Epistle to indians i (fara spatii)

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Gandhi (1982.) - sa prevodom youtube.com Epistle to the Indians I Can Indians be alone, Mahatma???.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SRbHnfYHaI Gandhi (1982.) - sa prevodom Film o životu Mahatme Gandija, koji je bio vođa nenasilnog otpora protiv britanske… YOUTUBE.COM Îmi place · Răspunde · Şterge previzualizarea · 28 minute Constantinescu Felix-Gelu Constantinescu Felix-Gelu I don t want to make you like me, guru (you know who you are), I only want to teach you the truth (but You know the truth).. What is the truth? truth is, for you truth is that I(i)sus is Brahma.. Constantinescu Felix-Gelu anyway he s the biggest of the biggest.. the mountain of Muhammad.. And jesus does not give dollars.. But is true that he does give bread and wine.. that s anything ther is to it.. you don t have to stop to be good hindu.. you are hindu.. no one can change that.. but you can become true hindu.. anything that you have to do is to think and drink a glass of wine eat a piece of bread and pray and i ll see you right.. you don t need anything else.. Church in th ebeginning didn t have not even the Bible.. but you have to think you like the Bharata read the Bharata.. but think of Jew, of Jesus the Jew while you read it.. i won t make no promises, but Jesus is special.. What truth do you have that can beat that? than you can drink the blood of God and eat his heart? i don t know no greater truth.. and think all your life of Jesus and Brahma, Jesus and God.. and that s all.. all the rest is theory.. sit by yourself and drink something anything even water.. knowing is the blood of Jesus.. eat anything and think and know you eat the body of Jesus.. and you ll experience a Renaștere.. I dont lie you.. Do you think i lie? No..

Then why don t you do it? and after you ll do it you ll sin big time.,. you ll fall frm your own grace.. but don t give up or despair.. that s the way love goes.. you can even consider these few comments the verses of an epostle, just for you.. the epistle to indians.. but do it, and read it if you need, but live it.. all the gospel is in it.. when you do something think Is this really my atman? is this really I(i)sus? you know i wanted to come to you.. but i m a sickly boy.. but i have come to you.. you dont have to burn your books or dress in blue jeans.. just think of Jesus, love him, call him, wait him.. Jesus, not the white man.. Jesus is not the White Man.. he was poor and his Mother was poor and he had no Father, and most times he didn t have what to eat.. but he is the atman of the universe and beyond, created by Atman from Atman.. Jesus is Atman from Atman.. And he was made by Atman.. Because in Brahma there is the Great Atman, the Child Atman - Jesus - and the Mother Atman, the sine through which Jesus was born from God before everything.. Brahma is Family.. And every Indian, the White and the Black, the Brahman and the Muslim, are brothers, and every man is brother with another, born by the same woman, the same Mother, Eva.. the first Woman and Jesus is the atman that can stop the killings of brothers by brothers.. Amen. Îmi place · Răspunde · 2 minute Constantinescu Felix-Gelu Constantinescu Felix-Gelu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99f_P5YKnX8 Nana - LONELY Finally: New Nana album 2009 out now: Stand Up! listen and order here: http://ww… YOUTUBE.COM Îmi place · Răspunde · Şterge previzualizarea · Chiar acum Editează

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