Medinfo v24

Page 1


August 2016


Hot Medical Shows Hot Medical Conferences Show Reports Medical Supplies Read Medinfo on your Phone


Event Calender

02-12 Hot Shows 13

Exhibitions Pre & Post Reports


KIME 2016 At a Glance




AAOS 2016 Annual Meeting




Expomed 2016 post show report


Hot Conferences


European Veterinary CONFERENCE Voorjaarsdagen


EAU 17 / London


REHACARE Congress "We For the Quarter"


RSNA 2017


EECCO 2017:European Cancer Congress


International Market &Trends


Japan Show the Way with New Clinical Breakthroughs in Neuroimging


Medtronic Applices for Artifical Pancreas PMA


Discovery May Lead To A Treatment To Slow Parkinson's Disease


Disposable Liquid Flow Flow Sensors for Biomedical Application


NIH Studies Find Success Blocking HIV Transmissin with Vaginal Ring,Drug Regimen


Early Blood Test for Alzheimer's Shows 100% Accuracy in Trials


Latest HIV Cure Date Expose Resilience of Infection


Large Protein Nanocages Could Improve Drug Design And Delivery


32-33 Medical Supplies

AUTHORITIES IN CHARGE Consultac International Group PUBLISHED BY Consultac Expo Co., Ltd Add: Rm.1605 Tower A, North Ring Center, 18 Yumin Rd., Xicheng, Beijing 100029, P.R.China Tel: +86 (10) 8225 8800 Fax: +86 (10) 8225 0600 Mail: COPYRIGHT Medinfo does not warrant that any or all of such information is complete and correct. The publisher accepts no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors or omission, and rejects any claims arising out of any action which a company or individual mat take on the basis of information contained herein. We would appreciate if you would bring such error to our attention. Medinfo does not take any responsibility regarding financial standing and status of the companies listed in various trade pages of this publication. Readers are advised to take usual commercial precautions. Reproduction of contents is welcomed.

Operations Management


Casabalanca, Morocco



Dubai, UAE


Santiago, USA


Bucharest, Romania


Tunis, Tunis

Athens, Greece

Barcelona, Spain


Atlanta, USA


Seoul, Korea



Stuttgart, Germany


Dubai, UAE


Koeln, Germany





Istanbul, Turkey

ECR EUROPE Vienna, Austria


Casabalanca, Morocco


St.Paul, Brazil


Gyeonggi-do, Korea









Bangkok, Thailand

Tokyo, Japan


IMHS JAPAN Tokyo, Japan



Damascus, Syria

Anaheim, USA

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Bangalore, India



Damascus, Syria


Singapore, Singapore





Skopje, Macedonia

Chennai, India




Tashkent, Uzbekistan

7 8 9




Jakarta, Indonesia


KOREA MEDICAL FAIR Pyongyang, North Korea

Brno, Czech




New York, USA


Düsseldorf, Germany


Düsseldorf, Germany


Istanbul, Turkey


Istanbul, Turkey New Delhi, India



DENTALEXPO Kiev, Ukraine

Düsseldorf, Germany


Chicago, USA


Johannesburg, South Africa



Moscow, Russia





Bangkok, Thailand

Legos, Nigeria

Munich, Germany

Toronto, Canada


Alma-Ata, Kazahkstan




Hanoi, Vietnam

Nairobi, Kenya

Jakarta, Indonesia


Suberia, Russia




Amman, Jordan

Atlanta, USA

MOLDMEDIZIN Moldova, Chisinau




Paris, France

Kiev, Ukraine

Belgrade, Serbia


Miami, USA



Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



St.Petersburg, Russia

Teheran, Iran


Lisbon, Portugal


Damascus, Syria

Prague, Czech


St.Petersburg, Russia




Tripoli, Libya

Bologna, Italy


Mexico City, Mexico

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cairo, Egypt


Las Vegas, USA



Paris, France



Dubai, UAE



Casabalanca, Morocco


Barcelona, Spain

New Delhi, India


Birmingham, UK


Baltimore, USA


Yokohama, Japan




Tel Aivi, Israel

Istanbul, Turkey


Kiev, Ukraine


Istanbul, Turkey




Sydney, Australia

Algiers, Algeria

Dhaka, Bangladesh





Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel


Karachi, Pakistan



Stuttgart, Germany



Learn more exhibition list, log on:

March 30 - April 2



The 20 SE-Asian Healthcare & Pharma Show 15 - 17 May 2017 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Where Decision Makers Meet

SEACare consistently delivers Decision Making Visitors. Located in SE-Asia's strongest economy, and 'best exhibition venue' it's central location covers the entire SE-Asian Region. EXHIBITORS benefit from the experience, powerful organisational support and dedicated Visitor Promotion. National Pavilions, Business to Business Meetings, SeminarsWorkshops, Exhibitor Packages . . . Check out the websites.


ABC Exhibitions

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Exhibition Pre & Post Reports

KIME 2016 At a Glance 1. Title : 32nd Korea International Medical

Agency (KOTRA)

& Hospital Equipment Show (KIMES 2016)

• Korea Health Industry Development

2. Theme : “Leading Technology, Better Healthcare”

Institute • Korean Medical Association • Korean Hospital Association •Korean Medical Women's Association • Korean Nurses Association

3. Purpose : Assistance to further development of the medical equipment industries in Korea and neighboring nations, and promotion of the trade, on

• Korea Medical Devices Selling

• Cure Apparatus & Equipment


• Physiotherapy Apparatus

• Korean Medical News

• Ophthalmic Apparatus

9. Exhibition Scale : Total 38,808 m² COEX Hall A (1st Fl.), Hall B (1st Fl.),

• Disposable Apparatus and Others • Central Supply Equipment • Hospital Facilities Equipment

both the domestic and international levels

• Medical Information System

in medical equipment

• Cosmetic Dermatology & Healthcare Equipment

4. Exhibition period : March 17 (Thu.) to 20

• Oriental Medicine & Equipment

(Sun.), 2016 (4 days)

• Pharmaceutical Equipment

5. Opening Hours : 10:00 a.m ~ 6:00 p.m

• Medical Device Component & Service

6. Exhibition Site :

• Animal & Related Products

COEX (Convention & Exhibition Center) (513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06164, Korea) 7. Organizers Korea E & Ex Inc. Korea Medical Devices Industrial Coop. Association Korea Medical Device Industry Association 8. Sponsors • Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy • Ministry of Health & Welfare • Ministry of Food & Drug Safety • Seoul Metropolitan Government • Korea Trade-Investment Promotion

13 |AUTUMN 2016

• Dental Apparatus

Grand Ballroom (1st Fl.)

11. Website :

Hall C (3rd Fl.), Hall D (3rd Fl.)

12. E-mail :

10. Groups of Exhibits • Consultation & Diagnosis Equipment

Extracted from Medica

• Clinical Examination Equipment • Radiology Equipment

• Surgical Apparatus & Equipment

Overall Satisfactory Rate of KIMES 2016 Areas No. of Visitors (Domestics)

Very Satisfied

Satisfied Adequate



Not Definitely Satisfied Unsatisfied




No. of Visitors (Int'l)






Quality of Visitors






Organizer's Promotion Effort






Exhibition Operations






Quality of Exhibition Service






Level of Venue Facilities






MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Exhibition Pre & Post Reports

Strong Exhibitor Demand and New Visitor Target Groups for the


New Focus “Hospital Infrastructure Sector” Malaysia and Taiwan; Germany, France,

Business Development" as well as

Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Korea, Turkey,

"Innovating India with Healthcare

the UAE as well as the USA also took part

Technology" offered decision makers from

in the trade fair.

the clinic sector, medical professionals, dealers and players from industry and

On the initiative of the Spectaris and ZVEI

health management an ideal forum at

associations, Messe Düsseldorf organised

which to obtain information on trends and

an official joint company stand as part of

to establish contacts.

the International Trade Fair Programme of

The MEDICAL FAIR INDIA 2016,India's No. 1 Trade Fair for Hospitals,Health Centres and Clinics, has continued its successful development in the growth market India in impressive fashion.Over 10,700 professional visitors made their way to the Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre in Mumbai during three intensive days of the trade fair. This corresponds to record growth of 34% compared to the previous event in Mumbai. The exhibitor figures also benefited once again from the strong economic situation in the industry: 512 exhibitors from 16 countries presented their product innovations from the fields of medical technology and health management over an exhibition area of approx.6,000 square metres, and unanimously praised a successful trade fair. All relevant Indian companies were represented in Mumbai, including numerous market leaders from Asia. 298 exhibitors from other countries bear witness to the growing internationality of the event. In addition to India, the largest exhibitor nations included China,

the Federal Republic of Germany (AMP);

Afzal Kamal, National Head of the leading

this significantly facilitated participation in

professional journal for medical personnel

the trade fair for exhibitors, and offered

in India, Medgate Today, again honoured

both an optical as well as a price benefit

particularly outstanding companies,

through an attractive uniform image and

hospitals and medical professionals during

favourable conditions.

the 22nd MEDICAL FAIR INDIA. The renowned MT India Healthcare Award

Horst Giesen, Global Portfolio Director

was presented to 32 participating Indian

for the `World of MEDICA′ of the Messe

companies and personalities from various

Düsseldorf Group, gave a positive

categories. For example, awards went

summary of the 22nd MEDICAL FAIR

to the best doctors in Cardiac Surgery,

INDIA: "We did not expect such a volume

Surgery, Gynaecology and Oncology, as

of visitors up to the last day of the trade

well as to personnel from the Healthcare

fair. The new products, many of them from

sector (the Healthcare Personality of

the high-tech sector, found a very positive

the Year), and to renowned companies

echo from professional visitors. Given

such as Hindustan Medical Devices,

extraordinary growth in the medical sector

Ribbel International Ltd. or Spencer India

in one of the most populous countries in

Technologies Ltd.

the world, we also expect a strong tradefair business in future that can also benefit

The MEDICAL FAIR INDIA is part of the

our European exhibitors. MEDICAL FAIR

`World of MEDICA′ and is one of the long-

INDIA and the globally leading trade fair

established international medical trade

MEDICA complement each other".

fairs of the Messe Düsseldorf Group – organised in close cooperation with the

T h e M E D I C A L FA I R I N D I A w a s

world's largest medical trade fair MEDICA

accompanied by an extensive supporting

at the Düsseldorf location.

programme. A high-calibre professional conference with the focal themes "Healthcare Branding, Marketing &

AUTUMN 2016 | 14

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Exhibition Pre & Post Reports

AAOS 2016 Annual Meeting AAOS was founded in 1933, the

on cutting-edge orthopaedic topics, and

of and accessible to the diverse population

Academy is the preeminent provider of

more than 900 paper presentations, 560

i t s e r v e s . T h e H u m a n i t a r i a n Aw a r d

musculoskeletal education to orthopaedic

posters, and 200 instructional courses by

recognizes living Fellows, International,

surgeons and others in the world. Its

world-renowned faculty. In addition,other

and Emeritus members of the American

continuing medical education activities

highlights included more than 650

Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons who

include a world-renowned Annual Meeting,

technical exhibits showcased the “latest

have distinguished themselves through

multiple CME courses held around the

and greatest” orthopaedic products and

outstanding musculoskeletal-related

country and at the Orthopaedic Learning

services. On Specialty Day—Saturday,

humanitarian activities in the United

Center, and various medical and scientific

March 28—more than a dozen specialty

States or abroad. The Tipton Leadership

publications and electronic media

societies had explore current research

Award recognizes living AAOS Fellows


findings in various areas of orthopaedics.

or Candidate Members who have

The 2015 AAOS Annual Meeting had

demonstrated outstanding leadership

gain a completely success! According to the official department, the exhibition had

a professional platform for the medical industry by creating an ideal setting that allows companies from America and around the world to showcase their latest healthcare products, equipment and services to doctors, hospitals, buyers and health sector professional. The 2015 Annual Meeting had more exciting learning opportunities, with 30 symposia

orthopaedic community, patients and/or

attracted 17,939 professional members

the American public.

included Physicians and Allied Health, attendance: 31,370.

Advantages of participating AAOS Annual Meeting:

On a collaborative effort, the Central

•Showcased your latest products and

exhibitors: 10,356 and others: 3075,total The 2015 AAOS Annual Meeting provided

qualities that have led to benefits for the

Program Committee, Exhibits Committee and Orthopaedic Video Theater Committee have combined the abstracts from selected

services alongside pioneers and business leaders to a large specialized audience of professionals and decision makers from

scientific portions of the Annual Meeting.

the healthcare sector.

The Diversity Award recognizes living

•Identified business and investment

Academy Fellows and Emeritus members

opportunities in the areas of healthcare,

who have distinguished themselves

pharmaceutical products, medical supplies

through their outstanding commitment to

and services.

making orthopaedics more representative

•Meet representatives from regional and international companies that are taking part in the show, seeking potential partnerships. Over the last few years, AAOS has attracted massive interest from international traders in all sectors. The 2016 AAOS Annual Meeting will be held in Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida. Welcome to the next grand exhibition meeting which must be your wise choice!

15 |AUTUMN 2016

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Exhibition Pre & Post Reports

MEDICAL JAPAN 2016 Medical Japan 2016 concluded in a huge success!

963 exhibitors from 24 countries/ regions

B to B Trade Show Covering All the Products/Services/ Te c h n o l o g i e s i n t h e Healthcare Industry! M E D I C A L J A PA N , c o n s i s t i n g o f 6 specialised shows, is the Japan’s first trade show which covers all the products/ services/technologies for healthcare, clinical testing, diagnostics and medicine. Active negotiations/consultations will be conducted everywhere at the venue. Exhibit at MEDICAL JAPAN, the best gateway to entering Japan market and expanding your business in Japan!

What is[Hospital+Innovation] Expo Japan?

Exhibitors with medical devices, IVD products, infection control, medical supplies, healthcare information/remote medical care technologies, hospital facilities, and home healthcare products will gather under one roof!

What is 2nd Medical IT Solutions Expo ?

cooperation, mobile and wearable devices,

The must-attend event for the Japanese

healthcare practitioners (administrative

& A s i a n p h a r m a c e u t i c a l i n d u s t r y.

d i r e c t o r, h o s p i t a l d i r e c t o r, c l e r i c a l

INTERPHEX OSAKA is a B to B trade

supervisor, IT department, doctor and

show specialised in pharmaceutical

nurse) from around West Japan visit the

R&D and manufacturing which will be


held in Osaka, the largest city in western Japan. Pharmaceutical and cosmetic

What is Nursing Expo Japan?

manufacturing professionals from all over

Nursing Expo Japan is B to B trade show

Japan are expected to visit the show.

specialised in all the necessary nursing

Exhibit at INTERPHEX OSAKA and

and nursing care products.

expand your business in the Japanese

Exhibit products include nursing uniforms,

pharmaceutical market!

nursing goods, nursing bags for home visits, stethoscopes, nursing/nursing care furniture, hygiene products, health care equipment such as medical aspirators

Japan's Largest Trade Show Organiser! Reed Exhibitions Japan organises 142

and sphygmomanometers, rehabilitation

trade shows a year at large exhibition halls

supplies, welfare vehicles, hearing aids,

such as Tokyo Big Sight, Makuhari Messe

communication support equipment

and Intex Osaka across a wide variety of

such as emergency reporting systems

industries including jewellery, fashion, gift

and guidance systems for the disabled.

items, electronics, energy, IT, cosmetics

Visitors are nurses, nursing care workers,

and medical.

rehabilitation physicians, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists.

For foreign companies to succeed in

Nursing Expo Japan 2016 provides an

Japan, it is both important to build good

ideal platform to have fruitful business

contacts with importers and to promote

meetings and expand your business in

products/services to end users. Bringing


importers/distributors and end-users together, MEDICAL JAPAN enables you to


meet all necessary members at the same time.

International Pharmaceutical R&D and Manufacturing Expo/Conference.

Specialised B to B medical IT exhibition for

IT solutions/services for hospitals, clinics and nursing facilities. Gathering attention to systems inside the facilities, remote medical care, regional AUTUMN 2016 | 16

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Exhibition Pre & Post Reports

Expomed 2016 Post Show Report EXPOMED, the biggest medical trade fair

33 thousand visitors from 87 countries

can hold the meetings either in the your

in Eurasia, began with the participation

and the participation of 910 companies

stand or in the distributor lounge area

of Turkish Minister of Health Dr. Mehmet

and company representatives from 41

located in Hall 7.


countries, EXPOMED is a regular, annual

Known as the biggest medical trade fair in

event for the medical industry.

As expomed team, we will monitor the whole process of meeting scheduling

Turkey and Eurasia, EXPOMED opened

At expomed Eurasia 2016 you can

and our CRM team supports this process

its doors for the 23rd time at TÜYAP with

meet with hundreds of companies who

by making phone calls to the exhibitors

the participation of Turkish Minister of

are actively seeking International and

to make sure if they have received

Health Dr. Mehmet Müezzinoğlu. The fair

Domestic Distributors. As part of the

any meeting request from the potential

had the articipation of 910 companies

expomed Distributor Matchmaking


and company representatives from 41

Programme, powered by Infomedix, we will

countries and professional visitors to meet

help you to meet with the right companies

the latest technologies in the healthcare

with great products!


How to join the Distributor Matchmaking Programme? If you are a visitor of expomed Eurasia

The 19th International Istanbul Laboratory Technology, Systems and Equipment Fair Labtechmed is co-located with expomed.

Countries of Exhibitor Companies &Representatives: •AFGHANISTAN


Matchmaking Programme through the



dedicated area in the online invitation.



Once you select that you are a distributor,







2016, you can join the Distributor

you will later receive an email of exhibiting companies that are looking for distributors. As the biggest fair in Turkey and Eurasia

You can select the company or companies

where medical devices, equipment and

that you wish to hold distributor meeting



technologies are showcased and the latest

and once it is also confirmed by the



medical trends and scientific events can

exhibiting company you can hold these

be tracked, EXPOMED brought together



meetings either in the exhibitor's stand or

decision makers in the healthcare industry

in the distributor lounge area located in



for the 23rd time between 24-27 March

Hall 7.



2016 at TÜYAP Fair Convention and Congress Center.

If you are an exhibitor at expomed Eurasia 2016, you can register in this programme

Owing to the fact that the Fair takes place

through Exhibitor Portal using your

on an international level and Istanbul

password in the dedicated area. Once you

is the meeting point of the West and

are registered you will be able to see the

the East, participants and visitors from

list of visitors who are interested in holding

healthcare industries all around the world

distributor meeting with you. If you approve

are hosted at this event. With almost

these distributor meeting requests, you

17 |AUTUMN 2016


MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences

students, veterinarians and veterinary technicians are invited to come and take a look what the opportunities are to give your career a boost! Voorjaarsdagen Experience Creating an inspiring scientific conference as well as a place


where veterinarians and veterinary

·Every spring the European Ve t e r i n a r y

technicians can meet and enjoy the

C o n f e r e n c e

large industry floor, has grown to be a

Vo o r j a a r s d a g e n i s o r g a n i z e d . I n

collective initiative of Voorjaarsdagen

E n g l i s h , Vo o r j a a r s d a g e n , m e a n s

committee and the veterinary industry.

"Spring Days". Our conference has become an internationally acclaimed conference in companion animal medicine and surgery.

A place where you can meet over on selected aspects of veterinary

1.500 veterinarians and 600 veterinary


technicians representing the full variety of the Dutch vet society. This

·Since 1967, the Netherlands


Association for Companion Animal

Besides the scientific programmes, the

The European Veterinary Conference

Voorjaarsdagen Experience will offer

“Voorjaarsdagen” is a familiar concept

entertainment, music and catering at

with a newly designed industry floor.

the industry floor in an attractive way

The Voorjaarsdagen Experience will

for the participants.

offer entertainment and catering at

Career Event

the industry floor in an attractive way

Medicine (NACAM) has an annual Organised Companion Animal Conference for its members, nonmembers and veterinarians from abroad. With the passage of time, the conference has grown in popularity and size: the original one-day program has extended to three full days. The number of lectures has Increased to ten simultaneous sessions. Nowadays more than 1000 veterinarians attend this conference annually. Scientific Programme

This is the place to be when you are looking for a new job. The career event cannot be missed by anyone

is the Voorjaarsdagen Experience.

for the participants. Enjoy drinks and music on thursday and friday at the exhibition floor.

orientating or seriously looking for career opportunities. The career event is coordinated and supported by the Ve t e r i n a r y O r g a n i s a t i o n Vi t a u x . A l l conference-info

Our Scientific Programme is founded on the following pilars: ·Cutting edge research presentations by renowned speakers in their field of expertise ·Student Awards and presentations for work on their Masters thesis or dissertation ·Free Communications in the form of Poster Presentations ·Postgraduate training and education with drylab and wetlab workshops and masterclasses ·Field of interest streams for focus AUTUMN 2016 | 18

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences Guide; including an exhibition floor plan and an overview of all exhibitors with their company outline. Distribut at several points within the congress centre. The newsletters will also be

We l c o m e t o t h e 3 2 n d A n n u a l E A U Congress in London! London is the capital of the United Kingdom and a leading global city worldwide. Standing on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia. London i s i m m e r s e d i n h i s t o r y, w i t h m o r e

Abstracts More than 1,100 abstracts will be

available online at this website during and after the congress.

presented during the poster and

EAU Policy on Live Surgery

video sessions in London. The EAU17

The EAU established an official

Abstract CD and EAU17 Poster DVD

policy on Live Surgery Events,

will be distributed to all congress

o ff e r i n g o r g a n i s i n g c e n t r e s a c l e a r

delegates in the exhibition area.

framework within which to plan and

than its share of antiquity and historic

Access to the Session Rooms

perform live surgeries. It outlines

s p l e n d o u r. L o n d o n ’s b u i l d i n g s a r e

Only congress delegates, with a valid

a set of guidelines in which the

eye-catching milestones in the city’s

badge, have access to session rooms.

overriding principle is that patient

unique and compelling biography, and

Seating is regulated on a first-come,

safety must take priority over all other

a great many of them – the Tower of

f i r s t - s e r v e d b a s i s . We r e c o m m e n d

considerations in the conduct of live

London, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben

delegates to go to the session


– are familiar landmarks.

room well in advance. Due to safety

Architectural grandeur rises up

regulations, the organisers will close

all around you in the West End,

the session room when all seats are

ancient remains dot the City and

taken. It is not allowed to stand in the

charming pubs punctuate the banks

aisles of the rooms.

of the Thames. In this inspiring and innovative environment the EAU

Award Gallery

Video Library The EAU Video Library is located in the exhibition. A wide choice of EAU videos, including all videos presented in London and at previous EAU Congresses, can be viewed on

invites you to attend the 32nd Annual

At the EAU Award Gallery, you will

individual monitors. All videos can


find a complete overview of all awards

be copied to a DVD which can be

From 24 to 28 March 2017, London

that are handed out by the EAU

collected during exhibition hours, a

will host the 32nd Annual EAU

during this congress. It also features

service that is provided free of charge

Congress, the second annual EAU

information on past winners of the

to all congress delegates. On Tuesday,

event to be held in this city since 1988

most prestigious EAU prizes. The EAU

28 March DVD’s can be collected in

and the third time, after 15 years,

Award Gallery provides a great

the registration area at the “Support

that we return to the United Kingdom.

opportunity to take in all the important


Remarkable growth has marked the

developments and breakthroughs in

Annual EAU Congress with more

recent years.

than 14,000 professional visitors and participants and an in-depth scientific programme. From live surgeries, stateof-the-art lectures, debates, handson training, symposiums, educational courses to abstract and video sessions, among other activities, the newest updates and leading opinions are presented and examined by 1,400 expert speakers and lecturers.

19 | AUTUMN 2016

Congress Newsletter: European Urology Today Special Edition

Webcasts and Live Streams Many sessions will be webcasted at this website. The webcasted sessions are indicated with a special logo in

Special daily congress newsletters

the synopsis and will be online within

will be published on Saturday, Sunday

several hours after the session.

and Monday during the congress.

The webcasts have not been edited

The newsletters cover on-site news,

and are exactly as presented. The

session and background information

statements and the opinions featured

on a variety of subjects. The first

in the webcasts are solely those of

edition also contains the Exhibition

the individual presenters and not of

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences the EAU. Webcasts are not accredited

with specialists and affiliated medical

boosting hands-on trainings and

and no CME credits can be obtained

professionals gathering for a critical

practice-oriented courses.

by watching the webcasts. In addition

assessment of clinical practices and

In our fourth decade of providing a

to the webcasts there will be live

key research developments.

comprehensive and effective platform

streams of several sessions available

The congress presents the latest in

for urological specialists from around

at this website. These sessions are

science and education in various

the world, we bring you the very best

also indicated in the synopsis with a

formats to suit the needs of all

of urological science.

special logo.

participants, including challenging

The Annual EAU Congress is

state-of-the art lectures, fascinating

Europe’s biggest urological event

HD video surgery sessions, skill-

REHACARE Congress "We For the Quarter" Under the patronage of Minister


Barbara Steffens.

neighbourhood development requires

Meeting point of quarter development initiatives. The first nationwide information and exchange platform that puts the focus of the event to the interdisciplinary

a n d o r g a n i z e d c i t i z e n s h i p . " We f o r the quarter" is thematically beyond individual issues such as accessible construction, alternative forms of housing, improvements in care, etc..


regional associations and self-help groups.

the collaboration of many players - a major challenge in the quarter, that aspires exchange and networking among themselves and with the others. REHACARE Forum

experience of housing industry, local authorities, social service providers


The REHACARE Forum offers daily changing focal topics on ·issues of daily life of those affected ·aids reform and federal participation law ·participation in working life and the role of integration offices ·housing adaptations and housing for coma patients as well as ·topics on mobiloty and sports.

Enter the world of REHACARE. E x c h a n g e k n o w - h o w, e x p e r i e n c e and participate: REHACARE offers a variety of events accompanying the trade fair. A diversity of topics such as care, aids, mobility, travel, sports, career opportunities and much more will be on offer for those affected and their relatives, researchers, exhibitors and experts from all across the world.

Most half-hour lectures and panel

Products and special forums will

discussions are i.a. organized

provide new ideas and insights.

Planning, design, construction and

by associations, professional

implementation of comprehensive

a s s o c i a t i o n s , i n t e g r a t i o n o ff i c e s o f

AUTUMN 2016 | 20

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences

The Radiological Society of North

and conducts outreach to enhance

Don’t miss radiology’s premier annual

America (RSNA®) is an international

education in developing nations.


society of radiologists, medical

Through its Research & Education

physicists and other medical

(R&E) Foundation, RSNA provides

professionals with more than 54,000

millions of dollars in funding to young

members from 136 countries across

investigators, helping to build the

t h e g l o b e . R S N A h o s t s t h e w o r l d ’s

future of the profession.

premier radiology forum, drawing

The 102nd Radiological Society of North

approximately 55,000 attendees

American will be hold on November

annually to McCormick Place in

27-December 2,McCormick Place,

Chicago, and publishes two top peer-

Chicago, Illinois Beyond Imaging:

r e v i e w e d j o u r n a l s : R a d i o l o g y, t h e

Maximizing Radiology’s Role in Patient

highest-impact scientific journal in


the field, and RadioGraphics, the

RSNA 2016 invites radiologists to think

only journal dedicated to continuing

Beyond Imaging and explore new ways to

education in radiology.

collaborate. From discovering unexpected learning opportunities to broadening participation in the larger medical community, this year’s theme encourages radiologists to envision their profession beyond imaging.

of continuing education credits

presented by technical exhibitors, discover

toward physicians' maintenance

groundbreaking research from scientific

of certification—more than one

paper presentations, and participate in

million CME certificates have been

networking opportunities.

record, sponsors research to advance quantitative imaging biomarkers, 21 | AUTUMN 2016

at RSNA 2016, the event that convenes medical imaging professionals, purchasers and decision makers from throughout the world to see the latest innovations that will take radiology into the future. Your exhibit space lets you connect with current customers, meet new ones, and expand your prospect list. ·51,922 total registration ·26,778 professional attendees ·75% of attendees have a role in purchasing products seen at the RSNA annual meeting. ·79% of attendees come to RSNA to see

Join more than 650 other exhibitors

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MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences

ECCO2017: EUROPEAN CANCER CONGRESS Amsterdam, The Netherlands

27-30 January 2017

advocacy sessions, the ECCO Patient Advisory Committee has contributed its essential insights into the scientific programme. During the congress, its members will play a key role in reviewing innovations from the most important perspective – that of the patients they aim to help. From Evidence to Practice in

will provide a platform for critical

Multidisciplinary Cancer Care

evaluation and debate among a

ECCO2017 is the European Cancer

multidisciplinary audience. This will

Congress where you will discover which new treatments are of value to your patients and applicable to your daily practice. Established in 1981, the ECCO Congress is the only truly multidisciplinary meeting addressing all tumour types. ECCO congresses are unique, clinically oriented, multidisciplinary meetings with direct impact on clinical practice. The theme for the 19th edition is ‘From evidence to practice in multidisciplinary cancer care’. At ECCO2017, you will: · Discover which clinical trial results will truly change practice - and how they might be made affordable With a focus on new data from phase III and real-world studies, ECCO2017

help you decide what will genuinely impact the treatment and care of your patients. Sessions will also discuss the challenge of rising costs of new treatments and how to deal with it. · Learn how to manage challenging cases ECCO2017





multidisciplinary congress in which

ECCO is an open forum for its members. The first day of ECCO2017 will feature societies’ meetings for their members and the oncology community: the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS), the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the European School of Oncology (ESO), the European Society of Surgical Oncology ( E S S O ) , t h e E u r o p e a n S o c i e Ty f o r Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), and the European Society for

challenging cases—be they of a clinical, ethical, economic or regulatory nature—will be discussed. These discussions will reflect real challenges faced on a daily basis. · Update your knowledge The very latest scientific information from a multidisciplinary perspective will be given prime attention at ECCO2017. The congress will undoubtedly update and expand your knowledge to help you improve the way you carry out daily practice and care for you patients. ECCO2017 will shed light on ECCO policy initiatives, centred around the oncology workforce and quality cancer care, making

Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE). Reaching a global audience, ECCO2017 has an extensive media programme for scientific media worldwide. Submitting your practice changing data for presentation at ECCO2017 will ensure its global visibility. ECCO2017 will change the paradigm of oncology, be part of this change!

sure cancer is at the top of the EU public health agenda. In addition to designing dedicated

AUTUMN 2016 | 22

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences International Market &Trends

Japan Shows the Way with New Clinical Breakthroughs in Neuroimaging Japan has a particularly rich heritage i n t h e f i e l d o f n e u r o r a d i o l o g y. The importance of neuroimaging, especially involving the use of MRI, will become greater as the clinical requirements increase, according to Prof. Shigeki Aoki, chairman of the Radiology Department of Juntendo University in Tokyo.

so-called Brain Dock brain scanning health

country are working hard on the evolution

check and the early clinical application of

of the technique.

diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). These are just two of the areas of neuroradiology where Japanese researchers have had a significant influence on a global scale.

Aoki and colleagues reported on the use of DTI and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for the evaluation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) as

At today’s ‘ESR meets Japan’ session,

long ago as 2005 in the journal Neurology.

Aoki will discuss some of the country’s

The purpose of their study was to assess

most recent neuroimaging techniques,

the clinical feasibility of region-of-interest

“While MRI and MR sequencing will

including the fundamentals of advanced

(ROI) analysis using diffusion tensor

continue to develop, we are anticipating a

diffusion analysis beyond DTI. Also,

tractography (DTT) in patients with ALS.

lot of development in terms of quantitative

delegates will learn about improving

They found DTT can segment certain

analyses and post-processing,” he told

treatment decisions in advanced liver

white ma<?>er tracts and evaluate them

ECR Today.

imaging, the use of multimodality fusion

quantitatively, and it could depict the subtle

imaging of ultrasound, CT and MRI for

changes between subtypes of ALS, as well

treatment of liver tumours, as well as how

as the changes between the patients and

to use CT, MRI, and PET in the diagnosis


post-processing,” he told ECR Today. Also, Japanese manufacturers are breaking new ground when it comes to the development of CT. “I use multislice CT (320-slice) for

of thymic tumours.

In Japan, radiology is going through some

paediatric cases and cerebrovascular

The Brain Dock system, part of the larger

exciting changes. The Japanese Radiology

diseases. CT angiography with perfusion

‘Ningen Dock’ system, has evolved as a

Board programme is developing a new

data and metallic artefact delineation

service provided by a range of medical

‘standardised’ programme for training

are especially useful for evaluation aer

facilities. The voluntary health-check

and maintaining the Radiology Specialty

neurointervention such as flow diverter

system of using MRI and MR angiography

Board. Expected to begin in early 2017,

(pipeline) implantation,” Aoki said.

for detecting non-ruptured cerebral

the new system should ensure that any

aneurysms and asymptomatic cerebral

speciality starts off on a secure and well-

infarction, microbleeds and ischaemic

respected footing.

The founding fathers of Japanese neuroradiology – Prof. Makoto Saito and Prof. Kentaro Shimidzu, who both trained at Tokyo University Hospital in the 1910s and 1920s are still held in high regard in this island country. The pair were credited for the development of pioneering

changes, is thought to be unique to Japan. The Japan Society of Ningen Dock reported that brain lesions are found in about 2% of patients, and as brain disease oen develops suddenly,

A recent review of the programme by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) highlighted the need for a clear licensing or credentialing criteria to make the distinction between

neuroimaging techniques and inspired

before patients have subjective symptoms,

the current cadre of physicians working

many of Japan’s current radiologists to

detecting signs at an early stage makes

as general practitioners and the future

specialise in neuroimaging.

proper prevention possible.

primary care specialists that Japan wishes

Japan continues in this tradition of

The early clinical application of diffusion

contributing in neuroradiology with a host

tensor imaging (DTI) has been developed

of practices and technologies, including the

in Japan and neuroradiologists across the

23 | AUTUMN 2016

to create. The distinction, according to the OECD, is to be based upon a clear vision of how these specialists will differ from the

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences International Market &Trends current workforce.

scanners per unit population in the world,

distribution of radiologists. While the

but the relative number of radiologists is

practice is becoming widely implemented

the lowest among the OECD countries.

by healthcare facilities, the gap between

The Japanese Radiological Society

radiologists in urban and rural areas is

(JRS) uses every opportunity to highlight


shortage of specialist radiologists.

Diffusion tractography of hypogenesis of corpus callosum in 35-year-old woman who presented with mild headache. Both images acquired on 3T MRI (Siemens Skyra) with multiband echo planar imaging 3 (voxel size 2×2×2 mm, TR/TE 5000/97[ms], multi-band factor 3, acquisition time 6 min, MPG 30 [each b value], b = 0, 1000,

“ Te l e r a d i o l o g y, w h i c h i s o n e w a y

A 2015 study published in the Japanese

to ameliorate this gap, should be

Journal of Radiology estimated that the

encouraged,” he said. “JRS is negotiating

number of CT and MRI interpretation

with the Ministry of Health about this,

reports and radiation treatment plans that

especially for sparsely populated areas

one full-time radiologist could complete

and for emergency cases.”

within an eight-hour hospital day were 19.9 and 1.22, respectively. To complete all CT and MRI reports, at least 2.09 times more full-time diagnostic radiologists are needed in Japan. The study suggested that centralised radiation therapy facilities might be more efficient for meeting the

2000 s/mm2). (Provided by Prof. Shigeki Aoki)

increasing demand.

It is hoped that the specialty board

Aoki believes teleradiology will also

programme may resolve the shortage of

have a huge impact on the effi- cacy of

radiologists in the nation. Currently, Japan

diagnosis and treatment in Japan and may

has the highest number of CT and MRI

compensate for the shortage and uneven

Due to the relatively high number of MRI scanners per unit population, Japan is in a good position when it comes to using imaging technology to conduct research. Aoki is optimistic that Japanese neuroradiologists will continue to offer an important contribution to this field in the future.

Medtronic Applies for Artificial Pancreas PMA The MiniMed 670G insulin pump, which its

The 670G marks the fourth of six stages

Diabetes treatment is an increasingly

maker Medtronic touts as the world's first

Medtronic is going through to develop what

important area for Medtronic. Diabetes

hybrid, closed-loop artificial pancreas, now

has been a holy grail for diabetes devices

group sales were up 10% during the

has an application submitted before FDA,

for decades: a almost entirely automatic

quarter ended April 29, driven largely by

a Medtronic spokesperson confirms.

"closed-loop" insulin pump system that

sales of the MiniMed 640G insulin pump

Medtronic officials expert a ruling from

does away with the constant glucose

outside the United States. Insulin pump

FDA within a year, Bloomberg reports.

testing and insulin adjustments that

sales overall grew by more than 30%

"We are pleased we are making progress

diabetes patients presently go through.

outside the U.S.

towards bringing this meaningful

Medtronic has been boasting of a

technology to people with diabetes in the

124-patient study that found the 670G

country," says Medtronic spokesperson

increased the amount of time patients

Janet Kim.

were in the desired blood-glucose

The company's CEO Omar Ishrak had

range, without any severe complications,

already told analysts that an application

according to a report in the Star Tribune of

was expected before the end of 2016.

Minneapolis. AUTUMN 2016 | 24

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences International Market &Trends

Discovery May Lead To A Treatment To Slow Parkinson's Disease Using a robust model for

kinase and alpha-synuclein "may

The Parkinson's disease model

Parkinson's disease, University of

uncover new mechanisms and targets for

developed by Volpicelli-Daley applies

Alabama at Birmingham researchers

neuroprotection," the researchers write in

very low concentrations of pre-formed

and colleagues have discovered

a recent Journal of Neuroscience paper.

fibrils of alpha-synuclein to in vitro or in

an interaction in neurons that

"These results demonstrate that alpha-

vivo neurons. This causes formation of

contributes to Parkinson's disease,

synuclein inclusion formation in neurons

modified alpha-synuclein inclusions that

and they have shown that drugs

can be blocked and that novel therapeutic

share morphology with those found in the

now under development may block

compounds targeting this process by

Parkinson's disease brain after death.

the process.

inhibiting LRRK2 kinase activity may

They used this model to test the effects of

slow progression of Parkinson's disease-

neuron expression of the mutant LRRK2

associated pathology."

("lark two") kinase, G2019S-LRRK2, on

The potential clinical applications for novel

the formation of the inclusion pathology.

neuroprotection strategies in LRRK2-linked

They found that:

Parkinson's need to be tested in other

·G2019S-LRRK2 enhanced alpha-

preclinical models of Parkinson's disease,

synuclein inclusions in primary

say the researchers, led by corresponding

hippocampal neurons from the

author Laura A. Volpicelli-Daley, Ph.D.,

hippocampus region of the brain, 18

Primary hippocampal neurons from mice

and senior author Andrew B. West,

days after fibril exposure, as compared

express G2019S-LRRK2. The neurons

Ph.D., Center for Neurodegeneration

with neurons that over-expressed normal

were treated with alpha-synuclein fibrils,

and Experimental Therapeutics, UAB


and 18 days later immunofluorescence

Department of Neurology.

·The effects of G2019S-LRRK2

was performed. The magenta shows

"These data give us hope for the clinical

expression in the fibril-exposed neurons

phospho-alpha-synuclein inclusions in

potential of LRRK2 kinase inhibitors

were lessened by very low concentrations

the cell bodies and throughout the axons,

as effective therapies for Parkinson's

of potent and selective preclinical drugs

which are green.

disease," Volpicelli-Daley said. "The

that inhibit LRRK2 kinase. This suggested

The research team has shown that

LRRK2 kinase inhibitors may inhibit the

that the kinase activity of G2019S-LRRK2,

the most common genetic cause of

spread of pathologic alpha-synuclein, not

which adds a phosphate onto target

Parkinson's disease - a mutant LRRK2

only in patients with LRRK2 mutations, but

proteins, underlies the faster formation of

kinase enzyme - contributes to the

in all Parkinson's disease patients. Future

pathologic alpha-synuclein inclusions.

formation of inclusions in neurons,

studies to validate the safety and efficacy

·G2019S-LRRK2 expression enhanced

resembling one of the hallmark pathologies

of the LRRK2 inhibitors will be necessary

alpha-synuclein inclusion formation in

seen in Parkinson's disease. These

before testing the inhibitors in human

dopamine neurons from the region of

inclusions are made up of aggregated

clinical trials."

the brain called the substantia nigra pars

alpha synuclein protein, which - the

Besides Parkinson's disease, alpha-

compacta. The substantia nigra pars

research also shows - can be prevented

synuclein also plays a central role in

compacta is the area of the brain that dies

from forming by using two LRRK2 kinase

development of dementia with Lewy

in Parkinson's disease, so this experiment

inhibitor drugs now being developed for

bodies and multiple system atrophy, and it

further supports a link between the

clinical use.

is associated with Alzheimer's disease and

G2019S-LRRK2 mutation and Parkinson's

The interaction between mutant LRRK2

other neurodegenerative disorders.


25 | AUTUMN 2016

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences International Market &Trends As a control, they used anti-sense

synuclein, as opposed to membrane-

susceptibility by boosting the amounts of

oligonucleotides to knock down the

bound alpha-synuclein, in neurons that

mobile alpha-synuclein in neurons.

expression endogenous alpha-synuclein in

expressed G2019S-LRRK2. Recent; Source: University

neurons that expressed G2019S-LRRK2,

work by others has shown that mobile

of Alabama at Birmingham.

and this prevented formation of inclusions.

alpha-synuclein is prone to misfolding

In fluorescence-recovery-after-

and aggregation, so the researchers

photobleaching experiments, they found

hypothesize that the G2019S-LRRK2

there was a larger pool of mobile alpha-

mutation may contribute to Parkinson's

Disposable Liquid Flow Sensors for Biomedical Applications Sensirion 's new disposable liquid

clinical environment.

common failure modes such as occlusion with unprecedented speed

flow sensor series is equipped with

and sensitivity.

luer lock fittings for easy integration

The LD20-series CMOSens®-based

into the fluidic line and offers fast,

flow sensors optimize costs by

precise, and reliable measurement

reducing the flow sensor to the bare

Sensirion has extensive experience in

of low and ultralow flow rates. The

minimum without sacrificing easy

the medical field, and Sensirion’s liquid

intelligent, compact, and cost-effective

fluidic, electrical, and mechanical

flow meters are already being used in

sensors are suitable for a wide range

connections. Standard luer lock

numerous challenging applications,

of applications in the biomedical

fittings ensure safe and secure

from diagnostic instruments to process

field, from controlling the flow of

incorporation into the fluidic line.

control in the semiconductor industry.

pre ci ous ingr edients i n b i o re a c to rs

The flow channel inside the sensor

The new disposable LD20-series

to monitoring infusion therapies in a

is completely straight and open and

liquid flow sensors will enhance your

clinical environment.

has no moving parts. Medical-grade

a p p l i c a t i o n s w i t h m a x i m u m s a f e t y,

wetted materials provide outstanding

performance, and reliability.

Sensirion AG (Switzerland), the market

chemical resistance and excellent

and innovation leader for digital

b i o c o m p a t i b i l i t y. B y p r o v i d i n g a

microsensors, takes last year’s award-

bidirectional measurement of the flow

winning LD20 design study to the

rate from 1200 ml/h down to single-

next level: the new disposable liquid

digit ml/h, the sensor reliably detects

flow sensor series is equipped with luer lock fittings for easy integration into the fluidic line and offers fast, precise, and reliable measurement of low and ultralow flow rates. The intelligent, compact, and cost-effective sensors are suitable for a wide range of applications in the biomedical field, from controlling the flow of pre ci ous ingr edients i n b i o re a c to rs to monitoring infusion therapies in a

AUTUMN 2016 | 26

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences International Market &Trends

NIH Studies Find Success Blocking HIV Transmission with Vaginal Ring, Drug Regimen Findings announced by the National

greater adherence to the dapivirine

therapy, as well as infant nevirapine,

Institutes of Health (NIH) could lead to

ring translates into a higher level of

virtually eliminated all risk of HIV

new methods of reducing the risk HIV


transmission to the child.

transmission through breastfeeding

NIAID is funding a follow-up clinical

“The rate of perinatal transmission

and sexual intercourse.

trial that will further determine the

did not differ between the two study

In the latter case, the decreased

relationship between the ring's use

arms and was very low — 0.3 percent

infection risk could be achieved

and protection from HIV, along with

at 6 months of age and 0.6 percent

through women using a vaginal

at 1 year of age,” the study said.

ring that continuously releases

“The longer an HIV-infected mother

d a p i v i r i n e . A c c o r d i n g t o N I H , a n

breastfeeds, the greater the risk for

analysis of data from its ASPIRE study

HIV transmission to the infant. In

found women who use the ring most

comparison, in the absence of any

or all of the time reduced their risk of

intervention, rates of HIV transmission

HIV infection by 56 percent.

f r o m a H I V- i n f e c t e d m o t h e r t o h e r

“The findings from the ASPIRE study

child during either pregnancy, labor,

told us how much protection the

delivery or breastfeeding historically

dapivirine ring afforded the study

e v a l u a t i n g t h e s a f e t y o f t h e r i n g ’s

have ranged from 15 to 45 percent.”

population as a whole, which included

long-term use.

Infant mortality was very low among

women who used the ring often,

The other study found greater success

the study participants, with 99 percent

sometimes or not at all,” said Anthony

in preventing a HIV-positive mother

of the children living to their first

Fauci, MD, director of the National

from transmitting the virus to her child


Institute of Allergy and Infectious

through breast milk.

The results of both studies were

Diseases (NIAID). “However, we know

The large clinical trial, involving more

announced at the 21st International

that HIV prevention tools work only if

than 2,300 HIV-positive mothers and

AIDS Conference being held in

people use them. The findings of the

their uninfected infants in several

Durban, South Africa.

exploratory analysis reported today

African nations and India, found

give credence to the hypothesis that

that using a three-drug antiretroviral

Early Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Shows 100% Accuracy in Trials Researchers at Rowan University’s

The team of Robert Nagele, PhD,

symptom of Alzheimer’s that has been

School of Osteopathic Medicine in

and PhD candidates Cassandra

present in patients 10 years before

New Jersey say they’ve developed a

DeMarshall and Abhirup Sarkar found

the more severe signs of the disease

foolproof method for early detection of

a way to use biomarkers to detect mild

begin to show.

Alzheimer’s disease.

cognitive impairment (MCI), an early

In a study analyzing blood samples

27 | AUTUMN 2016

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot Conferences International Market &Trends

from 236 subjects—50 of whom had

Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis,

autoantibodies to accurately diagnose

MCI—Nagele said his team was able

DeMarshall said about 60 percent

early-stage Alzheimer ’s. These

to diagnose the MCI patients with 100

of all MCI patients whose condition

findings could eventually lead to the

percent accuracy.

is related to Alzheimer ’s. Identifying

development of a simple, inexpensive

“It is now generally believed that

the Alzheimer ’s related forms of MCI

and relatively noninvasive way to

A l z h e i m e r ’s - r e l a t e d c h a n g e s b e g i n

may help future early detection and

diagnose this devastating disease in

in the brain at least a decade before

treatment options.

its earliest stages,” DeMarshall said.

the emergence of telltale symptoms,”

Early and simple staging of the

Nagele said in a statement . “To the

disease through a blood test could

best of our knowledge, this is the

offer many potential benefits,

first blood test using autoantibody

according to the researchers, including

biomarkers that can accurately detect

delaying its progression through

Alzheimer ’s at an early point in the

lifestyle changes, beginning treatment

course of the disease when treatments

earlier and having more time to plan

are more likely to be beneficial—that

for future care needs.

is, before too much brain devastation has occurred.” While a MCI diagnosis may be

“Our results show that it is possible

caused by other conditions such as

to use a small number of blood-borne

Latest HIV Cure Data Expose Resilience of Infection i m m u n i t y, " h e s a i d d u r i n g a n e w s

a lid on replication, the virus inevitably

Disappointing results from a trial

conference at the meeting.


of a latency-reversing strategy for

"But we don't have that experience

Over the years, various latency-reversing

HIV underscore the challenges

w i t h H I V, s o w e h a v e t o d o t h i n g s

agents have been used to "wake" the

researchers are facing in their search

that nature has never done before to

virus up in its reservoir. Some 20 years

for a functional cure for the infection,

eradicate it," he explained.

ago, Dr Fauci was involved in research

said experts here at the International

One of the main strategies used to try

in which interleukin-2 was used to try to

AIDS Conference 2016.

to achieve a classic cure is the so-

reconstitute the immune system in patients

"This is not like any other infection

called "shock and kill" approach.

in whom antiretroviral therapy had been


South Africa

that we have ever faced," said Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) in Bethesda, Maryland. "In the end, the body can clear virtually every other virus that attacks the body — even the most serious of infections, like smallpox — and leave a patient with sustained long-lasting

Flushing the virus out of the reservoir is going to be very difficult.

discontinued. "Despite the reservoir being below detectable levels, there was consistent

HIV has a pernicious ability to hole up in

viral rebound a few weeks after

latent reservoirs, undetected by normal

withdrawing ART," Dr Fauci reported. "So

surveillance mechanisms, Steven Deeks,

flushing the virus out of the reservoir is

MD, from the University of California,

going to be very difficult."

San Francisco, explained during the news conference. If the pressure from antiretroviral therapy is not there to keep

SEARCH 19 Trial The SEARCH 19 study involved 15 AUTUMN 2016 | 28

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Hot ConferencesMarket &Trends International patients in whom the virus had been well

the CCR5 gene, and the patient became


suppressed for more than 2 years. For

refractory to HIV infection in the absence

In addition, "the child's developing

all the patients, antiretroviral therapy had

of antiretroviral therapy.

immune system may make it harder for

been initiated during acute HIV infection. Te n p a t i e n t s w e r e r a n d o m i z e d t o latency-reversing therapy, and received three cycles of vorinostat 400 mg/ day (14 days on and 14 days off) plus hydroxychloroquine 400 mg daily and maraviroc 1200 mg daily. The remaining five patients served as the control group. After 10 weeks, treatment was interrupted in both groups. One of the two patients in the latencyreversing group who developed serious adverse events dropped out of the study because of toxic effects. Continue Reading Median time to viral-load rebound was 22 days. Time to first viral-load detection was the same in the two groups. However, there were no instances of virologic failure in either group, and upon the reintroduction of treatment, repression of viral load occurred very quickly, reported Jintanat Ananworanich, MD, PhD, from the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre in Bangkok. Clearly, a new strategy to reduce or eliminate HIV in reservoirs is needed, said Dr Ananworanich. As was shown in the case of the now-famous Berlin patient, it is possible to clear HIV from reservoirs, but extreme measures are needed. The HIV-infected Berlin patient received

Stem Cell Transplantation The EpiStem consortium was created to capitalize on this unique experience and to provide guidance to clinicians caring for HIV-infected patients who undergo stem cell transplantation for the treatment of a hematologic malignancy. Preliminary findings from an observational study, indicating that the procedure can lead to steep decreases in HIV reservoirs, were presented by Annemarie Wensing, MD, from University Medical Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands. To date, 15 HIV-infected patients with concurrent malignancy have undergone stem cell transplantation, and many received the same type of procedure as the Berlin patient. For ethical reasons, antiretroviral therapy has been continued in all patients. In the six patients who are still alive, ultrasensitive HIV DNA viral quantification has shown a systemic reduction in HIV reservoirs to very low levels. "In two cases with long-term follow-up, we were unable to detect infectious virus in blood, independent of the CCR5 status of the donor," Dr Wensing reported. "And in tissue, only traces of HIV DNA could be detected."

HIV to replicate and hide in the body," Dr. Ananworanich reported. And because "children are more able to make new immune cells than adults, they might be able to respond better to a vaccine or immune therapy," he added. "As a pediatrician, I am hopeful for these children." Sustained Virologic Remission Working toward sustained virologic remission might be more successful, and more feasible, than the shock and kill strategy. "We know that the body does not make an adequate immune response against HIV," said Dr Fauci. The chances for sustained virologic remission are better when patients are treated when they have a small HIV reservoir and a competent immune system. This constellation of factors is most likely to be seen immediately after a diagnosis of HIV. Ideally, a therapeutic vaccine could be used to prime the immune system to stand on guard against HIV replication. A trial in which a therapeutic vaccine was compared with placebo has been conducted, but the data have yet to be analyzed, Dr Fauci reported.

As a pediatrician, I am hopeful for these

Passive immunotherapy, where broadly

the treatment of leukemia. It turned out


neutralizing HIV-specific antibodies are

that the donor carried a mutant variant of

The greatest hope for a functional cure

an allogeneic stem cell transplant for

might be in infants and children. Although infants infected with HIV at birth still need some sort of immune system enhancement, the fact that physicians usually know when an infant is infected means that treatment can be initiated immediately, when children have naïve T-cells, which might be harder for HIV to

29 | AUTUMN 2016

periodically infused to control the virus, could be another way to boost the immune response to HIV. One such study, which involved ten patients with chronic HIV infection who had been well suppressed for more than 3 years, was conducted by NIAID researchers. All received infusions of the broadly

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

International Market &Trends Hot Conferences neutralizing HIV-specific antibody VRCO1

antiretroviral therapy.

can prevent viral replications and could

3 days before and 14 and 28 days after

"Combination antiretroviral therapy can

become a promising tool in the control

the interruption of antiretroviral therapy,

profoundly control viral replication, but

of HIV infection, she explained.We have

and for 7 months thereafter, Dr Fauci

conventional treatment lacks the ability

got to push for a cure, but it's got to be


to stop viral production and clear the


"Ultimately, everybody rebounded," he

latent reservoir, which remains the major

reported, but the time from discontinuation

obstacle toward cure," explained Monique

of antiretroviral therapy to rebound was

Nijhuis, MD, from University Medical


Center in Utrecht.

Median time to plasma viral rebound was

The CRISPR system involves the use of

39 days in the VRCO1 patients, whereas

endonuclease, which can digest double-

in historic control subjects, the interval

stranded DNA, much like scissors, and

ranged from 11 to 28 days.

guide RNA, which is a small string of

Although it was "very limited," there was an

nucleotides that are identical to the

increase in time to viral rebound, Dr Fauci

sequence that researchers specifically

said. The use of more potent antibodies,

want to target, such as HIV DNA.

vector-based antibody expression, or

"We have designed several guide RNA

combinations of antibodies might improve

sequences targeting different regions

the success of this approach, he pointed

of the viral genome and steps in the


viral lifecycle," Dr Nijhuis told Medscape CRISPR Gene Editing Tool

Medical News. "And we showed that some of the guide RNAs in combination with the

State-of-the-art CRISP/Cas9 gene editing

scissors are more potent than others."

techniques might enable researchers

The researchers demonstrated that the

to create a cellular environment that is

use of single guide RNA and scissors

incompatible with HIV replication. The

is not very effective because the virus

permanent silencing of the HIV provirus,

can rapidly escape. However, they also

and therefore its ability to replicate, could

demonstrated that the combination of

allow HIV-infected patients to discontinue

two potent HIV guide RNAs and scissors

In the meantime, cure research must always take ethical issues into account, and progress must be balanced against the potential harm treatments can cause HIV-infected people who are essentially well. "We want to make sure that what we are doing for cure is better for the patient than what they are already receiving," Dr Fauci cautioned. "We have got to push for a cure, but it's got to be safe, it's got to be less toxic than what the person is already on, and it needs to be scalable to a large number of people," he said. Dr Ananworanich reports receiving travel support from Cooper Human System and honoraria from ViiV Healthcare and Merck. Dr Fauci and Dr Nijhuis have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Large Protein Nanocages Could Improve Drug Design And Delivery Using novel computational and

They have a wide variety of potential

copies of a single protein subunit. The

biochemical approaches, scientists

applications, from targeted drug

current paper describes the design

have accurately designed and

delivery to the development of more

and construction of 10 icosahedra

built from scratch 10 large protein

effective vaccines, the researchers

from two different protein subunits.

icosahedra -- polyhedra with 20 faces


"The remarkable thing is that the

-- similar to viral capsids that carry

The findings, reported on July 22,

computational design model is really

viral DNA. The designed structures

2016 in Science, follow a report

close to the actual structure," said

are made of two different engineered

in Naturelast month by the same team

HHMI Investigator David Baker of the

proteins, present in 60 copies each,

describing the creation of the first

University of Washington Institute for

which self-assemble into icosahedra.

designed icosahedron made of 60

P r o t e i n D e s i g n , w h o l e d t h e s t u d y. AUTUMN 2016 | 30

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

International Market &Trends Hot Conferences

"These are definitely the largest

would form icosahedra, the next step

program. It just makes things a lot

structures that have been created

was to test out the designs. Bale

easier," he added.

using computational design methods

engineered synthetic genes that

The researchers envision that the

... so it's a real milestone for protein

encoded the designed proteins and

icosahedra they designed could

design, because we can design these

introduced those genes into bacteria.

be used for many applications: to

really complicated structures from

He purified the proteins from the

package a chemotherapy agent to

scratch on the computer and they

bacteria and developed new screening

del i ver i t to a speci fi c organ, or to

come out exactly right."

methods to determine which ones

design more effective vaccines, which

Graduate student Jacob Bale

were forming icosahedra.

produce a stronger immune response

working with Baker and Neil King,

Once the putative icosahedra were

if the immunogen is presented in a

an acting assistant professor at the

identified, the researchers needed to

form that makes it look like a virus,

Institute for Protein Design, used

characterize the structures to verify

Baker explained.

Rosetta, a protein-design computer

whether they matched the predictions.

"Although viral capsids have been

program developed in Baker's lab

Through the Visiting Scientist Program

used for targeted drug delivery and

over many years, to optimize amino

at HHMI's Janelia Research Campus,

as a vaccine platform, they didn't

acid residues that form the interface

Shane Gonen, a graduate student

evolve for that," said Baker. "As we

between proteins to make them fit

in Baker's lab, came to his brother

pursue applications, we can design

with each other. "You want to design

Tamir Gonen's lab at Janelia to use

protein structures specifically for that

proteins so that when they come

the cryo-electron microscope (cryo-

application, so you don't get a lot

together, the interactions cause the

EM), and they were able to confirm

of evolutionary baggage, of things

proteins to form an icosahedron,"

that the designs came out very close

evolving for one reason and then trying

explained Baker. Because the work

to predictions from the computational

to adapt them for a new purpose,"

is so computationally intensive, the

models. "Any scientist from

he explained. In addition to pursuing

researchers relied on a crowdsourcing

anywhere in the world, if they have a

applications, future work will focus on

platform called Rosetta@home, which

collaboration with someone at Janelia,

designing "more dynamic structures

allows members of the public to

can apply for a visitor project, and the

that undergo structural transitions in

donate cycles of their idle computers

scientist will be able to come here for

response to environmental changes,"

to run jobs for computing protein

up to a year and live on campus and

he said.


do research at Janelia," said Gonen.

Once the researchers had created

"The vast majority of my collaborators

designs that the computer predicted

actually come in through the visitor Computational models of the 10 successful designs are shown via molecular surface representations (design names are shown above each model). Each design comprises a pairwise combination of pentameric (grey), trimeric (blue), or dimeric (orange) building blocks aligned along icosahedral fivefold, threefold, and twofold symmetry axes, respectively. All models are shown to scale relative to the 30 nanometer scale bar. Credit: Jacob Bale, University of Washington

31 | AUTUMN 2016

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Medical Supplies

Oxygen Concentrator oxygen therapy and oxygen health Shenyang Canta Medical Tech Co.,LTD. Tel: 024-86728299-8024 Email: Website:

Disposable Inflation Device Kit SunmedTM Inflation device kits are a set of accessorial device.The inflation device kits are composed of an inflation device, and may be composed of a stopcock and/or a hemostatic valve kits. In PTCA or PTA procedures, inflation device is used to inflate and deflate a balloon catheter(by connecting the rotating male luer of inflation device with the balloon catheter'sfemaleluer), to dilate blood vessel and implant stents. Sunny Medical Device(Shenzhen)Co.,ltd Tel: +86 (755) 3383 1052 Email:

Contract Manufacturing for Plastic Catheter and Tubings Spare parts for medical devices Nantong Enove Precision Plastics Catheter Co.,Ltd Tel: +86(513)8098 8080 Email:

Insulin Pen Needles Insulin Pen Needles are assembled by needle hub, needle, small protective cap, big protective cap and other integral parts, for use with pre-diabetic insulin liquid filled insulin pen for insulin injection. Shanghai Kindly Enterprise Development Group Co.,Ltd. Tel: +86 (021) 6911 6128 Fax: +86 (021) 5911 8500 Email: Website:

Disposable Endoscopic Stapler and Reloads Disposable surgical stapler which places two, triple staggered rows titanium staples and simultaneously divides the tissue between the two innermost rows, leaving three rows of staples on each side of the transaction. JiangSu Qianjing Rehabilitation Equipment Co.,Ltd Tel: +86 (519) 8625 4969 Fax: +86 (519) 8622 2512 Email: Website:

FLQB-II Hob Type Wound Dressing Production Machine FLQB-II Automatic Medical Non-woven dressing packing machine is suitable for producing medical dressings by PU/PE/PVC films, adhesive coated non-woven, release paper, and glassine paper, and automatic packing. Wenzhou Haofeng Machinery Co., Ltd. Tel: +86 (577) 88137795 Fax: +86 (577) 88137796 Email: SHIANXIE2006@HOTMAIL.COM Website:

Medical Electric Drill-BL1101 More suited to the domestic medical standards for the operation power Axial runout of eccentricity is within 0.05mm,Rotating speed can be reached at 600rmp , Torque is larger than 3.2 N•M for product, Supporting the interface of the brand products. Full-sealed manufacturing technology for electric motor more complies with the requirements of high temperature and high pressure disinfection. 4.0mm hollow for all brand guide needles to pass through,easier to use in clinic. Ningbo Boly Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd. Tel: +86 (574) 6248 1886 Fax: +86 (574 ) 6248 1880 Email: Website:

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AUTUMN 2016 | 32

MEDINFO Autumn 2016

Medical Supplies

Blood Glucose Meter,Glucose Monitoring System Glucose Monitor, Diagnosis SINOCARE INC. Tel: +86 (0) 73189825189 Email: Website:

C10 Wireless Probe C10 is a wireless array probe scanner. This wireless probe scanner with integrated ultrasound circuit boards inside, can wireless connect to the iPhone, iPad that after installed ultrasound software, then realize the functions of a ultrasound scanner. It is small and smart, convenient for carry and operation. Sunny Medical Device(Shenzhen)Co.,ltd Tel: +86 (10) 6021 9113 Email: Website:

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33 | AUTUMN 2016

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