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Advantages of a bathroom without tiles

The advantages of a bathroom without tiles are several, whether the space is new or in case of restructuring. Today the market offers various innovative solutions that overtake the traditional tiles in both performance and aesthetics.

Some of the available renovations techniques include;


Synthetic varnish or restructuring paint

Renovating the bathroom with synthetic varnish or waterproof paint coatings is an economically convenient choice. The wide range of colours and effects is an additional advantage; however, these solutions lead to an only partial renovation, because they don’t allow for an aesthetic change.

Stoneware tiles

Covering the old floor with thin stoneware tiles guarantees e low thickness, a high abrasion- and wear-resistance, a good durability over time, a reduced maintenance and a wide range of formats and finishes. This material is not porous and is therefore good in terms of hygiene and cleanliness.

Epoxy resin Coating

Coating the bathroom with an epoxy resin guarantees a high humidity resistance and a good hygiene of the material. The great possibility of customization with colours and decorations along with the contemporary appeal defined the success of this solution in the past few years. It is however necessary to replace any broken or missing tile.

Wood coatings

very nice and warm from an aesthetic point of view, but this material hardly withstands humidity and is therefore not appropriate for the bathroom area. In case of direct contact with water, a quick wipe is necessary.

Microcement (microtopping)

Coating a bathroom with microcement implies several advantages compared to more traditional solutions. Microcement is a decorative and extremely ductile concrete-based material with a minimum thickness of 3 mm, which allows to create innovative seamless surfaces: floors, walls, ceilings but it can also be used to coat shower stalls, tubs and pieces of furniture.

Coating the bathroom with Ideal Work®’s Microtopping® microcement allows you to obtain a seamless contemporary space characterized by a unique and customized design.It is Finely designed, thanks to its seamlessness this product is able to make your bathroom look bigger on one hand and to guarantee a more hygienic and easy-to-clean space on the other.

Thanks to the manual application, it is greatly customizable through a wide choice of colours and effects. It’s also a very versatile solution; it matches many different decor styles and its seamlessness visually enlarges the spaces; microcement is therefore suitable for small bathrooms too.

Attentively designed, Ideal Work®’s Microtopping® microcement is resistant to wear, water and chemical agents. Compared to traditional tiles, it’s practical and easy to clean. Microcement modern solutions represent a convenient choice because they are humidity and wear-resistant, long-lasting and easy to clean.

To coat an entire wall with microcement there are some steps to follow: first the surface has to be cleaned and prepared for the installation; then, a first base coat is given. Once the surface has dried, it is sanded and cleaned; a first coat of finish follows, and if necessary a second coat of finish is also applied. After a few days a coat of protective resin is applied to finish the job. With just a few steps and in a few days the work is done!

Choosing a bathroom without a ceramic tiles coating is convenient for several reasons:


the innovative bathroom has no tiles; tiles represent in fact the traditional bathroom and are therefore old-fashioned. Modern bathrooms are characterized by a new idea of space.

Seamlesssness and hygiene Easy renovations and refurbishments

A bathroom with tiles needs some spare tiles in case some of them are damaged, for replacement. However, sometimes it happens that those tiles are no longer available on the market. A bathroom without tiles is easy to renovate and doesn’t need any replacement part.

Minimum application problems

The possibility to customize the bathroom space is therefore very wide:Ideal Work®’s Microtopping® microcement coatings offer a wide range of combinations of colours and effects, where shades and intensity can be customized too.

A seamless floor visually enlarges the space and allows a better cleanliness; joints tend to blacken and to accumulate dirt if not properly and frequently cleaned. Abathroom without tiles,coated with a seamless surface is easy and quick to clean.

Stop to demolitions

Renovating the floor without removing the old tiles is now possible; with Ideal Work solutions it’s possible to cover the old tiles and therefore to avoid annoying and expensive demolition works. This way the renovation works are shorter and the environment is kept cleaner. Moreover, the risk of damage (such as pipe breakdowns) is minimum.

Shorter restoration times

few days it’s possible to obtain a new modern bathroom without major problems.

Tiles require to be cut and applied. This may lead to inaccuracies and flaws in the perimeter next to the wall; in case of incorrect cut, in fact, tiles may result too big for the space to fill, causing unpleasant visual effects.

Partial coatings

There are many ideas for an original bathroom renovation. One of those could be to match a modern facing such as microcement with tiles. For example one could cover just a wall, creating an interesting contrast between different styles and techniques. Thanks to its dynamism, microcement is a versatile material, perfect for unusual combinations and able to satisfy any aesthetic taste.

Choosing the colour of a bathroom without tiles

is not always easy and quick to find, microcement is suitable for a wide chromatic exploration whose aim is to create one’s own desired shade. Not to mention the possibility to choose the colour up to the very last moment before the application, unlike the tiles choice, which has to be made in advance.

This is possible thanks to Ideal Work®’s authorized applicators’ manual installation. From white to grey and brighter colours, with a rough concrete, a wood or a polish effect. Possibilities are endless with Ideal Work®’s Microtopping® microcement. This material of a high visual impact can also be applied to other parts of the house to create a smooth continuity among its different spaces.

To give the bathroom a great brightness and finesse, along with a visual enlargement effect, pure white is the ideal colour. With a wooden decor or some metal details, silver gray is perfect. Black gives the bathroom an elegant touch, sky blue is suitable for a beach house or, combined with white, for an ocean style interior. Terracotta highlights a classic or rustic environment and lavender makes unique a shabby-chic bathroom.


Having the option of not touching certain objects has always been important, especially when we talk about public spaces. As we live, the existence of this option has gained new relevance.

When exists the necessity to use a public bathroom, it is normal that we want to avoid touching when unloading the toilet.

With this need in mind, OLI develops toilets that allow the discharge to be carried out only with the approach of the hand, avoiding contact and transmission of bacteria. We talk about Hydroboost, a sustainable technology that allows you to generate energy through the entry of water into the flush.

Electronic flush plates, such as the Electra III model, also have the advantage of having a system that makes it resistant to eventual acts of vandalism, which is also ideal for bathrooms in public spaces such as shopping centres or airports. Ultra-thin thick glass flush plates are another of the options available in various colours and follow the latest trend because they have LED light to activate the discharge.

The first porcelain flush plate winning 4 world prizes, Moon, completes the wide range of OLI products where unloading into the toilet can also be activated without resorting to touch.

Thinking about who wants to renovate the bathroom without having to resort to deeper works, maintaining the No-Touch feature to activate the unloading, OLI has developed a solution with the most demanding quality standards on the market - QR-INOX. The best option for rapid remodelling of the bathroom. It doesn't require intervention on the walls and you can use the existing water inlet and outlet connections.

About OLI

OLI is the largest cistern manufacturer in Southern Europe. Its brand is present in 80 countries on five continents. Over the years, OLI has created products that have, on a global scale changed the daily experience in the bathroom. Their “Inspired by water” signature concept embodies the company’s mission to place innovation at the service of water conservation, aiming to make the world a better place, thus protecting the planet and all life. OLI is recognized for constantly studying new and better solutions that increase water efficiency and accessibility for people with reduced mobility. Committed to sustainable development, the brand develops versatile solutions with a contemporary design for application in new construction, rehabilitation and renovation projects. OLI believes in a water-efficient bathroom that is comfortable, accessible and safe for all to use. OLI will continue to be defined by innovation. OLI is looking for business partners and projects to join their portfolio in Africa.



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