Construction Global - December 2014

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December 2014

major projects UK Eco-Town’s Energy Efficient, Low Carbon Homes management & planning Six Ways to Effective Communication


Special Feature Improves Industry Norms Through Offsite Optimisation


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ed i t or ’ s commen t

UK Construction Looks to the Future T h i s m o n t h ’ s i s s u e has a very British feel about it as we

speak to two companies at the more innovative end of the industry spectrum. Offsite construction isn’t necessarily a new concept, but the optimisation of the trend is still an internal sector race; one that is being explored more than most by knowledge transfer organisation, Buildoffsite. Referred to as ‘a coalition of the willing’ the organisation has been formed to support a step-change increase in the use of offsite construction solutions, and Chairman, Richard Ogden is eager to push on with productivity, potentially leaving traditional methods behind. Continuing the UK theme, Stewart Dalgarno, Director of Product Development of Stewart Milne Group explains the significance of North West Bicester, the UK’s first eco town, the first of its kind in the country with the potential for an additional 5,000 homes to join the 393 currently planned. Elsewhere this month, Wes Simmons of Eque2 pinpoints six ways in which companies can optimise projects through effective communications, and we count down the top 10 railway station constructions. Enjoy the issue!

Matthew Staff Associate Editor





Major Projects

UK Eco-Town Signifies Growing Importance of Energy Efficient, Low Carbon Homes


Management Planning

Don’t Have a Construction Project Management Communications Breakdown



Technology & Equipment Buildoffsite Strives to Improve on Industry Norms through Offsite Optimisation Top 10


Railway Stations 5




Galaxy Trading

The Dalton Company

company profiles Middle East 44 Galaxy Trading 56 Imdaad 66 EGBC Association 74 Ramboll

Africa 86 Green Building Council of SA Association

Canada 94 Certified Coating Specialists 104 The Dalton Company 112 Clobracon Construction Inc. 118 K-Line Group 6

December 2014

124 PPP Canada Association

USA 130 Total Facility Solutions 142 Walsh Loma Linda VA Project


Walsh Loma Linda VA Project

150 West Builders Inc. 158 Archer Western Construction Norman Wastewater Facility Project

164 Archer Western Construction I-395 Project 174 Lake Oswego and Tigard Water Project

Australia 182 Buildcorp Interiors

Brazil 188 SIG Engenharia 198 JCB

America Latina 212 HAUG 230 COBOCE Ltda


Lake Oswego and Tigard Water Project


West Builders Inc.


Archer Western Construction Norman Wastewater Facility Project

198 JCB 7

major projects


UK Eco-Town Signifies Growing Importance of Energy Efficient, Low Carbon Homes W r i t t e n b y: M a t t h e w S t a f f


major projects North West Bicester will soon become the UK’s first eco-town, designed to achieve high standards of environmental sustainability, functioning as a phased extension to Bicester. Developed primarily by A2Dominion and contracted by Willmott Dixon, it is Stewart Milne Timber Systems who will supply its award winning Sigma II Build System for 91 homes as part of phase one, which will consist of homes which will achieve CSH Level 5. With the potential for an additional 5,000 homes to join the 393 currently planned, Construction Global caught up with Steward Milne Group’s Director of Product Development, Stewart Dalgarno to discuss the ecotown and its significance. Bicester, the UK’s first eco-town CG: How does the planned town earn the title of the UK’s first eco- town? SD: The development is the first eco-town to adhere to the Government’s original Eco Town Policy Planning Statement and is designed to encourage low carbon living as well as fostering sustainable communities. Among the notable aspects of the project: very high performance 10

December 2014

building fabric, offsite manufacture of materials enables a cost effective and faster speed of build, photovoltaic panels on roofs, rainwater harvesting, high spec landscaping, and with a community feel built into the basic place making design. Every house will also be heated from a central energy plant meaning no homes require internal boilers.

f ea t ure ar t i cle shor t ened headl i ne

CG: What is Stewart Milne Timber System’s role in NW Bicester? SD: At the core of the energy performance of this development is the homes’ fabric and build systems - that’s where our role in the project comes in. With factories in Aberdeen and Witney, we are both local to the project and very experienced in designing and delivering high quality,

high performance homes. Our Sigma II Build Systems, which will be precision engineered offsite, reduces environmental impact and waste, and will also increase the speed of build, enabling us to keep on track with the ambitious build schedule of roughly four completed homes a week. We take a fabric first approach to design which ensures we achieve the 11

major projects maximum energy efficiency standards, whilst building in assured performance, in this case, Code level 5. CG: What is the role of timber frame in achieving sustainability? SD: Timber is a natural carbon sink and is the most sustainable building material available today. Because energy efficiency is designed into our Sigma II Build System, timber frame homes are better insulated and more energy efficient than conventional methods. The use of timber systems also allows a high degree of design flexibility allowing many external finishes and house type designs to be achieved.


December 2014

Our Witney facility is an automated factory which allows for high quality, greater productivity and lower waste. Furthermore, our highly-streamlined factory processes reduce the amount of waste in the factory and on site, as well as building in assured performance by pre-insulating and airsealing panel designs. At Bicester our use of closed panels, which are manufactured offsite and pre-insulated, allow for much quicker construction where homes can be made wind and watertight with 78 hours. This is important given the project is a fast build over a winter

the UK’s first eco-town

build involving a wide mix of different house types, as the closed panel method allows rapid progress and early weather and air tightness with minimum on site waste. CG: What are the other sustainable features of the buildings/homes themselves? SD: We’re using our award winning Sigma II Build System, “195 C-Stud”. This system delivers maximum energy efficiency, excellent heat retention, low

thermal bridging and air tightness with a 0.15 U-value. The party walls and roof will be site insulated and made air tight with membranes, as part of our work package. This, along with conventional roof trusses and insulated flat roof cassettes, means a pair of semidetached homes can be weather tight, air tight, secure and fully insulated within 72 hours, providing a safe and efficient means to complete the homes on site. Included among the many sustainable aspects of NW Bicester


major projects

‘In my opinion, low-carbon homes and other buildings are going to take on growing importance in the future’ will be a superior building fabric, PV arrays, combined heat and power, rainwater harvesting, in-home consoles displaying energy and water consumption, real-time information on local public transport and an electric car club. Some homes will also have 14

December 2014

future-adaptable roofs which can be transformed with ease into increased working or living space to improve the life cycle of the buildings and lessen travel requirements. CG: What is the latest status of the project and what are the next

t he U K ’ s f i rs t eco - t own

Community Street milestones for Stewart Milne Timber Systems in the coming weeks and months? SD: The project began at the end of October with construction scheduled to complete in spring 2015. The build programme is approx. four-five homes per week.

CG: How do you see developments like these impacting on the wider housing market, its sustainability and the future of sustainable living? SD: We hope that projects like Bicester will challenge the perception of what eco homes can be and help to stimulate demand across the UK. One day, I think zero carbon towns and sustainable housing development will be commonplace. I would like to see the housing market in general develop to a point where a fabric first approach is the norm, and not the exception. One way of incentivising people to consider buying eco-homes would be for the Government to introduce added incentives such as reduced levels of stamp duty and Council Tax, particularly as further pressure to deliver change is likely in the coming years. In my opinion, low-carbon homes and other buildings are going to take on growing importance in the future, and timber frames’ inherent energy efficiency and structural integrity can play a key role in helping to achieve those objectives.Â



Don’t Have a Construction Project Management Communications Breakdown Wes Simmons of Eque2 pinpoints six ways in which companies can optimise projects through effective communications E D ITE D b y: W e s S i mm o n s , M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r , E q u e 2


August 2014


management/planning When a company communicates effectively internally, it is far more likely to provide effective and unified communications to external organisations. It was the American business writer Thomas J. Peters who famously said that “communication is everyone’s panacea for everything”. When it comes to maximising efficiency across the construction sector, effective communication really is the cure for a thousand ailments. Even though the UKs economy is now growing faster than any other G7 nation, it will take a while to recover from the past five years of challenging market conditions. The recession may have been painful for many construction companies, but it has engendered a focus on efficiency that applies to far more than just cost and financial management. There are numerous ways in which effective communications can help to identify and resolve problems on projects earlier and even squeeze extra profits from each project. Don’t waste resources Imagine a company simultaneously 18

December 2014

Lack of communication can lead to a waste of resources undertaking two construction projects. Both developments require the use of plant for piling, which has been hired at considerable expense. The plant, however, is lying idle at site A due to last week’s discovery of unrecorded underground pipes. Progress has also ground to a halt over at site B, because nothing can be done until the piling rig arrives on-site. In this scenario, it’s easy to see how a lack of internal communication has led to a waste of resource that will inevitably drive up overall project costs. If everyone in the company knew what their colleagues were doing, resources could be deployed to

C ons t ruc t i on P rojec t M anagemen t C ommun i ca t i ons

optimise utilisation. Many companies are guilty of similarly ineffective resource management. Often without even realising it. It comes from within Construction companies often fail to communicate with their clients, supply chain partners and external organisations, such as engineers, effectively. From slow response times through to senior managers not passing on appropriate information,

communication breakdowns with third parties can occur with depressing regularity. Internal communications also continue to be a problem for many construction companies. Poor internal communication can be caused by many factors, but it generally leads to the same outcome – inefficiency. An obvious solution is to install construction management software that provides a single, unified location where every relevant nugget or snippet of information about the

‘Poor internal communication can be caused by many factors, but it generally leads to the same outcome – inefficiency’



‘The larger a construction company gets, the harder it can be to maintain effective channels of communication’ company’s activities can be recorded and noted. When a company communicates effectively internally, it is far more likely to provide effective and unified communications to external organisations. ‘Vary’ important indeed Variations can be among the leading causes of profit erosion during the lifecycle of any construction project. The hundreds of component elements involved are often susceptible to unforeseen changes, and each of these variations needs to be communicated within the company to prevent any adverse knock-on effects. The profitability of a project that looked lucrative at the tendering stage can be eroded by ongoing variations. If everyone who learns about a specific variation fails to share that information 20

December 2014

and attempts to resolve their issue independently, then the outcome is likely to be less than optimal. Conversely, through effective communication, variations can both increase client satisfaction through the delivery of a better outcome whilst at the same time increase profitability for the contractor. Get it in writing The larger a construction company gets, the harder it can be to maintain effective channels of communication. As site and workforce numbers increase, so do the dangers of one person making a decision that will inadvertently impact on others. If a site manager is pressured by a client into agreeing to a small specification upgrade during a site visit, it’s imperative that he then notifies all relevant parties about this revision.

C ons t ruc t i on P rojec t M anagemen t C ommun i ca t i ons

Workflow processes incorporating authorisation procedures can then ensure that decisions are properly authorised and communicated. Future issues with the client regarding “agreed” variations to specifications that haven’t been met can then be avoided. The only way to ensure information is disseminated to everyone is by logging it in a universally-accessible location, such as your construction management software. This ensures that everyone knows what’s been amended, when, why and by whom. It also gives them ample opportunity to update specifications, procurement information and project forecasts. The best software systems have full mobile capabilities, enabling people to record changes instantly on-site. This capturing of data leads



Invest in construction management software

inevitably to much more up to date and accurate information. Information that can be shared with all parties through effective communication. Don’t be the last to find out We’ve all had the experience of telling an employee something they should have known, but didn’t. From ill-informed client facing staff to in-thedark “back office” personnel, it creates a poor impression if a company’s staff 22

December 2014

don’t know things their customers do. It is therefore essential to communicate changes or developments throughout your company, allowing staff to appear professional and knowledgeable during client-facing conversations. Keeping staff in the loop will also improve their motivation and sense of loyalty to the company. In turn helping to minimise the headaches of staff turnover and recruitment.

C ons t ruc t i on P rojec t M anagemen t C ommun i ca t i ons

else must do as well. Good internal communications systems will enable information to be recorded and shared, much of which may only become significant or important at a later date. From decision making to the optimal use of resources, effective communications can enable any company to become far more streamlined and successful. Don’t rely on email or meetings to pass on relevant information to everyone. Instead, invest in construction management software that gives everyone in your company access to the information they need, when they need it.

It’s all important to someone In his paper on “Basics in Internal Organizational Communications”, Carter McNamara points out that people often fail to report information because they don’t consider it important. Companies can exacerbate this by encouraging employees to carry on with their jobs, while managers often mistakenly assume that if they know something, everyone

The best software systems have full mobile capabilities


technology & equipment

Buildoffsite Strives to Improve on Industry Norms through Offsite Optimisation Richard Ogden, Chairman of the Knowledge Transfer Organisation, gives his views on the much-talked about offsite construction trends, its historical relevance and future influence on the sector W RITTEN b y: M a t t h e w S t a f f

24 December 2014


technology & equipment Buildoffsite is a membership organisation, referred to as ‘a coalition of the willing’ and has been formed to support a step-change increase in the use of offsite construction solutions. Set up with the support of the UK government almost a decade ago and now comprising more than 100 organisations from the construction industry and client industry, the organisation challenges the supply side of the sector to continuously improve how they influence the traditional construction practices. In turn, Buildoffsite has brought together a vast number of repeat construction clients from all sides of the industry who understand that through encouraging and, in some cases, demanding the use of offsite solutions, they will achieve the desired value. Here, Construction Global spoke to Buildoffsite’s Chairman, Richard Ogden about the knowledge transfer organisation and its influence on the growing trend of offsite construction. Construction Global (CG): When did you first recognise offsite becoming a growing technique and what is the history of this approach? 26 December 2014

Off site construction

Richard Ogden (RO): The history of offsite construction is as old as construction. Understanding that it makes sense to construct components and then to transport these to the place of final assembly and use was something that was well understood by the civilisations of Ancient Egypt and Rome. Personally I began my offsite journey when I became responsible for McDonalds Restaurants build programme. At that time inflation

B u i ldo f f s i t e

‘There is no doubt that offsite construction solutions are being increasingly used in all sectors of the building and civil engineering sectors’

was rife and the cost of construction using traditional methods was not commercially viable. The solution that we developed was to build our restaurants using modular solutions, constructed and fitted out in a factory and delivered just in time for assembly on site in a couple of days ready to trade. This approach totally changed the economics of our business and was subsequently taken up by the major food retailers and others. 27

technology & equipment

The Gatwick Pier 2 (P2) modules (above), built offsite but using traditional construction design, consist of walls, glazing, roof and some services

Modules used in the latter projects (right) benefit from extensive DFMA2 improvements and incorporate floor cassettes, service modules, and installation aids such as wheels and self aligning connections Xxxxxxx

28 December 2014

B u i ldo f f s i t e

Other businesses will develop their own solutions to meet their particular business requirements. However, in almost all cases the critical considerations when considering the use of offsite solutions will include much faster build times, right first time quality, a safer construction environment, predictable performance in use, enhanced sustainability and given the opportunity to deliver products at scale, cost benefits. CG: To what extent do you see offsite construction as a growing sector? RO: There is no doubt that offsite construction solutions are being increasingly used in all sectors of the building and civil engineering sectors. In some sectors maximising the use of offsite solutions is already standard practice. The Cheesegrater building in London was constructed using almost 80 percent offsite components. There were no wet trades above ground floor. This is the way the leading edge is already going – and the question is not why but why not? In terms of future growth I predict that for a whole raft of different

reasons we will begin to see a major expansion in the use of offsite in the housing and residential sectors. Offsite is actually reasonably well established in residential but for a long time, and for reasons mostly associated with the stop go/sell then build mentality of homes building it has been difficult for offsite suppliers to compete effectively. However the dynamics of the market are changing with major institutional funders looking to invest and bringing

case study A modular corridor product for four airport projects: London Heathrow and London Gatwick The four projects at BAA’s London Heathrow and Gatwick airports total £225m in value, with the corridor elements covered in this study accounting for £27m. The corridors, constructed from 4m long modules, segregate departing and arriving passengers in transit to and from the aircraft stands. They measure 3.5m high by 5.0 to 7.2m wide, and range in length from 220 to 408m.


technology & equipment

Yorkon Colchester Hospital with them a mindset that will focus on speed of delivery, quality and predictable cost of ownership. Refurbishment and maintenance are also challenging areas for offsite solutions, but by no means impossible. This is particularly the case for clients who need work completed quickly so as not to impede their core business activities. I also predict that the growth in enabling technologies such as BIM and 3D imaging will connect seamlessly with the strengths of offsite manufacturing. 30 December 2014

‘Our best manufacturing industries – those that are truly globally competitive – have long since learned that modern manufacturing involves assembling increasingly complex and superbly engineered components’

B u i ldo f f s i t e

case study Colchester Hospital, Children’s Centre, Elective Care Centre and Surgical Ward, Yorkon

CG: Why is the offsite method gaining in popularity so much? What do you use as the main advantages of an offsite approach as compared with traditional builds? RO: I have no problem with traditional construction. I greatly admire the skills that those who work in the industry have honed over the years. That said I do not believe that simply because construction has generally been carried out on site using a set of basic materials or components is in some way morally

Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust had a requirement to increase capacity in time for the peak winter period. The new (5,600m²) building would accommodate a paediatric department on the ground floor, and an elective care centre and surgical ward on the upper floor. Benefits Time: reduced overall project time. The seven month build time represented a minimum of six month time saving over traditional site based construction methods Sustainability: working on a very constrained site without disrupting existing services. An assessed 90 per cent reduction in material waste on site. Key Fact The scheme was completed in just 10 months on site, reducing the overall build programme by around six months


technology & equipment

Yorkon Colchester Hospital or technically superior. What we have seen happen in other manufacturing sectors over the last 30 years or so has clearly shown this not to be the case. Our best manufacturing industries – those that are truly globally competitive – have long since learned that modern manufacturing involves assembling increasingly complex and superbly engineered components. This transformation has had no negative impact on design excellence, on quality, on performance in use – quite the opposite. Customers 32 December 2014

have benefited, prices have been reduced, quality has been enhanced, mass customisation is the norm and not the exception. So if this way of working is the norm for other manufacturing industries why should things be different for the construction industry? At the end of the day the market will decide and the more that the leading edge demonstrate that the future of construction is offsite the faster that offsite will simply become the norm – notwithstanding the

B u i ldo f f s i t e

Yorkon Colchester Hospital

inevitable pleading from some special interest groups. CG: What do you think is the future of offsite construction? Can it ever challenge traditional methods for supremacy and what are your personal goals as an organisation? RO: Buildoffsite’s modus operandi is not to challenge the traditional industry but rather to support knowledge transfer activities that serve to educate, inform and yes, to inspire the offsite industry to

become more and more competitive and clients to become ever more demanding. Given client pull and manufacturer push and with positive and selfinterested support from architects, designers and other professionals there is an inevitability that offsite will continue to grow to the point where it becomes business as usual. I would dearly wish the traditional industry to respond – to show that it can be so much more productive, to deliver defect free construction, not to waste approximately 10 percent of all materials and never to have accidents. However, that is just not going to happen. So quietly and with growing confidence, Buildoffsite will get on with our job and we will leave the traditional industry to get on with theirs. 33

Hua Hin, Malay Peninsula, Thailand

TOP 1 0

Railway Stations

A selection spanning the golden age of rail travel in the 1800s to the era of high speed train travel of the 21st century showcases some of the finest architecture of their respective nations W r i t t e n b y: J o e l L e v y


top 10


Hua Hin, Malay Peninsula, Thailand

The ornate station is most famous for its royal waiting room, which was built during the reign of King Rama V1 (1910-’25). The pavilion was originally built at the king’s country residence in Nakhom Pathom, and was rebuilt at Hua Hin in the 1960s.


December 2014


Dunedin Station, Dunedin, New Zealand

The station earned its architect, Sir George Alexander Troup, the nickname ‘Gingerbread George’, for its grand Flemish Renaissance revivalist design. The booking hall features a mosaic floor comprised of nearly 750,000 Royal Doulton porcelain tiles. At the time of opening in 1906, Dunedin was New Zealand’s commercial centre. Today the station is as much a museum and attraction.

R a i lwa y S t a t i ons



Liege-Guillemins, Liège, Belgium

Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, Australia

Located on the corner of Flinders and Swanston Streets in Melbourne, Flinders was the first railway station in an Australian city, and is known for the dome, tower and clocks of its main entrance building. Construction of the current building took place in the early 1900s following a design contest won by railway employees James Fawcett and HPC Ashworth.

A newer entry for this list, built 2009, on the site of an 1842 predecessor, it serves as an important hub on the Belgium high speed line. Architect Santiago Calatrava designed the steel, glass and white concrete-dominated station, which includes a 32-metre-high monumental arch. It cost €312m.


top 10

Interior plaza in old Atocha station


Estación de Madrid Atocha, Madrid, Spain

The first thing one notices upon entering the station is that it appears you are still outside. The interior plaza features many palm trees and other green foliage, creating a park-like atmosphere. Built at the site of Madrid’s first inaugurated station from 1851, the station was rebuilt in 1892 after a fire, and again in 1985. 38

December 2014


AntwerpenCentraal, Antwerp, Belgium

The original station building was constructed between 1895 and 1905 to replace a wooden original, and the imposing stone façade is an impressive sight. The domed building at Astrid square is an architectural highlight, as is the 185-metre-long iron and glass-vaulted ceiling covering the platforms.

R a i lwa y S t a t i ons


St Pancras International, London, England

The station, designed by civil engineer William Henry Barlow (who also designed the Clifton Suspension Bridge) was built in the 1860s, and is a fine example of the Gothic Revivalist architecture of the Victorian era. Underneath the exterior clock tower, an apartment is housed. The complex was fully restored and renovated in the 2000s at a cost of more than £800m.


Grand Central Terminal, New York, USA

The station, built by the New York Central Railroad company, celebrated its centenary in 2013, and is symbolic of train travel in its heyday. Passengers can enjoy the mural of the sloping ceiling, as well as huge gold chandeliers. A nice hidden feature is the ‘whispering gallery’, where the acoustics amplify a whisper to a shout. It boats the most platforms of any station worldwide.


© 2014 Citigroup Inc. Citi and Citi with Arc Design are registered service marks of Citigroup Inc.

Some call them optimists. The founders. The builders. The producers. The doers. Making good the many challenges of our times. We call them progress makers. People striving to bring to life a stronger, more competitive, more productive way of getting things done. We’ve made it our job to believe in their ideas and to be there to help make them real. In Africa and around the world. For over 200 years.


R a i lwa y S t a t i ons


Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai, India

India’s largest station was opened in 1887 as Victoria Terminus after 10 years’ construction, to mark the then-Empress of India’s Golden Jubilee. The design features the Gothic Revival architecture popular in her homeland at the time. It was renamed in 1996 after the 17th century founder of the Maratha Empire. The station is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the headquarters of the Central Railways.


top 10


Kanazawa Station, Ishikawa, Japan

There are many striking architectural features of the station, which originally opened in 1898. Visitors to the modernised version of 2005, which of fuses history and modernity, are welcomed by the glass, umbrellalike Motenashi Dome and wooden ‘Tsuzumi-mon’ gate, the latter of which is built to resemble a traditional Japanese hand drum. A small river runs from the gate to flow over a waterfall, landing in a pool two levels below ground. A popular element for tourists is the combination clock, message board and waterfall at the station’s entrance.

Station platform 42

December 2014

R a i lwa y S t a t i ons


Galaxy Trading

Expands Project Pipeline in Bid to Become Leader in UAE Buildings Materials Written by: Tom Wadlow Produced by: Richard Durrant


Galaxy Trading

Bathroom interior in Gate Towers

The supplier of quality material brands boasts two successful showrooms and has more than 35 projects underway for public and private clients 46

December 2014


alaxy Trading is taking on a host of building materials projects in the UAE as a result of a new strategy which sees the company focus exclusively on supplying and retailing products from its selection of highquality brands. Having built up its name and become an established operator in its short five-year history, Galaxy has more than 35 developments in the pipeline and is also looking to add to its retail presence with another showroom in Dubai. So far it has catered for residential, hospitality, health and retail sectors, bringing to the UAE

m i ddle eas t

construction industry premium goods from the likes of ceramic specialist Porcelanosa via a supply chain bolstered by DB Schenker Logistics, Fedex and DHL. Chief Operations Officer Faisal Al Raisi’s objective is clear. He said: “Our chairman brought me in in March this year and asked me to tell him in one sentence how I wanted to lead Galaxy. I said I want the company to be the number one building materials company in town, its as simple as that.” Project Pipeline Galaxy Trading is rapidly building up its reputation thanks to a portfolio of materials supply projects for a number of eye-catching developments, especially in the residential arena. The Gate Towers is an integral part of the transformation of Al Reem Island in Abu Dhabi, comprising 3,533 accommodation units among leisure and retail facilities. Galaxy played an integral role in shaping the exquisite interiors of all apartments on site. This involved the supply and installation of kitchen cabinets, stone works and vanity cabinets, wooden doors and wardrobes and shoe racks. The company also supplied ceramic tiles, sanitary wares, lighting fixtures, ironmongery and façade lighting. Galaxy is now channelling all of its energies into supply rather than installation, allowing it to take on more projects which now include the Al

Key Personnel

Faisal Al Raisi COO Faisal Al Raisi took over as COO in March 2014. Prior to joining Galaxy Trading, he was associated with Dubai Holdings / Dubai World, where he was involved in many large construction projects. He is an insightful leader and brings with him proven experience of managing business transformations.

w w w. g a l a x y. c o . a e


Galaxy Trading

Al Raha Villas bathrooms

“One of our main ways of being competitive is to offer the lowest possible rates, because once we have opened one door with a client it will open more opportunities” – Faisal Al Raisi


December 2014

Raha Gardens in Abu Dhabi and Alghadeer, a new 2,100-villa community close to the site for the World Expo 2020 in Dubai. Key to securing more projects in the future is Al Raisi’s attitude towards customer retention. “One of our main ways of being competitive is to offer the lowest possible rates, because once we have opened one door with a client it will open more opportunities. “This is about repeat custom and volumes of projects, not the cost of the first project. We are winning projects based on our quality brands and excellent prices, and we are happy to sit down with clients and negotiate the best package.”

C ons t ruc t i on

The UAE government is one such repeat client, for which Galaxy Trading is a key supplier for some of its national housing projects. “We have done a lot of national housing projects for the government and in 2015 we expect to execute many more such projects.” Al Raisi added. “This is a long term partnership and we have to make sure we have the capabilities to handle such responsibility.” Successful Showrooms Alongside its strong portfolio of large projects, Galaxy has a permanent retail presence in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, home to company HQ.

Kolarz Quadra Rosy chandelier

w w w. g a l a x y. c o . a e


Series Condulmer Design by

KOLARZ Vienna – Inspired by light since 1918 Shanghai Tower, China

Emirati Housing, U.A.E.

Private Villa, France

KAAL Venice – The Lighting Consultant KAAL INTERNATIONAL SRL Member of KOLARZ Group CI Tower, Porcelanosa Shop Khalidiyah (32nd) Street P.O. Box 130338 Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Mobile: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Web:

+971 52 7580800 +971 2 2222191 +971 2 6354775

Shining Tower, U.A.E.

Galaxy Trading

supplier profile

Kolarz Vienna – Inspired by light since 1918 Success favours those who turn their dreams into reality, not those who copy other people’s ideas. This is the guiding principle which KOLARZ has followed for over 96 years. With the courage to innovate and the awareness of a creative tradition, KOLARZ is setting new trends and standards in lighting, market competency and reliability. KOLARZ professional lighting solutions are the products of creative minds and careful hands – valuable European original products of the highest quality, created by traditional craftsmen in our production facilities near Vienna, Venice and Budapest. KOLARZ is a family business, based in Vienna, and a major supplier to the leading retailers in 52 countries worldwide. The standard product ranges, with contemporary and traditional styles, combining modern design and lighting technology with the finest components and materials can be viewed on our webpage Express your creativity and customize your own light. Choose from 85.000 possible product combinations! Show your own style, create your personal lighting design! We realize all your projects providing customized lighting solutions for your individual needs. Website:

KAAL Venice – The Lighting Consultant Based in one of the most important Italian lighting districts just outside Venice, the KAAL name has been synonymous with beautiful lighting since 1986. We have been exporting lighting products to more than 50 countries worldwide. The Company has a close cooperation with over 100 local and international manufacturers and lighting suppliers. Its strategic location, long-term experience in the field of lighting craftsmanship and sales and an exceptional customer service make KAAL the perfect partner for all your lighting needs. We make sure our customers come first. This means: personal consultation to help to select the correct technical and decorative lighting fittings to suit the project, quality and quantity control, KAAL coordinates with all suppliers, consignment consolidation of shipments in KAAL’s central warehouse and centralised invoicing. Website:

Galaxy Trading

m i ddle eas t

The two showrooms are served by a large warehouse in Kizad, located between the two Emirates and recipient of 20-25 containers of product each month. The company stocks around 1,000 different products from lighting and cabinets to tiles and wooden doors. “Our showrooms are doing extremely well and we are looking at opening another in Dubai in 2015,” Al Raisi said. “Hopefully we can develop more in other cities across the UAE once we have studied the market properly. You can’t just jump in.” Brand Power On display in the showrooms and being implemented on the ground through Galaxy’s ongoing project work are quality products produced by strong brands from across the world.

supplier profile

Al Ghadeer Villas bathroom

Porcelanosa Grupo

PORCELANOSA Grupo is a major reference in decorative and building materials both on the Spanish and international markets, operating in accordance with firmly-consolidated values such as innovation and quality. We are constantly developing new materials and new solutions which in many cases are the first of their kind anywhere in the world, creating spaces that are definitely unique and cutting-edge. At PORCELANOSA we have a clear objective, to create an entire life style, a world of sensations, based on technology, design, innovation, quality, guaranty, and the greatest respect for the environment. Contact Info: Address: Ctra N-340, Km 55,8 , 12540 Vila-real, Spain Tel: +34 964507100 email: Website:

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Galaxy Trading

Kitchen in Al Ain Villas

Al Ain Villas lighting 54

December 2014

Porcelanosa, a Spanish producer of bathroom furniture and ceramic wall and flooring tiles present in more than 100 countries, is the company’s flagship brand. Al Raisi said: “They are a grade A company for us. We are in dialogue with them on a daily basis and their after sale service is excellent – if something breaks I do not have to wait a week. I call them and they arrive very quickly, even for minor things on a single item in a single residential villa. “Recently I was in Bologna and I saw lots of high end products, but many of them I saw at Porcelanosa years back. I have the advantage of working with a company whose products are one

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step ahead and are duplicated two to three years later by other producers.” Being the UAE distributor of Porcelanosa thus gives Galaxy a head start on the regional competition; competition which is seen as healthy and a driver of success. “Competition is positive – it makes us work harder and be more creative,” the COO said. “If there is no competition there is no fun in the market.” Other brands represented by Galaxy include Poland’s maker of bathroom fixtures Cersanit, Austrian lighting manufacturer KOLARZ, and Swiss company Geberit, producer of eco-friendly sanitary and piping systems. Galaxy is also well supported in its logistics functions by heavyweight operator DB Schenker Logistics, able to ship orders within 45 days to project sites, with air freight also used if a client is in need of a delivery in quicker time. With top brands and logistics partners on board coupled with the new focus on excelling in the supply of such materials to clients, Galaxy is well placed to pursue Al Raisi’s objective of becoming the market leader. He concluded: “In five years’ time I think we will be over 200 people and should be able to have a larger market share. Other players in the market are even coming to us to get their products on the map. “We also have strong shareholders who are all business people who are in line with our vision and able to help us provide the best service possible.”

Company Information Industry

Construction headquarters

Abu Dhabi, UAE founded

2009 employees

77 revenue

USD 100 million products/ services

Building Materials

w w w. g a l a x y. c o . a e


Imdaad facilitates services of the highest quality to its clients This leading facilities management company is rapidly expanding to meet the demands of its ever-growing customer portfolio Written by: Sheree Hanna Produced by: Rosie Rowe 57



Poster advertising for the company

mdaad, a leading provider of integrated facilities management (FM) solutions in the GCC, is investing a quarter of a billion Dirhams in a new recycling plant and staff accommodation as it gears up to meet the challenges of the 2020 Dubai Expo. Headquartered in Jebel Ali, Dubai , the expanding company has an ethos of adding value to the services and products it offers its 2,500 clients and does this by putting the interests of its best asset first - its almost 4,000 employees. The one-billion Dirham business, which enjoys a year-on-year growth rate of 15 per cent, is expecting its employee numbers to double by 2020 and foresighted management have a strategy in place geared to meet the growing demand for its services. Jamal Abdulla Lootah, Imdaad’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “Some 26 million people are expected to visit the Dubai Expo 2020 and between now and then it is expected the number of new properties requiring services will increase by more than 60 percent. “There will be many new development projects going on in Dubai as the emirate prepares for the Expo and I believe the growth in our company will be more than 15 percent once those projects are completed.” Open-door policy Imdaad prides itself on caring for its staff, through providing things like accommodation and catering,


December 2014

The company values its staff very highly

and a management open-door policy to all. Consequently, it is investing 150 million Dirhams in constructing a new four-storey accommodation complex in Jebel Ali capable of housing between 3,000 and 3,500 workers. The state-of-the-art complex will provide varying accommodation for all grades of staff and includes things like Wi-Fi and internet access as well as club facilities. “We believe our staff are the most important asset to the company and we are providing a high-quality living environment for them. We have to think about the next five years when we will have accommodation for some 8,000 employees.”

“We believe our staff are the most important asset to the company and we are providing a high-quality living environment for them” – Jamal Abdulla Lootah, Imdaad’s Chief Executive Officer

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c o m pa n y n a m e

Window cleaning and building maintenance

Multi-award winning Imdaad offers a wide range of FM, quality-driven solutions ranging from security and maintenance to environmental solutions and waste management. It has a strong commitment to environmental sustainability and is also in the process of investing a further 100 million Dirhams in establishing a new recycling centre. Recycling centre “As a waste management, collection and transportation company we must invest in recycling. We are investing in the latest 60

December 2014

sec t or

Security maintenance

technology and are aiming to use the raw materials to manufacture for reuse,� said Lootah. The project is scheduled to start in July and it is anticipated the new recycling centre will be operational in just over a year. Imdaad has been operating as an independent business entity for the past six years although the company first began in 1986 as a Civil Engineering Division of Ports Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) handling civil engineering works, airconditioning and electrical maintenance. In 1989, more services were added to its scope w w w. i m d a a d . a e


Imdaad of work such as waste management, pest control, sewage services, environment, health and safety. A joint venture was established in 2002 to provide outsourced FM services and in 2007, Imdaad was inaugurated with a mission to provide integrated facilities management solutions.

Giving clients added value has won Imdaad a solid reputation

Iconic customers Today, it is responsible for looking after some of Dubai’s most iconic landmark buildings including the tallest structure in the world, the Burj Khalifa and the Palm Jumeirah, an artificial archipelago created using land reclamation, which hosts the Atlantis Hotel and a range of luxury



Strategic partners of Imdaad for sustainable waste management solutions

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accommodations. Imdaad also has contracts with Emaar Properties, a Dubai-based global construction and development company and takes care of Dubai’s Al Maktoum International Airport. “We work with both the public and private sectors,” explained Lootah. “We are responsible for maintaining the Jebel Ali Free Zone which is the largest of its kind in the world and one of the biggest projects we have on our books.” Imdaad works hard to sustain good and strong relationships with its suppliers organising annual events to which they are invited. Many of its partners have worked with Imdaad since its inception and some of them are globally recognised such as Siemens, Mitsubishi and Hitachi. Supportive nature Lootah said: “We have a strong supply chain and endeavour to sign long-term contracts with them. We also work closely with them and when things get rough like they did in the 2009 Dubai crisis (when Dubai’s six-year construction boom went bust) we tried to support them.” Providing top quality services and giving clients added value has won Imdaad the solid reputation it has today and the focus on hiring and retaining the right staff has clearly played a major role. A survey of staff carried out every year currently shows an employee satisfaction rate of 95 percent, which Lootah is keen to maintain.

“There will be many new development projects going on in Dubai as the emirate prepares for the Expo and I believe the growth in our company will be more than 15 percent once those projects are completed” – Jamal Abdulla Lootah

Cleaning and drain maintenance services w w w. i m d a a d . a e



Teamwork enables Imdaad to offer very high standards of service

“We have more than 25 different nationalities working for us and we spend more than two million Dirhams every year on training. Our policy is that each employee should attend at least five training courses annually. “We take care of our people and believe teamwork enables us to offer very high standards of service. We have open doors and share the profits by offering a very good bonus.”

Imdaad’s workforce is made up from more than 25 different nationalities


December 2014

Socially responsible It is not just the staff Imdaad is keen to help nurture and develop, as it also operates an intensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme which currently accounts for three percent of its annual budget, a figure which is steadily climbing every year.

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Company Information Industry

Facilities management headquarters

Jebel Ali, Dubai founded

1986 Receptionist



The focus on environmental issues has permeated its CSR policy and one of the many schemes it runs includes a recycling project in schools to teach both pupils and parents about its importance. Lootah believes Imdaad is firmly ahead of its competitors not only because of its high standards of services but because it has a close eye on the future. “We invest to grow the business and we invest in our people. We invest in new technologies, which is where our competitors should be looking. “There are many big opportunities within the facilities management market in the GCC region and we are in a much better position than most because we take advantage of them and aim to serve and deliver on what we say.”

key people

Jamal Abdulla Lootah, Chief Executive Officer revenue

Not disclosed products/ services

Facilities management services

w w w. i m d a a d . a e


Emirates Gre Council is at th in driving a cultu environment su

Written by: EmiratesGBC Produced by: Ric

een Building he forefront ure of built ustainability

chard Durrant


Emirates Green Building Council

“The strong participation of regional green innovators and the strong impact of their ideas is a true testament of the tremendous strides that EmiratesGBC has made in a short span of eight years” – Saeed Al Abbar, Chairman


December 2014


stablished in 2006 as an independent forum aimed at conserving the environment by strengthening and promoting green building practices, Emirates Green Building Council (EmiratesGBC) has today evolved as the voice of the green building movement in the UAE. It has rallied together stakeholders across the building industry supply chain for a cause that also reflects the government vision. “The various activities undertaken by EmiratesGBC complement the ‘green economy for sustainable development’ vision announced by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai,” said Chairman, Saeed Al Abbar. “We are at the forefront in fostering dialogue and tangible action to promote sustainable built environments.” The success of EmiratesGBC’s activities was evident at the recent Emirates Green Building Council Awards (EGBC 2014), held in June. Presenting a unique perspective of the advances made by the country in promoting sustainable building practices, the event underlined the increasing focus on localised innovation, whereby green building materials and products are increasingly being introduced and developed within the country. “The strong participation of regional green innovators and the strong impact of their ideas is a true testament of the tremendous strides that EmiratesGBC has made in a short span of eight

C ons t ruc t i on

years,” explained Mr Al Abbar. Today, with nearly 200 corporate and individual members from the building industry, EmiratesGBC’s mandate is clear: create awareness, promote dialogue and initiate action in built environment sustainability, given the fact that the construction sector and buildings contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. The Focus Days, training sessions, workshops and networking events organised thus promote awareness on green building standards through a multidisciplinary approach that covers the use of building materials, the importance of green building regulations and energy management measures.

“We are at the forefront in fostering dialogue and tangible action to promote sustainable built environments” – Saeed Al Abbar

w w w. e m i r a t e s g b c . o r g


Emirates Green Building Council (EmiratesGBC)

Itaque consed quam a sp ero et modite volu 2014 Green Abor eptiaBuilding del mostof the Year Award Winners – The Change Initiative (Dubai)

EGBC team photo from Annual Awards 2014


December 2014

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Meanwhile, the UAE was also making significant strides in its commitment to promoting sustainable development, with Abu Dhabi and Dubai Municipal authorities outlining their guidelines for green buildings, and the UAE achieving tremendous thought leadership globally with the establishment of Masdar City, and by housing the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency. All this has further energised EmiratesGBC’s role as “an advisor, a facilitator and a subject thought-leader”. Setting an example, EmiratesGBC also moved to a new ‘green’ corporate office, and launched the EGBC Awards to honour outstanding work in the area of built environment sustainability. Another significant initiative by EmiratesGBC is its focus on promoting the retrofitting of existing buildings, an area that can make a significant impact on sustainable development. The Council continues to focus on partnering with governmental and non-governmental authorities as well as academic institutions to influence the implementation of sustainable built environments across the whole supply chain. The Council also serves as the link between the international green building movement and the local industry. It also facilitates a variety of formal education opportunities as well as being at the vanguard in promoting green building financing by encouraging the different stakeholders to support

Key Personnel

Saeed Al Abbar Chairman of EBGC As well as his professional role as Director of AESG, Saeed is currently the Chairman of the Emirates Green Building Council and is the Vice Chairman of the World Green Building Council MENA Network. In this role, Saeed actively works in promoting the advancement of sustainable building in the UAE and MENA region by working with industry, academia and government departments to develop collaborative solutions to some of the regions greatest challenges.

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Emirates Green Building Council

2014 EGBC Awards winners

“We have been able to bring together different stakeholders across the supply chain, inspiring them to take tangible action to promote green building practices” – Saeed Al Abbar


December 2014

sustainable projects. “We have been able to bring together different stakeholders across the supply chain, inspiring them to take tangible action to promote green building practices,” said Mr Al Abbar. “We serve as a platform for dialogue across the region by promoting the World GBC Middle East & North Africa Network – a co-operation between the regional GBCs.” The positive impact of the Council’s activities are clearly felt today as building industry stakeholders are more open to implementing green building practices – not as an afterthought – but right from planning and design stage. Steps are being taken to incorporate ‘green design’

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Association Information ASSOCIA T ION T YPE

Independent forum LOCA T ION

Dubai founded

2006 Ke y Pe op le :

Saeed Al Abbar, Chairman

principles right from site selection and planning to design, development, the materials used and operational stage. “One of the key challenges before us in the initial days was to strengthen awareness among building owners and developers on the long-term value of sustainable projects,” concluded Mr Al Abbar. “It has taken time but I believe that through the work of the EmiratesGBC, the majority of the industry now sees the significant value in building green. “We can now confidently say that the UAE is leading by example in the field of sustainable buildings.”

No. of Me m be rs


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Ramboll thriving in the Middle East Written by: Sam Jermy Produced by: Richard Durrant



The Danish-owned multinational company, which is part of the Emirates Green Building Council, is continuing to grow in the Middle East region in the Buildings, Environment, Oil & Gas and Transportation markets.


December 2014


amboll is seeking to increase its Middle East workforce by up to 60 percent as a result of the renewed economic vibrancy in the region. The company currently employs 550 people in its three main regional markets of the UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, with the aspiration to grow to nearly 900 employees as a result of achieving success in its building, transport, environmental planning and liveable cities projects. Ramboll, a design and engineering consultant, was founded in Denmark in 1945 by two engineers who established the company in the wake of the Second World War. Very aware of the company’s role in the development of society, the founders promoted awareness of the human dimension and left behind a legacy that emphasises high ethical standards, quality rather than quantity, economic stability, responsibility towards society, and satisfied employees. These are still the governing principles in Ramboll’s approach to business. Yaver Abidi the Managing Director of Ramboll New Markets (a business unit responsible for the main business lines and country units outside of Ramboll’s home markets), said: “Basically we are looking to build the company up to scale where it can take on the kind of large and complex projects we are doing but also so we have the depth of resources and expertise to do even more. Our growth plan is not necessarily driven by the market as such, there is plenty of scope.

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“Basically we are looking to build the company up to scale where it can take on large and complex projects. We have the depth of resources and expertise to do even more�

Key Personnel

Yaver Abidi Managing Director

Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates w w w. r a m b o l l - m e a . c o m



The Change Initiative building

2022 The FIFA World Cup in Qatar is leading to increased building activity 78

December 2014

“There is plentiful work to do in Saudi Arabia, the UAE is going to go through significant construction activity leading up to the 2020 Expo in Dubai and of course Qatar we know has a lot of building activity to do leading up to the FIFA World Cup in 2022. The markets we are focused on are very much buoyant. “Our challenge is to grow whilst retaining our values and continuing to focus on the right thing for our customers. We do want to grow, we want to get around 800-900 people to have a greater capability in all the sectors we serve. We are not setting out to be the biggest, our goal is continue to be Ramboll and what we stand for.” Ramboll in the Middle East focuses on four

“Our challenge is to grow whilst retaining our values and continuing to focus on the right thing for our customers. We do want to grow, we want to get around 800-900 people to have a greater capability in all the sectors we serve” – Yaver Abidi

Ramboll completed the Shining Towers project in 2012. The project comprised of two towers of 33 and 42 storeys respectively, and won GCC Tower of the Year at the 2010 Construction Week Awards w w w. r a m b o l l - m e a . c o m


Autodesk is proud to support Ramboll

Autodesk is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Š 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.


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of Ramboll’s six markets which are; Oil & Gas, Buildings, Transportation such as ports, aviation, and master planning, and environment. Ramboll initially came to the region to explore oil and gas opportunities in the late 1990s and built up the business by building a strong relationship with Maersk Oil, part of the diversified global conglomerate AP-Moller Maersk. In 2006, Ramboll Middle East excelled from this point, partially through acquisitions, and has gone on to deliver on some of the region’s most iconic buildings, highly complex oil and gas projects, as well as transport infrastructure and environmental and master planning projects.

Ramboll initially came to the region to explore oil and

Regional expertise Over the past decade, the Ramboll brand has

supplier profile

gas opportunities


As a global leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software, Autodesk helps people imagine, design, and create a better world. Autodesk offers an unparalleled depth of experience and a broad portfolio of software to give customers the power to solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. In addition to designers, architects, engineers, and media and entertainment professionals, Autodesk helps students, educators, and casual creators unlock their creative ideas through user-friendly applications. Website:

w w w. r a m b o l l - m e a . c o m


Large scale and special projects are our speciality Novotel Al Barsha Total area of 169,000.00 m2

Kigali Vision City Residential Units Development 401 Acres including 795,870 m²

Aquatic Tower

ROTANA Dar Es Salaam

Sports City

5 Star Hotel

National Games Stadium

W Hotel

5 Star Delux Hotel, Muscat Oman

50,000 seats stadium & retail

IMG Theme Park One of World’s Largest 150,000m²

Hills Residential 12 Buildings 350,000 m2



sustain T: 971 4 2564882

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RAM B OLL grown in the Middle East to the extent where the company now has an enviable reputation as market experts in sustainable buildings and other environmentally efficient projects. Richard Beard, Managing Director of Ramboll Middle East, said, “In addition to our growth in Qatar and UAE we have also been successful in building business in Saudi Arabia. We are focusing on these three countries in the Middle East at the moment. We have done a lot of tall buildings in Dubai, and have developed a very good master planning unit where we plan communities’ and liveable cities, and completed major environmental master plans in in cities including Jeddah. “In the environment field we have been

supplier profile

U Bora Towers

SEED Engineering

SEED is an Engineering (MEP) Consultancy registered in the U.A.E. and India .Within a short time span we have executed a number of small, medium and large size projects in the U.A.E., Qatar, India and Tanzania.As engineers and designers, we partner with our clients to ensure that sustainability and energy efficiency are at the forefront of all our projects. We are in a strong position to deliver designs of the highest quality on time. The hallmarks of our organization are singular intelligence and collective experience. Waste-ToEnergy

Website: Plant In Dhabi

w w w. r a m b o l l - m e a . c o m



Key Personnel

Richard Beard Managing Director

“We are not in this market to be the biggest Middle East consultant, but we want to be working on the sustainable projects in line with our company values�


December 2014

members of the Emirates Green Building Council for some time now. For us at Ramboll, it is not all about shiny new builds either, we also focus on brownfield sites to improve them by making them more environmentally efficient. A project we are particularly proud of is the Change Initiative in Al Barsha, Dubai, which achieved the highest sustainability rating in the world based on the LEED sustainability rating system from the USA. Beard states it is really about sustainability by improving the community and existing infrastructure and that is what sets the company apart. Future planning Ramboll Middle East started a graduate program this year, and are offering internships. A majority of employees are currently expatriates, but both Abidi and Beard envisage that the graduate program will help grow the future talent for the company, particularly in Saudi Arabia where the high level of education will benefit the Saudisation government scheme. Beard said: “The Middle East can be an expensive place to bring staff but it is key

m i ddle eas t

to keeping up to date and bringing people through the business. We are going to put a lot more energy into our graduate program next year to aid our growth. Retention is vital too, I think we will see more talent coming back to the Middle East due to the dynamic and fast paced environment. In the future RME will continue to develop the the Fujairah 2040 framework plan for the UAE’s fifth largest emirate. Fujairah has embarked on a plan for the comprehensive development of this important geographical area which it is the only emirate with a shore directly to the Indian Ocean independent of the Hormuz Strait. Beard concluded: “We are not in this market to be the biggest Middle East consultant, but we want to be the leading consultant working on the sustainable projects in line with our company values. Our plans will continue to match the dynamism and growth in our geographical markets, working with key clients across the sectors.” “We will also eventually look into other regional markets in the Middle East. We have enough experience to be able to tackle any of the markets that are likely to open up.” Ramboll are set for an exciting growth phase, building on its market expertise within Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia. It continues to look for outstanding people whose values align with the company’s and therefore would like any interested individuals to go visit its website.

Company Information Industry

Construction headquarters

Dubai, UAE founded

1945 employees

11,000 (550 Middle East) revenue

1 billion EUR (27 million EUR Middle East) products/ services

Design and engineering consultants

w w w. r a m b o l l - m e a . c o m



Green Building Council of South Africa Focuses on Change Written by: CEO, Brian Wilkinson Produced by: Richard Deane



Mayfair on the lake, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

Brian Wilkinson, CEO at GBCSA talks about the association’s aim to make sustainable building the norm, rather than a novelty


December 2014


he key motivator of the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) and the green building initiative is the fight against global warming, climate change and the effects that each of these are having on our planet. It is evident that to address the global priorities of climate change and scarcity of natural resources the environmental impact of buildings requires urgent improvement. We aim to address this by ‘inspiring better buildings’ – it’s what gets us out of bed in the morning. Climate change became very real for me last year when my daughter was in the Philippines and Typhoon Haiyan hit. Almost 12 million people were affected, one million were displaced and 4,500 people were unfortunately killed. I am fortunate that my daughter was unharmed and she is safely

C ons t ruc t i on

Department of Environmental Affairs, Pretoria Gauteng

back home, but for me that was the time I realised the significance of the work we do. Buildings consume 40 percent of the world’s end-use energy consumption, generate 40 percent of its solid waste and consume 12 percent of its fresh water during construction and on-going operation. Buildings ‘going green’ provides an opportunity to significantly reduce these amounts at a relatively low marginal cost. Green construction methods can reduce energy consumption by almost 50 percent, compared to non-green buildings. Our partners, associates and Green Star certified projects are already reaping the rewards of their green investments through lower operating costs, higher returns on their assets, minimised churn and increased productivity – all

50% The percentage green construction methods can reduce energy consumption

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No 1 Silo - V&A Waterfront Cape Town, Western Cape

Photo: Marc Oberman

Photo: Marc Oberman


No 1 Silo - V&A Waterfront Cape Town, Western Cape 90

December 2014

while doing their bit for the environment. The green building initiative also addresses many of the pressing issues facing local authorities in our country today, such as electricity supply shortages, water shortages, the lack of solid waste disposal sites, transportation and socio-economic issues. Green building is on the agenda of many boardroom tables in the property sector, but we are increasingly seeing governmental change given the existing need and potential positive outcomes. The support has been widespread but of most

a f r i ca

significance is the take up of Green Star SA by Government bodies and big businesses from banks and property developers. The Western Cape Premier, Helen Zille, for example, in 2012 announced the aim to turn the province into the green economic hub in the country. To date, there has been significant investment in this cause and further sustainable job creation. Green building in Johannesburg has also received a boost with the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listing its first green bond. The R1.46 billion ($140 million) bond issued by the City of Johannesburg, will be used to fund green initiatives and demonstrates commendable green leadership. Green buildings have been proven to make sound economic sense. Results in the USA, Australia and now South Africa, clearly show that there is no significant difference between the cost

$140 million The value of bonds issued by the City of Johannesburg to fund green initiatives

Office w w w. g b c s a . o r g . z a



Offices at Black River Park

Portside, Green Star SA, Cape Town, Western Cape 92

December 2014

of green buildings compared to conventional buildings and that green buildings show the potential to achieve better investment returns and higher valuations. Since 2007, the GBCSA has led and continues to lead the transformation of the industry to ensure all buildings are designed, built and operated in an environmentally responsible way. The GBCSA has concentrated its influence in the South African commercial property sector, with this reach translating into the partnerships with over 1,000 member companies; the education of over 5,000 people and the induction of close to 900 Green Star SA Accredited Professionals. Early this year, the council celebrated an

a f r i ca

Company Information Type of A s s o c i at i o n

Independent, non-profit headquarters

South Africa founded

2007 key people

Brian Wilkinson, CEO

important milestone having certified 50 Green Star rated buildings and projects. We are also looking forward to the marked increase in certifications with the release of the existing building performance tool and the interiors tool, both currently in pilot phase with Version 1 due for release in October this year. We could not have achieved the success we have to date without the support of some very big players in the sector, which have paved the way for change. We need to collaborate and face these challenges together – when it comes to climate change the sum of the parts is always greater than the individual.

Brian Wilkinson, CEO; Manfred Braune, Chief Technical Officer; Jaci Harrison, Membership Manager; Donne Putter, Education Manager; Jo Anderson, Head of Marketing; Reyana Nacerodien, Marketing Content Manager No. of m e m bers/ li sti ngs:


w w w. g b c s a . o r g . z a


Certified Coating Specialists

A Legacy of Quality

How Certified Coating Specialists became the most respected industrial painter in B.C. Written by: Ian Hanner

Produced by: Rich Gentile


C e r t i f i e d C o at i n g S p e c i a l i s t s

CCS has partnered with Vancouver based Kinder Morgan Terminals for ongoing maintenance work.


ince its inception in 1994, Certified Coating Specialists, Inc. has grown through constant innovation to become “the Navy SEALs of the industrial coating industry.” Certified Coating Specialists (CCS) was originally founded 20 years ago by Cliff and Joy Harper in Castlegar, BC as Kootenay Powder Coating with an operational focus on mostly powder coatings in plant settings. With three full time employees, the company was able to carve out a substantial and growing chunk of the local market, raking in about $350,000 in annual 96

December 2014

revenue for their first three years. “Starting the business evolved out of my wife’s desire to have a job,” said CEO and founder Cliff Harper. “The last of [our] five children was in grade school and she wanted more out of life than sitting around missing them. The first couple of years were all about learning the business of powder coating and finding out there was not enough demand for the service where we were located to justify my continuous focus on the business. We needed something more.” Eager to find their niche, the company branched out, adding


CCS is a industry leader in the power sector. Revelstoke Dam, Revelstoke BC

thermal plastics and later abrasive blasting to their service offerings. From that point on, the company reoriented itself toward field work and the business took off, with revenue increasing to about $2 million per year. They’ve continuously expanded since, with revenue for this year projected at over $19 million. The success of CCS has a lot to do with how they pass value on to their customers. Through a comprehensive, software-backed approach to planning, estimating, management, safety, site set-up, performance monitoring and quality

control, CCS is able to assure its clients that work will be completed on-time, safely and at a reasonable price. For example, when it comes to estimating, the company breaks down every aspect of the project on a line item task basis. “The majority of the industry just bids on square footage and past performance,” Harper said. “We don’t. We look at every job as a standalone, individual project. We break it down to its smallest components in order to ensure that we’re successful.” He added, “We’re recognized as leaders in providing unique solutions w w w. c c s c o a t i n g s . c a



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C e r t i f i e d C o at i n g S p e c i a l i s t s to challenges in access, scheduling, adverse conditions or remote locations. We’re a group of dedicated, ethical, professional tradespeople who are truly striving to be the best at what we do.” And they’ve got the certifications to back up their claims on safety and quality. CCS is the first business of its type in British Columbia to earn a COR certification from the Construction Safety Association, an organization that offers a range of training programs designed to improve safety and reduce capital costs of workplace injuries. In addition to their COR certification, CCS holds both SSPC-QP1 and SSPC-QP2 certifications. These are awarded by the 64-year-old Steel Structures Painting Council to signify that CCS is able to responsibly deliver quality work in surface preparation and industrial coating applications, as

supplier profile


CCS is able to take on any specialty marine coating systems.

AkzoNobel Coatings Ltd.

AkzoNobel is the world’s leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. Its protective coatings brands, International®, and Devoe™ High Performance Coatings are well established as industry leading brands across North America. The International® brand is further renowned as an industry leader on a global scale. Consistently ranked as one of the leaders in the area of sustainability, AkzoNobel is passionate about developing sustainable answers to its customer’s questions. Website:

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• NACE qualified technical service providing expert advice and assistance • Dynamic online survey reports optimizing asset management • Detailed coatings specifications and procedures • Extended life cycles to reduce overall maintenance costs Together with the International® range of passive fire protection and protective coatings products, we are now more than ever fully equipped to meet your maintenance and repair needs

Leading Canadian manufacturer and supplier of abrasive blast equipment Congratulations CCS Coatings on 20 years of success! 1040 78th Avenue | Edmonton, Alberta T6P 1L7 | Canada 780-468-2588 | 1-800-661-3842 | © 2014 The AkzoNobel group of companies.

C e r t i f i e d C o at i n g S p e c i a l i s t s well as hazardous paint removal in an environmentally responsible manner. Their diverse range of service offerings and credentials have earned CCS some high profile jobs, such as the current project removing hazardous, lead-based


coatings at the Waneta and Mica Dams where BC Hydro is upgrading their power generators, according to Harper. This is a major project that showcases CCS’s reputation as a dependable coating company that can handle large-scale jobs.

CCS took on the challenging restoration of the historic Hagliwget Bridge, New Hazelton, BC.

w w w. c c s c o a t i n g s . c a


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December 2014


This same recognition earned the company a contract to perform surface touch up services on erected steel at a multi-billion dollar Rio Tinto Alcan smelter expansion project in British Columbia, a large project coating silo interiors at a coal-fired plant for Capital Power and a high-profile contract painting a new steel for a bridge deck replacement at Halifax, Nova Scotia’s Angus L. MacDonald Bridge. These projects, and the many that preceded them, could form the core of Harper’s legacy as he transitions out of the company. With the company reaching a point of substantial success and reputation, Harper recently sold his majority interest position in the company. “Today my role is to prepare the team we assembled for ‘life after Cliff,’” he said. “[I have to] hand over my thoughts and systems to others to develop and implement. I’m in the background able to respond where needed while continuing to build confidence in where the new leadership is going.” While it’s difficult to let go of anything you built from the ground up, especially a company celebrating its 20th anniversary, Harper says he’s proud of what he helped build. “I’m proud of what the team has achieved to date. I look forward to watching them continue to expand the service across the country. I am proud of the group of people that carried this brand forward.”

Company Information Industry

Industrial & Marine Painting Services headquarters

Castlegar, BC, Canada founded

1994 employees

~120 revenue

$19 million

w w w. c c s c o a t i n g s . c a


The Dalton Company

Building on Principles

The Dalton Company’s Alternative Approach to Building helps customers manage costs, avoid surprises, and earn its customers’ trust. Written by: Kevin Smeade

Produced by: Rich Gentile


T h e D a lt o n C o m pa n y

Lehtonen kitchen


ounded in 1940, The Dalton Company is a full service builder that provides a variety of services within the building industry. A family-run, professionally managed business, its services include project and construction management, feasibility studies, professional quantity surveying and master planning, as well as other consulting services. The company is known for its “Alternative Approach to Building,� which offers a unique and integrated approach to projects. Dalton adapted to significant 106

December 2014

change in the building industry by developing a trust-driven model of doing business. Based on accountability and leadership, the approach fosters a culture of trust that is inclusive of both its staff and clients. The company regards trust as a tangible, not intangible, quality that is a core part of its business model. Building on Principles Though other companies founded around the same time have not realized the same longevity, The Dalton Company has remained strong throughout its history.


The striking facade of St. James Cathedral in Toronto is just one element of Dalton’s work there

“That speaks to the commitment of not only my brother and me, but the people that work at Dalton,” President Randy Dalton said. The commitment of Dalton’s employees runs throughout the company, as the company’s culture is one not only of pride, but of growth and reflection. “We take our work very personally,” Dalton said. “There’s a pride in being involved in an organization where we’re all part of a group with consistent goals and objectives that are part of a bigger picture. We’re trying to succeed both as a company and as individuals.” As a learning organization, the company is also willing to invest in its employees to get the success which they’re all striving for. “We encourage growth from our employees,” Dalton said. “We have always assisted them with

“There’s a pride in being involved in an organization where we’re all part of a group with consistent goals and objectives that are part of a bigger picture.” – Randy Dalton, President

w w w. d a l t o n b u i l d . c o m


T h e D a lt o n C o m pa n y any training, coaching, or academic undertakings they want to pursue outside of their day-to-day work at Dalton and we’ll continue to do so in looking to advance individuals. We’ve had some people who have been with us for 20-plus years and started in very junior positions. Now, they’re in the senior management of the company. We believe it’s our approach that helps us recruit and retain the best staff.” Dalton’s core values and beliefs extend to the company’s building

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processes. Project management methods and standards are coupled with predictive analysis and measurement tools. The result is project teams empowered to serve clients as partners with open communication throughout a project’s lifespan. A common theme across all of its projects is the trust that Dalton establishes with its clients. Built into their project management process is a means to build, leverage, and even measure trust. The aim is to


preserve the integrity of the client’s vision, schedule, and budget. Dalton’s “Building on Principles” approach serves clients across a range of sectors, from academic, residential, and broadcast media to private clubs and religious institutions. A common theme across all projects is how Dalton’s way of doing business resonates with its clients. The company was recently involved in the renovation of Toronto Artscape’s Wychwood Barns— dilapidated structures that now serve as a major creative cultural space in the community. It was also one of the first LEED Heritage Gold projects in Canada. Taking on these types of sustainability and communityfocused projects wasn’t part of The Dalton Company’s original plans, and they’ve become a large part of the company’s portfolio. “It just fits with that we’re all about,” Dalton said. “Most of the corporations we deal with in notfor-profit are concerned about sustainability and good practice, so it’s just a logical fit with what we’re all about and what our customers are typically looking for.”

An Alternative Approach to Building Customers often look for certainty at all stages of the project and Dalton’s “Alternative Approach to Building” offers that by placing a heavy emphasis on pre-planning, and working with the client to establish their “Definition of Success”. “If you’re not involved early, you’ll find you’ll never get caught up with the subject matter,” Dalton explained. “If the design professionals are hired early and the builder is brought in later, it’s very difficult to understand the subtleties of what was discussed at the inception of a project. From our standpoint, the earlier we’re involved the better. For our clients, it’s the same way.” Dalton points to the example of its work at Upper Canada College. Planning for projects next summer is happening now in conjunction with the school and consultants, ensuring there are no obstacles when the project actually gets underway. “Cost certainty is a very important aspect of that as well,” Dalton added. “If all the elements of a project are monitored at the early stage, then the likelihood of success improves w w w. d a l t o n b u i l d . c o m


T h e D a lt o n C o m pa n y

Global TV’s Morning Show studio is one of several new studios recently built by Dalton.

exponentially going forward. If a lot of the design work and planning is done without understanding cost right from the commencement of a project, it can often lead to surprises down the road.” Avoiding surprises and keeping certainty high are hallmarks of Dalton’s Alternative Approach. This has kept customers such as Upper Canada College, Bell Media, and the Anglican Diocese of Toronto coming back for more than 10 years. Dalton explained that the bar is set 110

December 2014

very high by both the company and its customers and maintaining that quality of work is an active, engaged process. “We’re constantly monitoring and measuring what we’re doing and reporting to our customers on an ongoing basis, getting feedback from them as to where they see things,” he said. “A cornerstone of our Alternative Approach is the client’s definition of success, which we approach them to establish. Often times, their definition of


success is different than what the project team might have assumed without having asked.” Upcoming Projects Of course, Dalton is always looking for ways to refine and improve its approach, always looking toward its upcoming projects, such as the renovation of the Bata shoe factory in Batawa, Ontario. The shoe factory, once a cornerstone of the community, has fallen into disrepair since its decommissioning. Now, it’s set to be repurposed as residential community space. “It’s part of rebuilding the whole Batawa community,” Dalton said. “We’re working with the Bata Development Corporation directly, to see their vision through to fruition. It’s very interesting being part of the rejuvenation of a community that was once thriving and the conversion of the shoe factory will hopefully re-instill the purpose and spirit that the town was founded on.” Ultimately, The Dalton Company hopes to set an industry standard for others to follow and they know that’s easier said than done. “There are other very good companies,” Dalton explained. “We’re not the only one. We’re hopefully showing a different way of doing business that will be beneficial not only to our company but the industry as a whole. Our approach has bolstered our competitive advantage, greatly increasing our repeat and referral work.”

Company Information Industry

Project & Construction Management headquarters

Ontario, Canada founded

1940 employees

50 revenue

$75 Million

w w w. d a l t o n b u i l d . c o m


Clobracon Construction

Clobracon Celebrates 10th Anniversary Clobracon Construction Inc. has grown since its establishment in 2004 by providing excellent customer service, quality projects and by maintaining positive customer relationships that have resulted in constant repeat business. Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Rich Gentile


Clobracon Construction


stablished in 2004, Clobracon Construction Inc. is a construction company with a focus in private sector projects. The company offers a variety of construction contract formats to clients including lump-sum tender, construction management, construction management maximum upset, and designbuild. The efficiency and superior workmanship that is exhibited while delivering projects has resulted in constant repeat business and a reputation that attracts new clients as well. Michel Tylbor, president of Clobracon Construction, states “We are very flexible and cooperative to work with. We’ve heard this from many clients and consultants and that they enjoy working with us. We are known for respecting a schedule; it’s our reputation on the line.”

through some top projects including the TAV College project and the Delta Hotel project. The TAV College project is a six story private college project that Clobracon was referred for primarily based on the company’s respectable reputation. Tylbor explains that the project was very difficult because it was constructed on one of the busiest street in Montreal and though the project began in the summer of 2013, the early winter challenged Clobracon to work fast on its feet to still complete the project on time and in budget the following summer. Extensive planning and coordinating was required but the company was still able to complete the project within the scheduled time period. The Delta Hotel was another challenging project that Clobracon was able to execute on time and Taking on Challenging Projects in budget. This project was split The company works with clients into four phases and required including Sergakis Group, Westmont tremendous amounts of planning Group, CBRE and is currently because Clobracon demolished working on four project with Smart the exterior walls and installed new Center. Recently, the company has structural support and brick exterior been demonstrating its success to the building all while the hotel 114

December 2014


Complicated phasing and planning was required to maintain the tight deadlines on the Delta Hotel project

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Clobracon Construction was still in operation. Though this was extremely challenging, Clobracon has successfully worked through the project and is currently in the final phase, expecting to complete the project this month. “We’re not afraid to take the jobs that may be a bit off the beaten path, in terms of complexity and difficulty. We’re always willing to try to new things and that’s been very good for us,” states Tylbor.

Miroirs Verres Architecturals Unités scellées 950, rue King Est, Sherbrooke 819.562.4777 |

Celebrating 10 Years Though in recent years the company has worked on many new construction projects, when Clobracon Construction Inc. first began its main focus was on renovations. The company would completely redo old buildings from top to bottom to demonstrate dramatic transitions. This was the beginning of its reputation for quality and Clobracon quickly began to establish faithful clients that


continued to return for repeat business. Tylbor explains that Clobracon strives for continuous improvement and ensures quality in every project because the planning and review process in house is extremely meticulous. He says, “I’m very personally very hands on and I’m always talking to my team. We’re always trying to re-adjust, if we see something is not working, we are always trying to be sure that we don’t have the same issues again.” This commitment to quality and strong reputation has resulted in continued success as the company celebrates its 10 year anniversary. Tylbor stresses the importance of a good reputation and he explains that many of the projects Clobracon receives are due to repeat business from clients. He explains that Clobracon may not always be the least expensive, but clients receive a quality project and a positive relationship throughout the entire process. “Repeat business is what got us to where we are. All of our work is word of mouth and reputation. Your reputation follows you for good or for bad. We always try to build on that and I think that’s what’s going to keep moving us forward.”

Company Information Industry

Construction headquarters

Quebec, Canada founded

2004 employees


w w w. c l o b r a c o n . c o m



Two Trucks and a Vision Though it came from humble beginnings, K-Line has quickly become one of the most sought-after industrial maintenance contractors in Canada. Written by: Kevin Smead

Produced by: Michael Magno




December 2014

C anada


rothers Alan and Mark Kellett have been leading K-Line Group, a utility services provider, for more than 25 years. Though, as they put it, they’re just “looking after it.” K-Line was founded by their father, Glenn, in 1967. Armed with years of experience at Ontario’s Hydro One and a strategic eye for business,

he sold one of his properties in order to purchase two trucks— both of which are still owned by the company today—and began running operations out of the basement at his Scarborough home. Glenn saw an opportunity to provide service at a time when utilities began outsourcing work to third-parties. What began as K-Line w w w. k - l i n e . c a


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K-Line Maintenance and Construction is now part of a larger group, which includes operations in several countries across the globe. Still, it was Glenn’s initial efforts put the company on the path to where it is today. “K-line didn’t just fall out of the sky,” Mark said, “but started with a person with a vision who came from Mendon, Ontario.” There are several key aspects that have afforded K-Line its current and continued success. Perhaps the most important is its retention of its family culture across the years. Though the company has grown, it still operates like a small, personal family business. K-Line’s emphasis on safety has also been a may factor in its success. The company goes to great lengths to train its employees on safety protocols on a routine basis, ensuring everyone gets home in as good as shape as they showed up. Finally, the K-Line is committed to always providing high-quality work, on-time and on budget. The company believes in honest operations and building relationships with its partners. Next month, we’ll dive deeper into K-Line’s successes. Stay tuned!

C anada

Company Information Industry

Energy & Utilities headquarters

Ontariao, Canada founded

1967 employees

500+ revenue

$80-100 million

w w w. k - l i n e . c a


PPP Canada

P3 Knowledge, Leadership and Expertise Written by: Michelle Coates

Produced by: Mike Magno


PPP C a n a d a

Kokish River Hydroelectric Project(Port McNeill BC


he need for infrastructure renewal is real and governments across Canada have recognized that investing in public infrastructure is an effective way of boosting the economy while delivering tangible results Canadian can see and use every day. Public-private partnerships (P3s) have proven their ability to deliver value. Governments have seen this model work for projects across the country, with early adopters like Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario leading the way. When done well and for the right reasons. P3s can be a useful 126

December 2014

procurement tool for governments. P3s engage the expertise of the private sector and the discipline of capital markets to deliver ontime, on-budget, whole life-cycle solutions to delivering the public infrastructure Canadians need. Recognizing the growing attraction to P3s, in 2008, the Government of Canada saw an opportunity to leverage its role to enable the consideration of P3s through the creation of PPP Canada, a federal Crown corporation. Effecting change PPP Canada strives to deliver value


SRO Dowtown Eastside Vancouver_BC Housing

to Canadians through the effective use of P3s. We are doing this by working with all levels of government to share P3 knowledge and build best practices to change the way people think about procuring public infrastructure. Whether the goal is to procure a wastewater treatment plant for a small municipality or an international airport for a growing territory, value for Canadians is our over-riding focus. That is why we recommend a P3 approach based on a detailed and systematic assessment of value for money. The federal government has significant direct responsibility

for the provision of national public infrastructure assets and has mandated that all large federal projects with capital costs of more than $100 million be assessed for P3 suitability. PPP Canada is here to provide our federal clients with reliable advice and expertise to help identify P3 viability, perform a thorough procurement options analysis and advise on the procurement of the project. Our most visible federal advisory engagement to date is the New Bridge for the St. Lawrence project. Our team has been working with Infrastructure Canada to complete a w w w. p 3 c a n a d a . c a


PPP C a n a d a

Evan-Thomas Water and Wastewater Treatment Facility project Kananaskis Country, Alberta

study to support their procurement process. PPP Canada is similarly involved with Transport Canada and Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority in the development of the Detroit River International Crossing. We also work with other levels of government to advise and evaluate P3 potential for projects submitted through the P3 Canada Fund. With the first 5-year, $1.2B tranche of the P3 Canada Fund now complete, we are in a position to look back on our successes and the impact the Fund has had on the Canadian P3 market to date. Between 2008 and 2013, the market has expanded significantly. Since the launch of the 128

December 2014

P3 Canada Fund, the number of P3s entering procurement has more than doubled. Between 2009 and 2014, the $1.2B Fund provided up to 25% support to 24 projects, leveraging more than $6B in P3 infrastructure across Canada. The estimated incremental value of these projects compared to traditional procurement exceeds $800 million. The Fund, combined with our considerable outreach and education activities has had a huge impact in attracting new players to the market – most significantly municipalities. Since launching the P3 Canada Fund, we have confirmed investments


to 14 municipalities, which make up 68% of the Fund’s overall portfolio. Most notably, 12 of these municipalities were first-time entrants into the P3 market. The entry of municipalities into the P3 market has created demand for a wider range of assets, including water and wastewater treatment facilities, public transit projects, and solid waste management assets.

Company Information Industry

Federal Crown corporation headquarters

The way forward The ongoing success of the Canadian market has been recognized internationally. With strong capital markets, legal frameworks, private sector experience and capacity we expect the Canadian P3 market to remain resilient. In the 2013 Economic Action Plan, the federal government renewed the P3 Canada Fund with $1.2B over the next 5 years. It went further announcing that all applications to the New Building Canada Fund will be subject to a P3 screen if eligible costs are estimated at $100 million or more. These announcements underscore the federal government’s commitment to ensuring maximum value through the effective use of P3s and will no doubt have an impact on the number of projects brought to the market moving forward. PPP Canada remains in a unique position to help formalize best practices and push for greater transparency with respect to P3 projects and the Value for Money they generate so we can continue to lead by example.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada founded


w w w. p 3 c a n a d a . c a


Total Facility Solutions

The Single-Source Provider of Process-Critical Infrastructure Since 2003, Total Facility Solutions has been a leader in process, electrical and mechanical design and installation services, demonstrating high-tech experience and expertise in multiple markets Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano

Produced by: Tom Venturo


T o ta l Fa c i l i t y S o l u t i o n s

Inside TFS’ off-site fabrication facility for hygienic process piping


otal Facility Solutions, Inc. began organically within the M+W Group 11 years ago, providing turnkey contracting and electrical and mechanical services. The full service design and selfperform specialty construction firm underwent a business restructure five-and-a-half years ago however, 132

December 2014

to transition from an operating unit that was run by an operations officer to a company that revolves around a business plan and strategy. The shift has resulted in paramount success, turning the company into one with a complete management program that has both strategic and


Installation job of 14,000 meters of clean utilities

tactical direction. Joe Cestari, President of Total Facility Solutions, was at the helm of the transitory period. He believes that the root of the company’s success begins internally and extends outward. “Before we can be effective externally with our customers and the rest of our supply chain, we have to be effective with each other,” said Cestari. “Most of our marketing focus today still remains on perfecting communications within our internal team. Our business isn’t one that’s going to be changed by magazine ads or billboards or even web ads, it’s about our people having the same core values and practicing those values everyday in front of our customers.” “Now that we’re a larger company, we really need to make sure that we have a strong internal

“Our philosophy is that if we don’t obsolete our business, somebody else will” – Joe Cestari, President

w w w. t f s - u s . c o m


T o ta l Fa c i l i t y S o l u t i o n s


culture, and a clear mindset and understanding of who we are and what we stand for,” added Cestari. “It’s not about technical competency, it’s not about metrics, it’s certainly about performance, but our primary focus and our drive as a company has been around care and concern for each other and really running our business as close to a family environment, a team environment, as we can.” Personal Business Relations When it comes to its work force, Total Facility Solutions approaches its management style in a direct, united approach. Whether it is a young apprentice who just started or a staff member who has been on board for over 10 years, Total Facility Solutions treats both equally, providing

supplier profile

Electrical and mechanical work at semiconductor customer site


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T o ta l Fa c i l i t y S o l u t i o n s


the same opportunities. “Anybody that’s on our payroll gets treated like a member of the family and gets taken care of as if they were a member of the family for a long period of time,” said Cestari. “It’s our goal that we make the development of our people not only visible but measured and recognized in an effort to ensure we’re breeding a collaborative culture based on safety, quality, trust and overall care and concern for each other across the board.” As a result of this philosophy, there have been zero management turnovers within the top two levels of management in the last five years, providing a competitive advantage over others. At the core of Total Facility Solutions’ Incident & Injury Free® (IIF) safety program is not just the belief but also the practice of demonstrating care

Piping installation work at semiconductor customer site

Piping inventory at North Carolina fabrication facility w w w. t f s - u s . c o m




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T o ta l Fa c i l i t y S o l u t i o n s and concern for every employee. “We expect safety to be everybody’s responsibility, not just the responsibility of the safety department, and so that’s really what we’re doing culturally on the operational side,” said Cestari. “We spend a lot of time and effort to make sure that all of our staff and labor force go through training both in safe practices and the different functions that they might perform. Adopting IIF has transformed our company. Each TFS employee has openly embraced the IIF mentality and realizes their responsibility for making it a success.” Technology Implementation Throughout 2014, Total Facility Solutions’ primary focus was operational excellence and the convergence of technology and construction. The company


embarked on an aggressive program to implement BIM, and lean construction practices to focus on advancing a true lean supply chain strategy and operation. “Bringing BIM to life this year, we’ve given most of our supervision in the field products to allow them to look at design models in real time so they can review conflicts and design revisions while they’re in the field. This means having the ability to look at the area where something is going to be installed or look at add-build installation in the model and designing around it,” said Cestari. “We are also about 60 percent finished on the development and rollout of a complete workflow management platform. It should be ready by the first quarter of 2015, giving us access to a real-time dashboard.” Total Facility Solutions is also

Promoting Incident & Injury Free culture w w w. t f s - u s . c o m


T o ta l Fa c i l i t y S o l u t i o n s

Processing piping installation for life science customer

“We’re looking to become more profitable, more efficient and be able to provide more complete solutions to our customers” –Joe Cestari 140

December 2014


one of the few, if not the only company in its industry, using PLEX as the engine behind its lean construction implementation. The PLEX manufacturing cloud delivers convenient, realtime information on the shop floor using iPads and iPhones to save time, improve productivity and support quality and inventory management. Even just the move from the classic logbooks and filing cabinets to tracking everything online reduces the margin for error significantly. “Our philosophy is that if we don’t obsolete our business, somebody else will,” added Cestari. “So we’re trying to be proactive in the implementation of technology.”

Company Information Industry

Construction headquarters

Plano, Texas founded

2003 employees


Looking Ahead Total Facility Solutions is focused on remaining a niche company grounded on emerging technology and manufacturing facilities. Looking to be selective on upcoming projects, Total Facility Solutions has three priorities moving forward: invest in our people, invest in standard operational procedures, policies and improvements, and invest in technology and new capital equipment. “We’re not looking to grow at the same rate that we’ve been growing. Really, we’re looking to become more profitable, more efficient and be able to provide more complete solutions to our customers,” concluded Cestari.



w w w. t f s - u s . c o m


Walsh VA Loma Linda Project

Walsh VA Loma Linda Project: Bringing quality care to veterans Dedicated to be the builder of choice for its customers, Walsh Construction Company has partnered with the Veterans Affairs to build a major health care facility in Loma Linda Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano

Produced by: Tom Venturo


Wa l s h VA L o m a L i n d a P r o j e c t

The Walsh Construction Company has practiced general building construction since its foundation in 1949 by Matthew Myles Walsh. Since then, the company has gone through four generations of leadership and established itself as the largest construction firm in Chicago and one of the nation’s top 15 contractors. With experience in a wide variety of sectors, the group’s health care division has grown substantially over the past decade, now representing one of the largest single building disciplines in which the company performs work. Most recently, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) awarded a major contract to Walsh Construction to build a 345,000 gross square-foot Ambulatory Care Center for the VA Loma Linda Healthcare System. 144

December 2014


The three-story outpatient clinic will be run day in and day out and will be located on Redlands Boulevard in Loma Linda, California. As project manager, Randy Moon has a number of priorities when it comes to overseeing the entire project: ensuring the safety of his employees, remaining below the $117 construction budget and completing the project by March 2016. But with over 10 years experience at Walsh Construction, Moon is prepared and proud to oversee a project of this size. “This is, for me personally as a veteran, a good thing to be a part of,” said Moon. “I’m proud to be part of the VA group to build hospitals for veterans.”

“I’m proud to be part of the VA group to build hospitals for veterans” – Randy Moon, Project Manager

Safety Procedures Currently, there are a total of 50 individuals w w w. w a l s h g r o u p . c o m


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Wa l s h VA L o m a L i n d a P r o j e c t

working on the project and Moon’s first and foremost priority is safety. “We hold several weekly meetings. One is called a Safety Stand-In Meeting and we have that every morning on Tuesdays,” said Moon. “It collects all the workers together and we do a quick 15-20 minute topic discussion for that day with things to look for that week. It’s a forum where workers can express their opinions or concerns and it’s also a venue to congratulate workers for doing well.” Additionally, Walsh Construction has laid out a Safety Matrix that helps outline what management needs to be trained on in order to meet safety requirements. From various classes to recertification periods, the matrix allows team members to stay compliant.


Innovative Technology Walsh Construction is completing all of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems on the care center. In order to be successful, the company is implementing BIM (building information modeling) technology to model the design in 3D prior to executing the work. “We also have a channel-based punch list that we’ve developed internally that we’re going to be using for the project and we’re going to be putting up two webcams to help monitor the overall process of the program,” said Moon. The project will incorporate Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) design elements and water-wise landscape which Moon describes as being w w w. w a l s h g r o u p . c o m


Wa l s h VA L o m a L i n d a P r o j e c t


December 2014


“very important.” “When you go for any sort of LEED accreditation (which is part of the lease agreement), you have to comply with trying to save water,” said Moon. “One item that the city of Loma Linda is eventually going to provide is reclaimed water to use for the irrigation system. We have low-water plumbing fixtures as well so it all ties into qualifying for the LEED requirements themselves.”

Company Information Industry

Construction headquarters

Chicago, Illinois founded

Six Goals for the Project With a year and a half still pending for the project’s completion, Randy Moon outlined six goals he has for the project. “First and foremost, safety,” said Moon. “To ensure that everyone goes home safe and we have a safe project. Number two is schedule – we want to definitely make sure that we finish on time and we are meeting the dates that we have set forth and are meeting certain milestones. Three would be budget – to make sure we stay within budget. Five is to make sure my staff is growing internally and six would be developing good subcontractor relationships.” Walsh Construction continues to focus its efforts on expanding its presence in the health care marketplace and the Loma Linda project will certainly continue that dedication.

1949 employees

50 revenue

$117 M

w w w. w a l s h g r o u p . c o m


WEST Builders Inc.

Setting a Higher Standard Todd Whitlock, CEO of WEST Builders Inc., discusses how strategic planning and a commitment to company culture have played a role in the company’s success in the industry and how employees can make the difference to avoid becoming a commodity. Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Tom Venturo


W ES T B u i l d e r s I n c .

Itaque consed quam aspero et modite volu aborept.


stablished in 2003, WEST Builders Inc. is a customerdriven construction company that offers negotiated general contracting, design build and design assist services, and development management to commercial private real estate sectors. The company is highly organized and committed to providing exceptional customer service and solutions that elevate it above the level of being a hardbid commodity. Success in this effort has afforded WEST Builders the opportunity to negotiate work with a large client base including developers such as Prometheus 152

December 2014

Real Estate Group, UC Berkeley, Tooley Company, LBA Realty, Veeva Systems and CBS. Todd Whitlock, CEO of WEST Builders Inc., strongly believes that the company needs to perform beyond customer expectations. Through engineering expertise and effective communication with the client throughout a project, WEST Builders Inc. stands apart from the competition. He states, “If we’re not moving heaven and earth for our customers then we’re just a commodity and would be forced to function in the bid environment. Why should an


Raymond Theatre Condominium Conversion and Addition - Pasadena, CA

owner pick you if you’re just performing at a commodity level? You ought to be a hard bid.” Strategic Planning WEST Builders Inc. was first established when the three founders decided to branch off from their existing companies to create WEST Builders Inc. Having worked together since the early 1980s, they knew they each had a united desire to exclusively build projects within the private sector, as they had done in the early years of their careers. In 2003, their vision became a reality and WEST Builders was established. The strong commitment to the company culture, which each founder demonstrated by working an entire year without compensation, was quickly rewarded as

“We don’t grow for growth’s sake; we grow because our customers like our product so we continue to have more and more repeat business with great customers. The growth is a bi-product of our success and our delivery system that we practice.” – Todd Whitlock, CEO of WEST Builders Inc.

w w w. w e s t b u i l d e r s . n e t


W ES T B u i l d e r s I n c . the company’s annual revenue reached $100 M within its first four years. When the recession hit in 2008, the industry had no significant private sector commercial construction occurring in the market and many companies opted to begin bidding on public sector work, which was the only area with constant activity at the time. With WEST Builders Inc.’s focus on private sector work, they had to make a decision pertaining to the company’s future position in the industry.

Lic. #752889


Whitlock states that they decided to take a risk and stay true to the company values. He explains, “We thought that would change our culture and to be successful in hard bidding you have to exploit gaps in scope, but what we want to do in our delivery system is close gaps in scope and be incentivized to do that.” As a result, the company downsized to survive and sustained itself on retained earnings from the first growth period coupled with numerous renovations to existing

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dedication, strong attention to detail, and a culture of absolute safety. T EL: 408.294.4393 FA X : 4 0 8 . 2 9 4 . 4 3 9 8 202 NORT H 27T H ST R EET S A N J O S E , C A 9 5116 CA C ON T R AC T O R’S L IC . # 574 010


office buildings that were being repositioned by their customers. In this way, the company was able to preserve its core culture while maintaining a strong clientele base. Now, with the economy bouncing back and customers becoming active once again, WEST Builders has made a name for itself in the private sectors and is expecting to reach $100 M revenue again within the next year. While many companies went out of business during the recession, Whitlock is pleased that WEST Builders stayed committed to the company’s founding initiatives and that this decision resulted in a positive outcome. Because of the decision to stay true to its values, the company came out on top with a larger platform, higher reputation and more exposure into the marketplace than it did prior to the recession. “We don’t grow for growth’s sake; we grow because our customers like our product so we continue to have more and more repeat business with great customers. The growth is a bi-product of our success and our delivery system that we practice,” states Whitlock. People Make the Difference Part of what makes WEST Builders Inc. an outstanding company is the people that make up the team of engineers. The company typically hires engineers directly out of college who buy in to the attitude and desire to bring value to every project. WEST Builders is often involved very early on in projects and uses this opportunity to

Sunset and Vine Apartments Hollywood, CA

“We thought that would change our culture and to be successful in hard bidding you have to exploit gaps in scope, but what we want to do in our delivery system is close gaps in scope and be incentivized to do that” – Todd Whitlock, CEO of WEST Builders Inc.

w w w. w e s t b u i l d e r s . n e t


W ES T B u i l d e r s I n c .

Sunset and Vine Apartments - Hollywood, CA

work closely with the client to plan accordingly and efficiently so that there is very minimal re-design required. Because of this, projects are consistently completed on time and in budget. Whitlock stresses how crucial this open communication is and states, “It’s important to us that our engineers feel like they really make a 156

December 2014

difference every day and that they’re not involved in a daily adversarial struggle. Our success is dictated by how seamlessly we work with our customers towards the common goal.” With 60 employees, WEST Builders Inc. focuses on mentoring its young engineers so they can get experience and participate in all aspects of a project from start


to finish. Whitlock explains that this has proven to be much more successful and beneficial than generic training courses. President of WEST Builders Inc., Bill Hughes, maintains a hands-on approach with the young engineers, monitoring their work and overseeing the projects, to ensuring they are receiving the necessary knowledge to succeed. When asked how the team ensures that each project will be completed on-time and within budget, Whitlock replies, “By making sure you have great people that understand and follow the delivery system we use - that’s probably the biggest thing, really training engineers to evaluate if sub contractors’ productivity is keeping us on schedule and to conduct man power studies to make sure each crew size is appropriate early on. We’re very proactive.”

Company Information Industry

Construction headquarters

Point Richmond, CA founded

2003 employees

60 revenue

$100 M

Upcoming Projects In addition to its general contracting and design build services, the company also occasionally works as a developer and manages the permitting processes for various projects. For example, UC Berkeley has recently asked WEST Builders Inc. to build a student housing development for them. The five-floor project will include a 220 room student housing facility with a full garden and terrace in addition to a 30 foot cliff that gives the appearance that the building has been built into the side of a cliff.

w w w. w e s t b u i l d e r s . n e t


Archer Western Construction Norman Water Reclamation Facility Project Archer Western Construction Begins Wastewater Treatment Plant Project in Norman, Oklahoma

David Nine, Archer Western Construction Project Manager for the Norman Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, discusses how the company became involved with the project and explains how the project will benefit the city once it is completed. Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Tom Venturo


Archer Western Construction Norman Wat e r R e c l a m at i o n Fa c i l i t y P r o j e c t

Activated Sludge Aeration Basin with Blower Pipe and Sanitare Diffusers


he Norman wastewater system is owned, maintained and operated by the city of Norman, Oklahoma, and in November of 2013, the Department of Environmental Quality mandated that the treatment facility be upgraded. This $60 million project, consisting of an expansion to allow for increased water flow, an ultra violet disinfecting plant and overall rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure, was bid out to six different pre-qualified contractors and after review and consideration of all bids, the project was awarded 160

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to Archer Western Construction (a subsidiary of the Walsh Group). David Nine, Archer Western Project Manager for the Norman Water Reclamation Facility Project, explains that Archer Western Construction had been doing smaller projects in Oklahoma for about five years and when the company caught wind of this project in 2013 while it was in its early design stages, they knew this could be their chance to launch their operations and establish themselves in Oklahoma. After putting together a winning strategy and providing their bid, the company was awarded the

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New Centrifugal Blowers installed

project in April 2014. “It worked out great; it’s very seldom do you identify the project a year out, pursue it, chase it, win and get to go build it,” states Nine.

be working to expand the treatment capacity from 16 mgd to 32 mgd, adding two new clarifiers, 3 new activated sludge aeration basin, new sludge pump station and dewatering facility, new screenings About the Project facility and odor control. Prior to The Norman Water Reclamation beginning that work, Nine explains Facility expansion is the largest that Archer Western Construction wastewater treatment plant is first working to complete another expansion ever awarded in the component of the project, the UV state of Oklahoma and the project disinfecting plant. is being funded by the Oklahoma The UV Facility includes the UV Water Resource Board (OWRB), who basin, UV building and Post Aeration granted the city of Norman a $50 Basin, 3000 lf of 66” pipeline and million construction loan. outfall structure, all of which must Archer Western Construction will in operation by the early completion w w w. W a l s h g r o u p . c o m 1 6 1

Archer Western Construction Norman Wat e r R e c l a m at i o n Fa c i l i t y P r o j e c t

milestone of November 14, 2015. Currently the treatment facility has primary and secondary treatment but no disinfection, so this is an additional treatment step which will allow the city to re-use that water in the future. In addition, $10 million is going towards odor control throughout the entire plant. The UV plant and odor control are major components to the project and are extremely beneficial to the city of Norman. Nine states, “Once the UV Facility is completed, a nearby composting facility will start using the reclaimed water for their composting operations so the city will be able to re-use this water.”

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Archer Western Construction will build about 75% of the project itself, only sub-contracting about 25% of the job. The treatment plant is currently in phase 2 out of 3 and is expected to be completed on time in November, 2016. Looking forward, the treatment plant is expected to pump the re-used water to Lake Thunderbird where Norman gets its drinking water.

Company Information Industry

Construction headquarters

Irving, Texas

Community Support The Norman Water Reclamation Facility serves the city of Norman, a population of about 100,000 people, and the community as a whole has been extremely supportive of the project. “This is unique project because the citizens in the city of Norman voted 78% in favor of this expansion so the whole community is really behind the project,� Nine says. On November 5, 2014 the mayor and city council were on site at the project for a publicized ribbon cutting event to launch the project and show their support. Also, since the University of Oklahoma is in Norman, Nine explains that Archer Western Construction has even hired three college graduates to work as engineers for the project. Overall the project will be a great resource for the community and an environmental step towards sustainability.


2014 employees

60 revenue


w w w. W a l s h g r o u p . c o m 1 6 3

Archer Western Constru I-395 Project

Archer Western Construction New I-395 HOV Ramp and A Lane to the City of Alexandria

The VDOT I-395 project is expected to bring improved traffi cars that travel through the area each day. The project team Construction works with the surrounding public to ensure i beneficial to the traffic flow while also meeting neighborho Written by: Lindsey Ryan Produced by: Tom Venturo


n Brings Auxiliary a

fic flow for the 462,000 m from Archer Western it is a project that is ood standards.


Archer Western Construction I-395 Project

I-395 Northbound Widening Work


he Virginia Department of Transportation, VDOT, has recently begun construction work on northbound I-395 between Duke Street and Seminary Road in the City of Alexandria, Virginia. This $56 million project includes two capacity improvements: an additional $9 million northbound auxiliary lane connecting the northbound on ramp at Duke Street to the northbound off-ramp at 166

December 2014

Seminary Road, and a $47 million reversible High Occupancy Vehicle ramp that will provide improved I-395 traffic flow. After reviewing Statements of Qualifications from seven construction teams, VDOT shortlisted the three best teams and then subsequently awarded the project to Archer Western Construction (a subsidiary of the Walsh Group). The Archer Western Design Build bid was not only the low

U sa

price but also the proposal receiving the highest technical score.

VDOT extremely impressed. “What we eventually decided to do as part of our proposal was to Going Beyond Expectations provide all new structural steel for When Archer Western Area Manager the Seminary Road overpass, which for Maryland DC Virginia, Brian not only benefits the structure but Quinlan (assigned as Design Build also solved the problems addressed Project Manager on the VDOT [in regards to the lead and rust]. Plus, project), was pricing the project, he it allowed us to go to a continuous saw that what VDOT was asking span bridge design so we didn’t for was labor intensive and time have as many joints in the bridge consuming. The scope of work that deck, which is good for long term VDOT bid out included replacing maintenance,” explains Quinlan. He the concrete deck and rehabilitating continues, “That’s why we ended up the structural steel beams for the with the highest technical score. We existing Seminary Road overpass, offered more than required by the which would have included removal VDOT Request For Proposals.” of existing lead paint, repairs to As part of the reconstruction of the excessive age related rust damage, Seminary Road overpass, the project replacement of bearings and joints, will also include a dedicated 14 foot and strengthening to accommodate wide pedestrian bridge, which will the new HOV ramp connection. double as a bike path, to replace the Though Quinlan could have bid 4 foot sidewalk that currently exists. according to the original scope, This pedestrian bridge will include he saw the opportunity for Archer decorative fencing and lighting, as Western and its design engineer, well as being ADA compliant. It Parsons Transportation Group, to will be much safer than the existing demonstrate their skills and decided sidewalk that is adjacent to traffic, to propose an extended scope and overall will be much more user including all new steel and a more friendly and aesthetically pleasing. efficient bridge design, which left In addition to providing a unique 167

c o m pa n y n a m e

I-395 Northbound Wideing Grading Work

and beneficial design for the job, now that the project has commenced, the original completion deadline for the auxiliary lane has been pushed forward by VDOT to accommodate the anticipated traffic capacity increase in the area due to unrelated traffic work further up the road. Andy Palahnuk, Archer Western’s Project Manager (assigned as Construction Manager on the VDOT project) explains, “We have two milestones that we have to meet that 168

December 2014

are worth noting. We have roadwork that’s northbound I-395 where we have to widen the outside lanes. We have an interim date of December 31, 2014, to put traffic on that widening. We’re also constructing the HOV Ramp and reconstructing the Seminary Road Overpass that needs to be opened by September 24th, 2015.” Palahnuk, and a majority of the construction team, are just coming off of a successful $70 million project

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that also required accelerated bridge construction techniques, and in fact they completed the project early, so this team has experience working under pressure and has proven that they have what it takes to lead an entire project team through the successful completion of an accelerated project. Because of the schedule demands, Archer Western is working simultaneously from one end of the project to the other in order to beat the milestones

that have been established. In addition to a larger workforce and extended work hours, this has created additional opportunities for DBE subcontractors that are being engaged to supplement the Archer Western workforce. Though the project requires fast paced construction to meet the deadlines VDOT is demanding, safety still comes first. “Safety is very important; we take it as the first responsibility. We have a very w w w. w a l s h g ro u p . c o m


c o m pa n y n a m e

I-395 Looking South. Working on new HOV Bridge Foundations

“Safety is very important; we take it as the first responsibility. We have a very vigorous safety program that we follow every day. It was tailored for the job site and includes our subcontractors and anyone who works out on the job.” – Andy Palahnuk, Construction Manager


December 2014

vigorous safety program that we follow every day. It was tailored for the job site and includes our subcontractors and anyone who works out on the job,” says Palahnuk. Technology The Walsh Group, being one of the largest construction companies in the country, uses modern technology on all of their projects. As an example, one of the interesting devices that VDOT has asked Archer Western to use on the I-395 project is Utility Locator Balls. These are cutting edge technology devices that are dropped into a pipe trench above an underground utility. Once the utility trench is backfilled and surface restoration is complete, the balls have the ability to communicate to a

sec t or

I-395 Northbound Widening Retaining Wall Work

computer above ground and send info regarding the underlying utility. This includes how many feet down it is, what utility it is, and what type of pipe it is. All guesswork is removed, thus making future identification of utilities below ground convenient, safe, and reliable.

smooth transition period while the construction work is underway. “Our construction has not had a big impact on traffic because we were able to shift the three existing lanes to establish our work zone, while maintaining traffic on all three. When we do have to take lanes on a short term basis we’re taking them Community Impact and at night in off-peak hours. Because Influence of these efforts, we’re really not Though the construction for the interfering with the peak traffic flows I-395 project will take some time at all,” says Quinlan. and require cooperation and Long term, with the new fourth patience from the surrounding lane of traffic there is naturally community, Archer Western is doing going to be increased traffic everything they can to make it a noise, therefore noise barrier walls w w w. w a l s h g ro u p . c o m


Archer Western Construction I-395 Project

Working on HOV Bridge Foundations in foreground and Existing Seminary Road Bridge in Backround

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Aggregate Relocation Specialists, LLC is a certified DBE woman-owned and locally operated trucking company. We pride ourselves on being an industry leader committed to performing reliable hauling services and providing aggregate wholesale to our valued customers. Ginger Goff - President/Owner 364 Singleton Circle | Warrenton, VA. 20186 571.220.0276 | |

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were included in the scope of the project. As part of the design effort, Parsons analyzed the projected noise levels and presented possible noise barrier wall configurations in compliance with FHWA specifications. Thereafter, a vote from the community resulted in the approval of noise barrier walls along three fourths of the widening. In the area without noise wall, the adjacent residents selected to go with trees and landscaping as the sound barrier, rather than a wall. VDOT and Archer Western were determined to be good neighbors and to keep the community happy with the project, which will clearly be a part of their lives for years to come. As an example, Quinlan explains, “Andy and his team recently met with residents from the adjacent neighborhood and presented them with the designs for the noise barriers and the landscaping and let them comment on and decide what they liked and didn’t like about the designs. The neighborhoods definitely had a say in the final presentation of the project.” Overall the I-395 project is scheduled to be completed May of 2016 and is expected to provide improved traffic flow and upgraded pedestrian access in the area and Archer Western Construction anticipates that the project will be another successful one for its portfolio.

Company Information Industry

Construction/ Transportation headquarters

Illinois employees

18 Salary and 80 Trades Personnel

w w w. w a l s h g ro u p . c o m


Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership

Sharing Water and Connecting Communities Conserving water is the first and most important supply option for the Lake Oswego and Tigard Partnership. Effective conservation measures alone, however, won’t be enough to meet the two cities’ needs Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano

Produced by: Tom Venturo


L a k e O s w e g o - T i g a r d Wat e r Pa r t n e r s h i p

LO Tigard City Councilors tour WTP

Drinking water is a critical service for public health, fire safety and economic development. In the state of Oregon, two cities are revamping their existing drinking water infrastructure to meet increasing demands and provide high quality drinking water year-round. The Lake Oswego and Tigard Project is a partnership agreement between the cities of Lake Oswego and Tigard. While the Partnership was established in 2008, the idea was first conceived in 2005 when the partner cities commissioned a study of the costs and benefits of a partnership for joint water supply. 176

December 2014

“In 2007 the completed study concluded each city would realize significant financial benefit by jointly constructing and operating an expanded water supply system. The financial upside of a partnership was attractive enough to elected officials of the two cities to proceed with a year-long effort to negotiate the terms and conditions of an intergovernmental agreement forming the partnership. “That agreement was signed in August 2008 and then we were on our way”, said Joel Komarek, Project Director. The project will upgrade, upsize and expand six existing facilities


The Project includes over 10 miles of pipeline in four cities

including more than 10 miles of large diameter pipeline in four communities and the installation of a new water treatment plant, the largest facility, valued at $67 million. The $254 million project will provide improved drinking water for 100,000 residents in two communities for the foreseeable future at the lowest cost, and create over 2200 jobs. A Six-Year Evolution According to Komarek, two of the most notable points of project evolution were the design of the water treatment plant and the

routing of a portion of the large diameter finished water pipeline under the community’s namesake, Oswego Lake. “Our objective was to get the pipeline from the south to the north side of the lake and originally our plan was to drill across and underneath the lake and pull a pipe through that,” recalled Komarek. But challenges and high costs associated with that original plan led designers to reconsider alternatives that were evaluated during the early project definition phase. “We’re now going around the east end of the lake to get to the north w w w . c i . o s w e g o . o r. u s


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side and we anticipate getting that segment of pipeline construction underway early next year,” said Komarek. “We still have a 3800 foot long horizontal directional drill under the Willamette River, however, to connect the river intake to the water treatment plant. There were no alternatives to making that connection.” In regards to the water treatment plant, the original concept design utilized almost every square foot of land that was owned by the project

Dedicated to the Success of the

Lake Oswego Water Treatment Plant Project Thank you to our field crew and staff who are involved on this exciting project. Special thanks to the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership, City of West Linn, and City of Gladstone.

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for the current treatment plant site, affecting surrounding neighbors. “After numerous conversations with neighbors surrounding the site, we ended up with a design that doesn’t look anything like the original concept but is significantly more compact in terms of its footprint,” said Komarek. “When we started this project, we knew that the pipeline and facilities would be constructed in four cities, two of which don’t directly benefit from the project— Gladstone and West Linn,” said Jane Heisler, Communications Director. “We worked very hard in those communities to make sure we would be a good neighbor before, during and after construction.” Success Behind-the-Scenes With roughly 150 people, including project staff, contractors and subcontractors working together on the project, professionalism and communications are critical to a successful project outcome. “I go back to the premise that nobody can do it all, and so we have our team of seasoned professionals. Communications is key to making

sure that we all understand what everybody else is doing,” said Komarek. Along with assembling a team of highly experienced and qualified professionals, the Lake Oswego and Tigard Project leverages some of the latest technological innovations. “We have some advanced water treatment technology and we’re also using the most current software systems for managing the project that we can find and which is robust enough for a large, complex municipal construction project,” said Komarek. “We’re using a web-based software platform that allows everybody on the team, from contractors and engineers and other staff alike, to document, share and archive information related to the project. That’s proved to be very useful in terms of our process efficiencies.” Entering the New Year “By the end of 2015 we’re planning to have all of our pipeline constructed,” said Komarek. “We will have a new reservoir in operation, the new pump station, a new river intake and we will have w w w . c i . o s w e g o . o r. u s


L a k e O s w e g o - T i g a r d Wat e r Pa r t n e r s h i p

Making sure that all environmental permits are followed, some areas near pipelines or facilities needed archaeological oversight

started up some parts of our brand new water plant while still operating portions of the old plant. Achieving those milestones will be the marks of success for 2015.” In addition to having the project completed on time and under budget, one goal Heisler has is to responsiveness to facility neighbors 180

December 2014

and residents. “After this project is done, [my goal is] that the council and the public would say, ‘You know, they did this project with a minimal amount of impact to the community and were responsive to the needs of facility neighbors,” said Heisler. “We’d like our elected officials and the community to recognize


Company Information Industry

Municipal Construction headquarters

Lake Oswego, Oregon founded


the scope and magnitude of this undertaking and hopefully realize that while at times it was very difficult and frustrating, we worked together and got through it,” added Komarek. “That now we’ve got a state-of-the-art water system that will serve both our communities for many decades to come and it’ll be the gemstone of the region in terms of its design and reliability.”

w w w . c i . o s w e g o . o r. u s


Buildcorp Interiors:

A Builder with Pride

Never a need to sacrifice quality to meet pro Written by: Ian Hanner Produced by: Bryan Giles 182

aus t ral i a

ogramme 18 43 6


The façade of the bar at Fat Noodle takes the form of an ancient paper scroll and is set against a basket-weave parquetry floor.


ith an array of awards and stunning completed projects to point to, Buildcorp Interiors is setting the bar high for the fitout and refurbishment industry in eastern Australia. Buildcorp was founded in 1990 by Tony Sukkar with the goal to bring quality, passion-driven craftsmanship to the Australian construction market. Since that time, the company has evolved to be made up of four key divisions: 184

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Buildcorp Contracting, Buildcorp Interiors, Buildcorp Asset Solutions and Euroline. With each division focusing on a specific sector within construction, fit-out and refurbishment projects both large and small fall to Buildcorp Interiors. “Buildcorp Interiors came out of the construction business originally because there came a need in Australia to have specialized fitout and refurbishment companies,” said Ian Morrison, Queensland state

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manager for Buildcorp Interiors. “That was in 1996 and it’s grown every year since, [up to] today where we’re turning over an excess of $150 million a year in just interiors alone.” With over 24 years of experience in the industry, Morrison would be at home in nearly any construction company. Speaking to him gives you the impression that he, and moreover the whole company, takes an immense amount of pride in the projects Buildcorp completes. “Construction’s a tough industry, but the way that Tony [Sukkar] has run his company and the values that he has align perfectly with how I like to operate, so it’s a perfect match,” Morrison said. Since construction is such a competitive industry, Buildcorp Interiors sets itself apart with its

wide range of service offerings. The company is able to handle nearly every step along the process of delivering quality craftsmanship including design and construction solutions, procurement management, integration management, time management, site management and even a sustainable construction process that helps projects hit a sustainable, environmental goal. With the expertise that Buildcorp brings to the job site, every project is seen through to an on-time, if not early, completion with a final product that brings pride to the whole team. In fact, whether or not the company’s employees find pride in their work is a major concern for Buildcorp, which regularly circulates employee satisfaction

“Buildcorp Interiors came out of the construction business originally because there came a need in Australia to have specialized fitout and refurbishment companies…it’s grown every year since.” – Ian Morrison; State Manager, Queensland

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questionnaires that probe for areas where management could improve, according to Sue Turpie, business development manager for Buildcorp Interiors in Queensland and New South Wales. “It’s recognized that we’re an employer that people stay with. It’s very rare to find a company that has [employees] for 20 years, but we’re reaching a time where nearly every year we have people receiving 20year awards,” Turpie said. “We’re very focused on our staff,”


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Morrison added. “I think if you spoke to the owner of our company, he would be very proud of the fact that he sees this as a family company. And that helps; it comes from the top.” Buildcorp Interiors doesn’t restrict that community-oriented mindset to just employees. It regularly raises money for various charitable causes through the Buildcorp Charitable Fund. According to Turpie, this year the company will be donating money raised to combating suicide among


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young men in the construction industry. The company also regularly supports rugby teams from the Universities of Queensland and Sydney. Buildcorp’s support of the rugby team at the University of Queensland isn’t the only business the company has with the school. Buildcorp Interiors was recently awarded a Master Builders Award for the work it did on the school’s Goddard building. “It was a very difficult job,” Morrison said. “Not the least because it’s a heritage building and a fully operational building and we had to put in a rooftop extension.” Buildcorp Interiors inherited the job after a previous company dropped out, having already initiated numerous project elements with poor foresight. These often conflicting building elements complicated the remainder of the work for Buildcorp. Despite these complications, the company was able to complete the rooftop extension on-schedule in February with a total contract sum of about $10.5 million. “It was a challenging project in every way,” Morrison said. “And as always on challenging projects, when you can pull off a success and exceed people’s expectations, it’s just so rewarding. So it’s another one of those projects that we’re just proud of. Even when the company gets together for regular catch-ups over a few drinks, those kinds of projects are always on everyone’s lips.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia FOUNDED




Since 1990, the Buildcorp Group has expanded to include four business units, each with its own specialization, bringing diversity, knowledge and stability to their business model. Each division has the capacity to independently deliver projects within its area of specialization, while drawing on centralized group support systems and services, including quality, support and management frameworks.

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SIG Engenharia

To build is to do a great job With refinement and a strict quality control, SIG Engenharia is the construction brand in the “carioca� (from Rio de Janeiro) luxury market Written by: Flavia Brancato Produced by: Sergio Ambrosino


SI G E n g e n h a r i a


he pleasure of building has inspired SIG Engenharia for over 35 years. Its dedication and the high quality of its developments guarantee its recognition in the civil construction market and the reliability of a respected brand. The key to success is the tradition in the construction of high-class buildings combined with projects in the high tech industrial and commercial construction area. In 2008, with the admission of a third partner – engineer Jorge Mauricy – to the Grimberg brothers’ team, SIG strategically incorporated practices of corporate governance by means of an action plan. The plan included the definition of the area of interest, a thorough analysis of each real estate market segment, the development of distinguished and complementary products, in addition to projects in areas with great potential based on the future estimation of the “carioca” market.

Barra Allegro - Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro 190

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Dimension - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro

From the first land in Ipanema through the success of remarkable works all over the prevailing regions of the city, SIG is now deemed to be one of the main construction companies in Rio de Janeiro. Either in a residential development or in large-sized structures, such as hotels and malls, the company always excels because of in the intelligence of the design, and also the aesthetics and completion, while taking care of every single detail. “We study the surroundings, respect the location where the building is to be constructed and add value to the place by means of a different architecture and façade,” said the Director and partner of SIG Engineering, Otávio Grimberg. STRATEGIES AND TRENDS When many companies chose to undertake an IPO, SIG received many invitations but it chose to keep focusing on the real estate market alone, away from the stock market. The Grimberg brothers saw an opportunity to w w w. s i g e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r


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gain competitive advantage. When construction companies were purchased for IPO, they became huge developers and SIG kept its profile, with the constant involvement of its partners in the developments. Grimberg is pragmatic when he says “The company result in 2014 will be higher than the price at which we would have sold SIG share control in 2008. The company mission is to keep growing and innovating without disregarding the quality that made it famous.” The company brand is a remarkable element in the way it is presented to the market. When they chose not to undertake the IPO, the internal actions continued to be respected and managed jointly. “SIG is a family company, where partners get directly involved in the operation, aiming at maintaining its feature of creating customized projects, with greater comfort, quality, and perfectly matching the surroundings, thus being recognized as a designer,” summarizes the director. With excellent know-how in the construction of high-class commercial developments, SIG is now involved with Triple A corporate buildings with environmental certification and focus on energy efficiency. With all this excellence, the biggest challenge is to finish the work within deadline and defined costs. The group seeks to be always improving by holding team meetings and investing in skilled labor and state-of-the-art technology to control the operations. Grimberg admits that “SIG invests a lot to meet these challenges. The

Seletto - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro

“The company result in 2014 will be higher than the price at which we would have sold SIG share control in 2008. The company mission is to keep growing and innovating without disregarding the quality that made it famous” – Director and partner of SIG Engineering, Otávio Grimberg

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SI G E n g e n h a r i a

Uptown - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro

company has a strict planning and quality control to build solid and successful developments.�

Uptown - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro

Office Tower - Centro, Rio de Janeiro 194

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LAUNCHINGS Another example of innovation and reason for being proud is the UPTOWN project, located at Barra da Tijuca, an upper-class neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. Inspired in the concept of metropolises such as Barcelona, Seattle and Berlin. The complex brings innovation, safety, infrastructure and comfort by adding stores, corporate floors, warehouses and an area for events. In its final phase of construction, it has 140 thousand square meters of land and 70 thousand square meters of area for rent. There will be a total of 400 stores, generating a flow of 15

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Uptown - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro

thousand people every day. With lots of successful commercial and residential developments, soon SIG will bring two more Triple A projects that, together, will represent a total of 43 thousand square meters of built area. “The developments will have two towers of corporate floors with 16 floors each. In addition to being strategically located between the two city airports and near highways, SIG is creating a high class corporate block in this region,” says Grimberg.

“SIG invests a lot to meet these challenges. The company has a strict planning and quality control to build solid and successful developments” – Director and partner of SIG Engineering, Otávio Grimberg

ROBUST QUALITY CONTROL From the hiring of labor and services, purchase of materials, performance of each activity, cleaning and organization of the work through w w w. s i g e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r


SI G E n g e n h a r i a

Waterways - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro

the environmental care, Grimberg explains that “the process of SIG Certification of Quality began in 2007, when all of our procedures started to be created and are now an attribute of SIG for the execution of our managerial and operating activities.” SIG has two certifications: ISO 9001 and PBQP-H – The Brazilian Program of Quality and Productivity in Dwelling, created by the Federal Government to encourage and guarantee the improvement of dwelling 196

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quality and the modernization of civil construction methods. In order to obtain a certification of quality management ISO 9001:2008, the organization/company needs to fit an international standard that sets forth requirements for a Quality Management system. The company is in the process of implementing ISO 14001. It is a standard with basic guidelines to develop an environmental management system that allows an organization or company to develop and practice environmentally sustainable policies and goals. In order to have everything under control and to guarantee the quality from the beginning through the end of the operations, SIG follows elementary practices such as: periodical training of outsourced personnel and collaborators; campaigns of awareness of Quality and the Environment; use of visual resources in its works in order to bring awareness to its collaborators; recycling campaigns, etc. Grimberg summarizes that SIG Engineering plan is to keep investing in its Land bank, maintaining profitable works and keeping displaying the brand in strategic points of the city. The expansion strategy varies according to the market, but “SIG has a team that makes market analyses and guides the purchases of land, as well as it analyzes the products to be offered in the market and their prices. Besides, the company also analyzes the competitors and the purchases they make,” he concludes.

Company Information Name

SIG Engineering Industry

Construction Headquarters

Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 161, 3º Andar, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil cep: 22410-001 Management

Director and partner of SIG Engenharia: Otávio Grimberg

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number 1 in security

World leader in the sales of backhoe loaders and telescopic handlers, JCB is a synonym for innovation and pioneering Written by Flavia Brancato Produced by Sergio Ambrosino




he pioneer spirit has always been a part of Civil Construction Equipment’s philosophy. The first backhoe loader was developed in the small town, of Uttoxeter, England, the founder of JCB, Joseph Cyrill Bamford. Today, the backhoe loader is regarded as one of the three world leading manufacturing companies of civil construction equipment. 20 years later, the creation of the world’s first telescopic handler was developed.In addition to achieving global leadership in the sales of backhoe loaders and telescopic handlers, JCB currently has some of the best engineering facilities in the world, manufacturing over 300 models of machines. Along its 67 years of success, JCB has always made massive investments in research and development, with quality and innovation ahead of the market. Today, the company has 23 factories, over 10,000 employees spread across four continents, and its products are proudly marketed at 2,000 points of sales in 150 countries.

JCB Production Line 200

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Painting complex , JCB factory

ARRIVAL IN BRAZIL IN 1995 The Chairman of JCB in Brazil, Carlos Hernández, says: “we stand out from the market because innovation is in our DNA and we follow our founder’s restlessness. We are never satisfied. We always want to improve processes so our customer receives the best products and services”. It happened naturally, due to hard work and market acceptance. The trading of products in Brazil started in 1995, and the first backhoe loader factory was opened some years later. A forerunner in the development of technology for handling materials in infrastructure works and farming, JCB invests to better serve the customer with excellence and sustainability. With this in mind, the Brazilian branch has recently merged the operations of two factories (backhoe loaders and bulldozers) in to one modern manufacturing unit, with investments w w w. j c b b r a s i l . c o m . b r


The engine of the construction.

MWM is the largest manufacturer of diesel engines Mercosur because their solutions are always ahead in technology, reliability and sustainability. • Customized solutions for each client. • Vehicular, agricultural, power generation, construction and marine engines. • More than 4 million engines produced since 1953. • Creation and Development Center. • 480 dealers network. • Exports to over 30 countries. • 3 industrial units (São Paulo - SP, Canoas - RS, Jesus Maria - Argentina).

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of nearly 100 million dollars, in a 200 thousand square meter area, with a built area of 33 thousand square meters. “We seek to serve the civil construction, mining and agricultural markets with excellence, and we invest to offer the best specialized after-sale, close-to-customer services”, explains Hernández. The strong investment made by JCB in Brazil is not limited to the manufacturing plants. A good example is the modern technological infrastructure installed in the unit in Sorocaba, which has one of the most modern IT environments, with a cutting-edge system and state-of-the-art equipment fully designed and sized to meet all the operating needs. The chairman further points out that “unlike other companies that focus specifically on the

supplier profile

Carlos Hernández, Chairman of JCB in Brazil


MWM INTERNATIONAL, a leading independent manufacturer of diesel engines in Mercosur, has plants in Santo Amaro (SP), Canoas (RS) and Jesus Maria (Cordoba - Argentina). With 61 years of experience, the company, an affiliate of US-based Navistar, operates in several markets such as the United States, Turkey, China, Korea and Mexico. The company’s products meet the vehicle, agricultural, industrial, power generation and marine segments. The company is strategically installed in Mercosur aiming to serve the customers in the region and work as a base for exporting products worldwide. Today, the company exports to over 30 countries around the world.


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production, JCB places all of its bets on Brazil and understands that, to that end, it would be necessary to create optimal conditions to support the business, according to JCB vision and mission.” Demonstrations go from the advanced Data Center, with systems of physical and logical redundancy, fire systems and digital telephony, to an important integrated SAP system with high integration and control levels that provide accurate information for correct decision-making purposes. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION MARKET As the material handling market grows, both in civil construction and in agriculture, cattle raising, and urban maintenance, the sector demands more versatile machines with a high level of

supplier profile

“JCB places all of its bets on Brazil and understands that, to that end, it would be necessary to create optimal conditions to support the business, according to JCB vision and mission” – Chairman of JCB in Brazil, Carlos Hernández

company name

Main text goes here and can be a block of copy - if there is no desire to indent the copy with headings. Main text goes here and can be a block of copy - if there is no desire to indent the copy with headings. If you need to create a new paragraph then just hit return and a separating rule appears for segregating the paragraphs. The text in this box aligns from the bottom up. Adjust the text box height of course, but leave the position of the box so that the bottom of the box has a y co-ordinate of 742pt. Website: address goes here as the last entry

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automation and technology, providing fuel saving and high productivity. Hernández is confident, stating “JCB is ready to serve this market, offering high performance machines that are references of quality worldwide, such as the telescopic handler.” Another strategy, according to the chairman, involves the methods the company uses to overcome challenges of the sector. “Every sector nowadays faces difficulties in the economic scenario, with public works and real estate market slowdown, however JCB keeps placing its bets on the Brazilian market.” One example to boost sales was the promotion of two models of front206

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end loaders – for the sectors of civil construction, mining and agriculture - which will be manufactured in the country with an investment of BRL 5 million. In the manufacturing sector, as a rule, the engineering department is responsible for projects for adjusting the assembly line and also the products to the Brazilian market reality to obtain the highest productivity for the manufacturing process and for the customers. QUALITY AND INVESTMENT One of JCB main priorities is the health and safety of collaborators and service providers. Among several programs earmarked for such factors,

“In the coming years, we want to keep working on the nationalization of more models and keep on growing” – Chairman of JCB in Brazil, Carlos Hernández

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one of the highlights is the so-called Near Misses. The program is linked to potential accidents. . Thus, every time a Near Miss is reported, the team meets to solve the problem, thus avoiding possible accidents in the future. HernĂĄndez further assures that “every collaborator plays an active role in this program, in such a way that the most active ones are recognized for their contribution. Our goal is Zero Accident,â€? he concludes. The search for sustainable development is another relevant issue in the company procedures. In addition to following the environmental guidelines governing the proper disposal of waste, reuse of rainwater, capture of sun energy and a space set exclusively for collection and separation of recyclable materials, other initiatives of social and environmental w w w. j c b b r a s i l . c o m . b r



Carlos Hernández

responsibility are well underway. Examples include the reforestation of about 20 percent of the 200 thousand square meter land of the new factory. In partnership with the Centro de Orientação e Educação Social de Sorocaba (COESO), JCB takes part in projects that provide work for families that live in the surrounding areas. Hernández states that ongoing investments represent one of the main factors that keep JCB a global leader. “Last year we opened our painting plant, which received a BRL 20 million contribution.” The company is a 210

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Company Information Industry

Machinery headquarters

Uttoxeter – England Founded

1945 Products / Services

backhoe loaders, loaders, telescopic handlers, front-end loaders management

pioneer in building up a powder painting plant – a method that assures more durability for the pieces and reduces the environmental impact of the process, in comparison to conventional methods. “In the coming years, we want to keep working on the nationalization of more models and keep on growing,” Hernandez concludes.

President: Carlos Hernández HR Director: Rafael Cardoso Operational Director: Marcus Marchesin Sales Director: Nei Hamilton

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65 years of engineering

and metal construction for Peru and Latin America

Haug has extended its range of specialized products and services in Peru for more than six decades, contributing to the development of the country and the region with international projects.

Written by: Mateo Rafael Tablado Produced by: Jassen Pintado Interviewee: Henry Perret, CEO of Haug S.A.


Haug S.A.


ith 65 years in the metallurgical business in Peru, HAUG is a leading company in metal construction and assembly. HAUG has facilities in Peru and abroad, and a significant presence in several countries in the region.

Bechtel Chile Ltda -Engineering, Manufacture And Installation Of 18 Tanks

Svend Haug, a Danish engineer and pioneer in the manufacture and installation of storage tanks for hydrocarbons founded the company in 1949. Since its inception, the factory participated in major projects in Peru.

For The Project “Los Bronces” - Chile

Over the years, HAUG expanded its services and products, diversifying its operations. Today HAUG performs basic and detailed engineering, fabrication of storage tanks and metalworking of all kinds, covering a wide range of services related to engineering, construction and assembly. Haug is a leading company that provides economic growth in Peru and the region. The Interview In an interview with Henry Perret, current CEO of HAUG, he informed us about the company’s plans, projections and biggest differentiators in the international market.


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Perret is a Civil Engineer, graduated from the National University of Cordoba (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba). He has a Masters from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and has added specialized courses to his resume. Some interesting highlights in his career, is his work in the Argentinian Public Administration and Consulting and Supervision posts in Spain, as well as in Argentina with Grupo Roggio (leading infrastructure and services company with 106 years of history and regional presence). Within Grupo Roggio, he participated in various Latin American projects. Since mid-2010, when Grupo Roggio acquired Haug’s majority stake, he became CEO of the company.

Key People

Henry Perret CEO of Haug S.A. Perret is a Civil Engineer, graduated from the National University of Cordoba (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba). He has a Masters from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and has added specialized courses to his resume. Some interesting highlights in his career, is his work in the Argentinian Public Administration and Consulting and Supervision posts in Spain, as well as in Argentina with Grupo Roggio (leading infrastructure and services company with 106 years of history and regional presence). Within Grupo Roggio, he participated in various Latin American projects.

Haug Workers w w w. h a u g . c o m . p e


Haug S.A.

la t i n amer i ca

BRAL: In celebration of the company’s 65 years of history, what are some of your most important corporate awards? HP: We have many awards that make us feel really proud of our work at a national and international level. We have won numerous corporate awards in “Excellence in Security” and from from HAUG’s customers as a result of our performance in important projects, such as “Safety Excellence Award” for our overall labor in Pueblo Viejo project at Dominican Republic, or the “Safest Company Award” for the project Pascua Lama in Argentina.

Praxair Peru SRLElectromechanical Assembly Of the Oxygen Plant - Type Pl3 Xl -Peru

Regarding social activities, we received two

supplier profile

Pisco Plant Expansion

Pinturas Aurora S.A

Employees: 180 employees between Lima and the province Established: 1943 Services: Mara Corporation SA is a Peruvian company dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of paints and coatings for industrial, hardware stores, automotive President/CEO: CLAUDIO CAVASSA Website:

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Haug S.A. major awards in the last year: “Peace Prize 2014” by the Ministry of Women for the project “Move for Peace”, and the international recognition of the Spanish NGO CODESPA for our community program Haug House. This last, was awarded in the hands of Felipe de Borbon, CODESPA’s Honorary President and Prince of Asturias.

ARPL Tecnologia

As a result of our ongoing social work we have obtained the “Socially Responsible Company” distinction since 2013 by the Peruvian Association 2021.

Industrial - Manufacture and assembly of Electrostatic - Peru

In the human resource area, the company obtained the “Great Place To Work Institute Peru” recognition as the top 24 company to work for in Peru with more than 700 employees. HAUG also has ABE’s good employers certification, and its recognized as a company whose main value is respect, ensuring good labor practices. BRAL: Which are your main certifications? HP: HAUG is the only Peruvian metallurgical company with TRI-STANDARD certificates, such as ISO 9001: 2008 (for all services), ISO 14001: 2004 (Environmental Management System), and OHSAS 18001: 2007 (Health and Safety Systems). We also have certificates from the American Petroleum Institute (API), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Peruvian


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Construction Chamber (CAPECO), and the title “Made in Peru” issued by the Ministry of Production. With these, we can guarantee the highest standards. BRAL: Which are some of your most important Projects in Peru? HP: HAUG has participated in many important projects and at the risk of being unfair to some, I can highlight the manufacture and installation of radial gates for Chavimochic’s Bocatoma; several contracts with Petroperu to build tanks in its refineries and to maintain North Peruvian pumping stations; the construction of piles and structures in the coal dock of Llo’s Thermoelectric Power Plant; Truck Shops EPC contracts for Antamina and Yanacocha’s mines; the Conveyor at Toquepala for Southern Peru and Mantakraf; the industrial plants expansion for Backus & Johnston; Plant AmBev Peru; System Storage and Distribution Irrigation water, and the Ethanol Plant and Transmission and Electricity Distribution system for Maple; FLGN Pisco plant extension; several projects for Outotec and Praxair, etc.

“Haug has accomplished important growth by duplicating its income and human force in only four years” – Henry Perret, CEO of Haug S.A.

As a consequence of the company’s growth and experience, HAUG’s projects have become more important and complex.

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Haug S.A.

la t i n amer i ca

BRAL: Has HAUG participated in international projects? HP: It’s been several, and all of them very important. Even though we had previously done some exports to Bolivia and Chile, our first international project was the expansion of Mine Moa Nickel in Cuba for a Canadian client. Subsequently, we participated in a Dominican Republic project called Pueblo Viejo, where we had to design, manufacture and install 73 tanks, as well as manufacture and assembly eight thickeners; In both cases we used carbon, duplex and stainless steel. During this project, property of Barrick Gold and managed by Fluor

Cobra SA Facilities and Services - Design, Supply And Installation Of Liquid Fuel Tanks - Ground Power Generation Project Eten- Peru

supplier profile

Sherwin Williams PerĂş S.R.

Henry Sherwin and Edward Williams founded nearly 150 years ago in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, The Sherwin-Williams Company with vision and commitment to be the strategic partner for its customers, today we maintain the same philosophy in the markets where we are present; architectural, automotive and industrial. Sherwin-Williams focuses on meeting the needs of its customers with products that exceed international quality standards, which are designed in-house research and development keeping technology and innovation among the best in the industry through investment in time and talent, in order to continuously exceed the excellent performance under extreme conditions, maintain safe facilities of our customers and preserve the environment around us. Website:

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Barrick Misquichilca -Mounting and Construction of Cic Plants & Water Treatment - Lagunas Norte -Peru

Haug S.A.

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Canada Ltd, we mounted the Copper Recovery Plant with the inclusion of equipment, tanks, pipes, and various accessories. HAUG was also present at the design, manufacture and installation of 18 tanks for the Bronzes project in Chile, property of Anglo American Sur and managed by Bechtel Chile. We also had an outstanding participation in Pascua Lama, the first binational mining project in the world (Argentina - Chile). The company was hired by BEASA (Barrick Exploraciones Argentina S.A.) for the manufacture and installation of 38 tanks and the assembly of 14 thickeners, which totaled 14,000 tons of steel.

Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation C / O Fluor Canada - Engineering, Fabrication and Mounting of Tanks for Pueblo Viejo Project at Dominican Republic

The internationalization process has meant a quantum leap within our organization, as it presents new challenges. BRAL: Is HAUG looking to manage more projects abroad? HP: We belong to a group with an international focus, and Haug also has that vision. In addition to operating branches in Chile and Argentina, we are constantly looking for opportunities in other countries in Latin America. Globalization forces us to compete with foreign companies in Peru.

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WF Beams • Plate • Pipe • Merchant Bars • Valves • Fittings

Main Office: Telephone: Mobile: Warehouse: WF Beams • Plate • Pipe • Merchant Bars • Valves • Fittings

Haug S.A.

la t i n amer i ca

BRAL: Is the company planning to introduce and provide new services and assist other industries? HP: Until recently, HAUG was identified as a company primarily engaged in the manufacture and assembly of tanks, because its origins were linked specifically to the construction of storage tanks for oil companies, and also because it was almost their only activity. But over the years, the company diversified in products and services.

Haug Employee

Thanks to major investments we are now able to participate in other businesses, such as boilers, metallic structures, spools and penstocks. The acquisition of assembly equipment has been also very important, such as cranes, manlifts, scissor lifts and boom trucks. We have increased our competitiveness, which together with our growing expertise has allowed us to participate in EPC contracts. This has allowed us to open our services to a range of customers, which today are located primarily in the Mining, Oil & Gas and Energy sectors. BRAL: How has automation helped productivity at the Callao and Lurin plants? The metallurgical market is very w w w. h a u g . c o m . p e


Haug S.A. competitive, and it is necessary to compete in Peru and abroad. We need to rethink our production processes to increase our productivity, and much of it is by incorporating technological advances. Cemento Andino SA Annual Maintenance Of The Plant - Peru

BRAL: What are some of the company’s competitive advantages in the construction industry in Peru? HP: In manufacturing, we have two production plants: Callao with 10,000 m2 and Lurin with 90,000 m2. Lurin large surface allows us to work in heavy constructions, large subassemblies,

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demanding jobs and simultaneous projects.

As for mounting, we have our own equipment, we are also the only engineering company with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, which sets us apart as a company working with quality, concerned about health and respecting the environment. BRAL: How are you making your operations friendlier to the environment?

“We belong to a group with an international vocation, we are constantly looking for opportunities in other countries in the region” – Henry Perret, CEO of Haug S.A.

HP: Through our integrated QHSE policy, we are committed to prevent, eliminate and minimize our environmental impact. Through ISO 14001 we consolidate the ongoing effort to protect the environment and ensure the company’s sustainable development. We are constantly striving to sensitize our employees in achieving eco-efficient activities, such as reducing energy consumption and paper, recycling and proper disposal. Also, within our Corporate Social Responsibility program “House Haug,” we have the “Green Challenge” project within the Callao and Lurin communities, and whose purpose is to generate in children and adolescents a hobby to motivate them to take positive actions. We have a clearly

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c o m pa n y n a m e

Family Haug

“To remain leaders in the engineering sector and consolidate our internationalization, we must persist with continuous improvements� – Henry Perret, CEO of Haug S.A.


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defined action in this sense that is not limited to manufacturing. BRAL: How do you see Haug in the next five years? HP: HAUG has achieved a significant growth in recent years, having doubled its turnover and average workforce in only four years. The challenge is to consolidate this growth in the current context, and with a significant drop in the price of commodities and with a lower flow of investments in the mining and energy sectors, which are key to our industry. While some problems persist in Peru, such as social conflicts, the country still has some

Haug S.A.

la t i n amer i ca

Company Information name

Haug S.A. Industry

Construction headquarters

Callao, Provincia Constitucional del Callao, Peru Barrick Exploration Argentina SA - Design, Supply And Manufacture Of Tanks For The Lama Project - Argentina



competitive advantages over other mining countries, and we are optimistic about the level of activity in coming years. To remain leaders in the engineering sector in Peru and consolidate our internationalization in the region, we must persist with our continuous improvement plan, which includes more equipment and constant training. This way, we will remain a reliable supplier for our customers, and by executing quality projects within contractual deadlines, with safety standards and minimum damage to the environment.


1.000+ revenue

USD $100 million+ website

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communities since 1966

COBOCE is one of the strongest cooperatives in Bolivia, with available products at a national and international level.

Written by: Mateo Rafael Tablado Interviewed and translated by: Rebecca D. Castrejon Produced by: Jassen Pintado Interviewee: Ivan Villca, CEO of COBOCE


CO B OCE Lt d a .


he Bolivian Cement, Industries and Services Cooperative, better known as COBOCE Ltda., emerged in December 4, 1966 from many necessary infrastructure projects that were entrusted to foreign companies. By then, the only cooperatives in Bolivia were “savings banks,” intended for credit purposes.

The production unit COBOCE Metal offers metalwork and industrial components

Jaime Mendez Quiroga—who had participated as a partner with these types of lenders, used the same financial model for the creation of the cement cooperative and with a capital of less than USD $2,000—founded COBOCE Ltda. Cement was imported in Bolivia or limited in production, thus Mendez looked into this industry with the objective of diversifying this business in the country, create jobs for the Bolivian people and contributing to the development of projects. With just a few years before reaching half a century of operations in the Bolivian market, COBOCE has reached a figure of 28,000 affiliate partners. Its first production plant was constructed from March 1969 to September 1972; at that time, the plant had a production capacity of 300 metric tons per day and 100,000 per year. After nearly 50 years, this capacity has increased to 2,500 tons per day and 750,000 per year. Additionally, the cooperative has received national and international awards on its industrial works. Throughout the years, COBOCE has had


December 2014

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significant sponsorships with the condition of becoming a public limited company, but these have been rejected. The cooperative is looking to retain its original entity as a way to benefit the society above profits. “We don’t go to our partners for investments, the cooperative has to grow by its own efforts and credibility,” said Ivan Villca, CEO of COBOCE. Villca is a chemical engineer that has worked in various posts (floor manager, quality control supervisor, production manager, plant superintendent, project manager and cement factory supervisor) for almost half the life of the cooperative. He was hired as an intern in 1990 and became an associated a year later. Additionally, he has a Masters in Business Administration and studies in international trade.

Key People

Iván Villca CEO of COBOCE Villca is a chemical engineer that has worked in various posts (floor manager, quality control supervisor, production manager, plant superintendent, project manager and cement factory supervisor) for almost half the life of the cooperative. He was admitted as an intern since 1990, and became an associated a year later. Additionally, he has a Masters in Business Administration and studies in international trade.

Headquarters in Cochabamba, Bolivia

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CO B OCE Lt d a .

la t i n amer i ca

COBOCE is not just a cement factory, it accounts for seven production units, which are: • COBOCE Cement • COBOCE Ceramic • COBOCE Ceramil • COBOCE Constructions • COBOCE Concrete • COBOCE Metal • COBOCE Opinion Products and Production Capacity

Cement 1-30, a product of COBOCE Cementos

COBOCE has established its longevity in the market as a result of entrepreneurial administrations. While is not the only Bolivian company dedicated to the production of cement, it has been noted to successfully supply to all nine

Supplier profile

Christian Pfeiffer Latinoamericana S.A.

More than 14 years ago the first contact between two very promising companies began to give way to a business model that today has proven to be very successful and has improved the competitiveness of these enterprises in the regional market. The Christian Pfeiffer GmbH firm based in Beckum / Germany is the birthplace of the world’s cement industry with nearly 90 years serving the cement industry and mining strategically defined set up a subsidiary in Latin America and then a transfer process know-how and technology found in signing Eduardo SA based in Santa Cruz / Bolivia ideal to lead the company Christian Pfeiffer Latinoamericana SA partner which has been developing and serving the Latin American market since then and has been positioning the company among the top firms and manufacturing supporting cast and rolled wear parts in the region. Today our Latin American division is responsible for giving the utmost attention to customers worldwide cement and mining, and this with the mission and challenge of also becoming an important option for new projects for new cement plants and mining projects optimization of existing plants.

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c o m pa n y n a m e

New premises for the cement plant in Irpa Irpa, Bolivia

“We are working on doubling the production capacity of the factory, as a way to ensured the cooperative’s efficiency” – Ivan Villca, CEO of COBOCE Ltda.


December 2014

Bolivian Departments (States). During 2013, the company opened a new plant in the town of Irpa Irpa (also located in the Department of Cochabamba), allowing an increase in production. In turn, the cooperative diversified within the construction sector, producing ceramic, brick, concrete and metal, among other related activities. “We are working on doubling the production capacity of the factory, as a way to ensure the cooperative’s efficiency,” said the general manager.

sec t or

The cement plant has a production capacity of 1000 tonnes clinker per day

Quality Control The efforts of an active cooperative are also reflected in the final product, and COBOCE’s organizational culture demands a superior quality in every product, with the support of skilled workers responsible of monitoring and verifying dimensions of all types of cement, brick, concrete and tile floors. These internal regulations elevate standards in COBOCE’s end products. “We have an IT system that verifies quality and productivity in the cement factory, and transmits this information to other production units,” explained Villca.

Inside the production plant in Irpa Irpa, Bolivia

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CO B OCE Lt d a . Exports Due to the limited added value of cement in relation to its weight and transportation costs, COBOCE focuses its export efforts into other products, such as glazed ceramic floors for Peru, Chile, United States, Colombia and Paraguay, tile and brick for northern Chile and cast for Paraguay. The production unit COBOCE Metal offers metalwork and industrial components

“We’ve had good experiences and we are increasing our capabilities in the ceramic market to offer better prices and products to these Latin American countries,” said Villca. Supplying a Variety of Products COBOCE has honored its commitment to suppliers, including financial sponsors. The cooperative works with national and international suppliers and all business units provide multiple opportunities in the sector, resulting in win-win deals. “We are good choice for any supplier that wants to work with COBOCE, we are always looking for new opportunities, new products,” he added. Building Communities Compliance with international standards is one of COBOCE’s priorities. In 2000, the


December 2014

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COBOCE Cemento, one of the production units of the cooperative

cooperative became the first cement company in Bolivia to obtain the certification of ISO 9000, and in August 2013 it was certified as a Socially Responsible Company. COBOCE cares for the environment and is developing tasks that will allow for processes to waste fewer resources; for example, cement I-30 (its main product) is being replaced with mixtures of lower percentage of clinker, which provides a more environmentally friendly product.

“We are increasing our capabilities in the ceramic market, to offer better prices and products to these Latin American countries” – Ivan Villca, CEO of COBOCE Ltda

Some examples of COBOCE’s social activities include providing education programs to the surrounding communities, introducing productive activities and emergency preventive courses.

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CO B OCE Lt d a .

First photograph of the cooperative group led by Jaime Mendez Quiroga

“More than just producing, we are trying to generate employment for Bolivia,� said Villca. Expectations for The Next Five Years

Jaime Mendez Monument, mentor of the company


December 2014

The cooperative will continue to deliver jobs and financial support to Bolivia, as these are its main challenges. COBOCE is expecting to consolidate its business units with a continued growth, as well as the inclusion of more certifications in quality, environmental


friendliness, safety and social responsibility in all business units.

Company Information name

COBOCE Ltda. Industry

Construction (cement, floors, tile, bricks) headquarters

Cochabamba, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia The plant has the following certifications ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001



“The cooperative goes beyond operational efficiency, looking for social efficiency in our responsibility with the community and with the environment,” said Villca.”


1,000 (28,000 affiliates through the cooperative) revenue

USD $150 million website

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