Rochii la Moda Ieftine Rochiile sunt in top in toata perioada anului, fie ca vorbim de seara de Craciun, fie de Sfintele sarbatori de Paste, evenimente precum zilele de nastere ale prietenilor, baluri sau pur si simplu, serile in care dorim sa detinem un look modern, iar cele mai cool petreceri au nevoie de rochii pe masura, asa ca rochia este o alegere importanta. In functie de stilul personal, aceasta poate fi: rochie lunga, rochie simpla, rochie sofisticata, rochie cu imprimeuri, rochie paietata, rochie cu aplicatii, cat si o rochie indrazneata, pe alocuri transparenta. Fiind una dintre cele mai versatile piese vestimentare, rochia, fie ea rochie scurta, rochie de lungime medie, fie cu volum, va fi item-ul cheie, al tinutelor tale preferate. Poate cea mai interesanta piesa vestimentara, rochia, trebuie sa reflecte personalitatea ta. Asadar, poti alege o rochie colorata, o rochie simpla sau o rochie cu aplicatii,rochii de ocazie, rochii de seara, rochii lungi, rochii de zi sau rochii office tocmai pentru a obtine un look fashion bine definit. INTRA AICI SI VEZI CE TI SE POTRIVESTE …>>> The dresses are top in all seasons, be it Christmas Eve or on Easter celebrate Easter events such as birthdays of friends, proms or simply evenings when you want to own a modern look, while the coolest party dresses as they need, so the dress is an important choice. Depending on your personal style, it may be: long dress, simple dress, sophisticated dress, printed dress, sequined dress, gown with applications and a bold dress, sometimes transparent. Being one of the most versatile pieces of clothing, dress, be it short dress, dress medium length or volume, will be the item key of your favorite outfits. Perhaps the most interesting piece of clothing, the dress should reflect your personality. So you can choose a colorful dress, a simple dress or a dress with applications, special occasion dresses, evening dresses, long dresses, day dresses or dresses office just to get a definite fashion look. ENTER HERE AND SEE what suits ... >>>
Rochie Formidable Night Red Culoare: Rosu.Rochie lunga eleganta de ocazie.Dantela cu model floral in partea de sus,spatele gol,rochie tip sirena.Lungime rochie: 180 centimetri.Material: Poliester + Spandex. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 139 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI…… Formidable Red Dress Night Color: Rosu.Rochie long ocazie.Dantela elegant with floral pattern on top, backless dress type siren Dress Length: 180 centimetri.Material: Polyester + Spandex. Free delivery for orders over 199 RON. The price is 139 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>>
Rochie Eleganta Gray Evening Rochie deosebita de seara, in nuante de gri, cu fusta din tul si bustul din dantela fina, manecile scurte, decolteul rotund si inchidere prin fermoar la spate, fabricata in Romania. Fii delicata alaturi de superba rochie Gray Evening! Culoare: Gri,rochie eleganta de seara cu fusta in clos in nuante de gri. Fusta este lucrata din tul iar bustul din dantela fina.Manecile scurte,inchdierea se face prin fermoar la spate,decolteul rotund. Lungime rochie: 85 centimetri.Material: Poliester. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 149 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI…… Gray Elegant Evening Dress Special evening dress in shades of gray, with a skirt of tulle and fine lace bust, short sleeves, round neckline and zipper closure at the back, made in Romania. Be delicate with Gray Evening gorgeous dress! Colour: Grey, elegant evening dress with flared skirt in shades of gray. The skirt is crafted from fine tulle and lace bust,short sleeves, zipper inchdierea is backRound neckline. Dress length: 85 cm.Material: Polyester. Free delivery for orders over 199 RON. The price is 149 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>>
Rochie XXL Burgundy Lace Rochie eleganta de seara, din dantela cu motive florale, de marime XXL, decolteu in forma de V si maneci scurte. Culoare: Visiniu. Rochie eleganta de seara, de marime XXL din dantela cu motive florale,maneci scurte,decolteu in forma de V. Lungime rochie: 108 centimetri. Material: Poliester + Spandex. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 119 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI…… XXL Burgundia Lace Rochie Elegant evening dress, lace floral, size XXL, V-shaped neckline and short sleeves. Colour: Burgundy. Elegant evening dress, size XXL floral lace, short sleeves, V-shaped neckline dress length: 108 centimeters. Material: Polyester + Spandex. Free delivery for orders over 199 RON. The price is 119 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>>
Rochie De Ocazie Romantic Green Deosebita rochie lunga, tip sirena, in nuante de verde, cu maneci scurte, decolteu in forma de U si insertii elegante la spate. Alege ideala rochie de ocazie Romantic Green si radiaza! Culoare: Verde Rochie superba de seara, rochie lunga de ocazie, tip sirena in nuante de verde,cu decoltu in forma de U in fata insertii elegante la spate ,decolteu in forma de V la spate manecile scurte. Rochie de seara ideala pentru orice eveniment important din viata ta! Lungime rochie pentru marimea S: 160 centimetri.Lungime rochie pentru marimea M: 162 centimetri.Lungime rochie pentru marimea L: 164 centimetri.Material: 95% Poliester; 5% Spandex. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 159 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI…… Romantic dress Green Truck Special long dress siren type in shades of green, short sleeve, U-shaped neck inlays elegant back. Choose Green Romantic ideal occasion dress and radiates! Green Colour Gorgeous evening dress, long dress for the occasion, type siren in shades of green with decoltu U-shaped face stylish inserts at the back, neck V-shaped back short sleeves. Evening dress ideal for any important event of your life! S size dress length: 160 cm M size dress length: 162 cm
Size L dress length: 164 cm Material: 95% Polyester; 5% Spandex. The price is 159 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>>
Rochie De Ocazie Gold Lace Este o deosebita rochie lunga de ocazie, bustul din broderie, maneci scurte, decolteu adanc si crapatura pe picior. Culoare: Negru si Bej. Rochie deosebita de ocazie,cu bustul din broderie,decolteu adanc,maneci scurte,crapatura pe picior.Lungime rochie: 162 centimetri.Material: Poliester + Spandex. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 139 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI…… Used Gold Lace Dress It is a special occasion dress long bust of embroidery, short sleeves, plunging neckline and crack on foot. Color: Black and Beige. Special occasion dress with embroidery bust, plunging neckline, short sleeves, cleft foot Dress length: 162 centimeters.Material: Polyester + Spandex. The price is 139 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>>
Rochie Perfect Evening
S-au acumulat prea multe griji, nelinisti si indoieli in ceea ce priveste tinuta ta de diseara? Toate se vor risipi precum fumul in vant cand vei da cu ochii de mine, sugestiva rochita Perfect Evening! Culoare: Crem. Lungime rochie: 159 centimetri. Rochie lunga eleganta de seara , bustul este format din dantela brodata,maneci din dantela trei sferturi, talie pusa in evidenta printr-o aplicatie fina, inchidere cu fermoar la spate. Material: 95%Poliester; 5%Spandex. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 145 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI…… Perfect Evening Dress They have accumulated too many worries, anxieties and doubts regarding your outfit tonight? All will dissipate like smoke in the wind when you clap eyes on me, suggestive dress Perfect Evening! Color: Beige. Dress length: 159 centimeters. Elegant long evening dress, lace bust is made of embroidered lace sleeves three quarters, waist emphasized by a fine application with zipped back. Material: 95% Polyester; 5% Spandex. The price is 145 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>>
Rochie Eleganta Pink Peplum Surpinde placut prin eleganta rochiei Pink Peplum si obtine momente unice, de neuitat. Este o delicata rochie de seara, in nuante de roz, cu dantela brodata, peplum si banda in talie, crapatura fina pe picior si inchidere prin fermoar la spata. Fii delicata in superba rochie Pink Peplum! Culoare: Roz. Rochie eleganta de seara, cu dantela fina brodata peplum si banda in talie,crapatura pe picior,spatele jumatate gol, inchidere prin fermoar la spate. Lungime rochie pentru marimea S: 102 centimetri. Lungime rochie pentru marimea M: 104 centimetri. Lungime rochie pentru marimea L: 106 centimetri. Material: 95% Poliester + 5% Spandex. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 145 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI…… Peplum Dress Pink Elegance Pleasantly surprised at the elegance Pink Peplum dress and get moments unforgettable. It is a delicate evening gown in shades of pink with lace embroidered peplum waist and tape, crack fine leg and zipper closure at the shoulder. Be delicate Pink Peplum dress gorgeous! Pink color. Elegant evening dress with fine lace and embroidered peplum waist band, cleft foot, the back half empty, zipper closure at the back. Length dress size S: 102 centimeters. Length dress size M: 104 centimeters. Size L dress length: 106 centimeters.Material: 95% Polyester + 5% Spandex. The price is 145 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>>
Rochie Eleganta Royal Black Rochie scurta eleganta, de seara, in nuante de negru, cu dantela brodata cu motive florale, decolteu adanc in forma de U atat in fata, cat si la spate, banda in talie si manecile scurte. Culoare: Negru. Rochie scurta eleganta, rochie de seara in nuante de negru,decolteul adanc in forma de U atat in fata cat si la spate,dantela bordata cu motive florale,manecile scurte banda in talie. Lungime rochie pentru marimea S: 82 centimetri.Lungime rochie pentru marimea M: 84 centimetri.Lungime rochie pentru marimea L: 86 centimetri.Material: Poliester + Spandex. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 159 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI…… Royal Elegance Black Dress Short dress elegant evening in shades of black lace embroidered with floral motifs, deep U-shaped neckline both front and back, waist and short sleeves band. Colour: Black. Short dress elegant evening dress in shades of black, deep U-shaped neckline both in front and at the back, bordered with floral lace, short sleeves waist band. S size dress length: 82 cm Length dress size M: 84 cm.Length dress size L: 86 cm.Material: Polyester + Spandex. The price is 159 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>> Rochie De Ocazie Elegant Turquoise Profita de delicatetea si rafinamentul rochiei de seara Elegant Turquoise! Este o deosebita rochie lunga, in nuante de turcoaz si negru, lucrata din paiete, cu fundita si fermoar la spate. Alege superba rochie Elegant Turquoise si vei straluci! Culoare: Multicolor. Rochie lunga de ocazie, rochie de seara in nuante de negru si turcoaz,cu insertii fine din paiete ,tralucitoare,fundita si fermoar la spate,decupaje elegante la spate. Lungime rochie pentru marimea S/M: 155 centimetri. Lungime rochie pentru marimea M/L: 156 centimetri. Material: Poliester + Spandex. LIVRARE GRATUITA PENTRU COMENZI MAI MARI DE 199 RON. PRETUL ESTE DE 209 RON. VREI SA CUMPERI? CLICK AICI……
Elegant dress Turquoise Truck Take advantage of delicacy and refinement Turquoise Elegant evening dress! It is a great long dress in shades of turquoise and black, made of sparkles, ribbon and zipper at the back. Choose gorgeous dress Elegant Turquoise and you will shine! Color: Multicolor. Used long dress, evening dress in shades of black and turquoise with fine sequin trim, tralucitoare, bow and zipper at the back, elegant cut-back. Length dress size S / M: 155 centimeters. Length dress size M / L: 156 centimeters. Material: Polyester + Spandex. The price is 209 RON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? CLICK HERE….>>> Rochiile sunt in top in toata perioada anului …In functie de stilul personal, aceasta poate fi: rochie lunga, rochie simpla, rochie sofisticata… #Rochiile sunt in top in toata perioada anului …In functie de #stilul personal, aceasta poate fi: #rochie lunga, rochie simpla, rochie sofisticata… black friday,rochie,eleganta,decolteu,seara,ocazie,moda,dama,femei,magazine online,ieftine,haine,superba
Rochii la Moda Ieftine