Construction Global - October 2014

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October 2014

TOP 10 China’s Architectural Innovations Major Projects HSE’s New 2015 Proposals Q+A Management Planning Neil Ash MD of Siniat

Build America What the President’s new infrastructure plan means for construction

Equipment innovations from SHELL


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Build America the US’s infrastructure problem? Well with rural roads cracking, a lack of money available for investment and the Highway Trust Fund receiving only the latest in a series of patch-ups, it could certainly be argued that there is a problem to address. The President recently unveiled the government’s plan to encourage private investment through PPP partnerships, but how far do the proposals go, and what does it mean for the US construction? Siniat’s Neil Ash, Managing Director of the company formerly known as Lafarge Tarmac, also spoke to us about the company’s strides forward under the new brand and its role in the nation’s sustainability dive. Elsewhere, Hans Wildeboer, Product Application Specialist at Shell, explains how the company is working with OEMs to enhance performance and drive down maintenance costs for heavy construction machinery. Elsewhere, we discover what the UK’s new health and safety proposals will mean, and count down the top 10 examples of Chinese architecture. HOW SEVERE IS

Joel Levy Editor 3


Features 36

Technology & Equipment Shell Leads Drive for Construction Vehicle Performance


TOP 10

China’s Architectural Innovations

Infrastructure What Build America means for US Transport Infrastructure

18 26 Major Projects What the HSE’s New 2015 Proposals Mean for Construction

Management Planning Neil Ash, Managing Director, Siniat

46 5


56 Charcon

134 Kaplan Construction


CANADA 78 GeoTility - Geothermal Installation Corp. 86 RMS Builders 94 Wildstone Construction and Engineering

118 Walsh Easterly Tunnel Dewatering Pump Station Project 126 ONEsource Facility Solutions

110 Auburn Constructors 6

October 2014

156 Precon Engenharia 170 J. Fonseca 180 Thá Engenharia

134 Kaplan Construction

192 BKO

140 CG/LA Infrastructure Inc.

202 FMM Engenharia

148 Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo HFSE

LATIN AMERICA 210 UCEM 222 Energoprojekt Perú 232 HL Ingenieros

USA 102 Tennessee Department of Transportation


222 Energoprojekt Perú

AUSTRALIA 242 Liftronic Pty Ltd 250 Hiflow Industries Pty Ltd

156 Precon Engenharia

86 RMS Builders 170 J. Fonseca

180 Thรก

192 BKO





July 2014

What Build America means for US Transport Infrastructure With the recent launch of the administration’s new initiative, we investigate how it could benefit the nation’s ailing infrastructure through greater engagement with the private sector BY J O E L LE VY 9

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE US is widely regarded as being in poor shape and despite an economic rebound of sorts, seen in jobs growth, home sales and rising GDP, investment has lagged behind that of other nations. According to the World Economics Forum’s Global Competitiveness report 2013-2014, America ranks 19th, behind the likes of Spain, Portugal and Oman in the quality of its infrastructure. The latest annual report card from the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2013, scored the US a D+, up from the D of the previous year, but reiterating that the nation’s roads, bridges, drinking water systems, mass transit systems, schools, and energy delivery systems are all edging towards becoming unfit for purpose. Focusing on transport, much of the American highways system dates back to the 1950s and ‘60s, and in many places it shows. ACSE claimed in its ‘Failure to Act’ report that without investment, shortcomings in surface transportation would cost the average household $930 dollars in disposable income through 2020. 10

October 2014

The Report Card concluded that only about $2 trillion in infrastructure investment is projected until 2020 across all sectors, a shortfall of $1.6 trillion that is required to raise the grade to what it deems an acceptable level. But with states still struggling in


the aftermath of the financial crisis, servicing related debts, and the government limited to patching up the Highway Trust Fund to May 2015 rather than working out a long-term deal, many transportation projects are on hold. The link between better

infrastructure- particularly in the transport sector- including roads, bridges and tunnels, and business investment leading to job creation is clear. It appears that with the launch of the Build America Investment initiative, the government at least recognises this, 11


Works at the Delaware Interstate 495 Bridge and is ready to act to some extent, finding the missing funds in part from the closure of overseas tax loopholes, but largely with the use of private investment. The country had lacked an effective platform for the private sector to enter infrastructure projects and take on the growing backlog, but this looks set to change, providing an alternative to the loathed proposal of funding these 12

October 2014

schemes with fuel taxes or milesdriven fees. And the transport sector will be the first to benefit. Build America Investment Initiative President Obama launched the Build America Investment initiative in July in an appropriate location, speaking against the backdrop of Delaware’s then-closed Interstate 495 Bridge,

‘The country had lacked an effective platform for the private sector to enter infrastructure projects and take on the growing backlog, but this looks set to change’

which itself required $35m in repairs after closing in early June when four supporting columns were found to be tilting. The Initiative’s key components include: The Build America Transportation Investment Center The center, within the Department 13


Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew

Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx


October 2014

Of Transportation, will serve as a one-stop-shop for state and local governments, public and private developers and investors seeking to utilise innovative financing strategies for transportation infrastructure projects. Communities are encouraged to use the new Center to find partners to help them realise their specific transport goals. It will provide hands-on support for states and local governments trying to access DOT programs and assemble public-private funding packages as well as tools and resources for private sector developers and infrastructure investors. It will also offer improved access to DOT credit programmes and technical assistance, sharing best practices from states seen to be leading the way on private investment. The Build America Interagency Working Group The Group, chaired by Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew and Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx, will work with state and local governments, project developers and others to address barriers to private investments and partnerships in areas including municipal water,


‘It will provide hands-on support for states and local governments trying to access DOT programs and assemble public-private funding packages’ ports, harbours, broadband, and the electrical grid. The Grow America Act This part of the initiative serves to address the well-publicised shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund with a four-year, $302 billion transportation

reauthorisation that provides increased and stable funding for the country’s highways, bridges, transit, and rail systems which aims to end the cycle of short-term, manufactured funding crises. Specifically, the Act includes $199 billion to invest in the nation’s highway 15

INFRASTRUCTURE system and road safety, prioritising investments in rural and tribal locations. It will also provide more than $7 billion for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to improve safety for road-users. Some $72 billion will be invested in transit systems, enabling the expansion of light rail, street cars, bus, and rapid transit projects in suburbs, fast-growing cities, small towns, and rural communities, while still maintaining existing transit systems. It also proposes a $5.1 billion increase in investments to address public transit’s maintenance backlog to reduce bus and rail system


October 2014

The Harbor Bermallocated for the Na Money has been and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adm


ational Highway Traffic Safety Administration ministration to improve safety for road-users

breakdowns and foster a more reliable service which minimises delays. Positive step The new initiative is a positive step that seeks to address funding shortfalls through private investment, and repair transportation infrastructure that is considered the backbone of the American economy. The ACSE has responded positively,

its President, Randall S. Over saying: “The newly-created Build America Transportation Investment Center can play a vital role in sharing best publicprivate partnerships practices and encouraging more states to utilise P3s to a greater degree, thereby creating a more robust US market and attracting private sector investment in our nation’s transportation infrastructure.”



What the HSE’s New 2015 Proposals Mean for Construction Jan Burgess, a Partner, and Jacqueline Cursiter, an Associate in the Health and Safety team at CMS give the low-down on the proposed CDM 2015 regulations


MAJOR PROJECTS ON 6 JUNE 2014, the HSE completed a 10-week period of consultation on its proposals to replace the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007) and withdraw Approved Code of Practice, L144. Under the HSE’s proposal CDM 2007 would be replaced with a new set of regulations, CDM 2015, which are intended to be easier to understand and comply with, whilst retaining vital safety protection. The ACOP would be replaced with “a suite of tailored guidance aimed at particular sectors, in particular smaller projects.” The proposals are the result of the Construction Industry Advisory


October 2014

Committee (CONIAC) working alongside the HSE for two years. When the consultation opened, the HSE stated that the proposed revision is intended to aid clarity and reduce bureaucracy, in line with an evaluation of CDM 2007 and a recommendation in Professor Lofstedt’s report, ‘Reclaiming Health and Safety for All’. We will firstly look at the 2007 regulations, followed by a summary of the most significant changes included in the proposals. Background CDM 2007 imposes duties on clients, designers and contractors and requires that those concerned take health and safety into account, and co-ordinate and manage it effectively. These duties apply to every stage of a construction project, from the original conception, design and planning stage, construction, maintenance and repair, through to demolition and removal. The definition of construction work under the Regulations is very broad and all-encompassing. The regulations operate on a twotier system, making a distinction between general duties applying to all construction projects, and additional


Under the HSE’s proposal CDM 2007 would be replaced by CDM 2015 duties that only apply to notifiable construction projects, i.e. those lasting more than 30 days, or involving more than 500 person-days of construction work. In terms of the general duties applicable to all projects, the two primary duty holders are “contractors carrying out construction work” and “every person who controls the way in which any construction work is carried out”. In addition, there is a

duty imposed on anyone working on a construction site under the control of another person, to report any defects they are aware of that could endanger their health and safety. Where notifiable projects are concerned, as well as notifying the HSE of the project, additional management duties are required, including the appointment of a CDM co-ordinator, and a principal contractor. 21

MAJOR PROJECTS Following the implementation of CDM 2007, a commitment was given by the then government to carry out an early review, which was intended to be after three years. That review began in 2010, with external research published in April 2012. Amongst other issues identified, it was considered that the regulations had not borne down on bureaucracy and had led to an industry approach to competence which was heavy handed and often burdensome, particularly on small and medium enterprises. Further, the co-ordination phase was not in many cases, well-embedded. As such, it was deemed that certain changes were required, including the following: CDM co-ordinator / principal designer role The CDM co-ordinator role is to be replaced by a principal designer role within the project team. The responsibility for discharging the function will rest with an individual or business in control of the preconstruction phase and it is this element of control over the design phase that is said to be “the fundamental differences between the 22

October 2014

CDM-c role and the PD role. The new approach is said to be focused on facilitating an integrated approach to risk management, moving away from the externally appointed contractor approach. Explicit competence requirements replaced Explicit competence requirements are to be removed and replaced with a specific requirement for appropriate skills. With too much attention being given to processes, the focus on outcomes is said to have been lost, and HSE argue that regulation 4 of CDM 2007 should be removed “given that competence is most effectively promoted through cultural change and leadership in the industry rather than regulation.� A general requirement to ensure those appointing others to carry out construction work to ensure that they have received appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to allow them to work safely, will remain. The removal of regulation 4 is to create an environment whereby HSE can work with the industry through nonregulatory approaches.


‘The CDM co-ordinator role is to be replaced by a principal designer role within the project team’

Domestic clients Previously domestic clients were exempt from CDM 2007 however that exemption is to be removed, and the regulations will apply “in a proportionate way”. The proposal is to create the default position whereby

duties that would fall on a domestic client instead fall to the contractor, or principal contractor where there is more than one. In support of the principle of “proportionality”, the HSE state that “for the majority of small, domestic 23


‘HSE in 2013 confirmed that nearly one in five construction sites visited were subject to enforcement action’ projects this will mean no change to how these projects should currently be managed for health and safety.” ACOP The Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) is to be replaced by tailored guidance. The current ACOP is one of the longest ACOPs supporting health and safety regulations because of the diverse and wide ranging industry it is 24

October 2014

intended to cover. One argument that was made for retaining the ACOP is the special legal status ACOPs enjoy. They give powers to those in charge of health and safety to persuade senior managers and boards that a particular course of action is needed. However HSE’s position is that businesses should be outcome focussed, rather than focusing on the status of a document.


Concluding comment The consultation follows on from a number of national construction site campaigns led by the HSE in 2013, as a result of which they confirmed that nearly one in five constructions visited, were subject to enforcement action. In addition, numerous prosecutions have arisen in which not just companies, but individuals have been held to account for health and

safety failings. Such regulatory activity tells us that, although the changes to the CDM 2007 may stem from recommendations made under the governments “Red Tape Challenge� aimed at alleviating regulatory burden on companies, the regulator is maintaining a strong focus on ensuring that health and safety is being upheld. 25



Neil Ash Managing Director, Siniat

Neil Ash tells Construction Global about his new role and the company’s big plans for the coming months in a recovering market E D I T E D B Y: J O E L L E V Y


August 2014


MANAGEMENT/PLANNING CG: Belated congratulations on your new role! Tell us about your background in the industry. NA: I’ve been in the sector for more than 18 years now. I’m actually a plasterer by trade and had my own drylining business for many years before joining Lafarge Plasterboard – now Siniat – in 2005 so I know the industry inside out. During my time here I’ve worked in a number of national and international roles, before becoming MD in January this year. It’s a really exciting time to take the helm. The acquisition by Etex in 2011 and the subsequent rebrand to Siniat in 2012 has given a renewed drive and focus to the business: there’s a real commitment to investment and growth. CG: The company has plans for major new investments: £9m at your Bristol plant, as well as extensions to your product lines in new markets. How are those shaping up? NA: In terms of our product lines, one of the key investments has been the development of our GTEC Weather Defence board that we are selling directly to the commercial end of the market. This was launched in Spring last year, following two years 28

October 2014

of development, and provides a sheathing board that makes it faster, safer and more sustainable to protect a building during the construction phase – taking gypsum board from the inside to the outside of the building for the first time. This is a real innovation for the sector that we’re particularly excited about. The boards not only provide superior water-resistance and weather-proofing compared to traditional materials, such as cement particle board, but they’re also quick and easy to install. They’re also dimensionally stable which means they provide excellent air tightness.

Q & A : N E I L A S H , M A N A G I N G D I R E C T O R , S I N I AT

Given recent changes to Part L, this is a key consideration for project teams and the feedback from main contractors and architects has been really positive. We’ve also invested £9m into storage facilities and calcination equipment for our Bristol plant which is going to help us deliver against our sustainability goals. CG: How is the market’s recovery impacting on Siniat?

NA: So far this year we’ve seen a real uplift. There’s confidence coming back to the market, and we’re definitely seeing enquiries increase. We see our role as working in partnership with our customers, and helping them to capitalise on increased activity. Housing is clearly an important part of the market’s improvement and it can provide a real boost to the RMI sector. We are focusing on encouraging builders to invest in more specialist structural products that will benefit

‘We are focusing on encouraging builders to invest in more specialist structural products that will benefit their homeowner clients – a better quality, longer-lasting job’



Hengrove Park Leisure Centre

their homeowner clients – a better quality, longer-lasting job. CG: What do you see as the defining characteristics of Siniat and what elevates you above rival companies? NA: For me, it’s the way that we’re engaging with our customers, which all stems from making sure we really understand them, their challenges and what they need from us to support them. It’s about being a vital partner, not just a supplier. Too often manufacturers fall into the trap of being too technical and a little distant. We want to retain all of our technical knowledge, but make it more accessible for our customers, helping them to unlock the potential of higher 30

October 2014

performance products. Passion and personality is also key. We’re proud of what we do, and have a real belief that our people and products can help shape the way people build. We don’t want to be an anonymous face – construction, after all, is about the relationships you build.

N E I L A S H , S I N I AT

HENGROVE PARK LEISURE CENTRE KEY FACTS Siniat supplied its GTEC Aqua Board for a new £27 million sports and leisure facility in Bristol, in a project that used the innovative gypsum board to halve the time it took to sheath the facility’s external steel frame. Work included a 50m swimming pool, a health and fitness suite and various sports facilities. It is a major new leisure project for Bristol and the South West.

We want to continue to be a supplier that provides expert guidance as well as our core product. We’ve put a lot of improvements in place by re-structuring our sales force and customer services, delivering a new website and new literature. Now we want to push ahead under our new

Sector: Leisure, public Project value: £27m Client: Bristol City Council Architect: LA Architects Contractor: Kier Western Sub-contractor: MIB Facades Footprint: 18,830m2 Siniat innovations: GTEC Aqua Board Finished: February 2012


MANAGEMENT/PLANNING brand and make our offer, products and support crystal clear for our customers. CG: While you have historically focused on the merchant end of the market, we understand you intend to build on the commercial and specifier side of the business. What is your ultimate goal with this new strategy? NA: Our partnerships with merchants remain as important as ever and play a critical part in educating builders on how higher specification products can help to drive costs down and tackle challenges such as acoustics, thermal efficiency and fire resistance. We’ve always had a desire to do more with the commercial and specifier end of the market and knew that we had a strong offer but the timing wasn’t right. The launch of the GTEC Weather defence board last year was the perfect platform for making a real step in this direction – we’ve supplied major projects including Swansea Bay Campus and Bath University, and are increasingly finding that project teams are designing in our boards as part of a complete solution. Our sales 32

October 2014

Plymouth University team and commercial structure has very much been set up to support this goal - we have a specialist sales team in place to deal directly with architects and main contractors, ensuring we’re providing the specific advice and guidance they need. CG: What is Siniat’s role in helping the sector deliver the Government’s low carbon and energy efficiency targets? NA: As a manufacturer we play a huge part in shaping the way people build. By continuing to invest in new innovations and products, and offering expert advice and guidance on their use, we are able to support the construction sector in improving its carbon footprint and delivering better

N E I L A S H , S I N I AT

PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY KEY FACTS thermal efficiency and air-tightness. But it’s not just about what our products allow project teams to do. It’s also about the sustainability of the products themselves, and that’s something we take really seriously. Siniat has increased the amount of plasterboard recovered and recycled by 50 percent over the past year. We’re also one of only two UK partners working with the EU on a €3.5 million research project, which is all about boosting closed loop plasterboard recycling. CG: What do you see as your innovations in the market? NA: The GTEC Weather Defence board is definitely one of our key innovations. It’s 30 percent lighter

The new marine facility at Plymouth University was officially launched in the Autumn of 2012 and is set to help position the university as a truly global centre for marine energy research. The £19 million Marine Building is home to around 150 dedicated research and teaching specialists and first class research facilities, which include the most advanced wave tank testing facilities in the country. Sector: Education Project value: £19m Client: Plymouth University Architect: BDP Contractor: Leadbitter Group Sub-contractor: Interior Concepts Footprint: 1,400m2 Siniat innovations: GTEC Aqua Board, GTEC LaDura, GTEC Universal Board Finished: Spring 2012


‘Our partners tell us that they are shaving as much as 40 percent off installation times. It’s also been shortlisted in the Product Innovation of the Year category in this year’s British Construction Industry Awards’ 34

October 2014

Q & A : N E I L A S H , M A N A G I N G D I R E C T O R , S I N I AT

Video - A revolutionary new external sheathing board, faced with glass fibre mat. Strong, highly moisture and fire resistant.

than cement particle board, making it easier to cut, distribute and install. Our partners tell us that they are shaving as much as 40 percent off installation times. It’s also been shortlisted in the Product Innovation of the Year category in this year’s British Construction Industry Awards. We are also proud of our GTEC La Dura product. It offers exceptional impact, pull-out and shear performance and is moisture resistant, too. It’s being used in places with high footfall, such as cinemas, shopping centres and schools.

CG: What does the future hold? NA: We will continue to invest in long-term partnerships with our customers, creating products that support their needs. The sustainability aspirations of the business will remain as important as ever. We not only want to be the leading provider of plasterboard and drywall solutions – what we call ‘dry construction’ - in our markets, but also the most sustainable. It’s an exciting time – both for us and the wider market.



Shell Leads Drive for Construction Vehicle Performance The company is working closely with OEMs and component manufacturers to optimise the reliability and lifespan of machinery in the industry W R I T T E N B Y: H A N S W I L D E B O E R , P R O D U C T A P P L I C A T I O N S P E C I A L I S T AT S H E L L

36 October 2014


TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT DEPENDING ON THE type of works your business is involved in, vehicles that you use in your operations can range from the most complex machinery designed specifically for construction to multifunctional cross-industry equipment that is deployed in other industries, i.e. mining or fleet. Excavators, wheeled loaders, graders, dozers, scrapers and haulers are used in earthmoving; pavers, compactors, milling machines and mixing equipment – in road building; piling rigs, duty cycle crawler cranes, cutters, grabs and soil stabilisation equipment – in foundation works; drills, excavators, wheeled loaders, haulers, crushing & screening equipment – in quarrying; cranes, hoists and concrete placing equipment – in high-rise construction; concrete pumps, placing booms, pavers and mixing plants in concrete construction and mini excavators, skid steer loaders, compact wheeled loaders – in compacting. All require regular maintenance, and one of the most vulnerable areas for the majority of equipment is lubrication. This is related to engines, hydraulics, transmission, axles, pins 38 October 2014

Engine oil performance analysis

and bushes. Although OEMs usually design their equipment independently from lubricant manufacturers, some are beginning to value the benefits of collaboration with lubricant developers at early stages of engineering. Fleet operators, too, are keen to seek assistance from lubricant manufacturers to identify faults in their operations and avoid breakdowns where possible. A good example is Venezuelan construction company Dragasur

S H E L L’ S C O N S T R U C T I O N V E H I C L E P E R F O R M A N C E D R I V E


C.A. In its highway construction and maintenance division, the company operates heavy-duty equipment such as trucks and cutter-suction dredgers. Dragasur wanted to reduce its operating costs and worked with Shell to obtain a lubrication solution. By changing to Shell Rimula R6 M, the company extended its oil-drain intervals (ODI) 180 percent to 700 hours- achieving annual savings of $1,247,758.

Dragasur wanted to reduce its operating costs and needed a lubrication solution. The Shell technical team recommended an upgrade to Shell Rimula R6 M*, a fully synthetic heavy-duty diesel engine oil offering durability and long oil life. By changing to Shell Rimula R6 M*, the company extended its oil-drain intervals (ODI) by 180% to 700 hours. Dragasur has also increased the availability and reliability of its units, and its staff are now better trained in maintenance practices. Company: Dragasur C.A. Country: Venezuela Application: Heavy-duty diesel engines Saving: US$1,247,758 total reported annual customer saving Key Edge: Shell Rimula R6 M* 10W-40, Shell LubeCoach


TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT Real-life examples Similarly, fleet operators tend to involve lubricant manufacturers in identifying lubrication issues and selecting the right product to maximise the efficiency of their machinery. A good example is a construction company that provides services to the steel industry in Argentina and operates heavyduty loaders and dumper trucks. The company was experiencing problems with transmission bearings and had an average of two failures a year per machine. Shell Lubricants suggested the company switch to Shell Spirax S4 CX 30 transmission oil, which is designed to help extend component life. The company trialled the lubricant, and the results convinced it to use Shell Spirax S4 CX 30 throughout its fleet.

40 October 2014

The company also took advantage of Shell LubeCoach, a high-quality training programme that helps businesses provide their employees with the knowledge they need to optimise lubricant use. By changing to Shell Spirax S4 CX 30, the company has reduced the failures in transmission bearings by 50 percent. With fewer breakdowns, it is benefiting from reduced bearing and maintenance costs, lower lubricant consumption and less downtime, and has reported total annual savings of $34,000.

S H E L L’ S C O N S T R U C T I O N V E H I C L E P E R F O R M A N C E D R I V E

Latest equipment design issues With emissions-related legislation in place, OEMs are now developing designs that will be implemented across various markets from 2014 to 2019. Below are some of the current issues OEMs face. One of the most frequentlyexperienced challenges is improving engine operating conditions by bringing the engine speed or load conditions to its optimum at all times.

This helps manage fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions as new legislation related to this aspect might be introduced in future. Secondly, manufacturers are looking for solutions to reduce heat-emissions engine-out. It is an important reason to rely on SCR technology as much as possible and reduce the EGR rate to the minimum because EGR increases heat emissions considerably. As no wind-drag is experienced at

Heavy-duty loaders 41

TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT Storing kinetic energy improves performance on heavy loaders

42 October 2014

S H E L L’ S C O N S T R U C T I O N V E H I C L E P E R F O R M A N C E D R I V E

low-speed conditions, up to 10-12 percent of engine net-output needs to be invested in a fan drive. One percent less heat-emission (engine-out) may thus result in almost two percent fuel savings. The next aspect is related to recovery and storage of kinetic energy, for example in short duty cycles of wheeled loaders moving forward and reverse in each cycle or swing drives in excavators turning from left to right and vice versa, accelerating and decelerating all the time. Recovery, short-term storage and immediate submission of this kinetic energy can reduce fuel consumption with doubledigit percentages. A problem here is the absence of high voltage or electrical drive systems on board of these machines. Hydraulic energy storage is still not well-established and needs further development. Finally, some OEMs are working on completely new transmission designs, such as power-split hydrostatic CVT for wheeled loaders that allow hybridisation, (storage and submission of kinetic energy), bringing the engine to its optimised operating conditions at all times.

Effect on lubricants The above challenges are respectively reflected in the field of lubricant development. Product application specialists at Shell are working both independently and collaboratively with OEMs to eradicate these where possible. Below is a list of some of the considerations our technical experts have to bear in mind when developing lubricants for construction machinery. New transmission designs may require different lubricant technology.

‘..OEMs are working on completely new transmission designs, such as power-split hydrostatic CVT for wheeled loaders...’

Engine transmission




‘Technical experts at Shell are working with OEMs with prototype transmissions running in order to optimise or modify existing fluid technology’ For example, UTTOs may need to be introduced into loader transmissions and toroidal drives require so-called traction fluids. Reducing power losses in offhighway transmissions and drive axles can result in extra requirements for 44 October 2014

Engine assembly friction characteristics and friction durability of different transmission oils (Cat. TO-4 type and UTTO type). Lower viscosity oils will help improve fuel economy when applied in engines and reduce power losses in transmissions and axles. In hydraulic systems viscosity should be high to provide good volumetric efficiency in pumps and motors and low to reduce churning and circulation losses. Most likely this compromise will lead to extreme shear-stable high VI fluids of both industrial type hydraulic oils (DIN/ISO) and mobile hydraulic oils (Cat. TO-4 and UTTO).

S H E L L’ S C O N S T R U C T I O N V E H I C L E P E R F O R M A N C E D R I V E

Shell’s solution Technical experts at Shell are working with OEMs with prototype transmissions running in order to optimise or modify existing fluid technology. This includes lubricants for the CVT-type loader transmissions, traction fluids, extremely shear-stable multi-grade Cat TO-4M oils and others. Shell’s premium base oils help to improve viscosity profile (high VI, low temperature fluidity) needed for lubricants in the foreseeable future. We run joint programs with suppliers of friction materials, used in clutch packs, wet brakes and other friction elements that allow us to identify and

test the additive technology for fluids in these existing and future off-highway transmissions. The R&D divisions are working closely with hydraulic component manufacturers to examine the specific needs of the increasingly complicated and demanding mobile hydraulic systems to identify the right products and further modify them to allow the systems to respond effectively to the latest industry challenges. Ultimately, all that matters to OEMs is equipment that operators can rely on, ensuring nothing comes between the operating conditions of their machinery and their commitment to customers. 45

TOP 10

China’s Top 10 Architectural Innovations Written by: David Smith

TOP 10


Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort/ Hotel

This hotel’s bold shape is only one facet of the ingenuity of the building itself. As a hotel it faced the challenge of maximising limited available land while taking into account the need for natural light and ventilation for the 321 rooms; including 40 suites, 37 villas and presidential suites. It succeeded. The shape of the building means that technical translators often use the simple English term “The Horseshoe Hotel” in research papers.


Galaxy Soho, Beijing

Conceived by Zaha Hadid Architects, the Galaxy Soho building is a unique space created by interlocking domes which meld within one another. Natural life is abundant throughout its levels, curves and atriums. It is a far cry from the traditional stuffy office. 48

October 2014

C H I N A’ S T O P 1 0 A R C H I T E C T U R A L I N N O V AT I O N S


The Bank of China Tower

The Bank of China Tower is one of the most recognisable buildings in Admiralty, Hong Kong. The tetris-esque skyscraper is the fourth tallest in Hong Kong at 1,033.5 ft or 1205.4 ft including its masts. The structure also appears in the TV series Star Trek Voyager as the exterior of Starfleet Communications Research Centre.


The Beijing National Stadium

This stadium was the focal building for the Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics. With its dark, winding beams it understandably earned the nickname, ‘Bird’s Nest’. Styling the steel in this way was intended to hide the mechanics of the retractable roof, however, the roof was taken out of the design and so the nest remained. 49

TOP 10


Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport

This mile-long white structure is striking in its modernity. Primarily used for internal flights in China, this airport reflects the functionality and style that has been popular in the country over the last few years. The honeycomb-patterned skin acts as a filter from the summer sun, keeping the interior relatively cool.


Xi’an JiaotongLiverpool University

Located in Suzhou, this private university building captures the forward thinking in unconventional design with traditional Chinese colours and materials. The structure takes the Taihu stone, a cavernous limestone, as its inspiration, allowing the hallways and steps to flow freely throughout. 50

October 2014

C H I N A’ S T O P 1 0 A R C H I T E C T U R A L I N N O V AT I O N S


Central Chinese Television, Beijing

Designed by Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren and engineered by Ove Arup, this skyscraper redefined expectation and required special approval as it broke previous building regulations. The building forms a continuous loop, made up of six balanced pieces, and serves as the headquarters for Chinese Central Television.


The National Grand Theatre

The National Grand Theatre is a glass and titanium structure surrounded by a man-made lake, appearing to rest like a droplet on a smooth surface. At night the walls are semi-transparent and this allows passers-by a glimpse of the performances within. Its curves make it stand out in stark contrast to other local landmarks, very much in keeping with the futuristic style of its architect, Paul Andreu. 51

Quality garunteed & proven worldwide

Metrotile is an innovative manufacturer of lightweight steel roofing materials for the European, Middle-east and African market. The international success and reputation is earned not only by the product concept itself, lightweight roofing solution, but also the variation in design and colours, efficient and effective production and excellent personal contacts. Metrotile offers a full line of residential roofing solutions to reflect the styles of traditional roof products. Metrotile can be used in a wide variety of applications for new-build or renovation. Our products are suitable for homes, offices, retail stores, schools, leisure facilities, hospitals, ...



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C H I N A’ S T O P 1 0 A R C H I T E C T U R A L I N N O V AT I O N S


The National Aquatics Centre, Beijing

Nicknamed the ‘’Water Cube’’, this swimming pool complex was created for the Beijing Olympics in 2008. The square shape is considered to be symbolic of China while the bubble-like exterior reflects both its aquatic purpose and the research into the structural properties of soap bubbles which inspired the design. 53

TOP 10


The Habin Twin Towers

The Harbin Twin Towers were completed in July of 2013 as part of the Harbin High Speed Railway’s (HSR) west train station. Not only is the building innovative and striking in its design and appearance, its upper floors house green terraces with controlled micro-climates for residents and those with offices within the towers.


October 2014

C H I N A’ S T O P 1 0 A R C H I T E C T U R A L I N N O V AT I O N S



Building made Faster, Smarter and Safer Written by: Joel Levy Produced by: Richard Durrant



Charcon is setting the standard in an ever-expanding offsite industry, offering efficient, effective structural solutions for a wide range of project specifications


harcon Construction Solutions is leading the way in the growing UK offsite construction industry with a comprehensive range of innovative structural products and solutions. With a wide selection of prefabricated products for roofing, flooring, foundations, lift and stair cores, structural frames and hydro, the company has won work on several large projects in recent years, and with an impressive portfolio lined up going into 2015, looks set to go from strength-to-strength. Justifiably ambitious Managing Director Andrew Dix is confident that Charcon will come to be recognised as the number one in its industry, setting the standard for lean construction. In doing so, he expects the company to continue growing with new factories and an expanded workforce buying into the mentality that has already made the company a leading light in its sector. This ambition is already being seen in its Morpeth facility, where Charcon has recently expanded both its product range and manufacturing capability with a significant investment into its T-beam range.

Construction solutions 58

October 2014

Aggregate Industries Charcon’s partnership with Aggregate Industries in 2009 represented a collaborative


Construction team on-site

strategy that Dix, former MD of Aggregate, says took full advantage of both companies’ strengths, with start-up Charcon seeking a foothold in a struggling industry during the recession and Aggregate confronting the challenge of corporate entrepreneurship. Since the joint venture agreement, Charcon Construction Solutions has continued to provide quality cross-sector precast concrete solutions, appropriate to the specific and varied needs of residential, school, healthcare,

‘Charcon has recently expanded both its product range and manufacturing capability, with a significant investment into its T-beam range’

w w w. c h a r c o n c s . c o m


Insulation products from the experts... At Springvale we recognise that insulation products must not just perform thermally but also provide exceptional green credentials. Springvale Platinum EPS is not only a modern material but is also one of the most environmentally friendly solutions available. Together with it’s long life qualities Platinum EPS provides a constant performance for the lifetime of the building into which it is installed.

Beamshield ™ Ecobead ™ Roofshield ™ Floorshield ™ Hydroshield





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FM13871:ISO 9001

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AIMC4, Noble Park, Epsom. With kind permission from Crest Nicholson.

Housebuilding, along with energy conservation and our carbon footprint have become hot topics in the media in recent years. Springvale EPS has lead the way in promoting the fabric first approach to house design, incorporating vital increased insulation into the most important possession in any persons life‌ their home. From installed systems to retrofit systems Springvale has a proven range of products perfect for this vital role. For many years expanded polystyrene (EPS) was seen as the poor relation to PIR, XPS and fibrous materials but Springvale through extensive testing and development has proven that no other material has the flexibility, robustness, economy and builder friendly credentials of EPS. More stringent building regulations have brought insulation systems into closer focus and the introduction of Springvale’s Platinum products has been perfect in its timing. Beamshield Plus was successfully showcased in the AIMC4 project for Crest Nicholson and is now used extensively to achieve fabric insulation targets within Part L1A and SAP 2012 and every level of the Code for Sustainable Homes. Beamshield Plus has also proven to be of help with the ever-increasing concern over health and safety on building sites. The advantage of using EPS over the concrete blocks it is replacing is a material handling success story and is certain to be a major driver to the use of EPS infill systems in the future.. In walls Platinum Ecobead gives a waste free, fast and economical solution to fully filled cavity walls. The Ecobead advantage over installed solutions is now widely appreciated and the unsurpassed continuity of the thermal envelope will prove to become even more important in years to come. Website:

CHARCON office and commercial buildings. Its extensive services include the supply and installation of precast stairs, landings and bespoke builds, and via its network of offices nationwide, the company is able to offer highprofile schemes complimented by focused project management, tailored to the client’s specific construction requirements and budget. Residential Build

Kingston Barge


October 2014

Projects Though it has effectively delivered numerous smaller systems, Charcon’s high-profile projects include works at the Olympic Park for the 2012 Games, where it provided precast concrete for seating and stairs at the Velodrome. Another £600,000 project at Gravesend Station during Christmas last year showcased perfectly the company’s ability to work in tough conditions and the suitability of precast solutions for quick turnaround times. Over 72 cold and windy hours, three crews installed a complete precast concrete platform, allowing the station to quickly return to full operation. Charcon’s expertise in designing, planning and installing specialist precast were tested to their limit to guarantee the platform was installed as-designed on-schedule, with the crews working back-to-back 24 hours a day. That the project was delivered so quickly is testament to the months of careful planning and offsite installation which proceeded it; an approach that typifies the company’s attention to detail.


Another fine example of this was seen with Charcon’s skilled work at the £70m Kingston Heights Barge Dock residential development last year. Here the company installed a platform of four concrete heavy load transfer beams to support construction of a new restaurant and accommodation within the development. Time was a key factor due to the barge dock’s location in a public park, and that the work was completed in a few short hours, causing minimal disruption to locals was an important factor that Charcon certainly delivered on. Health and safety Though speed is a defining factor of Charcon’s work, so too is safety. As President of the British Precast Concrete Federation, Dix has made it a priority to promote health and

Key Personnel

Andrew Dix Managing Director From box culverts and bespoke rail platforms, right through to bespoke precast designs. Whatever the specification, Charcon bring innovation, quality and performance to any project

Precast concrete for seating and stairs at the Velodrome, London 2012 Olympics w w w. c h a r c o n c s . c o m



Barge Dock

MODUROOF solution 64

October 2014

safety standards in the construction industry, and passionately applies this ethos to the wellbeing of the 550 workers Charcon employs across its seven production facilities. Moving construction away from the potential hazards of the on-site location and into the controlled factory conditions eliminates the most common cause of injury and fatally - fall from height. Nowhere is this more relevant than roofing work, and it is an area where the company’s innovative MODUROOF solution is helping negate the problem. Built off-site at ground level in the factory before being lifted into position on- site by crane, MODUROOF dramatically reduces workers from these dangerous situations which


can be made even more treacherous by factors exclusive to an on-site setting, such as poor weather conditions and other site activities. The controlled factory environment additionally reduces the risk of injury from repetitive lifting and use of heavy tools in the less predictable on-site environment. The company is also committed to offering its employees training opportunities to improve their skills and the ability to progress through the ranks. Dix is a firm believer in the promotion of young and local talent, and described how Charcon has recently taken on three apprentices. As a company, it is keen to play an active role in combating the looming skills gap in the UK construction industry, at the same time as

Charcon is commited to offering training opportunities to its employees

w w w. c h a r c o n c s . c o m



Kingston Site view

championing the benefits of offsite construction as a member of the organisations Build Offsite and the British Precast Association.

Roof Insulation


October 2014

Better living Of course it is not just the staff that gain from Charcon’s approach to construction, but also its customers. With Integrated Solutions, many elements of Charcon’s products and services are designed, supplied and installed as a high performance structural shell. Besides offering thermal performance to code level 6 and passive standards, the system offers time and cost certainty, minimal waste and architectural design flexibility.


With Integrated Solutions, the company’s vision is to create an enhanced living environment which offers better, fresher interior conditions all year round. This is achieved through the quality of the builds, which achieve excellent thermal and acoustic performance, outstanding air tightness and attractive exterior finishes.

Company Information INDUSTRY


Suppliers Fundamentally important to Charcon’s success has been the long-term positive relationships built up with suppliers local to its production facilities, including Marshalls, Titan Cement and Breeden. Working closely with trusted partners has been beneficial both to the company and the areas’ industry, with Charcon prepared to pay more to keep the supply chain as local as possible and avoid excess roadmiles that damage the environment. It is an appropriate strategy for a company which takes its environmental responsibilities seriously and manufactures highly sustainable products in energyefficient facilities, with an emphasis on the use of recycled and reclaimed materials. With the manner in which the company invests in young talent, and the dedication and positive attitude of its workforce complementing an innovative spirit, responsible ethos and class-leading products, the MD’s ambitions for the future look set to be realised sooner rather than later.

Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom FOUNDED

Not disclosed EMPLOYEES



Offsite construction products and solutions

w w w. c h a r c o n c s . c o m


Invest KL:

Greater Kuala Lumpur - The Regional Headquarters for Multinational Companies in Asia Written by: Sam Jermy Produced by: James Pepper



Iconic KL Financial Services hub is a boon to engineering and construction firms

Greater Kuala Lumpur, the business capital of Malaysia, is fast becoming one of the world’s top destinations for investors and multinationals, with InvestKL being the driving force behind this concerted effort 70

October 2014


enowned for its world-class infrastructure, Greater Kuala Lumpur serves as the preferred regional hub for investors to base their businesses and supervise activities along the value chain, with its investor-friendly business environment coupled with attractive tax activities. InvestKL is mandated by the Malaysian Government to attract and facilitate large global multinational companies to set up their regional business, innovation and talent hubs in Greater Kuala Lumpur and strategically grow their business in Asia. Greater Kuala Lumpur’s formulas for success come from its many advantages, which include its business-friendly policies, well-developed infrastructure, quality of life and robust talent pool.


Malaysia was ranked the most popular emerging market destination beyond BRIC countries and ranked 12th in global competitiveness. It was also ranked sixth for Ease of Doing Business; World Bank’s report on Ease of Doing Business, 2014. Greater Kuala Lumpur was also ranked the 2nd most competitive city and the most livable city in South East Asia. At the same time, it was ranked the second best work culture. And yet, it remains a very affordable city, ranked 115th for worldwide cost of living (#1 = most expensive) Zainal Amanshah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of InvestKL Corporation, said: “Greater Kuala Lumpur has attracted an array of investors from across the globe, with North American and European companies in particular. Companies from Asia such as Japan, Singapore and China also chose Greater Kuala Lumpur as their regional base due to its strategic location and business advantages.” Leading firms with a presence in Malaysia include French firm Colas Rail; Linde, A Forbes 2000 listed industrial gas and engineering company from Germany and Darden which is the first and largest commercial scale lobster farmer, and AECOM- a global provider of professional technical and management support services to a broad range of markets, including transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, water and government.

Key Personnel

Zainal Amanshah CEO Zainal Amanshah was appointed Chief Executive Officer of InvestKL in 2011. With more than 22 years of experience in the private sector, Zainal has held senior positions in multinationals, Malaysian companies and startups. Prior to joining InvestKL, he was the Group CEO of REDtone, a Malaysian public listed telecommunications provider. He was also one of the company’s founders. In the course of his career, Zainal has familiarised himself with many industries such as banking, insurance, oil & gas, automotive and manufacturing. He is also well versed with the public sector especially with regards to foreign investment.

w w w. i n v e s t k l . c o m



The agency intends to focus on investments in the six sectors

InvestKL facilitated AECOM to set up its Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Greater Kuala Lumpur, via the Technology Specialist in Specific Domain Expertise (TeSSDE) programme. In addition, Turner Construction Co, a multinational construction firm, has been in Asia since 1965 when it managed the construction of Hong Kong’s Mei Foo Sun Chuen, one of the world’s largest residential developments at that time. Since then, it has placed its fingerprint on a number of iconic developments dotted throughout the Asia-Pacific region. In Greater Kuala Lumpur, it is now doing infrastructure work on the Tun Razak Exchange,


involved in the construction of the Warisan Tower and the Warisan Merdeka Mall, the Four Seasons Place KL and working on Tradewinds Square, Menara Tun Razak and the Etiqa office tower, a 38-storey office tower in Greater Kuala Lumpur. With more than a handful of projects in Malaysia, Turner’s decision to set up an office in Greater Kuala Lumpur was based on more than just the potential of the Malaysian market. “Our decision was guided by three factors, including the potential the Malaysia market offers not only in Greater Kuala Lumpur but throughout the peninsula,” Jack Cummiskey, vice-president and regional manager, Asia Turner International Malaysia Sdn Bhd. said of its work in the Asian markets. “In addition, we have found a very business friendly environment which supports our overall growth strategies for the region. In turn, KLIA offers the best access to the South-East Asia region making Greater Kuala Lumpur a natural choice for our regional headquarters,” Cummiskey said. Leading ASEAN economy A proven investment destination for multinational corporations, Greater Kuala Lumpur is positioned on the dynamic growth in Asia. Greater Kuala Lumpur is home to major multinationals including BMW, British American Tobacco, Shell and many others. Greater Kuala Lumpur is also at the centre

InvestKL - Greater Kuala Lumpur Corporate Video

“Greater Kuala Lumpur has attracted an array of investors from across the globe, with North American and European companies in particular” – Zainal Amanshah, CEO

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GKL at a glance : • Population: 7.2 million • 150,000 graduates annually • 39 public universities • 37 international schools • Formula One host since 1999 • 15 world class golf courses • 18 museums and art galleries • 1,990 weekly flights to 103 cities • 21 million TEUs (20ft Equivalent Unit) Port Handling in 2012

The KL118 Tower, scheduled for completion in 2019, will add Xxxxxxxxxx new heights to Kuala Lumpur’s already iconic skyline



of high growth Asian markets; robust trade and domestic demand with a huge market potential of 4.4 billion people and there is a strong foreign direct investment with $12 billion in 2013, an increase of 25 percent from 2012. The vicinity is one of the most cost competitive places on earth with high-skill and high-value talent at economical rates. With world class infrastructure consisting of highly efficient road, rail, sea and air connectivity, all the sectors are set to flourish and become the top 20 livable cities in the world by 2020.

Datuk Seri Michael K C Yam Chairman Manager He had an illustrious career spanning 30 years in the construction, real estate and corporate sectors with the last 12 years until 2008 helming two different award winning public listed property companies.

Planning for growth Greater Kuala Lumpur already contributes 30 percent of Malaysia’s gross national income, totalling $60 billion. Its contribution will be a lot more in 2020 when population will have grown 40 percent to 10 million, as is forecast. “That is good news, but it also

“The challenges associated with upgrading or initiating new urban infrastructure projects over the next six years are business opportunities for global engineering and construction companies” – Zainal Amanshah, CEO

Key Personnel

During his stewardship of these two companies and prior to that in top management positions with various organisations, he was actively involved in the development and management of hotels, resorts, shopping malls, golf estates, international schools and various mixed developments, not only in Malaysia but also in Australia, UK and South Africa.

w w w. i n v e s t k l . c o m



The Mass Rapid Transit first line, Sungai Buloh to Kajang, is under construction, planned for completion in 2017. Pictured is a rendering of a new MRT station to be built


October 2014

poses a challenge in terms of how to prepare for that,� said Amanshah. “However, challenges can be opportunities in disguise. And the challenges associated with upgrading or initiating new urban infrastructure projects over the next six years are business opportunities for global engineering and construction companies. “This is particularly true for E&C players that win contracts to play a role in implementing key projects and remain in Greater Kuala Lumpur after those projects are completed to service


other projects taking shape elsewhere in Asia.” AECOM, a leading global engineering design firm with an already significant operation in Greater Kuala Lumpur, predicts continued growth in construction and infrastructure spending in Asia. Infrastructure was behind 37 percent of total construction spending of $32 billion in 2013 in Asia, according to AECOM’s Asia Construction Outlook 2014 report. These trends are good news for Malaysia, and Greater Kuala Lumpur particularly, where several major public infrastructure projects are now under way or soon will be as part of the region’s National Key Economic Area (NKEA) status, and for engineering and construction firms that are in Greater Kuala Lumpur now or are considering opening operations there. These projects include: High-speed rail service between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, which would reduce the 350 kilometre journey to 90 minutes; An integrated Urban Mass Rapid Transit System incorporating light rail and monorail, bus, taxi and terminal components; River Cleaning and Beautification with a view to making the Klang River a central ingredient in Greater Kuala Lumpur’s revitalization programme. In summary, Greater Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia’s primary facilitator of trade, most economically vibrant and commercially important region. The city intends to become a world-class metropolis and one of the world’s top investments destinations.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Government entity HEADQUARTERS

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia FOUNDED




Invest KL is tasked to attract 100 of the world’s largest multinationals to invest in the Greater Kuala Lumpur area by 2020

w w w. i n v e s t k l . c o m


GeoTility Leading the Way in Geothermal Energy Canada-based geothermal heating and cooling specialist GeoTility plans for growth in the Pacific Northwest Written by: Sasha Orman Produced by: Rich Gentile





n recent years, green energy has only grown more appealing and desirable. Solar power and wind power remain the most high profile forms of green energy, but they are far from the only options – geothermal technology has increased by leaps and bounds in terms of viability, and GeoTility has been at the forefront for decades. “In the early 1990s we recognized the need for more efficient and environmentally friendly alternatives to help preserve our environment,” states the company. “We turned our attention to geothermal heating and cooling systems, which 80

October 2014

we believe are the most energy efficient, environmentally clean, and cost effective space conditioning systems available today.” Today GeoTility stands as a top business in British Columbia’s construction industry and a leading geothermal heating and cooling contractor throughout Canada and the Pacific Northwest. The Advantages of Going Green What are the benefits of switching to geothermal from traditional energy sources? According to GeoTility the advantages are plentiful, providing cost savings while significantly


reducing the use of fossil fuels, with additional benefits that make the method particularly well suited to the commercial and residential indoor environments that GeoTility serves. “With no fossil fuels being burnt, geothermal systems have none of the risks associated with carbon monoxide and open flames,” the company explains. “Geothermal systems also eliminate the need for chemicals and sterilization agents used to prevent algae and bacterial growth in cooling towers, which can taint air drawn through building ventilation ducts. Geothermal systems provide excellent indoor air

quality. They are suitable for heating and cooling medical/surgical, research, and industrial facilities requiring sterile conditions.” Green Energy at Any Size For GeoTility, it’s not just about getting the biggest businesses into geothermal energy: any interest in renewable energy is a victory. For this reason GeoTility considers no project too big or too small – from individual private home conversions throughout the region to large scale commercial projects like schools and British Columbia’s St-Mary’s Hospital expansion project. w w w . g e o t i l i t y. c a


The leading distributor of high efficiency heating and cooling systems in western Canada.

WaterFurnace® geothermal heating and cooling systems harness the earth’s natural energy to provide efficiencies 4 times greater than standard systems. Why WaterFurnace® Geothermal Systems? • Highest Efficiencies and Green Technology! • Quiet and Compact with NO gas or outdoor units required! • Most comfortable with best system options available!

604-454-4712 • •



“We have completed thousands of geothermal projects ranging in size from small residential projects to large commercial and institutional systems,” the company states. “We can provide full design/build services for the most ambitious projects. From large multi-use recreation facilities to resort hotels and office buildings, our extensive experience will ensure a successful geothermal installation of any size.” Expertise and Leadership “GeoTility has maintained a leadership role in the evolution of the geothermal technology sector over the past 20 years,” states the company. “All aspects of GeoTility’s work force from our engineering to installations are trained and certified with the most current industry training.”



Geotility Geothermal Systems proudly offers and installs WaterFurnace Geothermal Water Source Heat Pumps distributed by Hydron-Aire Ltd. For over 30 years, WaterFurnace International has been the leading manufacturer of geothermal systems for residential and commercial applications. Industry-leading efficiencies and technologies in a wide variety of product offerings make WaterFurnace the go-to brand for Geotility to meet all ranges of customer requirements. Whether it’s the industry-exclusive 7 Series, Variable Capacity system or the ultracompetitive and ultra-compact Versatec WSHP, WaterFurnace has THE geothermal solution for builders and their customer Website:

w w w . g e o t i l i t y. c a




Western Canada’s leading independent distributor of plumbing, heating, and electrical products. 31 Locations Proudly Serving.

Kelowna, BC Phone: 250-807-4050


Maintaining its leadership role cannot be done without significant effort, and a continued commitment to expertise is crucial to the business. GeoTility is proud to be a member of several leading energy and environmental organizations throughout Canada including GeoExchangeBC, the BC Ground Water Association, and the Cascadia Green Building Council.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Geothermal/ geoexchange solutions HEADQUARTERS

Expansion in The United States with Orca Energy As part of its effort to bring geothermal energy to more consumers, GeoTility operates Terrasource Utility Services. Bolstered by the success of this offshoot, the company is expanding. “Terrasource has enjoyed great success advancing the adoption of GeoExchange systems,” says GeoTility. “By utilizing the in-ground infrastructure, providing access to the building owner, and charging an affordable access fee, many who couldn’t afford the upfront costs of GeoExchange are enjoying the benefits of the system.” Now GeoTility is expanding its efforts toward providing greater geothermal energy use opportunities to consumers in the US with the launch of Orca Energy. Based out of Redmond, Washington, this new service provides alternative energy and exterior works to consumers including turnkey installation, testing, maintenance and repair of geothermal utilities. With this launch, GeoTility may soon be able to expand further in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

British Columbia FOUNDED



w w w . g e o t i l i t y. c a


RMS Builders Construct

Canada’s pride and joy

President Curtis Way discusses the company’s current con helps keep RMS Builders Inc. going strong. Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Richard Gentile


nstruction projects as well as what




tarted in 1994 by Curtis Way, as Royal Management Services (RMS) the group now specializes in developing projects from the initial concept through construction and then turns the completed buildings over to the owner/tenants. “Integrity is the key to our success.” can be found on RMS Builders Inc. corporate brochure. Through hard work, integrity and a proven track record RMS Builders Inc. has become one of Canada’s 88

October 2014

pride and joys. The division is responsible for collaborating and overseeing all on-site construction and building activities throughout Western Canada. With a proven track record of completing multimillion dollar projects on time and on budget, RMS has become the construction builder of choice. Building Canada’s tomorrow RMS Builders Inc. is currently engaged in an assortment of new projects located in and around the


Edmonton area. Two of the major projects underway are the Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott hotel located on the north end of Edmonton and the TownePlace Suites by Marriott on the south side of Edmonton. “The Marriott on the south side is a six story TownePlace Suites hotel. It offers 122 rooms with a swimming pool, gym, breakfast area and meeting room. It is designed after the new Marriott prototype hotel,” says President Curtis Way. “The other Marriott in north

Edmonton is a four storey Fairfield Inn & Suites hotel. It has 102 rooms and is similar construction to the TownePlace hotel. It has a pool with a slide, breakfast area, and meeting room. Both hotels will be constructed of heavy gauge steel studs and hollow core concrete floor slabs. RMS Builders Inc. is also finishing up a Centex Convenience Store and Carwash development in north Edmonton for Jim Pattison Developments Ltd. The task required the company to develop a w w w. r m s - g r o u p . c a


A family owned business with over 60 years experience. Supplying and Installing etc. carpet, lino, ceramic tile and hardwood to residential and commercial clientele.

12848 153 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5V 1A9

780-447-1751 By Appointment Only

Marcel Brisson

Pro-Western Mechanical specializes in the construction of multifamily complexes, commercial and care facilities contracting complete mechanical systems across Western Canada. We maintain an accelerated, high efficient workflow and construction schedule, resulting in well-organized projects. Main Office 3703-10 Mitchelmore Ave Saskatoon, SK S7P 0C5 306-979-9500

611-69th Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6P 0C2 780-478-8002

RMS BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION more cost effective redesign for the owners when the original building was over budget. “It is a 4,900 squarefoot convenience store and carwash within the Pilot Sound neighborhood,” says Way. “This development is located in a major shopping center anchored by SaveOn-Foods. On site there will be a convenience store building, which includes an independent fast food restaurant inside. The other building onsite will be a nontouch drive through carwash. We expect the project to be finished by mid-October.” One of the typical projects the company is on track to finish within the next few months is Tamarack Gardens. The rental project is comprised of two-four story apartment style buildings, consisting of 126 suites with keyless entry and video surveillance systems for increased resident security. “It will include some new technological advancements such as computer controlled heating/ cooling system, high efficiency windows and boilers as well as foam insulated walls,” says Way.


The company has completed a variety of major developments. These include Tamarack Manor, a four storey, 142 unit multi-family complex; Royal Oaks Manor, a 110 unit, multi-family project in Grande Prairie, AB; and the Wolseley Warehouse, a 16,000-square-foot industrial building with a showroom. Assets in place One of the biggest advantages RMS has at its disposal is its people. The company employs a variety of conscientious and versatile staff, including carpenters, labourers’, superintendents and sub trades. “Alberta’s economy is extremely competitive and you have to be efficient at what you do. The team approach is big for us. We’re one of those companies that strives to minimize overhead,” says Way. “Although we all have different roles within the company, if someone gets behind and needs help, others are always there to offer assistance. We run lean but have a big focus on the team approach.” RMS also owns much of its own equipment. According to Way, it’s been a critical part of the company’s w w w. r m s - g r o u p . c a



success, giving it the ability to control both how and when projects get completed. “It started about 15 years ago when we were working on a building and couldn’t get an excavator to dig the foundations for the building. One of our field staff had experience operating machinery and we ended up buying an excavator just for the project. That’s essentially how we started owning our own heavy equipment. Now we have dozens of pieces of heavy equipment throughout Alberta. “Having our own equipment allows us the ability 92

October 2014

to maintain schedules by moving people and equipment to where they are needed the most.” says Way. Along with having the right equipment in place, RMS has the in-house ability to maintain these crucial assets. “We have an in-house mechanical staff that services our equipment,” says Way. “It saves us, and ultimately the owners, a substantial amount of money because we are able to offer significant savings on the equipment that we own rather than outsourcing it. It works for both parties.”


Continuous improvement Maintaining a high level of safety is a high priority at RMS Builders Inc. The company strives to preserve a culture where everyone is on the same page and trained in all safety measures. “Our upcoming safety renewal with Alberta Construction Safety Association will see us COR certified. The COR (Certificate of Recognition) Program assures owners that we as their contractor, take the safety and training of our staff seriously. We provide a lot of different training other companies might not offer. We train employees in all aspects of what we do. There are mandatory field workshops and courses our employees have to take including First-Aid,” says Way. “Our standard is extremely high on safety.” Technology is another aspect the company is continuously improving upon. According to Way, communication is very important for the company. “We make sure employees have laptops, iPads, and smart phones so information can be transferred immediately. Technology is definitely something we strive to be up to date with.” In terms of continuous improvements, RMS is always working to cultivate vendor relationships. “Relationships are critical for us in the construction industry,” says Way. “Approximately 75 percent of our costs are driven by Sub-trades. Having good reliable partners that are cost effective is important. Those people are vital to the business and to our success.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


Alberta, Canada FOUNDED



w w w. r m s - g r o u p . c a


Wildstone Construction Engineering

Wildstone Construction & En Demonstrates the Importanc

General Manager of Wildstone Construction and Engineer the company’s recent projects and how maintaining a pres enabled the company to grow. Written by: Lindsey Ryan Produced by: Richard Gentile


ngineering ce of Diversity

ring, Mark Melissen, discusses sence in multiple industries has



Old Crow


ounded in 1995 by Jim Morrison, Wildstone Construction and Engineering is a family company that began as a construction and engineering firm with a primary focus in engineering and resources in the interior of BC. They are now an infrastructure specialist whose prides themselves on their core culture: Integrity, Safety and Quality with a goal of providing a higher level of service in the various market segments of their operations. In 2007 Mark Melissen, Morrison’s step son, joined the Wildstone team and has now become Wildstone’s Managing Partner, being responsible 96

October 2014

for the day to day operation at Wildstone. In 2010 he became a partner in the family company working side by side with his brother and step father. Melissen explains that clients enjoy working with Wildstone because they can offer knowledgeable and professional services of a large contractor while still offering the personal touch of a family company. Melissen explains, “We do what we say we’re going to do; we can offer the expertise of a larger contractor but you still get the feel of a smaller contractor.”


Fort McMurray WWTP

Recent Projects Wildstone Construction and Engineering has a wide range of projects to date and continues to add to their impressive portfolio. One example is the Red Chris Mine 287kV Substation. This design build project involves a green field 287kV

substation including all foundations rock anchored to the top of a remote mountain top. A blast wall, oil containment pits, transformers, CT’s, an E-House and all related High Voltage Hardware supply, installation and commissioning are part of the delivery package. w w w. w i l d s t o n e . c o m


WILDSTONE CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING Melissen explains that one of the challenges to overcome for this project was that the location was at the top of a remote mountain. He states, “Access into the site is in a very remote area, it’s a remote camp where the weather conditions change very rapidly and winter comes quick, so you’ve got to be organized. The mine has tight deadlines and we’re working on a critical piece of infrastructure for them; so if we can’t deliver our package on time, the mine

essentially can’t turn the power on. So it’s about as critical as it gets.” Another project is the Inuvik RCMP Detachment. This new 13,000 square foot two story RCMP detachment will be built on thermopiles in Inuvik. This is exciting because it will be the first time thermopiles have been used in Canada. On top of the piling sits a steel framework with a unique S curved wood frame structure above. The building will also be doubling as a small jail including

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holding cells. The project is expected to be completed January 2016. In the fall of 2012, Wildstone completed the Old Crow water treatment plant which was located in the north western Yukon, inside the arctic circle. This project was in an area so remote that the only access to the site was by aircraft. Consequently, all materials had to be delivered by aircraft as well and though projects in the Yukon are often delayed because of this remoteness and related weather conditions, Wildstone was able to successfully complete the project on time and on budget. Melissen, who explains the company’s organization and precise planning made it possible to accomplish this project, states, “That was a good kick start for us, we knew that if we were able to build that one, we could build anywhere.” Though the majority of the work that Wildstone does is municipal or resource infrastructure, they are quite diverse and have also completed a recent project for a craft brewery. The Bad Tattoo Brewery is an 8600sq.ft single-story concrete sandwich panel building with a 1600sq.ft mezzanine. The building is made up of a 5950sq. ft brewing area and a 2650sq.ft admin/kitchen/ restaurant area. There is also a 1000sq.ft covered patio. Melissen explains that this project was originally scheduled to be completed in 8 months but it was fast tracked and Wildstone was able to have it completed in 6 months. Most recently, the company has been finishing

Red Chris Mine 287kV

“That was a good kick start for us, if we’re able to build that one we can build anywhere” – Jim Morrison, President

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up a large mechanical retrofit to a new WWTP in Fort McMurray. The wastewater treatment plant is a 100

October 2014

fairly new facility but Wildstone is working on improving the blowers, headworks screens, sludge


handling conveyors and chutes and the various controls hardware. Wildstone is in charge of commissioning this project and getting the facility up and running again. This was another project that was fast tracked and was completed September of 2014. The Importance of Diversity Wildstone Construction and Engineering started as one large company and since its establishment, it has branched out and developed smaller divisions. There are currently five divisions in the company: Wildstone Industrial Ltd., Wildstone Special Projects Ltd., Wildstone Environmental Ltd., Wildstone Arctic Ltd, and Construction and Engineering, the flagship company which started it all. By having these multiple divisions, the company is enabled to diversify itself so that it can work in any industry. According to Melissen, the company stands apart from the competition because of this diversity and leadership. He states, “The fact that we’ve got a large portfolio of projects and have succeeded in different environments and different aspects of building,” he continues, “that and we’ve got a great team with a really strong structure and very experienced leaders in charge of various divisions”. The company has experienced an increase in revenue each year since 2007 and looking forward, the company will continue its growth and expansion.

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Tennessee Dept. of Tran

Tennessee Department of Tr Managing Assets to Deliver a Transportation Network

With a demographic shift from rural to urban land, TDOT is providing top quality transportation services to its clients Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano

Produced by: Tom Venturo


ransportation a Strong

s once again leading the change in



In 1908, Henry Ford changed the world with the introduction of the first accessible automobile for the average middle class American. The Model T changed history forever and with it came a flood of other changes, including the development of transportation agencies. In 1915, the formation of the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) provided the foundation for a statewide system, and since then the department has grown from a network of state highways to a high quality road and bridge network.


October 2014

Celebrating 100 Years July 1, 2015 will mark the 100 year anniversary of TDOT. The department has seen multiple changes throughout the years with the most significant shift coming from within. “Back in the day, it was ‘pave it black and don’t look back,’” said Paul Degges, Chief Engineer and Deputy Commissioner, who has been with TDOT for 27 years. “We were all about building new roads and moving on to the next big project. Today, and the evolution of the department, has really been an asset management and


Surveyors at their construction camp in the 1920s

operations evolution.” Beginning with the first funding mechanism in 1923 to support the new highway agency, the department has gone through some major bridge building initiatives, the installment of new bridges, and 1,200 miles of interstate construction. “After the ’86 road program we started looking at how we could manage our assets and have a strong pavement management program and a strong bridge program,” said Degges. “These have been the two keystone visions that we’ve had and we think it’s paid off

by having a very high quality road and bridge network in Tennessee.” Luanne Grandinetti, Communications Manager, is coordinating the 100 year celebration next year and is excited for what’s in store. “While we’re not at liberty to discuss what we have planned, we definitely will have a big party on that day,” said Grandinetti. “It’s top secret,” joked Degges. A Debt-Neutral Model Tennessee is one of only five states in America that carries no w w w. t d o t . s t a t e . t n . u s



Providing solutions that last.


transportation debt. Regarded as a “pay as you go” state, the department pays no interest and has no loans to build transportation facilities. “We have a very robust program as far as having workload in the pipeline,” said Degges. “By not having any debt, it allows us the flexibility of being nimble in our decision-making on which projects we need to work on.” “About 91 percent of our money goes to project delivery, design, acquisition and construction,” continued Degges. “So 91 percent of our money goes out the door and onto the street with just a small amount for administrative functions.” “While other states are paying millions in interest each year, we pay zero and use it on projects,” added Grandinetti. Placing Employees at the Helm of the Wheel When it comes to its employees, TDOT is focused on two things: education and teamwork. With the recent hires of 160 engineers within

the past 18 months, an emphasis has been placed on diversity and growing one’s education. And it wouldn’t be complete without a proper celebration once certain successes are achieved. “We have a strong program to push education in our maintenance forces and we most recently had a celebration at the Tennessee Titans’ football stadium,” said Degges. “We had the governor come in and the commissioner of the department of education along with the commissioner of transportation. It was a celebration of about 100 employees that have gone the extra mile on their own time to earn additional education credentials that will allow them the opportunity to move up in the organization.” When it comes to the success of managing a large workforce such as TDOT’s – with four facilities statewide – Degges believes it comes down to placing individuals in leadership roles. “To be perfectly honest, you’re not born a leader. Your life experiences make you a leader, and if I can

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encourage our employees to have leadership opportunities where they can, I want them to step up to the plate,� said Degges. Steering Towards the Future There are multiple projects that TDOT is excited to begin working on in the near future, including the 108

October 2014

widening of US 64 into a four-lane stretch of road, a $70 million project, and several bridge installations and capacity expansions across Tennessee running in the $30-40 million range. “I think you will continue to see us look at how we manage our assets at the highest level condition at the


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Nashville FOUNDED


1001-5000 REVENUE

+1 B

lowest possible cost,” said Degges. “I think we will see a whole lot more of accelerated bridge construction technology, not just in Tennessee but across the country, and we will be focusing on how we can manage traffic on our existing network of roads and how we can keep the quality of life as high as possible by having a good, strong transportation network.”

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Auburn Constructors

Auburn Constructors: Using Acquisitions to take Control o Construction Industry

With the creation of its own electrical division in house, Aub dominate the construction industry with its staff of problem Written by: Lindsey Ryan Produced by: Tom Venturo

Strategic of the

burn Constructors is enabled to m solving experts



Booster Pump Station


ince its establishment in 1990, Auburn Constructors has been an innovative leader in full service general contracting specializing in water/wastewater treatment plants, water storage facilities, water/wastewater pumping facilities, storm water pumping plants and water resource and recovery projects. The company, which is based out of Sacramento, California, has the ability to self perform most field work with its experienced crew of professionals and wide range of equipment. Dean Bailey, president of Auburn Constructors, got on board with the 112

October 2014

company in 1989 before it was even known as Auburn Constructors and was just a small division of another company. Bailey was the first hire for what is now Auburn Constructors and has been there for almost 25 years. He began working with the company as a project manager and over the years climbed up the ladder, and this last April he was promoted to president. A Company that Stands Apart So why choose Auburn Constructors as your general contractor? One reason is that the company treats every project as its


own business entity and focuses to appropriately delegate the right project manager to each project. Bailey expresses that the common positive feedback from Owners and engineering firms they have worked with is that they enjoy doing business with Auburn because of the efficiency, professionalism and integrity demonstrated by their employees, as well as a reputation

for developing cooperative relationships on every project. Bailey stresses the importance of having a team that is made up of problem solvers. Construction is not an exact science so being able to adapt to changes and be quick on your feet to solve any particular problem that may occur is critical. According to Bailey, there are always changes and conflicts in

w w w. a u b u r n c o n s t r u c t o r s . c o m


Since 1978, Rescue Engineers, Inc. has been providing filter systems throughout California for surface water plants, as well as offering iron, manganese and arsenic removal systems for groundwater plants. 6205-G EntErprisE DrivE | DiamonD sprinGs, Ca 95619 (530) 621-2018 | Fax (530) 621-0893 |

the field so it is important to stay open to an alternate way of doing things. He says, “That’s really what we take a lot of pride in, coming up with a resolution at the time when we present a problem and hopefully that speeds things up.” Not only is the Auburn personnel efficient and professional, they are also well trained and have successfully completed laborer, electrical and carpenter disciplines. In addition to hiring quality craftsman, Auburn emphasizes providing a safe work environment to all of its

employees and subcontractors. All field employees are required to pass a pre-employment drug screen, as well as complete extensive safety training such as fall protection, confined space, LOTO, trench safety and OSHA 10 and OSHA 30 classes. Also, as environmental regulations have become more stringent we require our project managers to complete Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) compliance training. The company also has apprentices participating on the projects so that they are


Lathrop PS Piping

training from the bottom up and can promote from within. Overall the Auburn staff is a critical component to the company’s success and quality workmanship that keep clients coming back.

whole new way. In addition, because of the quality of workmanship by their electrical division, , Auburn is often approached by other General Contractors to use their electrical division as a sub-contractor. This Strategic Acquisitions unique relationship between In 2007, Auburn Constructors competitors in the same industry announced the creation of their has resulted in substantial growth own electrical division through the for Auburn Constructors. acquisition of the personnel and “It’s another revenue stream that assets of one of the leading Northern has allowed our company to be California electrical subcontractors competitive not only as a general in the treatment plant construction but as a sub contractor. There are industry, Horn Electric, Inc. of Lodi, times when we may bid a job as the CA. This has had an enormous Prime and we may not get it as the effect on the company because they low overall bidder but we may get are enabled to do self perform in a a portion of it as the low electrical w w w. a u b u r n c o n s t r u c t o r s . c o m



Lathrop PS Discharge Pipe


October 2014


subcontractor,” explains Bailey. Utilizing Technology Currently, the company is working on a brand new wastewater treatment plant for the city of Los Osos, California. Like many coastal towns, Los Osos is on a septic system and are now being directed to build a sewage treatment plant. Auburn has been selected to construct the plant and get it up and running. It is roughly a $48 million project which Auburn has assigned three project managers and one full time safety manager, making it a very large project for the company. It is a state of the art project that Bailey explains is utilizing some of the newer technologies in the industry. For example, this plant will be using ultraviolet light to disinfect the sewage rather than the common chlorination process. The plant will also be conducting an aeration process which has been proven to be an efficient way to treat the sewage and a third level of filtration known as “tertiary filtration” which meets the states very strict discharge standards. Though the Los Osos Project is currently the largest project Auburn is working on, they are also currently under contract for another 25 projects, including general and sub-contracting projects. We can definitely expect that Auburn will continue to stay busy in the months to come.

Company Information INDUSTRY


Sacramento FOUNDED



110 Million

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Walsh/Atkinson JV (Wals partner) Easterly Tunnel Pump Station (ETDPS) Pr

The Walsh Group’s Easterly T Dewatering Pump Station Pr

The Walsh Group Project Manager Charles Weitzel discuss Cleveland’s Easterly Tunnel Dewatering Pump Station Proj Written by: Sasha Orman

Produced by: Tom Venturo

sh managing l Dewatering Project

Tunnel roject Cleans Up

ses the challenges and future of ject




he Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District was facing a critical problem: an overflow of roughly 4 billion gallons of untreated water into Lake Erie every year. In order to correct this issue, the Sewer District has assembled a team of experts to participate in the design and build of one of the largest combined sewer pump station projects in the United States to date. With a hand in the excavation and construction of a cavern style pump station, connected to 3 mile long single pass precast concretelined storage tunnel, The Walsh Group through this project is helping 120

October 2014

NEORSD significantly reduce raw water overflow and improve the environmental status of the Northeastern Ohio region. Building the Easterly Tunnel Dewatering Pump Station “During the rain or flood high water situation, currently the treatment plant can’t handle the excess water,” explains Charles Weitzel, Project Manager at The Walsh Group. “When they can’t handle it, they have to bypass it right into the lake.” The Easterly Tunnel Dewatering Pump Station is a $73 million project designed with the goal of

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ETDPS Pump room Suction

pumping from the storage tunnel, a significant portion of that combined sewer overflow or untreated “raw water,” keeping it from entering the lake unchecked. “With this current phase NEORSD will stop one billion gallons from going to the lake,” says Weitzel. “What this does is store it in an overflow situation, where the raw water overflow would go into the storage tunnel instead of out to the lake. Then the storage tunnel will hold that overflow until they can handle treating it at the treatment plant. Instead of getting a billion gallons of water going through the

plant, and not being able to handle it in the moment, they can store it in this 24’-diameter storage tunnel. Then, with completion of our project, they can pump the water out of the storage tunnel, and into an interceptor that gravity feeds back to the treatment plant, so that they can treat it.” As a result of this project it is estimated that one billion gallons of water can be saved from entering the lake untreated each year, resulting in cleaner and safer conditions for residents in Cleveland and throughout Northeastern Ohio.

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Ric-Man Construction, Inc. was founded in 1965. Ric-Man excels in heavy underground construction and delivers a safe environment with high quality standards established by its founder Richard Mancini.

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Email: I

Pump Room Mechanical

WA L S H / AT K I N S O N J V Balancing Logistics and Safety When you are essentially building a 27-story building straight down into the ground, with every person and material coming in and out through two shafts, managing logistics is vital for maintaining efficiency as well as workplace safety. Workers are at high risk, and conditions must be monitored for issues like dust and hazardous gas. The Walsh Group has had to employ several practices at the Easterly Tunnel Dewatering Pump Station project to keep workers safe and production humming along. “We have two cranes onsite, and all the access is done by these two cranes, so we have a ‘brass in, brass out’ safety board,” explains Weitzel. “If anybody’s going down into the shafts or the caverns or the tunnel, we have a brass tag to show that they’re in there. Then if something were to happen safety-wise, we can identify who’s not accounted for and go find them or figure out where they are and what happened. Everyone’s on the brass board and, when they’re going into the hole, we lower them down with a man cage. We have schedules for who’s working


where and when, and we follow those as best we can.” The Walsh Group also maintains a core group of workers specifically trained in rescue operations, a practice that has also served the company well on other projects including the recent Black River Tunnel project. “We have a rescue team in place, ten or twelve of us, trained for getting anybody out of the cavern shaft or tunnel,” says Weitzel. “We have to maintain that throughout the job as one of our core safety issues.” Building Relationships on Trust Any major multimillion-dollar municipal project is likely to employ more than one contractor or subcontractor, and the Tunnel Dewatering Pump Station project is no exception – The Walsh Group has been working continuously alongside Atkinson Construction our JV partner, (who performed mining operations)and Subcontractors like , ESI, Ductfab, and Ricman Construction throughout the project. Building strong relationships with subcontractors is just as critical to a successful finished product w w w. w a



as building a relationship with the client, and for The Walsh Group cultivating both of those relationships relies on trust. “Building trust is the key to successful contracting – that’s 124

October 2014

what we strive to do with our subcontractors is keep building that trust,” says Weitzel. “That’s across the board. You have to make sure that the scope of work they’re going to perform is within their ability to


complete successfully. As far as with the owner building a good relationship with them means building trust that we’re going to do what’s right and ethical with attention to quality and safety, so that there’s no one hurt on any of these jobs and we’re providing a long lasting product where they’re going to be happy they had us on the job.” A Ways to Go The Tunnel Dewatering Pump Station project is on track for completion in November of 2016 – with the project currently in its concrete phase, before moving into a pump and piping installation phase, Weitzel estimates that initial testing will begin Spring of 2016 with final completion near August of 2016. But that is just the beginning. For the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to meet EPA specifications by 2025, subsequent years will see an additional pump station built to the southeast of Cleveland, with further infrastructure work being done on tunnels to help divert a larger amount of overflow to the holding tunnels. As this work continues, Walsh Group hopes to maintain a major role in improving conditions for the city and its sewer system. “The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District is an awesome customer, and we’re happy to be working with them and for them,” says Weitzel. “They have a good handle on their program and what they want to accomplish, and we’re striving to be their contractor of choice.”

Company Information INDUSTRY

General Building Construction and Contracting HEADQUARTERS


Walsh Group 1898 REVENUE


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ONEsource Facility Solut

ONEsource Facility Solution Uses Unique Collaborative Ap OSCA速, Towards Project Delivery Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Tom Venturo





Incorporated in 2010, ONEsource Facility Solutions provides services for an array of food and beverage facilities including red meat, poultry, wine, dairy soft drinks and frozen foods. The company got started when it partnered with Facility Design Group, a company that has been involved in food processing facility design and engineering work since 1985. ONEsource utilizes its own collaborative approach, OSCA速, to successfully complete projects on time and on 128

October 2014

budget again and again, leaving customers satisfied and returning for business. ONEsource offers all planning and implantation services under one roof, taking the weight of the pressure off clients and into the hands of expert architects, engineers and planners. Jim Ashworth, Vice President of Construction Services, has been in the food and beverage design and engineering industry for 42 years and for the last 28 years he has focused on the design build side


of the business. He has worked with ONEsource since its creation in 2010 and was involved with the partner company, Facility Design Group, since 2000. He discusses how ONEsource designs and builds high quality food and beverage facilities while still saving the customer time and money. He states, “Saving time while getting a project started and completed; I think that’s the biggest thing that we offer.”

An Approach that Leads to Success ONEsource Facility Solutions has a unique approach to handling its projects, which has proven to keep clients returning to them for continued work. The company’s ONEsource Collaborative Approach (OSCA®) enables them to save up to 30% of the clients’ time on projects, which to clients is crucial because saving time is saving money. By using a team approach and constantly keeping

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O N E S O U R C E FA C I L I T Y S O L U T I O N S open communication between the company’s different departments involved in each stage of the project and the client, the company is able to complete the project in the most economical way possible. Ashworth states, “As a collaborative approach with the design team, the owner and sales, it’s like a three legged stool. We all work as a team to get a project done.” He continues, “All parties are involved from the very beginning to

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the very end of a project.” This integrated approach to project delivery makes ONEsource unique in the industry and because the company operates with its own in-house services, it is fully equipped to handle the entire building process from start to finish. Projects Underway ONEsource Facility Solutions has a wide range of projects to date, with a focus in food and beverage processing facilities. Currently, ONEsource is completing the design and construction of a new Artisan Cheese Processing Facility in Corfu, New York, for Yancey’s Fancy New York Artisan Cheese. As a cheese company, the client had would ship their cheese off to store it for two years so that it can age. With this new 106,500 square foot facility the company will be able to store their cheese in their own location. Yancey’s Fancy New York Artisan Cheese is scheduled to move in and start up operations this month. One of the current projects the ONEsource is working on is for


AMCE Smoked Fish in Wilmington, North Carolina. Like many of ONEsource’s projects, the ACME Smoked Fish project was fast tracked so ONEsource has been designing and building as they go and fortunately have not come across any serious obstacles that may delay the completion of the project. This project began in October of 2013 and is expected to open the 1st of the year in 2015. Another project ONEsource is working on is a new project for the Sugar Creek Packing Company, located in Cambridge City, Indiana.

The client is a private labeling company that cooks, processes and labels food products for outside brands, along with offering a few of their own products as well. They are looking to expand their meat and food processing facility so that it has the equipment and space to cook, assemble, package and flash freeze its own store brand prepared frozen food along with its clients’. The new facility will dwarf the existing location as it involves a 251,000 square foot building expansion and the renovation of the existing adjacent 89,600 square foot

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facility. This project is expected to be completed in April of 2015. Commitment to LEED Additionally ONEsource Facility Solutions is also committed to sustainability and as a company, they are active members of the U.S. Green Building Council and strive to 132

October 2014

integrate LEED certification into the facilities that they design and build. The Plumrose USA project that the company completed was a Silver LEED food processing facility, which Ashworth explains rarely happens, and it was selected as 2013 sustainable food plant of the year by Food Engineering Magazine.


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$150 million per year

Overall the company continues to deliver high quality projects that exceed expectations and keep customers coming back. With the company’s innovative Collaborative approach (OSCA®) and quality workmanship towards project delivery, there is no doubt ONEsource Facility Solutions will continue to stay busy in the upcoming years.

w w w. o n e s o u r c e f a c i l i t y s o l u t i o n s . c o m


Kaplan Construction

Kaplan Construction: Buildin Relationships through Quality

Kaplan Construction has fostered its company based on fa By treating its clients just like family, it has grown to becom high-quality construction services firm Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano

Produced by: Tom Venturo

ng Working ty Service

amily values. me known as a trusted,




ounded in 1976 by Ken Kaplan, Kaplan Construction is a family-owned construction services firm dedicated to clear communication and collaboration. 136

October 2014

With a reputation for integrity and achieving successful working relationships, Kaplan primarily serves six markets: commercial, healthcare, multi-family, houses of


worship, institutional, and historic rehabilitation/adaptive reuse. “Our mission – above all else – is to construct quality work for our clients,” states Kaplan’s website.

“We enhance their experience by going above and beyond what is expected. At the end of a project, we often hear that we made the process enjoyable for the client and

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KAPLAN CONSTRUCTION team members.” Safety is a top priority at Kaplan Construction and the team has earned multiple awards for safeguarding the health and welfare of its employees, subcontractors and site visitors. As founding members of the Associated Builders and Contractors Massachusetts Chapter Workers’ Compensation Self-Insured Group Inc., Kaplan has been proactive in developing and enforcing a comprehensive and effective safety program.


Exceptional service is our standard. We’ve been providing electrical contracting & design services to general contractors & commercial industrial institutions in the New England area for nearly 30 years. 139 Southbridge Street | Auburn, MA 01501 508.792.9200 | 800.244.6055 |

“We have been annually bestowed the Associated Builders & Contractors Safety Award and are recent recipients for the Diamond Level award, the highest level of recognition and a benchmark standard for safety,” said Kaplan. With the most recent management transition of Nathan Peck being promoted to president and Jane Kaplan Peck to chief operating officer, Kaplan Construction continues to build trusted, longlasting relationships based on


Company Information INDUSTRY


Brookline, MA FOUNDED



personal involvement, reliability, and quality construction. Its team of employees and subcontractors has established a reputation for excellent customer service and superb workmanship and it’s highly successful projects have garnered respect throughout the industry. “We attribute our success to a passion for building and the trusted relationships we foster with our clients,” said Ken Kaplan. “I step away from the president’s role with the full confidence that Nate and Jane will continue to follow our guiding principles of client service, technical excellence, collaboration and mutual respect.” Driven by Ken Kaplan’s passion for building, Kaplan Construction has earned an outstanding reputation within the industry for high-quality, cost-effective construction services.



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CG/LA Infrastructure Inc Written by: Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO

c. 141



he North American infrastructure market is poised for take-off, ready to ride the way of three fundamental economic transformations. First, the explosion in energy production has given us a tremendous lift, with natural gas prices at less than $5 MMBtu less then 1/3 of our European and Asian competitors. Second, the tremendous growth in US exports is causing a re-design in our freight infrastructure (rail, ports, waterways, highways and intermodal facilities). Third, the increasing orientation toward transit-oriented communities - particularly among millennials - is creating driving new investments in urban mass transit (heavy rail, light rail and even streetcars) along with social infrastructure (schools and hospitals). CG/LA Infrastructure, a global market maker focused on doubling the level of infrastructure investment focuses on identifying priority projects, and ensuring that those projects go forward optimally as productively and rapidly as possible. Through our Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum Series and revolutionary online 142

October 2014

projects platform, GViP, CG/LA is bringing order, predictability and even imagination to the global infrastructure marketplace. Strategic Project Identification Norman Anderson, President and CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure and former project developer, founded the company to help countries and regions around the globe become more competitive and successful by making smart, robust investments decisions on strategic infrastructure projects and initiatives. Strategic project identification is the cornerstone of CG/LA’s global vision - bringing innovative leaders together from both the public and private sectors to focus on specific projects and push them rapidly forward to completion. CG/LA releases a quarterly market intelligence report, the Strategic Top 100, of the top infrastructure projects, with business opportunities in the next 3-18 months, in regions that complement the next Leadership Forum. The Strategic Top 100 is the cornerstone on which the


Infrastructure Leadership Forums are built. The most recent report, The 2014 Strategic Top 100 North America list, shows what is actually required – in terms of financial and human resources – to rebuild the competitiveness of North America. Projects were selected over a sixmonth process, beginning with a preliminary list of over 400 projects and narrowed down using CG/ LA’s proprietary ranking model. Comprised only of shovel-ready projects with business opportunities within the next 3-18 months, the 2014 Strategic Top 100 North America is valued at US$369 billion. Download

the Strategic Top 100 NA here. The Infrastructure Leadership Forum Series As a project developer, Norman saw firsthand that the key to both infrastructure project development and business success was leadership. And the Leadership Forum - whether the Global Forum, the North American Forum, the Bahrain/EMEA Forum or the Latin American Leadership Forum - identify and recognize the dedicated and sophisticated executives who develop the strategic infrastructure that defines w w w. c g - l a . c o m


Gen. Bostick

CG/LA INFRASTRUCTURE, INC their country’s futures. The Leadership Forum events are differentiators in the industry, gathering a community of 500+ experts around a dynamic projects marketplace. Forum events focus on 11 infrastructure sectors, from highways, to power generation to water & wastewater projects, convening a global community that includes decision makers from all aspects of a project lifecycle: financial lenders and investors, legal, design, engineering, and construction firms, as well as owner operators. Save the Date: 6th North American Strategic Infrastructure Forum On October 28-30, 2014, over 500 executives will gather at the 6th North American Strategic Infrastructure Forum at the Mayflower Renaissance in Washington, DC to meet with the sponsors of the Strategic Top 100 infrastructure projects in North America ($369 billion in total project value). The North American Forum is a dynamic 2.5 day event, focused


on infrastructure development in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, while facilitating business and promoting projects across the region. Key Features of the leadership Forum include: • Project Presentations: Rapid project presentations of priority projects, allowing developers to make targeted presentations focused on their needs and business opportunities. • Private Meetings: Prescheduled private meetings system allows registrants to pre-schedule up to 10 meetings with project sponsors and Forum speakers, for the second day of the Forum. • Workshops and Roundtables: Thought leader discussions and debates on critical issues, fundamental for thinking about and building great infrastructure. • Community Building: Receptions, Special Breakfasts, and especially GlobalViP allow you to build strong relationships with project developers and sponsors, and experts throughout the global infrastructure community. GlobalViP (GViP) w w w. c g - l a . c o m



GViP harnesses the energy of the Infrastructure Leadership Forum Series, taking it online for users to access 24/7/365. GViP brings together nearly 1000 (10,000 by the end of 2014) infrastructure experts as a Just in Time resource for project managers to identify and access critical expertise - when they need it, and how they need it. GViP’s algorithms cut down project development costs by 60%, and diminish the time required to


October 2014

develop a project by 50%. This translates into significant costs savings -- and also generates productivity increases that exceed 100%. Join GViP and access this thriving community of infrastructure experts today. About Norman Anderson As President and CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure, Norman Anderson has 35+ years of competitive project identification, advising


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Energy/Construction HEADQUARTERS

1827 Jefferson Place NW Washington DC 20036 USA

strategic infrastructure investment, and conducting regional analysis on energy projects worldwide. As the Founder and President of CG/LA Infrastructure, Inc., Norman oversees the development and execution of CG/LA’s proprietary analytic and regional infrastructure demand models, the successful Leadership Forum Series which selects, highlights, and hosts four regional events focused on infrastructure project investment. He is a member of both the World Economic Forum’s Global Advisory Council on Infrastructure and the Strategic Infrastructure Initiative and is fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Guarani. w w w. c g - l a . c o m


Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo HFSE


Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo Fosters Collabora Chicago Conference Author name: Liz Miller , Marketing Director



ation & Innovation in Annual




he Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo is the original event that examines the trends in healthcare and the trends in healthcare design as one single movement. Industry leaders from design firms to healthcare owners come together for three days of education and collaboration. The Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo will take place September 30 - October 2, 2014 in Chicago with pre-conference events on September 29, 2014. Resonating through the event is the theme of Building Connections. The Healthcare Facilities 150

October 2014

Symposium & Expo is known as a collaborative environment where connections are formed through networking opportunities, sparked by creative ideas, and answering the challenges of attendees by connecting them with solution providers or expert speakers. A hallmark of the event is the willingness of attendees to look past competition and share ideas to further the mission of turning brilliant design into improved healthcare delivery. Building Connections is also echoed by keynote presenter John S. Milne, MD, MBA, FACEP, Founder


and CEO, Avnew Health. Milne will explore the rapid transformation of healthcare delivery and discuss trends including ACO structures, mobile apps, and big data. “I am incredibly excited to be addressing healthcare planners and facility designers at this year’s Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo” says Milne. “I hope that through my presentation, they will see the connections between care delivery trends and the built environment and be inspired to transform the way patients experience healthcare” The conference program will feature sessions presented

by leading healthcare facilities and design firms. Case-studies and instructional sessions will tackle issues challenging design teams today including integrating technology, influence of the Affordable Care Act, sustainability, renovation projects, and the task of doing more with less. Returning for the second year is the Student Charette sponsored by CannonDesign and in partnership with AIA Chicago, the AIA Chicago Healthcare Knowledge Community and The Caritas Project. Promoting interaction and idea exchange between university students and w w w. h c a re f a c i l i t i e s . c o m



attendees, this year’s design challenge will be Completely Reimagining Outpatient Health and Wellness Environments. A Technology Pavilion featured in the Exhibit Hall will bring big data alive in an enticing visual display where attendees will interact and explore how technologies are helping us view, investigate, 152

October 2014

analyze data and understand how technology can make a difference for a health system seeking to know their patients and proactively manage their health. “Two years ago the advisory board of the Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo saw a need to bring technology to the exhibit floor” said Gary Collins, Principal, PFB


Architects. “Something that would capture the interest and imagination of the younger tech generation yet offer real solutions for today’s Healthcare leaders. I was fortunate that Jenabeth Ferguson, VP, Symposium Director, and her staff believed in my Technology Pavilion idea and now we are preparing to launch an immersion experience

like no other.” The project is led by Sensory Technologies, Blue Cottage, Power Construction, PFB Architects, KaziaLi Design Collaborative, Koroseal Interior Products, and Interface. Details: The 2014 Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo includes: w w w. h c a re f a c i l i t i e s . c o m



John Milne

• Educational sessions featuring case-studies and instructional sessions presented by the upper echelon of thought leaders and industry authorities. • Exclusive networking opportunities on the show floor and 154

October 2014

off-site, including The Symposium Party with activities, music and the Annual Raffle which will benefit The Cure It Foundation. • An Exhibit Hall with the latest products and solutions critical to designing cutting-edge facilities.


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: 5520 Park Avenue, Suite 305 Trumbull, CT 06611

• Facility tours of the Northwestern Medicine’s 259 East Erie Facility and the Erie Family Health Center (Waukegan). For more information on the Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo please visit www. .

w w w. h c a re f a c i l i t i e s . c o m


Precon Engenharia:

Solutions in Pre-Fabricated and Industrialized Housing Successful in industrializing the residential sector, Precon Engenharia invests in the real estate development market Written by: Flรกvia Brancato | Produced by: Sergio Ambrosino 157



ith over five decades of experience developing construction solutions in pre-fabricated concrete structures for complex projects of various types, such as infrastructure, logistics warehouses, commercial and industrial buildings, special projects for the mining and oil & gas sectors in addition to the residential segment, Precon Engineering is always one step ahead when it comes to construction. The combination of innovation, industrialization and sustainability makes the company one of the sector’s dominant companies. In addition, the company always offers monitoring of the entire process involving pre-fab from conception to use in a construction project. Precon Engineering is part of Grupo Precon, which is also made up of Precon Construction Materials, a company that manufactures construction materials, and BTS Properties, a company that develops commercial buildings for rent, principally in build-to-suit arrangements. In its market, the company is a regional leader in the pre-fabricated concrete segment

Lagoa Santa, MG


October 2014


Key People Precon Engenharia

Management Bruno Dias - Board of Directors President Marcelo Miranda - CEO of Precon Engenharia Antônio Cabral Commercial Director Itabirito, MG

Marcelo Diniz - Deputy Commercial Director

and a benchmark in the sustainable, industrialized real estate development market, with important projects spread throughout Brazil, mainly in the southeast region. According to Marcelo Monteiro de Miranda, CEO of Precon Engineering, “We are responsible for researching the best technical solution for creating executive structural design, building high-quality pieces, shipping them to the construction sites and assembling them. Our team is specialized and trained to execute within the parameters of rigorous safety procedures.” Among other advantages, the use of materials of such high quality not only makes cleaner and more sustainable projects feasible, it also significantly reduces construction lead times, allowing for a faster return on investment due to faster project completion.

Isnar Maia - Director of Engineering André Massote Incorporation Director Guilherme Lima Administrative Financial Director Felipe Bernardes Commercial Director Mairon Goulart Director of Operations

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Precon housing system

Precon Residential System For approximately four years the company has worked to industrialize residential construction within the real estate development market. Despite its recent entry into this market, the company has high hopes for this segment and already has successful projects to its name. Confirming this new phase, the system, which features technology developed by the company itself and patented as Precon Residential System (“SHP” by its Portuguese acronym), became the subject of a case study by the Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) for being a milestone in the industrialized and sustainable construction of low income housing in Brazil. Precon was the 160

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first Brazilian company to develop under the auspices of the “My House, My Life” (“MCMV” by its Portuguese acronym) to obtain the Blue Seal of Sustainability from Brazil’s Caixa Econômica Federal bank, a certification that evaluates development projects according to rigid sustainability criteria. With this recognition, Precon Engineering’s reputation was further enhanced. This type of construction is based on the auto industry’s concept of vehicle assembly, as Miranda explains: “We produce buildings in industrial factories and we assemble them at the construction site. This innovative and industrialized system has important sustainability characteristics as a foundation and generates 81% less waste material than w w w. p r e c o n e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r


Precon Engenharia prefabricated structures. industrial warehouse - assembly step

Precon Engenharia prefabricated concrete structures - construction system



conventional residential construction.” The executive adds, “One of the company’s trademarks is its tradition of always delivering projects on time and of high quality. It is one of the only companies in the nation that has a Level 3 certification of quality from the ABCIC (Brazilian Association of Industrialized Concrete Construction).” As such, this unit is in full operation and now represents 50% of Precon Engineering’s revenues. The system has demonstrated excellent performance, which has led to its receiving important innovation and sustainability awards even in the early years of its development. Awards include: The Eco Sustainability Award in 2012 and 2013 from the American Chamber of Commerce; the CBIC Innovation and Sustainability Award, given by the Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry; and in 2013, the well-known Ethos Award in the category of sustainable housing. Marcelo himself presented the case study at The World Forum Lille for Responsible Economy held in France in 2013. The Expanding Market “It’s a fact that the industrialization of construction is a path to not look back from for Brazilian civil construction”, says Miranda, in reference to the constant growth in the pre-fabricated structures segment. It is also a fact that these materials allow for more agility and convenience for the builder, which makes a big difference when taking into account the lack of qualified labor, which results in increased costs and uncertainty involving lead times. Based on the facts, the CEO has a positive outlook and, in a promising tone says, “More and more, the construction industry has looked for industrialized alternatives and solutions for the structure of large projects,

“It’s a fact that the industrialization of construction is a path to not look back from for Brazilian civil construction” – Marcelo Monteiro de Miranda, CEO of Precon Engenharia w w w. p r e c o n e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r



Universal do Reino de Deus church, Templo de Salom達o - S達o Paulo, SP


October 2014


whether they are private or public sector investments. As the country needs to continue to invest heavily in infrastructure in order to grow, the outlook for the sector is very positive”. Referring specifically to low-income housing, Miranda also clarifies relevant factors regarding the housing deficit, which adds to demand. “Over the next 15 years, we will continue to have a scenario of a demographic bonus in Brazil. That means that the economically active portion of the population will be larger than the sum of children and the elderly and, consequently, more people will enter into the economically active portion of the population, increasing the demand for housing”, he explains. Furthermore, “the percentage of GDP that Brazilian real estate lending comprises is still small compared to that of other countries, and the government needs to continue to prioritize housing policy due to this huge deficit”, he adds.

Governador Magalhães Pinto Stadium - Belo Horizonte, MG

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“The company seeks to attract employees who are aligned with its purpose, its innovation DNA and sustainability”

Therefore, Precon Engineering’s strategy is based on differentiation and on the everexpanding use of its significant know-how in developing efficient structures. The company will continue to meet its clients’ needs through bringing diverse types of projects to fruition, in addition to finding different alternatives for concrete structures.

– Marcelo Monteiro de Miranda, CEO of Precon Engenharia

Strategic Management With management committees and an executive board with independent members, Precon Engineering invests heavily in its management systems as well as in the qualified auditing of its financial statements. For example, in 2012 the company participated in a forum on taking companies public and presented its case studies to the financial market. The event, held annually and sponsored by the Bovespa and Finep, features three mid-size companies with excellent governance and business innovation. Another element Miranda highlights regarding the company’s success is its commitment to its employees in every sense. “The company seeks to attract employees who are aligned with its purpose, its innovation DNA and sustainability. We are always focused on generating profits with happy people. This is in what we say and also what we do day-to-day”, says the CEO. And in addition to being an important management factor, the company constantly invests in training, courses and educational programs, among other

Precon Housing System Factory, Pedro Leopoldo, MG


October 2014


Ville Bruxelas, Ville Bellagio e Ville Barcelona I. Betim - MG, Precon housing system

forms of performance enhancement. Contributions and Investments With the backing of 20 years of research and development, Precon Engineering’s Construction System was approved on a technical basis by the Ministry of Cities. This proves its efficiency and recognizes the company’s innovation and the industrialization it has developed. As a benchmark for sustainable, industrialized construction, the FDC wrote a case study titled “Precon Residential Solution – Innovation, Industrialization and Sustainability” which compares Precon’s system to traditional construction. Grupo Precon also carries out many socially responsible activities. In accordance with its “Partnership and Relationships” and “Sustainable w w w. p r e c o n e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r




FIAT, assembly step - Betim, MG

Growth� values, Precon is committed to promoting cultural, social and environmental education activities, especially in those communities where it has operations. In these communities, the company sponsors a series of initiatives that reflects its commitment to making the world a better place. Segmenting the focus of investments in three principal areas, Precon Engineering is dedicated to industrialized innovations and solutions for construction and is always in search of sustainability. The first focus is on expanding and modernizing its manufacturing capacity through installing new equipment and increasing production capacity. Investments are also aimed at developing people, systems, and governance processes. Finally, the company focuses on the continuous growth of innovation, research processes, and the expansion of new construction systems or improvements to existing systems. According to forecasts, Miranda

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Belo Horizonte, MG FOUNDED



admits that over the next three years “there will be investments of between 20-25 million for the development of new technologies and solutions”. Nevertheless, these investments are the foundation for the continuation of Precon Engineering’s growth in its current sphere of operations or in new markets. Summing up, Miranda adds, “With the aim of continuing to grow in a sustainable manner, it is important that the company creates partnerships with new investors to finance its new growth cycles.”

Prefabricated concrete structures such as columns, beams, slabs, panels, tiles; Industrialized and sustainable real estate development.

w w w. p r e c o n e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r


J. Fonseca:

Focus on Client Retention and delivers more than R$100 million in construction projects per year

Builder invests in developing its employees, customers and suppliers, in addition to creating ways for continually improving processes Written by: Tania Franco / Produced by: Sergio Ambrosino 171



eveloping the partnership between its employees, customers and suppliers, this foundation, in addition to being a large differentiator in the civil construction market, has been the basis of the operational structure of J. Fonseca Construction since its founding in 1995 by its Founding Partner Joao Carlos Fonseca in Campinas, state of Sao Paulo. “The client retention is our principal focus. For us, the client is always right. As a result, we have a 50 percent retention rate,” explains Marcelo Fonseca, director general and partner. J. Fonseca also invests heavily in retaining, motivating and training its employees. Through programs such as Guardian Angel, the company aims to create a culture of safety and continually improve the health and safety of its employees. Motivational campaigns on the topic are carried out at all its worksites. “Our employees practice safety policies on job sites and are also incentivized to do the same things in their own homes,” Fonseca said. Daily Safety Dialogues (DSD) are carried out on the job sites. In these meetings,

J. Fonseca Construtora security program 172

October 2014

Libra Terminais, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

VW, Campinas - SP

Saint-Gobain Quartzolit, Cuiabá - MT

which last 10 minutes, a work safety specialist or safety engineer leads an informal conversation with employees regarding the risks of their tasks and ways to prevent injuries. Strategic partnerships with suppliers complete the pillar of the company’s activities, according to Fonseca. “We understand that suppliers who work well, meet deadlines and do quality work safely will always be working with us. We have partners for metallic structures, electrical and hydraulic installations, as well as for earthworks.” CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROCESSES Regarding the quality of its services, J. Fonseca seeks continuous improvement through, for example, process analysis. “We work to identify in which stages of the process we get it right or get it wrong. We announce what we did right and we learn from our errors,” explained the executive. With these results in-hand, training for other projects is carried out. 174

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Conformance with environmental protection regulations is also one of the company’s focuses. “We have a corporate engineer that does all the necessary documentation for our projects and also works in the field enforcing environmental laws as well as safety legislation,” Fonseca said. The company invests in cost control planning. Through integrated civil construction management systems, such as Sienge, J. Fonseca manages everything from the budget for each project to the accounts payable department. WIDE RANGING ACTIVITIES Despite its headquarters’ location in the state of Sao Paulo and its being one of the leaders in the Campinas metropolitan region, the builder’s projects are spread across the country. Currently, J. Fonseca has projects

Pirelli, Sumaré - SP

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J. FONSECA CONSTRUTORA underway in six states – Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. The company’s activities include projects in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors, as well as in the railway sector. However, its main focus is industrial projects, as the director general explains: “We don’t have groups of clients that are diluted. We have more specific clients such as Goodyear, Vale, Bridgestone, Pirelli and Prosegur.” Recently, J. Fonseca completed work on a multi-modal terminal, considered to be the largest in Latin America, for Vale’s integrated logistics subsidiary in the city of Santa Luiza in Minas Gerais. The project, with an investment of approximately R$55 million, lasted 8 months and involved nearly 400 employees. “It was a growth opportunity for the company and recognition for a job well done. In fact, our company has been hired for two more projects for the group, one in the city of Paulínia, in the state of Sao Paulo, and a train-car repair facility



Goodyear, Americana - SP

in Lavras, Minas Gerais. We are pleased to continue to work with VLI”, he says. Another important J. Fonseca project is the expansion of the Bridgestone factory in Camaçari, in Bahia. The execution of this project symbolizes the arrival of the builder to yet another Brazilian state. The project will be 9,000 sq. meters in build area and is expected to be delivered in December 2014. “We worked for three years at Goodyear in Americana in the state of Sao Paulo, and after this period, in which no accidents occurred due to our precise construction process, we had demonstrated that we understand the factory process and we won the project in Camaçari,” Fonseca said. RESULTS AND PLANS In 2013, J. Fonseca earned a total of R$75 million and delivered more than R$100 million in construction projects. In three years, from 2010 to 2012, the builder grew by 225 percent. From w w w. j f o n s e c a c o n s t r u t o r a . c o m . b r



VLI - Vale, Santa Luzia - MG

“We work to identify in which stages of the process we get it right or get it wrong. We announce what we did right and we learn from our errors” – Marcelo Fonseca, director and partner

Comercial Lumen building, Campinas - SP 178

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2012 to 2013, growth was 107 percent. According to Fonseca, these results were achieved due to his company’s focus on clients and on employee


Company Information INDUSTRY


Campinas, SP - Brazil FOUNDED


Civil Construction and Construction Management

and supplier retention. J. Fonseca recently moved to a new headquarters in Campinas. “There are 500 sq. meters of office space and 300 sq. meters of warehouse and parking area, which makes for a better environment for our employees”, Fonseca said. Regarding future plans, the executive revealed that the company is planning a national expansion and that the state of Maranhão is likely to be one of the company’s new markets.


Provide engineering services in construction execution and contract management, always reflecting transparency and confidence to our partners

w w w. j f o n s e c a c o n s t r u t o r a . c o m . b r


Grupo Thรก

plans to grow operations in the South of the country

With the goal of growing in the development sector, the company launches a larger number of projects. The state of Rio Grande do Sul is the next market Written by Tania Franco Produced by Sergio Ambrosino




perations in the development, engineering and real estate markets. The history of Grupo Thá’s tradition began 119 years ago in Curitiba, in the state of Paraná. Since then, the company has constructed more than 6 million sq. meters of total area in the execution of public works, real estate (residential, commercial, gated communities, etc.), industrial projects and, in recent decades, in developing its own real estate projects and service provision. After more than a century of being family-run, the group’s three business units – Thá Incorporadora (“Thá Development”), Thá Engenharia (“Thá Engineering”) and “Thá Imobiliária” (“Thá Real Estate”) underwent a management professionalization process. In 2012, the stock ownership control of Grupo Thá was taken over by the American investment fund,

Boulevard Iguaçu


October 2014

Belvedere Joinville


Equity International Management. Currently, Grupo Thá continues to be focused on the development and engineering sectors. Thá Incorporações operates in the southern region of the country. Its projects are located in Londrina and Curitiba in the state of Paraná as well as in the cities of Joinville and Cambiriú, in Santa Catarina. The objective of this branch of the company is to expand its operations in this region and to launch a project in Porto Alegre, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, by the end of 2014. Imobiliária Thá, whose majority partner is Lopes Consultoria de Imóveis, is an offshoot of the developer. Thá Engenharia operates in the execution of the group’s own projects and provides engineering services to third-party firms throughout Brazil. It is focused on industrial projects, shopping centers,


Evolution Towers


Employees: 100 (direct and indirect) Established: September 1989 Industry: Civil Construction Services: Electrical works, IT, automation, fire, gas and compressed air Management: Eduard Repp, Technical, Administrative and Financial Director Sebastião Albari Carneiro, Construction Director Visit our Website:

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Oncoville Hospital

retail stores, hospitals, universities and the construction of residential and commercial buildings. “Among our strategic partners in this segment, Rossi and Tecnisa stand out”, emphasizes the Executive Director of the Group, Roberto Braz Thá. In 2011 and 2012, revenue figures were balanced; 50% came from each of the group’s two companies. However, in 2013 development was responsible for 60% of total revenues. “Our objective is to grow a little in development and we are already launching an increased number of development projects”, the executive says. 186

October 2014

FEATURED DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The quality of Thá Incorporadora’s development projects has received awards. The 7th Avenue Live & Work, a multi-use complex located in the Rebouças neighborhood in Curitiba, won the 2012 Developer of the Year prize, given by the State of Paraná Real Estate Market Association (ADEMI-PR). There will be three independent towers – Oxford Residence, Chelsea Offices and Trinity Corporate, in addition to a shopping gallery with 8 stores. The residential building will be comprised of 565 one and two-bedroom apartments. The office tower will have 28 units from 191 w w w. t h a e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r




409 sq. meters in area. “This is an in-house development and is currently the largest project under construction in Curitiba,” Robert says. Advanced environmental protection techniques will be used in the project, such as construction residue management in addition to the utilization of rainwater and natural lighting. The corporate tower has been pre-certified by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) and is seeking LEED Certification. Construction of 7th Avenue Live & Work began in December 2011. Delivery is expected in March 2015. Another featured development project built by Thá Engenharia is Universe Life Square, executed in partnership with Rossi. “We delivered the Universe building at the beginning of the year. It’s the highest building in Curitiba, with 44 floors of office and residential areas,” he explains. Apartments with a total area of 104 - 172 sq. meters comprise the residential floors of the project, while the multi-functional suites from 46 – 584 sq. meters in area and the stores, with 139 – 1,325 sq. meters of total area, make up the commercial space.

Emerson Eletric w w w. t h a e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r



Corporate Jardim Botânico

LABOR AND PARTNERSHIPS To continue excelling in the development and engineering markets, Grupo Thá believes in investing in its employees and in commercial partnerships. Employee training is one way of guaranteeing access to qualified labor. “To get around the big challenge faced by most Brazilian builders, a lack of labor, we have invested in training. We like to work with interns who eventually graduate and continue working for the company,” says the Executive Director. The company offers personnel qualification courses, with 12 modules, specific to construction engineers, in partnership with an institution in Curitiba. 190

October 2014


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Curitiba, PR - Brazil FOUNDED


Roberto Thá

Training courses for operations personnel – including carpenters, bricklayers, etc – are also carried out in partnership with Sesi (Brazilian Industrial Social Services) and Senai (National Service for Industrial Training). “We like to establish long-term contracts with suppliers, such that it is a win-win relationship for both parties. The suppliers win with increased volumes and we win by getting to work with suppliers who treat us like their main client,” he concludes.

Civil Construction. Operates in several segments, such as: retail, healtycare, hospitality, incorporation, industrial, education and food MANAGEMENT

Roberto Braz Thá: Director of Engineering Gilberto Kaminski: Director of Operations

w w w. t h a e n g e n h a r i a . c o m . b r


BKO Incorporadora Enjoys Making a Difference

Company provides excellent work environment, meets customers’ needs and promotes social activities Written by Tania Franco Produced by Sergio Ambrosino




stablished in the capital of São Paulo, BKO Incorporadora has been following its mission of making a difference working in the sector for 28 years. “BKO is a company that reinvents itself all the time and it is always making sure that its customers are being served well during the whole purchase process. The majority of real state buyers, whether they are buying as an investment or as their home, are not specialists. We try to meet all their needs”, explain Joe Yaqub Khzouz, president of the company. “We care about people, whether that is the customer, the employee, a supplier, partner, or financial institutions. FOCUS ON PEOPLE To meet the property buyers needs, an internal branch of BKO called My Blend helps buyers to customize their units. The service helps customers manage and execute the entire project including choosing layouts, finishes

Office located at Av. Faria Lima, São Paulo 194

October 2014


and furnishings. Another service offered to the clients is the Club Prime BKO. This service is for people who are loyal to the brand and acquire more than one BKO unit, be it commercial or residential. They have benefits such as early and exclusive information about future developments, relevant data on the housing market, and special trading conditions. Targeting people also extends to the workplace. “Among the companies in our industry and about our size, BKO is the one that has the most developed people management department. We maintain an excellent organizational environment and offer our employees several quality life programs. We can assist, with permanent education, offer profit sharing plans and give regular performance reviews. We also have a program called Espiral de Liderança which develops leaders, as well as the Projeto Multiplicar where through an internal class, the employee can share his own w w w. b k o . c o m . b r



experience with others,” says the CEO. In addition, the company provides it employees with access to a gym, massage spa and salon. A project named Gincana Sustentável is another initiative that shows how the society matters. Every month, employees, partners and clients are involved in social and environmental actions such as the collection of books, clothing, food and toys, as well as blood and marrow donation, tree planting, and much more. In 2011, the company created a partnership with Pacto Global – an organization that helps to fight for the end of corruption and child labor. ACTION MEETS INNOVATION Created in 1986 by Joe Yaqub Khzouz, Maurício Bianchi and Luiz Olivé, BKO Incorporadora operates in the Brazilian real estate market developing medium and high standard commercial and residential buildings in São Paulo, Sorocaba, Campinas, Limeira, Jundiaí, Americana, São José do Rio Preto, Santos and in the south part of the country. The company invests

BK30 lobby, Alto da Boa Vista


October 2014

Electric bike delivered in enterprises and available in the office for use of contributors BKO

BKO INCORPORADORA constantly in qualified personnel, customization, constructive technologies, customized plants and environmental responsibility. Since 2007, the company has focused on a number of mergers. It has also partnered with a publicly traded company and took the governance in recent years. According to Khzouz , one of BKO’s key strengths is anticipating market trends. “We study sociologically what the costumers should consume in the next cycle, we create the product and then our team of new businesses seeks new areas where we will develop the strategy for this new product.” With the increase of social costs and direct labor, BKO has pursued to industrialize and streamline the processes at each jobsite. The company uses various production management resources. “At the end of each construction project, professionals examine for any disruptions, make corrections when needed and implement the processes. BKO has 26 ceramicaatlas/Novo/


BK30 Alto da Boa Vista facede

processes in line which make it work”, says the executive. Monthly meetings are also held ensure standards of excellence are maintained at the company. “Currently we have a board dedicated to building relations with partners and investors. They provide the senior management team with monthly updates regarding progress,” explains Joe. Currently, BKO is also deploying two technological innovations - BIN, project management software and MEGA, an enterprise management system. Regarding environmental sustainability, the director mentioned that “it is in BKO’s DNA, from the time of purchase of the land until the construction w w w. b k o . c o m . b r



iGLOO Alphavile entrance

of the project.” The company works to a booklet with 500 sustainability guidelines and evaluates each area every six months to verify their fulfillment. Since 2011, the company prepares inventories of greenhouse gases and neutralizes the gases poured in the environment. In all those years of operation, BKO has delivered around 1,700,000 m² of work sites. Currently, approximately 180,000 m² of new projects are under construction - in the medium and high market standards in São Paulo and Santos alone. The expected launch in 2014 is a PSV of over U$ 1 million. The president also talks about the company’s plans for the next five years: “We want to continue to grow organically and sustainably in order to retain and motivate our personnel. In this process, BKO wants to remain an 200

October 2014


Company Information INDUSTRY

Real Estate development HEADQUARTERS



Joe Yaqub Khzouz

innovator in products and services. We want to be known as a company that really cares about the people, the community and the environment. “ Accordingly, cross branding is one of BKO’s corporate strategies. The company has already signed partnerships with companies such as NET, Pantone, Zazcar, Limelocker, Whirpool, RUN & FUN, Engemix and Bayer. “We are working to innovate the company and these partnerships will help with that,” concludes Joe Khzouz.

Operates in the real estate market developing commercial and residential buildings of medium and high standard. Provides the product line iGLOO and Club Prime BKO KEY PEOPLE

Joe Yaqub Khzouz, President of BKO

w w w. b k o . c o m . b r



Making the dream of home ownership come true With over 10 thousand housing units delivered in Brazil, meeting the needs of customers is the main goal of the company Written by Flavia Brancato Produced by Serio Ambrosino




ounded in 1987, FMM Engenharia is one of the largest homebuilders in numbers of housing units delivered in Brazil. The company has delivered more than 10,000 units and currently, more than 3,000 are under construction. FMM ensures efficiency that follows a commitment that goes beyond the business itself: to ensure that more and more Brazilians become homeowners over the years. Today, FMM operates in the states of ParanĂĄ, Santa Catarina, SĂŁo Paulo and Tocantins, working in development, construction, and sales of residential buildings. Building homes with the most advanced technology and the most rigorous quality standards. Everything is linked with comfort, space and quality of life, affordable prices to all Brazilians, by direct financing with Caixa EconĂ´mica Federal or through the Federal Government Program - Minha Casa Minha Vida.

Cedros residential 204

October 2014


Vila Verde

QUALITY The Quality Management at FMM Engenharia was developed with the goal of assisting in control, standardization and monitoring of construction processes, seeking improvement and innovation. Believing in the global concept that technology and quality go together, FMM invests in management capabilities which brings a high technical, administrative and productive performance to the company. Combining skills and professional training, its employees are encouraged to specialize in their own activities, aiming to increase the company’s production. Pursuing quality during the entire process, it was inserted leadership and teamwork into the daily routine, which were essential for achieving positive results and the business goals as a whole. Standing out from the competitors, FMM management system is used not only as a mandatory requirement, but also as a tool of domain, measurement and continuous improvement in all activities throughout the w w w. f m m . c o m . b r




company, seeking to always build better and to keep growing. With a well arranged and solid structure, FMM Engenharia has prepared a strong and sustainable base to meet the industry needs. The company does not leave things to chance. The company was built by professionals who believe that trust should be earned with quality and dedication. CERTIFICATES All the certifications earned by FMM Engenharia ensure that operations and performances meet technical parameters and accordingly, all the properties are built with the utmost quality. Accredited and certified by the Brazilian Program of Quality and Productivity at Habitat - PBQP-H, as well as the International Quality Standards of ISO 9001, FMM is part of a select group of Brazilian companies whose quality control of materials used, as well as components 206

October 2014


and constructive management, are ensuring an excellent result. PARTNERS The company has total control over the production and construction technologies. FMM Engenharia is specialized in sanitation and industrial

Le Village Pitangui, Uvaranas w w w. f m m . c o m . b r



Le Village Pitangui 2

projects for residential homes, providing consumers the opportunity of an affordable quality home, well finished properties, and structured sites. Large partnerships are the key of success. Some of the main clients served by FMM include: Caixa Econômica Federal; Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba; Klabin; Scholpp Montage (Audi/Volkswagen); Bloco Indústria Cerâmica, among others. VALUES Part of such a demanding market, FMM is recognized as one of the best construction companies who provides and delivers the finest finishes, on time, and better costs properties in the market. For over 25 years of 208

October 2014


Company Information INDUSTRY


São José dos Pinhais, Paraná - Brazil FOUNDED



operations, the company maintains the same values of respect, appropriate ethics, and transparency to continue attending the industry and keep the commitment of quality during all the steps ranging from incorporation, to construction and finally the sale of its residential homes. Always aiming the best results, the company also is concerned with the facts linked to sustainability, employees’ commitment and, of course, meeting the deadlines for every home built under the FMM name.

Incorporation, construction and residential building sales MANAGEMENT

Gustavo Tetto, President

w w w. f m m . c o m . b r


DNA of Ecuador’s infrastructure:

Leaving a resilient trademark for the long run among the country’s foundations

Written by: Rebecca Castrejon Traduced by: Rafael Tablado Produced by: Jassen Pintado Interviewee: Noemi Pozo, CEO, UCEM




nion Cementera Nacional UCEM C.E.M. was conceived in September 2013 when Cemento Chimborazo (with a more than 60-year history) and Industrias Guapan, a cement trade company with a 52 year-long operation in Ecuador, merged 86 and 100 percent of their stocks respectively. The largest portion of UCEM stocks is managed by the Ecuadorian government, which is also in charge of a large scheme of the union’s operations.

Trained human resource

UCEM has two production plants: Planta Chimborazo, in Riobamba (with about 270 employees) and Planta Guapan, located in Azogues (employing more than 300 workers). Even though facilities are no more than 100 miles apart, UCEM directs efforts to standardize both plants’ operation for a projected production of 450,000 tons of cement per year after a US$40 million investment in automation and cutting-edge technology for both locations. UCEM business practices are in compliance with modern business standards, earning them multiple certifications such as INEN 490:2011 (compliance according to the Ecuadorian institute for standardization) and ISO 9001:2008. Although the merger is only about a year old, both Cemento Chimborazo and Industrias Guapan have taken their leadership, brand prestige, longevity in the market and competitive


October 2014


Key Personnel

Noemi Pozo CEO of UniĂłn Cementera Nacional UCEM C.E.M.

Competitive products Guapan

human resource to the new venture. The company values its product quality and the consumers’ trust towards this new brand over their territorial growth nationwide and increasing sales. On top of UCEM In our interview with Noemi Pozo, CEO for Union Cementera Nacional (UCEM C.E.M.), w w w. c e m e n t o c h i m b o r a z o . c o m



Mill Project

she disclosed her short-term projections, the consolidation strategy for the merger and their operations’ expansion into other markets in Latin America. Here’s the Q&A...

Relevant equipment and machinery

BRAL: Tell us about yourself as a professional, and your time in the cement industry? NP: I’m an engineer in Business Administration, specializing in fiscal matters. I’ve been working in this industry for 23 years, most of the time within the financial area. BRAL: What achievement are you the most proud of from your time running UCEM C.E.M.? NP: I’m most proud of leading two production plants, which previously had been competitors. Now they support each other with technology,


October 2014



resources, and a committed staff working for the same purpose. BRAL: What traits have made the company a leader in Ecuador’s construction sector? NP: The automation at the plants has definitely become one of our main innovations. Quality control systems also allow us to guarantee every product to consumers, and it also helps in holding permanent research programs to develop production alternatives for continuous improvement. BRAL: What projects are developing at UCEM in the 2014-2015 year? NP: Our main goals for 2014 have been the merger’s consolidation, detection of both

“We hope to keep growing and improving continuously to become strong competitors within the domestic market and facing the privately held companies” – Noemi Pozo, CEO of Unión Cementera Nacional UCEM C.E.M.

w w w. c e m e n t o c h i m b o r a z o . c o m




production plants’ strengths and weaknesses, and the development of a plan meant to make the most of actual resources. Since both plants increased their production capacity, we must improve sales during 2014 and 2015 by growing our clientele. BRAL: What are your current plans to take the brand into other markets in Latin America? NP: We are currently broadening our reach by exporting our products into Colombia. In 2013 there were 10,942 tons exported; in 2014 we have already exported 35,788 tons. This shows our steady growth pace in this market.

Cement Plant

BRAL: Has the company made any progress toward becoming more environmentally friendly?

Production of cement w w w. c e m e n t o c h i m b o r a z o . c o m


UNION CEMENTERA NACIONAL UCEM C.E.M. NP: We have designed a Social Responsibility Business Plan, in which we will support different projects to improve life conditions in the communities where our plants are located. We are also taking vegetables bred in our nursery to the inner country to reforest mining zones, cliffs, and other areas where reforesting is necessary.

Human Capital

BRAL: What are the company’s projections for the next five years? NP: We are working on the integration among both plants to achieve collaboration between them on a larger scale. We hope to keep growing and improving continuously to become strong


competitors within the domestic market and facing the privately held companies.

“I’m proudest of leading two production plants which had been competitors previously, and now they support each other with technology, resources and a committed staff working for the same purpose”

Company Information INDUSTRY

Construction (cement) HEADQUARTERS

San Juan Chico, Riobamba, Ecuador FOUNDED

September 2013 (merger) EMPLOYEES


USD $130 millions WEBSITE

– Noemi Pozo, CEO of Unión Cementera Nacional UCEM C.E.M.

w w w. c e m e n t o c h i m b o r a z o . c o m


Global standards in the construction of civil engineering projects: Competitive performance in Peru’s complex projects

Written by: Rebecca Castrejon Produced by: Jassen Pintado Interviewee: Goran Radovic, CCO

E N E R G O P R O J E K T- N I S K O G R A D N J A S . A .


NERGORPROJEKT’s drive towards expansion really makes it stand out because the company has set foot into four continents, with a presence in more than 70 countries, since its establishment in 1951 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Canal Ramal Nuevo - El Arenal

“The company has qualified personnel to work in different kinds of projects, both in design and construction” – Goran Radovic, CCO 224

October 2014

Such expansion is a result of trading in foreign markets to obtain profits representing more than 50 percent of the holding’s annual revenue thanks to business units in sectors such as energy, engineering, infrastructure, sustainable development, industrial technology and other services, along with new projects in development. A substantial part of this growth is happening in Peru, where complex, relevant projects have been completed by their San Isidro branch. The holding’s operations in this country range from road construction to local and commercial infrastructure projects. These enterprises have lead to the rise of Energoprojekt-Niskogradnja S.A., whose stocks share meant a purpose renewal for the company, and is now being focused in the construction of dams, power stations, roads, concrete structures, underground buildings, water works and irrigation systems. Branches from Energoprojekt - Niskogradnja S.A., both domestic and worldwide, honor the organization’s mission supported by the PCI’s (corporate integrity program) company standards,


Key People

Goran Radovic CCO

Special Project Chira Piura - Peru

bringing added value to their business partners, along with compliance certifications such as ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 Projects for 2014-2015 The company earned it’s competition’s respect after completing relevant projects such as: w w w. e n e r g o p ro j e k t - n g . r s / e s


E N E R G O P R O J E K T- N I S K O G R A D N J A S . A .

Freeway Trujillo-Shiran-Huamachuco

Hydroelectric plant Chancay y Rucuy, Phase 1

• Presa Poechos dam in Peru, one of the most important structures in the Chira-Piura irrigation system • Presa Los Ejidos dam, part of the company’s special projects in Ribera Piura • Central Hidroelectrica Chancay and Rucuy (power station), Phase 1 • Road rehabilitation for the CochabambaChota highway Outstanding ongoing projects include: • Construction in Chancay and Rucuy hydroelectricity stations; construction of dams, tunnels, overflow channels, canals and tubing under a $39 million contract • Mechanical rooms and related structures • EGEMSA dam reconstruction and


October 2014


Dam Poechos

consultancy; this facility produces 101.4 megawatts power, with a capacity of near 18,000 gallons per second • Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Pericos - San Ignacio road stretch under a $33 million investment • Reconstruction of the Chota - Cochabamba highway, in the Cajamarca province Productive machinery During civil engineering projects, the machinery used by Energoproject-Niskogradnja S.A. has become a crucial factor for successful work completions, with a wide variety of available materials and equipment suited for the most complex projects, helping them in fulfilling their clients’ demands.

“Professionalism is our main attribute. It is also very important that we are still working in Peru, a country in which competition has increase in the last ten years” – Goran Radovic, CCO

w w w. e n e r g o p ro j e k t - n g . r s / e s


E N E R G O P R O J E K T- N I S K O G R A D N J A S . A .

Also, this machinery is constantly upgraded and updated; in fact, it is repaired in the company’s own, modern workshop, which is the result of important investments in the most recent technology and cutting-edge machinery, displaying the company’s ambition to remain competitive with their own equipment.

Chavimochic Trujillo Peru

Global sustainability Due to the company’s focus as engineering contractors, dam and underground structure builders, they follow the global Energoprojekt’s sustainability vision, with uttermost quality and


care for the environment through eco-friendly operations, simultaneously. The company’s future in Peru After a 63 year oldworldwide operation, Energoprojekt - Niskogradnja S.A. expects continuous growth in their income, between 3 and 4 percent yearly until late 2015.

THE INTERVIEW Goran Radovic, the CCO for ENERGOPROJEKT NISKOGRADNJA S.A. - Peru Branch, spoke with

Dam Reconstruction Chavimochic - Peru w w w. e n e r g o p ro j e k t - n g . r s / e s


E N E R G O P R O J E K T- N I S K O G R A D N J A S . A . Business Review America Latina about the affiliate’s future in the South American country, projections for coming years and its current operations.

Sullana Dam

Rehabilitation of the road CochabambaChota

BRAL: Do you expect a positive outcome for coming years? GR: Energoprojekt is a group of companies (becoming a holding, actually) conceived in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (which is now the capital of Serbia), but after Yugoslavia’s disintegration during the 1990s, the area suffered the consequences of political changes, which, as a result, affected the company’s contracts due to civil wars and disputes, the same way it happens in Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries and African nations such as Algeria, not only because of changes in the political climate but also in religion. Internally, Serbia (location for Energoprojekt’s headquarters) was also affected by sanctions imposed by the U.N. for years during the nineties. But Energorpojekt was able to overcome all of these incidents; and after recovering, we are ready to take a step forward. In Peru we have engaged in construction for infrastructure projects, mostly. BRAL: Are you looking forward to expand the company’s operations in other Latin American countries? GR: In respect to Latin America, Energoprojekt has been here for a slightly more than 40 years


October 2014


and even though we have branches in Bolivia and Argentina, we are mainly engaged in projects developed in Peru. If we engage in more projects, these would probably happen in Bolivia and Argentina, countries which are already familiar to us. BRAL: How is Energoprojekt - Niskogradnja S.A. managing its personnel? GR: Energoprojekt is a huge enterprise trading in Belgrade’s stock market; acting in accordance to its size and level, the company has qualified personnel to work in different kinds of projects, both in design as in actual construction.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Internal improvements / Infrastructure HEADQUARTERS

Lima, San Isidro, Peru FOUNDED


BRAL: What role have your suppliers played in the company’s success? GR: We nurture a proper relationship with every single supplier here in Peru, we have never fallen short of any of our commitments towards them, we know them deeply and we have worked together for very long now.


USD $250 millions

BRAL: What has been one of your most important achievements? GR: As long as I wear the Energoprojekt shirt, professionalism is our main attribute. It is also very important that we are still working in Peru, a country in which competition is not what it was ten years ago; the construction sector in this country has grown and it is no small feat that we are still engaging in projects after so many years. w w w. e n e r g o p ro j e k t - n g . r s / e s


Achievement through specialized services:

The right company at the right time for public infrastructure development in Colombia and Peru

Written by: Mateo Rafael Tablado Produced by: Jassen Pintado




L Ingenieros S.A. started in 1968, providing maintenance and structure support for the mining and cement industries. Their service line kept growing until the 1980s, when the company engaged in larger, complex projects. Their specialized services include industrial assembly, civil engineering and project management.

Construction in Puerto Drummond del Tandem Car Dumper

HL Ingenieros works with the following sectors: • Cement production • Mining • Gas and oil • Petrochemistry • Power supply • Food and beverage • Environmental management Due to the several social and political changes that Colombia was subject to in recent decades, HL Ingenieros were thrust into foreign markets, working in projects held in Central America first, and afterwards in neighboring countries. Aside from Colombia, today the company has a presence in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Panama. Compliance with ISO and OHSAS standards isn’t anything new for HL Ingenieros. In fact, the company has been the recipient of certifications


October 2014


Key People

Camilo Mu単oz CEO of HL Ingenieros S.A.

SANTA FE LADRILLERA. Installation and modification of the crushing and coal combustion systems Fabrications

and awards from foreign companies known worldwide, such as Chevron. Services offered by HL Ingenieros have been helpful in making a name for the company, but it takes more than that to be competitive in a

w w w. h l i n g e n i e ro s . c o


HL INGENIEROS S.A. market wide open for both domestic and foreign companies, since opportunities to get involved in public works and infrastructure projects are more present than ever.

Electromechanical assembly of

Effort and quality in every single project, in addition to the improved stability Colombia enjoys in recent years, have provided HL Ingenieros with conditions to increase their annual income rate, set at $20 million in 2000 and having reached up to $65 million in the last few years; a trend that delivers projections of a 20 percent growth rate during the next five years.

the MC3 Project


The road to opportunity via sea, land and air HL Ingenieros has found its way into hailed public works projects much needed in Colombia, which are viable today. Some traits distinguishing the firm include project completion ahead of schedule and a very low accident rate. The company is getting involved as subcontractors for sought-after projects, such as the nine “4G” roads (about 5,000 miles of road construction nationwide). This is largely a result of of the projects having been granted to larger firms who need HL Ingenieros’ knowledge

Installation of tanks for the company RECOPE

ACERIAS PEACE RIVER. Turnkey supply and installation of plant equipment w w w. h l i n g e n i e ro s . c o


HL INGENIEROS S.A. of the territory and available expertise in electromechanics, tunnel controls and ventilation systems. The Company also applies its expertise to other details which can’t be overlooked in projects whose main purposes are to be fast and safe when completed.

Electromechanical assembly for BavariaBrewery Leone

Another recent achievement where the company will be kept busy for a while is the newly granted Magdalena River works. This is Colombia’s third-largest river, but the most important, since it connects most of the mainland with the Caribbean Sea. Much needed logistic ports must be built along its course..


It’s clear now that most projects requiring HL Ingenieros’ know-how and qualities are related to infrastructure, such as the new production plant for Mexican cement firm CEMEX, already under construction in the Antioquia department (province) with a $340 million investment. It’s scheduled for opening in mid-2015, with a second phase to be ready before late 2016. And in breaking news, it is now publicly known that HL is bidding for the Yopal and Ibague airport projects, which are expected to improve the visitors’ rate to these tourism destinations. True partnerships know no borders

Columbus Project in Cartagena, Colombia

HL Ingenieros is pairing with Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construção, from Brazil, in order to bid for the airport projects. Also, the company is open to partnerships with either domestic or foreign firms for the Magdalena River projects. Investment to remain at the cutting-edge The management at HL Ingenieros knows very well that the best strategy to keep atop domestic companies is investing in the best equipment and latest generation machinery. During the last couple of years, more than $5 million has been destined to upgrade the equipment and machinery, staying ahead of the competition by using power tools no older than 2009 models.

w w w. h l i n g e n i e ro s . c o



Manufacture and supply of structures for CEMEX

Sustainability and safety as leverage factors Being able to work abroad and competing with global firms for a share of a sizeable project grant in Colombia means certain standards need to be well taken care of. As a a result of this care, HL Ingenieros was awarded Chevron’s gold medal for safe procedures in their projects.

Engineering and civil works for Steelworks Paz del Rio 240

October 2014

In addition, environmental management in project design is now part of their service line, which goes under revision monthly by the management. This has helped to grow the company’s reputation as a reliable company.


Company Information

Green lights for development Even though HL Ingenieros has worked in most countries in Central America and a couple of Colombia’s neighbors in South America, upper management decided in favor of cost reduction, focusing only in Colombia and Peru, where new projects are not only the everyday talk of the town, but also actually happening. It is projected that in the short term, half of the company’s income will be earned in domestic projects and the other half from endeavors in Peru.



Bogota, Departamento de Cundinamarca, Colombia FOUNDED


500-1000 REVENUE

“HL Ingenieros was awarded Chevron’s gold medal for safe procedures in their projects”

USD $65 millions EMAIL WEBSITE

w w w. h l i n g e n i e ro s . c o


Liftronic Pty Lt

Liftronic’s Innovation Moves Upward in Vertical Transpor

A trustworthy and experienced supplier of elevators, based on 30 years of experience. Written by: Andrew Rossillo Produced by: Andrew Zhao


s Company Ever rtation Industry

, escalators, service and advice



Lift Shaft

ESTABLISHED IN 1985, Liftronic is Australia’s largest independent lift company, trusted by Government Departments, property developers, Bodies Corporate, and private home owners to design, supply, install modernise and maintain thousands of lifts and escalators across all major Australian markets. The company has grown to rival the strength, services and products of its competitors, through a relentless dedication to new technology, drawn from an international network of the world’s leading lift and escalator manufacturers. Managing Director & Founder 244

October 2014

Milan Debelak founded Liftronic 30 years ago. He is likely the longest standing Managing Director within the vertical transportation industry in Australia. “We started with a very small group of people, working out of effectively a tin shed where we were doing all the operations,” says Debelak. “We were performing installations, administration and management, sales and tendering, maintenance, and service work. And we saw that the industry was becoming globalised, and that there was space for personalised service with an Australian view rather than an overseas view. We saw a great


Vehicle lift

opportunity. I didn’t want to work for one of the larger, globalised companies. We decided to go out on our own and to give the industry a try. We found a lot of our existing relationships and customers from when we were working in the industry were very keen to work with us.” “We started as a two-man band and have grown to be the largest independent lift company. We have built up a strong reputation in the industry that now spans four generations both here and overseas.”

in the Australian market, Liftronic is in a unique position to draw on new technology from multiple channels from across the globe, which provides a much broader resource than is available to many other companies who are limited to their own technology. Liftronic people have access to a broad resource of technology, engineering solutions, knowledge and experience. We have participated in almost every technological advancement in the past quarter century. For example, Knowledge and Experience Liftronic was among the first As the largest independent company Australian companies to employ w w w. l i f t r o n i c . c o m . a u


L I F T R O N I C P T Y LT D machine-roomless lifts, energy systems, cutting-edge controller dispatching systems, remote fault diagnostic systems and observation and special application lifts. Liftronic’s customers can be confident that they are dealing with people with the highest levels of expertise, who have access to the broadest range of new technology and the latest engineering solutions. Quality People Keep the Company Going Up For 30 years Liftronic have

installed and maintained elevators and escalators across a broad spectrum of Australian operating environments. They are justifiably proud of the quality of their products, services and the expertise of their people. Liftronic’s people are some of the industry’s most highly regarded. Its management team is hands-on in Australia, available to respond immediately to the needs of its customers. “A number of years ago, as the directors were spread over a larger, growing business, we decided we needed a plan. We need people working with us that can have personalised and direct contact internally and externally. We’re very hands-on,” says Debelak. All the Company’s Directors are available to all clients in relation to any matters that affect the business. “We welcome this contact because it gives us detailed information on what our business is doing and what our clients need.” Liftronic is large enough to leverage size and scale, but still small enough that clients can pick up the phone and dial directors directly. “That’s something


extremely important to us. All our directors need to know exactly what’s going on in the business. It’s critical that we have that intimate contact with our clients. This way, we actually experience the issues.” This allows Liftronic to better understand, serve and anticipate. “The directors continue to maintain this hands-on approach, but as the business grows it becomes a little more difficult. Therefore, we established an Executive Management Team (EMT) that work with us to cover the growth in the business. Our EMT work with us and with our middle managers to run and grow the business.” “We develop strategies horizontally and vertically with our Management Team and all our staff,” says Debelak. Thanks to this approach, Liftronic has also been able to establish and groom its employees in a manner that creates and maintains an existing network to make sure no responsibilities are ever lost track of, and we promptly and effectively attend to our clients’ needs.

Capabilities Liftronic is committed to their Quality Accreditation and an uncompromising Safety Management System. Their responsive and highly trained staff are available 24/7 with access to local inventory of quality spare parts and the support of a customer centric “walk-the-talk” leadership culture. The Company’s unique position as the largest Australian company in the sector allows them to maximise the service, operational and financial deliverables that are valued by their clients and their customers, in retail environments, Government facilities, transport hubs, residential towers, office blocks and private residences. “We differentiate ourselves through products, service and innovation throughout the business offerings we provide. We have great flexibility across a range of products that satisfy all vertical transportation needs. As a company, we probably have the widest range of products one company can offer within the vertical transportation industry,” says Debelak. “Part of what makes us unique is w w w. l i f t r o n i c . c o m . a u




that while we have longstanding and substantial business partners and suppliers, we are not obligated to provide a fixed product that would, for example, suit a multinational’s parent. We have great flexibility that allows us to choose product that best suits the client. Also, we have complete autonomy in that all our decisions on products and services are done locally by people that run the business on a day-to-day basis with a strategic longterm view.� Liftronic is bound to an ethos that ensures their clients experience the highest levels of quality, safety 248

October 2014

and service. This approach has consistently delivered superior passenger comfort, increased uptime, and has extended the operational lifecycle of their products. Focused on Developing Technology and Growth Liftronic works hard to leverage their cutting-edge position while continuously looking for potential acquisitions, companies with good value within their organisations, whether they are directly lift companies or have similar synergies to their own. “Fortunately, we


have a good amount of available funds and facilities which allow us to make relatively large acquisitions,” says Debelak. Liftronic is currently focused on developing technology and looking for acquisitions for growth. “We have some substantial suppliers and contributors. We consider our suppliers our partners in our business. We are working with them in great detail to develop new products in our industry,” says Debelak. Liftronic’s products, engineered components and architectural finishes are drawn from multiple supply chains that connect their customers to the latest and best solutions in the world. “This means cutting-edge products are not only driven by multinational competitors, we are also driving technology and efficiency improvements within existing and new products.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


North South Wales, Australia FOUNDED



+$40 Million

Liftronic’s Future “The Australian market has huge amounts of opportunity for a company that is offering quality product and high levels of services. We see people that are hungry for that. In addition, the Australian economy has a very good base for growth. We see a lot of opportunity both within our existing and new markets.” Above all, Liftronic is instilled with a level of integrity that is the foundation of customer relationships that spans decades and will quite surely continue to add decades to its peerless track record.


Established in 1985, Liftronic is Australia’s largest independent lift company, trusted by Government Departments, property developers, Bodies Corporate, and private home owners to design, supply, install, modernise and maintain thousands of lifts and escalators across all major Australian markets.

w w w. l i f t r o n i c . c o m . a u


Hiflow Industri

Hiflow Industries: A Leade HVAC&R Industry The award-winning company has excelled using its and minimizing what doesn’t. Written by: Kevin Smead Produced by: Bryan Giles


er in Australia’s formula of maximizing what works



Headquarters Geebung Brisbane, QLD

FOR HIFLOW INDUSTRIES, keeping it cool it just part of the business. Drawing on 20 years of experience providing a wide range of air conditioning services to industrial and commercial clients, Hiflow is a recognized, award-winning leader in Australia. The company has two simple goals: maximize cooling potential and minimize energy usage, both of which are main factors in the reduction of costs. On top of all that, Hiflow is committed to sustainability and strives to go above and beyond when it comes to ensuring its 252

October 2014

operations are not only good for clients, but the environment as well. An Award Winning Operation At the center of the company is CEO Brett Saunders. Saunders, only 32 years old, received the Young Achiever Award from the Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Building Services (ARBS) exhibition in January of this year. Saunders was recognized for his hard work and dedication not only to Hiflow Industries, but to the HVAC&R industry as a whole.


Safety is our number one priority.

While Saunders is integral to the success of the company, Hiflow as a whole stands tall and was even named an ARBS Outstanding Service and Maintenance Provider in 2012. Wholly Client Focused The company is known for its outstanding service, as they aim to always exceed expectations. Everything they do is client focused and the direction of their innovation is steered toward providing better service. They aim for quick turnaround times without

sacrificing quality. To ensure this happens, the company has employed an innovative system called HITRAC, a tracking system that offers maximum transparency for the client. “In today’s marketplace, clients want information, data, and service quick and for us as a business, we identified an opportunity to provide that service by introducing HITRAC,” Saunders explained. “Our guys have mobile reporting with the iPads out on site. They can upload all the information, they can take w w w. h i f l o w. c o m . a u


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“There are three key fundamentals we push through everyone at our business, from apprentice to senior management: reliability, communication, and presentation,”



photos of the jobs at the time they have completed it, get the clients to sign off, then it gets uploaded into HITRAC and the clients have access there. We build an online database of every job that gets performed.” Ultimately, this helps the client save money in the long term, since they can reduce the chances of failure and correctly select the correct asset replacement sequence. This is all part of Hiflow’s core value of maximizing efficiencies. “When the right climate is crucial to your business and downtime can be costly, now only does it lower everyone’s productivity, it leads to unforeseen expenses.”

seminars are held frequently to ensure everyone is always up to date on safety protocols. To further its commitment to safety, Hiflow has introduced a new online risk assessment process. The system enables technicians to perform an online risk and safety assessments before beginning work, allowing for the safer and more effective completion of a job. Keeping its work environmentally friendly is another major priority for Hiflow. Much like its safety practices, it meets all legal standards and practices—but views them a minimal standard. Between its attempt to have a paperless office via the implementation of its HITRAC Doing Business Better system or its trucks usage of LPG, it While clients are at the top of has a number of measures in place Hiflow’s list of priorities, it’s also to ensure its operation is running as highly committed to its team’s safety green as possible. and the environment. Hiflow also performs energy Hiflow operates within all audits on its clients to ensure their government standards, but aims systems are running as efficiently to go above and beyond when it as possible. The company is also comes to safety. All of its workers certified to manage indoor air quality, are initially trained on safety which ensures that clients’ systems protocols, but it doesn’t just stop are running clean. Hiflow says it there. Safety regulations are has reduced airborne and surface updated regularly and training borne bacteria by 97%, making for a w w w. h i f l o w. c o m . a u




October 2014


healthier, better air conditioning system. Toward the Future While Hiflow is already at the top of its game, the company is always looking for new opportunities and ways to improve. In addition to its headquarters in Brisbane, it also has offices in Sydney and Melbourne. The company is currently expanding into Western Australia. It’s also rolling a new national procurement program for its suppliers and subcontractors, hoping to further boost efficiency. According to Saunders, the business’ success comes down to just a few points. “There are three key fundamentals we push through everyone at our business, from apprentice to senior management: reliability, communication, and presentation,” he said. As Hiflow Industries continues to operate with these three key principles in mind, it looks toward continued expansion while still providing the top quality services it has come to be known for.

“In today’s marketplace, clients want information, data, and service quick and for us as a business, we identified an opportunity to provide that service by introducing HITRAC,”

Company Information INDUSTRY


Geebung Brisbane, QLD FOUNDED



$50 Million PRODUCTS/ SERVICES Australian owned and operated, we are an industry leader focused on researching and delivering new and innovative online job management protocols that help our clients to achieve sustainability, energy efficiency and cost savings. We are specialists in air conditioning and mechanical services construction and installation, refurbishment, maintenance and repair, and we offer the following services: HVAC&R maintenance; Specialized maintenance; Online job management; Repair services; Refurbishments; Retro fitting; Construction. Based in Brisbane, Queensland, the Hiflow Industries team is well resourced, highly motivated and very knowledgeable. Our modern workshop facilities are well stocked with spare parts and our service vehicles are professionally equipped ensuring quick turnaround times and quality workmanship on every job.

w w w. h i f l o w. c o m . a u


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