1 minute read
0 IntroductIon
1.0 IntroductIon 2.0 components
2.1 The Game Map 2.2 Army Counters 2.3 Army Organizations 2.4 Cards 2.5 Technology and Trench Markers 2.6 Event Markers 2.7 Informational Markers 2.8 Player Aid Sheets
3.0 set-up
4.0 sequence of play
4.1 Game Turn Order 4.2 Faction Sequence of Play
5.0 event card phase
5.1 Rebuild Event Deck Phase 5.2 Event Resolution 5.3 Discards 5.4 Eligible Cards
6.0 movement phase
6.1 Area Control 6.2 Area Capacity and Supply 6.3 Land Movement 6.4 Land Movement Restrictions 6.5 Sea Movement 6.6 Naval Unit Movement
7.0 combat phase
7.1 Naval Combat 7.2 Ground Combat 7.3 Amphibious Invasion 7.4 East African Combat 7.5 Trench Combat 7.6 Technology Combat Effects
8.0 productIon phase
8.1 Production Points 8.2 Production Modifiers 8.3 Production Spending 8.4 Technological Advances
9.0 regroup phase
9.1 Air Superiority Determination 9.2 Reset Artillery Units
10.0 polItIcal Issues
10.1 Conquest and Liberation 10.2 Neutral Nations
11.0 vIctory condItIons 12.0 solItaIre & multIplayer rules 13.0 force pool summary & setup 14.0 desIgner’s notes 15.0 extended example of play
“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.” - Sir Edward Grey