Rotary tarang august

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Powai Tarang The Magazine of The Rotary Club of Bombay Powai

Installation Edition

Membership Special Edition

August 2016

Powai Tarang Rotary Club of Bombay Powai July, 2016 Copyrights Reserved

Contact Details Nikhil S. Gurjar and Jyoti Shiralee Editors

Board of Directors

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President President Elect Joint Secretary Director Membership Director TRF Director Medical Director Non Medical Director Thrust Area Director Fund Raising Director Vocation Director Youth Director Rotary International Director PR Director Club Administration Sergeant-at-Arms Director Training Director Long-Term Projects Director (Chairman) Powai Fest

Kusuma Rao Ashok Nandy Dipanwita Dutt Vivek Govilkar Sunita Sainani Ameeta Vohra Aabha Sharma Prashanth Gupta Satish Hattiangadi Ashok Singh Tejal Seth Bharathi Shenvi Dayasagar Mamta Mahapatra Rakesh Agarwal Subbah Reddy Girija Deshpande Kalpana Jaishankar Naval Khanna Divyesh Thakrar Manohar Jain Rajeev Kumar

Welcome All August, the designated month for Membership at Rotary, is indeed a unique one in itself. As we celebrate the joining of new members into our family, it also re-inforces our bonds with the society and the overall scheme of putting things together for the initiatives that beckon us from the future... Due to certain delays, we had to postpone the release of the edition. Therefore, we are now releasing a Mini-Edition for August. This is a token edition for the month. Let me thank all the club members for the overwhelming response. Naturally, such a huge collation of articles meant a lot more of editing effort. So, Jyoti Shiralee has agreed to join the editorial team to take things further. Seeing her involvement, I am sure she would take the magazine to greater heights. We are releasing the Member Articles in our September-November edition. Again, apologies for the same... Time constraints have been the major reason. Naturally, magazine editing is a wonderful activity. Yet it is extremely time consuming and requires a lot of dedication and support. But am sure you would appreciate that my own book launch on Project Management, that was released on 9 August, 2016 through Springer, took away a lot of my time. My other commitments made me shuttle between Dubai and Singapore and have really buried me deep into challenging situations I never ever imagined! So, despite my wanting to complete things earlier, things didn't work out. Like they say 'Man Proposes, God Disposes', our schedule went for a toss due to the work pressures we all faced! And it was a gentle nudge from the prospective Rotarian Diptii a couple of weeks ago that pulled me back to complete this mammoth task out here. We planned to release 12 editions of Powai Tarang this year... Yes, its been a challenge and our President has expressed her preference to bring it down. So, we would have editions as per the revised plan. Let me thank everyone who have contributed to this edition - most of all the new members. I reiterate, the articles will be in the next edition (SeptemberNovember edition) due by the end of October. I intend to work on it when I return from Singapore later this month. And yes, we would be glad to hear your feedback... And I am sure you would look forward to the Mega Edition that will be coming up next month! Thanks, Yours in Rotary Service, Nikhil Gurjar Editor


Nikhil Gurjar Editor, Powai Tarang Co-Director, Surakshaa Service 16 RI Dist 3141

In This Issue

RI President Says... Message from the RI President John


District Governor Says... Message from the DG Gopal


From the President's Desk... Message from the President Kusuma


Message on Memberships... A special message from Director Memberships Prashant Gupta


Membership Development and Effectiveness In Rotaract Clubs An article by Rotaract President Rahul S. Darvesh from Rotaract At NITIE


RC Bombay Powai Installation... A report on the Installation



Reflections at RCBP A special feature comprising of Two poems from Prospective Rtn Diptii Das and Rtn Vineeta Narula


Meet the Rotarians This Edition we introduce new Rotarians Rtn Dr. K B George Rtn Jyoti Shiralee Rtn Dr Kamalini Pathak Rtn Tejal Sheth And Rtn Anupama Vaidya


A Report on Student Felicitation The first vocational project


A Report on the Blood Donation A special coverage of the Blood Donation Project. Also a Pratham Project



RI President Says

John Germ RI President 2016-17

Forty years ago, a man named George Campbell, the owner of the company I worked for, invited me to join Rotary. Back then, that was a common practice in the United States. Your boss invited you to join Rotary because he thought it would be good for business and good for the community, and you said yes. It’s not surprising that our membership surged during that period. George warned me not to use Rotary as an excuse to slack off at work. Even so, I always had time to attend lunch meetings and serve on committees. I never had to worry that taking a long lunch once a week would hurt my advancement, or what my boss would think about the occasional Rotary phone call at work. Today, things are different. Companies are less generous about time, and not every manager looks favorably on community service. It’s hard to enjoy a Rotary meeting when you’ve got emails piling up on your phone. It’s harder than ever to balance work with Rotary – and the model that gave us so much growth a few decades ago is part of what’s holding back our growth now. That’s why the recent Council on Legislation adopted some innovative measures that allow clubs to vary their meeting times and expand their pool of prospective members. Clubs have more flexibility now to respond to the needs of their members and to clear away as many barriers to membership as they can. But there’s one barrier to membership that only you can remove, one thing that every prospective member needs to become a Rotarian: an invitation to join a Rotary club. Whenever I tell a group of Rotarians that we need more willing hands, more caring hearts, and more bright minds to move our work forward, everyone applauds. But those hands, hearts, and minds won’t magically appear in our clubs. We have to ask them to join. And an invitation to Rotary is something that only you can give. An invitation is a gift. It’s saying to someone, “I think you have the skills, the talent, and the character to make our community better, and I want you to join me in doing that.” I’m the president of Rotary International, but the only club I can invite someone to join is the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tenn. I can’t make your club or your community stronger. Only you can do that – by inviting the qualified people you know to join you in Rotary Serving Humanity. Sincerely, John Germ President, Rotary International, 2016-17


District Governor Says...

From the August Governor's Monthly Letter

In This Issue

Gopal Rai Mandhania District Governor 2016-17

Dear Pratham friends... "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others". Natural calamities, contagious diseases, acts of terror, gory wars, and disasters due to failure of man-made systems — these create unforeseen human suffering. Our emotional responses in the face of such enormous problems fall in three predominant categories. We may feel like a straw thrown in fast rapids - too overwhelmed to act. We may respond with ostrich effect - bury our heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge these adversities. Or, we can catch the wind in our sails - swerve to action. We all Rotarians belong to the last category. Let me give a few examples of how we at District 3141 have geared up to meet the demands of the times: The events that unfolded at the Felicitation of TRF Trustee Rtn Kalyan Banerjee, the first felicitation organized for him, validate this. The august gathering of 400 enthusiastic Rotarians at YB Chavan Hall was just the beginning of an incredible day. The ever-ready TRF Giving Team's announcement of the MOU signed with YES Bank committing to match Rotary donations on a 1:1 basis bolstered the morale of all there. Then there was this sweet tedious line of about 100 Rotarians queuing up with donations big and small right there.The TRF Giving Team's announcement of a whopping 1.2 million US Dollars for TRF added the final magical touch, and culminated in a dinner meet attended about 130 Rotarians. The next development that will substantiate our penchant for action is the resolution 25 clubs in our District have taken to increase membership by 25%. They will qualify for Platinum Category. This augurs well for our target of reaching 1111 new members. Contrary to the decline of membership in Europe, Canada and North America, in India we have an increase of 26% increase in membership. Yet there are three keen observations here. Increasing women members is a major aspiration. The world membership data shows about 22% of women membership, whereas in India it is a pitiful 9%. Women have long proven their worth at the community and international level, leading in a multitude of professions and excelling at the highest professional level. We must leverage the unique characteristics of sharing, caring, compassion and discipline that women bring to our force. Our goal should be to add young members below the age of 40. 70% of Rotary club members are 50 years or older, and only 10% are age 40 and under. Clubs that attract younger professionals thrive, and have an abundance of engaged members to choose from for club leadership roles. 5

Continued... Organ donation is the third area where we have proved our mettle for taking action. "You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give" said the great poet, Kahlil Gibran. 100 % of members in 28 clubs have volunteered to pledge their organs.Almost 1.5 lakh people in India need a kidney; however, only 3000 of them receive one. India's annual liver transplant requirement is 25,000, but we manage only about 800.In India, we have an estimated 4.6 million people with corneal blindness. But only about 40 thousand eye donations happened last year. The country needs 10 lakh more donors to meet its requirement for heart transplants. I look forward to all the clubs in our District to sign up for organ donation. One person's donation can save almost 8 lives. Lastly, Installation Ceremonies have affirmed my faith that we have clear action points. 500 plus Rotarians attended my Installation on 26th June at Hotel Taj Palace. The huddle with seven AKS members gave me hope that our TRF Giving; large service projects will receive unprecedented support. The club installations, about 80 of them, with vibrant participation, meticulous planning and declaration of club mega service projects, & response to Thrust area projects of Diabetes Detection and Cure, Pediatric Heart Surgery, Nityam Toilets & Railway station adoption gave me resounding proof that our goals are not castles built on air, but have a strong foundation of integrity and solidarity. Let us, together, as part of Rotary serving Humanity, unite to act. Signing off... Gopal "Pratham — Poised to be the Prem, Prime and Pride of Rotary"!


From the President's Desk

The Journey so Far... Dear Friends, On 1st July the Pratham Step for the Pratham year has been taken. On 1st July the Blood donation project took off with the staff of Petrofac enthusiastically participating in the blood donation drive. As Ms. Lakshmi Venkatesh, Head of Petrofac Mumbai said “Blood is the most precious gift anyone can give to another person – gift of life. This is the greatest service saving human lives.” On 8th July Rtn.Jayant Nangia & Rtn. Ann Manju flagged off the Annapoorna day by feeding the mobile crèche children & 25th Jul the Degwekar family sponsored the same at our adopted school Durga Devi school. “Students’ Felicitation” is a project appreciating the efforts of the youth of Powai & nearby areas where we celebrate the success of children from various schools for achieving academic excellence in the Xth & the XIIth Board exam. As teachers too have played a prominent role in this success they too are felicitated & recognised for their vocational excellence. The Chief Guest for the evening, Ms. Rukmini Iyer, Director of Exult! Solutions & the guest of honour Ms. Kalyani Patnaik, added to the wonder of the evening with their August presence. As we enter the 2nd month of the Pratham year we peep into the future & see a great month filled with activities before us. We have four schools participating in the Drawing competitions sponsored by Camlin Kukoyo colours as part of the TRF Centennial celebrations. How do we show our love for our Environment? By planting saplings. Our club has undertaken the task of planting 300 trees on 21st August at Kalyan. So welcome to the tree planting project & help us do our bit for Mother Earth. The Overnight picnic is here to add some fun & laughter. On the 27th Aug we will be going to Rivergate resort at Karjat - Far from the Maddening crowd & return on 28th Aug rejuvenated all set for more fun & more projects. I would say the journey is well begun and as we know a journey well begun is half done. YIRS, Kusuma Rao Club President


Kusuma Rao President RC Bombay Powai

Director Membership Says

Dear Rotarians, August is the month if membership drive in Rotary and as part of the drive we are organising a Membership Seminar in last week of August

Prashant Gupta Director Memberships RCBP 16-17

President Rtn Kusuma and I have pledged to increase the RCBP membership by 25% in the current year. While this may seem to be an un achievable target or aiming for the sky, we are confident that we can meet these numbers and potentially exceed them Our intention is to ensure we brand RI and RCBP in a manner to make it a "first choice" for our target audience - residents of Powai and adjoining areas who are committed to Rotary values RCBP Is perhaps one of the only Rotary Clubs in Mumbai which is known to be the organiser of events like the Fun Street, Powai Fest and beginning this year the Beer Fest. The intention of the membership drive is to showcase not only our success in our community and philanthropic projects but also our social networking initiatives thereby attracting the youth and 35-45 year old residents of Powai Focus on members involves two aspects growth and retention. Whereas we shall continue to work on growth we also aspire to actively engage with our existing members and work towards retaining them especially the fence sitters. For all new members we shall follow the defined principles for induction in addition to that we shall start a buddy system wherein a new member will be assigned a senior member to buddy with. The buddy would help new members understand the functioning of the Club and RI at large. It would help the new joiners go through a more systematic induction with a personal touch Last but not the least, driving growth in club members and retaining existing members is a responsibility of us all and the President and I look forward to help and cooperation from you all to make our Pratham year a success Yours in Rotary Service, Prashant Gupta Director Memberships RCBP 2016-17


From the Rotaract Club @ NITIE

Membership Development And its Effectiveness in Rotaract Clubs The purpose of a Rotaract club is achieved through the effectiveness of its members. The performance of a club depends entirely on the energy and enthusiasm of its members. To sustain this energy focus on personal development of each and every member plays a major role. Membership development, hence, keeps the morale of the club high and ensures that the club executes all its tasks effectively and efficiently. For retaining the high quality members in the club the membership development has to have certain steps which will make the plan more systematic. Inducting a new member with dignity is one very important step to create the interest in him/her. We can use the induction ceremony to explain the benefits and responsibilities of being a Rotarian. The new members should be given a time to speak about themselves, their hobbies, their business and their families. In short, the induction ceremony should boost the energy of the new members and it should leave them feeling enthused about the membership. Engaging the existing members is the most important part of membership development. The members who are properly engaged and are given opportunities to develop and stay as productive contributors in the club and have a symbiotic relation with the club.

We have to show appreciation regularly and also make sure that they have variety of options for getting involved and staying active in the club. Some ideas that can be considered are:  Make members feel appreciated by recognizing their achievements and celebrate occasions such as club membership milestones, work promotions, birthdays and other personally important occasions.  Develop a formalized mentorship program in which the active and senior members can guide the new and dormant members.  Get regular feedback from members to confirm that they are experiencing the benefits they were promised when they joined and make improvements to the program based on the same.  Encourage them to serve on committees that suit their skills or interests.  Give members a clear sense of your club’s longrange goals and mission.  Invite them to attend a district conference or seminar.  Keep a list of service projects, and have members take turns leading projects that interest them. (cont'd)


Rahul S. Darvesh President Rotaract, NITIE C/o RC Bombay Powai


Poll members on their interests and schedule speakers who are stimulating and inspiring. Feature photographs of your members at recent club projects and events on your club website and Facebook page and in newsletters to recognize their contributions. Update members regularly on progress toward club goals as a way to build loyalty, pride, and an understanding of the need for long-term involvement.

It is also important to keep the members of the club updated about the events around as keeping members informed and up to date improves the overall retention rate of the club thus improving the performance. Different tools like enewsletters, websites and social media can be used for this purpose. Inviting members to discuss upon certain hot topics which can have impact on the operation of club, lives of the members is also an effective way to engage the members.


Assigning a role to a member of a club as per his expertise with certain cross-functional roles will create an interest in the member to work and keep him engaged. Each and every member must be assigned a task with certain specific goals to be achieved. Creating a healthy competitive environment among the members through small awards and recognition will also keep them engaged and enhance the performance. Family is an important aspect of anyone’s life. Having events for the family members will generate the enthusiasm in the members to work in coming future. Involving the families of the members in certain tasks might also create prospective members for the club. While it might not be possible to execute all the methods of engagement, it should be remembered that the growth of the club is dependent on the growth of each of its individual member and a holistic membership development program is critical to achieve the aims of the club.


The ceremonial change of leadership team in the Rotary Club of Bombay Powai, the formal installation of the new President of the RCBP Rtn Kusuma Rao , Club Secretary Dipanwita Dutt and the new team of Directors for the Rotary year 2016-17 was held in a glittering ceremony on Saturday, 23rd July at Hotel Rodas, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai. The Chief Guest for the evening was the District Governor Rtn.Gopal Rai Mandhania, who also inducted the new Board of Directors for 2016 -17, and welcomed to the fold several new members. Several eminent officials of Rotary District 3141including District Secretary Rtn Ashwin Shetty, Asst. Governor Rtn Raj Khosla, Past Dist. Governor Rtn Ajay Gupta, Training Facilitator Rtn Harjit Singh Talwar and several others graced the occasion. In his inimitable style fusing facts and fun, the Chief Guest District Governor Gopal Rai Mandha

Mandhania profusely complimented the club for its performance in every aspect. Lauding all the preparations done so far he was sure that the club will wholeheartedly participate in all the district thrust areas and areas of emphasis. He expressed confidence that with the enthusiastic and committed leadership of Rtn Kusuma Rao the club will achieve further great heights in the Pratham Year. The new President of RCBP Rtn. Kusuma Rao, in her acceptance address, quoted Adi Shankaracharya and Tagore, and unveiled the plans of RCBP for 2016-17. The projects planned in each of the avenues of service and the district thrust areas kept the audience in raptures. The special focus area for this year -detection and prevention of blindness and helping the visually challenged was also presented. She exhorted the members of the club to contribute to the projects with determination and compassion as always. 11

Continued... Immediate Past President (IPP) Rtn Sunita Sainani, took everyone back the memory lane, enumerating the various service projects undertaken by the club in the last year, culminating in the Club being adjudged “Diamond Club� and receiving Presidential Citation from Rotary International. Rtn Shree Krishna Bhave compered the show with razor-sharp wit and Rtn Kishore Degwekar introduced the Board of Directors with a crystal clarity. The Installation edition of Powai Tarang, beautifully crafted by Rtn Nikhil Gurjar and team, created a buzz of curiosity.


The club, chartered on March 1991, has been making waves in Powai with its communityreach programs ranging from the far-reaching Powaifest to the silent science Education Projects in adopted schools. Just last fortnight the club conducted two successful corporate-sponsored Blood Donation camps and an Annapoorna Day Meal offering for the children at their adopted Durga Devi Municipal School.


SERVICE is the very purpose of life… It is the rent we pay for living on the planet… Marian Wright Edelman A club defined by its people… A group of likeminded, defined; joint for many a common purpose… Bunched efforts that set to define, seamless smiles… Dreams of desires to touch, many yet untouched lifelines… Many join new, many been years, together joining hands to serve a greater cause…

Diptii Das Prospective Member

As an onlooker I watch, sitting in awe; joy… Standing @ the threshold where many have earlier been…. Yes, I see the reason binding all with passion helping them strive tall… ….Diptii Das

You Reap what you Sow Let me have the wings to fly To know the world and explore the sky. To quench the thirst of self to pry For it, we need courage to try. On the wings of fancy I can go And do the right without any show. Move around the world- so wide Bring peace and harmony from all sides. What will happen , you never know But you will reap whatever you sow. ... Veneeta Narula


Veneeta Narula Member

New Member Profile: Dr. Jacob

Dr. KB Jacobs

Dr. Jacob was born and brought from one of the village in Kerala, South India and has completed his graduation from Kerala University in the year 1989 and moved to the State of Madhya Pradesh and finished his Master of Science in Medical Entomology as well as another Masters in Cell Biology (Cancer) from Barkatullah University, Bhopal in 1992 and 1993 respectively. He has done his research in the field of Medical Entomology from the Vector Control Research Centre, Pondicherry, and Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow. He has published many papers and Symposiums in India and Abroad such as National Convention on Environmental Management for Vector Borne Diseases held at Dehradun (India), 6th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection held at Canberra (Australia), National Research Seminar on Environmental Toxicology held at Bhopal (India). 14

During this period he was awarded the Junior Research Fellowship from Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow, INDIA. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Life Science in the year 1997 from Barkatullah University, Bhopal. Later he completed another Masters degree in Psychology from Annamalai University, Chidambaram. He is also pursuing another doctorate from Bakke Graduate University, Seattle USA and is a Dennis Bakke Scholar there. He is doing research in the field of Electro-pollution and the biological effects of it on human beings. He has also published articles regarding Electro-pollution in Indian dailies and magazines in order to give awareness on the dangers posed by Mobile Phones as well as other Electronic gadgets and giving lectures & Workshops in the fields of Preventive Health Care and Environmental factors.

New Member Profile: Jyoti Shiralee Am a marketing and healthcare industry professional having spent over 20 years in building brands and businesses with Abbott (Heading their Pediatric Business Vertical), Wockhardt, Zydus Wellness & Dabur (as Marketing Head of their Consumer health and personal care businesses) amongst others.Moved into Consulting couple of years back and today engage with clients on strategy, growth & transformation, communication & branding. Grew up in the City of joy (Calcutta) but since my college days have led a pretty nomadic existence.. moved across cities on job assignments ..Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad and now settled for good in the city of Dreams (or is it nightmares?). Of course this was possible only because I am happily unmarried and therefore footloose and fancy-free!

Did my graduation in International Relations (from Jadavpur Univ or JU) and then pursued a PG Diploma in International Trade from Institute of Export Management (Calcutta) Love News, Politics, 'Adda', good food, good company, hindi film music & arguements - not necessarily in that order. Of late have been doing a bit of soul searching and trying to enhance my spiritual quotient! My family - my younger sister and Mumbai/ Pune) adorable nieces Anahita.

parents, a brother (in and two Shreya and

Joined the Rotary club in the hope of doing my bit for those less privileged than us and connecting with likeminded people. My Rotary Dream (too audacious to be a goal!): making Chandivali as clean and green as Powai!.


Jyoti Shiralee

New Member Profile: Dr. Kamalini Pathak

Dr. Kamalini Pathak

I am feeling awesome becoming a member of Rotary Club of Mumbai Powai, thanks to Ms. Savita Govilkar who motivated me to join this Club. I have been in Academics for more than 26 years, of which the last 15 years were as Principal in Degree College. I completed my Ph.D. in Tourism in 2004, and have submitted my Thesis for D.Litt. too. I was associated with Giants International from 2002 to 2014 and in various capacities, including as President of “Giants Group of Powai Saheli”, for which I received best leadership award. My hobbies are reading spiritual books, swimming, driving, etc. I have written few poems and articles in Hindi. I was a member of our Society Committee since inception of the building (2007) until early 2016. I organized various cultural programs including picnics, festival get-togethers, Annual day, etc. for Society members.


My husband Mr. Atul Pathak is working in Larsen & Toubro’s Powai Campus since 1991, and is presently General Manager in the Heavy Engineering Unit. He completed his B.E. (Mechanical) from VJTI. He enjoys singing. Our only son, Ishwar Pathak, was doing Mechanical Engineering, but has chosen to change his field. He has got admission in the US for Degree in “Tourism and Hospitality Management”, and is leaving in a month. He plays Casio Synthesizer and Guitar, is a good swimmer, footballer and also plays Tennis. He is passionate about adventure sports, and has completed a course in Rare survival Conditions from Bear Grylls Academy London in 2012. He is a certified scuba diver and rescue diver; he did this course from Bali and Phuket. He also completed the ‘Chaddar Trek’ adventure camp in Leh, involving trekking on frozen rivers in snow clad Himalayas, in severe survival conditions of -30 degree temperature.

New Member Profile: Tejal Sheth

I am Tejal Sheth and its a pleasure to introduce myself here. Incidentally, in addition to being a rotarian, I am also the sole distributor of Duroflex Mattresses in the region of Thane District and Navi Mumbai. My hubby, Amit, is also an entrepreneur and is currently the Co-chairman & Managing Director of a global technology company AurionPro Solutions. The company helps enterprises accelerate digital innovation securely and efficiently. Amit is an engineering graduate and holds a masters degree in finance.We are blessed with two sons Anmol & Arihant. Anmol is a final year B.E. student pursuing student Computer Science at the D.J. Sanghvi College of Engineering. Arihant is currently in 9th grade and studying at the Hiranandani Foundation School

With my kids having grown up, I had some spare time on me which I wanted to use for a good social cause. Thanks to Sunita, I found in ROTARY POWAI a vibrant, organised & successful platform which has been quietly working for social betterment selflessly & tirelessly for more than 25 years. I am also involved as a committee member of women's wing of Ghatkopar Jain community . As far as my personal interests go, I love swimming and during my college days I’ve participated in various national level swimming competitions.

Being a house wife I always had a keen interest in pursuing my own business. My first stint was when my close friend & I started a home-made chocolate manufacturing company Chocohub. It was a reasonably successful business venture and we did corporate orders and retailed through Haiko Super Market. We shut down the business due to cumbersome regulatory compliances. But that did not affect in anyway the passion and drive that I had towards pursuing my own business which led me to the second phase of my life. I now run a distributorship for Duroflex Mattresses for Thane and Navi Mumbai Region.


Tejal Sheth

New Member Profile: Anupama Vaidya

I am Anupama and am currently working as Vice President (HR) with Grindwell Norton & HPM Sector(the Saint-Gobain Group in India).

Anupama Vaidya

Born and brought up in Pune, I studied at St. Ursula’s High School, followed by my Bachelor’s in Computer Science from Fergusson College, University of Pune. Post BCS, I completed my Masters in Business Administration with specialization in Human Resource Development (MBAHR) from Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, University of Pune. Stood Second in my MBA in our college. Began my corporate life in June 1994 as Management Trainee – HR with Mafatlal Industries Ltd., Mumbai and that’s how I shifted to Mumbai. Then worked as Executive Assistant to the Sr. VP (HR) at Mafatlal’s. This stint was followed by moving to Geometric Software Ltd. Where I handled different roles in Human Resource Management, Corporate Marketing, Capability Building, 18

heading Corporate Support Group. Geometric was in two stints. In between I was a freelance consultant in HR and General Management areas across Small and Medium Enterprises in Mumbai. I then worked with Colgate Palmolive Ltd, Hinduja Group and Lodha Group before joining the SaintGobain Group. With more than 22 years of experience, my core strengths include organization development & change management,leadership coaching & development, project management, general management skills. I have a daughter, Ishita Karnik, who is 15 years old and she has just completed her 10th standard. A multi-faceted child, her talents include dancing (including kathak and different dance forms), photography, video making. She has won awards in dance competition and has also won the “Best Talent” award at the “Gladrags Little Miss India” competition held in March 2015. My hobbies include dance, dramatics and have participated in several inter-school competiti

competitions. I like to meet people, spend time with young children to share experiences of what works well in life and how to face incidents of life while sharing the philosophies of learnings that I have gone through. I believe that life is about miracles, which come from your own good deeds and that of your parents. Every moment is a miracle and I am a firm believer in the super-power of God! As a family, we love to live life and see the positive side by facing every challenge with the strength that god gives us. We know we can overcome the worst when we are together and both Ishita and me have been there for each other in all these moments with a great support from my parents, who are with us. We as a family are very close knit.

I had been thinking for long to join and be associated with Rotary (infact from childhood). Working through making time and priorities, this was always on top of my agenda due to the work and impact of the initiatives of Rotary on society. This has been a great motivation for me to join Rotary... My goals will be to learn in the early days how the organization works and carries out the impactful work and then work towards participating actively in various projects. And the experience so far has been very interesting and positive. And yes, on a closing note, my daughter Ishita is being sponsored by our Club for the Rotary Youth Exchange Program for one year and she will be going to Madrid, Spain for this purpose.

Professional, social, cultural and other accomplishments that give me a lot of satisfaction â—? Being on the board of Directors of two businesses in my company: 1. The Saint-Gobain India Foundation and 2. SaintGobain Sekurit. â—? Ishita winning the Overall female Performer in her 4th standard in interschool competition and the winning the Best Talent Title at the Gladrags Little Miss India Competition.



Student Felicitation

Our First Project, Where we recognize Talent in Powai

The Rotary Club of Bombay Powai have been felicitating the toppers in the X th & XII th Boards from the schools in and around Powai, namely… Hiranandani Foundation School, Gopal Sharma School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Powai English, SM Shetty, Pawar Public school, R N Podar School and Bombay Scottish simultaneously also honouring teachers nominated by each of these schools. This year they had organized Students’ felicitation program on Saturday, 9th July, at the Hiranandani Foundation School auditorium.

Welcoming the audience, Kusuma Rao, President of RCBP said “An initiative that started as a recognition to the student & teacher community is becoming bigger & better because the Powai community is growing not just quantitatively but qualitatively too. A place that had just 3 -4 schools about 2 decades ago has today become the hub of good quality education. People want to live here because they see the growth of their child’s entire personality. It is indeed a pleasure to meet the youth who are so focused on their future.”

There were approximately 50 students representing all the schools in & around Powai. There was vibrancy in this program because students from various Boards were also represented for eg. SSC, HSC, ICSE, ISC, CBSE, IB, IGCSE, A levels. Two of the students from HFS were 1st rankers at state level & 2nd rankers at National level. Two teachers from each school were also felicitated for their contribution to the cause of students and education.

Chief Guest Ms Rukmini Iyer in her thought provoking speech provided students valuable tips for sustaining their present success in the future and encouraging them to see beyond the classrooms . The message she drove home with examples was not just to celebrate achievement but also to learn and gain wisdom from ones failure and rise & move ahead. Mrs. Kalyani Patnaik, Principal of HFS, emphasized the importance of hard work dedication & perseverance in everything they do.

The chief guest for the program was Ms Rukmini Iyer, a renowned Organisational Transformation Consultant and Founder Director Of Exult! Solutions. She has been credited with many awards such as Rotary Peace Fellow Certificate for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Distinguished Toastmaster etc. The guest of honour was Mrs. Kalyani Patnaik , Principal of Hiranandani Foundation School well known for her contributions in academic field.


The programme was compered by Rtn Ann Ruchi Agarwal.The Rotary Club of Bombay Powai was well represented by Members and Anns. The entire program was very well organized and the efficient manner in which the entire event was conducted spoke volumes about the teamwork of RCBP.

Projects of Pratham: Blood Donation

To mark the start of new Rotary year 2016-17, Rotary Club of Bombay Powai (RCBP) organized a Blood Donation Camp on 1st July 2016 in partnership with Petrofac Engineering India Ltd, in Hiranandani Business Park, Powai, Mumbai. Sarvodaya Hospital Samarpan Blood Bank were the executing partners. Inaugurating the Blood Donation Camp Ms Lakshmi Venkatesh, Head of Petrofac Mumbai said “Blood is the most precious gift anyone can give to another person – gift of life. Everyone should donate blood as this life saving gesture reflects ones human values and responsibility towards society “ She also set an inspiring example by volunteering to donate blood. Pratham President of RCBP Rtn Kusuma Rao thanked Petrofac for agreeing to conduct the camp in their premises and the executives of Petrofac for providing proactive support as well as all the facilities. She also thanked Ms. Darshana and all the staff of Samarpan Blood Bank, Sarvodaya hospital for providing all the equipment, infrastructure and medical staff for conducting this blood donation camp smoothly. The employees of Petrofac enthusiastically participated in the camp. Around 140 employees participated in blood donation and 106 bottles of blood collected.

Petrofac is a leading international service provider to the oil & gas production and processing industry with around 20,000 employees across the world. It has 3 offices in India with Mumbai being one of the major engineering offices with more than 800 employees. Sarvodaya Hospital Samarpan Blood Bank conduct blood donation camps on regular basis and ensure that superior quality blood is easily accessible with their motto “No person should suffer due to want of blood “. Blood donor projects within Rotary International save or improve the lives of more than two million people annually. Rotary Global Network for Blood Donation was recognized in 2006 with an "outstanding organization" award by AABB, an international association involved in blood transfusion and cellular therapies. The next blood donation camp will be held on 8th July, Friday in Godrej compound from 01.30 pm to 8.00 pm. This is one of the several community service projects of RCBP. For the last twenty- five years this club has been making a difference to the lives of the local community via its medical, educational and social interventions.competitions.

President Rtn. Kusuma Rao, AG Rtn Deepak Deshpande, Rtns Naval Khanna, Bharati Shenvi, Dipanwita Dutt, Dayasagar, and Anns Sonali Thakrar, Manju Nangia and Kiran Talreja coordinated the event along with Rotaractors 21

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