with cool water and breathe… Again, notice how your body, breath, mind, energy body feels with the temperature change… Let more water out and replace it with cool…. Repeat the breathing meditation and feel… Let me know what you discover… Peace Arnold RBI Global Coordinator
x p t v x x p t v x p t v x x p t v x p t v x x p t v x Reminder! Annual RBI Memberships are due January 1 st . Mail in your
membership form (see page 12) with your selected member level and information, or renew your RBI membership and subscription online at: v x p t www.Co nscio usConnectionO t v x t
Inspiration Universit y Book Order Form (see bookli st o n pages 12-13) Shipping: USA-$7 for first 2 items, $2 for each additional item, Canada & Mexico- $9 for first 2 items, $2 for each additional item. Overseas: Please pay by credit card since shipping rates vary greatly; call or email if you would like airmail rates. Name:
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8 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Conscio us Energy Breathing and Self-Healing Ideas, by Leo nard D. Orr Conscious energy breathing is an art and a science. It has been called spiritual breathing, intuitive breathing, and Rebirthing Breathwork. It also has been called a biological experience of God. It is very simple and easy to do, especially in the presence of a well-trained breathing guide. When we connect the inhale with the exhale, we are experiencing the duality of the inhale and the exhale in unity. When we experience merging of the inner breath with the outer breath, we are experiencing another duality in unity. It is this unity that is the biological experience of God, infinite being, or sometimes-called divine energy. This is the essence of life itself. This essence is also the space between our thoughts. It is nearer to us than our very breath, and it is the source of the breath of life. Many atheists and agnostics have learned conscious energy breathing. The surprising thing is some of them said,” I still don’t believe in God, but I experienced God and the oneness of the universe”. Others have said, “I am no longer an atheist”. The breath is the bridge between the invisible and the visible. If we stop breathing we will become invisible. Breathing is the basic source of human life and health. The simple act of connected breathing is mystical and magical. It can be very powerful and healing. Breathing is relaxing. Relaxation is the absence of disease – of not being relaxed. Conscious connected energy breathing is the basic cure for the most popular disease, which is the stress and tension of everyday living. Conscious connected energy breathing is an ability anyone can learn. Most people can learn it in at least ten two hour sessions with a good, loving, and intuitive guide. It is so simple that many people have tried to teach themselves. This is a free world and everyone is welcome to try. Most if not all people get stuck, fall asleep, or space out. Some people experience the symptoms of the hyperventilation syndrome and become afraid. Completed energy cycles are important. Those of us who have learned conscious energy breathing notice that having an objective external breathing guide is the best and most responsible way to learn this valuable skill. A breathing guide is a person who has had at least ten sessions and has received enough training to feel confident in guiding sessions for others. Most likely the breathing guide has taken many people safely through ten sessions already. Learning conscious breathing is the safest thing we can do. And most people who learn it say it is the most valuable thing they ever learned, comparable with learning to think for themselves. Everyone can learn it. Thinking and breathing are basic. Since most people have inhibited breathing, a certain percentage of people learning conscious energy breathing experience some of the symptoms of the hyperventilation syndrome. Even the best breathing teachers cannot prevent this. It seems to be a natural process of learning to breath energy as well as air. Everyone who has not learned conscious energy breathing already does have inhibited breathing, even expert athletes. Learning conscious energy breathing is a wonderful surprise. The symptoms of hyperventilation are: dizziness, tingling and vibrating sensations, high spiritual states, religious visions, tetany, over breathing, coldness or sweating, fear, energy streaming, difficulty breathing, memories – including body memories of pain, relaxation, bliss, extreme pleasurable feelings, unity with God and the universe, breathing fully and freely, and a very interesting experience. No matter what happens in the early sessions, they end usually in one to two hours in relaxation and peace. When we learn this breathing rhythm, all sessions produce peace and good feelings. When people have inhibited breathing when they start conscious energy breathing sessions and do have some of the above sensations, the sensations usually cease by ten sessions and are easily managed after one to three sessions. No one knows what you will experience during your first session. What we do know is that over ten million people all over the globe have experienced ten sessions and are very glad they did. Breathing is totally harmless, but the mind is not. The human mind is the most dangerous thing on earth. Breathing and relaxation makes it easier to master our minds. Breathing induces relaxation and health and helps with all mental and physical illnesses. However, some people are controlled by their minds, instead of relaxed breathing, at least until we have mastered this wonderful conscious energy breathing ability. Obviously, breathing guides cannot control their clients’ behavior between sessions. When we have mastered this simple ability, we can find comfort, inspiration, peace, relaxation, and creative worthwhile solutions for all kinds of situations as a result of daily practicing the breathing. Conscious energy breathing has been found to raise I.Q. And improve our relationships with everyone. It generates creativity. …continued on page 10. This Conscious Breathing article is free for you to use print, share, and distribute to clients & friends, etc. RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Conscious Energy Breathing and Self Healing Ideas, by Leonard D. Orr continued from pg 9 It is beneficial to realize that no one can control what you might experience during our sessions, not the breather nor the breathing guide but if we continue breathing, all the above symptoms come and go usually within a few minutes during a normal session of one and a half hours. An indescribable peace and beautiful relaxation occurs at the end of the session. There may be some discomfort in some early sessions until we trust our breathing. However, the peace and good feelings at the end of the session make the discomfort seem insignificant. This is true for everyone. Some people feel exhausted or amazed after a session. Some people like some time to rest and integrate the amazing and powerful session they just experienced. For most people, a conscious energy breathing session is a pleasant and wonderful surprise. The more we do, the more pleasurable it becomes and the more we love it. Soon we become a master breather of energy as well as air. This is the worthwhile goal of the first ten sessions. The breathing guide can make the session easier, but cannot prevent or control what you might experience. And we know that when you continue breathing until the end of the breathing energy cycle, you will feel calm and relaxed. The work of the breathing guide is to guide your breathing rhythm in a gentle connected rhythm until you have a completed energy cycle. Energy cycles usually take one to two hours. If God is the source of the breath, it is normal that when we are doing the proper connected breathing rhythm, that God or Spirit will move in our body and clean and nourish our bodies with fresh life energy. This is amazing. One of the main goals of the first ten sessions is to get past the physical sensations and emotional drama into the rich feelings of divine energy and bliss. Some of the early sessions may have some difficulty, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Even difficult sessions are easier than going to a dentist. The thing that most amazes me and everyone who does ten sessions with a well trained and experienced breathing guide, is how much we can accomplish in just ten sessions in regards to relaxation, well being, and self healing. Although people heal all kinds of things during ten sessions, breathing guides don’t promise anything, because the mind – body relationship is often a mystery. Most diseases are created by or minds and lifestyles. Breathing gives our body more oxygen and relaxation, but we usually cannot predict what relaxation will do for the mind and what might heal. Healing may not be because of the breathing, but the way relaxation changes our mind – body relationship. Everyone would like one ability or technique or medicine or herb or food to heal everything, but we all require many things for our healing process and we don’t usually know which one will work until we experiment. The spiritual purification system with mind – changing our thoughts, air – breathing, water – daily bathing, earth – good diet and exercise, fire – using the healing and spiritual power of fire, and loving relationships is perhaps the best healing system ever designed. It seems to be one designed by our creator. Conscious energy breathing is one essential aspect of this healing system. When we master this ability, we can receive the benefit. Conscious breathing and birth -We learn to breath air at birth, before we were a water animal in the womb for nine months. Many people had a difficult birth or even in a normal birth, our breathing can experience some stress or trauma, while we are getting the amniotic fluids out of our breathing passages and the air in. One of the ways we can know that we had birth trauma is if we have colds. People who learn conscious breathing and practice it for a year or two, usually report that the common cold has become a thing of the past. This indicates that birth trauma is the basic cause of the common cold and that learning conscious breathing has consciously or unconsciously healed this birth trauma cause. Breathing guides see so much birth trauma in their clients, as they are learning to breathe, that we encourage childbirth education and gentle birthing practices. It is possible to eliminate many kinds of birth trauma with intelligent childbirth education. Breathing and psychotherapy -Most breathing guides are not psychotherapists. However, thousands of doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and healers of all kinds have become breathing teachers and use it in their healing work. Breathing guides do teach basic self improvement principles which we can use to process our thoughts. We have over 50,000 thoughts per day. No therapist can keep up with our thoughts. Therefore, we all have to learn how to manage our own thoughts. One of the most basic techniques is called working with affirmations with the emotional response technique. Everyone can improve the quality of their thoughts and feelings. Reading good books, listening to audio recordings, and attending lectures or workshops, is a good way to learn new things and bring beneficial changes into our lives. Journaling our thoughts and feelings is also a very powerful self-improvement 10 technique. …continued on page 11. RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Conscious Energy Breathing and Self-Healing Ideas , by Leonard D. Orr, continued from pg 10 The mind and the breath are the king and queen of human consciousness. We always have to improve the content of our thoughts. We all can learn to think and breathe from the source of the mind and the breath. Even though we have a breathing guide teaching us how to breathe, we still have to learn how to breathe from the breath itself. This is one of the most wonderful and amazing gifts that life has to offer. People who have learned conscious energy breathing often report that it was the most valuable thing they ever learned. And people who use the breathing in their bathtub, sometimes with a snorkel often report that this practice is the most valuable self-healing skill they ever learned. Finding a breathing guide -When I discovered and started teaching conscious energy breathing in 1974, only good and brave people were attracted to it. Conscious breathing became mainstream in the mid 80’s. When things become popular they sometimes lose some of their quality. For example, if someone offers you a session in a group setting, I don’t recommend that you do it. Conscious energy breathing is most responsibly taught in high quality personal private sessions. Even then no one can control what people offer. Therefore, I recommend that you interview at least three conscious breathing guides before choosing one. The connected breathing is so simple and powerful that anyone who has experienced it can teach it even if they don’t know what they are doing. As stated above the goal is to learn to breathe from the breath itself. The talent of a good breathing guide is to create a safe place for you to do this. This we find takes some experience and training. So try to find a person that you trust and feel good and safe with. It is worthwhile to find a good breathing guide that you can enjoy doing ten sessions with. Conscious energy breathing cannot be taught with words. It can only be taught while doing it. Therefore, good guides usually don’t advertise. Most people make appointments with a breathing guide because a trusted friend recommends it. And good breathing guides usually have more clients than they can ever keep up with, so they don’t need to advertise. It is best for the spirit of the breath, itself, to bring us our clients and of course communication is necessary. Advertising may be helpful. Another sign of a good breathing guide is that they offer a weekly support group to their clients. This is important because you are able to discuss what you are learning with others that are learning also. This support group is very valuable. Each client has to be responsible for their own sessions and their relationship to their breathing guide. No one or organization can do this for you. The client is always in charge of the relationship. The elements -Conscious energy breathing is our relationship to air. The purpose of eating is to get energy from food and sometimes healing. Food and exercise is our relationship to earth. The purpose of bathing is to get cleaning and energy from water. And we can get energy and healing just from sitting near a fire. Earth, air, water, and fire can be thought of as the physical qualities of god. They each have spiritual power as well as healing power. It is time to build the knowledge of these facts into our civilization and our religions as well as our educational systems if we desire people to be healthy and happy. A conscious relationship to each of these elements is essential to self-healing. This relationship is very scientific. We don’t have to believe in breathing, it works whether we believe in it or not. We don’t have to believe in food, it works. We don’t have to believe in water or fire, they produce results and can heal our energy body as well as our physical body, whether we believe in them or not. Of course, if we do believe or know that they do work, we are more likely to use them when we require healing and relief from pain, or freedom from the stress and tension of everyday life. Nature is composed of earth, air, water, and fire. The universe and the human body are composed of earth, air, water, and fire. They are our basic divine friends and healing powers. Working with them is a good place to start all learning and healing. Money -Breathing guides like to do their work as full time professionals. This means that they deserve to be paid for their work and time that they spend with you. Their fees vary and I have always trained breathing teachers to never keep this valuable skill and knowledge from people because of lack of money. Therefore, although their normal fee might be more than you can afford, you can negotiate a fee that you can afford. The important thing is to make an appointment and get started. High quality breathing guides are trained to help you with your money scarcity. Some of them are adept prosperity consultants. There seems to be at least ten basic or major sources of human trauma and misery. The first is called birth trauma. …continued on page 12
11 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Conscious Energy Breathing and Self-Healing Ideas , by Leonard D. Orr, continued from pg 11 Birth trauma can include events in the womb as well as events from early infancy. So birth trauma is a general term. Psychologists have determined that all teenagers who commit suicide had difficult births, and yet most people don't believe in birth trauma. Psychologists have also reported that over 70% of people who end up in prison also had difficult births. The other % is mainly from parental abuse. Birth trauma can be prevented and it can be healed, but we have to acknowledge the problem and deal with it intelligently. Gentle birthing practices are becoming more popular, including birthing under water. Through various forms of therapy, people are beginning to feel safe enough in their own minds and bodies to feel painful and frightening memories and pains. Conscious connected breathing can accelerate our relaxing, remembering, and healing process. The second source of trauma is called the parental disapproval syndrome. I also call it destroying a child’s natural divinity. Parents usually do this unconsciously, just following the family traditions. Various forms of selfimprovement, psychotherapy, and inner child work are excellent for healing these kinds of trauma. Enlightened child - raising is an art and a science. The third major problem of people is the misuse of the tremendous power of the human mind. All our thoughts are creative. Most people don't seem to realize this and indulge in damaging and negative thoughts. The fourth cause of human misery is the unconscious death urge. People don't seem to realize that they create their own death according to their family tradition. Diet and life style, including a lack of spiritual purification practices kills most people. The fifth source of misery can be past life memories, if we have had any past lives. Past life therapy and the scientific study of reincarnation has become very popular in recent decades. Sixth, some people suffered most in school. Education deserves a lot of attention. The present curriculum was designed for children who lived on farms. Now we require a curriculum to get children in touch with nature. Adult education is most important. I believe school should be required for adults, and optional for children. I like to read at least one book every week. Stopping to learn is the biggest source of ignorance. Seventh, some people had their self esteem and good feelings destroyed by their religion. I used to believe that the protestant bible was the only holy book. When I read the catholic and the Jewish bibles I got enlightened - they were the books that Jesus and Paul actually used. And when I discovered the Shiva Purana and the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam that cover millions of years of human history I was further enlightened. God is in the space between our thoughts and the source of our every breath. Eight is senility. Most people turn this stage of life into the ultimate misery. But some people are surviving it in good health and looking young and healthy. We are beginning to take a new look at human - divine potential. What happens if you keep breathing all the way through senility and old age and don't die? Nine is the denial of the feminine. This is our divine nature. Energy is the source of the mind and the power of the mind. Women are the natural source of life energy. And ten is the world savior syndrome. This is the masculine principle run wild. When we realize that we are divine, we desire to be respected or even worshiped. If we accomplish something great, we desire to be honored by everyone. If we think we can save the world, we don't want anybody else to compete with us. This is an extreme form of sibling rivalry. It is the person who thinks they are God's gift to the world, but is a total slave to their carnal appetites and materialism. Or it is the person who is a big fish in a small pond, rather than a small fish in a big ocean. It is the narcissist. Healing all these sources of human trauma is called healing the emotional mind. Do you know anyone who has successfully healed their emotional mind? This ideal is the goal of total healing. It is the goal of our human divine potential. Learning conscious energy breathing and everything else we can learn is a good idea. The quality of our life is determined by the quality of our ideas. Raising the quality of our thoughts and feelings is an eternal process. Conclusion - Today millions of people are breathing fuller and freer all over the planet. Everyday, somewhere, every hour on the hour, someone is learning to breath energy as well as air. ‌continued on page 13
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Conscious Energy Breathing and Self-Healing Ideas , by Leonard D. Orr, continued from pg 12 When we all learn this wonderful and indispensable ability, the planet earth will be a happier, healthier, and more alive place for us all to live. Enjoy your breathing adventure! You are the only one who can learn it for you. I have two primary goals in life everyday. My first goal when i get out of bed every morning is to clean and balance my energy body. My second goal is to teach and inspire everyone around me to do the same. Whenever I find an unhappy child, I try to motivate them to go take a bath. This always works. A simple bath in water always makes a child happy. Adults are the same, but sometimes more difficult to motivate to bathe daily, even twice per day. This is a necessary discipline in our tense society. Some people think that indoor plumbing and warm water has made bathing twice per day so convenient and pleasurable that this practice has doubled our life span in the last hundred years. Daily bathing improves our health and happiness dramatically. What if the practice of conscious energy breathing doubles the average persons’ life span again? We won’t know for at least another 50 years. Obviously, the goal is not longer life, but a higher quality life. The simple and pleasurable practices with earth, air, water, fire, upgrading the quality of our thoughts, and more harmonious relationships have proved to everyone who does them that they improve the quality of our lives. Spiritual purification practices that work are very scientific. This is not theory, it is reality! We are energy, thought, and form – spirit, mind, and body. The energy is God. When we are living in a clean mind, we are living in the presence of God. When we are living in a clean body, we are living in the temple of God. We can shine this presence of truth, oneness, and love to everyone. This is a beautiful way to live. To realize our human – divine potential is the goal of existence. Everyone can become a beautiful human being. Everyone can become a powerful, good, and loving being. Tuning into our source everyday with conscious energy breathing is delightful. –Young Leonard D.Orr
Practical Informa tion abou t Rebir th Certifica tion, b y Ya so da S usa n De sc he ne s Yesterday a friend asked me to help her create a document detailing her many years of OYS participation and rebirth training so that she can get re-certified with a national massage and healing arts council. So I created a document from my memory of her participation. Another friend told me about the increased hours for her to get her LCSW license-Licensed Clinical Social Worker License of 3200 hours! This inspired me to answer the question, why certify? You can read below about "Why Certify" for the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. It’s an excellent definition: “For practitioners, NCBTMB certification is much more than a credential. It’s the cornerstone of a successful career. Because even if you work in a state that does not require certification, the NCBTMB credential establishes you as a dedicated professional with the knowledge and skills to uphold high standards of excellence. To become certified, a massage therapist or body worker must: •Complete a minimum of 500 hours of instruction •Demonstrate mastery of core skills, abilities and knowledge •Pass a standardized NCBTMB exam •Uphold NCBTMB’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics •Complete continuing education for recertification And the benefits are immeasurable, national certification: •Represents the highest standard in the field •Communicates a commitment to safe, ethical practice •Provides a competitive edge •Gains visibility and credibility •Increases employment opportunities within/between states •Allows reimbursement by some insurance companies •Reassures clients and employers •Includes a listing in NCBTMB’s Find a Practitioner resource •Establishes practitioners as healthcare providers on par with other professionals requiring certification."
Yasoda Susan Deschenes is the RBI Organizer for
Return to the Sacred, Annual Rebirthing Breathwork Training with Leonard Orr and RBI staff, at Sierra Hotsprings, Ca, USA. For more information visit:
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Senility, No Desire and No Power for Nothing, by Heike Strombach Shall I start with the good news or the bad news? If you feel hopeless, helpless, as I did, you might not be interested in the good news as it seems superficial and trivial, unreal and inexcessable, out of reach right now, too far away to bother about and meaningless. The joy of life and the oneness. I have been there. I know it exists. With Rebirthing, spiritual purification and Ayuaska. In the presence of loving friends. Doing my divine work, uplifting people. But now…..? What happend? Now what? Where did it go? Where and how did it vanish? Where did what go? What vanished? Do not even know what is left. Nothing! Just nothing. Sitting in a chair all day starring out the window. Nothing to do, nothing to wish to do, nothing to not do. Not that the outside world has vanished. Not that there would not be things to be done, or needed to be done. But nothing registers. My great karma yogi attitude – or my workoholic tendencies - Nothing! Wow, but not even WOW! Looking out of the window that is what is left. Psalm 23, God is my shepard, oh Lord, do NOT let go of me. I am alone, no one there who is in reach and cares. Of course there are many people in the world that care about me but they are far away or do not even know how I feel, as I do not share much. Or maybe they even would not know how to care in a meaningful way. But someone who keeps things moving while I am still and motionless. Mortal people telling me that this is it, getting older and the side effects of aging will continue, and that I should make peace with death and dieing. I do not even care about dieing. No desire for death. But right now also no desire for life. I am in my house alone for days. I see no one. Love, hope and trust writes the apostle to his disciples, love is the most important. Love for what? Love for whom? What was love? Draw a blank………….. Love? Nothing! The nothingness has taken away all my concepts, even a desire for meaningful communication. What has meaning? All that I thought, all that I was, all that I pretended to be, and even all that I wished to be. The nothing has taken over without men smoking cigars. Time is still there. Time goes by. Time leaves no trace, time is. Connecting the dots of my spiritual understanding and the teachings that I have been exposed to in my life becomes a matter of integrating and basic movement in my daily life. What is truth? All that is simple and matters even in times of the storm or nothingness. That’s what is left when all former importance vanishes into nothingness. Filling this space with spiritual reason, with understanding and with love and compassion for oneself, which automatically increases the love and compassion for others. Becoming still. Without love I am nothing, but without strength or motivation only sweet nothingness remains and lets me melt into the unconscious all there is, the oneness that does not take effort. Total weakness and hopeless to find the way out. Helpless rocked by the storms or even the soft breeze of life, not important. But there are even no storms important enough to get me moving. There are no storms. Nothing to be concerned about. Beyond fear. Nothing important! No motivation for nothing. If you feel like this senility might got you down, together with the grip of the unconscious death urge, there seems to be no way out then die and get it over and done with. But no power or drive to act, sweet nothingness mixed with uselessness. Thanks to 20 years of daily practice and routine I take my bath in the morning and at night, I have my fire in my bed room, there is food enough, or I fast, sometimes the rest of the day I sit in my arm chair. Sometimes I read to inspire me with the mystic saints from the 12th till 16th century, and I drift into nothingness. Not here not there. What are priorities in life? For whom and what? What and who matters? If I do not matter, nothing else matters. To exist I matter, or life or people matter. My work - people seemingly can not find me or reach me. It seems that I vanished for people as well. I have no power to initiate. Stuck and not important enough to brake the spell. Too many people around me have no interest in nothing that really matters, little depth in life, meaning and contemplation, struggle for the daily emotional and physical survival. Less and less goals, less and less desires. What is left for so many people is to look at unfulfilled hopes and wishes, crashed by life events and negative conclusions and assumptions. People like a boat that never left the harbor, or pushed by waves to and fro by life’s challenges. No aim, no such left as nothing seemed to have revealed lasting joy to them selves. No motivation and strength. I do not even have a TV to watch, thank God. In the past I used to be continuously under inner stress and tension, even on a day off in the morning cleaning dishes, under pressure, holding my arms and neck tied, unconscious worries, personal pressure of all
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Senility, No Desire and No Power for Nothing, by Heike Strombach, continued from pg 14. -that should get done, should do, that I would like to do and be. Muscle contraction and tension all over the body. Nothing matters any longer. No more urgency to get things done, accomplishment that make me feel good, no reason to please, neither me nor others. No fear of not being good enough, doing enough and having enough. Nothing. If I accomplish something, I am, I deserve to live. I have value. Sweet nothingness, nothing matters, no thoughts matter. Not even the good things, my accomplishments, my love for people, my great service that I have given – how do I even get back to that which made my life shine? Nothing in nothingness! No one to please, not me, no one else. No motivation! Have I been listening? Who spoke and gave messages? My physical healing this year has been healing intense pain in my stomach. I used to have stomach cramps in my late teens alot, gastro enteritis and with the help of my shamanic friend Tchydjo and his treatments from the amazon I healed it this year. In the Ayuaska session I become aware that it actually was stomach cancer that my life long grief and anger had created. I healed it and let go of anger and the pains of life times of loss. Often in the middle of this year I often had extreme high blood pressure. More the 200 to 130 many times. I used to belief that high blood pressure was due to anger. But now in the nothingness there was not even anger left. Switching between nothingness and helplessness and hopelessness and back to nothingness. Leonard a few months later when I talked about it for the first time, he suggested the high blood pressure was due to not talking about how I felt. I take my bath in the morning, do my best to motivate myself, have ideas what to do in my mind and what needs to be done, prep myself up, get out of the bath and physically feel so weak that I can barely move, my body has no strength to keep itself up, and I barely make it to get back into bed or make myself comfortable in my comfortable lounge chair, legs up, nicely covered with a thick blanket and stay there till night. I have no strength and no motivation to push myself as I used to do if this feeling would have come in the past. I can barely walk to get fire wood or make myself some food. And if it is not urgent to go to the bathroom I do not get up. No motivation. Discipline! Keep going. Do my practices. I do as good as I can. I do not disapprove of myself, as even for that there is no motivation! The upcoming training with Leonard soon to be held training in Germany brings everything to a climax. The pressure to move, to do what needs to get done, to communicate with the world gets bigger and bigger. I have to organize, I have to talk, I have to trust, I must stay in the world, I must function. Under big effort I do as much as possible, so easily discouraged, feeling so helpless, overwhelmed and hopeless, and so easily vanishes my strength. I do one phone call and lay down. Beloved Shastriji in India said many years ago if I needed help I could call on him. I call on Babaji, Bruno Gröning. I keep my mind together so no negative thoughts can enter my mind as I know I have the power to create the big NOTHING as well in the training and that would be my financial devastation, as well as letting Leonard and everyone else involved down. My blood pressure rises, I lay down and meditate on getting it down, wondering if I could die of a stroke as my beloved grand mother did. Pressure in my head... I am in a state close to break down, emotionally as well as physically. The fear in me has overtaken me completely. The last days before Leonard’s arrival, getting the house in order to receive guests and the last task for organizing. DO NOT CRUMBLE! I can do it, I can do it. I can! The preparation for the training with Leonard brought up the absolute stress and fear; sometimes to the point that I thought I could not tolerate it without collapsing. Intense panic, as seldom I remember in my life. But my German determination again in my life brought me through. The training was easy and as the days past more and more tension dissolved. This spring 2011 after my beloved Shiva cat had slowly died over the winter uncared for, I had cut myself off of all that had been important to me for the last 20 years. I knew the death of my most beloved friend was a symbol for my life and my emotional starvation of my child hood, my knowing of belonging, caring for myself, not just for others. After Leonard’s arrival and our talks about how I was feeling I was beginning to feel relief. No more high blood pressure seemingly bursting my head. There actually was someone there who cared about me, even if I do not see him much, but his presence started to hold my energy together, gave me trust and strength to move forward. I also was able to talk to our training participants about my state of being, my weakness and incapability to function in the world. This brought deep healing for me. The love of people was“I wanted to find the strength and motivation in my self, to find my real self, my own inner wisdom and mystic inside of me...”
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Senility, No Desire and No Power for Nothing, by Heike Strombach, continued from pg 15. -uplifting, and comforting, instead of disapproval, only approval and love, myself for myself, others for myself as well as from me for others. It was a great training for all that came, as usual life transforming and a new beginning for all that came. Thanks to Leonard, for all that he gives. He is a true master of life. Thanks to me and my will to live, and thanks to all that came to share this with us. Now I am fine, I still do need times to rest, but am also nicely busy, but the old work machine that I used to be is not working any longer. This weekend I painted with the help of a wonderful friend my bed room, gave a few breathing sessions and I got so sick. As I did not have much rest, I got stuck on the toilet in total exhaustion, throwing up from the depth of my stomach for hours. A nice reminder to watch and take care of myself. I have still to take breaks. I am still on recovery. I have to respect my limits. I have to say stop, I have to only move with divine power and not with mental power. Motivation and the strength have to come from within. But so much has changed and I feel good most of the time, people and clients find me again, I am back in the world. With new clients, the financial fear spell is broken, I am confident more than I was and back in trust since the training And am looking forward to see Leonard in Greece to complete more healing next week. I am looking forward to a more and more pure live that Leonard has shown me by his example that all masters speak about and that is inside of me and always has been a possibility inside of me and always will be. Work - karma yoga, as the expression of divine motivation, unattached and free based on love and Gods inspiration at divine peace. I will no longer think conditioned thoughts about the purpose of my centre. As God gave it to me I will take care of it as good as I can, and dedicate it purely to Him, that it be available to people to come here to heal and help me to take care of it. Let it happen in His grace. I started reading a book from Master Eckehart, the German mystic from the 12 century, it is such a simple and truthful description of how to become enlightened. It was one of my grandmother’s books which I inherited 30 years ago, and I have looked at but could never read before, and it is so amazing and enlightening. I guess now I am ready for it. I am awed and touched. I have a new theory about senility. Master Eckehart describes the seclusion (not necessarily from people but from attachment, from ideas and beliefs, to be able to live a free life so God can fill us with His knowledge and power) as the bridge to human completion, to free our self from all that is foreign to us, all that has no base in us and open our inner divine nature - God ! I realized that over the last 1 to 2 years it feels as I am freeing myself from all that is not pure in me, all that is not a necessary part of me, and letting go of attachment. As I was resisting life’s plans for me and struggling with what my mind thought was my life’s destiny, my attachments became apparent and painful and I could no longer keep them with me. As with my Shiva I died to my old life. I was willing to let go of all that I love most, including Leonard. I think that this sacrifice or seclusion of all old motivation, self image, pride and grief, and going into the state of NO motivation, of in-between. In-between divine motivation and conditioned motivation! I consider this senility. Master Eckehart’s considers seclusion even more important then love, as seclusion or detachment should be always our state of being, as if you are not totally free from all, then you are not open to be totally filled by God. And God is pure love. Grace, peace, wisdom and strength. Only with love you still can not reach God as he can not pour into you all that he has to give as you are not open and free to receive. Leonard’s thoughts that Senility is the last test of the human condition, I think it is also the first true test of a true life only in God. Eckhart's path to self-awakening cosmic religion, Stages of the Way: 1st step: Right attitude to life, first task: justice, second task: self-discipline, third task: equanimity/Gleichmut, fourth task: affirmation/Bejahung. 2nd step: Right internalizing, first task: seclusion. As Master Eckehart describes the seclusion (not necessarily from people but from attachment, ideas to be able to live a free life so God can fill you) as the bridge to human completion, free yourself from all that is foreign to you, that has no base in you and your inner divine nature – God. Second task: quietness. 3rd step: Right concentration / collection / Sammlung. 4th step: Right contemplation / viewing. 5th step: Right meditation / inner Contemplation / Concentration Versenkung. 6th step: Rights dedication / devotion, first task: self-liberation, second task: exercise self-alienation / Entäußerung. 7th step: Right enlightenment. 8th step: Right All-View /Omni /All vision /exhibition / All-Schau. 9th step: Right unification 10th step: Right All- immediacy AllUnmittelbarkeit. ~Truth, Simplicity, and Love, Heike. 3
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Spiritual Community, by Leonard D. Orr
Autumn 2011
I am really excited about the revival of One Year Seminars and spiritual community in the Rebirthing breathwork movement. Rebirthing was created in the context of the first O.Y.S. This value is now strong enough that it is a major emphasis in the new certification program. This is good news. There is something about participating or building or leading an oys that builds supreme character and communication skill. And they accelerate our personal healing in many amazing ways. OYS´s have the potential to eliminate low quality rebirthing forever. If you read the article in this newsletter carefully, you will notice that to be registered or certified involves participation of this great ideal. As it matures, certified Rebirthers will be a member of a OYS for their own growth and also lead one or more in addition to their primary participation. This means that we are really committing forever to our primary OYS group which will become our most intimate and precious spiritual family. In the past, OYS members planned the rest of their lives to permit their participation in their OYS. This has become rare, but will experience a revival as the population of certified Rebirthers multiplies. While lecturing in Spain this year, I was invited to speak at 2 rebirthing centers that I had never seen before and didn’t know existed. They are beautiful and very successful centers. They are adult education centers. They are full time One Year Seminars, having events to support people almost every day of the week. I did one of my trainings in a castle in germany, 5 star quality that is run by Rebirthers, all staff are trained and can give sessions. This is another style of a full time residential OYS. More and more corporations are beginning to be open to offering sessions to employees and the company pays for them. I am looking for Rebirthers who are willing to go on salary and give sessions to 9 or 10 clients per week to place in these opportunities as they open. This is one of my major focuses this year. One the one hand spiritual freedom and emotional freedom in the work place is heaven on earth. This is obvious because people spend most of their waking time at work. On the other hand, corporations which don’t support actively the spiritual needs of their management and employees are destroyed by the death urge no matter how much money they have. Part of the political and economic revolution that is happening everywhere is bringing real spiritual values and practices into the workplace and business. Successful Rebirthing Breathworkers are in great demand. We are ideally qualified to meet this opportunity as no one else is. When we had 5 to 10 certified Rebirthers in the 1980´s, we discussed the ideal that each of us was the source of RBI and the movement at large. But I noticed in 1981, (I don’t remember the year exactly) that this was a theory only, so I decided to test it. I stopped participating in the RBI conventions and certification trainings to see if the other certs were really qualified leaders as they claimed to be. I got disappointed. They destroyed RBI and annual conventions and cert trainings disappeared. They couldn’t even hold together their relationships. Their personal interests, lack of vision, values, and inadequacies destroyed the organization. Some of them have disappeared from the movement completely. When the destruction was complete, I started RBI again and have organized a convention every year and offered certification in some form or other continually. I also have maintained a full time residential training center that is available for training and healing to Breathworkers and all people whether they pay or not. I always felt that when people need training or healing the most is usually when they don’t have money either. My primary personal charity has always been to subsidize the healing and training of people. In the beginning this full time OYS healing community was a place in the wilderness. I maintained it for 25 years with or without competent help. When I released this center in Sierraville, California, (I still give an annual training here,) I decided to start a new community in a middleclass style where everyone would be encouraged to have their own home and be a responsible part of the community. This goal has been operating in Staunton, Virginia for the past 17 years. We are developing slowly. You are welcome to move to Virginia and be a part of it. We have also reached into the community and began training locals. This is also an exciting project. The ideal of spiritual community contains the ultimate success of the human adventure, it involves full political responsibility and participation. This is all contained in the idea of heaven on earth. I am very thankful for my wife Elvi, Peace Arnold, Heike Strombach, Fanny Van Laere, Tom Cau, Mavi, Ann Marie DaVinci, Manel and Angels, Yashoda, Sara and Jesús, of course Babaji, and the thousands of other Breathworkers who care about spiritual community. Together we are building a better world. And there are many geniuses that are contributing to the quality of life on this planet who may not fully realizing the value of their contribution. Thank you all. Lets stay focused on what really counts. What would you like to do about it? ~Young Leonard D. Orr . PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Resurgence of the Feminine, by Fanny Van Laere Regardless of whether we are men or women, each of us has a feminine side and a masculine side. Happiness, emotional and mental balance and the degree of spiritual and personal fulfillment of each person depends completely on the development of their masculine and feminine parts as well as on the balance and harmony between them. Internal imbalance causes external imbalance, which manifests in each person’s life and is also reflected in the type of society that as individuals we contribute to creating. Our society is still basically patriarchal. We are in an era of social and political supremacy of men in which, despite much struggle (and it is true that we have advanced greatly) feminine characteristics are still not valued very highly. It is also common to find that women have lower salaries than men for the same job. There are still very few women who manage to get into politics, and in the majority of homes it is women who normally do the housework even if they work the same number of hours as men. And, sadly, the rates of domestic violence towards women are alarmingly high. Additionally, our civilization has distanced itself from Nature, it has not grown in harmony with natural cycles, it is not organic, it manufacturers pollutants, and it produces unhealthy and genetically-modified food. We are in an era when human beings have tried to compete with Nature instead of collaborating with her and with the wonderful Life Forces that have been created for us. Our rational side has crushed our intuition, our ability to listen and observe, all so necessary for a natural and healthy life. The world has been organized for thousands of years according to structures and ways of thinking that are fundamentally masculine in which technology and rational analysis are overvalued. What does all of this mean? Why has it not been possible yet to build an egalitarian society that respects both sexes and where both feminine and masculine values are recognized? Why do we compete with what is natural instead of collaborating with it and learning from it? In the patriarchal model, the relationships that have been established in families, in business, in politics, in society, in religion and in the minds of the people are relationships of dominance-submission. As Michael Sky says, “Masculine dominance over women creates the model and endorses the dominance of the strong over the weak, the rich over the poor, the owner over the slave, the soldier over the pacifist, the businessman over the farmer, and humanity over animals, plants and ecosystems.” By repressing its feminine side, humanity has created a civilization that represses women and that is disconnected from Nature. This repression, these inequalities and this infantile unconsciousness takes place first within our subconscious and then makes its impression on our cellular memory. The feminine side has always been related more with vulnerability, but it has also been connected to the mystery of creation, to flowing, to surrender, to intuition, to the relationship with the hidden side of life and the creative, intuitive and unifying functions of the right hemisphere of the brain. The masculine side has been related to force, rational thinking, initiative, action, protection and the analytical functions of the left brain. We need a balance between both sides if we want to create a balanced life whether as an individual or as a society. Masculine and feminine energies are found in both men and women. Women channel mainly feminine energies and men mainly masculine energies; our respective physiologies are a reflection of this fact. But, whether we are a woman or a man, in order to be fulfilled individuals we need to have an internal balance of feminine and masculine energies. In our society we lack models for inner fulfillment that reflect this balance. Such models could form the basis for our personal, political and social relationships. To find a remedy for this situation it is essential for us to focus on healing and in overcoming this unsatisfying and painful imbalance. I would like to clarify that the resurgence of the feminine does not mean that men will be subordinate to women. Instead it means establishing a balance between feminine and masculine values in our mental, emotional and social constructs. continued on pg 19...
“Our rational side has crushed our intuition, our ability to listen and observe, all so necessary for a natural and healthy life.”
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Resurgence of the Feminine, by Fanny Van Laere, continued from pg 18 Any relationship that is not cooperative is based on denial. Patriarchy is based on the denial and repression of the feminine side: denial of emotional needs, denial of intuition, of creativity, of the big picture, of the need for spiritual searching and experience; denial of the rights of women and children. The solution to this denial and repression is for each person to look honestly at their life and become conscious of their internal contradictions, of the contradiction between their fundamental beliefs and their lifestyle. This is a crucial step to uncovering the scripts and cellular memories that condition us, and then to shine a light onto them and set off in the direction of transformation and liberation. I have been a Rebirthing professional for fifteen years now and I have had the privilege of supporting many people in their journey of awakening. Rebirthing is based on the practice of sessions of connecting or circular breathing, on spiritual psychology and on spiritual purification. After an in depth practical study of the eight happiness inhibitors, or human traumas which have been identified in Rebirthing (now Leonard actually added one) and after studying the most effective ways to overcome the cellular memories that block personal and spiritual fulfillment, I decided to add “the repression of the feminine” as a ninth trauma, as it became obvious to me that it is one of the major factors that stands in the way of individual and societal evolution. In fact, the nine traumas are interrelated and are all connected to each other. For example, the birth trauma is largely due to the lack of sensitivity of health professionals and to the lack of respect of women’s and babies’ rights. This is a consequence of the repression of the feminine. It is likely that all of human traumas originate in the repression of the feminine. Fortunately more and more people who, unsatisfied with their lifestyle and with the current social models, ask themselves profound questions about life and orient themselves toward inner transformation. This inner transformation leads to outer transformation. More and more women want to take charge of their life and recover their natural power, and more and more men want to recover their sensitivity and be able to act with an open heart. We are living in a fascinating time of conscious change and awakening. But these changes are still fragile and we need to feed and take care of them, just as we would with a seedling that we wanted to grow up to be strong with strong roots. The development of consciousness, which is each person’s individual responsibility, brings us to creating (or remembering) new paradigms such as co-operative relationships, conscious, loving and responsible parenthood, and social transformation. It brings us toward healthier eating, the development of natural medicine and alternative therapies, respect for the environment, energy sources that do not pollute, etc. A few years ago I wrote the book “El Resurgir de lo Femenino” (“the Resurgence of the Feminine”) in order to help my clients, and people in general, to get more in touch with their feminine side and achieve more balance and happiness. It is now being translated and will be soon available in English. It has been written like a manual and includes many affirmations and exercises and is a great tool for yourself and to guide your clients. ~Fanny Van Laere. “I read ‘the resurgence of the feminine’ after noticing that a fair amount of potential female clients felt turned off by the idea of working with a male Rebirther. The book helped me to understand their deep emotional reasoning behind this and get in touch with the difficulties of the modern woman. As men we don’t often notice the damage that the constant, often subliminal, patriarchal regime has on our female counterparts. Now I am able to help women on a deeper, more fundamental level. It also made me aware of the damage it is doing to men, and to myself, especially as an Englishman. Our denial of our emotions is not just an issue with repression and lack of sensitivity; it also leads to a pathological state both individually and on a collective, sociological level.” ~Joe Jennings g
Resurgence of the Feminine (English and Spanish) -In print December 2011! Pre-order now from the Inspiration University Bookstore for $12.00 USD. See the I.U. Booklist on pages 20 -21. PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Inspiration University Bookstore Books by Leonard Orr
Price / Quantity
About Your Femininity - By A Man: The Spiritual Power of Menstruation (booklet)……………………………................... $5.00 _______ Abundance & Scarcity -Clarity About Money (newsprint)……………………………...…………………………………... ..1.00 _______ Babaji: Angel of the Lord -On Mahavatar Babaji ……………………………………………………………………………... 12.00 _______ Bhartriji: 2000 Year Immortal Yogi -Includes Bhartriji’s Most Famous Scriptures …….…………………………………… 15.00 _______ Breaking the Death Habit -Introduction to Physical Immortality & 8 Immortals ……………………………….…………… 15.00 _______ Breath Awareness -Development, Discussion, & Practical Guide to Understanding & Using the Breath…….….. 15.00 _______ The Common Sense of Physical Immortality -Death is a Grave Mistake!……………………………….............................. 12.00 _______ Fire -As Important as Food or Water for Human Health ……………………………………….....…………......................... 12.00 _______ Healing Cancer -Leonard’s Personal Story of Emotional & Physical Healing…………………………….......................... 10.00 _______ Healing the Death Urge -A Practical Guide for Victory …………………………………................................................... 12.00 _______ The Healing Manual -Manual for Self-Healing, available in English or Spanish (select one)............................................ 15.00 _______ The Healing Power of Birth & Rebirth -Accounts the births of Leonard’s Children, a Guide for Rebirthing Infants….………………… 10.00 _______ How to Become a $100,000/year Rebirther Breathworker -Practical Guide for Successful Self-Employment ….…………….... 15.00 _______ Introduction to the Shiva Purana -Designed for the Western Mind (newsprint) ……………………………….…………… ..1.00 _______ The New Renaissance -Transcendence & Spiritual Purification, Rebirthing Money & Politics……………….……………. 15.00 _______ The New Rebirthing Book -Compilation of Breath Awareness, The Healing Manual, The Healing Power of Birth & Rebirth, & The Story of Rebirthing Breathwork…………………………………….................................................................................... 40.00 _______ The Owner’s Manual for Human Beings -The Eternal Fundamentals for Human Mastery of Mind, Body & Spirit ….…………….. ..8.00 _______ Personal Energy Management -Winning the Spiritual Purification Game…………………………………………................ 12.00 _______ Physical Immortality -Edited by Babaji in 1980………………………………………..………………..…………………….. 15.00 _______ Physical Immortality for Christians -The 5 Immortals of the Bible, & Comparative Religious Exploration....…………….. 15.00 _______ Prosperity Consciousness Consultation I -A Practical Guide for Self-Employment………………………………………. 20.00 _______ Prosperity Consciousness Consultation II -The Money Seminar……………………………………………………………. 20.00 _______ Prosperity Consciousness Consultation III -The Energy of Success $20………………………………………. ……….. 20.00 _______ The Secrets of Youthing - Leonard’s Senility Process & the Shiva Kalpa Rite of Rejuvenation…………………………… 15.00 _______ The Story of Rebirthing Breathwork -Unique Perspective from the Founder……………………………………………… 15.00 _______ The Truth About Money -Understanding & Mastering Money & Local Money Systems…………………………………. 22.00 _______
Tapes & CDs By Leonard Orr: The Original Money Seminar -The 4 Laws of Wealth, A Powerful Tool to Build Prosperity Consciousness (4 tapes/CDs)…………… 50.00 The Famous Money Seminar -90’ Extracted From the Original Version – Powerful & Practical………………………… 12.00 The Money Seminar part 1 -The Earning Law – The 1st Law of Wealth (1 CD)…………………………………………….. 10.00 The Rebirth Seminar -Created in 1975, Rebirthing & Biggies of Human Trauma (2 tapes/3 CDs)……………………………................. 18.00 Physical Immortality Today -Leonard’s Personal Healing Process and Adventure Into Body Mastery (2 tapes)………… 18.00 Adventures in Spiritual Mastery -A Dynamic & Inspiring Lecture (1 tape/CD)……………………………………………... 10.00 The Science of Personal Aliveness -The Lifestyle of the Immortal Yogi Masters (1 tape/CD)………………................. 10.00 Unraveling the Birth Death Cycle -The Alternatives to Physical Death – Excellent Inspiration (2 tapes/CDs)…………... 18.00 Babaji & Spiritual Purification -Stories & Spiritual Principles (1 tape/CD)………………………………………………….. 10.00 Ultimate Healers -The Power of the Mind and the Breath (1 tape/CD)…………………………………………………….. 10.00 Intuitive Aarati - A Translation Into Common English, Includes the 108 Names of God (1 tape/CD)……………………. 10.00 Weight & the 5 Biggies The Underlying Reasons for Overweight (2 tapes/CDs)………………………………............... 18.00 Money & the 5 Biggies Understanding Relationship with Money (2 tapes/CDs)………………………………………….. 18.00 $100,000/Year Rebirthers Practical Steps to Achieve This Income (2 tapes/CDs)……………………………................ 18.00 The Business of Self-Improvement How to be successful in the Self-Improvement Business (2 tapes/CDs)…………. 18.00 As A Man Thinketh -Leonard’s Positive Version, Induces Powerful Transformation (1 tape/CD)………………………… 10.00 Intuitive Breathing -An Introduction to Rebirthing Breathwork (1 tape/CD) ………………………………………………. 10.00 Teeth Affirmations -You Can Heal Your Teeth (1 tape/CD) ………………………………………………………………… 10.00 The Psychology & Enlightenment of Leonard Orr (1 tape/CD) ……………………………………………………………….. 10.00 The Prophecy Conference -Babaji & the Prophecies (1 tape/CD) ………………………………………………………….. 10.00
The Shiva Purana Most Ancient & Greatest Scripture (Vol. I-IV, sold individually) ………………………………………. 30.00 The Shiva Purana (Vol. I-IV) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 108.00 The Bhagavad Gita -Sacred Verses, Healing Sounds -A Selection of Verses Read By Deepak Chopra (2 tapes)……. 17.00 Thirumandiram, by Shri Siddhar Thirumoolar -A Classic of Yoga & Tantra by an Immortal Siddha Yogi (III Vol. Set)…. 35.00 The Philosophy of Goraknath -The Philosophy of Babaji Himself…………………………….…………………………… 20.00 Herakhan Baba Speaks Teachings of Babaji During His Ministry in the U.S. between ’91 & ’93……………………….. ..Free The Essene Gospel of Peace -Teachings of Jesus about Earth, Air, Water & Fire……………..………………………… ..1.00
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Babaji & Mantras Picture of Babaji -Portrait, Laminated (5.5 x 7 inches, color) ……………..……………………………..……………………. 10.00 Poster of Babaji -Choose One: Babaji Giving Blessings (18 x 24 inches, BW) –or- Babaji Laughing (color)…………… 10.00 Have Guru Darshan -Video of Babaji with new, exclusive footage (VHS or PAL) ……………………..…………………. 20.00 Babaji & the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition By M. Govindan -Babaji & the 18 Immortals…………..………… 20.00 Aarati -Devotional Songs in Sanskrit, Live in Herakhan, including Babaji Singing Mantras (CD) ……..……………….. 20.00 Aarati Booklet -Words of Sanskrit Songs……………..……………………………..………………………………………… ..3.00 Aum Namaha Shivaiya By Robert Gass -The Beautiful Classic Meditative Chanting of the Mantra (CD) ……………... 20.00 Bliss By Robert Gass -Very Beautiful, Etheric Version of Aum Namaha Shivaiya (CD) ……………………………….. 20.00 I Am Harmony – A Book About Babaji By Radhe Shyam……………………………..……………………………………….. 20.00
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SubTotal (this page) $ ______________
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Inspiration University Bookstore Conscious Eating & Living
Price / Quantity
Eating -The No. 1 Killer in the U.S. Today –Excellent Information (VHS or DVD) .………………………………. .........$13.00 _______ 12 Steps to Raw Foods, by Victoria Boutenko……………..……………………………..…………………………….. ...........12.00 _______ Nature’s First Law: The Raw Food Diet, by Arlin, Dini & Wolf -Why Choose Raw Foods? …………………....... ...........15.00 _______
Physical Immortality & Mastery
Living with the Himalayan Masters, cy Swami Rama -Great Personal Quests for Truth & Enlightenment……... ...........19.00 ...........50.00 Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, by B. Spalding -Meeting with Immortals, Classic (VI Vol. Set)…..... ...........16.00 Dancing with Death thru Senility into Eternality By Toni Delgado We Can Survive Senility – Tools & Insights……...... ...........12.00 Beyond Mortal Boundaries By Analee Skarin -Light on Transfiguration ………………………………………………... ...........10.00 The Immortalist, by Alan Harrington -One of the First American Books on Physical Immortality – Very Good………... .............6.00 Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda -Truth & Self-Mastery, Meetings with Immortal Masters........... Together Forever By CBJ Living Physical Immortality…………………………………………………………………..............9.00 Saints Who Raised the Dead -400 Documented Cases of Resurrection………………………………………….... ...........18.50 Conquest of Death, by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely -We Can Prolong Our Life Far Beyond Our Imagination….................5.00 Why Die? by Herb Bowie - A Beginner’s Guide to Living Forever…………………………………………………................13.00
Enlightened Birthing & Parenting
Birth Without Violence, by Frederick Leboyer -The Extraordinary Book that Revolutionized Birthing in the West…...... 17.00 ...........40.00 Ecstatic Birth, by Binnie Dansby -The Impact of Birth & How to Create the Birth You Want (CD Rom)…………….. ...........30.00 Gentle Birth Choices, by Barbara Harper -6 Women Giving Birth, Empowering & Educational, VHS......................... ...........45.00 Water Babies -Peaceful Waterbirthing in an Enlightened Hospital, Includes Breech Birth & Birth of Twins(VHS)... ...........40.00 Born In Water -Power, Awareness, Gentleness & Wisdom in a Beautiful Collection of 7 Waterbirths……………….. The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, by Thomas Verny -Babies in Utero are Feeling, Responsive Beings...............................15.00 Birth As We Know It, by Elena Tonetti -Beautiful documentary of women birthing in Black Sea by student of Igor Charkovsky including multi-orgasmic birth! (DVD)................................................................................................. ..........45.00
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Personal Growth & Healing Never Say Die! The Making of a Healer, by Pauline Avis & David McNab - Excellent Book on Rebirthing…………. 20.00 Natural Vision Improvement, by Janet Goodrich -Best Book on Vision Improvement – See Clearly Without Glasses.. ...........28.00 Essays on Creating Sacred Relationships, by Sondra Ray -A New Paradigm in Relationships………………………. ...........12.00 All In the Name of Love, by Glenn & Barbara Smyly -Mastering Loving Relationships……………………………….... ...........18.00 You Don’t Have to Die, by Harry Hoxsey -The Cure for Cancer Exists – Herbal, Effective, No Side-Effects……….. ...........15.00 Breathing the Rhythm of Success, by Viola Edward -Identifying & Transforming One’s Personal Law……………….. ...........10.00 The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, by Peter Kelder -The 5 Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation………………….. ...........13.00 The Love / Breath / Laughter CD -Continuous “I Love You”, “Connected Breathing,” or “Laughter” (choose one).... ...........15.00 The Christ of India -The Spiritual Training of Jesus in India (booklet)…………………………………………………. .............5.00 As A Woman Thinketh, Leonard Orr’s Positive Version, Read by Ariel Sutter (1 CD)……………………………….. ...........10.00 The 7 Inhibitors to Bliss, by Pauline Win.………………………………………………………………………………… ...........20.00 Book of Devotion, by Sara Dawn, inspirational prose to uplift your spirit. “A modern day Rumi!”.................................... .............7.00 Of Heaven and Earth, by Sara Dawn, inspirational prose to uplift your spirit. “A modern day Rumi!”.................. .............7.00 Earth, Air, Water, Fire; Mankind’s most Ancient Healing System, by Sara Dawn, ideal for new clients & trainings..... .............7.00
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Past Lives Return From Heaven, by Carol Bowman -Children Reincarnated In the Same Family – Amazing and Delightful!...... 8.00 _______ Journey of Souls, by Michael Newton -Case Studies of Living Human’s Past Experiences After Death……………… ...........15.00 _______ Destiny of Souls, by Michael Newton -More Case Studies of Living Human’s Past Experiences After Death………. ...........15.00 _______
Rebirthing Breathwork Eternal Breath -The Biography of Leonard Orr, by Pola Churchill ~A Beautiful Collection of Information about the Life and Development of Leonard Orr, published in 2007; 260 pages…….……………………………………………… ...........35.50 Breathe, by Sissel Tvedte –focuses on theuse our lungs to invigorate our bloodstream, give power to our brain cells, and life force to our bodies, also effects on our inner being; half a breath is only half a life………..….......... ...........10.00 Conscious Breathing, by Seth Bartlet. Learn conscious connected breathing. Includes guided exercises, full description of the practice, and wonderful client testimonials………………………...……………………………................. free Rebirthing and Spiritual Purification, by Fanny VanLaere, available in English or Spanish (select one)............... ............10.00 The Resurgence of the Feminine, by Fanny VanLaere, available in English or Spanish (select one)................... ............12.00 The Manual for Rebirthers, by Fanny VanLaere and Leonard Orr, available in English or Spanish (select one)................12.00
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DVD’s Rebirthing, by Pablo Torres-Includes English and Spanish versions. Filmed in Spain, Aug 2009 during a rebirthing and Spiritual Purification training with Leonard Orr and Fanny Van Laere. Rebirthing as a lifestyle.................15.00 Physical Immortality –Leonard Orr speaks at Unity Church of Sedona, about living, dying, and everything in-between. Decades of experience with breathwork, diet, water, and fire purification, with candor and humor…................... ............15.00 The Money Fix, by Alan Rosenblith -feature length documentary exploring society’s relationship with money, while most of us take the monetary system for granted, it has silent and profound implications for everyone….... ............15.00 The Money Masters –How banks create and control the world’s money. Quotes on the reality and abusiveness of the money system by former presidents and politicians throughout U.S. history………………................ 40.00
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21 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
RBI Rebirther Breathworker Directory 2011 USA (1) AR: Molly Parkes (501) 594-5591 -AR Membership Coordinator AZ: Christina Smith (480) 947-0543 * Shelly Somerville (520) 620-1037 * Lynne Spinks (480) 767-3212 / 628-3212 CA: Yasoda Susan Deschenes (707) 822-5449 –RBI National Events Coordinator * Laz Jefferson (415) 246-0209, CA-Membership Coordinator * Bill Chappelle 310-399-1638 Carol Cilliers 925-606-9663 * Christie Vickers (707) 823-2210 Craig Ferree (760) 808-1541 * Dee Dee Chappelle 310-3991638/ 490-4222 * Denise Judson (415) 221-8007 /823-2935 Donna Lumsden (530) 836-0828 * Franc Tausch (800) 8157322 * Howard Wexler (310) 396-3416 Joanna Bloem (310) 656-0305 * Lucas Fox (925) 962-8654 Mahendra, aka Briksha (415) 642-4776 / 503-7802 Manny Stamatakis (949) 581-1062 * Marielle (415) 577-9836 Natalie Oshea (310) 577-9124 Samantha Bonavia (805) 962-3563 * Senem Iren (818) 5085820 * Stephen Johnson (310) 276-9598 / (818)348-8948 Susun Oneglia (707) 677-0909 * Rebecca Funder (408) 802 1080 * Alejandro Chaves (347) 239-0249 Meenal Chaudhari (408) 823 5118 CO: Sage Stewart (720) 628-2167 Kris Cassidy (719)200- 2929 CT: Eilis Philpott (203) 372-6551 * Lois Grasso (860) 796-1480 Wahington, DC : Ayo Handy Kendi (202) 667-2577 FL: Denise Dobbs (954) 815-1397 -RBI Membership Coordinator * Betty Ritchie 772-562-3681* Bianca Ponce 813817-6292 * Bolivar Masoud (786) 200-0000 * Claudia Albaerez (786) 286-9448 * Cristiane Assuncao (561) 542-4910 * Franceen King (813) 971 8808 * Glen & Barbara Smyly (813) 996-3659 * Johane Rutledge (954) 943-7422 –RBI-Certified Rebirther * Rev. Katie Powers (239) 810-8080 Michael Robins (386) 427-4617 * Miriam Meija (305) 595-4353 Nilyem Valero (305) 305-7877 * Ricardo Mazur (786) 2630740 * Rick Markus (954) 257-5183 Sharda Collard (727) 363-0800 * Shila Pina (954) 812-5081 / (305) 394 6947 * Sula De Paula (561) 330-8098 Thomas Hayden (727) 289-1735 GA: Ananda - Holly Fuerst (561) 603-6808 HI: Juliana Swanson (808) 430-5989 IL: Jahn & Qi (773) 517-8326 * Jim Rorhbach (708) 328-3365 Steve Genser (773) 561-0920 Yvonne Yosseif (773) 457-6284 MA: Dan Brulé (508) 995-7574 * Debbie Ennis (978) 2578062,ext. 0 * Rosana Gijsen (617) 230-9303 MD: George Kalish (301) 384-4866 * Jessica Dibb (410) 9989777 * Marion Porter (301) 879-0212 MI: Zenzile 269-586-4012 * Pat Krajovic (734) 416-5200 * Dave Krajovic (734) 416-5200 MN: Dr. Aaron Flickstein (952) 925-2225 * Coleen Buckman (612) 669-0794 * Deanna Reiter (651) 238-7248 Susan Shehata (612) 721-2889 MO: Daniel & Barbara Condron - College of Metaphysics (417) 345-8411 * Victoria Hammond, MA, PLPC (573) 674-2699 NC: Tama Dickerson III, * Emily Cross, NJ: Jim Zarnowski (732) 775-7820 * Sylvia Nielsen (201) 251-9406 - speaks Spanish only NM: Toni Delgado (505) 382-8771 Kelley Elkins (505) 382-8771 NV: Ginny Tiernan (775) 851-1208
NY: Peace Arnold, LMT (917) 579-1449 -RBI Certified Rebirther; RBI Global Coordinator, RBI Coordinator NYC Mirta Velardo (914) 382-7880 -RBI Certified Rebirther; RBI NY Membership Coordinator - Spanish Speaking Community Georgiana Borda, 631-793-7689 * Sara Virtuoso, LMT (Islip) 631-581-7669 * Jack Allison (518) 435-0393 Malou Thein, LMT / Medicine Lodge Clinic (212) 414-9435; (646) 279-7779 * Rebecca Spath (212) 420-9607 Ramiosis Ramirez Javier 347-202-7888 / 646-260-4592 * Melba Ariza (718) 288-3863 * Lora Colucci (518) 428-4123 Marc Goldblatt (607) 432-0751 * Sandra Pina (718) 380-7779 Steven Weiss / Medicine Lodge Clinic (212) 414-9435 Charlotte Friedman (212) 362-0015 * Wendy Padob (917) 648-4410 OH: Lawanna Rine (330) 878-7379 OR: Aaron Overstreet (503) 290-6496 –RBI Oregon Membership Coordinator * Elizabeth Hamilton (541) 991-2271 Matthew Yegge (541) 548-6440 * Steven Tarnovsky (901) 482-3637 (Eugene) PA: Pat Krajovic (734) 416-5200 * Dave Krajovic (734) 416520 * Ken Sherwood SC: Dorothea Lieberman (803) 396-9912 TN: Juliana Ericson (615) 482-3535 TX: Bill Gray (713) 524-5500 * Bill Wilkes (281) 463-5000 * Frieda Fox (713) 649-3209 * Liah Holtzman (713) 784-7445 Susan Bushong (512) 444-8504 * Susan Shorr (210) 4374522 * Janie Thorpe Cooke (512) 847-5899 Bruce Hurta (281) 384-2595 * Linda L. Fletcher (713) 4654178 * Christopher Bridges (361) 676-4552 / 564-9240 Jason Edward Fry (773) 870-0926 UT: Brunil Hernandez (801) 607-0615 * John Weyenmeyer (801) 281-3531 VA: Leonard and Elvi Orr (540) 885-0551 * Peace Arnold (917) 579-1449 - RBI Certified Rebirther * Denise Dobbs (954) 815-1397 * Abby Shirkey * Beverly K. Joyce (434) 980-8442 * Bhakti Foster (540) 292-1142 Bonnie Johns (540) 290-7659 * David Boudouris * Nannette Morrison (434) 293-7547 Rob Sherwood (540) 987-8596 * Shiva Alain Hervé (434) 969-4400 * Tom Kozelka (703) 354-9048 WA: Seth Bartlett (360) 299-9479 WI: Jim Morningstar (414) 962-0213 * Kesha Engel (414) 403-6913 CANADA (1) AB: Piotr Rajski (780) 482-5353 * ON: Tamara Penn (416) 544-9244 * Pier Olivier Arsenault (819) 685-2000 QC: Claude Charlebois (514) 628-0574 * Helena Marcoux (514) 793 2223 ARGENTINA (54) Daniel Coates: * Klaudia Dorda 011-4941-6281 * Jessica Grumberg 011-4826-3175 Mabel Fusinato 03492-422723 * Pablo Churin 011-4941-6281 Patricia Consoli 011-4701-4528 Tamara Dafne Tsintsinis (911) 5 414 0831 * Graciela Rodríguez (911) 4792-4040 / 5401 1040 AUSTRALIA (61) Pauline Parvati Win (03) 9017 5930 * Daniel Coates 42542 5390 * Daniella Finkenauer (02) 66-228523 Robyn Fernance (02) 4959-6619 * Kym Byatt (04) 0510-7165 Michael Constable (04) 03-425-627 Ned Wolf (08) 9417-4741 * Lynette Field (07) 4972-1548 or 4972-1404 AUSTRIA (59) Hans Petsk 664/104-6850 (Murek)
22 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
BELGIUM (32) Rose Windels,, RBI Events Coordinator * Frank Looman +31 316 52 75 47 RBI Membership Coordinator * David Ost 05-442-3248 Rose Windels 02-346-2263 or 04-9748-2550. BOLIVIA (59) Maria Rosario Sanchez 13-333-4879 or 13-343-3061 Marco Valderrama 1-3343-0320 or 7163-1135 BRAZIL (55) Ananda Elaine Chiochetta (048) 292-6794 ramal 31 or 99586653 * Rafaela Grandi (55) 54-3222-5884 or (54-9982-5030 Antonio Carlos Correa (Tom Cau) (47) 3455-0482 CZECH REPUBLIC (1) Martin Bartosek -, CHILE (56) Astrid Brinck 2-512-0255 - COLOMBIA (57) Carlos Mario Velez 4-2680748 or 4-2884976 CYPRUS NORTH (90) Viola Edward 392-8244-395 or 533-867-3685 ESTONIA (372) Tilt Polla 372-512-9842 (Viljandimaa) Certified Rebirther FRANCE (33) Anne Marie de Vinci (trainer) 01 64 98 01 62 * Claire Le Saget 01 30 24 73 65 * Jean Marc Jacot 01 45 44 72 87 Margot Borden 06 19 97 33 67 * Michele Villa Campa 01 45 32 27 63 * Regine Damon 04 93 71 88 98 * Mona Slek 01 70 28 79 42 * Urwana Shandar 02 97 21 24 30 * Luc Enaut 04 68 25 86 30 GERMANY (49) Heike Strombach, RBI Membership Coordinator 02269/528 Werner Plate 0241/608 8300 GREECE (30) Katia Boustani +30 6976878528; (Athens), RBI Coordinator for Greece, HONG KONG Magdalena Fung 852-6107-1370 (SHANKIWAN) - HUNGARY (36) Robert Bor - 70 7744 907 (Budapest) - INDIA (91) Chitra Kaul (Gurgaon); mobil 9873181090 * Jyothi Voora 0442376-6488 * Kavita Bhausar 9892-333-339 Dr. Lakshmi 040-2374-3989 * Mala Kaul 011-2853-8707 Namita Mangal 98-1214-9800 * Dr. K. Newton 040-2374-3989 Manju Vasu 044-2475-9303 * Sheeba Loganey 01128755403 * Shymala 098-9206-0456 or 022/2821-9323 Sujatha 041-3222-7573 Dr. Kavita Chandrashekhar 9890881484 ISRAEL (972) Raanan Gidron 524 687096 OYS Isreal * Sergio Daniel Szir 050-7461878 ITALY (39) Alfredo Galbusera 035/79 30 41 pr 338/813-8475 -RBI Membership Coordinator-Italy * Arianna Bitti 340.2181001 Cristiano Verducci 347 34 54 184 * Ornella Baronchelli 034623-578 * Luca De Santis +39-389-4333150 LITHUANIA (370) Dalia Beata Kasmauskaite, (Kaunas); MALAYSIA (60) SS. Jayabalan 012438-8938 (Sungai Petani-Kedha) MEXICO (52) Leonardo Estrada Mendez 56-883-857 (Col Churubusco)
NETHERLANDS (31) Rose Windels,, RBI Events Coordinator * Frank Looman +31 316 52 75 47 -RBI Membership Coordinator * Ariel Sutter 624 34 51 16 Khalid Ansari (020) 632-2535 * Lajos Barsony 020/6721006 Lotus Zweers 020/6723478 NEW ZEALAND (64) Pauline Avis McNab and David McNab 7-853-3346 * Haille Denniston 06-368-6204 * Mary Marsh 04-479-5119 POLAND (48) Iwona and Krzysztof Pesla - PORTUGAL Teresa Agular -, RBI Membership Coordinator * Marinelia Leal Facote - 351 919505281 RUSSIA (7) Galina Shibaeva 095-302-3272 * Luba Bogdanova 095-3188518 * Inga Koryagina +7 910 4567 738 Irina V. Kalinicheko 8(86167)64-1-59, 8-928-278-22-33 SOUTH AFRICA (27) Hilde Light 082 599-4892 - RBI Certified Rebirther Zanna & Gustav Schilbach 021-789-2135 SPAIN (34) Fanny Van Laere 626-067-846 -RBI Membership Coordinator Irene Jové Baumann 610 26 27 92 -RBI MembershipCoordinator * Lola Griso & Manuel Vancells 972-64-24-92 – RBI Coordinators * Jesus Meca 636 888 552 -RBI Trainer * Sara Dawn 620-71-7791 * Salvador Cardenes 671 609779; 922 275732 -RBI coordinator * Silke Modersohn 620641200 922544673 RBI Events Organizer * Mavi Carreres 962 783017-671 501 146 -RBI Organizer * Alejandro Iturmendi 637723-871 * Beverley Vaijanti Pugh 629-867-785 * Enrique Belzuz 609-502-843 * Fernando Gomez Toleddno 91-7269440 * Francisca Antunez 690-204-783 * Manuel Rodriguez Alejandre 972-79-4131 * Marta Cubas 914-424-027 Ofelia Lorenzo 913-162-366 * Ramon Rueda 954-38 59 56 Salvador 620-264-086 -RBI coordinator Susan Olalla 952-444-926 * Veronica Guiluscio 679-471-296 Estrella Del Pozo and Tony Verd 971830646 & 648751371 SWITZERLAND (41) Josef Bründler 55/21229 46 TURKEY (90) Humeyra Tumay 212-325-8970 or 0532-217-3455 (Istanbul) UK (44) Fanny Van Laere 7544308080 -RBI Coordinator * Joe Jenning 077 0476 9098 * Nicolas de Knoop 01342 825 337; 0797 953 2081 * Claire Baker 0208 367 0136 * Diana Roberts 0171-834-6641 * Jane Okondo 0208-318-9466 John Hussian 0208-289-0926 * Linda Scott 01324-612-578 or 07708-570-832 * Maeve Tornero 02074333242 Mel Freitas 079-30 33 62 41/020-87 49 60 41 * Rashmi Khilnany 02073702441 * Roy Muir Tom Morrison 020 7263 5920 or 07799-624 * Shashi Mehra 0208-814-2221 * Sheelagh Bissett 020 7263 5920 or 07986-697-819 (London) * Lisa Hatton 0845 45 00 949 or 020 7723 7628 UKRAINE (38) Makurina Evjenija 0482-371494 and 067 4843928 VENEZUELA (58) Barbara Malinowski Dymkoviez 753-5770 and 0412-722-5288 Venezuela Rebirthing Center - Layla Edward 0212 2867841 an 0414 338 7579 Disclaimer: RBI lists any Breathworker who pays their dues. Neither RBI nor any person can guarantee the quality of any Rebirthing Breathwork session. Clients should interview breathworkers and take responsibility for the quality of their sessions. Students complaints will cause us to delete names from the above list. Your feed back is important to us. We don’t support group Rebirthing.
23 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai Autumn 2011
Leonard Orr’s 2011-12 World Schedule 2012 January 3-4 California, San Diego, contact Laara Israhel,
Happy Birthday Leonard!
2011_____________________________________ November 2011 –USA, Virginia, Leonard’s Advanced Leadership Rebirthing Training (and special Birthday week!) Contact Peace Arnold, (917) 579-1449 December 10-18 2011 –USA, Florida, Ft.Lauderdale, Advanced Leadership Training, Contact Denise Dobbs: (954) 815-1397, December 31, 2011 –USA, Phoenix, AZ, lecture at Raw Spirit Festival. Visit
7-15 -USA, California, Redwood Valley, 9-Day Training Contact Corine Pearce, January 21-29 –USA, Virginia, Waynesboro RBI Training Center 9-Day Training Contact Peace Arnold, (917) 579-1449 Argentina, Buenos Aires, February 4-12, Cordoba, February 18-26 –Contact Sofia Sagales, and Adriana Nielsen, (54) 4802-8930 March 5 – May 4 –BRAZIL, lectures, 9 day trainings, 3 week Professional Training, and South American Convention. Contact Tom Cau, (47) 3455-0482 June 8-17 –USA, California, 8th Annual Return to the Sacred, Sierraville Hotsprings Breathwork Training & Retreat, Contact Yasoda Susan Deschenes,
You can Renew yo ur RBI Membe rships and Subscribe Onlin e at: w w w . C o n s c i o u s C o n n e c t i o n O n l i n e . c o m The Co nsc io us Connec tio n, Edi ted by Sar a Daw n
Sara Dawn began her journey with breathwork in 2002, and has been a member of RBI since 2003. She has remained active in the Rebirthing community, giving high quality individual sessions, seminars, and is the founder of Currently she travels to different parts of the world giving and assisting in trainings with her husband Jesus Meca. For more information about Sara visit Send your articles, feedback, and questions to be submitted for the Conscious Connection to:
Volunteer Opportunities & Work trades * Building Spiritual Community at RBI Rebirthers are always welcome to work at the training center in Virginia, and be guest trainers if qualified. Volunteers are welcome to move to Virginia and be part of our Spiritual Community, for 3 months on a tourist visa or as permanent residents.
RBI Headquarters PO Box 1026 Staunton, VA 24402 USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax:-0551
Leonard D. Orr is looking for Rebirthers who are willing to work on salary for a corporation giving 9 or 10 sessions a week to employees. Contact To coordinate a meeting of Rebirthers in your state, country, or becoming an RBI State/Province Membership Representative for the US and Canada contact Peace:
24 RBI * PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *