SR&ED Firms Canada SAU Consulting & Business Advisory Services provides a wide range of servicesto individuals and businesses in a variety of industries. The Canadian Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program (SR&ED) is a support extended by Federal and Provincial governments in Canada for businesses who conduct Scientific Research and Experimental Development in Canada.
SR&ED Claims Canada At SAU Consulting, given our technical background and experience in SRED, we are able to translate your work into a format understood by the CRA. In addition, we can prepare the claim with a minimum time commitment from its completion. By staying committed throughout the year to identifying SR&ED eligible work on an ongoing basis, we are not looking back at the end of the year. This allows us to provide funding opportunities that may be applied and also provide information on other technology grants.
SR&ED Tax Credits
Our combined expertise of industry expertise, tax and accounting knowledge, and process methodologies enable our clients to maximise SR&ED Investment Tax Credits. We work on a no win no fee basis and only charge a pre-agreed percentage once the client has received the credit from the government.
Here are a few questions that we use to determine whether your project is SR&ED eligible: If you are you involved in design, engineering, data collection ortesting. Also, have you ever designed or developed new software? Have you created a new product, added some features to an existing product or made an improvement? Have you changed a process to reduce costs? Have you incurred costs related to a project, prototype or process that has been incomplete because of existing technical problems?
SRED CONSU LTANT S We are giving the same attention to every client engagement. We can handle your entire claim on a contingency basis, or we can review and provide feedback on a claim you’ve prepared internally.
For More Information Call Us: (587)-284 3266 Email: info@sauconsulting.ca Visit: https://www.sauconsulting.ca