Consett Magazine - January 2023

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Magazine We Consett January 2023 Issue 122
Consett Salvation Army Band - Durham Cathedral Picture By George Ledger

Unlocking the Potential of AI for Small and Medium Businesses:

In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more important for helping businesses of all sizes reach their goals. AI can be used to improve customer service, automate processes, and even help with marketing. Small businesses in particular can benefit from the use of AI, but many are not sure how to get started. Fortunately, there is a local creative agency called Firefly that is helping businesses of all sizes make the most of AI technology.

At Firefly, we understand that small businesses often have limited resources and limited knowledge of AI. That’s why we make it our mission to help businesses of all sizes make the most of AI technology. We can help small businesses implement AI-based marketing strategies, such as using AI to create personalized customer experiences, optimizing marketing campaigns, and analysing customer data to gain insights into customer behaviour.

We have a team of experienced AI engineers who can provide the technical expertise needed to

help businesses implement AI projects. We also provide consultation services to help businesses understand the potential of AI and how it can be used to help them reach their goals.

In addition to helping businesses use AI for marketing, Firefly can also help businesses with other aspects of AI, such as natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision. We can help businesses develop custom AI solutions that are tailored to their specific needs and goals.

At Firefly, we understand that AI can be intimidating and overwhelming. That’s why we make sure that our clients are comfortable with the technology and understand how it can help their business. We provide comprehensive training and support to ensure that businesses are able to get the most out of their AI projects.

We believe that AI should be accessible to businesses of all sizes, and we are committed to helping businesses make the most of this powerful technology. If you’re a small business looking to get started with AI, contact Firefly today to learn more about how we can help.

Bringing the spark to your design and marketing! 01207 438292 -


Are you a member of the Consett community with a story to share? Maybe you're hosting an event, have started a new business, or want to bring attention to a local issue? If so, we want to hear from you!

The Consett Magazine is always on the lookout for interesting and engaging content from people of all ages in the community.

Don't miss this opportunity to share your story with the Consett community. Simply email us at or give us a call on 01207 438 292. We can't wait to hear from you and help you share your story with the community.

We would like to give a big shout out and heartfelt thank you to all of our wonderful contributors and amazing local businesses that support the Consett Magazine. Your advertising, articles, and photos have been instrumental in helping us to continue to spread positive local news in Consett and beyond. We really appreciate everything you do and couldn't print and publish this free magazine without you.

Thank you so much for your continued support, it means the world to us. We hope you all have a fantastic 2023. Advertise

3 Tell Your Story or book your ad space: Phone: �� 01207 438292 Email: �� Hello Consett Magazine readers!
Contributors Barry Kirkham Marco Elsy Lorraine Weightman Christina Groves Alex Nelson Liam Cook Christopher Rea George Ledger Alan Small Chris Bruce The Front Cover The Consett Salvation Army Band at Durham Cathedral by George Ledger. Send your pictures to: Get Published Get your story, photograph, or advertisements to us by the 15th January 2023! Contact us for advertising in print and online. Did you know you can also reach 100,000+ people in the North East with a Firefly Magazines digital campaign? Disclaimer: Consett Magazine and make sure to only use reliable sources and we try to verify all content as much as possible. We cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions. All details are believed to be correct at the time of printing. We recommend that readers check information with any venue about times and dates of events in advance. Readers are welcome to send photographs, letters and other content to Consett Magazine and Firefly New Media UK but we cannot guarantee they will be featured in the publication. Firefly New Media UK reserves the right to neither use submitted material in print and online publications nor return it. The views and opinions expressed in advertisements and content do not reflect that of Consett Magazine and Firefly New Media UK. No part of this publication/website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without prior written permission from Firefly New Media UK. Permission is only deemed valid if approval is in writing. To reduce environmental impact, once finished with please recycle this magazine or pass it on to friends and family. Firefly New Media UK - All Rights Reserved consettmagazine
your business or event from £69 per month.

24/7 support at the press of a button

It’s time to think about Care Connect.

Care Connect from Durham County Council is County Durham’s alarm service that provides at home assistance, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

I have Care Connect for my Mam. They always go the extra mile to make sure she’s okay after a fall” “

Our personal alarms can help your loved ones to remain independent for longer – if they have an accident, feel unwell or have fall, we’ll send a responder to their home. We’re there when you can’t be.

For further information: 03000 262 195

For further information: 03000 262 195

You can also find us on

Help and support for your loved ones at the push of a button

Care Connect is an affordable 24-hour alarm service that will provide you and your family with peace of mind. The customer will be given wear a pendant which, with one simple press, will connect them to our Control Centre, locally based in County Durham.

Our emergency alarm pendants can be worn around the wrist, neck or can be clipped about the person. Press the red pendant button and you'll be connected to us straight away.

With our clever system, trained staff will answer the call for help, and they will know the customer’s name, address, emergency contacts and medical information.

They’ll determine what help the customer needs and despatch one of our mobile Responders who will visit their home to check on their welfare or help if they have fallen.

It's a great comfort to many families that their parents, grandparents, neighbours and vulnerable or elderly loved ones can press just one button and have immediate contact to a trained and compassionate team.

“I just wanted to say how fabulous the service has been for my Mum. My initial enquiry was only last week, and two lovely, friendly, and professional ladies came today to get it all set up for her.

They were so brilliant, patient and kind with my Mum - fabulous service, and really appreciated. It will give us all peace of mind knowing she can access help if she needs it, as she is so independent.” - Care Connect customer’s family

Call our 24-hour number 03000 262 195 to find out more.

Or, you can visit and read about how our service works.

On Facebook! Search for Care Connect.

Worried about elderly parents or relatives?

Epiphany’s Epitome.

January 6th is the feast of The Epiphany, also known as the Twelfth Day of Christmas, and I find myself writing about it in a different way each time it comes around.

I’m left wondering why I’m so drawn to this story and why I feel it’s under celebrated in our western world. My first tale in Consett Magazine was a memory of my London family being wound up by three locals in a pub close by. (1)

Next was the recall of my children's - especially my younger daughter’s - interpretation of the carol, ‘We Three Kings’. (2)

And my third attempt reflected on how different cultures and countries celebrate the day, seeing its observance as important as Christmas Day itself, with close reference to Irish traditions. (3)

Perhaps I’m enamoured with the feast day’s universal message of hope, which is meant for everyone.

This year I’ve done something a little different. While my offering is most definitely based on scripture, and Matthew’s Gospel, it’s written with a geet big dollop of poetic licence!

The Kings Gan Canny

When the bairn was born in a stable, Herod was the king, The three lads from the east arrived, and asked to be let in, ‘We saw a canny star last night, just like the bottle of broon, we’ve been to Fenwick’s sale as well, while we were in the toon!’

Whey, Herod wasn’t happy, In fact he got geet radgie, ‘Gan and find that little bairn!’ said the old bad tempered gadgie. He said ‘Had on’ and shook their hands, which felt a wee bit clammy, ‘You betta bring the babby back, make sure that you gan canny’

The lads set off with their flasks and bait, They were very far from hyem, with a reet lang way to gan man, to get to Bethlehem! Yet the geet bright star, it guided them, to where the bairn was lying, They got there safe and sound that neet, without hardly even trying!

His Mam and Dad were proud as punch, putting the kettle on the stove, The lads brought all their presents in, Myrrh, Frankincense and Gold. They were clammin with the hunga, so they ate up all their bait, then hoyed the ‘z’s’ out through the neet, as it was getting late!

The three lads had the same bad dream, telling them, they mustn’t stay, So they quickly looked on Google maps, to gan yem, another way. They weren’t that struck on Herod, They’d seen him down the club, He sometimes called the Bingo, And he wasn’t very good!

They said goodbye and hurried out, travelling back to where they lived, Told the world about a baby king, who lay swaddled in a crib. News got out that the kings had gone, Now Herod, he was stottin’, He told his mates to do the deed, He really was dead rotten.

An Angel appeared to Joseph, saying, ‘Gan to Egypt right away, take Mary and the little lad, and diven’t you delay.’ So they set off to be exiled, till the bad old king had died, They left Judea, travelling up north, to Nazareth, near Castleside!

They settled in, and the baby grew by the Sea of Galilee, He told them all his parables, To fulfil the prophecy. The three wise men who had travelled far, spread it all aroond the toon, That the star they saw on that magic night, was better than a bottle of broon!

So on twelfth night, look up to the skies, and remember what’s been said, If you see a star, make a wish on it, Before you gan to bed!


‘Consett in Focus’ Documentary Photography Group

Consett Lights Switch on

It was a great night in Middle Street on Thursday when the Derwent Valley Partnership - AAP put on an evening to get everyone prepared for Christmas. The Consett Salvation Army Band played traditional Christmas music whilst the girls of Khalysis put on some rather more modern entertainment. The evening was compared by Alex Winters from CBeebies who also presided over some reather daft activities and the strangest version of the Twelve Days of Christmas you've ever heard. Even Elsa and Anna from Frozen were there and were extremely popular with the kids. Many families endured the cold to have a really good night and it was great to see something else positive happening in the town. Many thanks must go to the Derwent Valley Partnership and the others who organised the event. - Photos by Chris Bruce & Steve Webb

Christ Church Xmas Tree Festival

We have documented a diverse range of Art and Culture over the year but as we move into December ‘Tradition and traditional events’ come to the fore. Some of these are old and familiar traditions and some are very new. Christ Church Consett, this weekend began a new tradition by holding their first Christmas Tree Festival and judging by the faces and comments of people who visited it, this event will become a long and popular tradition in the area. There was Live Music, refreshments, bauble crafts and a tree trail. Tree judging took place today at noon by Tommy Cannon and other cast members of Consett Empire Theatre's Aladdin, in full costume. There was also music outside the Church thanks to The Biking Santas - Photos by George Ledger

Consett Brass Xmas Carols at St Ives Church

St Ives Church, Leadgate hosted a Xmas carol concert with Consett Brass. Traditional carols were played some with a different twist to them, all enjoyed by the local people who attended. Hot drinks, mince pies and a festive get together was very much appreciated - Photos by Steve Webb

Xmas Concert at Durham Cathedral featuring Consett Salvation Army Band

A packed cathedral witnessed a celebration of Christmas. Consett Salvation Army Band provided music for the event which was thoroughly enjoyed by the congregation. Featuring both traditional and modern carols with readings that reflected the celebratory occasion Photos by George Ledger

‘Consett in Focus’ Documentary Photography Group’

If you are part of any Art, Craft and Hobby group or know of any people or groups that are and would like to be part of this growing project, then please, please contact us at:

Our Facebook page: Website: Or email us:


Richard Holden MP welcomes millions of pounds awarded to North West Durham schools for vital repairs

Two of Richard’s North West Durham schools have been awarded millions of pounds (collectively) from the UK Government’s School Capital Fund. Lanchester EP Primary School and Leadgate Primary School now have a significant amount to level up their old buildings.

The School Capital Fund was developed to allocate funding each year to help maintain and improve the condition of school buildings and grounds. It is to be spent on capital projects, in particular prioritising projects that improve school energy efficiency.

Each school in the programme has been selected based on the condition of its buildings, making sure the greatest improvements are delivered for schools that need them the most and maximising children’s chances to gain the skills and knowledge they need.

This year, two schools in Transport Minister’s Richard Holden MP’s North West Durham – Lanchester EP Primary School and Leadgate primary School. Excited at the good news, Mr Andrew Knighton, Deputy Headteacher at Lanchester EP Primary School, said:

“We are thrilled that we are going to receive much needed funding for our school buildings. This will have a significant impact on the children and the local community.

“It was great that our MP took the time to phone me personally yesterday to let us know the exciting news. He has clearly worked behind the scenes to help the children of Lanchester.

“The funding we have secured will allow us to bring the school into the 21st century and give us the building and environment that our children deserve.”

Richard Holden MP comments:

“I am ecstatic that my schools in North West Durham, so often overlooked over successive Labour Governments, has now received the funding they need.

That is why I welcome the news that they will benefit from the latest round of the School Rebuilding Programme, backed by £1.8 billion in 2022–23, to rebuild and refurbish 239 more schools across the country, including updating and modernising buildings by creating state of the art sports halls, music rooms, science labs, and dining areas.

“This investment will improve the experience of students across the country – helping them to learn, develop, and achieve their full potential.”

Commenting, Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said: “Education is a top priority for this Government. That is why, despite facing challenging economic circumstances, we are investing a record amount in our schools and colleges. Today’s announcement will transform hundreds of schools across the country and ensure they are fit for the future.

“The additional funding, alongside fantastic new facilities, will mean our brilliant teachers can get on with what they do best – and inspire the next generation.”


At First Mortgage

Derwentside we would like to start by wishing everyone a Happy New Year and we hope that 2023 brings you health, wealth and prosperity.

Moving into a new year often gives people the chance to reflect on their hopes and aspirations as well as considering parts of their life that they would like to improve on.

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These are all areas that our experienced advisors will be able to assist you with and this will hopefully help you get your new year off to a great start.

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Branding is made up of all the touchpoints you have with a customer which gives you “gut feeling” about your company. Branding is not what you feel about your company. Branding is what your customers feel about your company.
Your website has several jobs to do, it should act like a host to every “guest” that visits. Think of your website as a full time employee. An employee that never sleeps or complains.
How does your potential customer pick your company as the best fit to fill their need? Customers make decisions based on what they’ve seen, read and heard and now you are in control of all three!

Exploring the Future of Central Bank Digital Currencies

The Bank of England is seeking a developer for a mobile wallet for a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The project is set to begin in early 2023, although the Bank of England has not yet confirmed whether it will issue a CBDC. CBDCs are digital versions of fiat currencies issued and backed by central banks, and are often confused with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, CBDCs do not offer the same decentralisation, trustlessness, or permissionless access as Bitcoin, and are viewed by some as a way for central banks to maintain control and extend their power over currencies.

CBDCs have the potential to create economic, financial, and human rights risks for society. Economic risks include the potential for inflation, as CBDCs can be created at the press of a button and potentially inflate the money supply without corresponding increases in GDP. Financial risks include exchange rate risk, higher lending costs, and operational risks such as the potential for centralised CBDC systems to suffer outages or cyber attacks, disrupting financial transactions for the entire nation. Human rights risks associated with CBDCs include the potential for them to be used as tools of surveillance and control by governments, as every transaction is recordable and authorities with access to the CBDC ledger could see all transactions. There is also the risk of combining digital identity with CBDC, as it could allow the government to control how individuals spend and receive money through programmable money that is conditional on attributes of their digital identity.

David Dobrovitsky of Glitter Finance highlights that central banks and governments view Bitcoin as a threat to the current fiat system. 'We have a fiat-based currency, supported by nothing, which can be printed to infinity, and therefore is highly susceptible to inflation,' he notes. 'Putting an old currency into a digital format will not solve this problem,' he believes. 'A CBDC will be created by the same institutions that have created a global crisis of inflation”.

To mitigate the risks associated with CBDCs, it is important for governments to design them in a way that prevents these risks from being possible, rather than just designing controls to mitigate them. The debate over CBDCs and cryptocurrencies will continue as governments and central banks consider the potential benefits and risks of these technologies. While CBDCs may offer some advantages, such as reducing frictions in cross-border payments, they also raise concerns about centralisation, surveillance, and control. In contrast, Bitcoin offers decentralisation, trustlessness, and permissionless access for individuals without the need of central banks or governments being in control of how people access or use their own money. Are governments and central banks investigating the use of CBDCs to maintain control?

Tell us your thoughts on CBDCs and Bitcoin, leave a comment on

County Durham foster carers say thank you to John Lewis

Foster carers in County Durham have written to a national retailer to say thank you for shining a spotlight on what they do.

The group of six, who have taken in young people with the support of Durham County Council, have penned a joint letter to high street giant John Lewis, following the recent release of its 2022 Christmas TV advert.

The company’s festive adverts have become something of an eagerly-awaited annual tradition in recent years, and the 2022 version shines a light on foster carers.

In it, a man is seen struggling to teach himself to skateboard, encouraged by his partner. The advert ends with a nervous young girl arriving at the equally nervous couple’s home, clutching a skateboard. A caption tells viewers there are more than 108,000 children in the UK in the care system.

In County Durham, there are currently over 1,000 children in care and the county council urgently need more carers to join its fostering family, particularly those who feel they could offer a home to teenagers or groups of brothers and sisters.

The six carers were inspired to write to John Lewis as the story in the advert was so similar to their own.

Each member of the group has learned or mastered a new skill since taking children and young people into their care.

Carer Deborah wanted to understand her child’s diabetes better so had a temporary medical procedure to mimic the side effects, while Susan and Steve stepped out of their comfort zone to embrace social media and have since produced a TikTok video.

Fellow carer Cheryl has become a master cook and baker since taking in young people, while Gary is now an adventure park and climbing frame master and Lesley a climbing instructor.


for Dumfries House Auchinleck

rst Saturday of December found me heading into southern Scotland for a visit to Dumfries House, 47 miles north west of Dumfries. Following a major freight train derailment in October, the line was closed between Haltwhistle and Carlisle and a pretty sparse bus replacement service between these two was in place. at has all nished now, making a journey from the north east possible with a single change at Carlisle.

My train was on time but I was booked on a 1330 tour so arranged with a local taxi rm to pick me up at the station at Auchinleck, a couple of miles from the House. I would have preferred to walk but was unsure of the route through the northern side of the estate so paid £9 for a taxi accessing the estate from the south, and going the long way round.

Entrance to the estate is free 365 days a year, and there is only a charge if you wish to enter the House itself, for which a fee of £10 is payable unless you have HHA, Historic Scotland or e Art Pass membership. en it’s a reduced fee, or free for the basic one hour tour. I rebooked on to the 1400

tour to see the interiors, with interesting art, furniture and excellent storytelling from our guide. Dumfries House is a Palladian country house originally designed by the Adam brothers and completed on time and on budget in 1759.

e property was in private hands, owned by the Marquesses of Bute, until 2007 when it was saved for the nation from being sold and the contents split up by a consortium headed by King Charles III (then the Prince of Wales), or, in Scotland, the Duke of Rothesay. A total of £45m was raised to buy the property, partly funded by a loan from the Prince’s Trust of £20m. e Scottish Government also contributed £5m and many private supporters. It was accused of being a vanity project of the Prince at the time, but now employs over 150 people in a former coal mining area of high unemployment, as is a major visitor attraction of this part of Scotland. ere is a collection of Chippendale furniture which is the nest in the UK, and a unique Chippendale bookcase was valued at up to £4m itself, which makes the total cost of the property, including the contents, something of a bargain.

ere is much to delight the eye in other parts of the estate, including the Walled Garden dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II. ere is a choice of dining options, and woodland walks link the attractions within the Estate. On my walk back to the village of Auchinleck though the northern part of the estate (having been advised it was totally open for pedestrians, just not for tra c) I saw some of the other buildings erected on the estate, although a bit more signage to nd the railway station from Barony Road would have been welcome. It’s a great day out, but if you want to stay over, the Lodge has 22 inviting bedrooms to take full advantage of the Estate’s many o erings.

Places to go...
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Pub-goers can enjoy a January Sale at The Company Row in Consett.

Manager Michelle Hobbs is reducing the price of a range of drinks and meals at the Wetherspoon pub in Victoria Road from Tuesday January 3 until Tuesday January 17 inclusive.

The drinks featured in the sale include; draught beers and ciders (Carlsberg, Bud Light, Guinness, Stowford Press Dark Berry Cider, Stowford Press Apple Cider, Ruddles Best and Worthington's), spirits (Bell's whisky, Gordon's gin, Duppy White rum, AU vodka (four flavours), a range of soft drinks (Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max, R. Whites Lemonade, Pepsi Max Cherry), Lavazza coffee (with free refills, as well as tea and hot chocolate).

The low and alcohol-free drinks included in the sale are; Beck's Blue, Adnams Ghost Ship, Brewdog Punk AF, Heineken 0.0, Kopperberg and Erdinger.

The sale prices include a pint of Ruddles Best at 99p, a pint of Bud Light at £1.69, a pint of Stowford Press Apple Cider at £1.69, a Bell's whisky (25ml measure with mixer) at 99p, a bottle of Beck's Blue (alcohol free lager) at 99p, a pint of Guinness at £2.49, Pepsi Max (14oz) at 99p and Lavazza Coffee, tea and hot chocolate (with free refills) at 99p.

Customers can also enjoy savings on food too, with offers on three breakfast items (MOMA porridge, Breakfast muffin deal (fried egg, sausage, bacon, American-style cheese, in an English muffin) and Breakfast wrap deal (fried egg, bacon, sausage, hash brown, Cheddar cheese in a wrap)). All of the breakfast deals include coffee, tea or hot chocolate (with free refills) and are served until 11.30am each day.

Looking After an Older Pet

On average, dogs live for around 12 years and cats for around 14 years, although many will live much longer than this. As your pet gets older, there are many things you can do to ensure they live comfortably and happily during their later years:

1) Consider switching them onto a senior diet which will better suit their changing dietary requirements

2) Take them for shorter walks, more regularly, and keep them active at home with toys and games

3) Keep an eye on their nails. They’re likely to need trimming more often as their exercise levels reduce and cats use their scratching posts less

4) Keep an eye on their eating, drinking and urinating habits. If there’re any changes, book an appointment with your vet

5) Lots of older pets will develop arthritis which is often worse in the winter months.

There’s lots of things that can help with the discomfort and stiffness arthritis causes including anti-inflammatory medication, laser therapy, physiotherapy and joint supplements. Speak to your vet about which options will be best for your pet.

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