Plantele medicinale sunt armele esentiale ale medicinii naturiste.Datorita efectelor medicinale pe care unele plante sau dovedit a le avea, oamenii le-au ales in scopul de a vindeca sau macar ameliora diverse afectiuni. Plantele medicinale (dar si legumele, fructele) sunt folosite pentru prevenirea si tratarea bolilor de mii de ani, reprezentand poate cea mai veche forma de tratament cunoscut. Retete speciale-tratamente naturiste. Ierburi suedeze. 10 grame de aloe vera sau radacina de gentiana sau praf de pelin,5 garme de smirna, 0,2grame de sofran,10 grame de foi de siminichie, 10 grame de camfor (doar camfor natural) 10 grame de radacina de rabarbar,10 grame de radacina de curcuma(sofran de india) 10 grame de mana,10 grame de Theriak venezian,5 grame de radacina de lemnul-Domnului, 10 grame de radacina de angelica. Aceste plante se pun la macerat intr-un litru si jumatate de rachiu de secara sau de rachiu bun de fructe de 38-40%, intr-o sticla cu gatul larg de 2 litrii, si se lasa sa stea la macerat timp de 14 zile in soare sau langa masina de gatit. Se agita zilnic . Se toarna lichidul dupa macerare in sticlute mici care se astupa bine si se pastreaza la rece. Tinctura aceasta este mai eficienta cu cat sta mai mult timp la rece fara a se umbla la ea. Reteta vinului pentru inima. 10 tulpini de patrunjel proaspat cu frunze cu tot se pun intr-un litru de vin natural, curat la care se adauga 1-2 linguri de otet din vin. Se lasa totul sa fiarba 10 minute la foc mic (ATENTIE!!! FACE SPUMA !). Dupa aceea se mai adauga 300 grame de miere pura de albine si se lasa inca 4 minute sa fiarba usor. Vinul fierbinte se filtreaza si se trage cat este fierbinte in sticle care au fost clatite cu putin alcool tare. Se astupa bine! Depunerile care se formeaza nu dauneaza si pot fi baute si ele fara probleme. ATENTIE!!! mierea se adauga abia dupa primul fiert si trebuie sa fiarba si ea cu restul. Tinctura de propolis. Mod de preparare:propolisul se pune la macerat,timp de 1-2 luni,in alcool etilic de 80-90 grade in proportie de 20-30% (20-30g de propolis la 100 ml de alcool). Dupa macerare se trage in sticlute colorate si se poate pastra 4-6 luni. ‌ citeste mai departe‌ Herbs are essential weapons of natural medicine. Due to the effects of some herbal medicines which have proved to have them, people they have chosen in order to cure or at least alleviate various ailments. Herbs (but also vegetables, fruits) are used to prevent and treat thousands of years, representing perhaps the oldest form of treatment known. Special Recipes-natural treatments. Swedish Bitters. 10 grams of aloe vera or gentian root or powdered wormwood, 5 grams of myrrh, saffron 0,2grame, 10 grams of senna leaf, 10 grams of camphor (camphor only natural) root rabarbar 10 grams, 10 grams root turmeric (turmeric) 10 grams hand, 10 grams of Theriak Venezian, 5 grams of root wood-Lord, 10 grams of angelica root. These plants are put to soak in a half liter of rye whiskey or brandy good fruit of 38-40%, in a wide-mouth bottle with 2 liters, and let stand to macerate for 14 days in direct sunlight or near a cooking machine. Shake daily. Pour soaking liquid in small bottles after the stopper well and kept cool. Tincture it is more effective if they stay cold longer walk without it. Recipe of wine for the heart. 10 stems of parsley leaves and all put in one liter of natural wine, clean plus 1-2 tablespoons of wine vinegar. Let everything simmer 10 minutes on low heat (WARNING!!! foaming!). Then we add 300 grams of pure honey bees and let it simmer for another 4 minutes easily. Filter and hot wine shoot as hot bottles that have been rinsed with some hard liquor. Stopper good! The deposits that form damaging and can be drunk and they smoothly. WARNING!!! honey is added only after the first boil and boil it must rest. Bee glue tincture. Method: propolis put it soak for 1-2 months, 80-90 degrees in ethyl alcohol of 20-30% (20-30g of bee glue in 100 ml of alcohol). After soaking comes in colored glass and can keep 4-6 months. ‌ read more‌ Plantele medicinale sunt armele esentiale ale medicinii naturiste. Vindeca febra, pustulele si negii, ranile vechi, cicatricele... Herbs are essential weapons of natural medicine. Cure fever, pustules and warts, old wounds, scars ... rete speciale,plante medicinale,tratamente naturiste,argila,afectiuni,inima,cancer,propolis , special recipes, herbs, natural treatments, clay, affections, heart retete speciale din plante medicinale-special herbal recipes #Plantele_medicinale sunt armele esentiale ale #medicinii_naturiste. Vindeca #febra, #pustulele si #negii, ranile vechi, #cicatricele ...
retete speciale din plante medicinale AFECTIUNI tratamente naturiste pentru cancer