Sanatate reprezinta bunul cel mai de pret al omului, spunea Hipocrat, iar medicul este dator sa aleaga calea cea mai putin nociva pentru a o pastra . Aceasta cale s-a dovedit,in timp,a fi medicina naturista. Boala este vazuta astazi ca un dezechilibru care apare intre om si natura. Acest dezacord care afecteaza uneori insasi viata, se poate remedia apeland la tratamente naturiste bazate pe agentii naturali ca: aerul, frigul, alimentatia, plante medicinale etc. In lume se inregistreaza o revenire spectaculoasa la principiile fitoterapiei,care utilizeaza produsele vegetale obtinute din plante medicinale in tratarea afectiunilor organismului uman. Tratamente Naturiste cu Plante Medicinale Tratamentele naturiste reprezinta alternativa lipsita de riscuri la medicamentele de sinteza. Din fericire, in ultimii ani, tot mai multi oameni se intorc la medicina naturista a bunicilor, la leacurile, tratamentele si medicamentele naturiste extrase din plante medicinale, flori, seminte, tuberculi sau fructe. Practic, orice boala sau afectiune se poate vindeca sau macar se poate ameliora cu ajutorul medicamentelor naturiste. Health is the best man's best asset, said the Hippocrates, and the doctor owes to choose the least harmful way to keep it. This path has proved to be natural medicine over time. Disease is seen today as an imbalance that occurs between man and nature. This disagreement, which sometimes affects life itself, can be remedied by natural treatments
based on natural agents such as air, cold, food, medicinal plants, etc. In the world, there is a spectacular comeback to the principles of phytotherapy, which uses plant products obtained from medicinal plants to treat the human body's affections. Natural Treatments with Hebs Natural treatments are the risk-free alternative to synthetic drugs. Fortunately, in recent years, more and more people are turning to grandmother's natural medicine, herbal remedies, herbal remedies and medicinal herbs extracted from herbs, flowers, seeds, tubers, or fruits. Basically, any disease or condition can be cured or at least can be improved by naturally occurring medicines. For thousands of years, medicinal herbs have been our only medicines, and the fact that we use them today is a clear proof of the longevity of their beneficial effects. Over time, gemoterapics, extracts from the embryonic tissues of plants have been added to them. However, natural remedies should not be consumed without measure because the saying is valid in all areas: what is far too bad. Here are the rules of their use! Herbs from A to Z. Find out how to pick and use herbs in herbal treatments. See what are the properties and the healing which diseases are good for each plant Health is the most valuable asset of man, say Hippocrates and the doctor is obliged to choose the least harmful way to preserve it.This path has proven over time to be natural medicine.The disease is seen today as an imbalance that occurs between man and nature.This disagreement affecting sometimes life itself can be remedied by turning to herbal therapy (herbal pharmacy) based on natural agents as: air, fire, food, plants.In the world recorded a comeback to the principles of phytotherapy (herbal pharmacy), which uses plant products derived from medicinal plants in treating human body.Vegetable products are preferred because they are easily assimilated, well tolerated, no adverse reactions or side effects and does not cause undesirable habit.If we look around us we see every step, a plant, a vegetable, a fruit, they may have need for food or medicine.Only their purpose to know it then, we have to wonder why the good that God has allowed to grow up around us.This practical guide for use of planes medicinal want to communicate the opportunities that nature gives us in treating various diseases may some viewed as incurable especially now that we are in a financial trouble and treating disease has become more expensive than ever Health is the most valuable asset of man, say Hippocrates and the doctor is obliged to choose the least harmful way to preserve it.This path has proven over time to be natural medicine tratamente naturiste|plante medicinale|farmacia naturala natural treatments | herbs | natural pharmacy Tratamentele naturiste , reprezinta alternativa lipsita de riscuri la medicamentele de sinteza. Practic, orice boala sau afectiune se poate vindeca... Natural treatments are a risk-free alternative to synthetic drugs. Basically, any disease or affection can heal ... farmacia naturala,tratamente naturiste,plante medicinale,medicina naturista,sanatatea,produse slabit,boala,imbatranire, natural pharmacy,natural treatments,herbs,herbal medicine,health,weight loss,disease,aging