11 minute read
Example: This battle can be fought in two ways. The Axis are attacking. They can use Example: This battle can be fought in two both 3-4 units against the 6-6 or one 3-4 ways. The Axis are attacking. They can use can attack the 6-6, and the other 3-4 can both 3-4 units against the 6-6 or one 3-4 combine with the 9-8 against the 7-6. can attack the 6-6, and the other 3-4 can combine with the 9-8 against the 7-6.
[9.1] When determining the total combat value, CASES remember that Flak units use the lower, left[9.1] When determining the total combat value, most number when attacking and the higher, remember that Flak units use the lower, leftmiddle number when defending. All other units most number when attacking and the higher, use the left-most number for both attack and middle number when defending. All other units defense. use the left-most number for both attack and defense. [9.2] Air units have an offensive (only) Combat Factor of 1. A player may use as many air units [9.2] Air units have an offensive (only) Combat as he has available in a single combat. Factor of 1. A player may use as many air units as he has available in a single combat. [9.3] Attacks at less than 1-6 result in an automatic AE (Attacker Eliminated). Attacks [9.3] Attacks at less than 1-6 result in an at 9-1 or greater result in an automatic DE automatic AE (Attacker Eliminated). Attacks (Defender Eliminated). at 9-1 or greater result in an automatic DE (Defender Eliminated). [9.4] Units on Ridge hexes have their Combat Factors doubled for defense, unless at least one [9.4] Units on Ridge hexes have their Combat of the attackers is on a Plateau hex, in which Factors doubled for defense, unless at least one case the defender is not doubled. of the attackers is on a Plateau hex, in which case the defender is not doubled. [9.5] Forts: Tobruk and Benghazi are Forts. Units in these hexes have no Zones of Control [9.5] Forts: Tobruk and Benghazi are Forts. and are doubled on defense. Enemy units may Units in these hexes have no Zones of Control move next to Forts without attacking or having and are doubled on defense. Enemy units may to be attacked, although either side has the move next to Forts without attacking or having option of attacking in its turn. Only step losses to be attacked, although either side has the affect units in Forts; they can never be forced option of attacking in its turn. Only step losses to retreat. affect units in Forts; they can never be forced to retreat. ignore any retreat result.
Add up the combat factors of the attacking units, including any air units, and compare this total Add up the combat factors of the attacking units, with the defender’s combat factors as a ratio of including any air units, and compare this total attacker to defender. Reduce the ratio to one of with the defender’s combat factors as a ratio of the simplified odds found on the Combat Results attacker to defender. Reduce the ratio to one of Table (CRT). Odds are always rounded down in the simplified odds found on the Combat Results the defender’s favor (i.e., 26 to 9 is reduced to 2 Table (CRT). Odds are always rounded down in to 1). The attacker then rolls one die and crossthe defender’s favor (i.e., 26 to 9 is reduced to 2 references the result with the odds column. Note to 1). The attacker then rolls one die and crossthat the top result pertains to the attacker and the references the result with the odds column. Note bottom result pertains to the defender. that the top result pertains to the attacker and the bottom result pertains to the defender.
AR – Attacker retreats all attacking units back 1 or 2 hexes, as per Retreats (9.8). AR – Attacker retreats all attacking units back AE – Attacker Eliminated. All attacking units 1 or 2 hexes, as per Retreats (9.8). are eliminated and removed from the map. AE – Attacker Eliminated. All attacking units A# – Attacker must lose a number of steps are eliminated and removed from the map. equal to # (Combat Losses, 9.10). A# – Attacker must lose a number of steps A#R – Attacker must lose a number of steps equal to # (Combat Losses, 9.10). equal to # (Combat Losses, 9.10) and retreat A#R – Attacker must lose a number of steps all surviving units 1 or 2 hexes, as per Retreats equal to # (Combat Losses, 9.10) and retreat (9.8). all surviving units 1 or 2 hexes, as per Retreats C – Contact. The units remain in Contact; (9.8). no losses are suffered on either side. In the C – Contact. The units remain in Contact; next player turn, the defender must decide no losses are suffered on either side. In the to remain and attack, becoming the attacker next player turn, the defender must decide (more units can join this attack) or move out to remain and attack, becoming the attacker of the Zone of Control. (more units can join this attack) or move out DR – Defender retreats all defending units 1 of the Zone of Control. or 2 hexes, as per Retreats (9.8). Attacking DR – Defender retreats all defending units 1 units may advance (9.9). or 2 hexes, as per Retreats (9.8). Attacking DE – Defender Eliminated. All defending units may advance (9.9). units are eliminated and removed from the DE – Defender Eliminated. All defending map. Attacking units may advance (9.9). units are eliminated and removed from the D# – Defender must lose a number of steps map. Attacking units may advance (9.9). equal to # (Combat Losses, 9.10). D# – Defender must lose a number of steps D#R – Defender must lose a number of steps equal to # (Combat Losses, 9.10). equal to # (Combat Losses, 9.10), and retreat D#R – Defender must lose a number of steps all surviving units 1 or 2 hexes, as per Retreats equal to # (Combat Losses, 9.10), and retreat (9.8). Attacking units may advance (9.9). all surviving units 1 or 2 hexes, as per Retreats (9.8). Attacking units may advance (9.9).
Example: If the 21st Panzer Division (9-8) is the attacker the 2nd Armored Division (4-6) Example: If the 21st Panzer Division (9-8) is the defender, the odds would be 9-4 which the attacker the 2nd Armored Division (4-6) reduce to 2-1. The Axis player rolls the die the defender, the odds would be 9-4 which and gets a “1.” The CRT result is “A2R” for reduce to 2-1. The Axis player rolls the die the attacker, and “D1” for the defender. The and gets a “1.” The CRT result is “A2R” for 21st Panzer takes 2 step losses, becomes the attacker, and “D1” for the defender. The a 5-7, and retreats 1 or 2 hexes. The 2nd 21st Panzer takes 2 step losses, becomes
Armored takes 1 step loss, becoming a 3-6, a 5-7, and retreats 1 or 2 hexes. The 2nd and holds its position. Armored takes 1 step loss, becoming a 3-6, and holds its position.
[9.8.1] Units retreat 1 or 2 hexes, at the owning player’s discretion (exception: a DR result requires the defender to retreat 2 hexes unless the attacker also receives a retreat result). Units must retreat in the direction of their supply lines if possible. All units need not retreat the same number of hexes if there is a choice. [9.8.2] Units retreat individually. Units cannot be retreated in excess of stacking limitations, into enemy Zones of Control, or off the map. These units are destroyed instead. Friendly units do not negate enemy ZOCs for retreat purposes (exception: Optional Case 18.1.1). [9.8.3] The owning player chooses the path of retreat if more than one path is available.
[9.8.1] Units retreat 1 or 2 hexes, at the owning player’s discretion (exception: a DR result requires the defender to retreat 2 hexes unless the attacker also receives a retreat result). Units must retreat in the direction of their supply lines if possible. All units need not retreat the same number of hexes if there is a choice. [9.8.2] Units retreat individually. Units cannot be retreated in excess of stacking limitations, into enemy Zones of Control, or off the map. These units are destroyed instead. Friendly units do not negate enemy ZOCs for retreat purposes (exception: Optional Case 18.1.1). [9.8.3] The owning player chooses the path of retreat if more than one path is available.
[9.8.1] Units retreat 1 or 2 hexes, at the owning player’s discretion (exception: a DR or D#R result requires the defender to retreat 2 hexes unless the attacker also receives a retreat result). Units must retreat in the direction of their supply lines if possible. All units need not retreat the same number of hexes if there is a choice.
[9.8.2] Units retreat individually. Units cannot be retreated in excess of stacking limitations, into enemy Zones of Control, into a Minefield hex, or off the map. These units are destroyed instead. Friendly units do not negate enemy ZOCs for retreat purposes (exception: Optional Case 18.1.1).
[9.8.4] If both sides in a battle receive retreat results, the defender must retreat first. [9.8.4] If both sides in a battle receive retreat results, the defender must retreat first.
[9.9.1] If the defender’s hex is vacated due to combat, either as a result of retreat or elimination, [9.9.1] If the defender’s hex is vacated due to the attacking unit(s) may immediately advance combat, either as a result of retreat or elimination, into the vacated hex, unless also called to retreat. the attacking unit(s) may immediately advance Units advancing may not violate stacking limits. into the vacated hex, unless also called to retreat. Units advancing may not violate stacking limits. [9.9.2] Defending units may never advance as a result of combat. [9.9.2] Defending units may never advance as a result of combat.
Most units have multiple versions, or “steps,” of different values. When a loss occurs, the next Most units have multiple versions, or “steps,” smallest step is placed in the game. That is, a of different values. When a loss occurs, the next unit could take 2 losses on the Combat Results smallest step is placed in the game. That is, a Table and depending on its steps, lose 3 or 4 unit could take 2 losses on the Combat Results combat factors. Table and depending on its steps, lose 3 or 4 combat factors. [9.10.1] Losses refer to steps and not necessarily combat factors. When a unit takes a loss, it is [9.10.1] Losses refer to steps and not necessarily either flipped to is back (reduced) side, or, if combat factors. When a unit takes a loss, it is already reduced, replaced with another counter either flipped to is back (reduced) side, or, if of a lower value. For example, if the 6th already reduced, replaced with another counter Australian Division took a loss, the 5-6 counter of a lower value. For example, if the 6th would be flipped to its reduced side with a 4-6. Australian Division took a loss, the 5-6 counter would be flipped to its reduced side with a 4-6. [9.10.2] If a unit takes a loss and it has no more substitutes left, it is eliminated. [9.10.2] If a unit takes a loss and it has no more substitutes left, it is eliminated. [9.10.3] Step losses must be apportioned evenly (for each player) during an individual battle. [9.10.3] Step losses must be apportioned evenly One unit could not take 3 steps and another only (for each player) during an individual battle. 1 step, for example (unless the 1-step unit was One unit could not take 3 steps and another only on its last step). 1 step, for example (unless the 1-step unit was on its last step). [9.10.4] Case 9.10.3 does not invalidate the need for all losses called for on the CRT to be [9.10.4] Case 9.10.3 does not invalidate the taken, if possible, even if this means eliminating need for all losses called for on the CRT to be all units, or reducing one unit more steps than taken, if possible, even if this means eliminating another. all units, or reducing one unit more steps than another.
Replacements are available at the beginning GENERAL RULE of each month (odd-numbered turns) starting Replacements are available at the beginning with Turn 3. Armor replacements are received of each month (odd-numbered turns) starting automatically by both sides as per the OOB with Turn 3. Armor replacements are received Displays. Infantry replacements are received by automatically by both sides as per the OOB the Allies as shown on the Turn Record Track. Displays. Infantry replacements are received by Axis infantry replacements are rolled for on the Allies as shown on the Turn Record Track. the Axis Infantry Replacement and Fuel Table. Axis infantry replacements are rolled for on Replacements are used to add steps to units that the Axis Infantry Replacement and Fuel Table. have lost them or to rebuild units that have been Replacements are used to add steps to units that eliminated. have lost them or to rebuild units that have been eliminated.