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Web Component Development With Servlet and JSPTM

Technologies Activity Guide - Windows SL-314-EE6 D65271GC11 Edition 1.1 July 2010 D68407

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Table of Contents About This Workbook ............................................................Preface-i Course Goal ................................................................................ Preface-i Conventions ................................................................................ Preface-ii Icons...................................................................................Preface-ii Typographical Conventions ............................................... Preface-ii Additional Conventions ................................................... Preface-iv Introduction to Java Servlets ..........................................................1-1 Objectives ............................................................................................ 1-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 1-2 Task – Create a New Project........................................................ 1-2 Task – Create a servlet................................................................. 1-2 Task – Examine the Servlet ......................................................... 1-3 Task – Create the New Servlet Code ........................................... 1-3 Task – Run the New Servlet ........................................................ 1-3 Task – Provide an Index Page...................................................... 1-4 Exercise Summary ................................................................................ 1-5 Introduction to Java Server Pages .................................................2-1 Objectives ............................................................................................ 2-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 2-2 Task – Create an HTMLForm ..................................................... 2-2 Task – Create a JSP ..................................................................... 2-2 Task – Run the Application ......................................................... 2-3 Exercise Summary ................................................................................ 2-4 Implementing an MVC Design.........................................................3-1 Objectives ............................................................................................ 3-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 3-2 Task – Design a JavaBeans Compliant Model. ........................... 3-2 Task – Implement the Model ....................................................... 3-3 Task – Create an HTML Form to Submit the Request ................ 3-3 Task – Create a View Component Using a JSP........................... 3-4 Task – Create the Controller........................................................ 3-4 v Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision D

Task – Run the Application ......................................................... 3-5 Exercise Summary

................................................................................ 3-6 The Servlet’s Environment.............................................................. 4-1 Objectives ............................................................................................ 4-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 4-2 Task – Create index.jsp and a View JSP ................................ 4-2 Task – Create the Controller Servlet............................................ 4-2 Exercise Summary ................................................................................ 4-4 Container Facilities For Servlets & JSPs....................................... 5-1 Objective.............................................................................................. 5-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 5-2 Task – Investigate Projects Using web.xml............................... 5-2 Task – Code the Servlet to Use the Configuration Information .. 5-3 Task– Prepare the Index Page and Run the Application ............. 5-4 Exercise Summary ................................................................................ 5-6 More View Facilities......................................................................... 6-1 Objectives ............................................................................................ 6-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 6-2 Task – List HTTP Headers .......................................................... 6-2 Exercise 2.............................................................................................. 6-3 Task.............................................................................................. 6-3 Exercise Summary ................................................................................ 6-4 Developing JSP Pages .................................................................... 7-1 Objectives ............................................................................................ 7-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 7-2 Task – Investigate JSP Translation.............................................. 7-2 Exercise 2.............................................................................................. 7-3 Task – Investigate the jsp:useBean Tag.................................. 7-3 Task – Retrieve Session Information Using JSP Tags ................ 7-4 Exercise Summary ................................................................................ 7-5 Developing JSP Pages Using Custom Tags ................................. 8-1 Objective.............................................................................................. 8-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 8-2 Task – Investigate the c:out Core Tag. ..................................... 8-2 Task – Investigate the c:remove Core Tag................................ 8-2 Exercise Summary ................................................................................ 8-4 More Controller Facilities................................................................ 9-1 Objectives ............................................................................................ 9-1 Exercise 1.............................................................................................. 9-2 Task – Witness the Failure........................................................... 9-2 Task – Examine the Cause of the Failure

.................................... 9-3 Exercise 2.............................................................................................. 9-4 Task – Examine the Starting Point. ............................................. 9-4 vi Web Component Development With Servlet and JSPTM Technologies Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision D

Task – Install a Login Mechanism in the Application................. 9-4 Task – Install a Security

Filter in the Application ....................... 9-5 Exercise Summary ................................................................................ 9-7 More Options for the Model...........................................................10-1 Objective............................................................................................ 10-1 Exercise 1............................................................................................ 10-2 Task – Create a New Project and an Entity. .............................. 10-2 Task – Create a controller.......................................................... 10-2 Task – Create JSPs..................................................................... 10-3 Task – Test the Application ....................................................... 10-3 Task – Optional: Add Edit, Delete, and Find Operations.......... 10-3 Exercise Summary .............................................................................. 10-4 Asynchronous Servlets and Clients.............................................11-1 Objectives .......................................................................................... 11-1 Exercise 1............................................................................................ 11-2 Task – Create a New Project and Asynchronous Servlet .......... 11-2 Task – Create an Asynchronous Client...................................... 11-3 Task – Test the Application. ...................................................... 11-3 Exercise Summary .............................................................................. 11-5 Implementing Security ...................................................................12-1 Objectives .......................................................................................... 12-1 Exercise 1............................................................................................ 12-2 Task – Verify the Project Prior to Adding Security................... 12-2 Task – Configure Users in the GlassFish Server ....................... 12-2 Task – Assign Users to Roles .................................................... 12-2 Task – MandateLogin Before Access........................................ 12-3 Task – Run the Application and Verify Login Requirement..... 12-3 Task – Pick Up the Username from the Environment ............... 12-4 Task – Modify the Application to Use Form-based login ......... 12-4 Task – Provide a Logout Mechanism ........................................ 12-4 Exercise Summary .............................................................................. 12-5 vii Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision D

viii Web Component Development With Servlet and JSPTM Technologies Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights

Reserved. Sun Services, Revision D

Lab Preface

About This Workbook Course Goal Upon completion of this lab workbook, you should be able to: •

Write servlets using the JavaTM programming language (Java servlets) •

Create robust web applications using Struts, session management, filters, and database integration •

Write pages created with the JavaServer PagesTM technology (JSPTM pages) •

Create easy-to-maintain JSP pages using the Expression Language, JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and the Struts Tiles framework •

Create robust web applications that integrate Struts and JSP pages This workbook presents the lab exercises for each module of the Student Guide. Lab Preface-i Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision D


Conventions The following conventions are used in this course to represent various training elements and alternative learning resources.

Icons Note – Indicates additional information that can help you, but is not crucial to your understanding of the concepts being described.

Typographical Conventions Courier is used for the names of commands, files, directories, programming code, and on-screen computer output; for example: Use ls -al to list all files. system% You have mail. Courier is also used to indicate programming constructs, such as class names, methods, and keywords; for example: The getServletInfo method is used to get author information. The java.awt.Dialog class contains Dialog constructor. Courier bold is used for characters and numbers that you type; for example: To list the files in this directory, type: # ls Courier bold is also used for each line of programming code that is referenced in a textual description; for example: 1 import java.io.*; 2 import javax.servlet.*; 3 import javax.servlet.http.*; Notice the javax.servlet interface is imported to allow access to its life cycle methods (Line 2). Lab Preface-ii Web Component Development With Servlet and JSPTM Technologies Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sun Services, Revision D

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