11 - MARCI Summer 09

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A Community of Holistic Professionals Our Vision

To strengthen and support the community of holistic professionals.

Our Mission Statement

To create a unified community of compassionate holistic practitioners that will contribute to enhancing our profession and ourselves by providing a supportive space to share, learn, teach, grow, and lead.

Our Purpose

The Holistic Mentorship Network supports the Holistic Professional, as well as the Community by providing the space to network, build a referral base, mentor and support each other in business development and growth, promote community awareness and education of alternative services and products, and meet potential clients. What is MARCI®? MARCI® is a holistic magazine that provokes awareness to how we show up in our practices and our daily lives. In a time when there is a lot of chaos and stress, MARCI® reminds us of being present through “Mindful” actions and thoughts; to take responsibility for our choices and to change patterns that no longer fit. In the Holistic Field we busily take care of others, but how do we show up for ourselves? Are we taking care of ourselves and loving who we are? Trusting our own intuition and natural instinct, how often do we listen to that small voice within? MARCI® is not only a Seasonal E-zine, but a metaphor for the garden we live in as we go through the human experience. The Holistic Field is a rapidly growing industry. These inspirational stories are written by Professional Providers in the Holistic Field and our Clients that will inspire and empower you! Why should you advertise in MARCI®? With advertisers like you, MARCI® is available electronically and distributed wherever the internet reaches! The Holistic Mentorship Network’s next step is making MARCI® available in printed form. With your support, your business will be exposed nationwide to HMN members, holistic minded practitioners and their customers. What are our members saying about MARCI®? MARCI® provides so many great tips and interesting perspectives and they’re not just for healing practitioners! Anyone curious about alternative healing methods and important issues of today can benefit from the information shared in this magazine: parents with ADD/ADHD kids, people interested in global warming, breast cancer success stories, using intuition, growing your business, healthy foods, ancient healing traditions, nurturing…and so much more. I love this magazine with its positive outlook! -Sarah Collins, PhD candidate in Natural Health

Holistic Mentorship Network Board Members Erin Saxton Bjornson Justin Buffer Chuck Davis George Degan Cecelia Inwentarz Tracey Mendel Linda Mitchell Donna Price Vivian Sartoretto Michelle Zanoni

Inside This Issue: Nurturing the Dream 5 Linda Mitchell............................................................................5 Benefits of Mandala-work 7 Beth Olney.................................................................................7 How to Have a Good Night and Sleep Right 9 Christine Fee.............................................................................9 Living Your Dream; Your Seeds 13 Denise Saracco........................................................................13 Young Adult Case Study: Sound Therapy 15 Dorinne Davis..........................................................................15 Take Me Away - The New Sun 18 Susan Sly..................................................................................18 Relationships: “How Am I Doing?” 20 Jack Canfield...........................................................................20 Teen Years - Ups and Downs 23 Judith Gisser...........................................................................23

Sub-Committee Linda Mitchell Justin Buffer Sarah M. Collins Joanna DeGroot

Staff Linda Mitchell

Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief

Joanna DeGroot

Editor & Layout

Manifesting Intentions 25 Robert Kandarjian..................................................................25 Touch That Matters 27 Theresa Cecylija Leszczynski.................................................27 In the Name of the Game 30 Tracey Mendel.........................................................................30 Personal Transformation 32 Ellen Banks.............................................................................32 Do Not Imagine Me 35 Jordan Brown...........................................................................35 Book Review - The Shack 37 Linda Mitchell..........................................................................37

Contact Information: Holistic Mentorship Network

23 Main Street, Sparta, NJ 07871 Phone: 973.300.1184 Fax: 973.300.1189 Website: www.HolisticMentorshipNetwork.com Email: info@HolisticMentorshipNetwork.com

Perseverance… Determination… Passion… Commitment… Belief… Faith… Trust… ACTION… Words are a driving force that stimulate and keep the DREAM ALIVE. How do you drive your dream? Your VISION? Your LIFE? We come into this world with complete innocence. Each with our own purpose… to heal and return to love. As we develop and experience life in its rawest form, each one of us carries the experiences with us. And no matter how good life has been, each one of us will find something that has occurred in our past that will affect our future “good, bad, or indifferent”.

Nurturing the Dream Dedicated to Gregg Taylor, who gave life to MARCI®

is an acronym for Mindfulness, Awareness, Responsibility, Compassion, & Intuition. In our last issue I talked about Mindfulness and with this issue I will speak out about Awareness, waking up to the dream. The deeper we fall into mindfulness, being present, the more we can become aware of our life both past, present, and future. Changing patterns that we have nicely fallen into… may take looking within. In the workshop that was recently developed for MARCI®, we used the metaphor of a garden. The seeds that we plant can be rich in soil that either nurtures or depletes the soul. Seeds are the heart of any dream where dreams come alive or are forgotten.

As we come into our Open House April 25, 2009: Young Adulthood, these Charlie Semeraro - Mentor of Project Planet and Social Activist, varied human experiMarie Presti - Chair of Project Planet, and Linda Mitchell ences can cause us to waver from the dreams we This period when we come into held as a young child imagining beadulthood is often where our by ing a firefighter, astronaut, dancer, dreams become the past. It is easy Linda Mitchell, doctor, healer, painter, pilot… a to get caught up in old habits that HMN Founder STAR! cause us to become complacent This I know because I have expe- with our present living life style. The most well-meaning people in rienced all of the above… It does We are given mentors or heroes that our lives can sabotage the fuel that not matter the story. What matlight our fire for given moments and drives our dreams… PASSION! ters is how we deal with the story then what? How do we protect ourselves from in this given moment of time. falling into the mindset of limiting MARCI® has been a phenomBreaking old habits that are not beliefs like “dreams can’t come enal tool in waking up to my life. working takes pulling the weeds in true”; “get your head out of the MARCI® started out as a workyour garden that are holding you clouds”; “that’s not reality”; “you shop and is the foundation of the back. This means becoming can’t fight city hall”. Holistic Mentorship Network. cont’d on next page


the cont’d


increasingly aware of those seeds that you planted long ago or today of self-doubt, fear, pain, anger, low self-esteem, worry, judgment, victimization… Make sure the weeds you pull are the ones that no longer serve you. There are many weeds in my garden that I will love for a lifetime because they are the ones that drive my passion and make me unique in my own right.

Please join me in wishing Gregg a safe and prosperous journey that takes him wherever his heart desires. I dedicate this issue to Gregg Taylor… Soar high with the Geese Gregg!! I am also honored to announce our new editor Joanna DeGroot. Her light and passion filled the room the first time I met her… She saw the dream I hold for our organization, the Holistic Mentorship Network and with passion in her eyes she knew the vehicle was MARCI®. Her talents and gifts as a graphic artist, web designer and knowledge of the healing arts will give fuel as we continue the journey of MARCI® reaching higher plateaus and expanding further and deeper into the realm of the internet and within our goal to have MARCI® in every waiting office across the nation. At any given moment, we can be in awe of someone who has connected mind, body, and spirit to the seed of hope, love, and passion for the sport of living in our own truth that will fuel the journey on our own path in keeping the dream alive. I have had the privilege to share time and stories with Tracey Mendel, HMN Board Member. One such story she shares with us today of her oldest child and hero Dillon. Dillon captures the essence of one home run that was direct from the heart.

Surround yourself with people who build you up and honor you in a good or bad day. They will be part of your team, along with other mentors, heroes and resources that will give you optimal guidance and support. At any age we can build on As I leave you today with this one thought: Know that one little seed can have a tripling effect when we raise our awareness for the best and highthis and be a mentor who supports our elders, ourselves, our youth, and est for ourselves and the planet we share with each other. -Linda Mitchell especially our Young Adults, as they start out on their own autonomous journey that will help them heal and return to love in pursuit of their dreams. MARCI® has been a journey, which has led me to today. As we enter into the next season (issue) of MARCI® it is with sadness and exhilaration that I release Gregg Taylor, our former editor, from MARCI®. Gregg has been a driving force that has given MARCI® her life – life to soar, expand, and fill the space within these pages of stories shared of holistic experiences, while educating the world to universal energy that comes in many forms to heal and return to love. Gregg continues his journey in pursuit of his own dreams.

The benefits of Mandala-work Strengthens the will for self-discovery and healing as it promotes inner calm and centering physically, mentally & emotionally; re-establishing the spiritual whole Relieves stress as clearing occurs / relaxing & enjoyable Brings the inner realm into visible forms. Reveals sub-conscious desires by activating the emergence of symbolic images Re-activates latent powers of the mind / clarifies thought Empowers communication and unity between human existence and the cosmos which aids in the understanding of the universal whole Releases inner light of the soul by giving form to expression of intuitive insight Honors one’s life with respect to self as is, the gift of Being, conscious awareness, universality and timelessness

Mandala orgins & types Buddhist Sprituality & Hindu Religion Divine Ancestry of The Babylonian, Celtic, Greek . . . Hexology of The Pennsylvania Dutch Jungian Psychology Native American Wisdom Rose Windows of Christianity Sacred Geometry

Elizabeth Olney MA,CET

973.366.2359 or caw32@optonline.net Mandala overview & design (hat, flowers, drawing) by Elizabeth Olney other images- www.fotosearch.com & Microsoft

Beth Olney has been artistic since a young

child. Following a major in sculpture, she has counseled clients with special needs which led her to coordinating The Arts with service as an Expressive (Arts) Therapist. Beth has inspired many individuals and dozens of groups of diverse backgrounds, with ages ranging from 3 to 93. She has implemented Arts Therapy for day treatment centers and group homes, presented at conferences and facilitated community-based workshops for twenty years. In addition, Beth has worked as an after-school art teacher for seven years, led art sessions for troubled adolescents/ teens and held workshops at three senior centers. Presently she supports the activity department of a local nursing home as a volunteer and conducts a monthly art session at a half-way house for women. She has engaged clients and students in collage of mixed-media, mask-making, altar design, painting, clay-work, poetry, the construction of percussion instruments, percussion music ensemble and dance-movement. The focus of her work is on the voice of expression with the conviction that creativity is an innate gift in all of us that need be explored to insure well-being. She designs her workshops and private sessions dependent upon individual needs, interests, and goals. Currently Beth is conducting workshops in mandala-work and puppet-making. Private sessions are offered in her studio-workshop and off-site.

Jovan Jones of Mine Hill, NJ, 12 yrs old A local drum circle

Members Club Offer: 15% Discount Elizabeth Olney C Action W Morris County, NJ Phone: 973-366-2359 Email: caw32@optonline.net

unable to embrace the new day with enthusiasm and resolve, and unable to participate in life to the fullest. Sleep deprivation contaminates quality of life.

How to Have a Good Night and Sleep Right by Christine Fee

We all want it. We all need it. But sleep can be hard to get, especially these days when high stress runs amok and there are more To Do’s at the end of our day than time. No wonder the sleep-aid industry is so colossal. Despite the recession, prescriptions for major sleep aid brands rose 7% last year, and by next year, the pharmaceutical industry is predicted to reap at least $5 billion from annual sales of socalled hypnotics to help people sleep. Americans are an increasingly sleepless people; millions have trouble falling asleep, and many millions more have trouble staying asleep, especially women. The National Institute of Health says more than 70 million of us nationwide may be affected by sleep troubles.

The Pitfalls of Poor Sleep

The issue of poor sleep seems to particularly affect women. My female clients, many of whom juggle multiple roles as a wife, mother, celebrity actress, employee, or C.E.O, seem to struggle to find that elusive balance, the key to “having it all.” In 2007, the National Sleep Foundation conducted its annual “Sleep in America” poll, focusing on the sleep habits of women aged 18 to 64; the results are astonishing. The poll clearly revealed that American women are over-worked, stressed-out, and significantly sleepy.

It is well documented that without proper sleep, one has an increased risk for weight gain, premature aging (i.e., looking old and tired), imbalanced hor- It is no wonder women struggle mones, and even life-threatening to find balance in their lives illnesses like diabetes and heart when it is hard enough just to get out of bed! So, why all this disease. Quality of sleep also sleep deprivation? We have fallAs a personal trainer and fitness affects an individual’s ability to learn new things and maintain a en behind ever since the world instructor, I have had the priviclear mind, an immediate impact became electrified and digitized. lege of helping people improve Many women put off going to their lifestyle and get into shape with which most of us are all too sleep in order to check e-mail, with exercise, attention to diet, familiar. There is nothing more scroll through the Blackberry, or and having fun. In recent years, frustrating than waking up feelwatch television. The distractions however, I have watched many ing sluggish, tired and cranky, clients – women especially – According to the National Sleep Foundation’s annual poll: struggle with optimizing their • 58% of stay-at-home moms, 56% of moms who work fullhealth and wellness despite our time, and 41% of moms who work part-time say they wake efforts in these three areas. I have long believed that sleep up feeling unrefreshed at least a few days a week or more. plays a vital role in the mainte• 74% of stay-at-home moms, 72% of full-time working nance of a strong, vibrant body, moms, and 60% of part-time working moms experience and realized while I was giving symptoms of insomnia a few nights a week. my clients overall wellness that I • 44% of full-time working moms, 39% of stay-at-home wasn’t addressing the fourth and moms, and 28% of part-time working moms say they are extremely important dimension too tired for sex. of health, that is, sleep.

cont’d on next page

A Good Night cont’d

of new technology are also compounded by age-old chores. In fact, that same NSF poll showed that 73% of full-time working moms and 71% of stay-at-home moms do housework in the hour before going to bed. These activities serve to stimulate the mind and muddle the transition period between wake and sleep therefore making it difficult to achieve sleep.

Simple Solutions The good news is that boosting the quality and quantity of sleep is not as hard as one might think. It takes only a few adjustments to reap tremendous benefits. Of all the things that enhance sleep experience, the one area that can make an immediate difference is sleep preparation. Good Night Sleep Right is a program I have designed which blends soothing music, light stretching, and aromatherapy to create a relaxing environment. By simply modifying the short period of time before going to bed, the task of falling to sleep can be eased, the quality of sleep enhanced, and the number of refreshing hours increased. By pairing the tips below with Good Night Sleep Right, a good nights’ sleep is just 15 minutes away!

1. Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath, reading a book (non workrelated material) or getting yourself a headset that allows you to listen to a soothing, sleep-inducing audio program. 2. Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, cool, and clutter-free. 3. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex. 4. Go to the bathroom one final time before bed. 5. Finish eating at least 2-3 hours before your regular bedtime. 6. Avoid working out within two hours of bedtime. 7. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine close to bedtime. 8. Keep aromatherapy by your bedside. Lavender, for example, has known sleep-enhancing qualities. 9. Keep a journal next to your bedside. Jot down worries (or To Dos) in the journal, then close it and be done with them for the night. 10. Establish a positive mindset and go to a calm and peaceful place. Tell yourself “I will relax, I will fall asleep”. cont’d on next page

energized. What better way to obtain energy than from its natural source…SLEEP? More energy allows us to do more, be more efcont’d fective and efficient in what we are doing, and enjoy it all when it is done! I don’t know one woman who would claim she does not If you cannot fall asleep within need more energy, fewer pounds, a more youthful appearance and 30 minutes, the recommendation is typically to get out of bed greater mental clarity. Well, imagine a solution for all of that which is free and ready for us once we give in. When we fall asleep we to read or watch TV, and then can begin to make that dream come true…. go back to bed. The problem with that, however, is once you Christine Fee is trainer to Susan Lucci and are up blood begins to circulate, founder, CEO of Christine Fee Wellness. pulse increases, blood pressure www.christinefeewellness.com rises, and your natural melatonin (the body’s sleep hormone) is disturbed by the light, making you more “awake” than if you had stayed in bed. My experience has shown me that staying in bed, keeping the room dark, covering the clock, and lying face up while taking deep, slow breaths is much more effective. Enjoy the relaxation of lying in bed. Know that you will be fine in the morning. There is no need to panic! Accept and enjoy your peaceful quiet time. Before you know it you will be fast asleep.

A Good Night

Is there a universal ideal amount of sleep? No. Some of us are “short sleepers” while others are “long sleepers.” Experts say most people need 7 to 9 hours, and that each individual is different. It is important to assess “sleep hygiene” and consider strategies like the ones above to improve the ability to fall and stay asleep. All the exercise, dieting, spa treatments, and selfhelp in the world will not make much of a difference for a body (and mind) running on fumes. Sleep is not a luxury. But life can feel so much more luxurious if we are well rested and

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Living Your Dream by Denise Saracco As the seasons change before our eyes, we are also affected and internal shifts blossom in our hearts. In the Springtime, we have planted seeds of our future for manifestation. Like a tender gardener, we watch over our precious seeds, watching, waiting, and loving each step of the process. Our hearts are filled once again with hope, joy, and renewal when the first tiny sprout has finally journeyed from the Heart of Mother Earth to the Heart of the Universe. A wildly new world is seen for this brave new seedling. We are all that brave new seedling. We venture out into the world everyday. The sun fills us with sunlight. The rain dapples us with its nourishing droplets. The wind blows away that which needs to be cleared. The hope and vision of our dreams burns inside us. It is equally important for us to nourish ourselves – our own internal seeds. Beam our internal bright sun on our seeds, water and feed our seeds, clear away what no longer serves, love, and nurture our seeds. We can dream with

our seeds – dreaming of how those seeds will grow, what they will look like, how we will be different with the growth of these new wonders inside us. The seed’s dreams and our dreams will meld effortlessly. Together, a co-creation of an exquisite dream, one more beautiful than our dream alone, will manifest and live both inside us and outside in the world. And so, it is so important to live the dream now. Dream the dream with your internal seeds. Live it. Be it. Let the Dream engulf you; embrace you in its joy and bliss. Become One with the Dream. All of time is in this moment right now. The magick of each moment is right now. The land of this present moment is ready for you to become your Dream in its fertile soil. Plant. Nurture. Grow. Dream. Be.

Your Seeds by Denise Saracco

Nurture your seeds Feed them your joy Water them your hope Pull out the debris And watch them grow and flower. You are your seeds Dream a Dream with them Dance with them Sing with them Play with them They sprout with joy in your life.

Denise Saracco is a Shaman initiated by the

Denise Saracco Phone: 973-588-7609 Email: swiftwindtherapy@gmail.com

Members Club Offer: 10% Discount for services Services trades accepted

healing spirits of the universe at the age of 2. She was taught how to connect to another beautiful world at any time and did so through adulthood. She experienced many adventures and was taught how to manifest, heal, and work with energy and intent. As an adult, Denise experienced a serious illness; one where the Western doctors could not diagnose or understand. Through meditation, yoga, music, and energy healing, Denise began to heal herself. Along her healing journey, Denise had the privilege to work with and apprentice under various Shamans and spiritual teachers. Her lessons with her worldly teachers gave depth to the meaning of her “otherworld” experiences growing up. The lessons also linked her to her Shamanic ancestry through learning of the “old ways”.

The Young Adult: Using Sound Therapy to Enhance Quality of Life A Case Story by Dorinne Davis The Davis Model of Sound Intervention® incorporates the use of many different soundbased therapies to make change with learning, development and wellness. Laura, age 19, came to The Davis Center as a last resort. She was depressed, had attempted suicide twice after medications made her very aggressive, tried ‘cutting’ herself, had episodes of substance abuse – marijuana, alcohol, and prescriptions, and developed an eating disorder. She was given the diagnosis of

Borderline Personality Disorder. She had heard about this model of sound intervention from a friend and wanted to try to avoid using more medication. The Davis Model uses a total person approach. This means that changes are not ‘taught’; they develop naturally, from within the person, leading to a level from which the person feels more together and balanced. This total person approach is developed through the Voice-

Ear-Brain Connection® first identified by Dr. Alfred Tomatis, and further validated and expanded by Dorinne Davis, Founder of The Davis Center, Succasunna, NJ. There is a cyclical connection between what the ear hears, with what the voice expresses, and what the brain uses. Dr. Tomatis demonstrated that the organs for voice and hearing are part of the same neurological loop. Changes to one influence the other. He found that an individual must consciously choose to actively listen to a sound in order for their voice to produce and respond with the appropriate sound. This connection is very important for learning, development and everyday functioning. When not properly working, this cycle must be retrained and in turn, this will allow the person to develop more appropriately and feel better about themselves. The Davis Model of Sound Intervention revolves around The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy®. The developmental progression – from improvement of one’s physical sense of hearing responses, to using sound processing skills better, to developing specific auditory processing skills, to enhancing academic skills, while supporting one’s health and wellness – is the optimal maturation process. Through sound stimulation, the ear charges the brain with electrical impulses which, through neurological branching, allows for better comprehension cont’d on next page

Young Adult Sound Therapy cont’d of overall sensory input. With better reception comes better responsiveness to the surrounding environment leading to a feeling of being better connected and balanced. For some people, changes can be as minimal as improved balance and coordination, and extend to advanced skills such as improved reading and writing. The repatterning performed by the brain, which is then sent to the body, allows change to occur on its own. The changes are not taught, do not come from being medicated, nor are a result of having symptoms masked. The body figures out its own way to make the change after developing better sensory recognition. A flower doesn’t grow from the blossom down; it grows from the root upward. Neither does the early learner learn from the sentence backward to the sounds within the words. The Davis Model incorporates the concept that we learn, grow and develop in an orderly fashion no matter what impacts us, but sometimes our input doesn’t lead us to good functioning levels. The ear is our first fully functioning sensory system and by its very development is key to a person’s physical, mental, and emotional growth. The voice-ear neurological loop, while developing, strengthens good development of the voice.

The voice is the indicator of a well functioning listening system. This cycle then supports the correct patterning in the brain. When weaknesses exist within this loop, it is important to stabilize them so that our responses to the world are maximized. Laura began with a required Diagnostic Evaluation for Therapy Protocol (DETP®) at The Davis Center. The interpretation of this test battery uses The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy to determine if, when, how long, and in what order any or all of the many different sound-based therapies can be appropriately applied. She reported that she was eating a balanced diet regularly three times per day. She had a history of middle ear infections as a child. When aggravated, she would argue with people and become combative. She was ‘never wrong’. When in noisy environments, she would get nervous and antsy. She put a lot of pressure on herself to do well in school. She did not care for people touching her without letting her know in advance. When people were talking, she described their voices as being muffled sometimes. She reported digestive problems and back problems. Her goal in life is to have better relationships, socialize more, return and finish college, and have a well-paying job she enjoys. The test battery demonstrated that Laura would benefit from

two therapies. The Tree analogy demonstrated foundational sound processing challenges. A Listening Training Program was suggested as the first therapy. This program is based upon the work of Dr. Tomatis. Clients can come to the office or receive the therapy in the comfort of their home. Laura chose to do a home program for convenience. With this program, she listened for 2 hours per day for 15 days, then took 3 weeks off from listening and then listened again for 2 hours per day for 15 days. Her program was individually designed to help her needed weaknesses. A Listening Training Program uses headphones that supply the sound through air conduction (sound channeled through her ear canal) and bone conduction (sound channeled through her skeletal system). The specially chosen music is filtered and altered, meaning that the sound is changed in how the body receives the sound – the low frequencies may be taken out, or the sound from one channel is delayed beyond the other channel of sound. As a result of the first segment of her listening, Laura immediately started to demonstrate change. Her mother said that she was more empathic. She was stepping outside of ‘herself’ and caring for others. Her father said that she seemed calmer than he was. He mentioned that she was calming both her parents down. She was showing both cont’d on next page

Young Adult Sound Therapy cont’d of them a different side of herself. She was also more receptive to new ideas and thoughts, and was acting pleasant to others. She was better able to share and discuss her emotions with others. She was beginning to notice sounds around her more and loud sounds were bothering her more. (This is a positive change which typically subsides once she has learned how to integrate these sounds better. She no longer could turn off or block out sounds around her.) After the second segment of her listening, Laura was markedly happy. Both of her parents reported this and Laura said she was such a different person. To look at Laura when she came to the office for her final testing was great! Her face looked radiant! The happiness showed in her body language and the way she expressed herself verbally. She commented that she thought this would be a good time to quit smoking. She also had some continued digestive problems and wanted to start BioAcoustics®, the science associated with the second suggested therapy, which addresses the wellness imbalances of the body. By repatterning the body with sound-based therapy, the person is better able to integrate the reception of incoming sensory information. The body naturally pulls together the needed responses for improved functioning – either physically, mentally, or emotionally. Sound therapy opens the pathways for natural development and a better all around growth and learning experience. Laura was functioning from a better balanced internal self, which was demonstrated to those around her. She looks forward to going back to school and functioning from a calmer self. She is positive about her future! ©Davis 2009

Dorinne Davis, HMN member, is President of The Davis Center: 19 State Rt 10 E., Ste 25, Succasunna, NJ 07876 Tel. (862) 251-4637 Fax (862) 251-4642 www.TheDavisCenter.com

a muscle. Often the regimen includes dealing with the tedium Take Me Away: of work, planning meals, paying The New Sun bills and all out survival. Taking by Susan Sly time daily to positively exercise your mind through fifteen minutes The tropical sun warms your face. You stare off into the peaceful abyss of daydreaming, meditating or pure ‘zoning out,’ has been shown of azure blue ocean. Your hand reaches leisurely for the refreshing, to have the following benefits: icy, exotic drink on the table beside relaxation, problem solving, your chaise. You sigh, take a deep renewed focus, increased energy, and reduction in stress levels. breath, and run your other hand into the grainy complexity of sand. Life is so good until you are harshly Jack Canfield, the author of many bestsellers and also the jarred from your blissful vacation by the sound of a demanding dwarf co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books not only takes wanting his sippy cup refilled. a fifteen minute daily ‘time out’ he encourages his staff to do the Alas, no, you are not on St. Kitts same. Canfield insists that these soaking up the sun, you are in the fifteen minutes every day allows reality of your world with the day him to be more creative, calm, to day demands facing all of us. and focused. Some of his best A recent survey by the American ideas have come during these daily Psychological Association showed daydreaming sessions. If you look that stress levels are indeed on the rise in America. The economy, to the success of Jack Canfield as an uncertainty and health concerns all author in terms of how many tens of millions of dollars his books have play a major role in elevating our earned him, then it gives credence stress levels. When you combine to the notion that perhaps fifteen these universal stressors with the strains on your own life, it doesn’t minutes of daily daydreaming and take long to understand why more meditation could actually work. and more people are looking for some form of escape. As much as you may be fighting a daily urge to over extend your credit, give your boss a resignation letter and run away, reality dictates that we have a bigger role to play in our lives. The truth is that a little daydreaming or mental escapism is actually good for you, much better in fact than booking an all inclusive. Your brain, although an organ, requires daily exercise much like

In my own life I am a mother of three, run a business with annual sales volume of over $12 million

dollars, write books and articles, speak, train and also work with In my highly acclaimed book, The Have It All Woman, I share the easy to apply tips to creating a fulfilling life. The reality is that we all want different things and our own perception of ‘balance’ could be entirely different than that of our friends, colleagues and family. The certainty of life is that we will have many moments where we want to run, escape, and flee the deluge of our day to day existence. That is completely normal. I believe that we can all live into something more, however, what we cannot do is think of new ways of getting ahead in any area of our life if we are immersed in the trenches of our reality. A little daily mental escapism is the best way to clear your mind, relax, and allow your creativity to flow. That being said, I am headed out to the sunshine and a few minutes of daydreaming. Yes, I have a new book project, our daughter’s sleepover, numerous calls to return, packing to do, meetings to prepare for, and emails to address, however, all of those things will get done with greater ease after a bit of daydreaming.

Having a Calgon moment? Go to www.stepintoyourpower.com and order Susan’s highly acclaimed book – The Have It All Woman, endorsed by Dr. John Gray author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, and Chicken Soup for the Soul author – Jack Canfield.

Championships. She placed in the top 10 in the pro division of the Ironman in Malaysia in 2001. In 2007, Susan completed the Boston Marathon. Susan is an in-demand motivational speaker has shared the stage with Mark Victor Hansen, Jim Rohn, and more. Susan is a success coach and speaker who has helped co-create numerous six and multiple six figure earners. From the years of 1997 to present, Susan has been featured on television, radio, print media and has speaking engagements booked into next year.

Susan Sly is a successful entrepreneur,

author, speaker, master trainer, certified nutritional consultant, certified trainer and coach with over 15 years of experience in health and wellness. She has also generated over $20 million in sales in the industry of network marketing. Susan has been a professor of nutrition at St. Lawrence College in Kingston and a guest lecturer for The Queen’s University School of Business, Queen’s University School of Environmental Science and George Brown College in Toronto. She was also the top producing North American sales manager for Bally Total Fitness. Susan has competed for Team Canada 6 times both in Track and Field and Duathlon. She has competed in 2 World

Susan has three children, ages 2, 5 and 11 years and the devoted wife to her life partner Chris Arkeveld. Susan and Chris dedicate time to giving back and are currently involved in a fund raising project with World Vision to support a trauma centre for girls rescued from brothels and sexual trauma in Cambodia. Susan and Chris also sponsor 20 children through World Vision. Susan is the author of the best selling book the Have It All Woman. She is the co-founder of the Have It All Woman’s Weekend where women undergo three days of life changing personal empowerment. Susan is the President and CEO of Step Into Your Power Productions, a company dedicated to teaching individuals how to create more abundance in their lives. Her website is www.stepintoyourpower.com.

One of life’s fundamental truths states, “Ask and you shall receive.” As kids we get used to asking for things, but somehow we lose this ability in adulthood. We come up with all sorts of excuses and reasons to avoid any possibility of criticism or rejection. This is especially true when it comes to asking for opinions on our appearance, behavior, or performance. When is the last time you asked for a status report from a beloved or co-worker on your attitude, for example? How about a report card from a best friend? A grade on your parenting from your spouse or kids?

If you are not moving closer to what you want, you probably aren’t doing enough asking. And you’re probably not asking the single most important question that can help you achieve a higher level of success and personal fulfillment: How am I doing? This question can be asked in a variety of settings— at work, at home, with friends and colleagues, and even within yourself. The information you gather can be used to set new goals, refine your habits, and generally help you to make the improvements you know you need to make. Have faith that the person you ask will enjoy offering you truthful answers. After all, it’s an opportunity to enrich that relationship and exchange very personal insights. You may even find yourself answering the same question back at the other person.

“How Am I Doing?” The One Question that Can Change All of Your Relationships by Jack Canfield

person to understand what you’re getting at. Instead of being vague at the start, it may help to begin with a direct reference to exactly what topic you’re referring to. For example, if it’s your fitness habits, try “I really appreciate your thoughts on how I’m doing in my attempts to shape up physically. I’m hoping to drop a few pounds and eat better, but I’m wondering (since you’re my husband and you see me more than anybody else) how you think I’m doing?” Later on, you can add something like, “Where do you think I could be going wrong, or could be doing better?”

2) Ask with Confidence People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain. When you’ve figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and How to Ask confidence. Don’t be shy or feel intimidated by the experience. Some people don’t enjoy the You may face some unexpected fruits of asking because they criticism, but be prepared for it don’t ask effectively. If you use with confidence. Try to have an vague language you will not be clearly understood. Here are five open mind and heart. Don’t get ways to ensure that your asking defensive if you hear something you don’t like or that makes you gets results: uncomfortable. It’s good to get a little squirmy once in a while 1) Ask Clearly upon the observations of others. Be precise. Think clearly about They will inspire you to stop, your request. Take time to prepare. Use a note pad to pick reflect, and take steps to make a lifestyle shift for the better. words that have the greatest impact. Words are powerful, so 3) Ask Consistently choose them carefully. If you Some people fold after making throw the “How am I doing?” one timid request. They quit question out without specifics, too soon. Keep asking until you it may take time for the other

cont’d on next page

evaluate you can seem awkward or time-consuming. Your asking “How Am I Doing?” may get lost in the crowd, cont’d unheard by the people you hope find the answers. In prospecting to reach. There is a way around this. If you want someone’s there are usually four or five attention, don’t ask the ordinary “no’s” before you get a “yes.” way. Use your creativity to Top producers understand dream up a high-impact this. When you find a way to presentation. Example: “If you ask that works, keep on asking wanted me to do one thing it. You may, for example, want differently in our relationship, to ask a co-worker about your what would that be?” Find right performance on an important time to ask the question. team project, but you sense a reluctance from that person to offer an opinion. You can always 5) Ask Sincerely ask another person who is more When you really need help, people will respond. receptive to the question, or Sincerity means dropping the consider how you are asking it image facade and showing a and try again. Because people don’t normally go around asking willingness to be vulnerable. Tell it the way it is, lumps and all. others for opinions on how Don’t worry if your presentation well they are doing, it’s not a isn’t perfect; ask from your question typically heard. So be heart. Keep it simple and people prepared to ask over and over will open up to you. again before you hear a clear – useful – answer. If you own your own business or have a lead role at work in 4) Ask Creatively dealing with customers, the Everyone is busy these days keeping up with life and To Dos. how-am-I-doing question can go a long way in bringing you Asking someone to stop and priceless information. And don’t

for a minute think that this is only a question for Customer Service. Asking for feedback is critical regardless of one’s position. How do you really know if your product or service, for instance, is meeting your customers’ needs? Ask them, “How are we doing? What can we do to improve our service to you? Please share what you like or don’t like about our products.” Set up regular customer surveys that ask good questions and tough questions. It’s a powerful way to fine-tune your business – and all the relationship you forge in that business. Think about taking an inventory of “how-am-I-doing” from various people in your life at least once a year. Make it an annual habit. I trust you’ll be surprised and delighted at what you discover about yourself in this process. And it will surely lead the way to higher, more satisfying levels of yourself. © 2008 Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is America’s #1 Success Coach, co-founder of the billion-dollar Chicken Soup for the Soul brand, and a leading authority on Peak Performance. If you’re ready to be more accomplished and have more fun in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at:

www.FreeSuccessPrinciples.com www.thesuccessprinciples.com/resources_index.php

Teen Years: Ups and Downs

Whether you are male or female, teen or senior, the road to reaching those sometimes elusive goals come more easily when you:

1. Know what you want and want it enough to be willing to do some things differently. 2. Understand the underlying intersection between what is not Do you remember your teenage years? For some, it was the worst working in your body and the food and lifestyle choices that of times. For others, the best of times. For most, it was both, often contribute to the outcome you desire. in rapid succession. 3. Make one consistent change at a time and notice the effects. Puberty’s fluctuating hormones When you fall back, instead of brought monthly zits and, for some, full blown and painful acne. condemning yourself, note if the problem returns. Dramatic cause Moods flashed from jubilation and effect actually strengthens the to misery often several times within the same day. Self esteem motivation to continue on the new was elusive and easily squashed. path. Physical attractiveness was a big 4. Make enough changes over time to get the result(s) you want. deal and even the most popular sometimes felt awkward, fat, and Although specifics can differ, ugly. whether it’s zits or weight, the Teens today are still experiencing solution often means leaving junk food behind in favor of a these same shifts. As a clinical whole foods approach to eating, nutritionist and wellness coach, preferably mostly organic plant I see teenagers that are brought foods and free range/hormone in by parents, usually at the free animal proteins and replacing teen’s request. (If a teen is not interested, it’s a waste of money!) depleted nutrients (often specific minerals) with supplements.

by Judith Gisser, M.S., C.N.S., C.W.C.

The two concerns I see the most in Learning how to balance each these emerging adults are: meal with the balance of protein to carbs that works for your 1. Teenage acne individual metabolism helps to 2. Concerns about reaching a regulate blood sugar and prevent desirable weight in a healthy spikes in stress hormones, which way – in girls, this usually about have a snowball effect that impact reducing weight; in boys, it is most often about building muscle appetite, mood, energy and overall and adding weight without the use well being. of steroids.

Unrelated as it may seem, getting sufficient rest each night also has a favorable balancing effect on hormones related to acne and weight. Trigger foods and behaviors need to be identified by each individual and determination applied to eliminate them long enough to see if elimination results in a clear complexion or desired shifts in weight. Healthy ways of dealing with everyday school, familial, and social stress are as critical as food choices. Taking an individual approach with each person and coaching them through the process of motivation, discovery, strategizing around likely scenarios, and reinforcing successful behaviors builds life-long problem solving skills, self-esteem and on-going healthy habits to take them through adulthood. It is worth the effort!

Judith Gisser, M.S., C.N.S., C.W.C. designs nutrition programs individualized to your unique constitution, metabolism, and function level. Judith then helps you move along the continuum to increased balance, vitality and resilience in a way and at a speed that is comfortable for you - incorporating exercise and simple stress management strategies along with eating right to feel right. Her mission is to help you discover how to continue to make the best lifestyle choices for yourself because of how good it makes you feel. Judith Gisser is a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist, a Certified Wellness Coach and has a Masters of Science in Human Nutrition. A former professor of nutrition, she is an author and frequent speaker on nutrition and wellness in medical, corporate and educational settings.

You can reach Judith at 973-625-3169. Sign up for her free newsletter: www.judithgisser.com.

People who have read the 14 Sacred Intentions in my book and heard me speak about them in seminars, usually ask me why a conscious and well meaning intention would fail in manifesting the desired results. The healing process in manifesting an intention is to be aware and to honestly admit to ourselves that within us all may reside a hidden contradictory and opposing force to a well meaning intention. If the desires for the happy marriage, the wonderful job, or the lovely home are not manifesting, we must honestly look at that and dig into the unconscious for the crystallized beliefs and emotions that are sabotaging those positive intentions and desires. If you desire financial security (a great and noble conscious intention) and the contradictory voice of the buried unconscious is yelling, “Money will slow down my spiritual life, I don’t deserve money, money will make me lose friends, money will control my life, money will leave me exposed,” you won’t attract and manifest financial security even with the best of the intentions. If you desire a healthy relationship (another great conscious intention) but again the contradictory voice of the buried unconscious is yelling, “Intimacy takes away

Manifesting Intentions by Dr. Robert Kandarjian

freedom, intimacy means they’ll leave me, I don’t believe in happiness, intimacy means I’m not in control, intimacy will make me lose myself,” you won’t attract and manifest healthy relationships and connections. Many of us are not aware that there is an unconscious force “controlling from within” and running the show; it’s yelling its agenda out of a deep fear and most of us can’t hear it. Unconscious really does mean blocked out of our conscious awareness. We can heal ourselves and manifest intentions when we bring to conscious surface this contradictory and opposing unconscious material that has been there since childhood as well as past soul journeys.

Unfortunately, we all to some degree suffer from amnesia and therefore can’t remember the negative beliefs and emotions that oppose, block and go against the positive conscious desires and intentions. To awaken and release the memory of this unconscious force “controlling from within,” we must move to higher states of awareness through mindful meditation, counseling, journaling, honest self reflection and of course admission. There are many competent practitioners who can help and an abundant amount of self-help books, CDs, and spiritually minded communities who can be supportive. Once the centuries old belief system and buried feelings of the unconscious become conscious, we can take action in making the necessary changes and release the negative past. Awareness, Admission, and Action are the tools that move us from unfulfilled desires to manifested intentions. We don’t have to do all this alone. We have God’s Grace that helps and leads our path and of course the love and support of those we feel safe with.

Dr. Robert Kandarjian, HMN member, is a healer and medical intuitive who has been practicing body-mind integrative therapy since 1983 by embracing a holistic and spiritual approach to wellness. After receiving a degree in Chiropractic in 1983, he built a practice that embraced the philosophy of eastern medicine to better understand the patient as a whole and introduced meditation, intuition, and spiritual healing as stress-management modalities to patients and practitioners. Dr. Kandarjian conducts “Trusting God - Hands-on Spiritual Healing” seminars nationwide and abroad and teaches “Intuitive Energy Healing” to health care professionals. He is also author of “Sacred Intentions” and “Life and Afterlife, Q & A.” Members Club Offer:

10% Discount for services

GUIDELINES For Your Submissions to MARCI® Magazine: Submissions include ARTICLES, ARTWORK, and POETRY • Your name and contact information (email, phone number, mailing address) • Word length of finished article should be between 5001200 words. • Submissions should reflect the “theme or topic” of each edition. We welcome diversity.

Send us your thoughts and ideas to: literaryhmn@HolisticMentorshipNetwork.com

and no vegetation to speak of, dirt roads with endless rocks over which to stumble, no toilets, by Theresa Cecylija and air filled with an unpleasant Leszczynski lingering unidentifiable scent. People of all ages are literally It was a dark, damp, and cold starving to death, scarcely any to the marrow of your bone available clean water, children December morning when I wandering around naked, dazed accepted an invitation to join a local church’s mission to a Batey from hunger and thirst; the houses left standing are built with in the Dominican Republic. hollowed out car doors as walls, How could I say no; this being tin as roofing, and no bathroom. the third time that Sr. Rosemary “mentioned” it and this time it was There are a few roosters scurrying about but rarely a chicken (we all more of a firm statement rather than a casual invite. Being raised know why). Somehow there are dogs – starving, dying of thirst, by parents who taught us to help barely moving, yet life clings thy neighbor before thyself and to them – the sort we often see well, after all, Sr. Rosemary is a pictures of on cans when a shelter nun, add in Karma and you can is collecting money. Children with easily see why I had to say yes. no clothes and no toys find play Now, I was not quite sure how I as a Somatic Therapist could help with rocks and sticks. Violence is an hourly occurrence as is the fact some of the poorest people on that girls go missing never to be earth. But home I went to plan found. Drugs are giving people for my mission trip. false power, men walk the streets Imagine this – it is sunny, very with machetes and drink alcohol bright, and hot, very few trees, as often and as much as possible,

Touch That Matters

while scantily clad women carry babies. Medical help is extremely limited and many suffer including the very many afflicted with HIV/ AIDS. Yes, it is a gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, breathe-taking place. Yet, here lives a community of people who smile from the heart as soon as they see you, wave as you pass by, help each other, speak a couple of different languages, care for their sick, and seem to genuinely be at peace. Having accepted their circumstances, they truly live in the moment. So here I am, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jersey girl filled with trepidation, a really good education, a few years of solid experience; praying for guidance and safety, glad that I updated my will, all while hoping someone would tell me what it is that I am to do here. But here I am! Once I internally make amends with myself from the drive alone and

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Touch That Matters cont’d

exhale from the sights I am led to a small medical clinic, put in a tiny examining room, am told people will be sent to me either one-byone or there would be a minor stampede – my work begins. I center and ground myself, review my everything, energize and begin working with a young woman coming to the clinic with severe stomach problems which included obvious bloating. the greater good. I call this work purposeful compassionate work/ Her pain was not deemed serious love. enough for the doctor so she was passed on to me. Although we The week that I was there, I had did not speak the same verbal the honor of administering infant language, the air we breathed massage, therapeutic massage, and in common created a mutual IGM acupressure to several people understanding of each other. I along with some of the staff. administered IGM acupressure Some were very ill, like Amencia, to her, she cried, I held her, we who was dying of complications smiled then hugged; she thanked from a stroke. When I met her me profusely while showing me she was so dehydrated that her that her distended mid-section had two front teeth were embedded gone down a bit and we parted. into her bottom lip and her throat Next, I saw a small boy, crying from pain and fear, with his mom. We exchanged just a few words, laughed, and began to work. How absolutely fascinating it was to watch the pain and fear be replaced with hope and softness. He too seemed to greatly benefit from my combination of my massage and acupressure work. (For when a therapist is faced with these circumstances sometimes it is impossible to keep the modalities separate.) One must do what needs to be done for

was so closed that when given a drop of water she began to choke. She responded beautifully to the work and I am confident that when she died, ten days after our departure, she died peacefully, in more comfort, and surrounded by the love of her family and friends. What a blessing it was to witness their sense of caring and love!

“stranger” could actually care enough. Their pain had been relieved, their life validated, and more often than not they had been left with a bit of hope. And I must say, what a loud validation of the fact that we all need/hunger for loving touch and no matter what our situation, we know it benefits us. I get teary eyed when I see (in my mind’s eye) the faces of my brothers and sisters that I administered to. They are tears of joy, sadness, gratitude, fear, hope and so much more.

I also pray that the work’s rippling effect settles in the minds and hearts of many as they travel out of the Batey and into other parts of the world. For beyond a shadow of a doubt I know that this work contributes to the makings of a kinder, gentler, more thoughtful and conscientious human being who hopefully thinks twice The partings with each client were before speaking, and acts with the my favorite part. I experienced thought of how their actions affect hugs, endless thank you’s, tears the entire Universe. I dare say that of relief and joy accompanied if this is not factual then we as a by looks of disbelief that a total human race are in trouble.

Theresa Cecylija, BA, SCMT, CPI, CIMI- NJ

State Certified Somatic Therapist works with people of all ages including infants and the elderly. Theresa Cecylija also specializes in modalities for people with illnesses such as Cancer, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Her services are provided at her North Jersey office, the client’s home, rehab facility, or hospital. She is the resident therapist at several assisted living facilities. She also works part-time for Morristown Memorial Hospital as a massage therapist in OB. Her specialties include elder-care massage, eclectic massage, Swedish, infant, sports and seated massage and IGM® Acupressure. Additionally, Theresa Cecylija is teaching both the theory and practicum for a massage therapy program at a certified business school. She incorporates her Holistic life experiences, her intuition as well as her formal training in Process Therapy, Non-denomination Ministry, and Grief Counseling into her work. Being of Polish descent, she was recently a guest on “Polskie Radio”, talking about her work and with the mission at the Batey, Dominican Republic. Theresa Cecylija is an active member of the Pequannock Valley Rotary, Holistic Mentorship Network, American Massage Therapy Association, Association of Bodyworkers and Massage Practitioners, and the American Holistic Health Association. Currently serving Morris, Essex, Bergen, and Passaic counties, she will travel as needed. She is available as a guest speaker and presenter for various events. She also offers seated massage for all corporate and private events.

Theresa Cecylija welcomes hearing from you at 973-835-0396 or at handswithheart3@yahoo.com.

Members Club Offer: 10% Discount for services

In The

Name of the

Game by Tracey Mendel We arrived 3 minutes late, and already, Dillon was on a mission. “Tracey, you missed the homerun Dillon hit. It flew over two fences into the other fields’ outfield!” How many times have I told him to not do anything great until I get there! The coach said he fouled off as many as he could – at least 10 – was he stalling? I smiled. The passion this boy has for the game is unlike anything I have ever seen. Is this what Derek Jeter looked like at age 12? Passion and commitment. It’s like this game fills him with something nothing else can. When he steps over the chalked foul line onto the field, he is home. He steps up to the mound, like it is where he belongs and he picks up the ball like greeting an old friend. Dillon has an audience tonight. It used to change the way he played – maybe nerves? Not anymore. Now he approaches each game like he

has a job to do. I know he is 12, but sometimes, he seems more mature. Concerned about things any 12 year old never thinks about, he takes life seriously, almost as if he has one shot to get it right. Yes, he makes mistakes, he makes errors, but he learns from them and pushes forward, brushing the dirt off like it’s just another game, always challenging himself to do better. This drive does not come from any external source; it is an internal motivation that drives him. He puts his mind to something and makes it happen. At age 7, I remember, he wanted to pitch so badly. Because he was playing with 9 and 10 year olds, he had to wait another year. He didn’t like it, but he waited. He practiced daily in the yard throwing until next baseball season and then he

pitched for his team. At age 10 he wanted to hit an out of the park homerun. Every day he swung his bat, practicing, anticipating every “curve ball”. He watched the older kids, how they stood, how their swing looked. Sure enough by age 11 he was hitting them over the fence. Now he seems to do it with such ease. As I watch him tonight, there is so much he has taught me in the game of baseball. When life throws you curve balls, you can still swing for the fences. When you make an error, you get back up, dust yourself off and stand ready, anticipating the next play. When you put your mind to something that you really want, and you work for it, it can be yours. My son inspires me to strive to be a better person and witnessing his passion for the game, makes me want to swing for the fences.

Dr. Tracey S. Mendel- HMN Board

of Trustees Member, is a Chiropractor with a thriving practice in Spar ta, NJ. After 10 years in a private family practice in Por tland, Oregon, Dr. Mendel moved her family back to NJ to be closer to her and her husband’s family. When not at her office, you can find Dr. Tracey at a local baseball field, basketball cour t, or soccer field watching her two older sons with her infant son in tow! office: 973-726-7000


Photos courtesy of Beth Olney


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”

Expert Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude Even in the Face of Great Adversity! by Ellen Banks It seems that whoever I speak with today, EVERYONE is worried about something. At the top of the list is, of course, the economy and how much money they have “lost” (real or on-paper). My husband and I have stopped opening the 401K envelopes. It just wasn’t worth wasting a whole day to “weeping and gnashing of teeth”. I learned a long time ago that worrying doesn’t change anything. It is simply a waste of time and energy. Put your time into coming up with a plan to respond to the &^%# that has come your way. The solutions may be dramatic. The solutions may completely alter the plan you envisioned for the rest of your life. In the end, you might find that it wasn’t such a great plan anyway. I have often found that the “best of times” are waiting for me after changing course to respond to adversity. Your attitude has EVERYTHING to do with

how well you will survive whatever is challenging you. One of my favorite passages comes from a little something Charles Dickens wrote back in 1859:

I also love the story the Dalai Lama tells in his book, Ethics for the New Millennium. He believes if we can reorient our thoughts and emotions and reorder “It was the best of times, it our behavior, not only was the worst of times, it was can we learn to cope with the age of wisdom, it was the suffering more easily, but we age of foolishness….it was can prevent a great deal of it the season of Light, it was the from arising in the first place. season of Darkness, it was He warns about putting the spring of hope, it was the too much hope in material winter of despair…we had development. The problem everything before us, we had is not materialism but rather nothing before us……” the underlying assumption that full satisfaction can arise What will you choose from material gratification. light or darkness, hope He says “we cannot always or despair, everything or change our external situation nothing? to suit us, but we can change cont’d on next page

Expert Tips cont’d

our attitude”. This comes from a man who lost his country at the age of 16 and became a refugee at age 24. He changed his attitude and approach to how he dealt with those insurmountable challenges!

Back to the present. Before writing this article, I reached out to the Peter Shankman HARO community (reporter’s resource site - www. helpareporter.com) to get a better sense of the prevailing mood outside of my immediate circle. I actually requested tips for staying positive in 2009 outside of the usual stuff we hear everyday (get enough rest, eat well, don’t drink too much, stop smoking, yada, yada, yada). I was pleasantly surprised to get hundreds of responses! I heard from people who were losing their homes and yet felt blessed because their families were together and healthy. They shifted their attitudes to “shit happens and we will fight another day”. WOW! I will now share with you some of the “tips” I received that might help you to stay positive and strong as you face your challenges:

1. “Trust your skills, trust your purpose, trust your higher power so that you can rest, relax and restore.” --Christine Clifton, “Break Out Of The Ordinary” (www. breakoutoftheordinary.com) 2. “When life takes a turn for the worse, the grief can be palpable. One way out is to focus at least part of the day on what is still right with your life…” --Suzanne Zoglio, “Create A Life That Tickles Your Soul” (www.tickleyoursoul.com) 3. “Myth: I cannot be happy until the financial crisis is resolved. NOT TRUE! Unplug, change your perspective, watch your thinking, exercise and embrace your social support.” --Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, “Control Stress For Good” (www. controlstressforgood.com) 4. “Life rewards the person who goes through the struggles of life and comes through them having learned the lesson meant for him or her.” (more on K.D. Hardy’s VERY inspiring story at www.kdhardy.com) 5. “Get outside every day, make a priority of dinner as a family, see lots of live music, don’t dwell on what you can’t change and do dwell on what you can change.” (more of Shel Horowitz’s tips at www.frugalmarketing.com) 6. “Sit down and write out at LEAST 10 appreciations daily! Look around and find 10 things you appreciate - it will change your life!” --Revvell Revati, “7 Steps to Revvellutionize Your Life” (www.revvellations.com) 7. “Change the scale - if you’re 65 and filled with regret over the chances you’ve let slip by, imagine being 85 and how much you’d give to be 65 again with another 20 years of opportunity!” --Barry Maher (www.barrymaher.com) 8. “A recession brings out creativity - instead of spending money, find things that are free like the park, the beach… open a cookbook and make a meal instead of going out for dinner…better planning saves money!” --Adrienne Mazzone, Trans Media Group (www.transmediagroup.com) 9. “Zoom Out…look at the bigger picture…realize you are not alone. Money is only one important area of our lives and I will not let it steal the joy of all the other areas of our lives! --Lisa Preecs, “Heartfelt Words” (www.hfwords.com) 10. “Listen to upbeat music everyday like ‘I’ve Got the World on a String!’” --Julie Gallaher, “Things You Should Do” (www. thingsyoushoulddo.com) 11. “For couples who are stressed and dealing with intensifying conflict, stay connected through frequent, satisfying sexual encounters.” --Melody Brooke, co-author of “Oh Wow This is Great Sex!” (www.thisisgreatsex.com) 12. “Smoke a good cigar!” --Tony Tortorici (www.tortoricipr. com)

cont’d on next page

Expert Tips cont’d

So for all of you who are indeed struggling to stay the course, keep your chin up, look at the glass as half-full and all of those other annoying sayings. I hope these tips will provide you with a new perspective. I will leave you with another one of my favorite quotes from Walden by Henry David Thoreau (1854): “What I lived for…I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could learn what it had to teach and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived…Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito’s wing that falls on the rails…Stay the course and know that one day, we will all look back on these times with great fondness because of what we learned about life and ourselves!” Ellen Banks is President of Transformation Tees: www.reflectyourpower.com

do not imagine me by Jordan Brown

do not imagine me and pretend i do not exist. do not ignore my voice, my sign, my goddess, howling at our back. do not question my determination when i reach for hands that do not respond. do not name me or my fire, burning in my belly, in my womb. do not try to extinguish the flame. it will only burn you and cause you pain. do not attempt to decipher my wild mind and fantastic dreams. i am not a rehearsal waiting for better lives to come. do not keep tabs on all i have ingested. for you should not forget, i can build many lives. do not think i am not connected to mother earth if you destroy her, i will bleed.

do not speak dangerously about my foremothers. their souls are the very air you now breathe. do not curse their accomplishments… their word and mine must be understood. do not laugh at my fight with fists clenched and raised to the heavens, i am capable of anything. do not suppress the erotic within me… eve, artemis, inanna, before me… do not recite the old myths and scriptures. returning myself to myself each month equals strength not weakness. do not believe your texts and you’re his-story. search for the truth, and set yourself free. do not imagine me and pretend i do not exist. i am everywhere…

Jordan Brown is an HMN Member who shares a partnership at Full Circle Counseling, LLC: She is a Social Worker (MSW) and Women’s Empowerment Coach as well as a graduate of Columbia University School of Social Work where she specialized in Maternal and Child Health. Jordan’s experiences include working with battered women and their children and is skilled in facilitating women’s empowerment groups while addressing their unique biological, psychological and social issues. (See ad on previous page)

Members Club Offer: Free 20 minute phone consultation

Main: 973-694-1950 Cell: 201-370-6906 Email: Jordan@ fullcirclecounseling.net Website: www. fullcirclecounseling.net

Holistic Mentorship Network 2009 Retreat

Circles of Life offering a variety of workshops honoring personal insight, nature and spirituality

June 26 - 28

or Saturday only at beautiful


Highland Lake, NY www.koinoniany.org for retreat weekend info contact

Koinonia- 800.980.2267 for Saturday only contact Vivian- 973.426.9208 for info about workshops see

www.holisticmentorshipnetwork.com *discounts avail. to HMN members

beautiful Koinonia, Highland Lakes, NY where the Circles of Life retreat will be held June 2628th

The MARCI® Book Review The Shack is a heart wrenching fictional story when Mackenzie (Mack) is confronted with the hardest thing ever a parent could ever encounter during the disappearance of his daughter Missy; the assumption that she is presumed dead and the next four years where Mack is so consumed with his own remorse of guilt and anger toward a God that could let this happen. The author does a phenomenal job answering this question when Mack is lured back to the Shack

by Linda Mitchell

after receiving a mysterious letter signed from God. Now begins the journey home of understanding and forgiveness when Mack enters the shack and is greeted by Papa (God), a “large beaming African American woman.” He then meets a “small, distinctively Asian woman,” named Sarayu (The Holy Spirit), and a Middle Eastern laborer Jesus. This is the story of the journey home and what happens when we return to love for all creation “good and bad”.

The Holistic Mentorship Network’s Board of Trustees has defined a holistic practitioner as Any practitioner who offers a therapeutic approach intended to treat health issues or conditions through a process that views the physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of existence as co-equal in addressing health and illness…Any practitioner who seeks to address health conditions in terms of the “whole person” rather than that of disorders affecting or confined to only specific functional parts, systems, components, or organs - could be considered a candidate to become a member in our Holistic Mentorship Network.

Holistic Mentorship Network 23 Main Street Sparta, NJ 07871

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