What's happening at Consult Australia
SME Highlights
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New Board Member representing small business interests Martin Gamble has been appointed to the Consult Australia Board to represent small businesses. Martin is the Managing Director of Gamcorp, a business that started very small and has grown to just over 20 people. Martin has been a committed contributor to Consult Australia for many years including through the Victorian Committee, participation at our Small Business Open Forums and most recently on the Programme Committee for the OneConsult event.
Small Business Forums with Commonwealth Ombudsman The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman has invited Consult Australia to a series of Small Business Forums with guests such as the Minister for Small Business, Stuart Robert and the Shadow Minister for Small Business, Richard Marles. With both, we raised professional indemnity insurance issues and the impact on small consultancy businesses. Following these meetings we have received requests to brief their political advisors on the reforms we are seeking.
Insurance top of mind at first Small Business Open Forum for 2022 In February we held our first Small Business Open Forum for 2022. The availability and affordability of professional indemnity insurance was top of everyone’s minds. The increasing levels of coverage expected by clients was discussed. The inefficiencies and problems with government panels was also raised. Consult Australia team members have used this intel to meet with key government leaders to discuss these issues. If you face similar issues, let your local Manager know. Remember that the Small Business Open Forum is held every 8 weeks and is an opportunity for our small business members to raise issues directly with Rowenna (Consult Australia’s Board President), Nicola (CEO) and Kristy (Head of Policy and Government Relations) as well as to share and network with other small businesses.
Using the dispute resolution service provided by the Commonwealth Ombudsman If you find you are struggling to get your client to pay, your client is relying on a set-off clause to withhold funds, or you are confronted with a claim by a client – think about using the free dispute resolution service offered by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman. An important additional benefit of using this service is that the Ombudsman will get a clearer picture of the common issues and claims faced by small businesses which informs their policy advice to government. More information is available here: https://www.asbfeo.gov.au/disputes-assistance/ how-we-help
Be engaged, get value! The best way to get value from your membership is to engage with Consult Australia, be it through events and education, by responding to calls for input or just contacting your State/Territory Manager to vent about current business frustrations. n Already in 2022, we’ve heard from the following small business members, who have helped direct our advocacy efforts:
14 Consulting Matters