Tratamentul prin post alimentar este cel mai vechi tratament cunoscut Ĺ&#x;i cel mai eficace posibil. Postul alimentar, inseamna curatare, detoxifiere si indepartarea cauzelor care provoaca boli. Ca metoda terapeutica postul alimentar, este utilizat in numeroase tari din care enumeram: SUA, Germania, Japonia, Franta, Rusia, China, Anglia etc. Este recomandat postul alimentar total (POSTUL NEGRU),pentru tratarea unor maladii cum ar fi: alcoolism, intoxicatii alimentare si chimice, morfinism, intoxicati medicamentoase, procese inflamotorii ORL si oftamologice, hipertrofia arteriala,guta,maladii gastro-intestinale, afectiuni hepato-biliare,maladii dermatologice si ale sangelui , diabetului zaharat etc. Tratamentul prin post alimentar dureaza 2-5 zile,maxim 7 zile pentru tratarea hipertensiuni arteriale. Postul negru (foame si sete) de cateva zile este indicat pentru vindecarea nefritei acute si insuficientei cardiovasculare acute. Postul alimentar total (POSTUL NEGRU), de cateva zile, vindeca: hemoragii digestive, diabetul zaharat si obezitatea. Numerosi cercetatori, sunt de parere ca postul alimentar, opreste procesul de imbatranire a organismului si da individului , o noua tinerete. Numerosi cercetatori, au utilizat postul alimentar de durata mica pana la medie, in tratarea unor maladii ale stomacului, ficatului, bilei, inimii si chiar unele tulburari psihice. Postul alimentar - Tratamente Naturiste Ebba Waerland,in studiile sale,a reusit prin post alimentar, sa vindece bolnavi de: diabet, edeme si psoriazis, reumatism, guta si artrita, afectiuni hepatice si biliare, ulcere stomacale si chiar de cancer. In cazul unei boli grave si in special a cancerului, metoda recomandata este a postului realizat in etape. Se incepe cu un post alimentar de 7 zile, apoi se trece la un regim lacto-vegetarian. Dupa doua saptamani se va incepe un nou post alimentar, acesta avand durata de 14 zile. Se trece apoi la un regim normal,lacto-vegetarian de 21 de zile.
A treia etapa de post alimentar, este de 30 de zile, urmata de 40-45 zile de regim normal. Daca simptomele bolii persista, se poate intreprinde o noua etapa de post alimentar, cu o durata de 30-40 zile. Se recomanda ca tratamentul prin post alimentar, sa fie condus de un medic de specialitate. ...citeste mai departe... Treatment by fasting is the oldest known and most effective treatment possible. Fasting means cleansing, detoxification and removal of causes that cause disease. As a therapeutic method fasting is used in many countries which are: USA, Germany, Japan, France, Russia, China, Britain etc. It is recommended total fasting, to treat ailments such as alcoholism, food poisoning and chemical, intoxicated medicinal inflammatory processes otolaryngology and ophthalmology, enlarged blood pressure, gout, diseases of gastrointestinal diseases, hepatobiliary diseases, dermatological blood diseases, diabetes etc. Treatment by fasting lasts 2-5 days, maximum seven days to treat hypertension. Total Fasting (hunger and thirst) is indicated for several days to cure acute nephritis and acute cardiovascular failure. Total fasting for several days, cure: gastrointestinal bleeding, diabetes and obesity. Many researchers believe that fasting stops the aging process of the body and give the individual a new youth. Many researchers have used food item for small to medium duration in treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, heart and even some psychiatric disorders. Food Fasting - Natural Treatments Ebba Waerland, in his studies, managed by fasting to cure sick diabetes, edema and psoriasis, rheumatism, gout and arthritis, liver and bile, stomach ulcers and even cancer. In case of serious illness and especially cancer, the recommended method is the job done in stages. It starts with a fasting for 7 days, then move to a lacto-vegetarian diet. After two weeks we will start a new fasting, it has duration of 14 days. It then moves to a normal diet, lacto-vegetarian for 21 days. The third step fasted for 30 days, followed by 40-45 days from normal. If symptoms persist, can undertake a new phase of fasting, a period of 30-40 days. It is recommended that treatment with fasting, be headed by a specialist. ... read more ... Tratamentul prin post alimentar este cel mai vechi tratament cunoscut...Este recomandat postul alimentar total (postul negru)... Treatment by fasting is the oldest known cure ... It is recommended fasting, (total fasting) ... Tratamentul prin post alimentar este cel mai vechi tratament cunoscut şi cel mai eficace posibil. Postul alimentar, inseamna curatare, detoxifiere si indepartarea cauzelor care provoaca boli. Este recomandat postul alimentar total (POSTUL NEGRU),pentru tratarea unor maladii cum ar fi: alcoolism, intoxicatii alimentare si chimice, morfinism, intoxicati medicamentoase, procese inflamotorii ORL si oftamologice, hipertrofia arteriala,guta,maladii gastrointestinale, afectiuni hepato-biliare,maladii dermatologice si ale sangelui , diabetului zaharat etc. tratamentul prin post alimentar,tratamente naturiste,postul alimentar,postul negru,regim alimentar,lacto vegetarian,maladii,imbatranire ,treatment by fasting,herbal treatments,fasting,total fasting,diet,lacto vegetarian,disease,aging tratamentul prin post alimentar-treatment by fasting #Tratamentul prin #post_alimentar este cel mai vechi tratament cunoscut...Este recomandat postul alimentar total ( #postul_negru )... Le traitement par le jeûne est le plus ancien remède connu ... est totale recommandée à jeun ...