Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
The Conscious Connection
Autumn 2012
Official Newsletter of Rebirth International
w w w . C o n s c i o u s C o n n e c t i o n O n l i n e . c o m
The Dynamics of OPE, EEP and Spiritual Purification
• The Dynamics of OPE, EEP and Spiritual Purification by Leonard D. Orr pgs 1-5 • Rebirthers Special Holiday Convention RBI Headquarters, Virginia, USA
pg 6
• A Current Invitation from Immortals by Leonard D. Orr
pg 6
• eBooks & Audios New -Online Video! pg 7 • RBI Trainings with Leonard Orr and RBI Staff
pgs 8-11
• 1008 Immortal Friends Club
pg 12
• Meeting Leonard by Adelina Alfaro
pg 13
• Memory, EEP, and the Transcendental State by Leonard D. Orr pgs 14-15 • RBI Membership
pg 16
• Inspiration University SALE! pg 11 Booklist & Order form pgs 17 - 21 • RBI Directory
pgs 22 - 23
• Leonard Orrʼs Schedule pg 24
by Leonard D. Orr OPE stands for other people’s energy. EEP stands for emotional energy pollution. These are the same with different connotations: the energy and information we might pick up from other people can be either positive or negative. EEP connotes mostly negative. Both OPE and EEP usually feels negative to us. SP stands for Spiritual Purification. I will start with a vivid example. During a recent 9 day training I was leading, I gained 3 kilos of body weight on the third day. I lost 2 kgs by breathing in the bath in the evening, sleeping with a fire all night, and breathing in my morning bath. The fourth day I gained another 3 kgs during my one hour presentation. So then I had a net gain of 4 kgs. I got rid of 3 kgs in the next 24 hours with the same routine. Then we had a fast and fire and silence and solitude day for everyone in the training. My regular routine lost 4 kgs and I was back to normal. Then during the next day, I only gained 2 kilos and lost it in 24 hours. And the same on the next day. So the EEP or processing OPE gets lighter as other people in the training do spiritual purification. Often I have experimented and noticed that I lose weight if my trainees do the practices and I don’t. On the last day, I gained only 1 kg. The following day after the training, I weighed one kg less that when I started. In other words, the training worked for me as well as my trainees. In other words, I gained over 10 kg’s that week which is over 20 lbs and also lost it. Spiritual Purification is the key to body mastery. There is a mathematics to spiritual pollution and purification, but it is not at all precise. In other words, we can be exposed to 8 hours of input, and it may take us only a few minutes to shed it. At other times we can get exposed to one hour of input and it might take us 3 days to clean it out of our aura.It depends on the intensity of the input. It doesn’t seem to be related to the number of people we are exposed to. But one of the reasons famous people turn to drugs and alcohol can be to deal with the pain of EEP. It can be experienced objectively as inches, centimeters, kgs or pounds. Or it can be experienced subjectively as -
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
The Dynamics of OPE, EEP and Spiritual Purification, by Leonard D. Orr continued from pg 1 - energy concentrations, or pain. Famous people such as Oprah will never succeed in controlling
their weight without SP, and especially fire. One famous singer says that she lives in her bathtub all day as a part of her lifestyle. As we get more experience with taking on OPE and getting rid of it, we become more aware of how we do it and become more efficient with our practices at doing it. We notice the symptoms of OPE. It is important that we don’t get paranoid about eep, it is just a normal process of being with people. One definition of love is the willingness to process the negative energy of other people. Fear of this natural process or resentment of it makes it worse. Our energy body is so marvelously made that we have a tendency to spin off eep also naturally. And we can also fairly easily get rid of it with the earth, air, water, and fire practices, after we learn them. We have an energy body as well as a physical body. Our energy body creates and can take good care of our physical body if we cooperate with it and respect it. We have to learn how to clean and balance our ENERGY BODY. Sometimes on the first day of a training I have as many as 10 bowel movements. I have totally normal, healthy, ten bowel movements and I pee every ten minutes. Is this the body taking care of my soul? Has your body taken care of your soul during your whole life? It is important for us to become aware of the dynamics of energy, EEP and Spiritual Purification, otherwise we may interpret all these temporary symptoms and medical problems, go to a doctor, and create more problems on top of them. We also become more aware of what experiences cost in terms of personal comfort or pain and whether or not we are willing to pay this cost in terms the discomfort of the EEP and of the Spiritual Purification practices to get back into bliss again. Evaluating energy expenditures is just another value system that can govern our choices and behavior. Mastering SP practices definitely increases our freedom and pleasure of living. Remember, one of the definitions of love is the willingness to process the negative energy of other people. Every one has to deal with this, not just people in the self improvement business or who are conscious. Everyday everyone is either moving into the light or the darkness. I mentioned in an earlier article that I was having trouble with career burnout. Even though I practice the spiritual purification practices every week of the year and have done so since 1981, as I teach them in the 9 day training. I only teach the training because I practice it. The EEP or OPE of others can still overwhelm me. And some of you know about my five year senility course. But since I became a senility graduate in 1993, I have been working fully without many breaks. My goal was to accomplish as much as possible by the end of 2012 and then take a rest. In addition to the obvious symptoms of processing the trainees, they are also currents that have accumulated. When I process a training now, I work with all the ten biggies of human trauma. Some of these things are difficult to deal with. Processing the death urge of others or their senility stuff can be very hard work and subtle currents don’t always become completed. The EEP doesn’t always disappear overnight. It is not only rebirthers or spiritual healers who have this problem. Medical doctors have a tendency to die from their specialty. Psychologists and policemen have a tendency to end in mental hospitals. Figure this one out – dentists are the most likely to commit suicide. Most people die at home. Home is the most dangerous place on earth, if we don’t have the habits of spiritual purification. A high percentage of people die on monday or sunday so they don’t have to go to work. And a big percentage of deaths occur the day after Christmas. And breathworkers who quit because the energy of clients is too intense, get normal jobs. Some times the energy of the workplace is even more intense. And when it is not intense, it is subtle and constant until it takes over and we surrender to it. This is even more terrifying and deadly. Everyone has to deal with this issue of EEP and Spiritual Purification. continued on page 3... 2 PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
The Dynamics of OPE, EEP and Spiritual Purification, by Leonard D. Orr continued from pg 2 I started this current burning out in 2011. Since then, I have been depending more on others to assist me in my trainings. I am very grateful for this assistance. This year I have become totally non-functional a few times. It is interesting to see how long it takes me to get my joy of life back and what practices it takes and how long it takes. Now I am in October 2012, and have only 2 more trainings to go before the bigger rest periods start, when I return home. I am doing good. I am creating a few extra rest days here and there. I have enough discipline to use them properly by fasting and spending the whole day with fire. Every year I am surrounded by more and more competent people. I am very thankful for these people who love themselves and take care of themselves. Competent people who do spiritual purification are easy to be with and a pleasure to work with. Being surrounded by loving. Competent people has got to be one of life’s greatest gifts and supports and pleasures. I am looking at 31 years of giving the 9 Day Trainings. Usually about twenty per year. I created it in 1981. I notice that the people who actually do the practices that they learn in the training after the training are the most likely to return and do the training again. At least one person has done the 9 Day over 200 times. It hasn’t hurt her. Several people have done it with me over 50 times. And many have repeated the 9 Day Training with me over ten times. I live it every week since 1981. It works! That is why I like to share it. I have slept with fire every night since 1981. And I began bathing twice per day several years before that using the connected breathing rhythm. And Babaji taught me the value of fasting in 1978. What bothers me is that so few people learn to live in Spiritual Purification after they experience that it works during the 9 Days. I encourage them to create One Year Seminars to give themselves support. One of the greatest opportunities in the world is to create One Year Seminars. There are many, but we can create more. Some OYS groups bring most of their participants to my 9 Days. They work good together. The alternative is to create weekly support groups. It is good for OYS’s to meet for two days instead of one and do fasting and fire all day on the second day. I think this idea may make a big difference in our movement. Some people seem to have difficulty creating a place for regular fire practice and enjoy the support of a group activity. Many Breathworkers add significantly to their income providing this service. We have yet to create a big team in the Rebirthing and self improvement movement. What I mean by this is a team like one that enables an airplane to take off. Think of the thousands of people working together to make this happen. There is the pilot, the mechanics, the flight attendants. The ticket agents, the baggage handlers, the fuel people, the airport controllers, and all the people that train these people, as well as the manufacturer of the airplane. It will be nice when we can have a powerful, well financed professional Rebirthers Breathworkers organization. A few times I have had fifty rebirthers take 100 new people through their first session. We created a whole new spiritual community in one day, but then at least ten rebirthers have to follow up and complete the ten sessions and create a few One Year Seminars to serve these people. Without ongoing spiritual community the energy and the relationships tend to disappear. This is the idea. We almost had such a team at Theta House in San Francisco. We had at least one seminar every night and a dozen or so Rebirthers working out of the same center. It didn’t last because there just was not enough of us who were totally conscious of what we were doing. Spiritual enlightenment, spiritual purification, and spiritual community have to work together to reach our spiritual potential. continued on page 4... 3
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
The Dynamics of OPE, EEP and Spiritual Purification, by Leonard D. Orr continued from pg 3 Maybe Rebirthing Breathwork is closer to this kind of team work today. We can create more successful adult education centers that have a great team of talented people that know what real transformation is and how to lovingly support each other and the people we serve. Perhaps we can create a team of a few dozen people to create One Year Seminars and lead them. It would be nice to have hundreds or thousands of One Year Seminars in every country. It may take millions of them to have lasting peace on earth. We do know that what we are doing works. Now is the time to do more of what works. One of my goals for the coming year is to build spiritual communities inside of corporations and businesses. Take a good look. Companies cannot survive without the spiritual dimension being “Companies cannot incorporated into their businesses. Gross materialism destroys people as well as their businesses. Even the largest corporations in survive without the the world die in 40 years. No amount of money can save a spiritual dimension being company from the destructive power of the unconscious death urge of the people in the company: owners, management, employees, incorporated into their and ever stock holders. We live in a deathist society. Death is still very popular. It is a conspiracy of ignorance that is rarely talked businesses”. about, but it is happening more. More and more good books are now being offered on the subject. I get more and more inquires in my inbox from people interested in physical immortality. i It will be great to have a team of people with enough self esteem and ability to go into a company and set up a spiritual community within the company that not only serves the company, but nourishes and enlightens every individual we touch. We can create education that really works! Enlightened and fully alive people make good employees as well as leaders. They create more profits and serve the customers better. OPE and Sleep Sleep can be very dangerous, especially over-sleeping. Babaji said that death and sleep is the same thing. So we don’t have to die to find out what it is like. We do it every night. He also said that there is no learning without a body, only unlearning. So we have to unlearn enough to return as an innocent baby. SP is not only necessary to stay in the physical universe, but also to qualify to return to it. Death is an involuntary SP process for people unwilling to do it voluntarily, or are just totally ignorant about Spiritual Purification. Sleep is an escape like death. It is an escape into our feelings or an escape from our feelings. Sleeping through sunrise can be dangerous. It can easily reduce our personal efficiency by 50%. Likewise, arising and bathing before sunrise can double our personal efficiency and creativity and productivity and our pleasure of living. Yogis have told me that when we sleep through sunrise, we absorb stuff from the mass mind. You can experiment and see if this is true. Bathe before sunrise and try a few physical exercises. Then get up after sunrise. Bathe, and do a few exercises. You will be amazed at the difference this makes in your physical body as well as your attitude. If we don’t feel good when we get up early, the reason is that we have suppressed old stuff – the pain body stuff – that we have to process. There are at least 2 things we can do. One is to go to sleep earlier the night before. The other is to go outside and build a fire and set with it at least an hour - continued on page 5... 4
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
The Dynamics of OPE, EEP and Spiritual Purification, by Leonard D. Orr continued from pg 4 -before breakfast. I notice that when I do this, it is good for my appetite. And I notice that if I sleep
late, I don’t have much appetite, because my solar plexus is filled with mud – the mud or noise of OPE. So even though the morning bath didn’t move the yuck out completely, the fire helps. I feel lighter and the hour is a good investment of time, because I get more done the whole rest of the day. And the big payoff, is that there is permanent healing happening that makes it easier to get up early every morning. This new habit accelerates good things in every realm of my life. Getting up before sunrise and bathing is a very good habit. I just did a 3 day fast and spent 3 days with the fire. I am back into energy. It is amazing how little it takes when we do it regularly. The alternative is darkness and death. Now I have boundless energy. We will see how long it lasts before I have to take more days off, and have to fast and enjoy the fire in solitude again. I don’t resent the way abundant life works. It is very pleasurable to be alone with the fire. The pleasure of a free body, free of EEP – I lost over 6 kgs the last 3 days – is as nice as the pleasure and taste of my favorite foods. Solitude is also very pleasurable. Two days ago I felt so miserable that I thought I would have to cancel my last two trainings and go home early. The pain Life is simple to those who in different parts of my body was amazing. Only one day later, I was filled with boundless energy. I feel joy and clarity. know about Spiritual I feel good and happy for no special reason. Life is rich again. Everything is now pleasurable. Purification: simple, joyful, We are either going for the light, love, and joy of life or deeper into the darkness – every day and every month. It is creative, productive, and satisfying when we can notice our spiritual progress. Life can get easier and be more fun. full of peace and energy. Life is simple to those who know about Spiritual Purification: simple, joyful, creative, productive, and full of peace and i energy. Peaceful energy is rich. This is the true riches of life.The purpose of SP is to enable us to feel good all the time. It takes discipline and intention, but it is not difficult. Actually, it is very pleasurable to be with silence, earth, air, water, and fire, and to choose or collect wholesome relationships with high people. Maybe God and nature intended for us to discover spiritual purification and realize our divine potential. When we are fully liberated, there is nothing to do but enjoy the physical universe, as well as our minds. When we have mastered renunciation and become fully realized spiritual beings, there is nothing to do but enjoy the senses. And when we are clean, the senses are sharp and clear. We see more beauty. We hear more intensely, smell more intensely, touch more lovingly, and taste more consciously and deliciously. We also have more control of mind and body, and freedom to do or not. Spiritual ecstasy includes the body fully as a complete sensual, even sexual orgasmic experience. Hundreds of saints levitate as a natural part of their spiritual ecstasy. The only thing that prevented them from being immortal is their limited beliefs in the mind. Our goal is to integrate the body into the conscious life of our eternal spirit. Feeling the unity of spirit and matter is what full aliveness is all about. Notice this! The spirit is always in the transcendental state. And the body is always in the transcendental state waiting for instructions. Both spirit and body are waiting for instructions. What is your mind doing? Truth, Simplicity, and Love, Leonard D. Orr f 5 PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
2012 Special Rebirthers Breather´s Convention & Celebration During the Holidays; Virginia, USA There have been many people all over the world asking for a meeting for all Rebirthing breathworkers from all countries around the world for the purpose of forming an organization and standards of excellence that everyone can discuss and participate in. This invitation is for all breathworkers from all over the world. Please forward this invitation to all the Conscious Breathers that you know. It will be held at the training center in Waynesboro, Virginia, 22980, 200 Parker Heights Road. It will start on the weekend before Christmas, Dec 22, and end on the weekend after new years, January 4th. People desiring to stay home with their family and come after present, no problem. Some of you attending may prefer to spend Christmas at the convention. Leonard D. Orr has offered to present his famous spiritual interpretation of Handel´s Messiah as a part of the Christmas Program. There will be no charge for the convention. It will be good if we can donate generously to the organization. We all only have to cover our own food and lodging. The training center sleeping rooms are already booked. There is an extended stay within walking distance for less than $300 per week. We can organize community meals at the training center. All kinds of facilities are available within walking distance; The RBI training center has abundant places nearby for fires. The article in this newsletter titled, “Rebirthing and Spiritual Purification Trainings” on page 8 contains travel details to the center. As soon as you rsvp with Elvi (see below) she can send you motel details. The weather in Virginia can be sunny in the 70s, or we may have a white Christmas. Make a reservation with Elvi Orr at Please send comments and questions to me at: This may be the largest meeting in the history of the movement, so it is good for you to come as many days as you can. It I look forward to meeting you all soon, - Leonard D. Orr
A Current Invitation from Immortals, by Leonard D. Orr In Spain, friends showed me a new book about immortals. It was in Spanish, but I had the feeling that I had to get copy in English and could not wait. So I tracked down the author and ordered 3 copies of the book. I am glad I did. The title is disarmingly illusive, or I should say innocent. The title is the Wonders of Mebegon Village. The title reminds us of the Wobegon Village of Garison Keller, the famous American humorist, he would love to see this book. The translator is Ashin Kunsal Kassapa. After spending 3 months meditating in a cave in India, he was called to meet a group of immortals in Burma at Mebegon Village. These are real immortals like in the Life and Teaching of the Immortals of the Far East. Some of them are 200, 800, and even 2,200 years in the same body. The English version of the book is a little hard to read, because it was written by a local who lives in a different culture, but plenty clear enough to transmit the energy of these immortals to the reader. Be prepared to get blasted! Not only did I get many powerful internal changes while reading the book, but I realized that they authorized its translation and publication to invite westerners to visit them. They are powerful enough to withstand the curious, even though the visitors are unconscious. This is just another sign that physical immortality is becoming popular and we all have to `come out´ and give more people a chance. During our communication, the author said that he would like to meet. And the timing was perfect, as these things work. We met in Barcelona, and I invited him to my lecture with a very special group of rebirthers and gave him an opportunity to present himself to them. It was a great evening. Ten copies of the English version are on there way to Inspiration University for those interested to order. For the Spanish version you can contact Kunsal´s website. Truth, Simplicity, and Love, f Leonard D. Orr 6
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Summer 2012 Summer 2012
eBooks... • About Your Femininity -explains the powerful role which women - especially women of reproductive years play in sustaining harmony and balance on the planet. A booklet for all women and men. 12 pages.......................$5.00 • Fire - It is as important to human health as water, air, or good food are. 48 pages ……..….……………...…$12.00 • Healing Cancer -Leonard's amazing emotional and physical healing experiences of cancer. 25 pages..….$11.00 • The Healing Manual - revolutionary ideas on diseases, including diabetes, epilepsy, depression. This book is a must-have for anyone on the path of Healing. 132 pages ………………………………………..................…....$15.00 • How to become a $100,000 per year Rebirther - Includes an insightful Q&A section full of valuable information on the Rebirthing Profession. An excellent resource for anyone Self Employed..............................................$15.00 • Introduction to the Shiva Purana - A simple yet profound introduction………..…….................................….$3.00 • Prosperity Consciousness Consultation I - discover work that you love and financial success.…..…..…$20.00 • Prosperity Consciousness Consultation III - be a magnet for success. 14 pages....………………………$20.00 • The New Renaissance - Transform your relationship to politics, government, money and more. 58 pages.$15.00 • The Story of Rebirthing Breathwork - How Rebirthing was born, from the founder himself. 99 pages...…$15.00
New! Online Video Streaming...
• Rebirthing, -by Pablo Torres-Includes English and Spanish versions. Filmed in Spain, 2009 during a rebirthing and Spiritual Purification training with Leonard Orr and Fanny VanLaere. Rebirthing as a lifestyle................$15.00
Audio Mp3ʼs… • New! 2012 & Beyond -Leonard shares his 40 years of study on the prophecies & earth changes.........$12.00 • Babaji and Spiritual Purification -Leonard’s experiences with Babaji and His teachings about Spiritual Purification. Run time: 1 hr, 26 min…................………..……………………...…..…………………………....…$10.00 • Intuitive Aarti -Leonard introducing us to Babaji, includes an English translation of Aarti, and 108 names of the Divine. Run time: 1 hr, 26 min……………………………………………………………….........……………......…$10.00 • Intuitive Breathing -Leonard explains what it means to breathe energy intuitively, having a completed energy cycle, discussions on senility, healing with the elements, and powerful, rich experiences with energy breathing. Run time: 1 hr……………………………………………………………………………………......................…...….$10.00 • How to become a $100,000 per year Rebirther -Leonard's system of success, proven over and over through years of experience; how to achieve a $100,000 per year income being self-employed, especially for RebirtherBreathworkers. Run time: 2 hrs……………………………………………………………………...…………..….....$20.00 • Money and the 5 Biggies -Leonard speaks about the human experience with money, prosperity, and success in relationship to healing the 5 Biggies. Run time: 1 hour, 55 minutes…………………...….................……….......$10.00 • The Business of Self-Improvement -success, whole health, vibrant living. Run time: 2 hrs 40min…......…$25.00 • The Money Seminar -Leonard’s original Money Seminar, recorded Live. Run time: 3 hrs, 47 min.…...........$50.00 •Unraveling the Birth-Death Cycle- In this amazing seminar Leonard offers us insights and expanded perceptions on all the possible options for life, birth, and death. This is an exciting, stimulating, revolutionary talk that can change your life to no end. Run time: 1 hour, 56min……………………………………………..............$20.00
Available at
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012 REBIRTHING
published books. "Leonard Orr Trainings are brilliant in their simplicity." ~ Peace Arnold Continuing in much in the style of the original Theta House experiments of the early '70's in San Francisco, participants join in a "family style" community of spiritual practitioners or yogis on a journey of enlightenment and mastery of Spirit, Mind, and Body. This is an experiential training that requires a willingness to accept personal responsibility for the content of our minds and interpretations of everyday reality. Come prepared to practice relaxation and aliveness. Inspiration University offers a variety of training courses: The 5 Day Leonard Orr Rebirthing & Spiritual Purification Training The 9 Day Leonard Orr Rebirthing & Spiritual Purification Training • The 3 Week Leonard Orr Professional Training in Rebirthing/Breathwork • The Special Advanced Leadership Training (SALT) • The One Year Mastery Training • The Three Year Mastery Training Individual rebirthing sessions by appointment, Week-end Programs and One-Year Seminars are also available. • •
Basic Training Program for all RBI Trainings: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Daily spiritual purification practices with earth, air, water, and fire High quality individual Rebirthing Breathwork sessions A mini "vision quest" Clearing of the emotional mind – identifying and transforming our limiting core beliefs The 8 Biggies of Human Trauma & the 8 Biggies of spiritual purification Body mastery Nutrition & fasting Training in prosperity consciousness, professional success, becoming self-employed - how to build a full clientele in 30 days Spiritual psychology and the manifestation process Physical immortality philosophy, psychology and physiology Wisdom from the Eastern Yogic Scriptures and Western Scriptures And much more, according to the needs and goals of the participants.
Trainings are led by Leonard Orr and/or RBI staff. It starts early morning and includes evening seminars. Trainings are full-time residential trainings. continued on pg 9... 8
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012 Schedule : 5 Day Training: Usually Saturday through Wednesday; please arrive on Friday • 9 Day Training: Usually Saturday through the next Sunday; please arrive on Friday. • 3 Week Training: Usually starts on a Saturday and ends on Saturday or Sunday after lunch at participants’ choice; please arrive on Friday Tuition: •
$800.- for the 5 Day Training (plus $300.- for accommodation at Inspiration University & meals) • $1008.- for the 9 Day Training (plus $540.- for accommodation at Inspiration University & meals) • $2600.- for the 3 Week Training (includes accommodation at Inspiration University & meals) • Scholarships, work exchanges, and some negotiations are possible. GENERAL RATES AT THE RBI TRAINING CENTER •
Accommodations at Inspiration University (unless included in the training fee): $60 per night; includes shared use of kitchen facilities Individual rebirthing session (outside a training): $100.- (negotiation possible) TO REGISTER FOR THE TRAINING Please e-mail: elviorr @ or call: (540) 885-0551 to register. To contact Leonard Orr directly, e-mail: lenraja @ Deposits to reserve your spot: $100 deposit books your space for the 5 Day or 9 Day Training. $300 deposit books your space for the 3 Week Training. The deposit is non-refundable, but it can be applied to another training with Leonard Orr or RBI in VA or elsewhere. Leonard Orr’s 3 Week Professional Training in Rebirthing Breathwork and Spiritual Purification This training is for people who want to train as a PROFESSIONAL REBIRTHER/BREATHWORKER and is also recommended for those who are looking at doing deep PERSONAL HEALING. This training can often heal career burnout. •
In this training, you will experience ten Rebirthing sessions, fire quests, lectures and seminars almost every evening on many vital subjects such as changing core beliefs, money, professional success, body mastery, physical immortality, cleansing and balancing the energy body (aura) etc. You will learn the skills of self-healing habits that can carry you throughout life, as well as the professional skills of being self-employed as a Breathworker or in any profession.
Schedule: Starts usually on a Saturday morning and ends on a Friday after lunch. Please arrive on Friday.
Tuition: $2600 includes vegetarian meals & simple lodging for 3 weeks. A $300 deposit books your space.
The deposit is non-refundable, but it can be applied to another training with Leonard Orr or RBI in VA or elsewhere. For questions, dates, and registration, please email elviorr @ or call us at 540885-0551. continued on pg 10... 9 PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012 OTHER SPECIAL TRAININGS: Special Advanced Leadership Training (SALT) with Leonard Orr This special training is limited to 6 people so that Leonard Orr can give a personal Rebirthing session to each person in the training. Prerequisite: having received at least ten Rebirthing/Breathwork sessions. PROGRAM – see "Basic Program." A few more details: Individual Breathing sessions are done every day (except for fire/fasting/solitude/silence day). Each participant will receive one private individual Rebirthing session from Leonard. o Regular sharing meetings/discussions with Leonard. o Emphasis on career burn out and success in personal career. o Work on money mastery. This training is the foundation for earning $100,000 per year in Rebirthing or any profession. Leonard has trained doctors, lawyers, psychologists, salespeople, corporate executives and others to become self-employed. The Special Advanced Leadership Training is especially recommended for people who desire to be real leaders in the Rebirthing-Breathwork Movement. o
When? Anytime Leonard is home in Virginia. Can possibly be arranged elsewhere. E-mail Leonard Orr directly: lenraja @ or call us at (540) 885-0551 to set up dates. Tuition: $3000, includes vegetarian food & lodging at the Virginia Training Center. Please send a 50% deposit. For foreigners and Americans who have time before or after the SALT, you can expand your training with Leonard and the RBI training center for one month for only $1000 plus food, lodging and transportation (if travel during your month is desirable). This is the only training Leonard does for which the training tuition is not negotiable. If you can’t pay full tuition, you should repeat the regular trainings until you are successful enough to do this one. Leonard Orr’s 1 Year and 3 Year Mastery Trainings For those who really want to master success on the spiritual, emotional, and material levels, Leonard has a full time special 1 Year and 3 Year Leadership, Professional, and Healing training. Tuition: $10,000 per year or $1,000 per month. Participants in the training can earn income during the training period. E-mail Leonard directly: lenraja @ or call us at (540) 885-0551 to introduce yourself and schedule an interview. The Training Center also offers… • • • • •
Individual Rebirthing-Conscious Breathing sessions One Day Rebirthing Workshops Seminars on Prosperity Consciousness, Body Mastery, Spiritual Purification, Creative Thinking, Relationships, etc. Spiritual Purification Retreats (fire/fasting/silence and solitude + purification with water and mantra), Vision Quests… WEEK-END PROGRAMS: 1 or 2 day Rebirthing workshop available every weekend, fire purification, workshops on relationships, money, and body mastery available upon request. Tuition: $160 per day, plus food and lodging. (Simple lodging at Inspiration and shared use of kitchen facilities $60 a day). ONE YEAR SEMINARS: The OYS is the same group of people who meet one full day a month for a year with the purpose of total healing. Call (540) 885-0551 for locations and dates. continued on pg 11... PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012 LOCATION Rebirth Interna,onal Training Center in Virginia, Inspira,on University 200 Parker Heights Road, Waynesboro, VA 22980, USA. Directions: Waynesboro is located on I-64 between Charlottesville, VA and Staunton, VA. When on I-64 East, take exit 94 and turn right towards Waynesboro. At the Exxon service station traffic light, turn left on Lee Dewitt Blvd. After passing Lowe's (on the left), turn right on Bookerdale Road. Take the second right on Fireglow Ave. Inspiration University is located at the corner of Fireglow and Parker Heights Rd. The number "200" is well visible on the entrance pillar of the driveway, as well as a sign that says Inspiration University. WELCOME! The nearest airports are Charlottesville, VA (CHO) or Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport, VA (SHD). Nearest international airports are Washington, DC (IAD), Richmond, VA (RIC), and Roanoke, VA (ROA). The nearest Greyhound Bus station is Charlottesville, VA. The nearest Amtrak train station is Staunton, VA. There is also a train station in Charlottesville, VA (some trains only stop in Charlottesville and not in Staunton). There is no public transportation from Charlottesville to Waynesboro. You may wish to rent a car or contact us to arrange transportation from Charlottesville to the center. The standard fee for transportation is: $35.- each way.
Aum Namaha Shivaiya ॐ नमः िशवाय Truth, Simplicity and Love
Inspiration University 2012 Book Sale!
Eternal Breath $30.00
Name of Love $10!
Fire $10
Breaking Death Habit $11!! !
Rebirthing in New Age $20
Contact Elvi Orr for more information and promotions 540-885-0551
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Summer 2012
1008. 1008 Immortal Friends Club Annual Fee: $3300.00 USD Mail your check or money order to Rebirth International, PO Box 1026, Staunton, VA 24402. For credit card payment call 540-885-0551. For more information: Sara Dawn, Membership Coordinator * Leonard D. Orr: 12
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
Meeting Leonard, by Adelina Alfaro Rudillo It is true that in my Rebirther training (around 2002) I did not have a very positive idea about Leonard, creator of the technique I was learning. I heard he was eccentric, unpredictable, not very aproachable, and a little bit separate from the world... So when three of my closest Rebirther friends had the courage to bring him to Tenerife for the first time, I did not even sign up for the training. Of course I went to his conference, it was unforgivable to miss it having the creator of the technique that I was dedicating my life to 5 blocks away from my house. It was imposible for me not to get to know him at least. Leonard did not even have to open his mouth for me to feel his attractive presence. I have never seen anybody presenting himself in public with such a natural way, there was zero necesity in him to be apreciated or to impress others. Then he started to talk; his words, his voice, his look transmitted a deep compassion for the world. At this moment I knew I would go to the training. I went for three days, afterwards I changed my agenda and stayed until the end. After this first and intense experience, I accompanied him on many occasions, I had the privilege to be part of his support group during one month in India. I could see that he was honoured in the place where pranayama, medition and spritual work originated as a master. He is coherent and courageous, experimenting everything on his own without inherited or pre-established dogmas, he is an antiguru who avoids giving you answers, who invites you to search in your interior and walk on your own two feet. Without a doubt, he is one of the most relevant voices of the 20th century. Thank you Leonard! f Adelina Alfaro is a Professional Rebirther in Tenerife, Canary Islands Spain. Contact Adelina at: f English translation by Silke Modersohn.
November 2012, Venezuela Rebirthing and Spiritual Purification 9 Day Training with Fanny VanLaere Nov. 16th - 25th * Anzoategui, Venezuela Information and Registration: 58 282 5147174 and 58 414 8390452 * ! ! ! !
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Fanny VanLaer coordinates Rebirthing Breathwork International in Spain and the UK together with Joe Jennings. She is a trainer of advanced Rebirthing courses, Spiritual Purification, and co-author of the Manual for Professional Rebirthers with Leonard Orr.
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PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
Memory, EEP, and the Transcendental State, by Leonard D. Orr When we are in the transcendental state we are out of memory. It is tempting to say we are out of mind, better to say we are beyond mind, and into the Source of mind. Thinking is still active and can be supremely active. Usually it is higher quality thinking, because, normally our thinking in this state is permeated with the qualities of our Infinite Being our Divine Nature of truth, peace, love, simplicity, beauty, power, etc. Memory is also a quality of our Divine Nature. But we have to consciously activate it usually. We have to direct our concentration to a specific “A yogi is a master direction, which is usually a subject of conversation with someone who is at accurately desiring to direct our attention to their interest. Sometimes that person would like to get our attention directed to the subject of their interest, but reading cause and their desire does not motivate us. Then they may accuse us of being effect disinterested in what they desire to talk about, or worse accuse us of not being able to hear them. Often we can direct their attention to a higher level relationships, of thought or subject matter, but sometimes we just resent the interruption of whether in our previously enjoyable subject of concentration. Maybe not resent it, but ourselves or just choose to ignore their attempt to redirect our thinking and concentration. What I noticed when I was in my senility process between 1988 and 1993 is others...” that I had too much memory going on. Probably when senior citizens are accused of loss of memory, this is more likely the case. They are i overwhelmed with memory. And contrary to popular opinion, it is not unproductive, at least from the standpoint of the individual´s healing process, but imperatively productive if the individual can use this almost involuntary memory process consciously. I also notice that when I am overwhelmed with present EEP; emotional energy pollution or OPE; other people´s energy, like after a lecture, my mind is so full of memory that it is difficult to direct my attention to anything. This can also happen on a jet flight, when we are jammed in the sardine can with all those meat eating deathists. However, when we are in the transcendental state, we can also have a degree of omniscience and remember or see anything or anyone anywhere. It is always good to look beyond the superficial, if we are to be people of truth and of reality. Do you remember? -that a yogi is a master at accurately reading cause and effect relationships whether in ourselves or others. The individual soul is totally memory, but the energy and information remembered is what keeps the soul in existence, until reflection occurs. When reflection notices the content of memory, if it has enough consciousness, it can choose to erase or add content to mold the soul, hopefully in a more fulfilling expression of our divine potential. This is the opportunity we have in every Rebirth. Soul without content is not individual, it is only energy evenly distributed throughout space and time - no soul, no individual, only energy without information. Are you ready for certification in epistemology? In the Shiva Purana, Shiva creates things by remembering them or recreates them. Where are our memories when we are not thinking them? Do they exist somewhere, or do they not exist? If we teleport, we stop remembering where we were, and only remember where we are. When we change, we can forget who we were. continued on page 15... 14
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
Memory, EEP, and the Transcendental State, by Leonard D. Orr continued from pg 14 Then we are a new individual soul or new configuration of memory. The old configuration at least partially has dematerialized, and without special effort may be gone forever. Why would we want to effort to recall our problems? The Rebirthers that actually did dematerialize, had the memory of their cells, bones, hair, etc disappear completely into a ball of light. “The Rebirthers that When they rematerialized their bones, and hair remembered actually did dematerialize, themselves and reappeared, without any effort or concentration on their part. had the memory of their Memory of the body recreated it - the whole thing, genitals and cells, bones, hair, etc everything. Memory is amazing. It can reconstruct a complex human body perfectly in a few seconds. disappear completely into In the case of Gail Lange in my Physical Immortality book, her a ball of light. ..” intention to be with her daughter reconstructed her whole memory of her body and her previous life and brought her back from her f ´ball of light´ experience of herself, with minor changes or healings or improvements in her body, and her mind forever is not quite the same. She was buzzing for hours afterwards, the memory of her as a ball of light continued after she was a human body again.The last time we talked she didn´t have a strong enough memory of her ´ball of light body´ to recreate it. But another woman named Mary could and did it several times per week. Mary told me we can all grow into this ability naturally. When are we ready? Therefore, all we have to do is turn imagination into memory and we can have a whole new life. This sounds familiar, maybe thought really is creative. Or in todays context, memory is creative. f Truth, Simplicity and Love, Leonard D. Orr
Rebirthing Breathworkers Announce your Events in the Conscious Connection! You are invited to announce your complete schedule of events and trainings in the next Conscious Connection. Advertising fee: Half page - $300 * Full Page - $500 Contact Sara Dawn: Submissions for the Conscious Connection, Winter Edition, are due by December 1st, 2012 15
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Rebirth International Membership Renew online at:
Or mail in this form with membership dues to: RBI: PO Box 1026 - Staunton, VA 24402 - USA (540) 885-0551 / fax-(540) 885-1230 RBI is a non-profit organization for the purpose of uniting Rebirthers – Breathworkers around the world and improving the quality of the Rebirthing work in the world. Rebirth International membership is for people who have an interest in and support Conscious Energy Breathing, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual purification, spiritual community, spiritual growth, and personal healing through all forms of self-improvement. We network our members and supply all kinds of support – literature, seminars, and trainings for our members and the public. We also train professional Breathworkers and healers while supporting their own success and healing. The only requirements for membership are to have an interest in exploring more of our Divine Potential and to pay minimum dues or commit to higher financial support. Please select one: (all membership levels include annual subscription to the Conscious Connection) General Membership ~ $22 Support Membership ~ $33 Listed Rebirther Membership ~ $55 (includes all a listing in the RBI Rebirthers' directory) Affiliated Rebirther Membership ~ $55 (or in your own currency, euro, etc.) Registered Rebirther Membership ~ $88 (or in your own currency, euro, etc.) Certified Rebirther Membership ~ $ 108 (or in your own currency, euro, etc.) RBI Friends Club Membership ~ $108 (includes a listing in the RBI Rebirthers' directory) Tithing Membership ~ Tithe 10% of your personal income. Humanitarian Membership ~ $1008 (includes a listing in the RBI Rebirthers' directory as well as the joy of supporting rebirthing worldwide) World Builder Membership - $3000 ( the above plus a spiritual purification training for you & one of your friends) New Renaissance Membership ~ $8,888 (all of the above plus a spiritual purification training for you & one of your friends) Date:__________________
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Payment Method:Cash Check (Visa / MasterCard)______-______-______-______ exp._____/___ CID (3 or 4 digits on signature strip) ____________
For Listed Rebirther’s Memberships: Contact information to appear in Directory: Length of experience with Rebirthing: __________________________________________________________ Number of people taken through 10 sessions: _________ Favorite Rebirther/Trainer: ____________________ Country and City of your location: _______________________ Signature __________________________
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Inspiration University Booklist, Autumn 2012
Inspiration University Bookstore
Books by Leonard D. Orr About Your Femininity - By A Man: The Spiritual Power of Menstruation (booklet)............ $5.00______ Abundance & Scarcity Babaji: Angel of the Lord
-Clarity About Money
(newsprint)............................................ 1.00______
-On Mahavatar Babaji ............................................................. 12.00______
Bhartriji: 2000 Year Immortal Yogi
-Includes Bhartriji’s Most Famous Scriptures ........... 15.00______
Breaking the Death Habit -Best Seller! an Introduction to Physical Immortality -sale.... 11.00______ Breath Awareness -Development, Discussion, & Practical Guide ..................................... 15.00______ The Common Sense of Physical Immortality -Death is a Grave Mistake........................... 12.00______ Fire -As Important as Food or Water for Human Health. RBI Staff favorite pick! -sale... 10.00______ Healing Cancer -Leonard’s Personal Story of Emotional & Physical Healing....................10.00______ Healing the Death Urge -A Practical Guide for Victory ..................................................... 12.00______ The Healing Manual -for Self-Healing, available in English or Spanish (select one).......... 15.00______ The Healing Power of Birth & Rebirth -Accounts the births of Leonard’s Children............. 10.00______ How to Become a $100,000/year Rebirther Breathworker ............................................... 15.00______ Introduction to the Shiva Purana -Designed for the Western Mind (newsprint) ................ 1.00______ The New Renaissance -Transcendence, Rebirthing Money & Politics............................... 15.00______ The New Rebirthing Book -Compilation of Breath Awareness, Healing Manual, Healing Power of Birth & Rebirth, & The Story of Rebirthing Breathwork.......................... 40.00______ The Owner’s Manual for Human Beings -for Human Mastery of Mind, Body & Spirit ....... 8.00 ______ Personal Energy Management -Winning the Spiritual Purification Game.......................... 12.00______ Physical Immortality
-Edited by Babaji in 1980............................................................... 15.00______ Physical Immortality for Christians -5 Immortals of the Bible,Comparative Religion.-sale. 11.00______ Prosperity Consciousness Consultation I Prosperity Consciousness Consultation II
-A Practical Guide for Self-Employment....... 20.00______ -The Money Seminar..................................... 20.00______
Prosperity Consciousness Consultation III
-The Energy of Success .............................. 20.00______
Rebirthing in the New Age, by Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray……………………………
The Secrets of Youthing - Leonard’s Senility Process & Shiva Kalpa Rejuvenation.......... 15.00______ The Story of Rebirthing Breathwork -Unique Perspective from the Founder. -sale ........... 12.00______ The Truth About Money -Understanding & Mastering Money & Local Money Systems.… 22.00______ The Manual for Rebirthers, by Leonard Orr Fanny VanLaere &-English/Spanish(select) 12.00______ SubTotal (this page) ___________ 17
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Inspiration University Booklist, Autumn 2012
Tapes & CDs By Leonard Orr: The Original Money Seminar -The 4 Laws of Wealth (4 tapes/CDs).................................. 50.00______ The Famous Money Seminar -1990, Extracted From the Original Version ...................... 12.00______ The Money Seminar part 1 -The Earning Law – The 1st Law of Wealth (1 CD)................ 10.00______ The Rebirth Seminar -1975, Rebirthing & Biggies of Human Trauma (2 tapes/3 CDs)...... 18.00______ Physical Immortality Today-Leonard’s Personal Healing Process,Body Mastery (2 tapes) 18.00______ Adventures in Spiritual Mastery -A Dynamic & Inspiring Lecture (1 tape/CD).................. 10.00______ The Science of Personal Aliveness -Lifestyle of the Immortal Yogi Masters (1 tape/CD).. 10.00______ Unraveling the Birth Death Cycle -Alternatives to Physical Death (2 tapes/CDs).............. 18.00______ Babaji & Spiritual Purification Ultimate Healers
-Stories & Spiritual Principles (1 tape/CD)....................... 10.00______
-The Power of the Mind and the Breath (1 tape/CD)........................... 10.00______
Intuitive Aarati - A Translation Into Common English, the 108 Names of God (1 tape/CD) 10.00______ Weight & the 5 Biggies
-The Underlying Reasons for Overweight (2 tapes/CDs).......... 18.00______
Money & the 5 Biggies
-Understanding Relationship with Money (2 tapes/CDs)........... 18.00______
$100,000/Year Rebirthers
-Practical Steps to Achieve This Income (2 tapes/CDs)....... 18.00______
The Business of Self-Improvement-Success in Self-Improvement Business (2 tapes/CDs) 18.00______ As A Man Thinketh -Leonard’s Positive Version, Induces Transformation! (1 tape/CD)..... 10.00_____ Intuitive Breathing
-An Introduction to Rebirthing Breathwork (1 tape/CD) ................... 10.00______
Teeth Affirmations
-You Can Heal Your Teeth (1 tape/CD) ............................................ 10.00______
The Psychology & Enlightenment of Leonard Orr (1 tape/CD) ......................................... 10.00______ The Prophecy Conference
-Babaji & the Prophecies (1 tape/CD) .................................. 10.00______
Scriptures The Shiva Purana
-Most Ancient & Greatest Scripture (Vol. I-IV, sold individually) ....... 30.00______
The Shiva Purana (Volumes I-IV) -Leonard´s favorite scripture!........…............................. 108.00_____ The Bhagavad Gita -Sacred Verses, -Read By Deepak Chopra (2 tapes)...................... 17.00______ Thirumandiram, by Shri Siddhar Thirumoolar -III Vol set of Yoga & Tantra....................... 35.00______ The Philosophy of Goraknath
-The Philosophy of Babaji Himself.................................. 20.00______
Herakhan Baba Speaks-Teachings of Babaji During His Ministry in the U.S.;’91 & ’93..... Free_______ The Essene Gospel of Peace
-Teachings of Jesus about Earth, Air, Water & Fire........ 1.00_______ SubTotal (this page)___________
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Inspiration University Booklist, Autumn 2012
Babaji & Mantras
Have Guru Darshan
-Video of Babaji with new, exclusive footage (VHS or PAL)........... 20.00______
Babaji & the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition By M. Govindan ........................................ 20.00______ Aarati -Devotional Songs in Sanskrit, Live in Herakhan, including Babaji (CD) ................ 20.00______ Aarati Booklet
-Words of Sanskrit Songs....................................................................... 3.00______
I Am Harmony – A Book About Babaji By Radhe Shyam................................................... 20.00______
Conscious Eating & Living Eating
-The No. 1 Killer in the U.S. Today –Excellent Information (VHS or DVD).......... $13.00_____
12 Steps to Raw Foods, by Victoria Boutenko……………..................................................12.00______ Nature’s First Law: The Raw Food Diet, by Arlin, Dini & Wolf -Why Raw Foods? ........... 15.00 _____
Physical Immortality & Mastery Living with the Himalayan Masters, by Swami Rama -Truth & Enlightenment……........... 19.00______ Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, by B. Spalding - (6 Vol. Set)................. 50.00______ Dancing with Death thru Senility into Eternality By Toni Delgado....................................... 16.00______ The Immortalist, by Alan Harrington -One of the 1st American Books on Immortality ....... 10.00______ Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda -Meetings with Immortals............. 6.00 _____ Together Forever By CBJ Living Physical Immortality...................................................... 9.00 _____ Saints Who Raised the Dead -400 Documented Cases of Resurrection......................... 18.50______ Conquest of Death, by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely -Prolonging Life ................................ 5.00______ Why die? by Herb Bowie - a guide to living forever............................................................ 13.00______ Enlightened Birthing & Parenting Birth Without Violence, by Frederick Leboyer -The Book that Revolutionized Birthing...... 17.00______ Ecstatic Birth, by Binnie Dansby -Impact of Birth & Create the Birth You Want (CD Rom) 40.00______ Gentle Birth Choices, by Barbara Harper -6 Women Giving Birth, Educational VHS
Water Babies -Peaceful Waterbirthing in a Hospital, Breech Birth & Twins(VHS).............. 45.00______ Born In Water -a Beautiful Collection of 7 Waterbirths...................................................... 40.00______ The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, by Thomas Verny -Babies in Utero .......................... 15.00______ Birth As We Know It, by Elena Tonetti -Beautiful documentary of orgasmic birth!..............45.00______ SubTotal (this page)__________
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Inspiration University Booklist, Autumn 2012 Price/Quantity
Personal Growth & Healing
Never Say Die! The Making of a Healer, by Pauline Avis & David McNab........................ 20.00______ Natural Vision Improvement, by Janet Goodrich-See Clearly Without Glasses................. 28.00______ Essays on Creating Sacred Relationships, by Sondra Ray -A New Paradigm.................. 12.00______ All In the Name of Love, by Glenn & Barbara Smyly -Mastering Loving Relationships…. 18.00______ You Don’t Have to Die, by Harry Hoxsey-The Cure for Cancer Exists; Herbal, Effective... 15.00______ Breathing the Rhythm of Success, by Viola Edward-Identify & Transform Personal Law.. 10.00______ The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, by Peter Kelder -5 Tibetan Rites................ 13.00 _____ The Love-Breath-Laughter CD -Continuous “I Love You”, “Connected Breathing,” or “Laughter” (choose one)..................................................................................................... 15.00______ The Christ of India -The Spiritual Training of Jesus in India (booklet)……...................... 5.00______ The 7 Inhibitors to Bliss, by Pauline Win.……………………………………………………… 20.00______ Book of Devotion, by Sara Dawn, Inspirational prose “A modern day Rumi!”...................
Of Heaven and Earth, by Sara Dawn, inspirational prose to uplift your spirit.................... 7.00______ Earth, Air, Water, Fire; Mankind’s most Ancient Healing System, by Sara Dawn..............
Past Lives Return From Heaven, by Carol Bowman -Children Reincarnated....................................
Journey of Souls, by Michael Newton -Case Studies of Experiences After Death……...... 15.00______ Destiny of Souls, by Michael Newton -More Case Studies............................................... 15.00______ Rebirthing Breathwork Eternal Breath -The Biography of Leonard Orr, by Pola Churchill -sale............................ 30.00______ Breathe, by Sissel Tvedte –half a breath is only half a life………................................... Conscious Breathing, by Seth Bartlet -wonderful client testimonials………………………
10.00______ free ______
Rebirthing and Spiritual Purification, by Fanny VanLaere,-English / Spanish (select one) 10.00______ The Resurgence of the Feminine, by Fanny VanLaere, -English or Spanish (select one) 12.00______
SubTotal (this page)__________ 20
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Inspiration University Booklist, Autumn 2012 DVD’s
Rebirthing, by Pablo Torres-Filmed in Spain, Aug 2009 during a Rebirthing and Spiritual Purification training with Leonard Orr & Fanny Van Laere. English/Spanish (select one).. 15.00______ The Money Fix, by Alan Rosenblith -feature length documentary-the monetary system; taken for granted, it has silent and profound implications for everyone.............................. 15.00______ Physical Immortality -Leonard Orr speaks at Unity Church of Sedona, on living, dying, and everything in-between. Breathwork, diet, fire purification with candor and humor....... 15.00______ The Money Masters –How banks create and control the world’s money. Battle over the money system by bankers and former presidents -politicians throughout U.S. history…... 40.00______ Subtotal (this page) _________ Subtotal (previous 4 pages) _________ *Shipping & Handling _________ GRAND TOTAL = $ _________ *Shipping & Handling: USA -$7.00 for the first 2 items, + $2 for each additional item. Canada & Mexico- $9.00 for the first 2 items, + $2 for each additional item. Overseas: Please pay by credit card since shipping rates vary greatly. Call or email if you would like airmail rates.
To Place Your Order; make your selections from the book-list, complete the order form below and mail to: P.O. Box 1026, Staunton, VA 24402
Order by Phone: (+1) 540-885-0551
Name:!__________________ Date: __/__/__ Phone: _________________ email: _______________________________________ Shipping Address:!
! ! ! ! ! ! ! Payment Method (select one): __Cash __Check Visa / MasterCard: _______-________-________-________ exp._______ /_______
Signature_________________________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $ ______________
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
RBI Rebirther Breathworker Directory Listing 2012 USA (1) AR: Molly Parkes (501) 594-5591 -AR Membership Coordinator AZ: Christina Smith (480) 947-0543 * Shelly Somerville (520) 620-1037 * Lynne Spinks (480) 767-3212 / 628-3212 * Nicole Santer (480) 980-1589 * Daniel Hirtz 480-235-8993 CA: Yasoda Susan Deschenes (707) 822-5449 –RBI National Events Coordinator * Laz Jefferson (415) 246-0209, CA-Membership Coordinator * Bill Chappelle 310-399-1638 Carol Cilliers 925-606-9663 * Christie Vickers (707) 823-2210 Craig Ferree (760) 808-1541 * Dee Dee Chappelle 310-399-1638/ 490-4222 * Denise Judson (415) 221-8007 /823-2935 Donna Lumsden (530) 836-0828 * Franc Tausch (800) 815-7322 * Howard Wexler (310) 396-3416 * Joanna Bloem (310) 656-0305 Lucas Fox (925) 962-8654 * Mahendra,Briksha (415) 503-7802 * Manny Stamatakis (949) 581-1062 * Marielle (415) 577-9836 * Natalie Oshea (310) 577-9124 * Samantha Bonavia (805) 962-3563 * Senem Iren (818) 508-5820 * Stephen Johnson (310) 276-9598 / (818)348-8948 * Susun Oneglia (707) 677-0909 * Rebecca Funder (408) 802-1080 * Alejandro Chaves (347) 239-0249 * Meenal Chaudhari (408) 823 5118 Lola Mont-Reunaud * Francesco 619-977-1808 * Alma Hodoyan 619-379-8138 * Ellen Valentine (916) 796-3397 * Renee Getreu- 530 938-1653 CO: Sage Stewart (720) 628-2167*Kris Cassidy (719)200- 2929 CT: Eilis Philpott (203) 372-6551 * Lois Grasso (860) 796-1480 Wahington, DC : Ayo Handy Kendi (202) 667-2577 FL: Denise Dobbs (954) 815-1397 -RBI Membership Coordinator * Betty Ritchie 772-562-3681* Bianca Ponce 813-817-6292 * Bolivar Masoud (786) 200-0000 * Claudia Albaerez (786) 286-9448 * Cristiane Assuncao (561) 542-4910 * Franceen King (813) 971 8808 * Glen & Barbara Smyly (813) 996-3659 * Johane Rutledge (954) 943-7422 –RBI-Certified Rebirther * Rev. Katie Powers (239) 810-8080 Michael Robins (386) 427-4617 * Miriam Meija (305) 595-4353 Nilyem Valero (305) 305-7877 * Ricardo Mazur (786) 2630740 * Rick Markus (954) 257-5183 * Sharda Collard (727) 363-0800 * Shila Pina (954) 812-5081 / (305) 394 6947 Sula De Paula (561) 330-8098*Thomas Hayden (727)289-1735 GA: Ananda - Holly Fuerst (561) 603-6808 HI: Juliana Swanson (808) 430-5989 IL: Jahn & Qi (773) 517-8326 * Jim Rorhbach (708) 328-3365 Steve Genser (773) 561-0920 * Yvonne Yosseif (773) 457-6284 MA: Dan Brulé (508) 995-7574 * Debbie Ennis (978) 2578062,ext. 0 * Rosana Gijsen (617) 230-9303 MD: George Kalish (301) 384-4866 * Jessica Dibb (410) 9989777 * Marion Porter (301) 879-0212 MI: Zenzile 269-586-4012 * Pat Krajovic (734) 416-5200 * Dave Krajovic (734) 416-5200 Anastasia Rudinger (419)902-2258 MN: Dr. Aaron Flickstein (952) 925-2225 * Coleen Buckman (612) 669-0794 * Deanna Reiter (651) 238-7248 Susan Shehata (612) 721-2889 MO: Daniel & Barbara Condron - College of Metaphysics (417) 345-8411 * Victoria Hammond, MA, PLPC (573) 674-2699 NC: Tama Dickerson III, Emily Cross, NJ: Jim Zarnowski (732) 775-7820 * Sylvia Nielsen (201) 251-9406 -Spanish only *Nicole Henry 201-264-2942 NM: Toni Delgado (505) 382-8771 Kelley Elkins (505) 382-8771 NV: Ginny Tiernan (775) 851-1208 NY: Peace Arnold, LMT (917) 579-1449 -RBI Certified Rebirther; RBI Global Coordinator, RBI Coordinator NYC
NY Continued: Mirta Velardo (914) 382-7880 -RBI Certified Rebirther; RBI NY Membership Coordinator - Spanish Speaking Community Georgiana Borda, 631-793-7689 * Sara Virtuoso, LMT (Islip) 631-581-7669 * Jack Allison (518) 813-4605 Malou Thein, LMT / Medicine Lodge Clinic (212) 414-9435; (646) 279-7779 * Rebecca Spath (212) 420-9607 Ramiosis Ramirez Javier 347-202-7888 / 646-260-4592 * Melba Ariza (718) 288-3863 * Lora Colucci (518) 428-4123 Marc Goldblatt (607) 432-0751 * Sandra Pina (718) 380-7779 Steven Weiss / Medicine Lodge Clinic (212) 414-9435 Charlotte Friedman (212) 362-0015 * Wendy Padob (917) 648-4410 OH: Lawanna Rine (330) 878-7379 OR: Aaron Overstreet (503) 290-6496 –RBI Oregon Membership Coordinator * Elizabeth Hamilton (541) 991-2271 Matthew Yegge (541) 548-6440 * Steven Tarnofsky (541) 200-4160 (Eugene) PA: Pat Krajovic (734) 416-5200 * Dave Krajovic (734) 416520 * Ken Sherwood SC: Dorothea Lieberman (803) 396-9912 TN: Juliana Ericson (615) 482-3535 TX: Bill Gray (713) 524-5500 * Bill Wilkes (281) 463-5000 * Frieda Fox (713) 649-3209 * Liah Holtzman (713) 784-7445 Susan Bushong (512) 444-8504 * Susan Shorr (210) 4374522 * Janie Thorpe Cooke (512) 847-5899 * Linda L. Fletcher (713) 4654178 * Christopher Bridges (361) 676-4552 / 564-9240 Jason Edward Fry (773) 870-0926 UT: Brunil Hernandez (801) 607-0615 * John Weyenmeyer (801) 281-3531 VA: Leonard and Elvi Orr (540) 885-0551 * Peace Arnold (917) 579-1449 - RBI Certified Rebirther * Abby Shirkey * Beverly Joyce (434) 980-8442 * Bonnie Johns (540) 290-7659 * David Boudouris * Nannette Morrison (434) 293-7547 * Rob Sherwood (540) 987-8596 * Shiva Alain Hervé (434) 969-4400 WA: Seth Bartlett (360) 299-9479 WI: Jim Morningstar (414) 962-0213 * Kesha Engel (414) 403-6913 * Tom Kozelka 202-427-7727 CANADA (1) AB: Piotr Rajski (780) 482-5353 * ON: Tamara Penn (416) 544-9244 QC: Claude Charlebois (514) 628-0574 * Helena Marcoux (514) 793 2223 ARGENTINA (54) Daniel Coates: * Klaudia Dorda 011-4941-6281 * Jessica Grumberg 011-4826-3175 Mabel Fusinato 03492-422723 * Pablo Churin 011-4941-6281 Patricia Consoli 011-4701-4528 * Silvia Venaria Graciela 03543 -421390 / 0351-152537143 * Tamara Dafne Tsintsinis (911) 5414 0831 * Graciela Rodríguez (911) 4792-4040 / 5401 1040 AUSTRALIA (61) Pauline Parvati Win (03) 9017 5930 * Daniel Coates 42542 5390 * Daniella Finkenauer (02) 66-228523 Robyn Fernance (02) 4959-6619 * Kym Byatt (04) 0510-7165 Michael Constable (04) 03-425-627 Ned Wolf (08) 9417-4741 * Lynette Field (07) 4972-1548 or 4972-1404 * Alakh Analda 413-167-688 AUSTRIA (59) Hans Petsk 664/104-6850 (Murek) BELGIUM (32) Rose Windels,, RBI Events Coordinator * Frank Looman +31 316 52 75 47 RBI Membership Coordinator * David Ost 05-442-3248 Rose Windels 02-346-2263 or 04-9748-2550.
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya BOLIVIA (59) Maria Rosario Sanchez 13-333-4879 or 13-343-3061 Marco Valderrama 1-3343-0320 or 7163-1135 BRAZIL (55) Ananda Elaine Chiochetta (048) 292-6794 ramal 31 or 99586653 *Rafaela Grandi (55) 54-3222-5884 *Antonio Carlos Correa (Tom Cau) (47) 3455-0482 *Paul de Wit & Cris Antunes Dias de Oliveira 4899282796 / 5195466670 CZECH REPUBLIC (1) Martin Bartosek -, CHILE (56) Astrid Brinck 2-512-0255 - COLOMBIA (57) Carlos Mario Velez 4-2680748 or 4-2884976 CYPRUS NORTH (90) Viola Edward 392-8244-395 or 533-867-3685 ESTONIA (372) Tilt Polla 372-512-9842 (Viljandimaa) Certified Rebirther FRANCE (33) Anne Marie de Vinci (trainer) 01 6498 0162 * Claire Le Saget 0130 2473 65 * Jean Marc Jacot 01 45 44 72 87 Margot Borden 06 1997 3367 * Michele Villa Campa 01 45 3227 63 * Regine Damon 04 93 71 88 98 * Mona Slek 01 70 2879 42 * Urwana Shandar 02 9721 2430 * Luc Enaut 04 68 25 86 30 GERMANY (49) Heike Strombach, RBI Membership Coordinator 02269/528 Werner Plate 0241/608 8300 * Lamia Hariri 02151-789900 GREECE (30) Katia Boustani +30 6976878528; (Athens), RBI Coordinator for Greece, HONG KONG Magdalena Fung 852-6107-1370 (SHANKIWAN) - HUNGARY (36) Robert Bor - 70 7744 907 - * Edit Vegvari- 20 4149 401 - evegvari! * Gabriella Ratz-30 3991 114 - INDIA (91) Chitra Kaul (Gurgaon); mobil 9873181090 * Jyothi Voora 0442376-6488 * Kavita Bhausar 9892-333-339 * Dr. Lakshmi 040-2374-3989 * Mala Kaul 99-585-93745 * Namita Mangal 98-1214-9800 * Dr. K. Newton 040-2374-3989 *Manju Vasu 044-2475-9303 * Sheeba Loganey 011-28755403 * Shymala 098-9206-0456 or 022/2821-9323 * Sujatha 041-3222-7573 Dr. Kavita Chandrashekhar 9890881484 ISRAEL (972) Raanan Gidron 524 687096 OYS Isreal * Sergio Daniel Szir 050-7461878 ITALY (39) Alfredo Galbusera 035/79 30 41 pr 338/813-8475 -RBI Membership Coordinator-Italy * Arianna Bitti 340.2181001 Cristiano Verducci 347 34 54 184 * Ornella Baronchelli 034623-578 * Luca De Santis +39-389-4333150 LEBANON (961) Jad Assaad 961 70 175 300, LITHUANIA (370) Dalia Beata Kasmauskaite, (Kaunas); MALAYSIA (60) SS. Jayabalan 012438-8938 (Sungai Petani-Kedha) MEXICO (52) Leonardo Estrada Mendez 56-883-857 (Col Churubusco) NETHERLANDS (31) Rose Windels,, RBI Events Coordinator * Frank Looman +31 316 52 75 47 -RBI
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai (31) Membership Coordinator * Ariel Sutter 624 34 51 16 Khalid Ansari (020) 632-2535 * Lajos Barsony 020/6721006 Lotus Zweers 020/6723478 NEW ZEALAND (64) Pauline Avis McNab and David McNab 7-853-3346 *Haille Denniston 06-368-6204 *Mary Marsh 04-479-5119 *Matoula Piscopani (021) 2574270 * Paul Jones (021)2072754 POLAND (48) Iwona and Krzysztof Pesla - PORTUGAL Teresa Agular -, RBI Membership Coordinator * Marinelia Leal Facote - 351 919505281 RUSSIA (7) Galina Shibaeva 095-302-3272 * Luba Bogdanova 095-3188518 * Inga Koryagina +7 910 4567 738 Irina V. Kalinicheko 8(86167)64-1-59, 8-928-278-22-33 SOUTH AFRICA (27) Hilde Light 082 599-4892 - RBI Certified Rebirther Zanna & Gustav Schilbach 021-789-2135 SPAIN (34) Fanny Van Laere 626-067-846 -RBI Membership Coordinator Irene Jové Baumann 610 26 27 92 -RBI MembershipCoordinator * Lola Griso & Manuel Vancells 972-64-24-92 – RBI Coordinators * Jesus Meca 636 888 552 -RBI Trainer * Sara Dawn 620-71-7791 * Salvador Cardenes 671 609779; 922 275732 -RBI coordinator * Silke Modersohn 620641200 922544673 RBI Events Organizer * Mavi Carreres 962 783017-671 501 146 -RBI Organizer * Alejandro Iturmendi 637723-871 * Beverley Vaijanti Pugh 629-867-785 * Enrique Belzuz 609-502-843 * Fernando Gomez Toleddno 91-7269440 * Francisca Antunez 690-204-783 * Manuel Rodriguez Alejandre 972-79-4131 * Marta Cubas 914-424-027 Ofelia Lorenzo 913-162-366 * Ramon Rueda 954-38 59 56 Salvador 620-264-086 -RBI coordinator Susan Olalla 952-444-926 * Veronica Guiluscio 679-471-296 Estrella Del Pozo and Tony Verd 971830646 & 648751371 SWITZERLAND (41) Josef Bründler 55 / 21229 46 THAILAND (66) Andrea Polyak 849-281-753 TURKEY (90) Humeyra Tumay 212-325-8970/0532-217-3455 UK (44) Fanny Van Laere 7544308080 -RBI Coordinator * Joe Jenning 077 0476 9098 * Nicolas de Knoop 01342 825 337; 0797 953 2081 * Claire Baker 0208 367 0136 * Diana Roberts 0171-834-6641 * Jane Okondo 0208-318-9466 John Hussian 0208-289-0926 * Linda Scott 01324-612-578 or 07708-570-832 * Maeve Tornero 02074333242 Mel Freitas 079-30 33 62 41/020-87 49 60 41 * Rashmi Khilnany 02073702441 * Roy Muir Tom Morrison 020 7263 5920 or 07799-624 * Shashi Mehra 0208-814-2221 * Sheelagh Bissett 020 7263 5920 or 07986-697-819 (London) * Lisa Hatton 0845 45 00 949 or 020 7723 7628 *Simon Nowis 01559 363667 *Mark SJ Wren 0800 0787 123 * Jean-Pierre el-Rif 07841 641233 UKRAINE (38) Makurina Evjenija 0482-371494 and 067 4843928 VENEZUELA (58) Barbara Malinowski Dymkoviez 753-5770 and 0412-722-5288 Venezuela Rebirthing Center - Layla Edward 0212 2867841 an 0414 338 7579 Disclaimer: RBI lists any Breathworker who pays their dues. Neither RBI nor any person can guarantee the quality of any Rebirthing Breathwork session. Clients should interview breathworkers and take responsibility for the quality of their sessions. Students complaints will cause us to delete names from the above list. Your feed back is important to us. We don’t support group Rebirthing and recommend individual Rebirthing sessions only.
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *
Aum Namaha Shivaiya
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
Autumn 2012
Leonard Orr´s Worldwide Schedule 2012 October 27- November 4, Spain, Tenerife - 3, 5, & 9 Day Trainings available. Contact Silke Modersohn: / November thru December, USA, Virginia - 9 Day 5 Day and 3 Week Professional Trainings at the Rebirth International Training Center, beginning November 10th. Be a part of Leonard´s birthday celebration - November 15th! More training options are available in December. Contact Leonard Orr: 540-885-0551 December 22 - January 4th, USA, Virginia- Special Rebirther Breather´s Convention during the Holidays. Make your reservation with Elvi Orr at
2013 January and February, USA, Virginia -9 Day, 5 Day, and 3 Week Trainings, beginning the first weekend of every month at the Rebirth International Training Center. Contact 540-885-0551 February, Florida, USA - details coming soon. Contact Denise Dobbs, March, Argentina and Brazil -details coming soon. For Argentina events contact Sylvia Svenaria, For Brazil events contact Tom Cau, (47) 54-9982-5030 April, USA, Virginia -9 Day, 5 Day, and 3 Week Trainings at the Rebirth International TraDining Center. Contact 540-885-0551 May 31 - June 8, USA, California January, USA, Virginia -Return to the Sacred, 9th Annual Rebirthing Breathwork and Spiritual Purification Training. 3, 5, and 9 Day Trainings options are available. Held at the lovely Sierra Hot Springs (formerly known as Campbell Hotsprings). Contact Susan Yasoda Deschenes: or call, Pacific Standard Time, (+1) 707-822-5449 August, Spain -details coming soon. Contact Fanny VanLaere, September, Germany -details coming soon. Contact Heike Strombach,
¿Hablas Inglés y Español? RBI is seeking volunteers to help translate the Conscious Connection into Spanish. Join the team! Contact Sara: The Conscious Connection is edited by Sara Dawn, member of RBI and professional Breathworker since 2002. The views expressed in this editorial do not necessarily reflect the editor´s personal viewpoints. Send article submissions and feedback to:
Submissions for the next Conscious Connection are due by December 1st, 2012.
PO Box 1026 * Staunton, VA 24402 * USA Ph: 540-885-0551 * fax: 885-1230 * *