Agrisul este un arbust cu o inaltime, la maturitate, cuprinsa intre 60 si 150 cm. Ramurile sale sunt spinoase, iar frunzele, paroase, au forma lobata. Florile, de culoare verzuie sau roscata, de mici dimensiuni, apar la baza frunzelor in lunile aprilie si mai. Fructele, cunoscute sub numele de agrise, sunt comestibile, gustul fiind dulce-acrisor. Agrisul este raspandit in paduri si tufarisuri din regiunea montana pana la cea subalpina. In tratamente naturiste,sunt folosite fructele plantei. Fructele se pot recolta in lunile iulie si august. Agrisul-Tratamente Naturiste Agrisele sunt fructe mult cautate pentru tratamente naturiste. Datorita continutului lor, foarte bogat in vitamine si saruri minerale, sunt recomandate in alimentatia copiilor, fiind socotite „fructul vacantelor de vara� petrecute la munte (agrisele sunt un excelent tonic-aperitiv, dar si un bun digestiv). In tratamente naturiste, agrisele sunt utilizate datorita calitatilor lor laxative si depurative. Au efecte, de asemenea, si in suferintele reumatice, in guta, in afectiunile cardiace. Totodata, sunt un bun regulator al activitatii digestive si hepatice, precum si un diuretic natural si eficient. Agrisele sunt recomandate, cu incredere, si in curele de slabire. In uz intern,agrisul se administreaza in tratarea atoniilor digestive,inflamatii ale cailor urinare,litiaze,reumatism,guta. Pentru stimularea functiilor hepatice se administreaza 100-200g pe zi in 3-4 reprize sub forma de compot. Pentru obezi si hipertensivi se tine o cura cu 1kg de agrise pe zi o data pe saptamana cu precizarea ca in ziua in care tinem cura de agrise nu trebuie consumat altceva. >>> Agrisul Planta Medicinala Gooseberries is a shrub with a height of maturity between 60 and 150 cm. Its branches are thorny and the leaves, paros, have lobate shape. The flowers, greenish or reddish, of small size, appear at the base of the leaves in April and May. Fruits, known as agris, are edible, the taste is sweet-sour. Gooseberries is spread in forests and shrubs from the mountainous to the subalpine region. In herbal treatments, the fruits of the plant are used. Fruits can be harvested in July and August. Gooseberries-Natural Treatments Gooseberries are fruits much sought after for natural treatments. Due to their rich content of vitamins and mineral salts, they are recommended for children's nutrition, being considered the "summer holiday fruit" spent in the mountains (Gooseberries are an excellent tonic-appetizer, but also a digestive good). In natural treatments, gooseberries are used because of their laxative and depurative properties. They also have effects in rheumatic, gout, heart disease conditions. At the same time, I am a good regulator of digestive and hepatic activity, as well as a natural and effective diuretic. Gooseberries are recommended, with confidence, and in weight loss belts. In domestic use, gooseberries is administered in the treatment of digestive atonia, inflammation of the urinary tract, litiasis, rheumatism, gout. To stimulate hepatic function, 100-200g per day is given in 3-4 compotes. For both obese and hypertensive, a 1kg cure per day is given once a week, with the indication that on the day that we keep the cure of gooseberries, nothing else should be consumed. ‌read more‌. >>>> gooseberries herb
agrisul planta medicinala-gooseberries herb
Agrisele sunt fructe mult cautate pentru tratamente naturiste. In tratamente naturiste ,sunt utilizate datorita calitatilor lor laxative si depurative. Gooseberries are fruits much sought after for natural treatments. In natural treatments, they are used due to their laxative and depurative qualities. agrisul planta medicinala-gooseberries herb agrisul,planta medicinala,tratamente naturiste,produse naturale,slabire,guta, reumatism, Gooseberries, herb, herbal treatments, natural products, weight loss, gout, rheumatism #Agrisele sunt fructe mult cautate pentru #tratamente_naturiste. In tratamente naturiste ,sunt utilizate datorita calitatilor lor #laxative si #depurative .