Extracto de LĂmites y Fronteras de Marisa Belausteguigoitia
How has your community become richer by immigrants? (Contributions to the economy, society, innovation and the arts in the US)
What policies or programs could be helpful to support immigrant's mobility and achieving their full potential in this country? Why do you think that many legal residents are not becoming US citizens? How would you encourage immigrants participation to apply for DACA, the US citizenship, to be part of an art movement or to become an innovator?
Would you ever think of emigrating? Why?
12:10 – 12:12 Mensaje de bienvenida del Consulado General de México en San José 12:13 – 12:17 Introducción a los ponentes Katie Aragon, FWD.US Matt Spangler, SJSU Emmanuel Audelo, Habitajes Loren Cruz, Moderadora del Consulado 12:18 – 12:32 Mensaje de introducción 12:33: - 13:25 Panel de discusión 13:36 – 13:42 Conclusiones y tiempo de preguntas del público 13:43 – 13:48 Agradecimientos finales
Silicon Valley Chapter Director for FWD.US. Social Justice advocate interested in the intersection between technology, politics and immigration in the US. Awarded with the Nakanishi Prize in recognition to her leadership to enhance race and ethnic relations at Yale College and her high academic achievement. Holds a degree from Yale University on Ethnicity, Race and Migration.
MATT SPANGLER PANELISTA Award -winning playwright and theater director, and professor at San Jose State University. His research and creative work focuses on immigration studies, intercultural performance, cultural globalization, documentary theater techniques, and the adaptation of non-dramatic texts for the stage. Codirector of the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute: "The California Immigration Experience through Literature and Theater". He holds degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Ph.D. Performance Studies); Trinity College in Dublin (M.Phil. Theater), and Northwestern University (B.S. Performance Studies).
EMMANUEL AUDELO PANELISTA Began his career in the graffiti hip hop scene in Mexico City during the 1990's. Developed actions and social networks with the youth in public spaces. His work aims to reduce the stigmas surrounding artists and cultural activities developed in the streets and urban environments, strengthening youth networks to transform public spaces and professionalize urban art. Cofounder of Habitajes: research center for the public space, supporting human rights, gender issues, citizenship, memory, social violence-prevention and peace culture.
CONSUL DE PRENSA Y CULTURA MODERADORA Consul for Media Relations and Culture from the Consular Representation of Mexico in San Jose with active functions in the counties of Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey, California. The Consulate offers citizen services to the Mexican community in the area and visa services to foreign citizens. Its mission is to serve the Mexicans abroad and to improve bilateral ties with the Silicon Valley, particularly in the political, economic and cultural spheres. The Consulate is located at 302 Enzo Drive, Suite 200, San Jose, CA, 95138. http://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/sanjose/
CONCLUSIONES 1. El panel destacó el interés del público por realizar otros foros de discusión sobre los programas culturales que se podrían realizar por la representación consular para promover la imagen positiva de México en esta región de California. En particular se destacaron los eventos gastronómicos y eventos culturales donde estén presentes los medios de comunicación que remarquen la relevancia de la comunidad mexicana en California. 2. Se señaló que los programas de Acción Diferida y de Doble Ciudadanía, entre otros, podrían estar mejor difundidos a través de las escuelas. Asimismo, se hizo énfasis en incorporar estos temas en las actividades de arte y cultura para concientizar al público de todas las edades. 3. Se remarcó a las artes como vehículo transformador y de unidad que podría permitir el trabajo en contra de la violencia social. 4. Llama la atención del público en el debate creado por los ataques verbales a la comunidad latina en época electoral en Estados Unidos y se remarca la preocupación del público por la intensificación de estos comentarios en el país.
Canal televisivo Crea TV San JosĂŠ: http://www.creatvsj.org/ Revista Silicon Valley Latino: http://svlatino.com/