Spirit of Anniston reports

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Monthly Council Report for October 2009 Nov. 2, 2009 ●

Wrote and received two grants from Coosa Valley RC & D for 2010 Farmers Market and first phase of landscaping. (See attached) Developed job description and ad for a Business Recruitment & Retention Specialist (locally advertised as well as with Auburn, Alabama, Alabama State, and Tuskegee Career Centers, and the National Main Street website) Advised 3 new downtown property/business owners of façade grant and joint marketing opportunities; fielded inquiries on 4 properties; continue communication with B’ham firm that manages the foreclosed Noble Building and another B’ham firm that’s marketing the foreclosed Kitchens building. Attended 15 meetings regarding events and projects Served on Main Street panel discussion at state preservation meeting in Auburn; am helping state recruit a local person to serve on a new state Main Street board. Received Distinguished Service Award from the Alabama Historical Commission (see attached) Developed display and participated in Chamber Business Expo Worked with tour organizer from California to plan Civil Rights group tour and book 20 rooms at Victoria Inn for June 2010 Helped organize and sponsored Chamber’s Small Business webinar for small businesses (How to get local customers into your local business); see attached.

Continued working on organizing materials for Civil Rights Trail committee

Did oral history in Atlanta with Rev. Phil Noble (1963 library integration)

Arranged for Alabama Public Television to tape interviews regarding a documentary on the Freedom Rides; provided contact information to New York production co. that is working on a 2011 PBS documentary on Freedom Rides

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The Spirit of Anniston ●

Continued planning Christmas Un-Parade, and sold two sponsorships

Began planning for January Wedding Expo; have signed up six vendors already

Attended National Trust for Historic Preservation conference in Nashville

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Monthly Council Report for November 2009 Dec. 7, 2009

Staff spent much of November on final preparations for the Christmas Un-Parade on November 21st. This involved extensive pre-planning including: preparation of press releases, ad design, radio scripts, television tapings, sign and banner design; advertising buys, and sign distribution; processing of applications; volunteer meetings; music and performance planning meetings; sponsor sales, window and median decorations, and logistics design. The event was very successful (see enclosed article and excerpt of e-mail from Scout leader David Gladd.) ●

Facilitated Nov. 3 television taping of Freedom Ride segment to air on Alabama Public Television in Feb. Facilitated Nov. 16 Star business article on relocations and new businesses opening downtown Began planning for Northeast Alabama Bridal Show on Jan. 31, which included meetings with volunteer coordinators, preparation of press releases, and development of web ad and new application Facilitated façade grant meeting with that committee and applicant Griffins Jewelers

Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 9:15 PM To: dagjr60 Subject: Anniston Un-Parade

Well, where to start. The overall feeling is it was a great success!!! It was fun and I feel productive. Also so much for the rain...it didn't. After the event we all felt that it was much more fun than just doing a parade, you could do a lot more interaction with the population then just marching down the street. There was talk all along the street about the Scouts and the cobbler. Good times. We started serving cobbler at 5:00 and ran out by 6:00. I think Amy served hot chocolate till closing time.

Yours in Scouting,

Dave Gladd Scoutmaster

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The Spirit of Anniston

Troop 9, Anniston, AL

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Monthly Council Report for December 2009 January 11, 2010 ●

Scheduled and interviewed (with two board members) three finalists for Business Recruitment & Retention Specialist; hired Jennifer Edwards (see attached resume)

Facilitated nominations committee & selection of 7 new board members

Continued meetings with volunteer committee to plan 2010 Bridal Show Jan. 31

Facilitated 3 façade grant committee meetings; 2 for second phase of Still Mid-Town Ceramics and 1 for Anthony’s Restaurant & Brew Pub Continued to communicate with owners or realty management companies with two at-risk properties: Noble Building (Jemison Realty) and About Time Antiques (Cicciamaras)

Held meetings to plan Civil Rights Trail

Took down Christmas decorations and removed Christmas window painting

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Monthly Council Report: January 2010 • Much of January was spent planning and implementing the 2010 Northeast Alabama Bridal Show on January 31. The event brought approximately 500 people to the Meeting Center to visit with 28 vendors, enjoy a fashion show, and see a vintage gown exhibit. Nearly 40 volunteers helped with the event that raised approximately $8,000 and netted $4,000 after expenses. • Held 2 façade grant meetings with GEM shoes applicant for new awning and signage. GEM is moving from 2200 block of Noble to 900 block. • Began Farmers Market planning with meeting of Spirit staff and farmers group. • Continued planning for Civil Rights Trail; met with Leisha Brooks, director of Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery. • Began orientation of Jennifer Edwards, new Business Development Specialist • Met with Star staff to begin planning for an Anniston quality of life publication that can be distributed to business prospects

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Council Report for February 2010 • Several board members and two staff (Betsy Bean, Jennifer Edwards) met with JSU president Bill Meehan and various deans to brainstorm collaborative opportunities regarding the Civil Rights Trail. • Met with Mary Jeanne Packer of GWC, who consulted on the Black Belt Heritage Trail. Spirit won a bid for $1,000 worth of consulting for $200. GWC will facilitate community meetings and input for the Trail. • Began planning for Super Saturday with the Historic Downtown Business Association. Spirit is having a new logo designed and facilitating a new layout of the event in the 900 block of Noble. We’re also arranging for several new features including Arts Alley and a Street Dance. • Two staff members working with Noble Street Festival planning committee…organizing Art Bike Contest, arts & craft vendor line-up, and painting of windows by JSU drawing students. • Worked with WBHM radio in B’ham to line up interviews for their Tapestry show, which airs on March 6. It will be about arts in Anniston. • Arranged and facilitated 3-hour strategic planning for the Board and creation of three committees. • Continue parking management program with sale of permits. • Added several new board members including, Georgia Calhoun, Willi Duncan, Roy Goodson, John Rogers, Jim Freind, Maudine Holloway, Joe Weaver. • Designed and distributed February email newsletter promoting downtown businesses and events • Gathered information on several available properties downtown and distributed information to interested parties • Made contact with a business recruit prospect for the downtown area; currently developing detailed information packet in preparation for meeting • Working with a potential start-up business to identify downtown business location possibilities

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The Spirit of Anniston

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Council Report for March 2010 1. Business Contacts (B. Bean) ●

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Owner of two Gurnee Buildings; inherited, will sell or lease; showing planned for interested party. Joseph Munster, Compass Bank…gave him briefing on downtown buildings available Joint meeting with Jennifer Edwards and a potential niche retailer Phone contact with owner of 907 Noble regarding his plans for building Agreement with Evans Florist to promote business in Spirit storage windows and advise on promoting during downtown events Meeting with real estate agent searching for Social Security site Briefing of commercial real estate agent on downtown buildings available and potential business opportunities Joint meeting with J. Edwards and local crafter who wants to open a craft cooperative Joint meeting with J. Edwards & website designer regarding redesign of website with prominent business recruitment pages, and development of a recruitment campaign. Joint meeting with J. Edwards and new owner of Radio building Joint meeting with J. Edwards and restaurant prospect Joint meeting with J. Edwards and Glen Lee, new owner of 1029 Noble, renovation plans slowed because of personal problems; willing to sell.

2. Business Recruitment Summary by Jennifer Edwards (see attached) 3. Civil Rights Trail ●

Met with Trail committee to plan next steps in implementation of such items as logo design, brochures, signage Met with library director and asst. director to begin planning for a 2011 exhibit of the 60+ photos that were taken of the Freedom Ride attacks (photos are housed at B’ham Civil Rights Institute); also planning a reading and book discussion of Freedom Ride by R. Arsenault; the PBS documentary on Freedom Rides is based on that book, and will air in January. Called R. Arsenault to discuss his participation in Anniston events in 2011; called producers of PBS documentary to get update on production and various promotional activities that Anniston might participate in prior to January airing of show. Met with JSU professor who wants to help write brochure and perhaps plan a national conference for historians in Anniston in 2011

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The Spirit of Anniston ●

Met with various Anniston Star personnel to plan a four-color magazine themed around Anniston’s African American heritage, with the Civil Rights heritage and the Trail brochure as the centerpiece; Star also expressed an interest in developing a website for the Trail Several phone conversations with mural artists from Alabama State, referred by Alvin Lewis, Mike Rogers field staff After year and a half of working with attorney and IRS, finally received 501c3 status for Spirit Foundation, which allows us to pursue various grants for Trail, and pursue individual donations that are tax deductible In talking stages with JSU, development of an art exhibit with Civil Rights theme to be displayed in Anniston; have discussed with state the development of a curriculum module by JSU education department that could be used locally and perhaps statewide.

4. Events ●

Worked with Downtown Business Association to stage Super Saturday on March 20; this included recruitment and management of crafters for Arts Alley; development of wine and cheese tasting at Classic for Relay benefit; managed Relay team set-up; arranged street dance DJ, all signage, arranged design of new SS logo, and new SS signs and banners. Continued promotion of Art Bike contest through newspaper and schools; continued meeting with Noble Street Festival committee as Spirit handles recruitment and processing of arts vendors and Relay teams Met with Farmers Assn. president to begin planning for Downtown Farmers Market in June

5. Promotion ● Wrote Spirit Spotlight newsletter that ran in March 18 Star; sold and designed ad that pays for the newsletter ● Arranged for new locations for Downtown poster and promotional rack cards, including Center for Domestic Preparedness and Civilian Marksmanship Program; continue to print and distribute at restaurants and hotels near interstate. 6. Design ● Met with Design co-chairs to begin planning a demonstration project downtown ● Met with Toby Bennington and Jay Jenkins to discuss various design issues downtown th and ● Arranged with Extension Service and Master Gardeners to landscape park at 11 Noble prior to Noble Street Festival 7. Miscellaneous ● Advertised for parking manager; conducted interviews and made hire ● Attended Huntsville meeting of Becoming Alabama (state organization that’s promoting file:///Users/mac3209/Desktop/fwcouncilreports/Council%20report%20March.htm (2 of 3)9/29/10 3:39 PM

The Spirit of Anniston

Creek War, Civil War, and Civil Rights anniversaries in next 2-3 years)

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Council Report for April 2010 Civil Rights Trail ●

Began arrangements for Dr. Raymond Arsenault, author of Freedom Rides, to bring a busload of students from Stetson College in Florida to Anniston to see Greyhound bus station.

Events ● ●

Coordinated Art Bike contest, judging and exhibiting of awards at Noble Street Festival Recruited select vendors for the NSF, and organized the Relay for Life team area.

Design ●

Coordinated Design committee meeting; showed slide show of Placemaking on a Budget, and led discussion.

Promotion ●

Coordinated Promotion committee meeting to plan outdoor movies for later in the summer

Director’s vacation April 17-26

Report by Jennifer Edwards, Business recruitment specialist

Met with downtown property owner to get information on building for business prospects

Met with Betsy and Rachel Sellers of Directional Design to discuss plans for new Spirit website

• Meet with the City Planner to discuss recruitment activity and business recruitment and retention committee •

Met with restaurant prospect during Noble Street Festival and showed vacant property

Met with General Jackson regarding business seminars for the W 15th street community

• Discussed business seminars with Councilman Palmore and provided informational flyers for Ward meeting file:///Users/mac3209/Desktop/fwcouncilreports/council%20report%20April.htm (1 of 2)9/29/10 3:39 PM

The Spirit of Anniston

• Met with Business Recruitment and Retention committee member Peggy Grubbs to discuss baseline data for downtown and other recruitment initiatives •

Represented Spirit of Anniston at the Calhoun Chamber Small Business committee mtg

Sent follow-up site information to multiple retail prospects

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Council Report for May 2010 Civil Rights Trail ●

Met with Jauneth Skinner, JSU art dept. chair to discuss possibility of an art exhibit in coordination with Freedom Rides 50th anniversary in 2011 Coordinated Trail meeting to give direction to JSU intern who is design the Trail logo

Events ● ●

Hired new Farmers Market Manager Met with Farmers to discuss new vendor policies at the Market

Parking ●

Coordinated lot maintenance with contractor

Report from Jennifer Edwards, business recruitment specialist: • Business Recruitment & Retention committee meeting with board members • Met with Rod Lemon, owner of two successful businesses and consultant on minority businesses, to discuss ideas and initiatives for downtown Anniston • Participated in conference call training seminar on new website use and maintenance • Toured Lyric Square office building and got copies of floor plans to give to prospects • Toured McWhorter properties building on Walnut Avenue • Sent site information to Italian restaurant prospect • Toured several downtown retail spaces with business prospect interested in moving from Oxford • Met with Health Department to gain further understanding on requirements for restaurant setup • Began preparations for downtown retail promotions, “Saturdays of Summer Sidewalk Sales” • Assisted new business (Snooty Fox on Noble) with information gathering pertaining to marketing, advertising, and insurance; also attended grand opening on May 15th • Photographed and video recorded Civil Rights Heritage Trail planning meeting on May 6th

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Council Report for June 2010 Civil Rights Trail ●

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Coordinated and MC’d lunch and panel discussion for students from Stetson University regarding Freedom Rides and Anniston Civil Rights history Hosted California students with lunch and tour of Anniston Civil Rights sites Met with Southern Custom Exhibits to discuss signage for Freedom Rides near former Greyhound bus station

Events (Farmers Market) ● ● ●

Organized 3rd season opening of the Market Coordinating every week’s market with new market manager Lined up two new sponsors for the market

Business Recruitment and Retention (Jennifer Edwards, Business Specialist) • Met with prospect for Coffee/Tea Retail Shop • Facilitated meeting with property owner and the city to discuss creation of loft apartment • Met with Rachel Sellers to discuss final details of new Spirit website • Added content, links, and documents to new website scheduled to launch first week of July • Attended Small Business contracting expo in Birmingham • Met with prospect who makes jewelry to determine interest in opening downtown store • Worked to begin planning for downtown Summer Sidewalk sales • Contacted prospect for bakery in downtown Anniston; will meet with her first week in July • Met with restaurant prospect and showed available property • Conducted follow-up contacts with older prospects to touch base and inquire about new developments

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The Spirit of Anniston

The Spirit of Anniston Council Report for July 2010 Civil Rights Trail ●

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Day trip to Montgomery to measure and photograph the Freedom Rider signage on their bus station to possibly use as a model for ours. Spoke to the Black Heritage Council at Crowan Cottage about Anniston Trail Telephone call with Ray Arsenault, author of Freedom Rides, the basis for the PBS documentary who updated the airing of the show (in May 2011), and agreed to participate in a September 2011 symposium here in Anniston about Civil Rights. In addition, noted historian Wayne Flynt, author of Poor But Proud, will also be one of the keynote speakers. Arranged another visit from Stetson law professor Bob Bickel to visit and do an oral history with Ed Wood.

Farmers Market ●

Continue to oversee and arrange various theme days ranging from Kids Day to Be Safe Day. Organizing closing day with RMC to stage their “Block Cancer” Party.

Miscellaneous ● ●

Developed and submitted 2010-2011 budget Launched newly designed website in keeping with “Explore the Possibilities” poster and rack card design Hired new parking manager

Business Recruitment (Jennifer Edwards) • Assisted two individuals searching for office space in the downtown area • Made follow up calls to prospect leads from the past months • Spoke with the agents for both the Noble Building and the Kitchin’s Building and discussed ideas for promoting the sale of the buildings • Continued work on the Spirit of Anniston website and newsletter • Worked with the Star to run “Welcome to downtown Anniston” ad for The Snooty Fox on Noble • Updated information on vacant properties in the property database

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Council Report for August 2010

Council Report for August 2010 Civil Rights Trail • Met with Jay Jenkins to request a rendering of vacant land on W. 15th to illustrate how the area can be fixed up and marketed as a Tour Stop. • Met with representatives from Birmingham Civil Rights Institute to discuss partnering opportunities on Freedom Ride commemoration in 2011 Downtown Farmers Market • Met with Hilary Folsom at RMC to finalize preparations for their “Block Cancer” Block Party at the last Farmers Market on Sept. 11. • Continued weekly preparations for Market throughout August. Promotion • Re-did & distributed promotional rack cards with new businesses added to them. Miscellaneous • Chairman Ann Welch and E.D. Betsy Bean spoke to Women’s Executive Network on Spirit initiatives • Developed & implemented This Place Matters campaign for Anniston Land Co. Building to try to win $25,000 for roof repairs.

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