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The aviation industry took a significant blow at the start of COVID-19 in 2020. The world’s uncertainties and fragile state of mind required them to be quick and active while the industry was still attempting to digest the new developments. Airlines had to step up their game with their cargo services to meet the world’s needs. Along with the uncertainty, there were a number of technological advancements, governmental regulations, and changes in the competitive environment to look at.
navigating the challenges. He focused on how new technologies reshape aerospace with artificial intelligence, the internet of things (IoT), aircraft systems and hybrid aeroplanes. Apart from that, he highlighted how digitalisation and sustainability efforts are game changers. Cathay’s Fly Greener initiative enabled their cargo customers to work out the carbon emissions of shipments and the cost to offset them, and then contribute to purchase carbon-offset projects.”
The second panel saw Rajesh Menon, who shared his essential industry insights from the airline perspective. Andrei Diminescu spoke about how technology is changing the aviation sector, while Robin Vermaat spoke on crucial topics, including the influence of leadership. Vibha Mehta, Editor-in-Chief of Logistics News ME, moderated the panel and helped the discussion amongst the aforementioned industry leaders flow naturally.
The rising need for technical developments integrated into supply chain solutions for aerospace and industrial repair facilities was emphasised by Andrei, the Founder and CEO of AirAi Network. He did provide his perspective on the happenings in the much wider sector. At the same time, Robin structured his discourse around the crucial components of leadership amid these interruptions, and
Rajesh contributed a sizeable portion of thoughts from an airline’s standpoint. Vibha continued the discussion by addressing essential facets of the aviation sector, including the dynamics of the air freight industry, difficulties the sector faces, governmental regulations, fuel costs, and sustainability.
Correspondingly, Rajesh shared how Cathay Pacific conducts its operations by
On the other hand, Robin explained why leadership is a paramount concern regardless of whether changes come suddenly or gradually. He says effective leadership gives employees comfort and motivates them to adjust to it more easily. Oddly enough, the panel also discussed the burgeoning e-commerce sector and how it influences the aviation industry to make changes that address economic demands and psychological needs. Express and quick deliveries are vital components of the e-commerce sector, which motivates the air freight and air cargo sectors to ramp up their performance.
ANDREI DIMINESCU, FOUNDER AND CEO OF AIRAI NETWORK, SAYS, “Air Cargo and any other Supply Chain related industry, in that sense, should navigate thru crisis using technology. It all comes back to data and how you use it: The better you understand your demand, your market, your customer’s behaviour, the easier it is to adapt.”
ROBIN VERMAAT, CEO OF RV CONSULTANCY, ADDS, “It was my honour and pleasure being invited to sit on the panel and discuss with fellow peers and industry leaders while having the opportunity to network and exchange knowledge.”

RAJESH MENON, REGIONAL HEAD OF CARGO SOUTH ASIA, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA AT CATHAY PACIFIC AIRLINE, COMMENTS, “It was an honour to be able to share my knowledge with others from different logistics industry sectors. Not only did the forum give me the platform to share my knowledge, but it also gave me great insight into my fellow panellists’ experience within the industry. Overall, it was great to have an event that brings everyone from different logistics sectors together to share their experiences.”