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La clutch presenta applicazioni in metallo traforato, ispirate all’ “Orecchino a navicella”, ed il pezzo principale segue decorazioni floreali. La contrapposizione delle lastre squadrate con caratteri naturalistici lascia intendere la ragione umana che contiene e gestisce la forza della natura.


Il guanto nasce dal diadema “Nodo di Ercole”, proposto come laccio alla base del polso, simbolo dell’amore e dell’impegno immortale che lega i due sposi, rappresentati dividendo il tessuto di pelle in due parti, legate da un filo in ottone

The clutch has metal applications made with the openwork technique and is inspired by the “Carrycot Earring”, the main piece has floral decorations. The contrast between squared slabs and naturalistic characters, suggests the human reason that contains and manages the force of nature.

The glove is born from the tiara named “Knot of Hercules”, is re-proposed as a lace at the base of the wrist, and symbolizes the love and immortal commitment that binds the couple, represented by two pieces of leather fabric, tied by a brass wire.

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